British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 20, 1835, p. 4

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boots shoes gloves c a- j feu x s us received a part and hourly expects the re upnly of ladies and mr scs hoes all ofihemftm mainder of his fall london made boots teasonable kinds viz- prunella slipper mack and colored shoe and bool cloth boots violoshed do fur boots an new pibik nnntn it hstflw r mahiaffbatk m v tin ml thewtirk rrtnlinn bwuetihc ttfktks ae or brnlr bribe rrl rra m- m inwy i kr p e t 7 i d shoes carpet slippers carriage sllow am ww- ler bouts lease oflades and m isses extra made boots and shoes such as an citv fancy and oilier made only for retailing iuilst shops iii the issrowof bovsand childrens boots and shoes ladievkid and other glovt gentlemeii a hurl and kid do of the best qualify and hruff imported direct from the manfamnry can he afforded vrn low lamb skin wool beat london made porimauirau nta brtmb 1 iftvdlil bag moose dffir riding boots and a i arse assortment of lmliesv ceutlemeus youths and clllwrcil a sunror india uuhbct overhoes lrudondressd koaus aod skivers rhmw leather shoe 1 lllj awls black and magpie bindinff galloons punches size sticks best polished lasmig turks miu- l-r-i- w u- 111 rtrnmt ww flilr li mini will lr ll 0hcc iininr cintli iiulu- mr- rnrihiia i3iii december ifcttemotihr mtawtdsmhw k crw cnbmitv fvit nuifitis i- mmpw i thmwu ltiml civins m- wwiiwih tff iltfomiwuiu work hvnr on ilic kilimf m tiim- i iv c kkki urn afirt sni glfw in fit hi 1 i wkar nnil sr l dtlvct- gcd it i i 11 tid kits and hee and ornaments lor rior london varnish for shoemakers steads patent watchmaker file hull igs shoe buckles slides lies shoes kingleys supi- niess teat her anil shoe spi patent leather and talent leather straps and all kinds of manufacturing materials in he shoe hue also a very extensive assortm dt of leather consisting of best philadelphia bend new york best inspected euoil nd damaged spanish sole leather 20 doz new york calf skins heavy and middling buenos ayresverv heavy do upper loa thes and kips lining and binding skhig black goatmorocco buck mid doe skins a laigequan- cicy of his own maniijacmrru boots and shoes con stantly unhand making his iiftaortmeill the best and most extensive he has evor oflered for sale all kinds of work made lo order as usual at the ghortcat viico a liberal discount to whuualecus- iv scientific ibject toiuers kingston november i s3 1 31 wjla jiv mmthjesov from the pctth hotel respectfully informs the ii- hauiwnteofkingtouand v e travel ling coiimniniiy tlmlhu has leased that extensive and commodious house of entertainment know o by the ikinic of the kington hotels where it is ins intention to devote lite whole of his time and study to the comfort and convenience ol his ffueet the kingston hotel has lately undergone n thorough repair has been completely refurnielicd and pamteda and i now one uf the handsomest public houses in the province it is admirably well situared for the convenience of travellers being near the lake shore and commanding a full view of the arrivals and departures of ihe steam hoars from which passengers luggage will be conveyed by porters attending the wharves on purpose to the domestic arrangements of the house the greatest attention will be paid a first rate table will be kept the beds will be of the best description and the wines and spirits of superior quality connected with this establishment is a large and capacious yard iih esoollum i iu iu kingston may 9th 1834 2 jkotice notice is hereby given