British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 23, 1834, p. 3

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wlfcwi brown smith ind otheri in hope iprrfrrof the 16th fast wen- hot fluid by me tnd that they nre htlw ami tmilirinu john brown kingatoui dec 33 1834 to xhr vmm rflta brtflvk whig sin it wm my iittvntutn to have replied at some length in he itfutenirntti made in llic port hope pa per which i saw oa saturday inst hnt havtug tince seen thedcclnranmi of clout hums and also of mr john brawn 1 consider it quite unnecessary further than to rework that if iluwe declarations are cor rect it iv imtiibihle lor me or ony individual to wape a satisfactory warfare when such means find tlcll weapons are used upuiust him as thoae decla rations unveil i have no wish sir that any part of my case should rest upon cqiiivocntiiui or error if there fore ibv second male in taking the soundings as i directed him made a mistake 1 regret it but i could act no otherwise than i did supported as his report was by the statement of 9 feet watercon win ed in a letter to air d- j smith and also by the conclusive fact of he sl george having been it- ground at the pier on the previous trips and her ha ving struck the ground on backing out with much less sea on the waters of the lake arc much influenced by the winds and before the day in question there had been 3 or 4 days of strung northerly gales which might cause the water on the north shore ro be lower than uiiak this seems probable as brown in forms mc thai he water nt port hope is now consi derably higher than it was when he uunded accord ing to my orders 1 em informed by several me tpnofecljvohcnti villo from longer acquaintance with the lake havemoiv knowledge of those peculiarities that such ebb and mow if n may be so termed is by no meaib uncommon the mud and sand may al so have been partly washed away from the pier which is a frequent case but whether brown was right or wrong u not the question nhhouzh that seems to have been eaffcrly seized upon at port hope to the exclusion of every other part hi the evidence this is adroit 1 am sorry that i cannot my it is fiir 1 a chfitthh with uniting a deadly blow at the interoftfcof 1nfl llopj by persuading the captain of nttclinouer nut mi go there this charge was re hmted nod romplwely disproved hv the evidence not of mr llruaiitik the pun mope paper says btitofmr lviikimii acmlemin whose high sense nf hinr and integr v w too well known to admit of ptiesri limn ilif yet in spite of this a similar churgt- 1 twain bronoli forward relating to another vessel with the captain name put to it that charge is us ihbul and groiudies as ralumny can make i and how cuph uums treats it you sir have ipseii i ahall not continue the suhjeet fun her than again 1 declare iim i ilut entertained one sentiment hostile to the in tercels of port hope and that every act of mine in relation to hat town was performed solely with the view tn the ttafety of the ship utid great property intrusted to my care i consider that i have been mot rruelly harsh 1 v tftfftvh the grtftvmcm of x tlupc uttl etroiifflu llw conviction of my own intrgrily of pur pose i can nord u t iko leave tif tte subject with out fear and without self reproach i am sir your obcjt servant j harper kingston dec 22 iso exirnc of a letur iuuiitd to y j smith eq liy capt- fiingsmill tinted port hope nov 10th 1631 look 1 he iriftslde of eeuiiiffuw water near ilie west pier ther itiuderalc plumbed mid there were 9 feet wea tub eorroirs tkii to tokonto dctiijnc non ontfte tttduiil iniroutur omantquc the n liii wc dont ium ri jatftufth was in llu right for alln uii t1ii our tup lo tiai hits ecu most im-diji- only suluiifcd by tjwry pertuu nol f ciihtr uttte or critiuci yet novortuvloi rortani imlivilua dull pro in nub anion whom dittylash ruvl yankee hill par no- mtffntruin ate corini utm hi 1 bcvii hvird to exclaim that it ww a farrigo f ddllwlwt fu only to lie laughed stv simple chimiis could tlivy pjssibly pny tlio humble flffu- tioua of nur pta a more