boots shoes gloves c a j ferns has received a part and hourly expects the re- mainher of his fall supply of ladies and misses london made boots shoes all of iihmnosi teauiinble kinds viz pritnrlla slippers black and colored mines ami booi- cloth boots golorfied do fur boots and shoe carpet slippers carriac- snow and iliis ter boot 1 case ofladies aid m isser extra made nioei such as arr in the citvi fancv and other boots and made only for retailing hi the mt shops also 2rrnssofbovaihlcltildrro boots and shoes laditv kid and other gloves gentlemens buck and kid do of the best quality and being imported direct from the manufactory can lie afforded vei lo trtimb skin wool stock best london inulc intrtioiiitenns hirer sized biuselstninellinir un moose der kiding boots and a inrei assoonwjil of ladiess gentlemen yoiih and children super or india rnhhei oier- hoes london urewed roam and skivers rnsii loathei shoe thread awls black and mairpie llirulm- fllnor ilanri puches sim- micks hest polished lisijn turk- shoemakers kits and wnirhinakeiv files ilall- etend patent heel sprigs sjioo buckles slides and ornaments tor i a ilea shoes kincslevs supe rior london vantfxh for harness leather and shoes patent leather and patent leather straps and all kinds of manufacturing uiatutials hi the shoe line also a very extensive assortm lit o leltiivr consist ine of bfrt philadelphia bend new york best inspected cood nod damaged spanisi sole leather 20 dux new york cu skins heavy and middling buenos ayrea very hcavv do upper len til es and kips lining and binding skmg black goal morocco buck md doc skins a lai ire quan tity of his own manufactured boots and shoes con stantly unhand making ills assortment the best and mott estnwe h b vf iilrd for stle all kinds of work made to order as usual at the honest notice a liberal discount to wholsale cus tomers kingston novenher 134 31 new irmictio thy pltomxci m jistlct r m wtjtwft m m w m nr u bnw lv i pp c w tio tin rk fniwnin i i- llir lflw i ilhnlg tr nf i rlilirr nfilir irnrc rflmv i rafr1 fiwin rircl irt- rtie uifiilnifr inl nfwrwkiwivxtrwpt ll law ril p vw mtrnlnihtw brwml pwkr l jnfcr m- irnrv nivl nther pllmir trrr ilrntvl hw r a ll i -rrflr- wilt nhn illicl whi h- vi i j mirnnkukdl brtnrtltww wrrwl of ts m u ihr rr 1f m will i- ll nriwnl 1pit canimin i7n- oiw kri twi i will dtxniilht ii k wnwpflpr imimrnltfir phowim pipr kn clin rriloh li- cle stnr 1i pi nfeiffwn h turi cticmht r ft thmd lilwl in- vui nwninn mm ljrr riiifl ihtmlllliftllfam wili to viinkl i u fl cnfttb livr on ilii irllmr kftomthe pkrtm untkl respectfuliy informs llic in- hnrmmtsnf kingsronani t 0 travel ling community that he m icmsini that rxunsivc and commrnlion house of entorwinmcntt known h the name of the kingston hotel where it is his intention to devote tin whole of his time sni study to the comfort ftild convenience ot his guests the kingston hotel lias lately underffone n thorough repair has been completely refuniihnl and painted and is now one of the liandnnhl public houses in the province it i admiral well situated for the convenience of tiavellers boiiur near the lake shore and commanding a full view of the arrivals and departure of ilustenm bouts from which passengers luireage ill be conveyed by porters attending the wharves on purpose- to the domestic arrangements of he houc ihi- greatest attention will he paid a ms rir tsible nill be kept the beds will bt of the best decripiiun and the wines and spirits of superior quality connected willi this eihlilunrnt i n lorye and capacious yard with excellent stabling kiugston may 9th 13j 27 notice notice is hereby