British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 20, 1835, p. 3

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jbr1tish whig public mtietino a pubik mr rtin odbc mechanic of kiiipaoo will be held ihu ven- u nmr leahyt tavern ui take iuo consideration the propriety of peuuoauif ihe legislature u cciiilniic the erection ottlic loaltcury chair io be uikcci ul k r oclock kittgatoo january soui 15 kingston tuesda y evening jan 20 1635 we have mill further news from england and a hat of new ministers appears in the extracts we have taken from the new york papers sir robert peel is prime minister and the duke of wellington occupies the important post of secretary of state for foreign affairs in the list we jvave copied no person is named as colonial secretary but in some other papers we are told that mr- spring r will be reinstated in that situation and thai some other whig will take office under the tories this we are unwilling to credit until cop firmed by official au thority a dissolution of the imperial parliament is expected immediately numerous public meetings in all parts of the uni ted kingdom have been held and the conduct of hit majesty in recalling the tones to power has been severely censured our own opinion ia the minis try cannot stand upon jta legs and that the king kingdom will be thrown through the unwise measure of removingthe whigs into the hands of die radi- cats from tkc journal of commerce tbo packet ship south america capt waterman arrived on saturday afternoon and about eight oclock we received our papers by express across uic island viz london to the evening of dec- islh and liverpool to the 17lh the new british ministry was formed on the 15th the advices from paris art to due 13th evening no thiog had transpired on the subject of the american treaty id england much dissatisfaction was manifested in many places at the revolution in tho ministry public meetings were being held almost without number but no acts of vio lence bad been committed jmi dec ii the iog hold a privy council vesterday which was at toudcd in uir lord chnncullor iyndhurst the duke of weltiogton marqueof camdvn earls ot kooslyu amberst aod jcrmey lords ellcuborough cowey and maryborough sir r peel sir c- m sutton sir john beckett sir h hirdingo messrs guulbmn and horries our future refor- sit r peel was sworn into office as chancellor of tho ex chequer end received the deal of office fiom the king he will also be first lord of the treasury but with respect to the flatter aomedeluy rnut lake place parliament was ordered to be farther prorogued from the 18th oftlie present nioumli to thursday the 15ih of january but this u a mere nutter ul form as parliament can be duolved at any time nullity however is yet known of the dissolu tion though it ii probable that the moment die ministerial ar rangements are completed it will lake place london dec 13 to the amazement caused by tho coup dtmit at brighton ftd the interregnum of the duke has succeeded a deep deter mined feeling of disgust and menl at the impotent experi ment now milking ul forcing hark upon u tlie children and ie champions uftlio old abominable ytem the goulburns the llurirf the granville somersets the jbilii9 lowlherand yolmes ihe dawmof the harding and horace twines che quarterday apostate patrinu and all the offensive half forgotten who lorded it over u ill tho old boroughraongcriiig days which we fully thought were nevui to return the people wo uy wi i nut utfer thst mon to be their matters again they will nut boar them under their old m aa xar the duke and his cvhitrt dw will they allow themselves ja bo cheated by them under the false pretence of bis demure deputy frpmtht london glbt dec 15la the new prltisil ministry the following is a correct list of the ucw cabinet mi maters appointed at the council ucljuji afternoon at st james palate j sir ii peel first lid of uie treasury and cbancellorof he exchequer lord lyndliurst lord chancellor duke of wellington foreign secretary wlmrnclilte privy seal earl ofabcideen first lerd ol the admiralty lord rossyln president ofthe council mr goulbuin seretmy for ibe home dvparlment mr heme secretary of war sir henry lladinge secretary fr ireland sir murray v general of the ordnance mr- e bariig president of the board of trade sir e knatclibulli paymjstcr of the forces lord ellenborough president of the board of control the mvr- form tlie cabinet the secretaryship for the colonics and the chancellorship for the duchy ot lancaster are not yet filled up the following appointments have been made sir j scarlet chief bron of the exchequer sir e sugden