British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 2, 1835, p. 1

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whig published semiweekly opifer psr orben dicor by e j barker m d ij17mk 2 kingston vc pbidat january 2 18s5 this british whig mmvehkiy jouknau unvoted lit cunroorcul ml iical iucumtiiun i pumwld vry tu sdy and friday ifis by ductor llirkur imimr ami prunetur hu 01- in it ii sheet twi iwr killw commercial ihtal p cmiuiry citciilniioii only the uiutish whig i thed tvcry wcdncjay niuminj in a weekly fiirra and i uni 1 ueotiuii uioiimmt iinjmytaituulur ofuiefuim- jmtfc i iht scini wvukly piitr nun pound ftcr annum baid in u brntlci or wiuiiii thr iiiiuili ivmn the receipt of a first niimvjr an turn miiiiii tivn sliilii if collected at tetidnfllic y0v fifrllwwuf puvfeua fnflba cnuitry nior lvclve shilling and sixpence per viimi if piid in nlvaiiec or within llutc ntodtlm from the ipt of fit fifjtnuiiltor aj fiflwil vhihhlgp if collected tt ii of llie jwf erlnivc f pwojvi lauiof if iliviluiu wlin ivwidi i tli country and hi l s prefer ti ju i h the olrw fir ihuir nupers may liuvo suppled irtltio ihtthag pw copy htf annum prompt onhcrijti received for loft than m month and no er ilivjinnnj i until all shiouimjjisaro paidlip except lit option ufthc inililidieis ttbctllstinrilt 3i unit uul ihukt 2rf id first hteurtion f 7jd oittl wlbwfliwitf iiwortwil ivn limond under 3 8frtirtrlinn nnd 10d cacliiuhsciietiiincrlion above lin 41 per line fr ihe firt insertion apd id per hie everv suhqunt insertion dvorfuoninta without written dirrotion are inserted till lii i and clnrd nccnrdinly ordeis for duccontinuiti reftueuimtl tihe in writing produce of every kind received in payment- no lettonbilcottilli except horn eittii unless post new fall goods no 4 ijcupt stress printing ictoll barker lavinc ubtahicd i miu superior pre in emcnentttrtmitinonl nf jim firm is enabled to execute nt itawriullftfi uf j ms prf38t1xci with iumfocetand ex million upon lerm utlwrtq uuprtccduilly low in upper llsspectpolfjy mfnrn ihe inhabitants of ths t7b3cri23xhs respfttrrpullv kcquuiitt iliti r friend a and the pub- lit that ihey are now receiving their uual upplu- for hie fall and winter trade comprising an extensive and very choice nort- mem of seasonable goods the whole of which will be round of superior quality uiiil uicxceediuglv lov prices a m un g tiietb leading allticler will be pottnd a git eat vabu3tv op oroadlontht ciiijntiea flufaliingtf ivtuvnatus sntinriis mid 1ilot cluibs dlaiikebs flaiintlsj uizis nml serges worried und liiulis wool utfgfrry irhiitft and iuntiotin drswors urey doiueiic itud stenm loom cutfotlftj priiucd culieow turkey slripev tud sfrotcli gitig- iniu lndirs nut clnlilrens sluics 3 and g qr merinos uumbnze cumkie oittl tartans j bombuzmesi crioc c carpeting scotch iriahnnd iinitaf juu 3cciigs irish linen c c fire c c alrtieivl rm0ru1biii of fashionable furs muft boos tippets und swanh3ow itulls geiulcmcns vcrv fttmerior south sea seal armstrong ureer kingston 7th nov 1s31 7 for sale boouoooofvehu ro wrick uy timothy chalsian vii kinds of country iirnducu uikvu in payment wholesale warehouse the 0u0wr1bkk offers fur hii nt 3ns chore stne street fur- uierlv ore tt licit bv lelic a on8 the uudeiutetir lionetj liuoaa- coniuc hrndie mmii irft port utnl sherry wine ituicmrln und sjiutmh lied do mustmvudoi e lurihi and tfauriiii smart luinrh muncqtcl rhisiii hiul sifinw filbeitd k india