given that iho nrcoints of all persons indebted to the inie finn uf it each a vanjllsttsei that are not pnid or arrnnacfl oil or before the 1st day of jammrv i3o will hv placed in the hands of an attorney cot iudisri iminau- colleciion elijah hkacii kington dec 4tlu 1s34 35 aew stokk the subscriber liegs leave to notify to his friends and customers and the public generally that he has opened a general assortment of new ioods whieh he intends selling at low priced and will take in payment all kinds of country produce with house and field ashes and alt kinds of furs d- robllw lot no 21 5th con frebericksburgh22d dec- is34- s 40lf to reyt tflb commodious dvrltiu in hnrriefield for- merlv occupied by john r- ilovt k- lately y doctor hartley oc the 1 3th rfgi the promiwa being so well ujiowu do tint reipiir furiher h s tip tion apply to walter mclxwiffe- kington 20th may 1j4 livery stattle in thk reir of mil john mtcknan 8 storft ptoul strkvt nrarlv orroitt the oouugftrial hotel- te huhscnber heirs leuve to hiftul the i irlr m oi k rtiwtno that he ia rcem kc irf ul horrij cnuers slrhihs sec liy the t triitioi hi will rit enmimunocti tiih hortaare of the moi pripi ihcripiinu antl the cultrra and blcichs will furnihid l excellent harney and mouutiui at w lirst uui- litv terms cjmsil john mckay kinrou dffe qiti is1 j on b flours v r the sttlsnlr ifiiielul iw ihr patronage hclm received uftj to infiirui his ftieiids tiinl the publu that hefltill prize mlsijkui it is hereby announced that tile jf ati kal history sqoucty of momrcal has rvhilyed to oiler folr medals fur the best essays presented during the prpmllt year mednuareoflered accordingly 1st for the best essay on the cotmcction between the features of a country atid llm eharacier of its hi- imbiiantk 3di tor the het bway on the peculiar size and nbir of lakes in the norihtrrn pari ot both con- tiiicntv jcl for the brat essay on any scientific subject it the discretion of the write- 4th for the best evay ufl wiy aubject connect ed with literature generally the rondiiious are l the essavs shall be presented on or before the 20ih nffebruary is35 3nd the bssay may be ill french orenglish jrd the numea and residences of the author must be concealed 10 ensure which each eay hall have a m tto and shall be accompanied by a scaled note supi rseribetl with din same motto jml emitaiuiug the name and residence of the am or tf is note shall only be opened in the case of die essay being declared worthy of a prize uulgrvte it shall he destroyed 4 th the successful essays shall remain the pro perty of the society 5b thfi sirnry -i- irvis to itself ihr rudii tfi wtililluld tin prim nliuuhl nn one of the esajv on tni particular suhject appear diwtrvitf o it tlu etayy arr ti be addressed to a f llollhrv m d corrtspumjing ertefary of the society andrew h armour on 23rd 1834 recanting secretary shortly hill lit imhlishkt a comprehensive view of the doctrine cl the w e powf tif ins ci ik of the holy ghost with the power of being a plan drawn from find supported by writ accnnlinir o the s stent prt of old u the apostles of our lord and sawmu jrns clitit iiul in these hitterdays revived ami prnnnilaul iv the rev edward irvmir in hriiam and in ih rev messrs r caiwl and unirttf ri t n in this province lly a miinsler nf the uospi i- csnbcriplinn will be revived in tnructm messrs k leslie a sotiachnrli pah liu kowcli antl at the post ofive in mr j rallmi toronto ctll deeeinbei isii whojcsnlc sl kotil grocery tea wine and general i ro imii lrv mjrket sqcjre patrick euan respeeiliillyinfnrmsihuml rant ol kingston ami surroitudintj cotmtn ihe ins