provincial parliament nr housti of assbmi-ly- perry speech on the imrd rrodinp of tt fttlunlit feb 23 jtlly iuvt mr ffmithc subject ofcouru of low and ho eprw a mimitratun of justice which nil molic trial by npuli remtc iu thy m re io- t tmit h a nr net fiitliv and ilic mmitv tunc llwy mnri lint il mrt would tuc thu rimm iminn the uvoinplvlv owmilwl i ncral vimlitl ww render ind ivlml ivity they emrclwd ib elitiml jwvrrnv iln pmr iikui w4w ifhvrcvrntid 1 m pwr ijrau nf evoiv lliiuj h vjiil i wiutc ll rrtlrtof putty r civm tnuni-r- oaarcsinlmciiiid tltv ruri vdngc va ilia 1ilgnicnt iv law would penult ml liwil hcftop ih- itul li ir brrtittk rtfrnd liihl lo b ittarluil w itl tlr moreiivrt oflblonins r- ihc wwwifc j wlr nnrl pit u up u imt few cmitw iriiu tlllif iitmn and to ilri4v mihin hhb ww upim1v tonmom added lu imvj w rwy wfihh lme vii on rtlbrt ridtf wo pue of 1iiivin9iiphl it rndr mirlicln lit vvillmw wl iln- lawyers on lioili uinv bfl vlirit bv ntw tlms rnntitjcii mtirtrinccti it fo a plniii i idmtruftr jury and the selection llc 1114 minn a5non amlic lion- aniwy nii irv liuiild bi com iffonrc- tlir onlv portam ii i a mi if juror il vrv inwiwimg iuiitoi subithrl- tin- pine an ministration of jttttre i- irim whidg il j femlm to- uteri of lite provinro w put is ijr beyond ipicmlon ur rjimhim u it can mtftbty i- sonw hen emmuvn hat nfl une rnnd imfcft m t be completely luvniijqi that to present uim work wel lie and prof pjot j ne deebmstion twjf cot up illk rind made round lion but thev do nol prlend 111 sttbtanuolc temkn with proofs ifitis a perfect iiianim ntilion m lirouehl up by mr tlioman shun biwhcilur il npnslii a1- in be a rcf rnkr ow or noi wasoiu tli mi uluninkhlft wml f tin bone licit b ji ii done tin uovcmntrht eftn i 1vic ot miliidtid truin pnweilliio lor though itltout oltv rcfflht lor licit pm sed dy no tacao unt wlnti ihc ui ucllt to prison oraurieous nhvnce vvb llicic uikj addti from iln houout tile tiiconiniliidtion ofcciuum udividiia wli ii 4ind it w nlmoi l id im vcleawdi r more willing to re- itmnn ibulioiht ip whk horelea- kille ioi w il witlnimllivii vmblv but yi m i1ice rtoteri vrrr ktin evi n now nvitl i tfvffl beyond till unicion weii wrfli htm- bmiiwvii who bold ibi doc- trine would mike it ppiar by irzumeni er w tvsujn anil one which admits of no improvement tber ilkblbo ttn and rcuoiw which can rw brought 6rwanlaiidmailcnpimr arc wc 10 reject ulil mcumirc bciuc thai ditfnitnry tbe t liicrjutico who tf ftuprocd tob almm not iuif xw governruent tuelf and ab lowd nol onh be hi political rnemie itulovcn by inn friend lo he the hotid aiid heart- and body and substance of the i- eislatir council are wc 1 ay to reject a beneficial okomirv wjuumiii ind how long wan thai ian xillerid iu lemai oftllil kind mervl hceaw it do not suit the view oflhal j dttgmco the statute hook of i pp i cmuda hear halted ptitfmmvl itwynos uotuncnvoa the ytfin hear- and by whofti uxortwilm was iu renewal mftct require a change it call loudly for a eliaoje heeaue n j c j b t t totic or limn f tlw kofor foundation if fvttetj there is no rloulrt of il 1 d t fians j when the qimtfiofl lot iu repeal wi fiil flslwod it w op wbother voucan brin an aeluil cbjrce iaiut the sheriff r p wc bv the whole biind ol tlw lories that bind b lol ml it uaooufill lint a door is upan ihrathttft why mr in g ever iiiro and liadiiitmilied down to ono individual thttt grilhomattitow up and oppottd it ue the men ivl iiw majesty delighted tobonor from wlialeaue leaunot eoncenc lie wft mine diately advanced to tho iirt utlieo in thtt land and nw re- celvo tfihi per annum a judge and illau a slalr of urn lefitative cmimii bwle ll lit tlhrrwiiidlalli and let 1k4 1 upon the country ttlltl serv coipirnou thry wen- at the late election for the county ol lei d the public bud unanimously concurred in tin sentence uii had neeivcd the were denounced by all a rnku person artdriot lit to bedl liircu unhl tbev bad at all event ulbted the punhmeui due to then um oitenct then sir lltwu w il r caft of rnfat lourtavfl km ami il is aid it wan ini by it jury ihi wjtf iried hut by two magistral if thihe the cae whqttit ofn law ind how ion order tvhav tho adrniiiuiratiun entirely pure and umufptfwl i the chief jus tie you mut remove the iudiw fcrftoni lilical life as poihlo j npeal and yet tltfrm me a the naio at dotm day that the petit prhi4l of aira of atirlersidinj and ui uili i roubl mrw lw wrfy tvttt ll nreviiitraffotnrlhfiiwtlre pityjry tvlnd tolous nnd vcxntifflw ami mil ffcr tin ijipea r the diould r iri- nun ot the court aiu rv unied in the iiiveti of raalteis which bavo iio utiiiti nnt to spuv the rlurieter id 1 mwjpmf hiew theiii ftiim mn lipwthl inhj cmirt upon n whelo h be fthce liillv indicted