spain it would seem that the dtararied rmidiliini ottliif unhappy rminiry i hihmi i lut to interest llu irrcat powers who hold ihe bdtuico of powr en met neithri ninnicd i friir it- ercat pow hands ii can no longer he nniwhluil thai parly is able to overcome thu other- a with a mutual haired and defiance rf m committal mid die extermni has had seeuwiill no lite it ful excesses ore dail ming war which is carried 01 other effect item a fearful lummciioiiiiriiunihii lit on both sides without nt all jiilluencing die gran question of the succoihi of powcwing lir leal gives theuneenv party a preponderate i power ami inlluenct in die provinces occupied in carlos party both strong that it woitlj hef armie thr inrro circiiiniauci form uf guuthmhill nd dun mr armies according wrlearn from tin aelte lletrttllcc oftlie 3lt dial tin eltfhdl brivcwiudh takrn up llw question seuousk ami had resolved w im inate the dilutciu if pih- viulii parties ieueral ahna tail numv earnest conference tth the m lending be twee it ah the eon reported duke ol in a statu noiuuv now in a state wellington rwpectin the inturference of england and it was confidently believed that his grace would take prompt measures to terminate the contest though on what basis is not known an insurrection of the 2d regiment of light infan try had taken place ill madrid and excited great commotion and uneasiness venn ibk- 11 there is something loiicn in the slate of den mark a seiiuus dutuibancc had taken plate in the theatre at copenhagen die king being present the audience in die pit shunted librrt of the pnt the kin rose and attempted to ud drcas the people but even the voice ul majesty wtu drowned in the uproar and his majety was obllg- ed to leave tin house the capital was of great exciiemei t the example of formerly united with denmark niu of loirh prospeiity iu conwquencc of the liberal in- ttituttoiis itiuw received wicelln mparntiju pro duces this exciter action iu copenhagen itllilf 11 bbcskli jftn 21 thctjucsiioii which excite by far the greatest interest here at present next io the englih elmmn new is the diaputo which has arisen between france and the uftited states re lative to the noihulffilnirih f the treaty for the payment of ihe2o0uiuhui francs hy the former country- it is u coincidence onicwhuf remarkable thai at the siunc time in which the refusal of the french chamber to raiilv the net of their govern ment is made subject of mli h waim ditjcufeuoji ihe signed hy their minister at washington with the american secretary of state is made public it i well however io point out that there is nut die re mo test connexion between the two circumstances belgium has acted in the question which concerns her without anv reference whatever lo thai regaid- jnp fiance ior is their any likelihood of a quar rel between ihlb country and the cnited states let the disagreement wiih france mil out as it may the treaty between ilte ilelyiau nliuiter at washington and mr livington then secretary ofstate and nuw minister at the court of france bears date the 23j of jan 1s33 of the various stipulations of that treaty based no doubt on those existing between the uniied states and other com mercial countries i have reason tu believe thai those concerning the piim iple of blockade as well as the axiom that ttvr hip makulfee goods were the cause of iionratilicaiuij on the part uf belgium and of die statement by die minister for foreign affairs that baron behr had exceeded his powers provincial imprisonment foe dear our attention has been called 10 lllfi subject from the perusal ofthe follow- illg extraordinary passage it is contained in n note to a poetical hiitlt written hy an eccentric author well known in this city the law- of canada instead ftf protecting the vir tuous and industrious assists blackguards in their nefarious practices i a man js indebted two pounds the creditor goeloiflliy lawyer and swears that the debtor is going io irave his country h war rant captaj js issued lie forced mtv iptol kiui oat getting time to procure the money or bail this would he no great injury if town and coun try were possessed hy honorable men but when there are not an hundred io upper canada who do not regard truth and an oath as nonentities or who would hesitate to di up his grandfathers skeleton for a shilling besides seizing the old ghost were it possible for a penny more than would buy the whistle the land groans with cruelty and lack of faith the laws are horrible and unless amended no honest man will come to canada unless he wish to be flayed alive pope said honet mauv the noblest work ofuod it may be true in other lands but pope never was in canada or he would iiave seen that an hoet mans the public prey al so an honest maos the rascals game we merely give the foregoing from its singularity that h portion of it may be applicable to some 111 every country there can be little doubt and that the law of arrest in this province requires amend ment will huo b generally ackuow ledsed as to the policy uf imprisonment for debt as a ceneral question we have