chancellor of ireland lord jersey lord chamberlain lordstanky kairefuicd tojon the dukes administration and tfuc tories now wy that they will be better without bim tiii ia the old tory of the fox and the nur grapes london dec 15 3 oclock p m ik majesty held a council today at st june which was atunded by the following individual tbe duke of welling ton sirk peel sire knaiclibull mr gouumrn mr her- ies lords aberdeen and koslyn cowley and maryborough and sir ii hardinge tbe cabinet we suppose will be fiamedout of these male- rial lord holland attended and resigned hli seal of oflico as chancellor of the duchy of lancaster indutmmt of otc bishop of hidtacr a true bill was on wednesday found by the grand jury of surrey against the bishop of winchester and nine other among whom ore three clergymen aiid two iiiigisirate on indictment for an assault committed upon the rev cornelius griffin at a public meet ing recently held at epsom on heholfofthc society for the propogation of the gospel in foreign parts death of th her rrtitf on the tilh iiwl at glasgow between the hours of eleven ud twelve u dork at night m the 43d year of hi ae the rev edward living he was sen sible to the last and hu departing words wore in life or in death ijarn the lords previous to winch he sung uie xdd ssalm in hebrew accompanied by his wife a father rev ohn martin in the same viceregal state in which he left and thuelhe gaudy farce concluded as far as his ex cellency was concerned u sf o as wgwdwl the election m s bmwell eq was proposed by pier per ry esq m p p and seconded by doctor dun combe but this was tiuleiitly opposed by c hagerman eq member from kingston thin gentleman in one of the most extraordinary speeches we ever heard used every possible energy to defeat hiseleaion hut it was all to no purpose his silly verbiage produced no other impression on the minds of the majority of the members present than a pro found contempt for the emptyheaded mail thut pre sumed to think he cuuld deceive iheni by his bluster ingexhibition of loyalty and the most unfounded misstatements he dared to ask what did mr bid- well ever do for the benefit of tbe country this question is an assemblage of men acquainted uih his merits and conscious that his superior menial acquirements have done more for the general wel fare in this province than the whole balch of to- rtefl put together was unfavorable to the cause whicb mr h attempted to advocate members seem to fee that mr b brought more talent experience and public virtue to the legislature of the country ijian was io be found in it before him andthathe rendered the most essential services to thecountry in exposing the rottenness of turyism and holding up to public view the motives and the con duct of its unprincipled adherents than any other man in upper canada and hagerraans wretched sophistry was thrown to the winds sophistry did we say why the man s as capable of forming a sophism as m is ignorant of the meaning of the term we would venture to bet a ducat that if re quested to explain its derivation he would say that it was chronic disease the tout ensemble of this prodigy of oratory whilst dwelling on this part of his subject was pe culiary illustrative of the workings of his polished mind one eye half closd half out hiariavring lonjue mi- twisted oosc from oalorc posrt hlfwrug but we will not pursue the description lest may be too flattering to his vanity his next point was that mr b voted m the late kingston election for a gentleman whom hr knew to he disqualified by the 31st of king geo 3 and whom he observed was a nototious traitor we have not space to enter inio this subject ai pre sent to the length that we m yxwh ftul wflftttet take leave to ay thai dr ourady retorts the foul calumny tenfold on the man who had the cowardice to promulgate it where there was no opportunity ol defence on the kingston hustings it was explain ed who it was that would be d willing traitor to his to his king and country at the dictum of personal interest or diappoiuted ambition there too it was asserted and it was not attempt cd to be denied tht this new state of pufitiral ex istence tory who boasted of having served his ma jesty with fidelity from the age of twenty had noi the spirit of a man when his country was in difficul ties ii was said to his beard and will be said again ed him when he advanced st joseph tuttun dr vtaa thomw tlliott john anturson patricks ward atttcnnta 28 30 gouncilmi fieorrft d niton r h thornhill 28 28 james trntter goorga nichol 78 78 80 80 in of the conductors of the chrpnictc must be sadly want of real matter whereof to accuse the editor