ctmii pepper e- 113 ll cacsni clove fig blue onli pcire mul ejiscm sillls japan pints tu and klvit ony k rfn ilnv jajiati clnaintr pimiiall pidwuid paste du glassware assorted cvtffo wrotirrlil nniti 3i c 33 lint j ox ivurt- llulier utft runimecbiii cash paid for wheat rye ludiun corn nnd oat and ulsn for sale lit all limes couj 0l w iiuhev- wm garb att limes goo kingston 2iih nnl3l 1 220v ovcrr 2u 30 tthd frying tlet raw lev in dm ohtfvt iron sid imosi mid tlr rotural froi tried nwdilnivhi ul v twiwe lot cail r i midltnd district ihnl he has late 11 mn ailhnn extensive and murchiiidtai wliidl he is now m pt pay wholesale and jetailat ihe store utely necupid by messrs- parser cmtl hcnson the stock cousin of w si of fudnnd nnd yoik- ire mjqffiiu line liid coniniou i i road cloths hu5hiuc5 pentiums fliinmu wue cnrpet- und cnrptu liiiji scrie tnnat boraba- swrmii him r mbhuvslnkrh- ultctiw sltimiu lsloiii unit tiivy uotton russia eelini check mul striped route jnennet orded muslins glovw and hosiery with a vuri- y of small warua a litkc mil well ftckftqu tock of jrocories dai fcceu purchased bv the advertiser whun will be sold swash of exchanged fiir projtice on iho lowest pon tile terms ivr caps of axti duscritpioks kiucston nov 4kli i rfl 32 1 tt icon krretown dec22d is31 jotf lt for the diffifrm of ths fenney siaoazxnss pvbmk1ki lovimwl a modt bstehfatnlnu art wtllu a3 a useful ph- klodlcafe few copies jut wceivuil by the subscriber who appointed itgettt ufld ill receive subscriptions bribe hawu wcuua other publtcutien of the hove societv w r bartl2t storest kinsmon nov 51ih 1331 32 jooo yauds uom13t10 flannels ra capital nriicle for wnrmih and durnbility just re ived and for gjilu iiy tlic piece or otherwise bv v it bartlet stored kintnn nov 21th 1sjk 32 notice is hereby riven bat the undersigned baa taken out letters id administration to the esiutc of the inte henhy w wilkssson 13- all those who are indebted to ihe sanie urc repecifully rvqueathnl to pay the amount ofthcir ocroauts witlioui tejay and ihwi huving clann o present them duly a itienli- cawd fiir adjuuuc 0 ur before tllfl jii duy u may qfixfc thomas kuitil kingston november 17 1831 j6m york taper mill w a k e ii u u is k tana casuig iter siceli irons aird iloive najln fainis ftwonvd coltw luv vhitihffi and cod oil alldn gftt cases of rpcrior chnnipiiiin f aiichoi llniiht l window ulnvy qmanbd titles jvnx uidv tvvlli xrto 50 three motulis 50 mid upwind hx hiuiitlw uxdii by furuitfllillg approved ctdotwnl uorns iiknuy hart kingvton 1st novcqilr fii notice is hereby ivei that a lown nicolilue for the town and township of kiliraton will be held at the court lioiiffl in the inun n kingston on munhnv the firth day of jnniiarv is15 hi me hour of it oclock in ilie iorcnrmn for i ho purpose of cbonsing und no initiating ecrlfliu it and proper iwrwiw 10 perform the dulics ofpatvh ullll kowll ulbeen or tht town mid lownsliip fur the entfuiiy yrur at which nuct- iiij all petbuns couceftwd are ivnuetl1 to attend joil ashley legh vomituhlc m- ti kinwtoil dec 1834 llvkuy in run ng of ml 2833 is new wine am spirit warehouse the advertwvr bug ituvt in rvturii its niwecre hanks to his fiinuu lbrilie fxichsive supiiurl lie h received since bin coinnciicviiiiih in huiin as infoiiii ihetii thai ik- life removed finn hi- m wniid w ihiti urge and ctmkiitiuoin brick 8rci lately in the occupation ofmitm r hose cuiiilioii and hiiuntcd ucxi dttct tu 3fir ujcous