recetvetl direct fioin aloimreal and other m trs a choice frxeartincnf of the futiwtnc njtk nliich he intends to dispose of at tiitouall juices witter spirits groceries fye strniip jimiitn spinu crfiun itrimlv hnlbmmtiti sujjvnur im ron maflfttta wine tpprr cntkih vlitker yomiif nntl tllil 1 1 u tea twuoktv niitl iluk do coin mti rtilc irtrirl fltnl tfiffiivtilft iiir pli piir mill rtnlisli tithven ah llrmii- cml fuli rnl vlirhtir s 11 ui i 3lltimr knuin figs alniiiulji jfef prim moss and oda hop pirk ike bl smtikttd prk and mimon hi supcrhric flour oal ami indbn meal fik com btvms ptios c- c so tlu cnrn dfooms lwmksall 50 rrauu wrapphy pipr a iituliiv ofewmc ailil tullvoto 1 crmf a5nriiit crtifkcrv 20cul aatoriemi rinvc a iiiiititv snap cntulle rtiri it 11 l -i- w k 111 jiii on hat ij licsl blue rke barley niorifmii applet butler ecg p h intriitutilukivbi ucii lifinor i iniii3 11 niirbi will wiii by pvin llic al niilthijtihui npflll njur uiev will ruceiva the hisliti pmc cjeiir iy tfi the r iheir rwtronflce umicill th and him- iiisiness o me- eoitiinies to uiaiiuluture to order at his shop iti ijati1 tvmh stunts of ahnnst every decnjftion window caps st sills vcave vipr unit u earth stokes end eiwv othi r arte le in the stoin lhniins line on i lie shoriesi noiicn and the most reasonable irnis auuaai lott 1 all kind of produce leeeived i ii rsh lrr irrx ilcscriptiun of produce iniihoci tsik the subscriber tenders his thanks to the public fur the liberal nntronage he lias received wnce lie has been hi iuines ami iikes ihts meihnd to inform them thnl he keens rnnsttly nn hand tin uh fhel firm ware iwkkhi billon and j loves wliis citfsirs combs iuttocs sewinff ilk and threrd njfl many mhrr article tun doinerohs for detail ipit iitr onnti merchants and pedlers uhh eni us hail on advantageous mns b ul ihe tfhftlfif the bear market square tieesi feaihvs pipr raj old few ter c per and mrass deer fskins sheep skins btv vix tallow e- will be received inpayment tltitihtsf firiti jmtdat alt iim4x hi cash fur fvtf- if riloe who have iniseitled accounts wll please call to settle die sime wa lv so dome il v hlfiliiifis bartoxfhillips kiji2suii feb ijs5l 1 ppyiig j- prortpecrrs f a treatise on aftlci 11 ute adapted to tltb cm m ate and fliaemiktanrm w eanaoa a boenttfti proxideiiee has fnrnihed canada fflth inexbausted resources of wealth in her must fertile anil v climate which is by no means milii- vourablo to agriculture the due improvement ol these hz other natural advantages is capable ol living riches and everv roaconable onjcymeiit 10 her present atid a vastly ihcreased popuhiiiou the importance of agriculture to canada must he obvious to everv one capable of formin a sound judgmeui m such matters 1 affriculiure llml ouit aflbrd the direct supply of all her greatest wants it must in this aiid in every other country he the parent of manufactures and commerce antl the best means of promoting civilization and popula tion consequently it ever will be the most universal oltd useful of arts in almost all nations the ri08 powerful individuals derive their wealth and con sequence from their property in land cultivated and managed by the husbandman agriculture therefore and agriculture alone can support us without the help of others in certain plcn ty and real dignity while our ground is covered mth corn and cattle we can want for nothing manufactures and delicaces that we may require from without corn and cattle will purchase if we ill only raise them in abundance and excellence from the importance of agriciihure and the great interest that is consequently fell on the sub feet in