vvmo when they resort to the paliry subterfuge of distorting the meaning of bis expressions arid sure ly lie writes plainly ennughand apply what was in tended for the sole education of ibe hajfdnzen or more families which have ruled the roast in this pro vince for the last fifty years to the serious disparage ment uf the whole body of u e loyalists and their descendants in u canada this remark is made inconsequence of a grossly personal and abusive let ter s appearing in the tory organ of last saturday apparently die production of a correspondent but in reality written by the wriihin yankee who ed its that paper a conclusion thut every one must come to that is at all acqaiuied with the vulgarity and feebleness of his stylo of writing and the per sonal enmity which be has always evinced towards the praeit object of his malevolence it will be remembered a week or two ago that mr dalton fell foul of the whig for terming the band of toronto officials a nest of runaway yan kee tories this was amplified by us on tues day last by what follows in the war of 1776 which great britain waged against her north american colonies she was obliged to make use of any and every means how ever fijul to compase her designs traitors spies and vagabonds had to be employed and trusted and when the war terminated unfavorably these same individuals who had most probably sold their ser vices to both parlies together with camp followers and stutters had to be provided for canada was the chosen spot large grants of land were given to each individual who had so distinguished himself and from these gentlemen have descended that nest of runawby yankee tories who have for man years past ruled this province with a rod of iron now the whole of the above extract however coaise is perfectly true and comprehensive and no one would have dieamed of attaching to it any other meauing than what it obviously signifies had we not in another part of tbe same article kicked th shin nfn cijtuin frntfetitttfl to whom tiip honor f lomg grandfather was divided between a cumpany lf his majestys suldiers and who having ufjitw for an uddres employed our kind friend ije yankee lodo the needluffor him although nine tenths of the u e loyalists who uteret canada after the war were honest dutch idid other formers who liked british rule in prele- monieutj he ie enemvsaw that his moral courage laib towards the battle field and that the saw the enemys teel that moment tl the cowards back yet this is the man ihat tared to ask what mr bidwell has done for the province this is the man that dared to impeach the loyalty of dr ogrady the latter is not used to arms but we have reason to believe that he would not fol low the cowardly example of the hero ofadulphtu town if a hostile invasion threatened the country andhe former brought mind and energy to the le- gislature whicbthe member for kingston will in vamope to emuute we have done with this boisterous senator for the present but we must look to him again anil exhibit him in his proper colors to the amazement of the country tvtsy we are obliged to give him a transctu to announce to our tczzvz the important intelligence that marshall spring bidwell jvljc been elected to the chair of the assembly i and that the character of the present house is thus un equivocally determined in favor of reform what a glorious contrast to tbe petty victory gained ovei us by the basest stratagem falsehood at the mu nicipal elections we would give up the city t the tories for ten years rather than lose the election of marshall spring bidwell the pride of the bur and the senate 0 4l have delayed this publication to the present hour 7 oclock pm in expectation of of the speech from the throne on the opening of the provincial legislature but it appears it is not to be delivered before 3 oclock tomorrow and we are obliged to go to press without itshould it contain any thing of importance we will isue an extra on sattirdav morning is who take the description to them- ut full liberty to wear the cap that piice to any new langled notions ofhelfgnvermrent independence yet it must be confess d that the iltitr tenth was composed o far dilleei t ingredi- jptej in luvt wen uf the kind men described in the ords quoted and however revolting it may be to ijw feelings ul the sons and grandsons of these hidi- itdtiuls to be upbraided with the character and ac- ifutis of their parents yet if they bring that reproach themselves through the insufferable pride with tihlch they presume to treat imported british sub- jjicts wju lor the lllot part have paid heavy taxes lj their native land to support these drones