ivvcni in tjlorv tftrol ul now nflen fiir si joiin hhesnans bttnte btouk strirt kcabky oppositr the commbrrial ihtku the suliscriber bcffslcave u iofiirm the gemlc- tixn 1- dh iliat he imfl icconinkticcil ilie keeping uflfoneih cotters huiulis c iid iruate by liic utiiuioi c will iy to the imines lu nic- ii coniimiunce uflltuir pniruimge the horses are of the uioaf superior lesrrijtiion and ilie cutteia and sleighs will be fuinishcd iili excemt hiirnesn mtd mountiis of tile lifstqua- liiv terms cash john mekay kingston dec sui 1831 oysters sec just received a lb by die subscriber di- lect irom ai impeded cd i 6rt ie prder jo barrels oviers 20 boxes digby herriiwm 50 banelb north phordo 50 da mncknrcl 5 tierces salmon s tone iiwe cod rat 10 cwt irish hams terms cash or proved notes t 00 days u w ahmstuong market place kingstoi n 1s51 30 the virv b teiliillc an extensive norhnrin i hiiin ciiimhiiiigof port mudct- und beiimio wine- iti btxltc jndj eastwood and iil mii iavtr manufactures kesrectfully inform k prinurs and afcr chants of upper canadn thai ihy hvc opened a 1apkr nd tartomtrv wankhotsn ofi the euk rids of the niarkel square tormio wlicre ilicy will kcp writing ivtniug and viap- liivj pajwr also udi scsiuol hooks as lire or limy beraatiufiicturcd til uppor canniln- for sale on hbunil terin it ags boifffllt and taken in paymen dl i itchi i m i end iiti t- mir uell wuihv ilie iihe i nroitio not 1si itqt 33 run smb j5y the suivscriber 20000 s taegs ring tobacco 20 jars superior miiccuboy snuff 2 bl iltsni j 10 d tor lil bags topper 10 do pimento stcvosi kmi vo n 1urtlet xqlumbeh merchants canal con tractors country merchants and other dealers this sulwcribehltto no on hand and is daily manu- farinring a very extensive aftffipmeill of strong pegqgd boots uatp boots i shoes and can furnish at short nolice any number of doz- 4utf thai may i required through tlie winter at iho imdennemiuiicil uncommonly low price alena pegged buow asaorltrd izes 135s to 6 per dozen pairs da pe2gel db half boots s2-gj- to 90 per do shoes 67s 6d to 62 fol omen boy uirls boots and shocaatequal- 1v low ptice tlwnbovs uremadein his own manutudtoir of the best materials and workmanship this fulloviniz arc ilie only centm uiat the above cooji rin he bohl t casbi r endorsed yutcz fit 00 days in order luat cusioincrs in distant parts of the province may not be disappointed and pirt die sub scriber to unnecessary expense of postage he is de termined to send no annul parcels of goods out of kingston without a referemre lor payatfntintowllj junlesf to wholesale customers lie avails himself of litis opportunity of returning thanks for ilie numerous favors he has received from ml nartsof the province and begs a continuance l a j ferns ui nov stai 1s3l 32 tlie corn wall jbrvor btfhutit courier toronto patriot chdttiui guardian ood bmotfiirj sendcmi will please umt the abut for ilueo monllis anj tend tlicir accruals to the clironiclu st fazeitc olrc- fr luymcni wanted immediately tvo xhovsand yqvhwl por which indisputabie security will be given letters addressed to a ii posi office kingston octouer2id 1331 notice tue budscribessliaviitg boihppoinwl ex- eculrix and exeemor by the hut v and testa mem of the late hubert druminoiul respectfully recpiest tllttt all persons having eams against the kstiite will present them to jotoph bruce duty au thenticated for adjnsiinent ajj lkewise ihai hose indeijtej to it w make payment to him