and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly offfer per orbem dicor vol ill by e j barker m d kingston u cthursday march 12 1835 no 12 the british whig a semiwebkly journal devoted to commercial and political infoimatinn is publuhod every mondajifc thursday vcntn by doctor barker editor ami proprietor at his of fice in rear sheot next door to the commercial hotel terms for the british whig seventeen and i- pence per annum if paid in advance or within thrm months from the receipt of the first number and on pound if col lected at the end of the year exclusive of postage- no subscription received for less than sit month and no piper dijhjontinucd until all arrearages aro paid up except at the option of the publisher oftbertlmments sit lines and under 2s 6d firstrnsertion and 7jd each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d firet insertion and lod each subsequent insertion above insertion and id per lino cheap goods for cash ten line 4d per line for the first for every auhscqueniinacrlion advertisements without written forbid and charged accordingly advertisements to be in writing produce of every hind received in payment letters taken in eiccpt vom areata unless pltd direction areiosefted till orders for discontinuing post letter press m doctor rarkcr having obtained a most superior press end an cxccllentqsortmcnt of job type is enabled to execute very description of job printing with neetnessmd ex pedition upon terms hitherto unprcccdctilly low in upper canada jtew goods william r bartlet respectfully informs the inhabitants of kingston and the midland district that he has late- fly returned from montreal with nil extensive and varied assortment of merchandize which he is now lellingfor casfi or prom pt pay wholesale and retail at the store lately occupied by messrs parker and benson in tub centre ok store street the stock constats of west of england and york shire superfine fine and common broad cloths flushings petershams flannels raize carpet ing and carpet bags semes tartans bomba- fcine norwich crapes bombazctt irish scotch linnens steam lunm nnd grey cottons russia sheetings check and stripes book jaconet corded muslins gloves and hosiery with a vari- a large and well selected stock of groceries has been purchased by the advertiser which will be sold tfrrcfttft or exchanged for produce on the lowest pos sible terms fur caps of all descriptions davis williamson begs leave to return his grateful acknowledge ments to his friends nnd the public for the liberal support he has received during his residence in kingston he now begs leave to inform them that in consequence of having formed a partnership which will commence on the 1st of may next and having determined to remove to more extensive premises he will dispose of his present new 3nd ex tensive stock of goods at prime cost consisting of superfine and uefine black blue olive and drab cloths petershams flushings vestings camb- let merinos blankets flannels and baizes with a general assortment of winter goods and a most extensive assortment of staple and fancy goods to answer the present and approaching seasons d- w has also on hand young hyson twankay and boheateas and a quantity of loaf and mus covado sugars as he is determined to dispose of the whole of his stock without reserve the public will find it their interest to avail themselves of the present favorable opportunity kingston feb 12th 1835 43ts r- kingston nov 21th is3j- 32 wanted an active tad ahoiu 1 1 or 16 years of age as an apprentice in a grocery store in tli is town apply at this office kingston ja unary 23rd 135 49f just received and fob sale by the subscriber gardeu seeds of every description timothy and clover seed p egan market square march 2nd 1j5 rags c c patrick egan will pay cash for rags buck horns c c p egan market square march 2ih 1s35 for svle by the subscriber 20000 scgars 50 kegs plug tobacco 20 jars superior maccaboy snuff 20 bis rosni 10 do tar 10 bags pepper 10 do pimento v r martlet storest kington nov 21th 1334 32 slander whereas several evil designed persons have originated and basely circulated a scurrilous and false report in order to defame the reputation of misse a daly daughter of p daly esq ofer- nestown the following affidavits are made that the public may see the absurdity of such a report affidavit of dr percy moore this deponent being sworn saith that miss e a daly has been his patient during the present winter he has visited her frequently and that there is no ground or cause for suspicion or evil suimise the report concerning