that the accounts of all persons indebted to the late firm of beach vqjvalstije that arc not paid or arranged on or before the 1st day of january 1s35 will be placed in the hands of an attorney for indisciiminan collection elijah ueach kingston dec 4th 1s34 35 prize mkuals it is hereby announced that the natural li smtktv of montreal has resohrd to oiler four medals for the best essays presented duiilip tin- present vein miduls ureotlered accordiuiriv 1st for the best esswy connection l the features of a couiitiy and the character ofj hubitmith 2nd fir the bet lsny on the peculiar y nm munber of lakes in the northern jart oi boil con- liiiiius 3rd for the best esay on a it ihe discretion of the writer lib for lhe best esay on any subject o ed with literature generally ihe conditions ar lt the essaye shnll le presented on or before the2lhh of february lj3 2nd the essay may be in french or english 3rd the names and residences of the author must be concealed to ensure which eaeb essay shall have a multu and shall be accompanied by a sidid note superscribed with the same mott- and containing the name and residence of the author tl is note shall only be opened in the case f the essiy beinij declared worthy of a prize otherwise it shull he destroyed lib the successful essays shall remain ll pro perty of lhe society 5ib the society reserves to itself the r ht to withhold the lme should no one of the es ys on any particular subject appear deserving of it the essays are to be addressed to a f holmes m 1 corresponding secretary of the socwy andrew h armoir oct 23rd 1834 recording scrctan shortly will be published- a comprehensive view of the doctrine of tie work uf the holy ghost with the power of his lifts bring a plan drawn from and supported w holy writ according to the system preached of old li the aposilea of our lord and saviour jesttt christ and in these latter days revived and proiiulcated by the rev edward irving in britain and by tin- rev messrs w r caird and jeorire kerson bv a minister of the iipel in niia province c7 subscriptions will be received intoi nto by messrs k lesslie sons charles daly ilenn kiivncii and at the port office by mr j iallani toronto 6lh deecmber issf wholesale retttil grocery tea wine asd genrrul provision store market square iiuiabi- hat hr niaik- rtictesi lv low new store the subscriber begs leavo t uoiify to his friends and customer and the public generally that lie has opened a general assortment of new goods which he intends selling at low prices and will take in payment all kinds of country produce with house and field ashes and all kinds of furs d roblin lot no 21 5th con fredericksburgh 22d dee 1831 40if to hbjvt the commodious dwelling in carricfield au- raeily occupied by john r u lover b- lardy y doctor hartley of the 15th reg- thr pmuiw being so well known in nor rpiiuirc further twm up lion apply to walter mccuxlffe kingston 20th alav 13 1 livery stable in the rear of mr john ortennavs store stork street nearly opposite the commercial ii0tr1 the subscriber begs leave to inform tin oenilc- mn of kinffntntt rlwt he ha recomnienced lhe keejiing of horses cutters sleishs arc ami trusts by the tftention he will pay to the murines tome rii a continuance of their patronage the horses are of the mot superior description and the cutters and sleighs will be furnished with excellent harness and mountings of fin llwi iua- litv terms cash jullxmckay kiiicttnu dec sth 1831 tomb stones vr nbsitihtr ifmielul fur iln- pairoiu he i ihs twnit kkt fi tet it id ai uuihtilhctun stmi r order al of almost