in lux- uy riftd idleness they have uobodv to thank but ljcmslves abhougl the words of which so unfair ar advantage has been taken were intended to strike a nobler quarry yet if there be in kingston any person or petsoi selves they are fis theiii ve know our friends and understand a tnuiiiiea together with the abuse of the editor of the whig lt his public capacity a vital deal o private scan- dj is raked up some of it of a date sy antiquated i almost to be forgotten as its calumny had bieu tilted often and ttgullli tbe poverty of dr bw- igrth upon entrance into kingston is thrown into jlfs iccili us a crime 1ei u see what disgrace at- laches itself to this udmitteu fuct few men with v lain i i ies tpiit their homes on account of the g then finances it is therefore nothing sur prising that after pacing the expeuces of a journey ot ftwlo miles- lur nine iudi iduals besides himself tliiut dr barker should arrive in kingston with an exhausted exchequer tio much for his poverty subseripttou to u course of lectures on natural philosophy amuunting ill the whole to kssthau 10 of which itfouly were paid is next cast up against hmas soliciting the eleemosynary contributions of i he inhabitants now the fact of the matter is tliat four lectures were delivered at an expense ttfuvft if it kj xli kv awutfcd muad l6- ac ibe lecturer some pounds in debt a it happened lie was the uutl ffainer of some sll for iburweew the toronto mail of last evening brought u- the correspondent containing tbe first news received in kingston of the parliamentary proceedings mr bidwell is speaker we make no rejoicing because we have long looked upon this event as a matter of certainty the majority of the house is not known to ua but from the silence of our contem porary on this head wc are lead to believe it to be small money and expectations may have wrought wooden ince ihe elections we notice that mr- hagerman is called a coward in the article we have copied such we believe is not the case but he is quite as much a coward as dr ogrady is a traitor mr hagerman should not call names election of ib s bidivelti eq speaker his excellency the lieutenant governor pro ceeded today in great stat from the government house to the chambers of the legislative coyucil to oceathe provincial parliament foj the despatch of business a little after 3 oclock he took his seat on a splendid chair at the foot of a gorgeous and expensive gewgaw called the throne and the commons being in attendance in obedience to his summons he directed them to retire and elect a speaker nod stated that after that had been done he would address them on the nature of their duties this address will be delivered tomorrow and will be called the speech nothing can well be conceived more vain sha dowy and important than the whole of this cere mony the commons dutifully retired as they rere ordered and his excellency returned home we have copied from the guardian the result ol the municipal elections at urouto out oft went a metpbersof the council only live liberals have breii reelected as the election lias been a free one wc cati do nothing but express our tegrit that tbccitv should have thus retrograded j but if the good peo ple ol toronto like those of kingston chouse to be governed by lories iti preference to being ruled by wbigs it is a matter with which we have nothing to do dc gustibus nm est djtputatulwnf ae the od woman said when she kissed her cow one thing pleases us and that is mr gurnet who disaraced bis paper and his party by abusing mr mckenfcie has been like him rejected as al derman citv elictiux the election of aldetmcn and cuiumou councilman for tliucity to serve during ill ensuing year tool olacc yesterday in nil tliu wards except tit patricks tin election for lhat wa d was held loday the following udik will show how the votes stood at the close ofilid pullti tu ii ward returns two aldermeti and iwi councilman sir cor nell intends contesting the election erf mr wright- hie turn from sl andrews ward have been proli and the council will be petitioned to order a new election nominations made by the at- nominations madefy tic con tuince society ird study upon lime tcd against win l mcketizie jdjiieslesslie franklin jacket malcoloi mclcllan joseph cawthra william arthurs william m h charles baker james e small edward wright edward perry james hunter gcorgfl dtigbwj d- morrison john harper john armstrong ax maker john doel stiuaionut hoctetij st davids wiro aldermen 7u robert sullivan 75 coumcituiot 73 george henderson 73 charles slotesbury st lawrwws ward alder ntn 37 i george monro 36 i dr king counimert 37 i alexander