British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 23, 1835, p. 3

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thtfoaanf in j the propagation oftlio goppcl among thedsj liiutfl ulcm in upper canadu he ordinttion ermon was preached hy tho rnv i j- i tbekhart a- m domestic chaplain to llio lord buhopw from the courier january 15th the election of mayor for this ciiy for the en tiling year took place litis day pursuant to the sta tute when robert baldwin sullivan esquire wns unanimously chosen he made an excellent ad- d re 33 on the occasion in which he assured hid con stituent that the duties of his office should have the best attention he trusted it would never with truth be said of him that he allowed his political views to interfere in the smallest degree with his official du ties as magistrate he hoped now that the excite inent created by the election was over individuals of all parties would lay aside their particular views and unite together to promote the peace and pros perity of the city he hoped that the year in which he should have the honor to preside would be marked by the peaceful conduct of the citizens and that the act of incorporation may prove and be considered as a blessing to all classes it may be proper to observe that a large number of the council were desirous that mr monro should fill the office of mayor as a tribute of respect to him for his nigh character and past services and mr sullivan most handsomely offered to resign his pretensions which mr monro as handsomely refu sed to allow dr king and mr duggan were also proposed but to the honor of all parties every personal con sideration yielded to the higher feelings of the pub lic good and mr sullivan was unanimously elect ed the annexed extract published in neilsona que bec gazette is wc apprehend erroneous though the principle bulk of the pork exported from th canadas may be american as our farmers too well know yet there being no duty iheroo it is not smuggled into the province surely no house in quebec can have sent home to government any such representation the 1st win iv c 21 enact that so much of any of lite sid act 6th george iv c 114 andsubscquent acts as imposes any duly in the british possessions on the continent of south america or in the west indies or in the ftahamu or bermuda islands upon wheat flour or upon beef pouk hams or bacon or upon wood or lum ber when imported from any of the british posses sions in north america shall be and the same i hereby repaled jf therefore a duty of five dollars pr barrel can be imposed on alt pork exported from the canadas into the island of jamaica it must be by theauthority of a subsequent imperial act serious ly affecting the commerce of the canadas and ol which at preput w have no knowledge extrac of a letier tinted jamaica oct 25 an order from the customs at hmie has been recently sent out instructing our collector to de- itiiind a diry of live dullitw per lib on all pork that fcoitu from tin cttrotdus in puure in consequence oftiome huiistt in ciiehee haling sent home to go vemmenta representation that the principle bulk of the pork exported from the canada vttiboaajide american smuggled into this province the ca nadians will not relish ibis step much neilson gazette pioviwoial varliakhvf wearegh id to observe that kingston now pub lishes a newspaper daily bftttish whig on mon day herald on tuesday chronicle and gazetteand weekly commercial advertiser on wednesday british whig on thursday spectator on friday chronicle and gazelle ami weekly advertiser on saturday competition is tid to be the life of trade le us see how it works in kingston as to the the ex pense of reading and advertising an advertisement which in a daily paper would cost 5s 7id for the first week would cost in the four papers aforesaid would cost lis 3d just twice as hiuch thc subscription to a daily paper would be six doll ura arc too little two pou ltd much wiiile the less than fon i four papers aforesaid cannot cost pounds montreal htrald yesterday was tried before the hon mr justice tyre and napeuil jury the case of david ruther ford rs thomas men it for 500 damages incurred by certain slanderous expressions made use of by llie defendant on several occasions against the honesty and general reputation of the plaintiff the patties are from ueatiharnois after hear ing a few witnesses on either side the jury re turned a verdict for the plaintiff for forty shil lings farting which cover foil com ib despatches from the colonial office received at the britith consuls office newyork by the last packet ship and