even thes rereixtd iwfsw 10 inform thiii he mil ntiiihiiies to his simp in bath description window caps sills sun lp rlld heuith stomis and every other itrtitiltf in tliu stiiue cuttins line 011 the shortest notice and the most reaonahlf lentm auram htt iv b all kinds of produce reccivutl 111 mem hath sw ifiih 1531 1211 pay in till pltesd and malllv reauy hit tot islrtfi atiopogcs nml 11 ptutt3 pjtiftc iob- hawkins f1ctuhe op quebec and its bnviroas wiru if is tor i oa l re co l l e c tlonfs dfuwl fhom tu nt arthetic wiunti p ehlors ttf tltr stvcrul papts in t fjttrtf canmlit itfath jg azc hicrtion to the prosprrtirs triftptifr to wpm hi qdvrrtistmmt ttntl strut tlinr uthlttsts to fkt tutfibtx alfred hawkins 47 st ucm strctt i patrick etian respectfully informs tin isilts of kingston and surrounding country has received direct uom montreal and other ets a choice assortment of the ibllouiuir hiii ho iittiid to dmtpove vt ac tinugu prices jvincs spirits groceries v strong jimaira spirits costive brandy hollands gin superior old port mndoiia wind upper canada wjjwkoy voting and old fynon ivas twankvvnud b- jo cbi cum double rttfiricdaud mnrovta supnr pluir pit per and civenditfli toikicco sfntih llurrinss cod fish and mackarcl soli witter 8almm musatol raisin kigs almonds c primo mrtss and nc h05 prk by llo bl smoked pork and mutton hams superfine flour uvtmid indian meal oat corn beans peas die c 31 do corn bioom lod till sali 50 iteain wrapping papr a tfimniiiy ofstmm ij tin ware 10 crates afnrted crockery soowt american cimom a iiiiaothy soap caudles slarelt blue rice lurfov crarker lemons pn kles ard ativrirau ap1 p k mteildi always keeping on hand fresh butter v fowl and vqcfiabtefc fnrmrs tomine to market will do well liy s l above biahtishrnenl a rail vhere fhey will rcocivo lhe inches price ilibh itrisvorv dckfipttuu mt sdlb ocl i4 the urcrmek tenders his tluiuks to tin public fur the lilicrnl patroiltictc lu has recrivid sitlcc he has been in huinrss and takes 1i11 method to inform thrm that in keeps ctinstanilv oji hand tin ami sheet iron wnivi iturkkin mittens and iloves whipts ciatirs combs buttons sewing ilk and thread and many other uitirlcs loo numerous for detail requisite for country mmhontaand pcd1ers which ran l had on advauingcous terms by applying at the siirimf the bear market square geese tathera pntwr rttfisi old pewter cop- ier rod krasi deer skinth sheep skin bees wax tallow vc will he received inpayment the ftijtrrst prirr futifl ftt all timts hi vath for itrs iv b thurc ivilo havt unsettled accounts will please rail to settle the same and by su doing they will oblige ktnmn barton feb 41s3i phillips i the lidvs book mntii voifmk 3 lirpoattorn for fttust sngcaungs kbhw tut poetry axi prtmi by toe momt cilikateu autu0i19 published at 3 dollars per annum by i a liiuiey ilibeiiian btlfldtftftfc i runlvlln llacc phi lad li- phi a sas h karl ory tiik subscriber resfieetfnlly inform tile lulwbl- tants of kingston and its ieiuity that he has reieut- ly commenced making window asbefc al his hop adjoiuiiil lhe k illusion ftnimlry where he inteiuu to keep uii buitl i hijr assnrituent tifeerv kind whirl in will sell luw tin rnrtllf and he hopes by ins assiduous mttemioo luhusiuis lo merit a shaic ol piddie ikilronuc xt all onlrrs for the bimiyc thankfully rceivetl wild pmmpilv attended to kiiicwun may si 1k1 j arciem- prospectis op a treatise on agrkxltcftri adapted to to climatr and rmrolstancts ok canada a bui ntifil proiden has fit mud led cftnnda with ineshausted resources of weahh in her nsnsi fertile