iy- 1 itl compliment t our drccad and lamented fficntl the late dr slop ins also been troubled it seem with a mall attack of the envious for although jwel- lijip in thf 1 iviui emvcrs whence aeconliag to cocker all evil pssiunt arc buulie i he huiitely addrcseeda letter to the notttratl lltrald lite i pjrahic dec lib descriptive of his trip tuxoroill wlikli athuti fl humorous standi no chnneemt hviitp nundrl as far jitui to jiobtcrity as tins of ours seeing iut it u not one tenth part so lorg a wng mt our ienmir z iliiv do paj ti irreil i otiiii jiimu nn iigflificntioti hut then who uiimls vtat jtstcrs say t they aic privileiil jiorm at u foil to our own production wo luvc insejej todny the tour of ir departed acquaintance- had it been boiler written it i luore than probable we should have omitted it ph slops trip to to k onto paradise 4th december 1834 excellent sir lr markers sketch of the editors trip to toronto reminds me that i have never yet given to your world any account of my last eiuninere journey july 4 started ihrahl hem for lnchtnc ringufur cohictdence that mywlfmtd excellency start at the commettccinent of a jour- wrd r r itv oncht to be al- hu chiuil biil very different iigqnrazrffl5 vu v only d- rapid liule j3k will cabua on the name floor neperwed hv n l- uuon to be shf fofwaftle when the ladica grw x by s st geor 0 torontom not nn opportunity ol counting undp hingrton tomt iinnw f ihercthcv rve me dome money ascertained here hat a fmncii crown n at a tlkcouit end an bxoustl shilling t n prcnutnnlkid unm r the heliavora in hihtieful dommftlioih walked along the pier at qwbq- have been 11 the stutea hem touched nt uo- bourg could nut afford to go ashore wharfage being levied on pigs nid other ffcntlenirn ad valo rem joined byilie reformer found mr itd- ehffu a man ftf si rung and active mind extremes meet radical tnd lory did not call at port elope no great disnppoiutmeut could not have setoi tin- fine shops on sunday met the great ttiitniu dl the hunts on lake ontario loyal st george wil liam fourth constitution united kingdom great britain cobourg baneful tlominatiov has not a single boat the sun took the skin off my face not true thai a scotch sheeps head has nothing on it but the kml in toronto the rtreettf much flatter than tltr people some honest fellows there as well as at kington they gave me money met there the admiring editorof thi herald vant to see the falls thought them very broad very high and very nisy sad to be going westward like other fulksuid to have been down as far as queensinu at the creation of the welrfh to hom adam is hut a mushroom major noah commonly called king of the je proposed 10 place all his compatriots on clnmdli- iftnd above the fnll should the falls go wel li royal major might some line morning find hi dominions taking ssxm patchs long leap over the cataract rather an awkward kind of passover ccdai i at ra tor in ainay let dr barker hide his heed in a chud i remain sir your faithful scrvt settler minerva desires me to enclose five dollars for two copies of the picture of quebec- youll lind them at starkes dot relating the travels oftlijris not telling our own talc- to continue the thread of our narration winch lest it should break we ball wax a litllo we bein wllb saying thai throw jag our hmk and hjg ujion our arm wo coiilrivnl with onc difficulty n wade through a huat uf waiters and criuins from tho varjmj hotctsj who vcro ansiuly soliciting ihe honor of hciog our porter and inidj the bcrt of our way ti the oiitari mount jttd i ihe nick 0 lime the bicikfit hell huing ulttfl ringing the fiuclirioti for a good uayu work being jd out we saltid t uk a viwnfthc eity had we written this hit of ur riuoi our iinmedit return to kn w so murli were wo delighted with toronto attil ii cnvirom tlu picture tveslhmldliavfftliawn would liiebeen extravuml and our uraio would invo dneneiated into hv- porbolc hut timt hiving somewlut obrcd nur judgment wc nnetiablud to paint if with nioic sombre tint yet with infi nitely hwrectect what ptawtd u hum wa 1k0 