uiiliout de- lav signed margaret drum moxd exrcutrix joseph bruce executor kingston 21ih sept 1s34 13 black 4 white smithy the sohscnbers leg leave publicly to inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that they iutimd to com mence busiuess as mife berrk smiths baiiss fouwdsrs z12 sinkers in the premise simatetl at the head of store street laiclv occupied by mr edmnntl smdli and known by the name of clicnuts old stand in addition tu llw above ttnrsc shoeing and far riery hui be carried on in all their hrnuchrs beer pumps for tavern i and hotels made to imiadt foftsytu kingston sept 2nd 1834 8 04 ra ak ooguac and x sud knlish tjn 5ji vjaiv t jannim m peppiriaitit the whole i of private lunulievt tavc shopkeepers his stork of the lltg prisinall kivdof gweir arid mu2nido sugars spiei i cheese butte- slairh t srfltwotc ofeundrv description ivk cc al hul a cllimftu ami huh d couiilrv ini inrgpj com tea ueilnctl tuej hhiwuh awfxge otice is hereby given that the accounts ofall pimsiins indrhred to iho lute firm of iteacil vjlylstl e thatarc uoipaidor tnrtuigfd oil or before the 1st day of january 1835 il be placed in illuhuistssof c attorney furimlisicriniinntc collection- elijah beach khicstnn d r 4b 1331 35 toitto suhsiiihrr irr itrful fiir the pfttniiiaqc be lias brill hi fi iends and the public china ihiu and lj trt l- rh i unlonutllir- wi cordage oats oat and un nrtctv in ilkt artielus r w vires tile atteiriun f die fam nunrc oe and upper e ulnikingi brushes meal flo ir willi h ich be respreifotly in ters cumins to town with theii esl price ptodtice fur wtxbhe will pny die high- urulll ofcry deft kinffftton dee 9 isgi iptiuit ijoiimi md sotd vm l cook boots shobsi gloves c ai jv nfliiiis and missv a has received a part niuimler uf lii fnh au london made boo t 81j casonahhr kinds vl piunrlla slijipciis mark and colored shoes and ohrtll bots tiuhbed di it a liuuriv experts flic fq- imh all of the f uli uitit pit buots bnub siiors carpel slippeis infrinpf- im and glus ter boois 1 ease ol ladies d mse extra made fancy and oh bouts und thm such as are mude oulv fur retailin in ihe finii tdltim in ihe city 12frnm0f boys and cl i sdrenv bouts and shoes ladies kid and other gh jemlemmts buck and kid do of the best qiity m beinij ullporttd direct from the tnanufaeory cait he afforded very porttnunuihis morwe deer kidioff irges izcfcb hot sup nd s i ra c i i ndon il nriff j uus asurhneni child rciiv til received hcjs to that lichtii roniinthsh in maniifueture to order at his simp in bafh tutnj stones of almost nuiy description v7s2tpu oat sc szlis iieartji stones and every other nrtirlt in lie stone culling line on the tdiorlest notice and the ttiorf teasnnahle terms awuam loit k b- all lids of produce leecived in pay- incur u sp lgth 1s3l 12if khomnik peiern iiura kjospectfully infimm die in iai25siuliiiirkitiblinsiiid v travel ling cotiunnjiy thai hi has eieii that twutttivj uud coiiniodioui iioiim ofontertaitunent knuwn by the imiih of the where it i hi inieoiion tn devote the whole of bis iimo and study to ihn conlrt aud conveniccj ol the kingston hotel has lately undergone a thomiich sepair has been eompleirly ielinuilied and painted mid i ito one ol the handsmnesl pime houses ia the province iim adinirahjy wall situated foi the convenience of travellers being nimrihu lake vhojr ami commanding n full ieu id the arrivals and ihpitore of ilie sieain boats from which ptissvnsernluirptgvwhi be conveyed