British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), February 12, 1835, p. 1

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waa and general advertiser for the midland district published sejuiweekly onv k n r i a o n p cm pico ft by e j barker at d vol- in kixustox l c tiluksday february 12 1835 no 4- the british whig a semlwerty journal dwotitil it commercial awl politi infitmaiioii is iuiiiikiicli every momlay tliufluy gycnuipt by doctor barker imilur ami vnprulr at iiih ot icc in rear stieul ntt door totlio commcrnul hold- tkhms for the british wihu ycymikci tint ix- senrc per annum if paid in wlvwico of within tlirao rtionlli om the receipt oflliolirl number sind thmpound if col lected ai the end of the year nciutcifhm3gc nosutacription rccoivn for leftftthait x iflonth and no paper ducontinucil until all arrearage arc iid op except ai the option of the publisher tdbtrirscmrntjlsw lilies ami uuitw biinrtiofl and 7id each subseoiioul insertion ten liftrj ami under 3s 4d fimincrtionam iftd caihtfiibiieiithirimri a bote ton unci 4j- per line fur the first insertion and id per line for eteryauhaoqucntinscrlion advertisement without written directions are inserted till forbid ami charged accordingly orders for tufcofltillutttg advertisements to be in writing produce of every kind received in payment no letters taken in except from agent unless post paid jbciter jfvcss printing doctor barker bavins obtaincl 4 itlurf superior pros and n excellent assortment f job tvrk i enabled to execute ovcry descrintion of job printing will itneaud ex pedition j upon terms hitherto unprcecdenlly low in ipper canada wilham r- bartlet respectfully informs the inhabitants of kingston and the miillmil district that he has late ly returned from montreal with an extensive and varied assortment of merchandize which he is now wiling for cash or prompt pay wholesale and retail at the store lately occupied by messrs- parker anil hen son in thk centre of stork street the stock constats of west of england and york shire superfine fine and common broad cloths flushings petershams flannels baizes carpet ing and carpet isagw series tartans domba xines norwich crapes iombnett iruh scotch lhinens steam loom and urey cottons russia sheeting checks ami stripes hook jaconet corded muslins gloves and hosiery with a vari ety of small wares a large and well selected stock of croreries has been purchased by the advertiser which will be sold for cash or exchanged for produce on the lowest pos sible terms fur caps of all descriptions kingston nov 21th 1831 32 wanted an active lad about 1 1 or 10 years of a arc as an apprentice in a grocery store in this limit apply at this oilier kingston january 23rd lr33 nkw fall tiuods the subscribers respbctkillv acfjuaiiil their friends atkl thv pub lic that they are how receiving their usual supplies for the fall jixd ivixtrr trade comprising an extensive and very clmice assort ment of seasonable goods the whole of which will he bund of superior quality nudatcseciduily in prices amoxg tin m leading articles will be folxd a gobat vuuety of broadcloths cassiincre flushings petershams sutinctts and pilot cloths blankets flannels liar and serges worsted ami lambs wool hosiery shirts and pants i iimiu urawcrs ireyi domestic ami tfteam loom cottons printed calicoes turkey stripes and scotch ulug- hanis ladies and childrcns shoes 3 and 6 r merinos uoinbazcus camlets am tartans bombazine crapes c c carpeting scotch irish iiul imitation jliretiijjs irish linen c c sc jfcft c- a general assorfuiciii uf ptwhioimble furs mnfis isnns tippets and swansdown rttlfc caps gentltmens very superior pout1i sea seal armstrong ureiir kingston 7th nov 1831 27 10 f wanted a smart youth as cmipimtor ill the office of the british whig one who has been a year or two at the business wunw im prili red kingston jan 30ih 1935 o00 yards dtmlis khaxaels a capital article for warmth and durability jut re ceived and for sale by the piece or otherwise bv u k haktlet storcsl kiuffmon nov 2hli 131 32 for saii by tilt btlbscluissb 20ooo sesare 01 kem vm tohncco 20 jam superior ai accilun siniir 20 bis rnsni 10 do tir 10 hiils pepper 10 do pimento w n 1vvrtlet storefit kingston nov sidu isjl 32 kimfiston fuuhv this establishment it now in nil operation and rrte pcopfkmr wofd to yiore spe- f fl der it worthy of public enronrajiininl