the british isles and other commies ol europe a varied and voluminous mass of know- ledge has been accumulated which would be most useful to every one who would wish to practice the art with success himself ol understand when well piacticej for him by others to combine as far as practicable the portion of this knowledge which i conceive to be most useful and necessary for ihr study of the canadian agrieuhtuist is the object ol the treatise which 1 have now nearly ready for the press and the plan of which i submit with gwni defcience to the consideration of all those encased in the arl the sources voui tilirrh j uftc utfi elections arc the modern british and fretted author of decided reputation ami merit with nn own observations iu experience during my earlv years in the occupancy of extensive farms in ire land chiefly as a grazier for a period of ncarlv seventeen years lhat i have been a farmer in canada several years ot the latter period i have bad tlu honor to be secretary to the district and county ot montreal agricultural society- i propose o publish the work in four or five parts the fust part will ffiveahort view of the oiiirin pnress uui present state of agriculture ammifi guiueolthe ancient and modern nations pavticuhu- y ureal britain france flanders the united plates file i am aware the past slate of agricul ture ran do little more dwin ennifv die coritwity nt oits present state which iscalcukited both in rxi ile imr elriiwitv atitl alfect our inic ret there i probably no country hich i simm rfer to llml toes nnt possess snuie uhnial nr vefftlfthle pr- iluetioii nr pursue snmo nmde of eulturp or itn- iiaeieent that miirht he benelieiallv intruducud hi- locsttmdu but with the exception of thi cotilltrin ilmve named and parts of italy and switzerland there are no veiv interesting hepoiis ol aitrieuluui if niher parts of buiope with which i am aerpiaiii ed at present- the stenud part will exhibit a mu rine iiw of the science of airricuitine and the tineiplrs on u hicli the upcralinus and results there- nu are founded the third and remaining part- will apply those piiuetples to the prarnee of auri en if lire adapting diem to theclimare and other ctr- riimsianees of canada and conclude with a few ubsn intinus on thai portion of the trade and cmii- merce of ibis country in which fanners may be di rectly or indirectly interested convinced us i fee that the produce or airicut tore is tin- only richea lhat ilie peoplr of this coun try can rail their own unci which they can never he deprived of it has often astonished me that men of liberal education should in ireneial appeni o luile to regard iis iniproveinenl or prosperity in fact it is treated as a snhjeit quite rcinole from com mon life by nearly all who are not immediately en- ftfiid in it they peihaps cannot allow theiu- srtvps to believe that agriculture alone can furnish the means by which trade and commerce can be carried n successfully in canada i sincerely hope to induce all who may take the trouble of reading my book to reflect on the sub jects i shall submit for their consideration and that they will join heartily ul promoting necessarv improvements and thus advance the wealth and prosperity of the land of their birth of the choice as a w ork of ibis description cannot he pnbliheil in english and french without incurring consider- a we expense it would he necessary forme to hive as many subscribers as would insure my expenses subscription lisle will be left at the several book- stores in montreal the work i expect will nor exceed four parts at is ik each part the liiv part to be publihed when there are