soil iv climate which is by no mean unfa- vourablc to agriculture f due improvement of these other natural advantages is capable of cuing riches and every reaeonnliteenjoymcni to her present and u vastly increased population the importance of agriculture in canada must he obvious to every one capable of fortnintrn miimd iudctneilt iii stich matters it is agriculture that must afford the direct supply of nil her greatest wants it must in this and i every other country be the parent of manufactures and commerce and the best means of promoting civilization and popula tion consequently it ever will be tin- most universal and useful of art in almost all nations die inns powerful individuals derive their wealth and con sequence from their property in land cultivated and mnnaired by the lmsbandmm agriculture ibereforeand agriculture alone can support us without the help of others in certain plen ty and real dignity while our ground is covered with corn and cattle wo can want for nothing manufactures und delicnces that we may require from without corn and cattle will purchase if we will only raise them in abundance and excellence from the importance of agriculture and the great interest that is consequently fell on the sub- feet in the british isles ana other countries of europe a varied and voluminous mass of know ledge has len accumulated which mould be most useful to every one who would wish to practice the art wiih success himself or undenitaiid when well piaclicvd for him by others to combine as far as practicable the portion of this knowledge which i conceive to be most useful and necessary for the study of the canadian agriculturist is the objected the treatise which i have now nearly ready for the press and the plan of which i submit with preat dcfeienre lo the consideration of all those engaged in the art the sources from which i have made selections are the modern british and french authors of derided rpptitatirn and merit wkb toy own observations mid experience during my earl vears iethe occupancy of extensive farms in ire audi chiefly as a irazier for a period of neark seventeen years that 1 have been a farmer in canada several years ol the latter period i have bad the honor to be secretary to lhe district and county ol montreal agricultural society i propose to publish the work in four or five parts the first part will eive 0 short view of the origin progress and present state of agriculture umonu ome of the ancient and itodcm nations particular ly ureal britain france flanders the united states vc i am aware the past state of agricul ture can do little more than gratify the curiosity not so its present state which is calculated both to excite our curiosity and alvect our interests then is probably no country which i shall refer to that does not possess some animal or vegetable pro- duriion or pursue some mode of culture or ma nagement that might he beneficially introduced in to canada but with the exception of the countries i have named and parts of italy and switzerland there are no very interesting reports ol agriculture of other pans of europe with which i am acquaint ed at present the second purl will exhibit a roil eise view of the science of agriculture and the principleson which the operations jfi results there of are founded the third and remaining part will apply those principle to the practice of agri culture adapting them to the climate and other cu- emnsiances of canada and conclude with a few observations on that portion of the trade tsutl cm mercc of this country in which farmers may be di rectly