bv purlers aitmditig the wliurvoftou purpose to the domestic flrinngemeuw of lln house the greatest uiienmon will be paid a first rati tublewill be fcept irii budu will be of the best description and die v1es nnd spiillts of superior qoaliiv coiihecied willi this establishment is a large mid cnpaciuim yard kiifjslo s carmino iteslectfully hew leave l0 ac- qujimi uia miirona i public ne- rally iini hi coiiimus to currv oinhe 15usincsor hotel and taiern keeper a his old stand 27i mansion house isottt ii pleasantly situated in store srrcet lcint uie principal and mt central street in kffigttutt m uw business pan or the town is convenient to thettll fvrent steam ijoul wjtofvesj und no svtnhlitiment or the kind in the province can surpass rnli the ex cellence and eomlort of s apartments in regard both to parlours uud bed vooins nil or which are famished in the very best lyle the hotel lias been recently paimcdtbrouiiout and hbenviie im proved in the rear of the mansion boom u o lafey yard in which there is an excellent range nf fctabns and where a livery stable u constantly kept tf cabmino having kept a 1uuic jiuirse for many years lias acquired experience in that line and he irues lliat with unremitting aitcution to the comforts ol hi guests he uilicoptiuue to merit th public patronage qy porters will be in readiness m convey lug jasfi to ami imin the tlillcrctu steam boats kingston mav l8ji i ir jlvathcr store 1 icr return his sincere thanks to bis friends and the public in general for the liberalsup jiqit he has received since be comuieiieed btjsinera nnd assures them thai no exdtion on his pat shall bu wanting to ulurit a cuatiuuauce olihc same he is now receiving a large quantity of soe and uppe leather calf mnrovcj lining and uindinj ski is ilu m uu tll imiiii mo sides sole leather 21m sides upper do 150 cuicmih 300 cull skins 20 dot u lazed morocco 20 do uijglayed do 20 do linings 0 do- limit mwrocco 20 do hinriiua skins which he assures 0m public are manuftcturcd of d bestnatenai he i seliiag as hw m any other usp in the t rude ie has aha on hand 50 do stuik ss cos double refined axes 0 doi do do t uroatl do also iso barrels salt 8 r caldwell mark t stpwrc kingsloii oetuher iiodi ism c 21 n b cmll iuid for jlidea and flax scrd s ii c iolt hale iiy tue subscriber twankav vuuiig iion iijbon llysoa skin m sou lions icj mutcovodn namlndiaand liiiinci supar prantj ihrloff kuir nut piianuhnutt klmim muscilcl and sun robing uuck ptpht iiid llusiard with escellent btubl tig mav oih iftjt 27 candle manufactory cor5eh of cuyck asd rcab stuhlts returns thanks to the iii- samuel piuppbn hahtmul uf ktijdlon ind its vicinity for ihe en- gouragcmeiit he tm received wmm ins commence ment in tlil abuve business uud brps to iitfotni ihem ilini be is daily inanafiioiniiiig mould dip cajydlbs of iho very bent qualiiy h on baud at tbo present time uibrdfl of five thousand weight which he oflcrs for sale to the trade on terms un commonly low private families supplied by th box or otherwise kingaum nov 23th 1s3l 3j3m to lkt that exeellent steae dwelling house situated in the ueu part of swrstrcui anil lately to the occu pation of m- s buweu esq bam tntax or henry cabsapy j3 focrw apply i abr liingstiiu oct g 1331 noticii american jus received tiud fr bale by luv ttbscrihcr u his cliotp cwli store ciiurcb mreet one door pouth of mr pabwtvi dmggist store mnket square the fvuuing good ciz 500 sided bwt spaniel huu