lit tmst that as to materials and urktnauhip and vanet of casting the kisosxos foronv will he found second to no similar establishment and that then will hereafter be no necessity for wilditlff to he united states for castings when they may be bad in this province there will be kept on hand or manufactured tu order all kinds of catlings for saw with ami flour 377 the establishment is now furnished will patterns of the osweeo and koehester plam ami pciwitis building mills ean be supplied h sood uahthnw on as reasonable terms as they can be procured in the state of newyork saw mill cranks fulling mill cranks mill screws at ft lighter screws and clothiers screws die stalks taps am dim for frcrewinir bolts on the best plan sleigh lioes and kai- ning mill irons four different kinds of plondis waff son boxos j pipe uoxe anil vxletrec ui for saie ttoo ooo w burnt red brick bv 9 timothv chapman kinds of country produce taken in payment 4thcorb enestown dec- 2d isl lotf notice is hereby ffiven that the uudersiirned has taken out letters of administration to the instate of the lute hgnta w vilkinon esq all those who are wholesale warehouse tub kiiiihf itfbkits offrk fur sale at their stores st0i0 street for- mviiy orettiird by leslie sotiv the utidefmen tinned ioihis conliic ij ramltcs aladeira tort and sherrv wines llcuecarhi and spanish ketl tlo museovado e india atld wauriiiiis sucars ltuiieh muscatel liaising and spanish filberts k india coinpvfepper 40c it lbs cassia cjqvcd etg blue silttpvta- and epscm salts japan pints do and pjltci hay mtmilivi japan unarts pints half finland paste do warren v qh assware assorted casks also wrought xails3jr i l ox trace halter and ttiggmtj chains spades shovels and frying pans stoves so a 30 in dundee casiin cast crawley and blister steel slwet iron sad irons and hare tfriil paints aborted coler pmtv w luting and cod oil and a few cnes ofunerior champaiffi f achoi brand n imlw jlass assoricil sizes terna vnder 35coslij jc25to x50 direc monilis t0 mid npwnris six muntlis cvetlit by tunikiliiiig ijnroved eiidured mips iiakt bkothbrs co kingston 1st november lft3j 2830 is mv vii and tsvnm waksiktusa the advertiser begs leave io return his sincere hankatu liis friends for the extomivo support he lm rereivid since wis commencement in buaiikes and infum iikmii that lie has removed from wis uhl siand tliiii inrgu and conimoriioih brick sure latch 11 the occupation ofmossts rose cameron and plumed next door to mr olcotts tnveni in stoft eei indebted 10 the same are respectfully requested 10 nowolkwrwitile an extensive nwortmen nay thcamount of their accounts witboitt imuv and 7 yvr consistinjror iorr madvi- thonti terinffclniitns to present them diilv aumemi- l llrs l llw m caed m jjiwuinjim on r indira the ith day ol tv it -d- mavnxi thomas timiti kintun november 1 1- wfcn i ljatea and utlur tfiiinu fchmli and ihikk llii mlll wakihioisk eastwood am skiii pitor ntutfiithtrrfi rwprlttpuijiy iufwni tin- prhdres and 3hr thuttfs ui lik canada hal llni hiu npullcd i rmju ami ttimi waknilrk mi the hist side vc xw maikri smnc tinnnio hn ihiv will kvcp a rilini lytiiiim ami rh also sin h sclruitl itnuus nsnr or may litmiiamifucttuvfl in iffipn canada for sdc un lihrnl lermi kvcs hnuln and v in kimticnt vimoixuk xuv ih ijl id knirlth tin soiti iih and canadian yhikca jainatcu and ulluv tfiiril8 rsiindt uik i jvpiniiifiir ilic wlndc s well v orlliy the airniliui l privnif lamilicsi tavcm kclit and count rv n notice the srrtscribershain kx- ecntris and executor hy the last will nnd testa meiii of un late robert uriiimmmd ivsjieeiliilly reipiesi ihii all persons having cluing aain tin- kiiie will present them to joseph isnue duly au- llieu ilea ted foradjiisinieiii mid lkewe dial ihim- indehtetl toil will make payment to him uidiout ilc lav itgnfd margaret drcmatond kceatru josehi ikicc eudvr kinrstim 210l sept 1531 ja candle ma n u factory samcbki pihprcs ncurin dumb tm in halufanls of kinirsinti and ilm vk fur u roiirainint i has tccvlvuu iiirt his roikicnfiu inini hi the ahovc hnsinrss and hvu ui iufiinu tliimi dial he n daily mannlarntiin jlovhd mp lyiltis uf lu very l qiiiiifv iiav ui hind ai q prculll linn upwards uf five thousand vkkjllt which ic ohes for talc to tin tnufr on terms un- coniin uly low private families supplied hy ihn box 01 olhcrwra kington nov 33tli 1531 3wil v 1 1 is siot