ap- pcaran oof the town and tho popl tltqro w nouo f 1 clubby enletjl about tho place tlio muck rainleur um real wretihcrlnerfa of ankrican town qothlngurilloudlillifllirtl palace and well riuikhed igty ioliool imt every thirut bad ilr ofcoioparaura noatneffond romeiit tiro lrouc itiit so laroaia laimun jlutchue yolpainusanl inmho ui md have qiriu an eigliii iiou ij sura ia of a hapi v eottttit ed lilt hiiwuj pnpaatwi turoilto hen to our oyc accustomed 10 tin 1 n put i tliciroincc llemqitlto afiiiti al there u little nr n- iliius ratikwfitd ulnut ii ihe only iiirptni that wieiim iomi beinz the rtplm layni out uttlw strcc 111 11 ht tijk tliv hotiwi nre ewnfly imln ofhifk and wo 1 lint few ftow elifi cc bdns ycl crcrtl tiud are fur the aiz ofth- eifv tnleiabt rloee tffgrtbcr thf nritmtpitl ttfrwtp km trisol cxieit in length upwards of two miles and iucd tnd piwd wwl stone tiic utlnar ainsen imrty otwiltud aru haotlnino arr paved with tfick plaak tin the idfipnlfis ddiu m u in tin coaveniesvjn of the inhabit nil the weather t the tint s o nurvtfll being remarkably fine none qflltst mud which ravutn toronto the opprobrionj cognomen uf dirtv little vuik wu vinble but in iis steady the streeu were irv clean and payable in every direction and a stranger knowing nothing of the ill name of the eity in wet weather would be apt to da it a one ofthc cleanest towm in the province the contrary is however the fact out the means which he corporation aro daily taking to impiove the ttppearancc of the city will soon raakc a wonderful alteration of public edifices the parliament buildings the govern- mont hom minor college ojood iijii the market duitd ingn the court llillse the jul the biraeks the dank of up per canada and the churches arelhe most remarkable these t- i 1 tike them as a whole would not thracc i city of much greater pretenio 1 than toronto while the nuuibei uf ek lwalfll milll lhlll1 t 1u vjha lluv english stlc ore equally creditable to tho individuals who habitthem and the city they adorn the notice which nor limited ly cnahlcs os to make is of eourbo imporfet and the outline only we shall attempt to give awtagsaa and their m af0 y nij jtriipi b u rjilu ntho onti if w ptt what dune nbi at innti woulaid ot i w- wf nf tho uunivrous lepim firmly 101 mritjrmelmpi roes li flow- wlmli me viewed n every de uftbitp t i ofilutinorop itdrnnnj with r-niikuhiub- und rurmhed with oothotth e in meu jto iiqihmcoftle latkleu bu m near new york albany ttiia orany olliep tdacu we have visited tince uokfl il l7 m mv torjwrilw afexvof ihrm but tjjj w luhl niaae owing 0 unpeifrctnsndle lion irtlie details prevent ua nwlu attempting be task it wetf u lonz im after uur return i- kingston helbr- wc ontld hwoit- cfla niiijdve to dwelling away from a place which aotnueh pi eased us tote caniimw wfl ore sun mrvik rv tu hant that thu appointment ol ennedy lo ho office cf clerk of the cilv council at toronto has not been ronfintktl at i late meeting the motion to confirm him was reject ed by itiffd to eight we undejwnmi that mn kenne dy in doing the juticfl of the oirico and a prolntbilh ty yet exity thul he may eventually gain thy bititn- liott na the choice of an olllcor is tltfferretj until nf- ter the ttpprancldug ntuiitcitnl election cowdemivalh awtl itttty iv oflll with n tht mntinrr directed hy law in respect 10 venncl ijonti iond and other ihitiex jsriwil d cnti tuninid lor hrtnieh iifiitiv hthh liitvn irnli v- rh- jmi miii ft whom nch veseln hunts goods imd other tiling bhall httvc been sfiwd or the owner pcrwu nnihnrietl by him flndl ill from the ihiy of rsbfsitlp writinfti 10 the person or thin of thiin or koine within one cmcnder mo the mhiic civb notice 11 perron hcizanoi lh mow or to thn collector comptroller or other ulliuf officer of cimvoms ni tho nearest port lliit he cluiins the vcmd u01l ioods nr other things or iuiends to claim them a iiorsk anoirurrki who i ropean or ciuudian that docrt there he he ei- nol hlgby cnjo die plcaurahlif senrtthius of i tciljh ride hi one ol lhfto swift simlilrlnrn