or indirectly interested convinced ad 1 lee thai the produce or agricul ture is the onlv rjrhee ihat the people of this ctitiih try m vtll their own and which they can never he deprived of it has often astonished mc that men of liberal education should in geneinl appeal so little to regard its improvement or prosperity in fact it is treated as a subject quite remote from com mon life bv nearly nil who arc not immediately en gaged in it they pel haps cannot allow them selves to believe that agriculture alone can furnish tilts means bv which trade and commerce can b carried on successfully in canada i pincerelv hope to induce all who may take the trouble of reading my bok to reflect on the slih- jcecs 1 shayi miyimu 101 ilntif conuuciaiian ana that they will join heartily in promoting uecessan improvements and thus advance lhe wealth and prosperity of the land of their birth of the choice as a work of this description cannot be published in english and french without incurring consider able expense it would be necessary forme to have as many subscribers as would insure my expenses subscription lists will be left at the several bonk stores in montreal the work 1 expect will no exceed four parts at is 3d- each part the first part to be published when 1 here are a sufficient uun- uer of subscribers i espect tbe whole might be published before the lira of may next the four parts will contain from 250 to 00 pages and may be bound m one volume i shah do all in my power to make lhe book worthy of tin patronage f all who dwirc to promote the pros peiity of agriculture as well as of those who prac tice the art wat eva cot st ptw1dcra 1831 meeting of the house of assembly as the approaching session of the provincial par liament promises to be one of vast interest to tile inhabitants of upper canada the subscriber pro poses to preserve the proceedings of the house ol assembly in a more durable form than a newspaper and to report them at more length and at the sunn time more minutely tlrni has been done heretofore to attain this desirable object au experienced re porter from eiuiliiiul will attend wcrti sitting of tile lluue and accurately note the ivcraild rforeed higsuf that body which will he published in wrck- l umbers consisting of sixteen pages large oe tavo printed wilh a good type and nil fine pupei and delivered to subscribers in tin city of toronto every saturday afternoon- at the end uf the session a tide pace and index will be furnished lo each subscriber gratis the whole forming a volume o great importance and necessity 10 every man in tin province and a sure haiti to ilirtor us by a re ference lu its pages it will be seen not oluy what their representatives did but also what thuyilzcju- ed to do the price of each number will be one tauing pat uhlcon ivry any person procuring ten subscri bers and becoming responsible for the same shall receive one copy gratis agents will shortly be appointed in the different towns add the greatest regularity observed in for warding copies to subscribers as the txerulton of the intended publication de pends entirely upon tbe support winch may be tf- lurdrd uluw who wish to patronize th undertaking will please to signify the same as uooii as possible all coinmuiiieations addressed to the subscriber to be post free s bkua 53 lot street i4q at present cooipqmd of eight ih il tniin sew york ami i js 11 piirnmiitii oil thr 5ili rjsjj tovd on lineop packets tu sail the first and stttttnth 0 1 the line i nt wlnrd will nniflir mil 1st and hili mil tiuin i ftrtmimtutn on tin ou j oft even mimili