lcjufut 300 do do slaughters do 300 do di do upper leutbcr 300 do do harness 100 do do uritho 200 do do catculla boo calf skin 200 kipp do 100 bbu pork 100 do muckarel 100 uo slt 20 boxes of sinric3 cae betl bnmd nnd nu row axes a variety of sioree of 4iflfe rem sica and paticius a large quoiiliiy of lamp oil tu- rgc of ludicvh tieiilleincii- youths sine superior indiii rubbet ocrmcs lfindi dressed etuhtw aud skivers hhsmj lwiulcl ribuu tstesd awsjjlrk and m tsinnblff uidloo uwhs puiicbe sic sticksj hil poujkd lasi nj lu k houuikcu kits and vvalchnwtkcn vwi llnu- etebdri pnttni llctl surij shuc uiicmvn 8iidc and oriiamciiu lur indirtf ahocy kicslevs upe nor iiuuikn virnish brbunicm kilur hiululiou iuteut irfmhei and kind of iliaiufiittiri f j luttit uk- igll 11 calliir eucii end ilcihilv in ilu rfmu line auit a very ruiisive nskiriin wl of oonsistiiie nf bci hiflttilelpbifl uead new york best inppqteili good mid dftiimd sjianiai si le lenihordt7 new yutk culfkiiia bmvy and uiiddlini ititviioa avrei cry ihkivj iiu upkrluu- bea nud kips liubig and binding siting black joaimoroccth bucktij dosskitm a laiuquao lilv of ins awn maiiufuctnrcd daolfl wix shoes con stantly on iruid iiiakina ins as80 laieni die besiaad most extensive lie lints etr olleivd lur rricp all kinds of work uud in order as usual ul tlie tllofteftt notice a liberal discount tu nbobfalucua- tujlktq kindlon november 183 l til ttotwk stkayko or soln from the mibmriber or ulhiut uiu lirti day of stf jileiober lit a btw k more idiii siindl alar on ibe aiksmhii j al n iioie cdt uiiii vear idd uitiiritgt ftf fl dark romi color whoever will give information tlut i fccovery of mid llurses bdl be ha warded i toceiv mil i eud to the mian n hutidrtjlilhrljf te- w uamdtiu all persons iiidubted to the private estate of the i getber will a variety of other uecewaty urhic in utc duncan vanauine esq are requested to make joiinediate payment to a t max and all persons jiawng any claim agditibt hie said private estate arc muatfcd to present ilie miuk for liquidation twbr kingstou auguet 32d 18h i his line uf business tlie whole of ihe above goods will be disposed ol on umoiuinoiily law prices ttlie liigbcsl prioolll cash paid lor ltw multn ford kingston deccmlcr 11 i3t 37 camden 5th dec i31 to fillip keelkurf tue subscriber bft couataiiuv on band a ounnii- tyut patent pails tfl be sold whoesal ui die ftlwiufucturerti nriefs w t cook kindlon dec 8ih i8st jijs zlrvbmtifftsd ti nit t- he us axd maiismha wan irt it mtiiuiiiiii i- bruweror milinimn i pci- soii wlw u il-rsiiin- ilie business in all is i tnis and can pie futisfactory testiuruis ficii his c emnloyerp ii this country as in ahiliiv c- oc i nicr ra rrtiik itivari apply to die kdior i8s1 so by it jack son r i d j- a u navigation ffi c ta5 i ebbikau margaret c hitwgin to ac littt ftht ltte r oniiunntl l tub villi ciuptiich ft sale of die if clll rtetct adv love stj2am huats rtiwd to like place 00 the 2lst hmte uhtcli uas aiivtttihjtl to take pacc oy the it nisi is un- avuilahly potpotlcd until thursday the loth day of january unit ttbeil tbev will be ponilivtflv ftnld wituid reserve if nut previously disponed of by pri vate bale tiiu vwwjlnrc mgood sailing eondiiioni nnd hnvo bean constantly iwad on isie uiuuau ca- xali during ihe prewnt year ii fart it is ttuod- lutftt to say further h rt of iheintlian u suilct llmt liktfv wtre rtjreeful during iho nuuu al uw ditriiii or uu illufi rfthewuitfn u the punt