i- ii ood huiu uljeeh and dieloiipnweeun v kiioubdiedalmnst half juilljr wwra when aeoutted by sieutwidw wuboutiiimliusanil itu mmpleto oillual in the estimation ofihecouuin hat arc ulou du jtmiciomnared with thoso of the ivnt jury who have no iwir lilunvaicte m il i and all that is dcai lothrr iir haihlt bur what islhe dulv of a jmlgc i li w lo ipuod attlttw jo uke a look at nor statute book amj huwmany and how iin- ou5 lit tm coiimiurlions it ad oc whose uffieo h j construe tb wc law tlw judem nfe klhfl keuch urll fir bote kit with oijr judse of tin km uemb who i it that wc have to it in judgment and construe tlip lawj in hi country it is a im who ha a hand in makinj litem noi onlv in one branch uflhc leeubitupe but the whole utofico of the ovrrnmeut itself leader tor v and year of his pottv he has imbibed prejudice who ii i do not heln ve tht- loudest dav of hi hie will lid him of ucb a it will ihi almost imponibb for him to divert hiiumlf of he hits real abilities that 1 will not dispute- lie is n man of taltiit and nf tact i have been in parh nnetit with huu fir vear ami i know ihal if any mm has talent and tact be has it tliem l not a man of tlie atnu si honl nfiilitim wlfa ita coim alb r him has tact equal to l von iniahi as well eompttie isht to dav as to compare any icadei of iiit party who lm wuree- jtd mm with him- hut tcot as his lalenu may b- we have our jutamwjls i tfmde tt iod hu appfoxal of a eeilaiu sjs tern if puliev 1 not a sulheient lesrjon for our bind ins our ktlvv to it f oi iimik krniknieii i cct up here and say thi ftystm is pine and that it i beyond 0pli ton they miflllt a well hll us the moon i made out f jrieii cleear i am asto inched that lion pinth men houhl olai forget lb lltt alnc o a riht which ouht to he acrcil n dear to canadians a -v- as i fhttmni tbil lh vouli millar it co be put in ctu prtittou with pound tiillmjis and prtne it is not thi- alone lhai is to be eoiidrred but it i the lt e the b irai ter and sail tli iv is near anil dear and sa led to subject iu ihe hamu of the iuior will any one under thoitcin uitistatiasrs eltihl it fur a moment with an affair piuml shillings and pence who cjii doobi ft a jiivio- m ibil ifi t jjonaw lljituii wri can he brought about that tin jiooaic could be better employ ed that they could duanv thim that wu1il contribute more to the peace security and mlwaction of the country than the amending thi ymetn nothing can cnfttlklte with it in im portance no one has attempted to deny that it is in the low er of sheriff to pack juries if they please onc of the hon gentlemen my he does not know any intfaocc although in- admits the poibtliiy of it well then has v one aih jled to show that any thing laid down in this 1iji t userlitiliii uf any abue hv any possibility it is a miserable bilt indeed that they afecriven to it onlv ibowi itie wenhnhif oftliepo fition the have liken when hon zcnilemcu tnak amrhons without supporting them by any proul tbev must be itnilisla indeed if they have aromenu in their fienr and will nol pro duce them unless it be fat the very worthy leasm ajiudiio long igo by an hon and learned gcnilcinjii thai tlw house were not worthy of havin arguments adduced to them espe cially since you mi speaker were not upon the boor kirtv nine represontaflveiofthe people assembled here to make lawv were not fit to be argued with- this ran be the only rcaou why hon gentlemen withhold their vfutneoti if inoy have my and if il ey think it a sufficient reasjn let tliem follow it if they ran reconcile such conduct to ihanmlvej a rquesmittl lives of tho people let them do it jut thi is a hitl wo hod hon enttcmon make orc of at the very time th y are uaing alt the arguments they arc capable of they will tell you that it it utter waste of tiinc to deal withthu bouse in arcumeni thai it is like throwing pearls before swine i admit hon- gentle tnen might have some shadow of excuse for making wch de clarations if they had produced arguments that tewo conuu- cing but where arc the arguments to show that the rub laid down in this bill i liable to as much objection as ihc old sy tem is 1 you cannot show it a the law now is suppose a jury is wanted the sheriff selects such persons as w deems eipcdicni for that special ctm and the unfortunate suitor may know hi fate before the court sits to try ins rate- it ha be n remarked by my honfiiend that in his dttnct ihc sheriff was under the influence of tbe lawyer m inmc respects ami 1 know it to be the case elsewhere it certauilt ulai re tbe shc nffin an awkward predicament when his ilvaus become some what mbarrared lie is then as couiphhel m the hands ol tbe vtta anv thin can be when ilo vfiieof the b riff affnr m sun that in eawyctj arc n inl to u iu come