uulem lltcilnv uf tailing fhouh fill on sunn in wlii li caso it will bedvlernsd till next day from vet york agma presiobnt cwe mooro master iship dntahio w- s scbor uiamer inship montkkai c ii chunplain mw- i ship wnaua thomw britton master ib sliin sovkkbinx j kearney master i sliin ii annihai f ii htibard master jan ftb fob- slir mnr apnl il 4 lmil- lwjui lmil pril lnhap piilmlhhia e e morsanmw linn i l w t iv ti naiviu m jl r may dor jan smu tvk fob mar mar april tin j ship samson d chmlvvjck master from l0xdox 16 canada ihivotf forttmoiitli december 2fl sovkrfjcn iwrm portsmouth jan 5 10 hannibal hsivctf portsmmith jan 20 1imiiimlkipiha leaves perumouih fc 10 samsfln ipnvfjt portsmouth oct 20 1 prisiiknt leavw porttmouth nov 5 lfi tntakiaiiavcvurtramuthkovso i montitralilonvirt portsmomh decembers diijisnro assuftliofintfclas about 500 tons burthen tiul arc commftitded by illc and experienced btvum crrat care will he taken that tlrt fm stores c are of ifc ihi ditfcnplion the price ofciwn pnssa outwajd w nu aurwrovni entered ihtn in conhincuon with the prophcior of the several la vcrpool packet linn j is now lizedaiitsn exclusive of win ps and lintjott which will be brtthil ewh aseiifcr at lliecstabhhil rales that arc fixed to ik printid ranltf tbt will be fnuod on board each oflheshipt for iriight or pusjac apply to cither of tlic commaudenoa hoard the hip or in geo wildes co no 10 coleman it london john it3vold fi south street new york grinnkll minturn co 134 front ttveet k b stcanihuh run daily from portsmouth where then parhctip in hind and icccive passensers lo dittereot paru of england mid to the ronlencnt every infiirinaiion relative to this line of packet ihiw imy he obtained by upplieatinn at this office gentlemens vade necum riniir mil nriiiili i lhe rurrfraliiuitiiind uvrnuir nportinj various hubjeect of in- ahrtiit tin firiof january tgllwid be enmmncet in fhtlaocl pllt a rwitnlmrtt tiriiitf ilnbotr comprchcpiveiiie tutou iciilrf iu lnr eicrfill ulupuit to he vvodw of ihnt pomnn ofthe uc wht imiomiv tvkamahi iiitiikanrr ii tirf tln iw itililm- jxm pnnilatuin 4rih tlkirnl npnrotruilh tvhntivrr pcviurh lint iht itri hnieft nt prvmwtiff n ihegrtwlm 4 ur llir mi cm i jwvt wrmihond lorr limitation of tj jvjh the ihrmatinn uf n mrrixtuitrin all niincrrrlminrjh weyonjjon f ri hi ttin iifin it- w the moit rm vrtteivr r mlii tint iimm ihui nprj i uliuv a umkmuiwi robubtej 4ftnvi a llir rrujcrnr ofh j jl i in u intnj njacf ami i tihyoiiiiatfnii ireolrr then iij y sini- rnlhfhtinrtl k ttiiiy in rery mrarcf etae romr tusss nfki rtrluitc nji tftbn ptmi a- mim tc lancifiilly mrcwl vlhftn7 uir rlcirm ofni tuytn rinfr t npnrity and rncflumermcut hulz nit tin wtl rmuirnwinc ftftt wvfttca hr prctr of tbls wftrt bi i miminmu in in inrpiiin pnilqr riimcmly ayorf howevrr iw i mtrrw i crrtsiin iwn its rharorfrr bewmxn piweriv known rs intciurrm liimrml cflokvtrntfktpaix mfn corrrftftrtcs mrlurt iwn nml haw iiihi oorid njriilnrnipplro ihelrt wtg r t prof un matrnan rnrito4tiiiii w bw if jmu w un a nvu hiuk riinti ennimkphmk r tl uui ut p 1tfrtiiiv htlrnrlmifi it ii nftpg wentlit liinur ilttll ihrin ihm ii mirn kmt- m ih1v nrithiiis mitw1 v mid q amrbnil i i r lft rmwi janiiihaithr imiymqi rnt ii i ai the eirterprf ui mhviiic iiptur uii ta tliiiih mil ilirr tmt hit am wmt in a ri ir rift fiortim nfht ftirai vimlcdlre ltbtaimiimitimimitiihrrtiiitiyev4ry w js tire piny aul ciree- u ty ruv1l wnu a ingg i 1f i prrf rrnrc lmvt will in- iritiifbil in at1rrs linltc rfm ihw ulflttiry call brblilini hultiuii crilifii rlmlln tthiltvuimw