vehicles a kllllkton votltll as fund of this dive moji ns his aiders entered the counting house ofa younj frteml the other liy and neroed him thu utr willimn lend ne yiwr horse and cutter lor on hour 01 iwn this iifeino 11 jia a priictice 1n iot in the hahit ot replied his friend who tftudyhlg the litw imd tiercs- snrtly imbibed little roguery bn ifyon uioiiwe tobc very careful you may ke them they stand in lheyard a thousand thank rejoined the youth and out he sallied with il the glowing nn ticipatiuns ofauother imueton hehowever soeedi- ly returned deelariucr he could litid nothing in the yardbm thsata and tl thing they cut wood o hi holoff and what better hurt ami cutier can voti roared the young imibfiftliolaw wmu cy a man by th- name of yvlllitn alias thomas white om conimitttfd a the dtimonjuyby me mnmtlmii mcc having foiged the are tnee il air wi leepir tfiilitld towveirtl iia ipoil some of vheh he ihul ohiined ji o tnern not wilnon asftiz rvrpution iissoi niicr- ved iath pcr- mention tltht rhnf all jieriujn hn notes jorpor xvs t he sini d hy v imi be appi of their gimineries wuiw ofitii efuint police iri much attl hi on sntitrdttji niilit hist upwards ol thir ty head o mr murl pouhry wirc stolen fmm his preiiustsj on the nit heftlttf smns tmkies were recr efu nii tle kiiigvfuii k n i if i vii m isn 01 the siiv 1 mr nl smiijc in the mm m a utv lr 1 out few jiillerid from ihe t m f ctiidifll iml yiviuidny mornii inircaiitis tttrt siolenivuiu mi muhoo market phiee d e f inintls to come aftw new veu ixy what im s to this arrangoiwmti inr iim r it m with difficuhv thev mjooffc markirr jmljtts ij kixcstox trwssiy idcctmhcr 03rd 1634 d j 0vfby the fwf 12 g n 17 fi do nt tli- htflll per lb ft 3 a 0 4 4 liy tin sheep pc dn nt ihe fttill per hf rlb u ft a 0 a 113 0 n 4 frivti pork pfr iw a u it 35 0 tvrftli butler per h i a a 0 9 tub ho do n 0 a 0 74 t 6 fe per float 1 0 a auicrtntn flour per sri 2t 0 q 35 1 cantulsij do do so ft 21 3 do perewt 1 1ft 0 n u 0 wheat pr 1 uhil 3 0 n 0 1 live do do a i n n n gith do do s 0 o 0 1 1 hi do ft a 9 i onn tto rf 1 ft n 1 h pniiitoc do dw an a 2 li ihiy prr ton ai 0 n 35 0 siniw pit buiidlv i vi 0 11 fir tinl pei tord- s ft n 0 a s4iip 0 4 a 0 41 pywlf runihe 1 0 1 0 piuk uvfisuil 1 t ft a 0 u do pf lnlc iuttkv 7ft 9 a 0 11 d priun ft n 0 0 dirt op uoadft hll tit to this town mr itlclnnl jjcknn a niuve or i tie cntftty rfklfctalti ireland yik mrly trotu dm i p d8 yejir lijiuis tuwit ou vcjucrjj iitglil tat- mr joint fitl iitjc44ti yeurfu mdgf kkw store tilk sohveiber heirs leave to notify to his friend and tsuhiaiucftyi wid die pithlicftenenulyu thnthehn oprned a general assortment of new goods which he intend rehiiut at low prices and will take in pnvmrnl il kinds of eountiv produce with house a iieltl lhhtfc aid ill kinds uf for v loi no 21 5h con rodl1x ioif for xall 5cd eo mi all piii i iris o lirei- rotii liwii il hiiiit re 1 nriek hv timothy chapman ii rv itridacc ttki n in paymeul inc 32d 1881- lifii the eftqcklmhlicv ol the 6 boatsf george t respieled lo meet ntoiy office 01 satoiduy the 3d of jaitiiarv next at noon kingston 20th de havid john siith i8ii will us hlllj 1 iv of iheni 1 s i ii de llti uo liiii 11 ilit r nh its isiiliusa nncc u whk vil ri fintcih liy il h niitictpa- j vu atftti hen pubiifii two vlmlehrcis iiul a ii miil lc 11 irijim ire jmiiic- l- lmoiltiill pimr liril a iis il t 11 c tituii ir ii-di- uauua iiiv unli ivlof ii iiltii rittjictiihi our dmimic i h- ti llcu ji nl tilicn mich iisini tiiru iitciir iifir luniulfv should ijoiii ncy tlcvifkil cuc of lini otiictl and fdldwsuikicr duiu bruwn limiliiig sun self hy his rays and well basted ili dust could not help wondering that lhtcbus keeps up eucll n ire in the very mid- of summer jclscuiu pcrliiiits lor jildeor noth ing the sun iiccording to don ne being heavens colliery onu victim coolud himself on the prin ciple of honioopailiy hy smoking a segar must have been a novice yuur real homnopaihy philos opher would have taken the fiery end into his mouth three oirov companions