addressed to his excellency lv governor in chief were brought to this city on sa turday evening by a special messenger in obe dience to his orders we learn that he left the pac ket the same evening at the montreal post office ond that accordingly it would only be despatched to quebec by last evenings m il to our readers may remember the visit of the bri tish cutter postboy to newyork obd the mysery attached to her arrival from the circumstance of her being without a cargo and bringing hut a single let ter to a commercial house in new- york it ap pears she was sent to the united states for a cargo of teas to sail thence to thc cape of good hope and be the first vessel in england afterihe operation of tne new system which would entitle her owners it is said to some particular privileges their de sign failed as another vessel anticipated her the sale of her cargo took place at london on the 16th december ib labuir el tabetur in omnc rolnbitis actum iasx saturday chronicle gazette and weekly commer cial advertiser was kopt back in hopes of receiving the elec lionofspeaker had the journal who has been men tioned been kepi back till he had thc felicity of receiving the election ofspcaker he would have comoout tf tlio greek catond to ihe great loss pflhs urasw who the honor of exchanging with him cii contemporary is not original for in from thu gazette extraordinary tifi5th jantlwt- this day at three oclock hia excellency the lircitenant governor proceeded in start to the legislative council chamber and being atcd on the throne the gentleman usher of ihe ijftk hod was sent to direct the attendance of the commons house of assembly at the bar of that h house who being come thereto thc honorable the speaker of te legislative council said it was his excellences cflinand that they should repair to the usual place d sitting and there choose a fit person to be their speaker and that the person so chosen be presented f hie excellencys approbation on the following day the house then withdrew friday i0h janvary 93 the house of assembly beinff again assembled at the bar of the honorable the legislative coun cil marshall s bidwell esq informed his excellency that the house of assembly hfld cho sen him for their speaker and claimed the usual privileges his excellency the lieutenant goverwor was pleased to approve of ihe choice of the louse of assembly and then addressed boh houses of the provincial parliament iti the following speech honorable gentlemen of the legislative council and gentlemen of the house of assembly you have the satisfaction of being convened to promote by your councils the welfare of the people at a period when the increased activity with which every description of improvement proceeds through out the province assures you hat the general in terests of thc colony are greatly prospering the exertion perseverance and spirit f en terprise so conspicuous in each district and the independence and comfort which the more industri ous portion of your population has speedily attained are obviously the early advantages resulting from the flow of emigration to the province and from the useful public works which have been accomplish ed under the direction of the parent state and of the legislature of this country these considerations will doubtless chiefly en gage your attention in deciding on the menns that can be prudently applied io encourage the present ardor forimprovement and to cirry into effect the undertakings which have been projected to con nect more extensively the navigable waters of some of the most flourishing districts the completion of the grenville canal and other public works on the river ottawa has brought the ideau navigation fully into operation the internal commerce carried on by the welland canal increases and will be extended by the improv ed communications in progress on the grand river gentlemen oj the house ofjtssembtyi i feave directed to be laid before you the annual accounts the estimates of the amount required for the public service of the current year and state ments of the casual and territorial revenue with these documents will be transmitted for vour examination detailed accounts of the disburse ments authorised during the prevalence of the dis- ae which by the dispensation of divine provi dence again afflicted the province l4itf4umuuimdiiihr than yin will think it rauht to provide for the repayment ot the sums which have been distributed hy the boards of health honorable gentlemen and gentlemen the laws which are about to expire will demand your attention the several acts passed by thc provincial