into his hands it place him completely at their im icy uid the lawyers at whose nit icy he is wili ofcuiirse bavf an improper influence over him and if lhe desire to carry oil a particular case in a way most cileulated to iuuru its uccesn thiiy make use the assistance of tho sheriff in the way hev think proper there is no lawyer but will have an interest in carryings particular case that will excite a reat noie in the country in order to gethu nm up hear heat that it may be said of him h is a lawyer that has won such and such a case ho must be a very good lawyer we will employ huu- thif liwyer will never for a moment hesitate to obtain surli a jury by means of his influence over the sheriff as will be mot favorable to him i have heard many complains about this very thing you cannot produce perhaps anv direct charge upon a particular sheriff because he is undci no ncxtsily to disclose his corrupt practices loauy per lie need uotbla- zon tern all over the world it is a mailer wuhiu his own breast itdoesnot require a combination ofperoi to effect theevb fie require no a5matic and it is not to be suppo sed for a moment that the sheriff who was disposed in acl corruptly would everdiselose it if he were ibol enough to let it be known he would of course be deprived of his office it is not in the nature of things tg suppose he would do it but because you cannot bring home to the sheriff any particu lar charge il l do reason to suppose that no eausc of com- plaiuteiisu a man may be morally certain of a thing and yet not be able to offer evidences of the fact- he may makeup hi- htiind from the character of the jury summoned and from other covumstancm which will not leavu a shade of doubt and yet be quite incapable of producing linib e profit but in theab reuee of all proof il biqulle mlflicint thai it i admitted lb shcriltlias the power to pn k a jurv hee3use as i said ulbie every lliiopir ocpvoilin opon it the nmr mnv ftumo a the iirnetco- l in england fibinous euljndwheu it wihih tho object and inteut of fcoernment to bout down particular individual on account of their ioitial principles the tune has brcn when this persecution was carried lo an un paralleled cstrnt dj 4vn at an iiwlividual became ubnuaioiis to ihe government tbe fiery engine was put into opertliutt and men wtaegtcfti ntd beforr ajuiyot ilnir country iosmuo shoum ttv perquisites and yel they tell us every ibmr s fw on most siitouthly mr iiourlay wa to be tried at the assizes not lor treason i grant y u but for dlaibeying a majitraujn order and therefore t when wc are luld he was banilild by two ma- isiiates the person who says so krmw nolhiiu ahum it if i am ariaiimied before a jni of my i ounlry and that jury have no dicietioii whether they ball acquit me orwleilnjf they ihall condemn me i ay breuellbi the right of trial by jury i beliee if it wre necessary to hrin- a direct charge against some persons ibul it mish ik- done i do nol doubt for a moment that it might ho ueeruirtei tlwt juries ham been packed lir rorrupt purpoks nd that in many iiistauccn but suppose it could nut he doie and yeithe law as itasfccn ad- nntted woubl admit uf sirji abuse is it not a better lime to aiiiciid tbe law heloreaoyinisshiel arises from it than to doit atfer the bven and propory otiudil iduals have lnn torfeited voiinovof can titorv uuhki ofe man to him although it ma bueter su clear thai lie vua an immretw pern and although the lory bd been packed and you eflenvonlf tin that it had been ihe case reiiber voiilti it be easy to ritftoroa mans tro pt ity afiei he had bccuhirncd out of bouje audhoimtfvodcafl not restore il to huu ater it has been consumed in lawsuits the time has now atnvcd for put ins an tf to all doubt upon the subject and you etn as easily ny yea a no i will men tion a circumstance which came lo luv own bnowled a few years ago and ihe lacfc will speak for themselves two young lawyers who had juit came into practice in the midland or triet had a great deal of business at a particular court one ol lri huyui tohftcj nwtwnl 4 h fi ittinoi urn court ww over two young chaps clerks to the lawyer chanced to be in conversation respecting the business of tin- courtf the clerk of the unsuccessful lawycr wu eikod llowdid in mamer succeed with his suitt m damned bad replied the other there was a person on the jury who wa- nppofed to him and 1 will take caie he nhall never he upon the jury ajrauii that man has never been a juror from thai liiiiu to hl this 1 know for a ccitaiuty audi have iln most explicit iritideuce in tbe information that iliad that urh a conversation actually octiwred ifyu want a dire t instcuicti of a com romptvkly in point there is niic the neiphborof that individual on every idc oflum imw been