k of the hesi groceries is also hirgc riiii- pvisinzull kinds of incn and uhtckteavi boltni d uid mnsrn ado nirirs spicks kicc ksiinins clicrai ijnlkr flm ll lihlr sail salt ffutttr fiill uf sundry dcsiiipiions lurk ac sic china ftbi and ksiriliimiwnrc solcind ipp l- idi i i liiv mil i linden lilackhljfi hnihr t m im ui vririty nrlhf aiiihs u wlthh lu- renpocihillv m- itrs iln uitrniion ui die ihriucra comrn 10 luttm u iltcir prjdncv for whsrh hu will pay ihc high it prict j a imin pf everv doscription boushl md nhl kmion dw 051 v cook yotffch aiji pciwrns hftriiiff rloimsfor land and intrndins to mtililu in tho innnship of llifcliinbroko particu larly thoe ttbu hsrtu siviii in ilicir names ilr chat pttfpo arc rciklrd n meet ai mnvox inn in kiiitun on jiiiirdty 1 lili february or lliu nur- pane atconctfriitifrnionsiircs to blaze a road ilirouifli the township of ponhmd sc iliac pcrsouss uiav travel thither nitlnut a guide john marks el- will ntcclid and give a ikcicl of he road in coijtomjdttiion kiitsioih feb- 2d is3 screw top mado rroiti 4 lo3g -lread- tu ibo loch letters cm for brands and siamps brass cji8tlfft made of every dimension cast v arc whole sale or retail all kiudt of iron kinihin done in the best manner in addtiimi to the present conveniences for cam- ingt the proprietor is now buildinir u cupula so as to he nble to make a casting from 1000 iiisuoo lbs weight the public are invited to examine die works of ibe foundry and judge for themselves the proprie tor thinks it will compare in finish and cheapness with that of any oilier establishment of the kind it a pattern maker kept at the foundry to make patterns if required also burr mill stones nf every sb and fiullhff ghok of die best description fully s cheap us can hi pi cured in any part of hie united state- b mer manufactured here hy mr i doimiek- kiuirtmu january 11335 ojtiii lljlluwd papc lmkxill- 1 siar port lhw vrlr mul lirnkil iho fthow difc incrliom svikiiul dii clc sl jjzem4olw tu kf kr will just received raid fur sate hy the subscriber ni his chyftp casb store chureh ytreei one door south of mr talmeis dtfiigeist stme market tfijuare f jvlfoieitii fawfe riz o0 sme et spanish sole leather ij0 do do hirs do 303 do dn do pper lealln r do do itarnr 1110 do do hridln h0 do do ralruua 1 cutf skins aw kinp do 100 bbu piirfc inn do mnckarcb l0 do salt- alu 30 haxea of 8mrk se cov best rnxul ami x i row axeft- a variety of swve uf ditvereni fits- and pattern a la wo ipimiiiy tif lnni oil to cether with a variety yf other ueeewairy urtielej ii hi line of business- the whtilenf lie above boou ill bv dipimtl 6 on unemnnnnlv iom pi t nk- vui4 iimmi lljli vwra skill m i sua iuu prts tiwitvtilii in- inliaiti u i smir 1 tihi lnlv siiimr iind sjvibtiiibt ihifiliv mm- it nml stin itmufc ln it ivpiwr zitnl mniinl miffiil ur i iiuim ivklm iv- miputir 3lltiw who- in i1hm mii qngwjuaml lltfttlia run llultk- olil pnrt m ivliriilli pih- common shzpiiv aitd port wines i necuriii in iu hint jiiaiira m fc i nio itr utily in lililv 3iid i hjfilwix lfillinltiin j l juniata siiihh 1 tt m inriiiir s t 1 1 1 1 1 i ill t vc i ndnri iiirhvatiil hrmvii srmo mil 1 111 bluwiibikoy ry iiinoi tat riual ami liu ml irifcr stitfli- nl twkius stow tikntul lwivfci mis uf iiii w hiiih f ihlktri ui erthmr jrrm v v hi tnilts unlli wii kii sluiutlli ar c- ri rwrtinnlof oiiv h amit wliirh iro ti mt lukihiii ili- l tftmiiiiifni ltirsliaiiirf kluh- ia ii di ii iiiki ititilittt plinh mirrinm ittiitt- ipjij ivdf an1 stirjil vt wluii srki nndvillnff i nits l ill- l ruihih itf dhrk 1iiwv ifinu l i sititiarji lltlwrtl t4thi lil i ihjjihplcto wsoftnirutnl mut j ii ttbull will in imiiihi intn r i thomas macxidbr itmtim awrtrtnlier 1-1- to let that cxccllimit stone dwelling house situated in the best part rr storestreet and lately in the occu- pntionotm s hidurll esq for terms apply to abraham tmax or rt henry cassaoy kingston oct 6 1831 18 cash paid for wheat ry e- indian corn and oats and also for ill limes good old whiskey sale kingston 2lili xov 1831 wm garratt 3220 w foit sale nv the srbsvkibeiu b oo boxes uf best liverpool soap samuel ruippen kingston january 16th is35- 46 mjc a titer store the subscriber returns hia sincere thanks to hit friends and the public in general for the liberal tup port he ha received since he commenced business and assure tluin that no exertion on his part