i ijmm nlnnnm iel by ibeir m tvill 1 nnlrl mi ffiliu y ntftapmcal skrlrlir aussi nml ibm mm ifh miiinrnl cnnntpajw wf tins prcut pui a which i rr immi inxlitntilii ritnp liti ih in vti c w tiir tlltpa finibfiil rewvj ww be kpi nfohtfcc tv win iitttf v in uu rmniir anl raphutd biwnipirif jj 22 vfcrbtiralcil ihfotih bred tlnrvrn wu be prauimtu nth km ftri rrbivrtfi the iirrcmy maaa imettjtl ilit r liivntnalilo imhrali vill ttc dorwnrh slvnttxt 111 uu- rflpllofl will stiohiii mru in- ivilrmrinti fhtf t iirm n kiflilns liamliir ar witb ainibunf looted divi ntvus iasitnisa qunnrrh rvvkw mit u vr pjutr ifnmrimuy iinpnmbitflto liod chabtfmff vvtliln hirlbimiiiibh encl iiuuilly gnlrro by htmmn ki t ltr ilmirr tailors tit a manre to mi vvuli il nh approved ctlorjuiomojrrnstlif lirtmi urn ltil iviu be eiumirratcil arf rnrl unm v riivrr iift ui iiriiix iimiiii- ptthnlf ermilm wltfcteaf jrnprtur- i i imirimn ot tin pvlrfir fiill hngih cajraui lilmtfii uuir iii oh iv ivin by tin of tin- sum will iji hr pepand ml puuurd mini kllaw- abtimtii ibriitrithofonrlierimayamt4le finiiiirj in tin i ir umiiui mhljirlj vbtrh hac brcninted m ii pftipft to ii liita dim- w ill lw in amitni ihrfefi aiidcik c iuhm- sr ithi m n- fiintffpiiicba talof poeny nn tmit f tv im lbb in hlbuy llasnf tm usf utnt js ivii iimin vtirliarfwhluirrpncof stock lil of broifi uatik timinirrfril t ikiirtcifairil ull rther mittft rrraidta whtrli an iulrfem limy li uppjtj ti at uomt or tnad tbi- work hint i will lnrra by the above riiilanaitna of inn luiblc rkirrfr ih prtculiry ifriitl m a cftfdjiiioii gr the pawj nf i n tnrf hv drniiirt shirtiti ili rltwii ac ar il will pron hjfn jiri all ii mitlfijihiu 4tf ltti wim br aulhrnlic 4 rrvly of hctfri tr litiriirr r triivrjbac tirnilcuira tad cltoum mtteottftt u kept iirvr hr4rltn tin t ilnl zftwt it is wonay ofatjte thaij lilrimi inilironireiifoiii jimr will br rurnihfl wiih tiutwopo iir lljf tilhl fin hi prirrnf wliicn fepflnudyai any ofoorto lirt w nulil bt m imi tim lorn imlmt here thrre i an bouto utvjuit ntuti aflafx inllif mirrbnf tfa vvrllioreddmmaijclrv t tn fiir yt in miitvrtlihil niall mlmaot fiiiii into cowtdrriooq iv unilljpliril vuieiy wbtili if tn actfomikiny it tithovi druwi barer r imit- wlm lrr ii prof nn arly and rtirrecl fonasuq it ifar runnve h lln- wilt ritnljn- art ill valuable panic tiik rrtlivtrvi vauk mkcllac 01 bt ptawk ivry iiurilainiiiiiijiiirnal juiprr f ile lart dosfp fel threes lafft ptyttunnm kialk- mavivancc ijnwbwiij t rjvtibtllar mite 4ur pitblilier postage paid nrv i nfttiv paprr wilj l irvfirdtillifui y lirfruoaordcfrd ftrooefrt tl i fohuth v uv l iv w lvnc jntftmi wu toward tli u tnnxtms unirted lately uie icrn win hc ly jitlln mt i address viitii alexander atlteiuun bdubrn pliwv pblmrfphbi tin pulrjbrrs will r uii tticin wild iui xrjianjrc willi my of their country itrrthrtn vw n occamqml iaerfioa of ijun advcrtwrmcdi prospectus nftiin irish avcirtr coxatmrnonal rnn kit ami otjinkht al allvkhtisert ftibb pubush kutiikrk ti3iks a vv kkk i mus tkk vlahhourt hif ilr pipiilatiit tjwnklut llf i ntiu lti2imgr in lawcc cuniik i f 1 afluhjivfl irin rl anil ikccdnil frirjlnikii t i a mvn rnl tfiupt nfiiiiiinrmah in maiw ill tiirm itnu no v- 10 mri iriiliuihrir nalinal clwmcft ivom niurrprcwnbitiita and i niill14 fi as- lt4euvrdkkmuuotukir lvrinuul cikiinroui t rruirh ei- rill nud h flxr in ilnu that nilltn ihct and power iq wjtn tnitir ihtiirctfrni aail srrouing wht latlf1v iirni b iniujtr ol irmiuit n in jimiircn haw rrolcd torruu utu i tair tn lt- rolled hid iri nlwoiir comiilu- tlonal