this lady being absurd andto- lally false signed j p moore sworn before me this 9th of march 1635 signed thomas sparham j p affidavit of dr beamish thij deponent bcingswom saith tsat he was re quested to examine miss e a dahs case and that there is no ground or cause fur suspicion or evil surmise- the report concerning this lady being absurd and totally false signed william beamish sworn before me this 9th of march 1835 signed thomas sparham j p the editors oflhe british whig and chronicle gazette will please to give ihe above three insertions id ihcir respective papers and send their accounts to v daly eaq ernestown notice is hereby given that the undersigned has taken out letters of administration to the estate of the late hevrv w wilkinson esq all tbose who are indebted to the same are respectfully requested to pay the amount of their accounts withoat delay and those having claims to present them duly authenti cated for adjustment on or before the 17th day ot may next thomas smith kingston november 17 1834 336m kingston foundry this establishment i now in full operation and the proprietor is resolved to spare no expense lo ren der it worthy of public encouragement he trusts that as to materials and workmanship and variety of castings the kingston foundry will be found second to no similar establishment and that there will hereafter be no necessity for sending to the united states for castings when iliey may be had in this province there will be kepi on hand or manufactured to order all kinds of castings for sato milts owl flour mills the establishment is now furnished with patterns of the oswego and rochester plans and persons building mills can be supplied with good castings on as reasonable terms as they can be procured in the state of newyork saw mill cranks fulling mill cranks mill screws at 3 lighter screws and clothiers screws die salks taps nnd dies for screwing bolls on the best plan slrigh shoes and fan ning mill irons four different kinds of ploughs waggon boxes pipe boxes and axletrees for carriages screw tops made from 4 to 20 threads to the inch letters cut for brands and stamps brass castings made of every dimension cast steel axes whole sale or retail all kinds of iron finishing done in the best manner in addition to the present conveniences for cast ing the proprietor is now building a cupola so as to be able to make a casting from 1000 to 2000 lbs the public are invited lo examine the works of ihe fouudry and judge for themselves the proprie tor thinks it will compare in finish and cheapness with thai of any other establishment of the kind q7- a pattern maker kept at the foundry to make patterns if required also burr mill stones of every size and bolting cloths of the best description fully as cheap as can be pro cured in any part of the united stales ihe for mer manufaciurcd here by mr l bostwick kingston janunry 11835 pot and pearl ashes the subscribers will purchase any quanti ty of pot or pearl ashes and afcowill make liberal advances on produce consigned to their house in montreal hart brothers co kingston feb 111835 a card dr agh has taken his permanent residence wiih oil james stalker 2nd concession lrnesiuvii where he will be always ready to attend to profes sional calls ernestown feb 23 1935 candle manufactory coir u of brock attd rear streit9 samuel phippe returns thanks lo the in- babilantb of kingston and its vicinity for thi-cn- couragement he has received since his conimeice- ment in the above business and begs to infirm them that he is daily manufacturing m oulb dip cjmvdles of the very best quality and lias on hand at the present lime upwards of five thousand weight which he offers for sale to the trade on terms un commonly low private families supplied by the bsx or otherwise kingston nov 28th 1s34 333m american leather store just received and for sale by the subscriber at his cheap cash store church street one door south of mr palmers druggist store market bquwe the following goods viz 500 sides best spanish sole leather 300 300 300 100 200 800 200 do do do do do ettriehallowehpapfi dvlluvillu intelligencer lc cobourg tar port hope warder and brock ville recorder will give the above three insertions sending their accounts to die chron- etn gazelle office ob sale by the subsombbb 2000 pairs of india rubber shoes s r- caldwell market square kingston january 3rd 1835- do slaughters do do do upper leather do harness do bridle do calcutta calf skins kipp do 100 bbfs pork 100 do mackarel 100 do salt also 20 boxes of starks cos best broad and ni row axes a variely