vitftfon tuid nfllas lima nf iheir running bd tiiree liuuvity laden buruk in tow at cln tite tjikj nud y ur tmr ecllounisft lady of the la kk theiicbuau coats tlxargarcl three brothers end ro roth with maftd am kigcikli c the fflilc ii i o nlacc on umrd the te auofteil tvbhiiidia pmcfeij very upcriar m i vin in pipca hbd or- ccak tud uuulei 11 sllony m and bottles u td port w tviitftidb phfi common shehstt and fort whites diiiccarlo wine in mid tkmftra w 6iput rrondyin hluk- aiul iknatmis llollinji sin u m old juiaim sfiiflts i lo sj i s inirdjtn in cflf lindufi poruraiid rruivn stout kool old mivhikvy wrv talc st ami uhmmb oiu bwrol oil in ru vriynumiiok single txihiiic sulvtoj sliilo3lil liocl nilu ufitll mvy painti of hiflvrmil nilntmi awuifhul tmkkrv in ctiiics cuildjawb it aianic thread c c a clmice iir1un i dity goods amousi wl h rub t mmilbiij tlniii mid cftwmm pulvfriieiin i1j ittflihn ckitft bhaket cwalem liij slrinot bm- bujilb tirrcii iiml s rll uiiizi vvliitc scnrfat ud yellow apcrtor rjimcl vtji h tlmico asortrtient of dnik tumiy prii lntm liirlin hruwu cimt und a rmupli aonmeniof viwiiiall- uuodj wliiwii will be fouil wuftb tic iioticc of buytik thomas ttj acnider kingtwi sij octobv 1631 the conimodiouk dwelhlw in barriefeld fer- nterly oeeupicd by jottn k glover bq- lately hjr doctor ijariley uf the 15th rcat the premisea boiugao wall kiiwilf do not require fiirlbec descrip tion apply iu walter mccunufe kingston 20th may 134 notice all persons having cluium agahim tfre estate ol the lute llcnj nutn fairficul eij dtrensed of the town of bull ue requested to present tlicir accoonta duly authenthated aud 11 pcois indebted to the estate are requewim lo make iiamedfala pavmetu to charles fairfield aamiiibuttor erncstottn uih july lhvi piaet n qoied dongwla the a hkw asd cofilbi vestfm r abii1imt t vicviatrd to fauutat llli imikuvkhyst uy utvtu i gftlth i ucau this aritbnietic has bietu publwied under the p- uoiingeof ufa exeelumcy ir john culborne k- c b die hon and vienime th arehduacoii o ork the iter dr harris principal uuic l c cohece arc price ten idiiuin pc doeik blf bound rr svwoou si bk1nnbjj toronto nor lath il o lair mr luiiiiinuu tl uhilie ivrsaii willing tu mva an interest in mine of tbv fnujit water poninmiilomtaim in theganuihw would do well m embrace thi ippiirtunity the terms which ure tun libcrcj be ujade known bv opnwiiv to u jackson kinipwn jov3id is3i cosotnosap lii per czttt cah and the rctwtfi infvttr fwi ayn nt lij approved indorsed notes ut 12 is undzimaiuh qtthc rjlliwiii iicr will copy the abovo wfln b welt till la- day l i ylt tt ll i stir mn ii t notice to bnvcrs or lcntbor and selltrs of skins hide tbclxjulilfws lisrettrtbw nrrieil oh by s k cald well is changed to tlie iwmwis of ihe subecviber i ilie siorc nljniiliiip thomne smitva hat store uenr the kinitmuii llod where very description of leather may be hatf m nil times a penerrl nwortmenl of articles used by saddler and shwinakrrs th as saddle trees llatnes boot tt nnd lasts linings and bindings skiviingt hog skins c c c d llarness mnkew tap- s a i an i hail tuuricr ami utockvillc uecoitlcirmnuiis licir a cvuutl ivki larkwii shoe iikikiv niers m till uulerii leather ill find it or their imeest to patronise ihis bstsblitnmm s stock will uikieiiendofewry vscunyofqaaihy and wiil liuwid nt rtie lwoet lricc krcask p m hobs ws- willam kingston june 10th 1h 3

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