travelling lor health droll enough idea travelling for health in such weather hot enough to kill horses a melancholy fact at lachine embarked il the henry brougham did not like t name my evil prcaemiineals fulfilled by the comliaction if my coat and vest never again wear decent raiment hi compuny of a radical thankful thai he did not burn my lingers as he had irey asked by a young emeralder jfho- ther the inulattott niter wtw black man or a yan kee sliook my hand mysiriru adding that much might he aid on both ide st lawrence and otiaa liirhting desperately below the cascades st lawrence running like the corporations watch ottawa covered villi dut and sweat like alexander the great or one of the boys ma king his frothv awailam lonk hluc inn at the cm- fluence of uieiwo riveiw kept by mr waters in- maice of the litnert mf things cedars a pretty vu- thousand pound atd in have been thrown inm the cedar rapnlvby three disinterested com- imvi on eis looked hmd into lite stream did not se a single dollar oftlirt magnificent deposit hud situation tota hank subject to a cuiisunt run from upper camilla atcwu-nudu-lwcgotbitoaamain- burnmuii eapiai idle a iheepionged fmk llw uium mmwibleofiriibtita lake fcrtfrancis cov ered with iirs upper canada being the land ol wonder look tli ww iwllwit stara mortified when i mum out uv mistake they were the lights of fishing canoes lishs hkeoihr thoughtless crea- tures being eady caught in the nlghl by something red- slept ml neptune i 2j stage from cornwall to dickinson b landing tlnough the marbled village of mlleroche lone sanlt a magnificent sightn foamti torrent of limited buffaloesworth all the heat and dust of he preceding day steamer from dickinson s ian- t parliament ruilriingg aro a tin mv ks linniloiiic brick erccliuns gootariiltrj of ccniro mill two wing- ivfmiiig iho bay l in soutli western oxlrcinlty ofthocity the 1111111 building contains two largo chambers one for if 1 icjuiitiw council and oic othor for tho llotuc of assembly in jie wings which arc jclichcd the various government ojvucr have their plfttti of doing huincs tttch as llic urtduuftfloner of crown lands receiver general purveyor sencral attor ney genera emigrant agent an1 others tho government house tho residence oftlto ltoul gover nor 1 3 pbifl frame building usostcnlithms in tu outward up nearuncc but filled up with all the taste and com cutanea f an english gentleman a mansion hilt govcrnirnsejrctiry office is in frontof 1i10 govcrnmil llouevluch is situated ai the western extremity of king street minor college i a collection of nlaiu brick erection- having notliin icmarkatilr in their form or appearance tltc eollegi ii in tho vicinity oftlo building ulrrady tnoiiuoncd osgood ii ill 1 j loner temple of uic province u a stately edifice having somewhat the tippearauce f a sow with one car the main building and oneuf the wings only being u yet finished with little probrbiiity of anything more bein ad ded osgood hall it in lot street a hrtndoinc street or road leading towards hamilton the market buildings fill ihe middle ofa large square in the centre of tho city- be market t held in an npco space in thu interior with ilnicher shambles well protected from the ivott ther in the front filing king st the ukyortt court is held and over the principal gateway is tbc city hall or councd chamber the stores ot warehouse bio lei and three of uicui are at present tenanted by nowtpapcr proprietors lo wit ihe itdwkolc corrtspmtknt and litcordrr altogvthei the sfc ket buildings are worthy nf a visit being the btotof their kind in the province the court ilouc antt jjil occupy twn rorncisof anotlor large square in king st the romtuilig comeij lieinr ukvu up with the scotch kirk methodic chapel all ihcm buildings have nearly the same plain though iihfjnli4l gjjpctiffuicv the outside otnch being all we were able to ualfed to tie riis- race of the eity it should be observed that 00 wftll airrotfudu the jail the prisoner debtors as well as felon hdils dbanvd exercise in ihe open nir f the scotch link utid thr