British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 30, 1834, p. 1

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hitish id published semiweekly orifer per orbflm dicok vojmjme 2 by e j barker m d kiivgstoy u c tuesday obicembkk 30 ikm the british whig a semiwetklv journal devoted to commercial and political infillnation in pulilsstiud ovury tuesday and friday oveniog by ductor barw editor and proprietor at bu of fice in rear shoot nest door lotlio commercial hotel for country circulation onlyulie bltltlsh whig i published every wednesday morning in a weekly form and will bo m p i toconioin the innt important matter oftheaeroi- wqpfely paper tkrhs for die semi- weekly paper on pound per annum if paid in advance or within three month from the receipt of tlie first number and one pound five shilling if collected at the end of the tmf exclusive of postage fr the country pjper twelve shillings and aiipenc per arm am if paid in advance or within tin eft months from the receipt of the first number and fifteen shillings if collected at theeodofihti year exclusive of postage companies of individuals who reside in the country and tio may prefer in send to the office for their paper may have miem supplied at ten shillings per copy pot annum prompt no subscription received for less than six months and no paper discontinued until all arrearages arc paid up except at the option of the publisher 3tortttsements six lines and under 9 6d firatinsertfon pnd vjt eaci subseauent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d firrtinertionand lod- fcachaubsohiueol insertion ceo iincs ii- per line for the firt insertion and id for every subsequent iiwertion advertisements without written directions are inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to be in writing produce of every kind received in payment no letters tiken in except from agents unless porr paid mdctter press printing doctor barker having obtained a most superior press and an cxcellonlasjortmontof job tvre is enabled to execute every description of job printing elition upon oada new fall goods above per line with neatness and ex terms hitherto unprcccdently low in upper jyew goods williau h bahtlbt respectfully informs the inhabitants of kingston and the midland district that he has late ly returned from montreal with an extensive and varied assortment of merchandize which he is now selling for cash or prompt pay wholesale and retail at the store lately occupied hy messrs parker and benson in the centkk of store st8eet the stock consist of west of england and york- shire superfine fine and common broad idotnn flashings petershams flannels baizes carpet ing and carpet bags serges tartans bomba zines norwich crapes bomhazetts irish scotch li n imns 1 steam loon and grey cottons russia sheetinss checks and stripes book jaconet corded muslins i loves and hosiery with a vari ety of small wares a larc and well selected stock of groceries has wn purchased by the advertiser which will be sold forcasa or exchanged for produce on the lowest pos sible terms fur caps of all descritpions kingston nov 24h 1831 the subscribers resreutfully acquaint their friends and the pub lic that they are now receiving their usuul supplies for the fall amd winter trade comprising an extensive and very choice assort ment of seasonable goods the whole of which will be found of superior quality and atexceedingly lev prices among theib leading articles will be found a great variety of broadcloathsi cassimeres flushings petershams satinetts and pilot cloths blankets flannels baizes and serges worsted and lambs wool hosiery shirts and pantaloon drawers grey domestic and steam loom cottons printed calicoes turkey stripes and scotch ging hams ladies and child rens shoes 3 and 6 qr merinos bombatetts camlets and tartans bombazines crapes c c carpeting scotch irish and imitation sheetings irish linen c- c c c- c a general assortment of fashionable furs muffs boas tippets and swansdown ruffs caps gentlemens very superior south sea seal armstrong greer kingston 7th nov 1834 27 32 the feniet magazihb or thk usacitv for the diffwion of uaejttl ktovdtdge nnuhiihmvlomkim a most entertaining as well as a useful pe- a few copies just received by the subscriber who nted agent and will receive subscriptions has other publications of the for sale aooooo w red bricks by timothy chapman kinds of country produce taken in payment 4th con ernestown dec 22d 1834 40tf notice is hereby given that the undersigned has taken out letters of administration to the estate of the late henry w wilkinson esq all those who are indebted to the same are respectfully requested to pay the amount of their accounts without delay and those having claims