a sufficient num ber of subscribers i expect lite whole might be published before the lirst of may next the four partfl will contain from 230 to 3011 pages and may be bound in one volume i shall do all in my power to make the book worthy of tin patronage nf all who desire to promote the pros perity ot agriculture as well as of those who prac tice the ari wat bvan cafe fift paul dcria 183 in ioxd ox uxeof packets tu sail thf first ash tlxifexth o f 3 mnstii hie line is ai prosml rnipfcl of elgin hin liirh wi hniiiftir fivm iyw york and london tn ih mtimi ii rpi porteniftiiui oniho suinnd 2iiiho very mi ini tin- n nfmilins im lill on sunrfiy in uliirll caac il will lit rlifitrvd lill nest ilay fkom 1vejp york i o ship ritsiinnt course monro masicr 1 slnp iixtarin w s sthor mnnicr ski montkkak i ii cliiimphin master 1 sliip i 1 tin iiii lliiiiiii mular lasjiin wvkbeifn kramov imuier april 1 ship iiaxxiitai v- ii mrliarj naler april ii ship nilladkirihae f morgan manet may i ship samsl x d chadwick mamcr nom roxnox ifi canada imivif porkiiionili drcfmucrso i sovfimhjn iivm porttmohih jan s lillaxmfai davp pordmonlh jan 90 t l feb 5 insamsdx bow prtrhmooili oil so l iiisiiiixt avi rnrtmotiih nov 5 ifi oxtaicio liivlriinoiilh nov 20 lrii rriniiuli december 5 iiiin nhiifilh liri rlasn bbnnisoo ions imriln omititrnliil liy jihle ami oxpcricnccd navigaiorj jan il kl mar mar i dor jm jan pih mi mar htr april tlwi mil bit ilrcni ram will ik iikun licit ilie ilrft store c orcoftho imi tlimiiitioii tlir pric of ihni pi3 uutwan andc nu nsrrcniciit ntrri into in ronjiitiriion with il prnprictor af thextvora iivirpooi iatkm lanw i bow fixcil at sl20 0sriif4vc of wintv ami jnimm which will he furnished mrli isrncr nl ihr rtilillhicl tftt5 that nre fittl to the nnntiil rani th it will itvfouthloa board nach of the ships tor rniel1 r pttvajm applv cillwr of the coinmnnjers on btninl tlw jttlpv nrto tifak wfuirs fo no lootvmnn it lonhon john ckisvvolj t0smllinrl kw york lilnnmxi mlniilsn vtk ll frontttraet r siuiihim run 1 i i rim iurtnionfli f where thesa pftkot ttp i liiiil iiil nreivc pihingcr i ditlvrcnt patli f jimijiitii jiiii in in 4 tie4ioflt kvrv tnf rnuhin rlitivc f iliiiino f packet ship may tw rjitaim hv ipjniiitii m rhln nuve geivtlejen vade mecum tr ilie ffi lrrt ii rr sport iur ii itridlls miiris of in uumtt ii krt ivfjtuhvirjr tl wit im rommrn tt filltadnt- pihaikhi ivrwokil trvrfif ihiilhivi mtmittwtvc ijiio ilch lihtuilvit rirrltly fttrpf it la tnwiimor lhnintttitn i11m nmie wti pumniiiv ihtmtc lttkhatcbk ilt ttrf spoftt- int- nniltho eathis vmm the grtw in- wiihlt and jnitnuing rhni- nfitr iflilnl svttw tml ihr fiar nsviitiilmiit nrilip niuiiu iifpriiiv willi wfcnlrvit prrtinhi il ratlmml krrrrirkftij of lifr ii it lrrnmr i ihnt iw imirril pntttivbf ilr prryinnr of ii uijl jmplo im lo livtfy t jvr n n 1 1 tlrrrniiaatroit to niitjcr them frobri- vw in ia li nniimn nfo rmirl lil in ntl iniirirr n tmintp ib lr- mini tftlllkil liiil l nit il wiili i liiital rim nvililnlis tufiptut foai aa rolitiuimtl ininmiuihy inrvrry qtimlcr oftiw rutin ir- the ititxijlf fki irtnn oni iiirlui i1nn ft wfftm ht iivifiill 1icvil wioi nny of hir fiii nt- ii tiii rltv loiinr n 4 jinl ikiriifncirt hu bf en uil iim iitt ihirrwiinf nliififr ivhirh ihr prnivirvihu work had in mvtftimnl m iftj n ivfttntf iiiihlity nuril hourver fit tf nirt- i rrrliillli nli i rltilt 1 propfly i v l v- fir t ilnh ipitirml im rilil rn iti jtiftniiiq rnrnpomtccil i r ihr tnnti tipllmvtiuo hislcntl np ntnrtti ni uetft eltcu l r i i s ii iii t niwef ial pir it columns ti ihnnitiillmtlimitrh wltrim lurw piitilklinn