court house thfre i to be ujrn a rlt lillte hiimuij vali a tlio finmins hall with dhrj bell above in uritikittfolho 6ro cniti s irc kep and tho stated tltctsltty ottilj two colli panic toko piacc thohnrack in which 01c rcpmrnt oflln line ami two companies of artillery aro stationed arc feeii to the westward of tho parliament hnildiri wo i1j mil hecauonur curioj- ty iru itn nnily excited to pay lhiin a i0 vuit the lttk f l canada i a stone cfcvlhuj in a hiine street f the town the nam of which tveforgctl it an tree- lion wollhy n lhr gtm ibnkiof tlnliti4inwftf of tho provnici the ivnfilih kpiscnpal church i a paioii paiutcd uou- en buudinffi mrid in wrcichcd uste bm fitted up iuu wiiheoinlortamiome pretcnmon toobgamo- none of the hnttlr with ihe exception of one newly erect ed are equal in size elegance or convenience to tin counter- ciil hotel inkingjton ibey are however numerous and clean- jiujtiilos t uiujmiiikiwv inl in my vitouc- verprojjost nnunil riyuctiti llieir iick vldm forji ilcjwicnli5 itt inicixiil nuifi nr mn- ligtiaul lii mtioiid ihv luutlulllo cuiulut- md iwfi ful cxcriiuit- uf clhijg nvvtfriliclcnv i besf voul indtiicrnce to siate lliitctiirtr u hilt iit hi moi- rreal iwn nvilibly iiimimrd 1lt1t dieollnwo siuin boat and fnrmiruing cmnpeny hac it it contuiit lation to cladish w rrulir iil avukrllutlic cim- vcyiincc for gxia c butttcli kinstoa ml mfiit- trcal by wljich mean- upjiir canuda mrdmims iniv depend on htiviny ihciririitftiiiri biiihras btrtli up and down done in future liy bis company wiili rrgulaiity dcpalch a suk-ty- 1 liail llu tifeatirt tifbeiiig intmilticod tiu of the innriciaftho plhluiw umui lurillo i wvhnj umouir of n plciim voxi on airwcosnrtructnni nml iiuuthc nrlnciplii of dmwiug tlv wwt puiwiblo depth urwn ier upon givoii dtineiiftii md siiimblc nunc par ticularlv fur the itidcrii vmw iiivijmuoii i na ittfonuctl by mr l fliif scitmiiic gctnlcmei had cxatniiild ll moil amunj ivtuuil ww ditciur dutilap who exprwittftf uitqimlisicd apiircviialkiii of the prlichihl thi bi ill il prnprtkd by twu kiitfincof50hoiv- mwbr lliulinnn uuat sliminon plying inruev- u w ijyiown in to hnvu two new engirti a oi so honw jwwer they tt ill if mccary be ennbied to put lw tx nnttlkr on ihe ivi till aimut but bv mil iiliprttv lliciil to the trade of klitflmi and of ihe upwr ivc- vlncc generally and 1 k they vtll meet with thu beany coopenuiim oftlw hiflomiiul ami conmir- clal community and ihilbwrflliirwtvilibccrowl with succcwi which iijl ilj lr v ic their prulitf not penin any tliviriuild f r wmiic veara past thu niumgng pruprielors nli 11 dv cant with amceorved 4i0jmiui mi thu hiotanov they received the mvt axm from the gnvornntcul bsiabliahnicnts on ihcrne ol ihi rxcnim naic by ihe officers ill chart cjt iidtun i luh- ifftyne and of their ptburtfts in bifimidif irar company when any iiuprovcmi 11b to die naua- tiun were rcqoircd aad in cotioitliiti their run vent- once cauolfig thereby h ij bynvy as poildc it might also be projicr mr tbwe the ciaw ufw much irregularity on llitt mute laxl summrr weuw 10 have aricn iftim the hiwkpecied cbanjo ofihe worlco at cariillom f inr who sttcctidrtl to the command ll in bvhu fiktlland txirttoi to khop kkkpkk tub subscriber ha coiitaitily on bond a quanti- iv of patent pails to br dl ffhoienk at llto manufacturers prices- w p cook kjoirmo deo- ii 1831- by k- jackson rideau nav tse stexa boat kedeaii margaret uruitiht tj tiic iwtftr i the fate fi drvnimond esq- j viksi itrs -tt- e complete tilbalo ifthcabo steam boats which v5 vrriised ift itilsc plane n uw klirt 111 is un- uviii ably pottponiil until thursday ihe 154 raff nf jupttitry whra they will u positively sold irithmtt mctt if not previously divpowd of by pri vate sab those ewisih aro in cood sailing cnodition and imvob mi cimsitittly usvd oil the hideau ca- sh duriaa llu prikitu year in fact it h need trs tn my furthrr in reroimiieudatinn of ihcnithnn 10 mate thai they wrr aclsd tlurini the uuus il lowiiusi of ihi wvwrs of the pant season ilmiiir mo ir ihe w iik tii wrs of