dixon 43 joshua ueaid st gtokcts wad aldnrmen 33 i thomas caifrae 43 george guruetl councils 40 i jului craig 34 i alexander kennie st asdktws waao juderffca- c3 i ktiwrt stanton c5 i john kwart cmmcumch 62 64 juhn armstrong merc ant robert marchant 121 124 v47 1 11 115 40 4- 4 42 5i a third crime is having tnkei uunseir tllti manugeinllt tt nuwspuper at when koirtt necessity leli him no other ulterimtive ihis is culled a mixture ul clucnnorv and pflrou- ury by the veryiuan wlio cainu to klnctnn in the capneity tcajuunicyititlll printer and who contrived by the cxliibititni of n 1i vankee mphistry to disiodgt an incumbent of his post and become the editor of a newspuper out of he manaireinent ol which he huelied iis proprietor a fourth rlmrg i lmvtn huumie in the llort spare of frtfh nut thr c yiklftfi lllc praprictpr of a printing c3tublitfhniuit se cond to lew in the candidas when such a crime is laid at dr liarkes door his enemies must be drivni to dpcrate shifts indeed then again tlitre is the liile of m d which o micks in home peopled throats tnat 4 and pkcndiniedicn are terms applied to bim as if he had taken upon himself iht assumption of a iclloship to vhieh lie bun 00 claim dv barker is ow uf the london college of medicine llwti fe tuied ill the year 1s31 and ol which many hundred iifhu medical brethren in england are also fellows lie obtained admission into litis institution flfew days before he quitted london and previous loawicn ad- minion he jived and practised for eleven years as a general practitioner ill a street in london called hast smilhliel 1 so much for his professional cha racter as dr barker has taken certain liberties with other peopled grandfathers be is called upon to name his own the request is reasonable and shall be com plied whh william barker of smyrna who died in is2 was the mall man much butter knpwn in every part of the levant than the province of up- per oailtria itself and wlloe various sonshaye til led and do now fill the post uf british consul in se veral cities of the east one word more and wc have done in a small town like kiligtftoilj newspaper abuse goes for iio- tliiiij men arc apt to imn their opinions of the ctmractcr of their eieighhura not by what they read or are but byiilfcit they a now a luaiiljvel m society is easily found the chronicle and its ca- luniniaiing editor iii yf therefore continue until douiuaday ibe publication of such letters as the one wc hutu liuticecl and while dr barker continue to enjoy tie goud opinion of a large portion of bi fellow townsmen he will uult toscoti a mere ver- 5mbtage the impotent malice ol bis enemies in fulfilment of our promise we hzv mmi ten day the wmoofthe size we intend to print it dt ring the ensjiing year the subscription for the present yew will not empire for a week or two arvd ample time ie afforded for all our country iubcr here to make up their minds relative to the ex- change of the country for the semiweekly paper in jta dnjinisbrd eize and price we believe it to be the intention of mr thom nicholl conetable to present petitions to 4m pmh vincial parliaments of die upper and lower pro vinces on the gross abuses which have crept into the duarantineestablishmcnt at crowe lie but more especially in reference to the harsh and impolitic conduct of doctor poole and bis subordinates mr n has we uuderstand been indefatigable ia his exertions in procuring documentary evidence on this most important subject tyesterday evening j b mills esq civil e gineer arrived in kingston from below for the pur pose or making the proposed survey from lo- borough lake to this town the committee this morning had a meeting anjl authorised mr milb to commence his labours ffy we regret to learru that the montreal herald does not receivu the whig regularly it is regular ly mailed at kingston seriatim this annoys m since th few subscribers we ihaye in montreal as well as the other journalists with whom we exchange may have the same reasonable ground of complaint all the papers for montreal being mailed in one packet it also accounts for the herabt noncom plianeu with a late request to have the country pa- per changed for tbe daily a desideratum in our office since the ascension to power of the freah hand at the bellows qjpthe steamboats belotigitig to the estate f the lute rnbr drummond esq were purchased at private sale by the ottawa forwarding company a day or two before the day of public auction it ia intended we learn to have but one forwarding com pany on tbe rideau during tbe ensuing season tlia of the otaa a good deal of stock in the com pany is however expected to be shortly owned