summoned over and over aaio and he ba been passed lie efeoumct w very much pleased wiih hie e ipuou now the objection h thi hhonw are in the firi plwv that of ihe hon and learned gentleman fiom the townuflla that nothing u tore clear than thai ncr4ji t or die wi ind till fur no ofditurenet oiht to utliftl their trial whether they caone under huvcnuve that ihey were beemio politteally obnoxious the uuic may arrive in lpper canada a xrcal many sopicions have hcen afloat that holltotbiog of in kiml ha ben prujnctod in cpper canada but the administration begin to find that they cannot ride rouhshod our ihe people tfcaithe representative loan h oftnv lilafure mum he re- jeeted i heliovo theso bibbandnd pni edm are hecom trig a little less the order of tho day ihan in titiicfl paui and perhaps it is partly becsutfe tllinih vm not wearing tho anie aspect iu england vv bird 1h v did unte tun ajio cet tlieie chaufmcnu arj liable toehaue wvruiv have a rhaiipc in our admiiiiflralion and such a ban- as will luk with diffe- feni iytt 00 matter and thuic from what ihey do at ibis nm- menu i believe biwcvfti the etjutry4 goveinmeiit arc in a fair way of bcoiniiig what they shuuld he they liegin lo rejhmth wldhttiofthe p ople and the tune is not lar dis- um whan iij advimrn nftw crown will be in or out uf nf- fice according as the pttoplnaro fahstied or dissalisged willi their conduct the hingwqfi that ha tiban uwhi in tin house imwj that eutnetljitiq i afloat h-m- poph beeir to iflil they rtjind on fcliupviy places nd diat a ptuphi xtr not ffos ing to be ioxulted withffrom abuse uiope weehall go ittl in the cause of reform- 1 hope tbe view wf tho people at uigo will bb more and more leepeeted and thai thoy will be made contented and happy but in order to do tins vou must haw the admiuutrtion oruljce pure yn mut lve rt put out o ulr power of sin riffs lo pa k join iwr ihr time may come wbtoil will he the case thai uidivhuu vv ill he hunted kwii hk tvjcken deer ii in saol lhat mr ferjuson w4 pme cutud agreeably to on addnm of ih honsi m asmrmblv graated and may not the jury hliva brienrhoeiitoiuvet thv vaavioflhe llowvof aernhly then there wa another fo4jvidual who wan proirculed for a libel franeil colhnm 7a urv dtvrrad a penal trrdtr and lb court wonlfj nol inillon he uayi having causes lo try will endeavor to el jurors of their ow jiany a was tliecase wiih ihe iireuvilhf coiiimitlee lor lb trial of an election euc the lirst persons stnn k ii1 we thomi ojipused to tliemrikcr in polities there lethi douh whakwr that this is the nature of man for the sake of proper ly he will saerilice every ihin- moev i- the rol nf all evil and there i no man out will pjq irnlueiie l y it itm il ir that sheriffs are nut to be trusted with the selection of juror- 1 do not want a man who ii in the power of the lawyers l have any thingto do wiih it show me be man ifjroo can who would be devoid uf this inlluenie if placud in tbe situa tion ol sheriff case of the utmost impoithnre come belwt the court and this is the lime men will be iudueed 1 1 mak ue of undue mtluence if they poibl can i low u n in thi other com i llovv are they gouigto 5eteet themf it is tu in done immediately urtvr tbe business uf he town meeiini air that for he whole yeai they are nut going to cltoojc then for i particular trial or for a parttrular conn but for the year and who are tl dv selected by three prsons not otic hiigb iudiviouil when vou coiividei the poition that is promeil bow does it appear it proves that you v ill put tin vfcu invoiui suspieioii then one townslrpmay imvit a maioiih oftnrivit another may have a majority of ueformii nta auollu t of moderate kefornicsor hiir thus we shall hiv a toived jure and iov umhn pmpnilkm omthef for innn iln rwnooi i i ivvflttpfi o i i miwjaivi ivie township olcaunlen would be kaibeal no doubt and u tor kmsimii it would produce hih cburrh and kinds men fur jurors of course you would have he itft dentin and nut only the number of jurors you want but three or lour times a5 many and for the imt you would ballot aeufliciem number lor that occasion now is it possible that in ihi v iy you can hive either a tory or a kadical jui y and you must re collect that ibec olin cr are not appointed specially fur making out the jury list tiny till the inot important offices in tbe township these men will go baud in hind and you will pet a jury made up of all parties then il is- aid ihc grand jury ought to be from the most respectable people iu ihe country well tr in there any thing in tin bil to prevent the mot revpectable people being called on one hon enlleiuan says tht clerk otlbe peace ii ihr porson nitist capable ofjuhiu oltv hat peroiipare hemliitid tir heins jurors another lijeeb to