ncoouii- -m- prrwtn in ilwnil m hr pnldir its piwpcctive jilirnriiaiw it 19 nfeoary hviti1kii- ilini up mudiinl limrc iimim tr r out us it j if iltrm ihiiiw mm rh il il t tws vhsim in jo iiteil tlititt the more rm my nrrotiruhcf ihr hltliltrr i i7 rtiilitl ihfl whmcvrr indoftrj aliflfk wsfchifil ritrtn hi in rmivtnc flu- litlini itp vtl ht joe ml ihf hun wt uih i itii1lilii1 orrwfliil in itir omvecurjcvi ii1m iitfitii r im tit iv mt iarhnv u brih and irigtahic r- uil ta uiiiiim1m jinil rniilturi tilt drama will lum n mfiri portion nfihc crnlknvn viiib mvnn iliii infrrvlml in i m lilrfdmrff rrry vik nneo- iif- iy full vi loin mrbvsh willi mltethijrii ihririiierildnlflitr li jrvirin lttmnr will h htia ii n1lri- 1tiiiiiv- pmdoc- iimii v- i i tii i fv niitl i idfirt i iiinni iirraii1y cx- wiii u in ithwh ttiil riniiifiiitvit ly ihfir hrrviiy w it ii i iilir1i imhim lrh- ml tftiplnimt krirlirf ancploic hi 1 in ii lii trprvihii mmiiii tfw prr m antl pa41 ngt of nwin r nimil ihtjln di tpi1 hn t in h till t1 r a ttihtit nird will hr kl ofall tlir rmnir9 3nj tratuitr iiml iii irtln riiiri nud lvitand nixrajihirn and corretl isril ftfrtktralnl ltihiih ln d ftrr wmi pllllci1 onctf h hhmtli lvnt ci rrtivr 11 im btim ntatitcruirni ki nd iriifi- itfi i- n buur fninli will l pinknlrly ckcceif spnr71ni iihvi hi inltnwill tw n nidi account of m 1 trin n vtai yittimrtlr kxirrie aiiualtcpx lift i siiithr a wll ivlrfvdtorncrtril litr rufs pi ilintl t1ls pillkon- a flitim rrirw will 1m pro- rtir rx itiult pflh- vwhhim unprnwinenb iiwl rltmjv which c0- wiiriuimtti tlilmcilifr rirrl nataiilly nlrrgo ity whkli it xvitl rcinrii nn niy ink tiv ilfttlw iinij laikr l n dutanc 10 aft r nimtrf w 11 iw- t iitinwcil eoor and nhirrn mjlt- ofdrc l lhiturlic pnditr writrl- piowdhitj 011 trie iru 101 icouruemrni spill htiii t iiit- iiniri cif putii iim hiiplirnjravtisf uiomrativo of minii n ill lht in prrpml rutiltiltiil mlstkllx w a liili ih purptv nfflotfhftt may appear totx i o 1 hi i nr f ivt whirli hnr cii 4 we rkffq it ikmimr fty ismiwrt v rln in ihirlwnttl t ciiidcrawr ptw nlhmvil lor lhr- bimiui iiti nrli5 tdlrn iwtryaii epaoinc nf iv iimh miiu ill tnl t iiy wl ptlcrtlaf anmrisiirni slali itr ihr i m irui-aviimjim- prkr or sthk ti of brolccn im1 oiinhti il s ritr jiiid ill oitiir mrnir- rcganlmg whi ii an iiiirnl hli n p 10 vi at honir or ahromk tlii wiirk lltrn litl wtll t h ilk ahor ji1niuhon of k pro lrfmirli4i 1- piriicitfirly drocd i n cmmruinlnn lr ihc pmron afitn t11hi 11 i jiiii spftriintf knhion r c ii will proc lt riiii itioiljliraimn i t rw will in- aimkmifi valy oftecird lr ttfirrnr lqr ttfirai llin fif nln turn and tdinul iuccly b kipi in ivry ltml in th i uiti tiv it i- wrtliy oriintic lhat if piiirnitrf luihriitrt4iar rlt will l lrniht wifi rift two fmjf- fiirn ir priii of wlilcb pnirly m any of 0orbo1c ti1 hil tintirr n immr itnr llirrf is ail mftfrld inr ri yn am wih amt in i 11-uilr- inlti- nirrhi iii whtirvil llrmnirlk mbrnff it i u itrii ii 11 um mkim ma rouiflrraii4i hh- nitaiiplhil mt wlirli 1- m ihtwipmi ii wuhoin adiituoai rlkir-ri- thit- wihdrr i iiiirirrl arid forrod illhrimlion r uurlf ifnv ail jindtw an in vatunllf f ume tub itijmis pk mktrilr wlubo hbbm wity s iiiitl- nit rii- imw tial wipt fchv larirv- clui nt turcr dtm- larw ptt etimnin payaldr in ndvanc ii rhrloitt4 liw ilhtr utwir hi ihr piimihi pnfn7 pniil lwoo- nv of ihr pnpitwilt in forwitrdil tin y dnrriiniinlimil roroarycor it i rraprwfiitty niiniiiiil thai flne1io lijin niiriij fbr lui juanttil will iirvarj ih ir naim iiiidiauhy lic trrm vili lc rortct- ly ii tit it ml ir adtrsmitii ft altamna atjicnim bnlmilrn