already expressed our opinion and hereafter intend tu dwell at some length upuu the subject particularly so ns it will come under legislative consideration in ihe piesent session the arrest by capias as exercised in this province we believe to be an unique law in the old country the creditor swears that the debtor is iu his books justly and equitably to the amount claimed which is fair and generally speaking may be irtiein canada the creditor swears that the debtoi is about to leave the province a circumstance which but few can know we verily believe ihsiiuo out of every 100 who take this oath either commit wilful and corrupt perjury or by a kind nfspertal pleading lay a flattering unetion to their conscience by whidi they deceive themselves and others but which in equally criminal in the eyes of him who searched i the hearl this language may appear strung but every days experience prove that is no lcti true who can concientously awuar to the inward thought of his neighbour some strong external circilin stance must come to the knowledge of the creditor beorc he can avoid ihecriuie of perjury to this point we shall again return the mailer was old called forth at this moment by ihe pariliaph we have quoted there is no dillercnce uf opinion upon tins that the laws aaihey regard iiujnisnu- meni for debt require amendment toruuti9 lit cor den hy an cttra received this morning from the pn ofthe quebec mcrcurt we learn that the long looked for message from ins execlkriirv retfardim die asseoihlys claito fur nrrears oi coutiutfeitl ex pensea and h sum to meet those of the cwren year had lieeil luitl before tin house the tiuvrr nor profesevh himself willing tu direct ihe advance til the fundi required provided that he churtro mde id u fitr ihe ajenlv expenses in england and the ah nflhe lilumiiaii dishiirsciliuuls made m an rousniiitional and irrctfuhir manner he deduet and ft hill uf lilemiiity passil with the sums ahe mipdird- in this event tun his kvrelki rtill lake into consideration the propriety uf thorisinir an advance to meet ihecurrciit expense vwofitrtnf qattttc fink we regret m learn that the sheds i stabler of mr ijarrau duiker inn keeper in village of llallnwell were cnnstiined by fire saturday mornirg last ix valuable imrses w- htiiuiipthe stublo and a large quantity ot bt and nihrr grain was destroyed in n atari hu attached- the fire which broke our aliotil clock in the morning wis caused by ihe rairlesih fcw f the man iu charge ofthe ndd who went thi at that early hour to red ihe horse of a travelr when the light ofthe candle communicated with i m hav the sheds were connected with ihe house aid other buildings which were only saved by i e prompt assistance of die inhabitants aided hy u- hook and ladder company to whom creut prnfm u due the loss is estimated at about cmmur cutl wc irust thai such accidents vrill prove o citiuiy warning to inn keepers and others cosottrg l formtr tlnmnl a hluriolih ltdlrfiijf ilio out t phminsof ilu- fist fll rtiijmlthwi pirttduri ktlr wwiit hj ilitiuve bank r a1u wlior wrion lirvle im llw brhi pvoinurrnui a rnti firtlihi iliel mi i iimi iinry and ill- rufakra tnioiu ft cth ti- tk ill kin2 inuntlntitil in n commkrrmlthe follow ingextract of a letter ikm henry bliss esq commercial agent to the qucw hoard of trade dated loudon 3it december is published in a late number ofthe qhtbic ortscr the new act of parliament winch relieves frm postage all llritishand colonial newspujiere passing between the uniied kingdom mtd the ufilthiies is limited to such papers as are transmitted by t koysl mails 1 have addressed a letter to ihe rwt- oflice upon this subject pointing out to them at mme lenjjth the many inconveniences this rest r- lion will continue io impose on the canadian intere and it utter uuproducttvetless ol any thing but timj- hle and expense to the l0toflice and lainentu that neither the vast improvement of those coio uies nr the great increase of their trade nor ihe application of a newpowerto navigation appears to have made in this quarter any impressioiis on the poslohlee whose mctumof cununtiuicatioh wiih dint division ol the empire remain hi the same state they witc half a century ag- means o com munication by which the correspondence and bun nets ofuearly two millions of people villi tins coun try whose trade on both sides exceeds jmuumtmi annually could not be carried on but for the facili ties afforded by foreign ship and a foreign govern- incut and fmall v appealini to them whether it w as vjviijvv ill ilc liui in i ul mj fill i i business or the existing usages of commerce j the ability and necessity of a speedy transmis u intelligence whether it accorded with the natural anxiety of communication between friends ami rela tives from ihe colonies the emigration to wtlvi ex ceeded 30x00 persons yearly or even equally t reasonable demand of public curiosity for inl tion and the improvements ofthe posiofll e in every other quarter to exchange mails between monh american dumitiiona and ihe united k dom but twelve times in as many mouths ami