tins an ye the shentlare best quihfietl aiuilher mm lie is not quite ready to lo this length amalirrav let us liavetht jddgeonhe dislnei court the lodge of ihe midland district court reside in fttockvilte and be knows certainly areat deal about it indeed it i very proper t at the jttotfc should reside out of iho oislrirt thcv nuuld be removed as much a possible in their social acquain tance and iu their intercourse of private life from the scene ofthcir judicial labors and therefore i urn in faor of judge residing out of tlw dutrkt where they preside j jijijs tbiti heinj the ease what himwledgc of ihe fople can they millicient iu enable them to make a proper selection of jurors adtmulttx the corrcctne of iniruslin to llielil the dutv it is known that people uiifpjalitii ibr nemuy by reomn uf deaf lie hllthlliotf se have been riommoned merely thruiih the tfriofancv vftloj su nik ifyou adopt ihi measure you have pfiii win ktv the iitiuula 4 very vuar who live amol thnii and whose julv it is to go round among them if such per suns are not the mo impahle of judging who are and who arc rot til i do nul know who is but another hon etithvmn says you will h ive ill will if ihe wise men are not taken for grand jurors as 16 thai u not the present system habit to lhoe heart burninghauddiirereiiecsasiiiuehasiihc other would ulierc it thv dilveivnce between the cases i not an item these tetdtugn will exist altho tbev never the public is as one yreatfinuly and the in dmull iiiembers of that jjreal liuuily ouilt lo be wuijmi to jo avert thing ui conceit for the peace welfare and hppnes ofthe u lole and therefore if i should happen to bo selected a a petit juror under lllitfvtani i should nut regret to he tftuu my er j ice lor the good of the public in the adqiidmra- ihui iif justice tjitn the loarm d soltcltur ueneral lay above all things do iu nroeide iu his way for the seleeiion of trand jururi the preneui sv tcin has been in use for jo years ihee llrc dont middle ivithit 1 do not yoluu il more beeaum it bi5hecu iu use jmycari with all its imperfections ihi ihe greater reamut for uwouiiuuni jr hut i uppoe hon gen tlemen bmh upon lorn standing abuses with refereiiee and have an idea thai ihey must not be touched ami more than that thehry conmtlenn nip onlv the property of lb zi haw their fives and all that it tu lolllolu jh ciillemen therefore cc up and tell ynu that men of intelligence nmst be chwen b the finuwl jury only that the law ha tfooil iu veari and that it must not ibcrenirebc altered 1 do say in mv tbev arc not vvoriby ofaieply ntw wtimg aside allconskleriitiuha except thtw of eonvenwniv iiiftliebiiento inlcret u take the jurors fnmi one ncihborhoml to lessen he ojtpeiwc of sumntmiiog litem ami il a cac of impoitancc aiisni in that neighborhood in to ho tried the jurors arc all in terested or at least prejudiced one way or the other it isimpos itd but that piejudices must he cieated in ihir minds irom their previous krioivhdfc which is alnmsl always a partial one of tbe eircuintuice il is very duhcult in get over these prrlihlttw it is lessdillieullio get over ignorance than lo gel ovei prejudice all evidence ill ucli eases is like ihorownir stiaws ngaiurt the wind uf no use whatever now i would avoid this i would bring lui- jurors as this plan contemplates fraud liferent parts of the ihstrvt mcil uttacquaintcd willi each other and this would have another good ellcct for if they arc from one neighborhood one man may have an influence over ivveniv ue may be considered anion- ilitm as a para xon of wittluin and the view ho might lake of a case would o n great way with them at determining upon it so that in place of selling the verdict of twelve men you ct the verdict of one you will not be liable to this evil if you get the jurors fromdiilereiuquaricrsofthe district there will he no induce ment for flmncors to rely on iio opinions and judgements of eachuthe vou would in tins case be much more likely to cla true and just award it is said the people will not thank us for this law thai some may be summoned lo serve who arc now lelt at home but i would uk any mau whether if he were a suitor he would like to see a jmy sclech d accor ding to the sheriff capiice or whether he would not tattler filler a hitle inconvenience himself iu order to have a jury which had been selected indiscriminately and mipirtially from all parts of ihe ibsirut- if the end of justice require a little sacrilice of personal ciiuveiuencc there is nu man can be fouuu o niinasimablc a to refuse it e are all as i said buniie uieiuhers of one great fitiuly blld should therefore submit toanitll ihconvciiieucc tor the good uf the whole ami when ever it falls to my lot it iwvu i shall do so host willing what