tranldnj pi rr phil rtilili hht tlit- f ii r r- will rhanc wdli t ny nf ihnr cnuniry brrlhrcn woo will ahiivi iin4ii with mi icmkil mrrthn miitij advnimmcnf ii vi 12if in 1 zw book ninth ll mri cl in tke pittws am mltlv ueaiy otic rol 120 ffltipttgrs and i i jihhs pnirn 10s hawkins picture of quebec and rra envibosa witu historical rec0ijectwn8 diuwh prow the ntt aornnmc anencrfi ehitotl uf the srrernt pnjn rs in tjjrimtt hunr lntihi irtuch ifitrr inseftuh lu ihr praptus trh r in mdvtrtutmtnt and stttt ttir aihtrtift mbtcrilicf alflti0 uaivklns 47 st uuu strut bw oefrtwr h lgt4 1 jcpositori for fhusfc jsnflwwnfl cxftttb hoktkv ilufsi hv till most ckibratrl al thoflt published ul i dollars per annum bv 1 iionrv atltculftn uuilliiius liinikiin iijko ilillackilmiia hh hnnh factory tiir sitlimtihcr ivjlv iriilly iiilnrot tllc lllltftn- ifkufkiiitiin antl its viriuitv that hehnhixtf riiitiiunn il iirikiiir wlinlotf lwii at his rfi i piiitntlry where lie yttfin rifi iissnrliurtit of tnrrkin h nthl in hopttt liy l niclimiiisatfiittinti hihiisiinstf lu merit 11 slinrv i ill hi it iimjjii j ail mhis furihu above iluukfiimv ivtvmtij ami fhllhlv attentliil to kinfstonmny 2 frai x sargent u11 ly iijtiiiijiilf i to kt on whii u ihr nn h h- w til kimnfti mil a hhi low liir meeting of mo lloiic of asfi3uy ad ihc niipmarjiiiig sesiuri of the provlitcinl ir- liamcni promises to be nnr of vast imprest to the inhabitants nf upier canada the subscriber pin mscs to preserve the jirorettlincs of the house ot assembly in a more durable form than a new spa nri antl to report them at mure ittllglll ami at ihc flame time more minutely thin lia been tlone hcrelnhmv to attain this tlrsirible ohjtmt an expiiieored ui poflttt from enulaiiil will attentl rprrv tilting ufllir i lousc and acciiralrly itoli ihe vorsimr proart- y oftliit body whirii will in puhlishrd in week iy iwnhitki cimikjviing of plxtern pain- larm- or lvrt printed with a good tyjie ami nn line miitl and delivered to subscriben ill lie eity uf toronto tvery saturday afternoon al the md of the pension a tilhiagc antl index will be furnished to each ttbrribrr gmti the whole fonniuc n volaneoi rnat itllportutieu and uovssily to rer- man in rhi ivohiee and a sun imth fa fjtrlur an by a ir- finmiri o ilkkitfis it will lie sere nut olnv ulmt lllifr upioenlalirwr hut ulsowlsal i hey hit tl til to o llic prire ofestrh ntunhrr will he nnrhiilhij pttf abtgan ntuvtrtf an pentm prtirurimr ieittdsrri her iiiilheeihiihii rvbpoitblc for the same nllttll rcreiv oit copv ij aii atfinls will short iy be nilohircil in thn dilf louiis ami the iriva i reit da rity ohsitved in wardioi eniiirt in subsrnlrrh a ilie rviiihni iif the ittftiidftl tmihlietiltou ih pmds entirely upon the suppoti uhirli may he ndd thowhoumi to pnirouur ihenudrrtnk will phase oiiirniu the wmii wmll as uukkjiiii ah mi for iij ihusr whu wiw to plronie 1 ise loitrnif the yann- as mum mllteftlioil addl4ssei to the ulieriher iobepofr a bkbfja w jnf sfrctf prospectus oftitr taeit xnvuivri rn7trrrttov rprotnt- mt avil i vtimkii i tl t ichtiskiti tiioi tl tlllh 10 tiinin ipii vvitkk- n honrhuuaiiijh had ii pjiiiiimii ikmv uu- kuril i iwim in lwir cnnail4 tconv piiilnriinitvitrirfiiiibil alii iratrfit nrirhiiuii il 1- a murreoi nvn 1 1110 riittilkiliini to maiit irihiin it m nn ivr in ihii pr- intr prnii rt- lut ir 111 ihnrvtrr ir 1 tirprtniajiii and ifl- nit nr rrvi iim th rlicl ovan rihrir entitail wdunuwa to nimbly thii cvl aini i tiv t rimarn iliii intlartui uml power id whirh ihrir miiurricnl mitnrch hnrif rtperthliiy niul w w- irr rillllh ilm a miltlbrff of irirbmrll iii