legis lature to protect the interests of individuals incase in which the loca tribunals could not interpose have sut2stpd to hismajestys government the propriety of recommending such a revision to be m3de of your legal institutions as will prevent a de lay in ihchdministratiouof justice in similar instan ces which might constantly occur i shall have occasion to communicate with you by message on this subject and to convey to you the views of hih majestys government relative to the arrangements proposed for the reorganization of the post office in these colonies the assurances which i received from the inha bitants of this province in the count of the past year expressive of their attachment to their sove reign and which it became my duty to forward io he secretary of slate lor the colonies have afford ed his majesty the highest gratification these further proof of ihe devoted loyalty of the people of the province and of their sincere and ear nest desire to maintain and perpetual the connec tiou with tho empire of which they form an important part will 1 am confident be duly appre ciated by you and hy all our countrymen who in tend to fix their abode in this favored land b whi kingston friday evening jan 23 1835 on wednesday evening we isued an extra containing the speech of his excellency the lieut governor since when m have no later parlia mentary intelligence if we except a doubtful report in the courier and patriot of the defeat ac mr mckenzie in a motion for the cotrlmittce to en quire into the grievances of the country the speech which will be found in another place is an averagecne itspenks of the increasing prosperity of the country and promises the long expected re form in the colonial post office the tories of toronto appear overjoyed at the rejection of mr mckenzie as alderman and hail the election of the new mayor r b sullivan esq as the dawn of better days and better prospects may they not be disappointed mr bidwehs election to ihe chair of the house of assembly ha afforded the country sincere grati fication he is allowed to be the first commoner in the land and all parties are satisfied with his as sumption of the highest dignity in the power of the people to bestow we take pleasure ih holding forth to the scorn and contempt of all reformers the names of two traitors mcdonald of stonnont and mr cornwall ot the western district both of whom have forfeited their allegiance to their constituents by supporting that arch tory mr mclean asspeaker we make no complaint again these men for being tories for in a free country like this they hate s much right to be such w we have to be a whig but e loudly declaim against them for having carried their election as staunch reformers and thc moment they were chosen deserting the cause they were elected to support mcdonald of stonnont was pitted against mclean gained a majority over his rival through the instruuiemahty of dr bruce the other member and the first vote he gave was for mclean at speaker wearehajjpy to notice that mr shibley of fron- tenac and mr yager of belleville have proved them selves hones men and true maugre the predictions of that knowing yankee he of the chronicle wc mean well and a a proof of our uudimiimhei affec tions beg to apprise liim thnl two wcri- uch as iule pre tension cinootbea term montreal herald oh sloi my old hero i if this your renown 1 la ihuiie new go kick man when hes down t when he foe has knocked under to hit him a whop by the fist of our father we blush for thee slop i t a late toronto paper the recorder con tains an atrocious libel on ihe character of vv- tkennedy esq now acting clerk to the city council at toronto we have full authority in say ing that tie whole of the charges alleged against him are false tnd malicious and have no foundation what ever for their circulation mr kennedy never was a guager he was a procollector in the city of ar magh mr kennedy never absconded for any de falcation in hia accounts he entered into business in armagh after his retirement from his situation whatever mr kennedy politics may be as a man and a gentleman his character stands unimpeacha ble ft7on tuesday evening at mr leahys ta vern there wasa meeting of the mechanics of this town friendly to the erection of the penitentiary after some desultory conversation the meeting was adjourned to tuesday evening next the petition of the mechanics opposed to the penitentiary has been very numerously signed e7 after ten days continuance of soft and warm weather winter in all its rigid steinness has again appeared the sleiehing in the neighborhood of kingston