to present them duly authenti cated for adjustment on or before the ith day oi may next thomas kingston november 17 183 mi gin york paper mill warehouse we i is appo for the same us above society w r bartlt storest kingston nov 24th 1s34 33 saaa yards domestic flannels a capital article for warmth and durability just re ceive d and for sale by the piece or storest kingston nov 24th 1634 32 for sale by the subscriber 30000 sezars 50 kegs plug tobacco 20 jars superior maccaboy snuff 20 bis rosni l on tai 10 bags pepper 10 do pimento w b bartlet storest kingston nov 24th 1834 32 eastwood and skinner paper manufacturers respectfully inform the printers and mer chants of upper canada that they have opened a fii ano stationery warehouse on the east side of the market square toronto where they will keep writing printing and wrap ping paper a lso such school books as are or rriay be manufactured in upper canada for sale on liberal terms kaos bought and taken in payment toronto nov 18th 1834 32 notice the subscribers hiving been appointed ex ecutrix and executor by the last will and testa ment of the late robert drummond respectfully request that all persons having claims against the estate will present them to joseph bruce duly au thenticated for adjustment and likewise that those indebted to it will make payment to him without de- lav signed margaret drummojvd wholesale warehouse the rirbfjcf1bjl offers for sale at his stores tftore btrnef for merly occupied by leaslife sou he undermen tioned goods cognioc brandies madeira port and sherry wlnea benerarlo iifld spanish bed do muscovado e india and jtffturifr sufiars bunch muscatel raisins and spmiish filberts e india comps pepper 40 c 11 lbs cassia clove fig blue saltpe and epwm salts japan pints do and pastr da wurtins japan an arts pints hair pinid paste do warrens glassware aorted casks also wrought nails 3 e 32 hn ox trace halter and rigtnniains spades shovels and frying pans stoves 20 a 30 in dundee casting cat crawley and blister steel sheet iron sad irons and hote nails paints assorted colors putty whiting and cod oil and a few cases of superior champaign anchor brand window glass assorted sizes tfrns under 25 cash 25 to 50 three- months 50 and upwards ix months credit by furnishing approved endorsed notes henry hart kingston 1st november 1r31 2630 ts cash paid for wheat kye indian corn mid oats and also for sale at all times good old whiskey wm garratt kingston 24th nov 1834 3220w notice is hereby given that a town meeting for the town and township of kingston will be held at the court house in the town of kingston on monday the fifth in new wine and spirit warehouse the advertiser hegs leave to return his sincere hmks to his friends for the extensive support he has received since hi commencement in business and informs them that he has removed from hi old stand to that larire and commodious brick store lately in the occupation of messrs rose 6c cameron and situated next door to mr olcotts tavern in store street he now offers for sale an extensive assortment of the very best liquors cousistingtf port madei- ra tent rifle and hcnecailo wiiiet q hottie and cask cognac and spanish unndies hollands and english gin scutch iiuh and canadian whiskey jamaica and other efriritfl shrub and peppermint the whole is well wirthy the attention of private families tavern kecprr and country shopkeepers his stock of the itcstgrocoriesih also large com prising nil kinds of green and blick teas refined and muocovado sugars spic rice raisins cheese butter starch table sit salt water fish of sundry descriptions pork cc also china glass and eartheuwarc sole and upper leaiher hollow and hardware hacking- brushes cdrdage oats oat and corn mai flour with a vaiety of other articles to whichie respectfully in vitee the attention of the farmers coming to town with their produce for which hfttviu pay the high est price irain of every descriptionloukht and sold wm p cook kingston dec 9 1954 executrix joseph bruce executor kingston 24th sept 1834 15 boots shoes gloves c j fe rk s part and limrly expects the re- to lumber merchants cajval con tractors country merchants and other dealers the subscribevhanow on handand is daiy manu facturing a very extensive assortment of strong pegged boots half boots shoe3 and cftn furnish at short notice any number of doz ens that may be required through the winter at the undermentioned uncommonly low prices mens pegged boots assorted aifces 135s to 165s per dozen pairs do pegged do half boots s2s 6d to 90s per do 6hoes 67a 6d to 82s 6d- womensboys girls bootfj and shoesatequal- iy low pi ices the above are made in hi own manufactory of t3e best materials and workmanship the following ar the only