of stoves of different siz and patierns a large quantity of lamp oil geiher with a variety of other necessary articles his line of business the whole of the above goods will be disposed 0 on uncommonly low prices nn ftthe highest price in cash paid for cilf wool sheep skips u william ford kingston december 11 1s34 37 lo in wholesale warehouse the subscriber offer for sale at their stores sto street lb merly occupied by lesslte sons thtf uudermen uoned goods cogniac brandies madeira port and sherry wines benecario and spanish red do muscovado e india and mauritius fiugara bunch muscatel raisins and spanm filberts e indcotiips pepper 40 c 112 ifes cassia c jves fig blue saltpetre and epscm salts japan pints i do and paste day martins japan tinarts pint half pints amd paste do warrens olasswarfrassorted cak9 also wrought nails 3j c 32 lbs ox trace halter and rigging chmins spades shovels and frying pans stoves 20 a 30 in dundee castings cat crawley and blister steel sheet iron sad irons and horse nails paints assorted colors putty whithng and cod and a few cases of superior champatign anchor brand window glass assorted sizes tkrns under x25 cash 25tm 50 three months 50 and upwards six moiiihut credit by furnishing approved endorsed notes hart brothehts co kingston 1st november lfl4 2630 is geobge nosft tailob grateful for the patronage he has receired respectfully begs leave to acquaint hi friends ml the public that he continues to carry on the tailor g business at ins old stand next door to mw benj f davey store in bath done bath march 2nd 1s35 92ra new wine and spirit wareuiousc the advertiser begs leave to returm ins sincere hanks to his friends for the extensive support he has received since his commencement in business and informs them that he has removed from this old stand to that large and commodious brick store lately in the occupation of messrs rose cameron and situated nexi door to mrolcolia tawern in store street he now offers for sale an extensile assortment nflltprrrr itmit fiinfm9mmiffhn0af porr madei ra ienenne and benecailo wines in bottle and cask cognac and spanish brandies hollands and english gin scotch irish and canadian whiskey jamaica and other spirits shrub and peppermint the whole is well worthy the attention of private families tavern keepers and country shopkeepers his stock of the best groceries is also large com prising all kinds of green and black teas refined and muscovado sugars spicks rice raisins cheese butter starch table salt salt water fish of sundry descriptions pork c c w also china oloss and earthenware sole and upper leather hollow and hardware blacking brushes cordage oats oat and corn meal flour with a variety of other articles to which he respectfully in vites the attention of the farmers coming to town with their produce for which he will pay the high est price 9 jrain of every description bought and sold kingston dec 9 1654 w p cook informatipv earnestly requested james ellis who came to this country from sltgo during last year and is supposed to he living in or near kingston is requested to make himself known at this office the said j e is lame in the right knee and uses a crutch kingston feb 10th 1835- 6 teas by the chest j d bryoe co have on hand a quantity of superior twankay and souchong teas which thev are selling bv the chest cheap for cash n b retailers can be supplied with smaller quantities at the same rate kingston loui february is35 6if notice this is strictly to forbid all persons from purcha sing the lease of the stone tavern in the village ot waterloo near kingston lately tenanted by robert edgar as in consequence of his absconding the un dersigned is answerable for ihe rent darius samith township of kin feb 20 is35 7 london edition of the penny magazine pobtiidicd by 0k society for ue d illusion orlvi- kaotvlcdgo cowmittbr chairman the lit hon lord chancellor vice chairman ti rf hon lord john russtu k p p- putmaster gt- ntral treasurer wittinnt tootu esq r rt s tlii- ia ana of the most ucful aud interesting periodicals thai has ever appeared each monthly number is embellished with upwards of twenty ele gant engravings and is moreover the cheapest pub hcation in the world they have upwards of 200010 subscribers in england subscriptions received b the subscriber agentfor the above work who ha on hand a few complete sells in numbers and hound kingston feb5ih 1836 wr bartlet for sale bv the 8iuschiber aaamhv ofprime smoked hams ffismwch 4 1835 w p cook sale of crown lands comnilsioner of crown linil naicp toronto march sud lsu notice is