is my neighbors ease may be mine tonuutovv in imuhtk parts of the country it is notorious you will bear expreimi like this if such a man should hriuan action of kjeclmeul bgalunt me i would ie it up at once i wimld not contend with lum tboiiii i havecviry principle of law and justice iu my favuraud indisputable evidence to boot he mu fnt j l fs usv less lo contend with btm jnrt look at the c3e which has tum ueciined not loiu agum the fall of niagara it is a case win h has just occurred to mv mind mf forsyth owned a propeity there lo which a gentleman rather more favored by persons high iu power set up a claim and without waiting lor a legal process he was removed by an armc band of soldiers 1 hey threw down the buildings and lences and threw them into the niagara river hear hear in defiance of all law and justice hear hear lie brought his action to recover damages and what was the conaeqoeneol why he wa defeated becbiuahld thcadmi- and altioi the letters ollhat iiuiivuiuai were rcau in court oy me attorney funeral and be wstfrfiowed orfin bis true colour yet a jury chosen br the tflienff by that immacolaui sysienia tuii wilt h isaboveall tuspieion returned a verdict in his favor ivtl me uflvr this thai the administration is above suspicion lull me there is no necessity tor passing this law hut i will what wo the consequence f wny ne vvasuereauu i opponent was a nunpouevsod ofmituensc wwlhh- ntraiiou ifjurt buyund dispute wmin vengeance the letters of that iitilividual were read in court by lh lot be surprised al any thing which hon gentlemen say or do had not intended tu say any thing upon this subject two t have delivered mv soiiiimeiiis very i ue illhsl ab-su- i uuiiiitd hclnre i rom lreiieiitly oil the subject of trial by jury and the ilecttoti jnnitit mid 1 have again given the icasons which iiulnce to mtpport a hill jfthil kind ami 1 lliuik ho v are su b as in entirely alisfactry to thi house that a nieasuru is lutely imeskiry at all events they aro sutlicienl to kail me timipport a measure of this description and until i am convin ced j am wrong i shall continue to do so with regard lo il pacing the other br aurh of the lcgislaluie that ha nothing do with our otes upon it all hofl gentleman who is sup ihim d to to tu the secrets of the cabinet bos drlncd that il will not pas in that quarter but wo are not sent here to mould iiur viewd and fashion our a 1 by thrir no nul eeu iflbey were at tho day made up of the llialvrids vvbnji it wne contiiiiplaied they should be when the lanistitiitiun of tins provuiee was framed unt hove in ibis irom being the thij si muehiso that wc sec the kveutivc eovenmienl making iuroad and rcirenehes upon tin lights of the people although there are many men in the legislative council whom i regard as ornaments to society and asornaiueuis uftbal bouse where limy left to think lor ihviiisclvis but velio aie now so iinphlih under lb eiuitrtd of ihe ktvenliw lli t no jj t 41 ot t a 1- im 1 it mill ihiio il oi lit ill it i iln litiriutra l ihis houe to io lire whether ouracts will meet their appro batiun i adimi oere ought to be tbe most friendly intercourse between the ddtirent branches tbey ought tube on the mol most social tcrni but vvc are lo legislate willi regard to the principles of measures and according to our rmiscicm c and judgment for ihe good of the country i would go this far and say that if by making an alteration wbieh did not involve any principle il would have tin effect of souring its passiog ktusdoit hull would never give u a prim ipleof the bill upon which 1 had taken a itail3i would alter no rnaiter of substance if bis course were not adhered to in out proceed ings on all subjects of legislating the very iutcni use ami prin ciple of having three branches of the legislature would ho roi i therefore think nothing which has been advanced on that score has any weight 1 hope the bill may he carried by a large majority it is called loudly for by the country and will give satoaaction the jury isul was read the third time and on the question for passing the teas and nav wire taken as folhvvy yea s3 xaw13 majority is hiswilo they were employed to take cure of the mitliccil sclmul in eyrrstrect and resided on the nrcmiss it sottns that linth the man mid wife fre- ipnmitly pot intoxicated and created disturbances in ihe tlrght on sumliy aftcnioon they were both much intoxicated and as usual under 5uch circum- tnncea began to quarrel- in this drunken broil they were joined by an irishman whom they had impro perly admitted into the house- the two men thruflt the woman out of doors who in a state of drunken fury alarmed the neighbours and passers hy with tilt cry uf murder idling people at the same time thai the two men in