na gftl 111c imp h mid d ih re c or fur hvaxilv lil r inrr lili ircllwiiakk n imrjjc 11 iow ltkrwisb trti lau uf thk bakls tin nriciivm boats ret three btrothcrs antl itu malis am higuino cct the halt w ii lake pluee on hoard ihi re ntmtivi v4srl which will le moored ulnnjiuv ilt- lrit mr- llrittninniid wharc jvrvms wisltiua 10 hove an interest io some of the ftncttl wiitw iliuiuiiiiiwtiojw in die catada would lo wrll tn euibratv ibis oportanity illl- irrnis whrh mv rj wrwilibe lltttdi icnown by rpplviup w k jackson tionzcr kinsti n niiv22ld completed irtiriy li iv e b nil by hit z ihe work lerfoniwd i- upauy wi r r s m x cuiupaiiy wrrc t j for th lttliii6lftc i tho pi4jittlire iti n iui oi she tnutc ilitim who bad of laehiiu cuiu wc tin uw 1 oslkt- k year kui mi- tbvy ratrionrd i was ismuillll 10 hv 00 felttil j natt oniiiittn ll per rent afi ami the h ir ejti t inym j ai approved mlor flf8 12 l atfdhlwtntba ufili fifllmving pimr will cupy ific ahovnn 0 wrk rill llu 1i1v id avz tllli clltivlirfl fftu ajiiiijir il ti c itecurtui fviijin tluir n ivjdiui cfillmt- 4 1 hit nt tim ltnnki ai dii tvn ciunrntl atlj uncd vsioii it lil toil i5iil lktiilit i j ivmi1 1 araoay k q caiiwtm alex liulgb jao jacf rbiio i la wise iniirbt not locoiot ronspijitvoily u wares and hoi jrtrni iiad also to cimhviid w hy the kelfhitertud sorry to uidtfitm d di thu inmatjrmumt ui lb intms accominuditinff tlio 1urk liates bca 4 at particular houm catiuiiui inaclidirlnv and mime- iirv expeiisc wbem to the honor oi copt hot ton and capt- liayiu toe fonte c- uatler their rliarge were opriltd wbni required lain 11 voin iesmelfiihy a pawun nv ami ks imiaritant or tciaoara- kingsutn drc kiiii 101 the following uneunr iwn iltuiiipcior gene ral oilier ruutivti loi ftihurtxi has wen wnu tu the various collvchns l bout the province hy atrniuitltv itt ttutlk wilhlkm i chap wa- a it 1 ivf 11 23 and be it further nauhd illul all xt is bruits fiooda and other iliinij which shall have been or be heiralier v2jtiii as ioroted ill or near george ilakor julucs sampson and anlthttiy mointhan lijts it vs ordeud that o mmii of die police ro iroltiioii ivo 31 ivhiiive 10 carmen a rtqiitr if tii remtv ttiiir liiio 011 the first motltlvv i inivin 1 itb yer and die order of the ctli miy lcrjkiili ihe kiitijeei uf llu jircnduins ti carier b nciuned uimi lliat irotu and iut the iirs day ol jtitiuarvi ts33 the litroses nmv livid hy the car- tire riihcidittbaviog rented cotmoodiou room u ornamental wlwnft arithrnctie learned at the school room tn the imence on particular will be lectube on chemistry are will treat of hydrogen jsxs ga ws norlkr 1 m the presence of those who ih le fees iomc 1s- cf- the lecture will commence at half p 7 oclock ai money ukn at tile door dwembfir istli 1831 wtls5 that a meeting of the locmiomer of this insituu1 will he bdj at the bank on monday ih fifth day of january next ntlo nlmkin the forenoon rr the purao of ilcchiffa director in ih room of william 11 dt- ter lsrj who da9 rvgigiied by order nftv board thos g b1dout oashicr uank rr upper candi taioiiio 7lh nnvaiutwr ld31 i two country schoolmasters or three deirrble situations for country schoolmasters are mprewnt vacant in the neieh- imrliood of kingston apply to the editor of the bnitisit whig kiuestnn dec 4th i881 35 government contracts coqi r i vjf 1 r r kinpoo dexcmbtr llth 1534 sealed tenders will be received ai this of fice until nonn on monday the 22nd dov nf de- rimber 1s34 for furnishing the boy a 1 engineer departinent with a quantity of stojvfi to le de- iipred at ihe new works ot point uenry end for soft wood for binning lime specifications may bo seen and the probable quantity of each article ascertained by i pi ration nt the office of the commanding royal engineer also at the commissariat office security required for such contracts as may be entered into to let with mnkdiate fjossefpi hut adinirarjlv situated rtoosc anovsjinp store in ctore street now in the occupation of dr moore apply to the editor kingston dec 9th 1834 36 wanted in the british