terms good can be old t cash or endorsed notes oi 90 days in order that cutomqrs in distant parts province may not be disappointed and put the sub- criberto unnecessary expense of postage he is de termined to send no small parcels o goods out oft kingston without a reference or payment in town unless to wholesale customers he avails himself of this opportunity of returning thanks for the oumerous favors he has received from 1 parts of the province and begs a continuance a j febrs kingston nov tib 1834 32 the cornwall o chriatiaa gasran the above chronicle that the above of the black white smithy the subscribers beg leave publicly to inform ttm luliubituntti of kingston and its vicinity that they intend to com mence business as white 8f black smiths brass foctndeils it dib sxltkebs in the premises situated at the head of store street lately occupied by mr edmund smith and known by the name of chesiiuts old stand in addition to the above horse shoeing and far riery vil be carried on in all their branches beer pumps for taverns and hotels made to order bradt forsyth kingston sept 2nd 1834 8 candle manufactory corker or shock aku rear streets samuel ph1ppen returns thanks to the in habitants of kingston mid its vicinity for the en couragement he has received since his commence ment in the above business and beps to inform them that he is daily manufactuiing mould dip candles of the very beat quality and has on hand at the present time upwards of five thousand weight which he offers for sale lo the trade on terms un- just hiech commonly low private families supplied by the box or otherwise nn n kingston nov 23th 1834 4- american leather store receiv a has received a mainder of his fall supplv of wlies md misses london made roots ssshusft nil of the most seasonable kinds viz prunella slippers black and ruloved shoes and bnou cloth boots iuloshcd hi fu hunts and shoes carpet slippcts camaje snow and gtos- ter boots 1 case of ladies and wtaietf extra madtto fancy and other boots and shses such ns are made only fur retailing in the fint shoba in the city also isgrossnfbnysanuchilclnfna n binl linrc ladies kid and other gbea uentlemeus buck and kid do- of the best qmhty and being imported direct from the inanufactor can be altorded very low lamb skin wool stks best london made portmanteaus large size knsscls travelling bags moose deer hiding bootsanda large assortment of ladiess ienileneiis youths and childrens superior india rubbei overshoes london dressed roans and skivers russia leaher shoe thread awls black and magpie hmliw gulloons hand punches size sticks best polished tnatfrg tucks shoemakers kits and witthdiakeiv r iles hall- steads patent heel sprigs shoe buckles slides and ornaments lor ladies hoes kingslcys supe rior london varnish for harness leather and shoes patent leaiher and patent heather straps and all kinds of manufacturing maitrials in the shoe line also very extennve assortm di of jef th er consisting of best philadelphia bend new york best inspected good and damaged spanish sole leather 20 doz new york calf skins heavy and middling buenos ay res very heavy do upper lej- ihes and kips lining and binding sking black goat morocco buck nd due skins- a large quan tity of his own manuftictured boots and shoes con stantly on hand making his assortment the best and most extensive he hag ever offered for sale- all kinds of work made to order s usual at the shortest notice a liberal discount to wholsalecus- day of january 1835 at the hour of 10 oclock the forenoon for the purpose of choosing and no minating certain fit and proper persons to perform the duties of parish and town offices for the town and township for the ensuing year at which meet- tug all persons concerned are requested to attend john ashley high constable 31 d kingston dec s 184 livery stable inthk rear of mr john dflennans store store strcet nearlv opposite the commercial hotel the subscriber begs leave to inform the gentle man of kingston that he has recommenced the keeping of horses cutters sleighs c and trusts hy the uteution he will pay to the business to me rit a continuance of their patronage the horses are of the most superior description and the cutters and sleighs will be furnished with excellent harness and mountings of the first qua lity terms cash john mckay kingston dec 8th 1834 notice notice is hereby given that the accounts of all persons indebted to the late firm of beach vanalstlxet that are notpqtd or arranged on or before the 1st day of january 1835 will be placed in thchandsof an attorney for indiscriminate collection elijah beach kingston dec 4th 1s34 35 totnb stones 4c the subscriber grateful for the patronage he has received begs to inform his fiiends and the