lfrtnir it 4 iunut4iul advertiser- ilu l ikftfayini irtfwinilay 1vednesuay in3 v wivk ulffcfc atlvoratewill k crtcokajlf me riinnu- 1 uprr balat tt will ptrtr no piim to remlrr jelf s3- t- tmitmairfc ibminciiun it imim mainly depemf on lhe pni mii j rnyncr r mcotirafruirnt und upjtnrt litiv l j r hnnw0h rn ir i cflojitic coiuurccaiij larrjturr lfrrfii bt 1 j 1 jil xi t i inumini imr awji mi n- niiy trnracneniimrjrrradrrtcirwn advpcrdtf wtllceej snl lay tmirr konabmwilir nmnnuteiiar pontottf otlrbb euil3b- rner aillmmivh from uk- natiirr nf our pomimii m the premiit enfts tbr encrgb ufllic irili advrtaie flntft tie dirrcird totfihh iheurtj rinrnn rtntenrd amonr ill prrrm- from ureal mr i lam und ireland ui4 hieir ivm lalant yrlilwill iirlvci no lit opportunity nriulvotaiini iteiiitiu iilihurre uml r wkirh imc 1ari oumry una ho lotig utxred jl rpk intprrtcd willi tin- iiiiiicliui hint tb tprtnly dvvvtupcrarot of thr rvmhmvriinrihlri hrnvinrn iaiptramnuiiiinpnriaiier tbe irwh ad it k wdl utnutrtl rucuarage iniimyritiou ami cheerfully rnlofthia in ibe intimn nf mictb tumttfm may conduce to the grncra wt-llait- fitnmk ana urilmw aiht pkwowmicircluiiiini amoce mk vnrrim citcmiirinuec the irish advocatk wit tttf lmd iii vtuw ijiceounufavlionofany auempla to prikkc hcvolotion lo wwr ihi iilony from ht imler country ir to rjtici a chance in lhe cnnhautkn upon win uiiiritii is now plainer tliuncvrrtatnoom ptpralnay lltc knelirh luunat- in uii lvoiiiicc miwirrly lor their ciiat etirennd prohnt fnuu th lone andttcin whkli i paperwill im rointurn d and the llmtlinnkal nrytiot with which it will 6e ciccou rtl ii imiww feel aruml that it will htrur couiparuoii with i he mort rt- prcitibh lnnkal in inb americ iw pfopm rr will iifrthu uttit endeavors to render tbe pipe ni f dn a ulium uf cithlurrmuj liiirlltxence and ibeythrp v ihry will rmijyr tlu mipmn uftlic inilmnual body uf mcr chants ttm kilitorial tfrputllllcllt w ill bv iuub4cil w aa ltib rnmiio oiithotie rr n- tl an of niniay and rhnruiir r in rihticp the irtah advocate w ijrri si- i iic nf cimtiluhiifial itrlwlil it will opnge deprccw nlrd omiiin alititvrj ami will use it utmom rrluri fur tbe removal of urthriibu iud jfricvitiiecti oa all ooramon okm journal will ibtplay tf ii mul paumnr lutrriuinaliou u advttiivx uic properiiy ofofd cooott ullll ami jniijiri uf irihliilitl tihiuisii alvfgatk will lc printed on good paper ofthe me now umd tit ihr kinib jounnd of ilnvcu amlwiu be charged to wto pentnrmai rillr lmhtaltti per a nrnim exclusive ofpotare payato ciitiainnimlly in itlvtui rimmilif country vlthani iind otberi in tjoth provinces wtn nay iirl an iiuerum in tbe 9iicec9 nfthc paper arr rijprcifully reqaca rd n hh thiir lnm lienion9 in promoting its circulation in their rcfcpot livr nrrbiiriiwkhi all eililb0iaa who may procure uwcriaer ami vouch ibr tbe re ptrtautdii of t ik purine will br ciiinlol tn tint paptr fur every fravif rritmtafnohlaiikd taiiherilkrnauh lo be lorwardrd u either of ibl aji iu in tb if rliy on or lnst tin- lt uf february neit suleriiifn w ill he r reeiwd in iln city at the hitowsiorns of joha cimphrll nmlll alcorvjot 5l francoi xavici shreei at tbe el ehaiir ew iiivmii montreal jau 1j15 koticjki all persons indebted to the private estate of titf jute duncan vauttlstiiici esq are rcqueated to mb niiinetlitte pilvlllullt to a ivuax unit all person liaviiti sny elaiin tifittilist till siiitl private estate aril ruijltetcil to present the stptie for liquidation a tklax executor kingston august jd im 8

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