loatrral iiavi resolve 10 jstab- ithn eiirr hi lit caiecii qw rih atltocoit lonsiitii ilonul iiionnrr r amnurctal tlvtikcr 5 hlif immihim ill tu eny 011 fh homiav utjimsday n ruioa tirrarhwnk a1t irifh afuftrttic will hr rntiall ilu intiiiiann einr mitt ft it will pare d puttie rrmlit ilrtrww- ciy nlihi hniitralili lim rtittiu ii itih illfuttl iirprml on ihr lfih poi- luinii nrhmli vfp liirri inr ffftw mil nppori bimiji afford inc imii iniraiaitn rn itii 9liljii1 lltiiic c otutttrrre anl liiiraturr a nia ih iit1nhllvr m cuivnj nmtir- tin rtli aikoroh will rrgr- tailj fay lifjoh it- pnirnnim llp htitmtcronir pornonv or trih inttlli- n atiiitrtivu iroinilii natiin rur mnion in ihr present criu ihr rnrrffa- lift v itlth aivmimii mnjl uc tfirtftnl lowtnjf itir pfo- li- km rom nl li 11 al priwii trorn tiriit lenuiiii an i 1rrlmil alid hiirhiin yt ii w ii iai mo iii iniiriuuity atiulvmulqf ihc liirui iilajmi- midr winch ii laim ltniiiry hsttf o ton htlnirci l pk iiiuij with ihronvmihm thai ihi pnly dptvtoprmieoi l hm foninxcirihi- iruvuifi if rtrffcirankiiiai imponaiicr ihc irih a1t c h will in niarmrly a ripr hiiiiijcnliiii ana rlrrfiilly open h rolnnitio ilc minijmivkh iuathra- nay riiikliica tnuio cncral wrlllirr nflficfhinrn 1111 uithii and promol ilnirrukiii4nt aimme tf5 rut pn ilnei i tl u aivkatk will ever hnlil 10 ww tin rofliriranrtjotl of my attci pi m pfaitracc ecrvohition to ww uhf dihin iwm lltr mfhlu cnllluy or inimlixiaclianci in ihc iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiptin w iim imitxni t now phiincr than tfvcf ifiat thofo pprakniic ilu littlih latrnar in 1 iviwiwv nnt rely for thiircih tmr attpl trrury 1rntn 1ir lirili amllhin wtnchtlit paper will it r4tiiiii utl ail lti uki rhiiiiritl mimiih w nil which it will in cxccfl l ik ithiiiu tl ismol dial 11 will r cinantn wiiliihe mvi r hiiim 14 1iohr1l- ui mi aiiii tin in inr will iiiihiir innni cftivnvor to rrmto the paper mi ttl a nil laiui ul i niiitiariihil lliliuigcltct anil ihcv tlirrtf tru iury will nwra ilu uppirt orihrnlhniii11nly nrmcrchanu the klant irininrih w mi in itiiriirt i ii an tiih ituman eniholie gefi- ihiuati nt ilihi atitl 4iarntir in pnlitk llw a ajiwaie will iippnri ilniaii- iirioaiiniiiniial ltinrni il will 0por frprvra anl mijhnnu eilfttf4 ami w at w t nnnw iilirt- for tin trmovaj dl i trirvaihr on alt mvamons him journal will display a hriii nihl gaiitiiiit itilrrmiiilion hi ajvaocr ihc prpeniy oroltl coumn iiiin ami iiariiiiilarlvmrriroriiiicn thrlltlsli ahvikatk will ih printed 011 fooil paper ofthi site ltn il lit ii- 1 iitlili r-i-miii- ol 0t cii dinl w ill he tharcl lo suti irjitf nt rm i linil vrs pi r aiannerhtie ol potr paynuo ciiitaiiimiatiy in iliine pittiiirii r ciiiintr altrrtiaiite nnl other in hoih province who hia li ri in iiiiin i 111 iih hihvm 1111 paptr r irjhviri1ty reipies- 11 lo 111 itihr twi rmrma- in priiinmnr invnhiraon ill their repctf- hi iinitfil i- all vi 0tpin1iu1 wio may primm ulieilir- inl vouch ht ihe rt- mbliu trii iaru will viltlllnl i nw piprr for vwry trm nit t llrtr ii iifiinimi- nlii ii onn to l nn wartletl to eitlkt ofllio att ni- 01 lhi- ril p nn or hrire ilie li nf ivinuary iki mj unlit- will lr invhm m tin cnv at l utk shhct ot joal tanlill and u ill r r st ivioii7 xaxier ireet and 01 the e ikih ni w- itothil mipnti ul jan kttu otue auj peson imlihted to die private estate of thtj lute dtiitcuii vauuutine are reipietod to tnak iiiinediit iivinettl to triian and all person itilt in sn rtiiim aiiioi the siiil private estate ar3 rmpielet 10 present 1 in ssoiie fur ihmtdutlotl li akmtumt v tuiax sexucutow kindlon ailfliinl 3iw 11-