the house were intent on murder in her police force was fetched and the men car ried oil to prison all this produced a strong and rapidly spreading r nation and a thousand ridicu lous and idle tales iuiuut hurkiuc and so forth vcre soon afloat the crowd augmenting a considera ble police force was kept on the spot and acts of violence were prevented that evening the people having gradually dispersed themselves during the night all was quiet and remained soatscien oclock yesterday morning at ejaht oclock one hour later wc were again on the spot and found the premises taken possession of chiefly by boy ftj indeed there was one man only a- mongvt tiiem that wcould observe they were then occupied in breakingthe frames of the windows and ejecting into the street chairs forms stool tables books in short every moveable article of which a lire was made in the street- the building was soon completely gutted the very staircase and llouisbein turn up and committed to the flames at biilfpist nine the constables and others endea vored 1 1 stay the work of destruction hut in vain the house vkis now nearly gutted and the fire in the street being continually increased with fresh fu el from the floors doors ceilings stairs and every thing jhai would burn now raged with tenific fury on the lire engines arriving at tbt spot ihey were welcomed with stones and pieces of slate which- compelled tbcui to retire in consequence of the hoitm having been set lire to ihey were again re called and appeared under the protection of ihe mi liiary they commenced playing on the flume uilu succeeded in extinguishing them about 10 oclock the aspect ofaflairs assumed so truly an al arming appt arauee that it was deemed advisable to dispiich messengers iu postchaises wiih duecion to proceed at full speed for the asigjance of any of the neigboring magistrates soon after mr kay- ner arrived in fault of the town hall at the head of a tletatchment of the 6th luniskillen dragoons commanded by a serjeaut tlie crowd lied on their approach rrd thedepre- dotorn ceased their mischievous rinntoymrtw uh took 10 their heels by twelve oclock im wopio had ikarlyall dispersed there was altogether uclt an appearance of ciuicuiin about the po that it was thought unccesuiy lodeiaiu the military lorger they weie iherefure released from their duty and returned to the barracks about haltpast one an other uttitck was made on the illluted prettiims tho lire was rekindled ill the street and the horrid work ol destruction was again iml lu v the mill galloped down ey sinitiltiuieously a loot race was seen in every diiec- oil they succeeded in capturing one of the rim its he wtsseut to the town hall guarded by a party ofdregoons the back of the iiotthg is pom- pletely dtniulilud uf floors joists beams and all from the ground to ihe roof removed a consider hie portion of the biick work of he outer wall was likewise broken down a poriion of the mob con- hiling clitllly of hoys apparently tired gating at tlie stddiers left rite large multitude now surround mil them and proceeded about six oclock to the mrdicamiailtutiuireystrcet where they comnimenc- ed throwing at the windows breaking mt st of them a try wus now raised fur mr ovcrettdv we pitsuuie a uedieal matu a moveinetit was in stantly made in that direction when they riaihcd church street a few squares in the windows were broken ihe rioter were somewhat iiiiimidated by a report of lirtarins fnui the door of ihe limine in it few minutes a party ol dragoons arrived and fur ther itinuhief was thereby prevented a body of po lice wj i shirty afterwards ma clad lothespot i operation in fll lis origi- iirv wure airain called out and estreet at halfpast two and iiipast sevi u a trnnp ol miimhii- hi european intelligence long ktmrf ves nuukl he ilupciit ivlmli iron ft tlitin iln ir uvvn tlivy cbit10 tn uqiigvu were uk itt ulntiility imjciijyed ratllm ycirn and which llli t vnlucil irinrjiji iffi hot wu iho tlo tliit iiouiki client tullinn i i itnj uitj lunpor any evil system uoh htiu crmiihittd tl oioiu umont iho reaimin lor wicodintf it iliaj ili- hon ami learned solicitor gtnund iiy w minh t uiinp i ver kiniivn il if mi mitter wliijlmr it w wcr know ii in unt that liu nothing to ui willi llie merits uf the rjikmiiin niw il in my ujunimii willi mpd t lo tlie fvq j n hut tlmrcih jnrv duffhtlubf eniiihril ol pernn a uji mijrini1 tlinmnlthu tirind jury wlit re ihe iluticn ol j liiond jury tlie hear oncwdo of the eac and lie on ly to dmrle whether hs ciic vviirthynlxeiiii-hroulmhjori- the runrt thry are trnuhlgtt wild no uhndin in th i imr any euiitriifv tvnl on tin other hand vvhal ihv jmiksi ji ivntjiify ihey have not only drmlu lltniq th jtiidiite vvhn h theimaml jury hiwhllhlmceilojm