whig office a young lad of good english education rs an apprentice apply to the editor kingston dec 9th 1861 american ijeuither store just received awl fur sale by the suhericr ot his cheap cftfch fore church street one door aomlt of mr palmcri druggist store market square the following goodx viz 500 sides best sbanirii afole leather 00 do do slaughters do 300 do do do upper leather 300 do do harness 100 do do bridle 200 do do calcutta s00 caf skins 200 kiiin do 100 bbfit pork 100 da imailcarelt 100 do salt also 30 boxes of bfurfc co- best broad and nf t row axes a varictv of stoves of different sire and pftttcrnk a large quantity of lamp oilto- cether willi a rnrittty of other necessary articles in hi linrnlihiirsij the whfili of the above goods will be dieposcd cf ptinee- sajjvs- william ford ivinaston dccrmler 11 1831 37 on iimconnnitlv low 07th luffikwl rice in cash paid for hides notice the advert wrwlin is unemployed nn saturdays ii d jii r iv uvl ck every other lawful eveninr uihwu iinlivnr hu lrisuc hnir in pigling of ink- nr umjii it nremuih thoc who occa- pv rtiiiircr erl will be nkvcil on moderate ntrifitwi confidence and secrecy pre ferine kv lt irvl lit- i aimv tn ihe pfliifir ofihe whi kindlon im lh gaj 37 rh cmtci ili i r uiii r rii rjirte mmily ni hi liil any inmnls f ji tfhillim fur ihu r io juki nut a j hilary id i license att- ihc sum ii ttltlllva bcslilca it iu ir iu1 iii iiclic jtirtirs nn llimina triuituiii i ulltts to be proclamation upper canada utmm the fourth b uu grace of ue i kfagillm of treat jtrilain rri tier ol w do tin il i ciiitihicv or 15s ids 5s flc 7s w 3s gd alia miy ol the bih j oiisiiiih ilioad luw r tlaii iij tu tile vieaiion shall be c ustonis ur jnjmed und tu he iindej i i dc ur token to any na- hc l tlu iiit punchuoti do turoud du third evca tiilur six iiiim ell citwul iut- ulartn ftottl li lie liii piiiicluuii mhulld do third do every other throe pence each to be pntd tor tn die hinitikiion nf tickets io be issued on delivery hv i ewona nuth irinmli or on saliluetury proof ui i tiins heen ibrnihtml i i urtlcr liibuura an curly ularftl in eases f fire tin- i dixi4lnil ttlin hull lrt sioiify ihe wexloll ol ijtu ththtv rhuirh tobe psiid 2v gtl iwrlti troth illo ihe smmii ninny willi his chirge lor ringifig llu brlli mllsutul thcvtiitic of the person nlio imtilial him by tiic court j mckallsjr clerk fifth peace f m d bru tfl khtp dfcwtcr of the faith 1 xt ciur iclnvrd hud ikilhful lecurive council- inrn offiitr ptuflnee of upper canodft and to our knijhs citiwnftond burpewwof onrtdd pm- iir pffiviocm parliament tttnur city of tontiifq on lite tireniyeetfid day of december in- tthnl m le cmnwwed held called and elected pud lo every of you greeting wmrrlas by olir proelamation bearing date the feventernth dnyof november last we thought fit in vronmc our provincial parliament to the twen ty stolid diiv of december instant at which time n our city of toronto you were held and constrain ed tn appear now know ye that we taking inro our roynl confidemtlon the case and convenience of our loving suhjccre have thought fit by and with the irtmce of our executive council to relieve you ttndcncll ofvrtuofvour attendance at the tunc a- ronwiidi horehv convoking and by these present enjm ins you and wch of you that on huwday the fifteenth dav nf january now next ensuing you meet on in onv provinciel xyo tonmtn fob thk actual despatch of public business- there to take intn consider ation the btnit- and welfare of our said province of upper canidn and therein to do as may seem ne- cektryi nnd herein fl oot in tftrtlmonv vhktlkopi we have caused these our letters to be made patent and the great seal of our aid province tn witness our trusty and well beloved 1kjuhx colboknti icc b lieuwnaut governor of our said province and major gfncntl com- mttltlioe our forces therein at our city of 1 oron- to ibis ninth day of december hi 5 our lord one thousand eight bundled and thirty four and in the filth year of our rci j g

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