in kingston the splendid steam boat st georgj ftill be brought to the hammer early in march aee advertisement and w should not be surprised to bear that it is purchased by the company to take goods and passengers from kjngalod to their place of destination ct the montreal herald ha tafctn a iinpifar but cffiit ntothod irbcwig us roadem that little dopandance can b placed upon tbe price currants of the kinton paper byci ruling uld contrasting the twn table of market prices p itslied on tnc6th an 7th ofjaoyary bv tlje whig sd k c herald a a urattcr ofcuurse wtthink our own table to be correct but we shall in future putthroettsr beyond thaiking for the british whzq mr foitoiviam happy to perceive that as queatioa whether or not there is to be a police establishment ia kiqft ton hits been at length brought before the public by mr t niclioll i nm confiaeol there 19 notan individual but will mp frwaid and lend hi aid in such a laudable undertaking i r w your readers to bis tabular statement published in the ftm- ntclc of xht nu itim one or iore benefits will arise from this establishment vi that all public nuisances will disappear instanter more eap clelly tline which are the principal cause of engendering ma lignant diseases for aractive and volant police will take euro to prevent the accumulation offiltn in every part of town it will also prevent every kind of illicit trefifc and render unto the fair trader who pays hijth ronta and taxesa competent re muneration for the outlay of hu capital it will belhe meu otchecking rrime which ha encreased to an alarming dejngjr by completely closing the receptacles of stolen property it will be the just and ready insuumeol of giving speedy auim of nocturnal fires in fact through such an eitablishmenteveiy specia of property will be permanently secure and tho pe mr wilt then arrive when the inhabitants may lay their heds on their hcdtt qh their pillowa with the coosciousneea of per ket in ilv iiit i koosemiphtbe appropriated to the diapoel c buvm ess connected with this establishment and tbe b4tj tendent tmhtbave an office io thebuimiag o ejjpifc tu suliject 1 am induced to ask what beconm ofthe raony coleied the ahapofa police taxi why not directly ap plv it towards dcfiajing the ejpences of tbe establishment 1 under the expeciation ihat a public meeting will eoon fc called i remain -mr- editor atownsman i dan 16 ldjji- nte bvthe epitor we prefer an elective town coua 1 to a police establishment but should be bappy to ptrceire r respective merit freely discisef in for the british whtq m eoitonvour trtp tutoionto it appears it well fttlod 1 hut nluiv let me vou is the promised description of thq cornic cnconnier 111 the cubln of tje su gtorge between tbe hhtiiia and writing eduoisl a passenger kingston jany 17th ltf35 rkplt ot tht editohiii ihe tomb of all the capuleta postscript tuesday everting t oclock thv toi onto mail hmrxiyvtyfofegffo hrongh the medium of a gazette extraordinary thui ins excellency the lieut governor delivered his speech to the parliament on fridav last the nmjurity fof mr bidwell as speaker wa four r b sullivan esq was unanimously cho sen mnvor of tonmto strayed from the premises of mr d williamson a small red uow hiihfl white face and short horns giving milk whoever will return her to the owner will be reward ed for his trouble ringftlon jnn 20th 1s35 wanted t a crood milch cow inquire at the commercial hotel kingston 20thjiny 135 2w architectural drawing thlc subscriber having commenced teaching fe chitecturnl drawing an evening class will he be gun from six to nine oclock likewjc a limited number of pupils will be taught the principles and practice uf land surveying and making piniihed plans for particulars apply at the schoolroom north west end of brockstreet alexander dawney kingston january 19th 1s35 48tw for sale on monday the 2nd march 1835 at noon will be positively sold to the highest bidder the su perior and well known steam packet su george and all her appurtenance intending purchaser will obtain every information ajd have an opportu nity of examining the boat and furniture by apply ing to the subscriber- sale to take place on board the boat moored alongside mr strands wharf davidjohn smitij kingston jan 17th iso4- fc ufi rhc cainraqm bridge coupficv k iimj riui jm h 135 1 tiieannuak mkkting of the stockholders of tha oataraqui bridge company will take place at ih i ortice oil monday the 26th instant for thepurpoae of electing president and directors for the ensuing vear agreeable to the act of incorporation g f corbett 5a 7vr c b- c

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