hmtliov have in rjtltliiioiral task of jutbing from ciidlliclirw umannnv rrfftnowiti- lithli frm rnu f dmi fnrmifi n l egld tub eroi h elfctions all the returns have been receiver except from koss and orkony two members the reformer claim a majority of 156 over the conservatives but the papers of tbe latter nik wiih lhaken confidence as to the result their hope ecms to be that there is so wide a chasm liccwtvn the oonacrvutivtj whig reformers and the rhiuctis that the former will choose to support tfir robert peel rather than to be hunied farther towards the vortex of revolution by the de mocrat u the times argucfl that earl tjrey and hia friend will oppose as much as the duke of wel lington the inroads of democracy on monarchy or the destruction of the church the ftct is says the timesf that the great questions which divided public men ire settled and the grounds of party contest broken up the people have obtained real representation they have the machinery which guarantees h course of practical reform be the go vernment whig or tory and between the whigs of the gray school and the present premier the points of difference are insignificant compared with those of agreement sir robert ped took the oaths of office as first lord ol the treasury and chancellor of the exche quer on the 27th of january on the same day attired in his robes of office he took hs seat as chancellor on the bench with the learned karons ol the court of exchequer destruction oftitttftlsoigal school ra shef field the following account of the destruction the medical school in sheffield is take iris ofthfrl town of jan 27 h affords commentary upon the utter twdselesattcttf tie well a the wickeducs of a mob an usual degree of excitement prevailed in this town last suuilay n riotous acts have been com mitted cluellv by a number of disorderly youths lor the suppivsaion of whidl however it vvii linulk ilitarv interference all tbis and h i from tbe a striking jriirrr arose out ol h drunken brawl between all man drffnoits have dis numuitt il titil iiiw mtitiilnu iih iln h iii4t4i oppo site the medical hall the coheouise of people has considerably decreaed the well disposed have considered it beat to depart is night lias come on dragoons are parading the trect and jl is stil where the not commenced surne disposition for tumult appears to prevail in 8i james street as no further outrage is stated we presume the night passed quietly we cannot forbear expressing our opinion that sufficient ener gy ha not characterised the expressive measures adopted fur putting down ilm disgraeelul and dis orderly ttllliulc and far preventing such shameful suptrstitiotts destruction of properii- neither ran we forbear from mating how reproachful smrh wenei tire to our national chaiaetet nd intelligence the vulvar am even kochiuf httvu preteuioiih above wtgariiy are alway- abirmed by some bugbear or other ireland cheat failure in dublin dt bltx jam 21 the bank of gibbont and wil- 11119a no- 39 dame stiect received its letters this morning atid soon after the following notice was post ed on the closed duor- 14 orders from the northern banking coinjiany uelfai and its branches and the commercial bank of scotland and its branches also the orders of june loyd co- and w jones loyd ev co manchester will be paid bv messrs doyle low pitn a co college green gibbons and wujjfttlia have between xc0o0 and x30uo of their notes in circulation and the immediate cause of their stoppage was the receipt of intelligence from jones loyd co t in man chester that they must decline accepting their drafts advisee have been recceived lo day from london met their drafts were refused there by jones loyd sa co on monday the total amount ofthciroutstandingengagemeuts is near 300000 here the shock has created great surprise and will do probably some more mis- cine eie jts ellects are over they had many of ikchell and costellus bilhtin their hands lutely i e the provision merchants who failed here last week liibbonsaud williams had a good manyofiheir notes pushed into circulation amongst the farmers particularly in the county of wescmeath where an estate of theirs lies and also among the shipping in terests one dublin house is m ibr ig000o and a house in liverpool for 21000 the right hun james fitzgerald died at bool- erstownon the 20th jan at the age of ninety- three deeply regretted by bin countrymen having filled many important offices with great fidelity to hii country s interests tlie eloquence was of the pur est style ami the tone of his voice so harmonious that he has been deservedly suled the nw fuaguvd prime serjeant lie has been the hist fttirvivur of those glorious men who in a bloodleis field won cor their country a constitution iu i7s2