shall be wan line to nierii a continuance of the same h i how receiving a larcpiantity of sole and upp leather calf morocco lining and binding skiqi he has now ou baud 300 aides sole leather 0 sides upper do 130 calcutta 300 calf skins 20 do lazed morocco 20 do un glazed do z0 do linings 6 do hoot morocco 2it do binding skins which lie assures the public arc manufactured of tfw bvat materinls lie is selling as low as any othr use in the trade he has also on hand 00 doz stark cvff double refined axes 20 doz- do do do broad d also 150 barrels salt s r market caldwell square k nffton october 23ib 183 l n b cab paid fur llitles and 524 flax seed s b c oriii the lttnitiew lurctnlbrc turried un in the name of hlm hvktiiihi future be transacted under tbd nana and st ofllart bitortieits co by thi a v hart ii hart u haut iv- all persons indebted to the subscriber art requested to settle their respective accounts with lutn and tllosc who may hic any claims against him are niuested io scud in the same for liquida tion h hart kinfmtoii january 3th 1s 46 medical card diu percv moore memberoflhe roal college f unrenn in lot dun having received hr exceu leniry the licnt governor license to practice the three branches of ilic profession begs leave to ir- lbm the iidinbiciuis of krncsiowu camden porl- nud and i foiigbboruugh that he has taken up a pirmaurnt residence near simmons mills knies own where he shall be happy to attend to any me dical applicit ions milu- dccqg is3j- 41 3m oiiiiinon j buowiv tailor itrtjs have to inform the inhabitants of bath and its minify that he receives orders in his business lit ins shop in this place ftmich as favor him with their work shall find it punctually and neatly executed math january 23rd is35 49 fob sale os aitmvl tltcjiul a arch 1335 at noon will he positively gold tu tile highest bidder the ei- hiinr and well known strum iucktt sf ctore and ll her ippurnnancc intending purchasers vill nbialn every iufonnation and have an opportu rilty iiexniiiiniiig the boat and furniture by apply iui tu the subscriber salr tn take place on board the boat moored ulonguidu mr sirangcs wharf david johx smith kindlon jail itth 184 london rition ur rut rtxx mmixasf urilum i- n shirty il idhshu itf tu kuowlolsc rommirrrj tu ik wiijoftl v i r ui forwarding ttlmjf tub 0ovte of the rideau canal ouawa aiui rik an fwwardtai ikmpwf oic kinii jan jli 1- tiik puhijc arc respectfully iulbrmed that the ottawa bideau forwarding ccmpany are now iiinking extensive improvements in that hue having added tu it new and powerful steamers large decked bar- 111 d lmv haw th tuxrol and manage- ntent of llhi whole line from montreal to kingston they will have extensive stores at the above mentioned places and will be prepared at the open- iuir of the imivigfktion to receive aud forward all lronds that maybe consigned to them with safety and despatch tli rullowin pnpers- aro rqunstcd to insert iho above ilmiiitn nml wild their account to rlic ottawa and ridrau puruurding cmpauyi oilirc at kingston the btuailu lnttlttjtitnr c ytiwufg slur pofi ibp harder ihft iutrttit v fitoffttiutt toronlft ihfl humiuon ftf sft4nm urfhuran ountt post klxgbtov j reiver y hunt morton beg leave to inform the in- hahitants nl kimrstun and the public in general tht tlu v have opined a store in frontstreet in at houw lately occupied by a manahan esq as emi grant agviiti uheie they will have constantly oq hand oftheir own manufacture a stock of ale 5 whisky fiflti- hidvet rfieuhi cali pnl for ihukx rntr rn r l it n i ofa sinwriorquallv and where orders ili be uanfc kkixk wlliiiam vouih i i- mi ia niu1 ula and intenmht fullvivcrivvd and pinctually attended to rih u lie paid at the above store for tvintuir demilw 1 i in i iiira ibtf lui 1 nn i n i ii i ml t ie subscribers will pay rnsdi fur lut rf aebeft hart brotui5rs 1 ail paten i it aipthziti il iub uiiulil cm nidi ituatds ni iaititv ih- d i- tumnvtr ilutiip iuij iiiumlti vilehiai rrtihf i i isiuraiiik snbwri liuit itrtvivil u j iiim lihivi vciil liruiu sibn0 auk whu hi- i ili i dec is34 41 i kineaton jan 3d 1s31 4 uk li tic jl1 vesnur m miiririir i i- il- iivm nit in uimdnii iibuhmmw kiparo uw i9it tvl- trt mlj i i vli ii w kitatttlbf for sale bv tbs subscribes sooim of india kvuber shoes s r caldwell liflriw sjkore ikiiiruii rmory jrd 13-

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