public that heslil continues to manufacture to order at awftwft an hath wmtb smq0 flf almost eyqw descrijition window caps sxxxib ftlovc plfo and hearth stones and every other article in tltc stone cutting line on the shortest notice and the most reasonable terms abram lott n b all kinds of produce received in pay merit bath sept 16th 1s34 12tf ivjmjjlibw hituesojy fhom the pertk hotel respectfully informs he in- imijitanis of kingston and tie travel ling conimuuity uiathe has leased that extensive and commodious house of entertainment knowo by the name of the kingston hotel where it is his intention to devote the whole of his time and study to the comfort and convenience of his irncbts the kingston hotel has lately undergone a thorough repair has been completely refurnished and paillfedi and is now one of the handsomest public houses in the province it is admirably wel situated for the convenience of travellers being near the lake shore and commanding ft full view ofthenrriviils and departures of the steam boats from which passutttjorxloggoge will be cdnveyed by porters nttoudtng the wharves on purpose to the domestic arumgements of the house the greatest attention will be paid a first rate table will he ktpt the beds will he of the best description and the v ines and spirits of superior quality uomicttied with this establishimmt is a ltge and capacious vard with excellent stabltng kingston may 9rh 1834 27 jrrar asters c just revived and for sale by the subsmbt ft- 50 da mackarel 6 tiercea salmon 3 tona table cod fiab 10 cwl irhoi haint terma cash or approted aoles at 90 dan market place kingston nov 1884 m s carmio rai ii 5h3 ll ii miel respectfully uegtta0 fo fc- quaint hh patrtos ftod lw pbtttc gpor- m 1 1 y that he coatuittes ta carry o 4 businessof hotel udtavera wpni bis old stand a iwe jtfangion bouse ttutri is pleasantly situated in store street being the principal and most central street in kingston in the business part of the town is convenient to the dif ferent steam boat wharves and lio ebtsblisbment of the kind in the province can surpass it in the ex cellence and comfort of tte apartments m regard both to parlours and bed booms all of which are furnished in the very besi style the hotel has been recently painted throughout and otherwise im proved in the rear of the mansion house is a large yard in which there is an excellent raoge of stables and where a livery stable is constantly kept s carmino having kept a pubuc house for many years has acquired experience in that line and he trusts that with unremitting attention to die comforts of hifl guests he will continue to merit tb public patroriage c porters will be in readiness lo convoy htjj gage to and from the different steam boatil kingston may 1834- the subscriber returns his sincere thanks to bis friends and the public in general for the liberal sup port he has received since be commenced business and assures them that no exertion on his part shall is now receiving a leq leather calf morocco lioiog and binding skins he has now on hand 300 sides sole leather 200 sides upper do 150 calcutta 300 calfskins 20 doz ulazed morocco 20 do unglazcd do 20 do linings t 6 do boot mortfceo 20 do binding flupt whicli he assvres the pubkc k btoufrollft yf the best materia i hewsaliiig m tuw sjwij le in the trade he has akv o b 50 dor stak cv subk reasdam 20 doc da 4a 4iufll 150 barrels sak jll- market square ifefr october- l its n 0 cash paid for hides and flax seed 8 r- o if m h to brewers ad maltsmejt wants actuation as brewer or maltsman a per- tiucrstniiils ttio business lit all iis deiails ivo saiisluciury lestiinoiiials from his last son who and can employers in ihis country as to ability c for further pnrticulars apply october utli 1834 the editor 20 auction saik by it jackson rideau navigation the stau boat ed and for sale by tti uhrcriber at mprrt rramim store mnrkot squor moiuhs and tend ihtir w frcssttoib w ccpuolsco the the fouetcing goods viz coiners kingston november 1834 31 two thowsani votlwds for which indisputable security will be given letters addressed to a b post office kingston 500 sides best spanish sole leather 300 do do slaughters do october 2nd 1834 to let that excellent atone dwelling house situated in p a to abraham t ion fortenna kingston oct 6 1834 max or henry cassady 18 300 300 100 300 800 200 100 100 100 do do do upper leather do do harness do do bridle do do calcutta calf skins the private estate of the notice all p esqarerequestcd to make utcuuncmvanautnebs s peraons ininedote ow said private estate iire reque led to present 0 w vrmstrong 7 execulor a tbuax 5 fi jtingrton august 22d 1634 kipp do bbls- pork do mackavel do salt also 20 boxes of starks cos best broad