never has been better thau it io at pre sent e7we have inserted to day the t dveftiscment of a new philadelphia publication entitled tub gentlemans vaok mecum it promises much and is cheap co iv 1 should bo f lj to the editor of the sfulfsh whto sib 1 have bcn jut called on to s jgn c pciition respect ing the penitentiary my opinion is thit nothing niyntfjcu j x p tiary should be sold wiitin this pratincc thattie fcnd and eluthmg if th ted by themselves that a fiir as possible alt things necc f r officers and mfflqm cunnocted with ihe fiiitcnii- we ari t frmiltes mhnuld be produced by the oobvkw and livto aspart ofoiar talariu that the overplus manufactures produced by the trades car- rwi on in the penitentiary as before observed not necessary the idea of our learn- eo contemporary is not ummih iui may icsjo tlie editors of a defunct journal presented to their readers the imports by ihe ottawa uncharitable fellows designate such expres sions as specimens of slipslop style the canadian press is in a sad stats m the erudite journal who so impatiently longsto bag the election of speaker nays some well merited compliments to an excessively luminous and eloquent article who ap peared in the herald of 12th inst laudari a taudatis must be exquisitely gratifying m the writers feeling lu thjj learned critic s admiration of repuiiated rlum ve cordially agree repudiated ihouh more peculiarly applicable to the chain of matrimony may be extended to any other chain he also concur with the erudite commentator in his approbation of invested with a chain the phmm is beautifully exprci- rive of the calm dignity of a peat man borne down by unme- aited advershy nor is thc influence of astove undeserving of our able brothers flattering applause fire being the most influential of all the elements were tho editors of the herald at all sclfconceited they trouldgrow a cubit after havine rend the strictures of the chro nicle a gazette and weekly commercial advertiser won herald the canadien btatcs that ihedoycu of the house of assembly hac had a new attack of illness in thc form of an apoplexy that he is exceedingly weak and little hope remain of his recovery if the member of uk house having rciumcd uou wgincd their scats mr perry movetl for leave to bring in a bill jbr the sale orihe clergy he- serve which warranted nod the bill wis read a firt iimeiitdoo spe cial mottoo referred by mr perry u a select comraiuce to be composed otmmn morrison small chibolm and nonoo the speaker then reported tlie speech from the throne which he read mr robidon precoielt2cnctiiioiorjoun pooih nnd 353 other ejectora of the coco- ty of leed praying osalnstihc return of o- k gowao anor s jame son as members ftrsvu county before leave waagridicd mr cow an rose and at considerable lengih defamed oq loc proeeedioga of ibe late election in that ctmbxft whicb he paid very little regard io trath ihe priocipal grounds of hia assertions being based on falsehood ebax jin- the disorder wbleh oeeorrol on the friends of xttltti buell haw ard and gray these he attempted to aupport by affidavits equally talse with his own siaieroeais iu ciet never did any one listen to a detail so completely false from beginning to end lie was supported by lb learn ed attorney general it not being usual to enter into the menta of peti tions ooibeir presentment no rfply was made as no raembcre of ihe hooae present were acquainied with the facts of ibe eaftc tae tacts will however come ool in due time wheo the house will have ihe op portunity of appreciating the merits of mr cowans statements the petition wae received and as usual laid on the table several other peti tions were presented by other members oie by mr mckay signed by mr johnston sappoeed io relalc to ihe curleion election a great number of motions of bills and other measures were given five orw by mr mcnab obout a dozen by mr mckenzie several by hot perry samson dr duacombe and others mr robun moved that ibe portages of member be charged in the coniingeneiea of the house a long nnd uninurcjrting debate ensued which ended la ihe adopuooof ibe motion the house then wmtrisrec scarier tfra elrction of mr bidwell as speaker yeas messrs alway bruce chisholro cook duncomlie of oxford duncombe of nor folk durand gibson gilchrist hopkins louni mcintosh mackenzie mcmicking moore mor rison norton parke ferry roblin rymal howard shibley small smith waters wells wiuon wookertnn yager 30 nays messrs attorney general isouhon brown caldwell cornwml gowan jones mccra mcdonald ofprescott mcdonald of glengarry mcdonallofstormont alcdonetl of northumber