hereby given thui ihe west lot no 5 and also the south half of east lot no 5 being a part oflhe tract known as the kingsmtll reserva tion in the township of etobicoke and recently sur- yeved will be offered for sale by public auction at the court house in the city of toronto on tues- cap ihe 31st instant at 12 oclock noon upon con dition of paying one quarter down and the remain der id three years by annual instalments of one quarter with interest on each instalment as it be comes due a plan of the tract may be seen at ibis office notice whereas my wife jane having left my bed and board without any just provocation this is to forbid any person or persons trusting or harboring her on my account as i will pay no debts of her contracting after this date james mcauley eroeatowo march 8th 1835 113 fi8h just received and will be sold low for cash 150 hlschamont bay heirrrws m prime order 20 cwt fresh cod fish 6 kegs cods sounds 4 cuplin 10 north shore hetringe 20 boxeadigby do patrick egan market square march 2nd 1635 wanted a compositor wanted a smart youth as compositor in the office of the british whigre who has been a year or two at the business would tie prefer red kingston jan 30th 1335 2000 yards domestic flannels a capital article for warmth and durability just re ceived and for sale by the piece or otherwise by w r bartlct storest kingston nov 24th 1s34 32 to let that excellent stone dwelling htiuse situated rft the best part of storestreet and lately fb die decu- pation of m s bidwell esq for terms apply to abraham tniax or henry cassady kingston oct 6 1834 18 l cash paid for wheat rye indian com and oats and also for sate at all times good old whiskey wm garratt kingston 24th nov 1834 3220 the subscriber returns his sincere thanks to hi friends and the public in general for tire liberalsup port he has received since he commenced business and assures them that no exertion on bis part shall be wanting to merit a continuance of the same he is now receiving a large quantity of sole and tlppe leather calf morocco lining and binding skinn he has now on hand 300 sides sole leather 200 sides upper do- 150 calcutta 300 calf skins 20 doz i lfii morocco 20 do ungiazed do 20 do linings 6 do boot morocco 20 do binding skins which he assures the public are manufactured ofth best materials he is selling as low as any olhet use in the trade he has also on hand 50 doz stark vs double refined axes 20 doz do do do broad jo also 150 barrels salt s r caldwell market square kingston october 25th 181 24 n b cash paid for hides and flax seed s r c for sale by the subscriber 1 oo boxes of best liverpool soap samuel phippen kingston january 16m 1835 46 for bale bv the subscriber a- quantity of the besi garden setids rainn in cambridge n y by f crosby and warranted bv him to be rood w p cook kingston march 4th 1835 for sale by the subscriber a quantity of laths shingles boards and floor plank w p cook kingttodj march 4th 1835 j b brown tailor itegs leave to inform the inhabitants of bath and its vicinity that he receives orders in hia business at hit shop in this place such as fdvor him with their work shall find it punctually and neatly executed bath january 23rd 1s35 49 forwarding thro the route of the rweav canal otlivi n li forvrnidf cocdpaay office kiagstoo jan sh 1835 j the public are respectfully informed that the ottawa rideau forwarding company are now making extensive improvements in that line having added to it new and powerful steamers large decked barges c and have now the control and manage ment of the whole line from montreal to kingston they will have extensive stores at the abort mentioned places and will be prepared at the open ing of the navigation to receive and forward all goods that may be consigned to them with safety and despatch the following papers are requested to insert tbe boy4 three lime and send their account to the ottawa and ridead forwarding companys office at kingston the btlunlu intdliauer ihe cobourg star die port hope warder tb patriot fr guardian toronto the hamilton fru frus niagara reporter and dundes post klygstoy brewery hunt morton beg leave to inform the in habitants of kingston and the public in general that hey have opened a store in frontstreet in the house lately occupied by a manahan esq as emi grant agent where they will have constantly on hand of their own manufacture a stock of ale fy whisky ofa superior quality and where orders will be thank fullv received and punctually attended to flcash will be paid at the above store for wheat rtt and barley kingston i9th dec 18m