and nil- row axesi a variety of stoves oi diflerent sis and patterns a large quantity of lariip oil to gether with a variety of other necessary articles in his line of business the whole of the above goods will be disposed of on uncommonly low prices fthc highest price iii cash paid for hides william ford kingston december 11 1834 37 tfothe strayed or stolen from the subscriber op or colt one year old last spring of a dirk roan color whoever will cive mfonuwtio that will lead to the recovery of said horses hmll be handsomely re warded at peters mills in 1amden lieorue hager camden 5th dec 1331 3l rideau l margaret udtii to iht estatcof the titt ii drummond esq fl fiaglmu uud rurntture complfte the rale of the above stbam boats whicli wns advertised to tnke place on the 21st inst is un avoidably postponed until thursday the i5a day of january ncr when tliey will be positively sold intfwut reserve if not previously disposed of by pri vate sale those vessels are in good sailing condition and have brftfl constantly used on the rideau ca nal during the present year in fact it is need less to say further in recommendation of them than to state thiit they were successful during the uuusu- of the waters of the past season and for sale by the subscriber twankay young hysoo hyson hyeon sluo and 8m chong tea muscovado ixi in- iund refined sugar prunes barley sugr and spnh nutii bloom muscatel and son raisins black 1ut 1 1 1 mustard assorted west india pickles very superior madeira wuw in pip w- cks sua s bottles i ghoirj and bottles old port femifk common sbx3bb1 benecorlo wino io lihds taoagora cngnac biand in liuk and pipes bordeaux hiiunodtgid old jamaica spirits 1 to 2j superior scliwtlain in cacti london porterond brown siout real old isla wdikiv very supariof palo seal and linseed oils sweet oil in flasks vy uperiot single and cooking stoves spades and shovels nails ofallsraes paint of different colours assorted crockery in grates candle wick and shoe thread evc cm also a choice assortment of dry goods amongst whit are 8 tine and middling cloths and casirimeres pctf nhaow flosfc- ngs piloi cloths blankets camlels pisids mennoe8 bom- f rit nf iluujuilqiu u lnrttr vily laden bfltgw m tow to shop xftpers the subscriber has cottbtmily on hand a quatiti- ly patent iails to bs sold wholesale at tht manufacturers prices v p cook kingston dec i8lll lj just pubmstled a nm ai costif swram o hntrnvne cilchaifh to facilit1tk ihk lufrovtmlst voith in vpftk i an aha this arithmetic has been ironage of his lixctllcnc o u the hon and veneiale the an mlcacun ol york the kev lr- iurm principal of the u c college c price ten si ai lownetts lllblitl or four ha likbw1hk al the n it mi niul placv the scuooneb lady of the lake the durham boats margaret three brothers and rob roy with masts and rigging s the arte will take place on board the res- ve vessels which will he moored alongside the late mr dnitnmonds wharf persons v ishing 10 have an interest in some of the finest water cnnimuiiicntions in the canadas won do well in embrace ibis opportunity the triiis which are very known by applying to kingston 22d october 1834 dd bebhshed muki the pa- ir john colborne k liberal will be made r hillings per jow bound eadtw a skinner toronto nov 18th 1h 32 jackson auctioneer kirgston nov 23nd 1s31 28 coximidni 20 per rent canh and the residue tn juiir rintt puiiiiul u11 approved endorsed notes ro 13 is aiidlmaiitin jdhhi fiilbiwiitg linjwn will ky the atjovc onco a week uhtlh day 1mii tha cobouw sur moniical gazette lourirr and brockville record ersending their eoontmor jackson to rejyt the commodious dwelling in barriefiew fon merlv occupied by john r glover esq lately by doctor bartley of the 15th regt the premise being so well known do not require further descrip tion apply 0 walte mccuniffe kingston 20th may 1834 notice all persons having claims against the estate ot the uw benjamin fairfield esq deceased of the town of bath e re account- duly authenticated and ahjftons indebted to ae estate are requested to jrtake immediate payment xd rhains mfhfield adanuislraton ernestown 14th july4834 notice to buyers of leather and sellers of skins the business heretofore carried on by 3 bu l-ald- wpii ischantred to the hands of the subscriber at riie 8 ore adjoiniag thomas smiths hat store near the kingston hotel where every descnpuon of leather may be had at all times albo- a gene mmmgff jj lastb linings and bindings and shoemakers boot trees nnd skirting hog skins c c c shoemakers saddle and i hgg mers and all dealers in leji m tha their interest to v equality stock will be extensive and ot e y and will be sold at the kingston june 10th 14

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