land mckov mclean macnab mallock merrill morri richardson rubitison rykert sarr solicitor general strange taylor walsh kinson 27 far its inmates should be exported kingston jan 23 1835 robert jeffers for the british whiq bono bf j j- hwisjmm o dinna trust in love lassie hae nac dealins wi hioi foul an i hell prove lassie tatadt tho ye see him thc siller loogue an basbfu air may tell ye i helie him but thing is oa gode thats fair flee the traitor flee lbn lassie ftee ihe traitor flee him flowrels frrh ao roy quo aho fairy bans to pa cm i my bowt sac cosy quo she ilka day ill strew ctn there he may tic an sweetly daut the willta hcan 1 fie him theres blcssin i tlie vera thought what i i flee him quo abet what for should i lice him ritdesthc oight an jrcary iasie winter wins ore chilun whar ae ye sae weary lassie in a night ac killin t oh luvcfchc said an apok one mair poor insjilcns glo ye vec him seek mtrzy in a lregertflsir but flee the traitor flee him quo she flee the traitor lice mm t market pi ktftgstott friday wil an active lad about 14 or 16 years of age as an apprentice in a grocery store in this town apply at ihu office- icjftr aqlf kingston january 23rd isstn 4w beef by tho cwt do at the atall per lb mutton by the sheep per lb do at the stall per lb fresh pork per cwi- freah butter per lb tub do- do eggs per doz american flour per brl canada do do do do perewt wheat per bushel rye do do corn do do barley r do do out do do potato do do h ay per ton- straw per bundle fire wood pel cord sosp fowla couple pork tfieaa bbl do prima cm do prims ib iy jan 23rd 1835 d a d 12 6 a 17 6 03 0 4 00 a 0 2j 0 3a 0 4 22 6 a 25 0 0 0a 0 9 0 0a 0 8 1 0 a 1 6 24 9 a 25 0 17 6 a 20 e 9 0a 10 0 3 3a 0 u 2 9a 0 o 2 8a 00 2 0a 2 3 1 6 a 1 8 2 0 a 2 6 30 0 a 0 0 0 1 a 0 0 8 0a 0 0 0 4a 0 li 1 0 a 1 t 80 0 a 0 0 70 0 a 0 0 60 0 a 0 0 to tub patrowb op thb wm and ihlj sz lz k f t yoblicalion zaof o wer w to u our u day probable we ahould conu o enjoy the tcnve adver8 pirona heretofore m olaamd paper warnconon hoiwer good iheir incliomion a hvn the power to injur us much their circulator bairirto limited but hmt that essential requifite loth l tfoine f newspaper ahouul be placad in any jeopardy by rwr ppearmgonthaaameday we hall change our data to mon day and thursdays after tho termination of the pree ol ume which will ba on the ant friday in january the half aheet which we ban on friday hae iwruio popular we mean therefore to discontinue it andiotheplc of it and its bcger brother to publish two full heet of a aowln er aize at present ve furnish our readers with fouueaftco- himo of now matter per week in futuie wo shall nipply 0tm with sixteen columns but they will be shorter thin de6cio cy in aize 1 1 be tompensatd by the use of smaller tvpe and greater neatness in thc mechanic rlopanmenlbf ifwmtwap- per in the summer time when advcrliements are more plcn- htul then thoy are now we shall most likely ih wma of the same taize as at presenl the country paper published by us on wednesday will ilsohaveto be discontinued and in itsucad offertoour country subscriber the semi- weekly papermadimiouhedrtla the pneuf the semiweekly wto h been one pound- per annum in advance and on pound 6ve htlluic if paid at the end of the year thc forllicominj volume will betbarged venteen shillings and sixpence rash aod one pound credit- it will b observed that the postage of two papers per week is not double that of one paper bcinr ucenrdioff to v predf nuvooly gve shillioss a year with rrtrypnbbtlity tkic im portant alterations fir the belter whitwade io the rates of newspaper postage in the ensuinrr msiod fparliauient that our patrons may have an opportunity of examining the ex- iliungo wc propose befure the commenccnient of aupthcr an nual ttrm of subscription wesliall forward them ia lieu of heir usual papers a few copies of the journal we intend to iv sue and unless wc har from them to llie contrary iiajl con tinue to send and mail tho whig a bofure tikse jfojveror who may be willing to discontinue the paper in its new form are particularly requested not to do so without remuin tbs atnoftasjjf their respective period of subscription the sums tft them individuilly aiebul trifles while to us the y amount oftlleetivelj to sumelhing of momenl we feel assured that ihirt hint will be atlcoded to as il is the first in tha tbapc of dum that has disgraced our paper to those ofour country subscribers who have paid or who have subscribed foj a defi- nitc period not yet expired no additional charge will be made but the twopapcrn per week will be forwarded until their tima empires with respect to the politics of the whig we wish all per sons distinctly to understand that we shall continue to support the glorious march of reform with all our energies but at ihe same time shall studiously endeavor to avoid any collision with republicanism or revolution in this province we hare no fear of encountering any bugbear of that kind the good snseand moderation of the reformers will always keep them within the bounds ofconstitutional demands but we cannot chut our eyes and ears to that which is going on in the lower province and we make this declaration in order that we may stand cleared from any parlicipsfisn either of thought or deed in the proceedings of the ami jjritiah party in that part of aa empire a party whose ulterior designs have lately bon made mnnilcfrt to all ihe world if this candid avowal of our senti nteriuitpaiiunall important tonic ofconverriolion should hf thg means of loin us any supporters we shall regret thecirrum- siance less by reason oftho pecuniary loj than by the know ledge that there are persons in upper canada who go heart in hand with the enemies to the british constitution j 15 brown tailou k i leave to inform the inhabitants of dath and i vicinity that f h iwivp orders ip b t his sliop in this plcc such as favor him with their work shaltfind it punctually anil neatly executed bath january 23rd 1s35 49 prohprrtrsoptrethiknvoltmlkofthr emigrant this journal jk ovvotol ia ihn tomcuu mttecal intriliace ol enolano irklwd sctitland anuavales jl wm otatrtuilwil iliiui iwo yrars iiice aod jt uiird volume will be- pin with ih year is33 iw nocrns h bceo itihly flaueiinr and tdjt twficmhrrxperiiiiiotiaoflh proprietor thr kmftikantik inirnitd for ihr ueofoie nomerooa britisb mi drni uponuiiv tontmrnl il itrtjith convicting of all thelocat news or tho tlircc kinftitoiii ihr ihiuirrmi oeriirrinrc m ihe minrn aghctillurnl rnl mariuficiatia dimrrriy n writ i the mighty atiropolui of eng buvf the intern improxcminl isr corprtnuion procerrfing of the lii1crernovnnnj cih- rcavirkntic trial sec ore ibiihfullj- recorded fltsn trif sfiotin tfitclliceiire maf of uie lniicet f of bnokrupti am it events i ivc nil urmiuttl umlcrdlinci hcuils and atbptrtl o irtt ilriiih reside ota in lm country as cannot obtain acecsa toahcnr litth papers tc mlmdi of t emigrant arc liberal aad tmpahul and oot hnrpc4i by any rnupj afnaifti spiri ithabfvrr it i pumilitd cvrry wcdnciliy ni no 76 cedar strcei sew york ni thri dottur pr innuiit f lili in udvnnc the cxtnivc cro1ntinn of ini kiigr a nt among people from the old cooniry render a ii an exciltcut velnrtr lr lum aod other ftdveruac- iiirntf conveying mprrmvm vprr tttetf fmtm jwimpff tztanttte albloan t ptibhshedon saturday nnd the emlgrafft n nwlay the two jufv convey to uoc oeroag whoubacrlbo i both ihr news rrom eurnpe iwice a week aod render the inilcnc im oreai nnuun complete hvcry n object or mportaoce crtberoffe- ueral or iocai inierrl apkara ia one or the other of thom vrrv cbcaf and comprchcnnue journal strayed from the premises ol mr d williamson a small red cow with a white face and short home giving milk whoever will return her to theowner willbe reward ed for his trouble kingston jan 20th 1835 wanted a good milch cow inquire at the commercial hotel icnrjsion 20lhjany- 1935 n 2 abchitbotuhal drawing thji subscriber having commenced teaching ar chitectural drawing m evening class will lie be gun from six mo nine oclock likewise a limited number of pupils will be taught tlie princif les and sracticeof land surveying and making finished bus m v fr particulars apply at the schoolroom norths west end of brocksfreet alexander awney kinzrston jannnrv 19ih 1335 48tw rou sale on monday the 2nd murcb 1835 at noon will be positively sold to the highest bidder the su perior and well known steam pacuct st george and all her appurtenances intending purchasers will obtain every information and have an opporru nity of examining the boat and furniture by apply iui to the subscriber sale to take place on board the boat moored alongside imr strange wharf davjd john smith kingston ja ll tlfliccofihecatoraqok bridge cotnpadv krsii ii i juyls j the annual mkkiing uf the 5n kli ders cf the cutaraqui bridge company will tdke place at this office tut monday thc 26th instant or ihe purpose of electing a president and directors for thc ensuing vear aareeable 0 the act of incorporation g p- corbett sec 4- treat c b g for sale by the subscriber 000 pairs of india rub- bek shoes r caldwell kingiion jaautry 3rd jq36

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