tinut the subjects on both sides to a dozen seiiveries in the year to this letter i have received an answer but which gives me no hope of any immediate improve ment i have the honor to remain gentkinen your very obedient and humble servant hbhy ijlisc to ii lctncsuricr eq- and the committee of trade ciuebec- in ouotfthticilc0 uf 3iviw- mrhirliuic ac cp having ivcr liticd in several papers of ihe province that llic stationejv e sold hy aucitoo on the 5ih ofmarcb i83t were not ttized on tin ir pfoluby lhnsherilv the annexed btccouiiir the iranaclirni mtdc pulilic mr rdmrr ihe dngitj httmg an cnenffm ja hi ttmt pmhmd to phi if stock qf stationery fe fthtn wuitffrhrj in ilfcatfnc mittjtiftotu co who virer to irr at jtffa fintf in thi night htnc the p ojttrttf whs fcaw4 hu slrrs mtjmhutc v cos wrrftnts to thar 09m ftofi trn httlttrm taufrrftlfvr the itmottoi faitf to af itatr 400 hf nhh thr rrtit nthic 0 thr aooilx thtst hills ore fouu to ht cilutlttntt thr fttttfttftion breoihrf of no utility to air i t trho i irttrtr uffthou htfotc ht the mton vhh ht crs ur nttitrorit hors tf the r morale tf ml without umj wore to tl mi tlttos thr sltfriff to tt srizr thr coth ami rltftojit thrnt in uhut wnu uu iiw n ihtik in dri rwuiniuiirtiumi rm jpmu ilionn hh levrllwl nt die vilaliiv of thr nrvv bank wlmli is much bbuicrf for no hnkm jmtw ui iht vwuwuw i rf t opcmiinns nllbnm tb- l c bmk proof of ry am aw diil f nmil is mm liken to eiianl the proviurr nfiin puimimmrv nldumisbh inthniltotllml llvittw tiiken to pro nt el immdntioii wen dm very caw ol pnttit x vm a untormtosm triwum cva iper into nreuta nmi to ihe alim1 m wiilifhnwil nf die v c aul coniiuer- rial nov mr alton appear cntihy to imve rirpotion the tvl hint willitlierkfcplimi nf tlie itatk nfenslwdj die wlmta nicd inmffptiuun itflhrt klnptuui ftrr done hv lueftiwnflhe paper of pri itc imuki r who never yel have horn whfd upm 10 shew wlutlier tin y livo iv iwv t rtiflwiont lliiiih 10 meet their iwuct lurnkkis eiiftond hclnp n iitwinw m opt it to fair compeliiion rwthatofo lin 11 draper r tea ikaw in answer to llii h ilrr mowr tnwnlt aildies his fxcdlency in justification at lhwnfcv aoj cuter into a detail of iht ellirl mtili bv their oniion rivals 111 ruinlliein in ihoirbuilnesji and income uimy pro j ihatuin several rf- furuwore not inlellinklli a imnlihle deen in itard the publicojpdna tha wor nfi urii rurrency but siwply lliroiil u lliiil ileavnr 10 kep the whole of ihe ninllcjf mnkintrwltmiflniikiii toihou elve in ronclwion blotwi tnikoa co aepiamt iho tiwenmi thai they inv pli- tionod the hotieof aneinlly to ir ler an investigation into the elate of their fuiaikc their liabilities and their means to meet uietn i a cutofill fonltf rnlion otlb whole affair wfl have arrivejalthe con lunqh lhatllic t omliiciof thcluo chartered bnltt towards thiir private compel ilorn ha heen any ihini hut ctiurufouffotiaflftriwf r hal liny in j re- reived lhctious of hie new itank ami prepntrl iheni ilnily for navmcul tkev wmoj not only ihie lipt inviolate the law nf rnmmftii eourlry hot alo have kept their own speck- ir home anil at tin anic lime pmvtd q atulary cheek naint tie ismic of more paper linn the ihav linn hail means to inert whether mern jvttfcott gn ar wealthy mun r not ive have noaccufato imsuw of mceiminiwr but tbitwc know tliat provided thisy only tiw common pritjvnee and ordimry cau lion inllieir irtnlncw thij mitf veiy speedily become mich- a private bunkcit uwil whide prjvqlo fortunes are intile j the payment of iheir debt while ifciilur of the two thorterd banks rhnoh 10 eloc its donrff tlo whole of the lkto llttw- ers may whith for iheirnioiiejthf inw not conuiellin quin le duectoror stoekliiithr to im nrcoutnable for one shilling tmyond the aiiiiimt of hii sttwk paid id at prcoii both lahlnhfncnts are in a tlonrif hitig siitc hot ihe lime may romc a mcrit trumoit co my w ftbririiinlii will recoil upon thtflwlvc mr dalton and the patriot have joined the cabal against the fditorof ihe wjiio mr daltoniys hftwos introduced hv dr barker to saul in tcimsof llatlcrins commendation too potmn of unexeeptionatde morals in ihii particular ihe snutly hem is minken a dr barker was folly aware at llic time he ioiroduml the two grnttrmrn to each other thai food moral wore by no means an essential requisite 4 an iw qualnlanreflilp with mr dnlion a proof of dr barker iiisinilieanee tsexemplifnil in ihe filet that toor qowua pers hu chmnirlr potrfot ihrohl and fttrtitiur have tor a month back been fully employed to the neglect of the public buinc3 in bin knardiiur him o the coroners hwpwnt thai ww held on thursday litft on the body of the child of mr harvey wood ifler a careful invtimigniion oftfl dny return ihe fiillowiujt verdict that ihe death of the female iulaiit child was canned by exposure to eoltlaiid the want of proper nuin iiuiuih- ment and can lhn0fli ihe neileeland viideneeof harvev wood the mutative lather and ihnm vmoi and that mary millman the nutthcr and jdii llrdv wer ieecsarie yankee hill ay uk impet vlfl eninpused of fiiirleeil otonr bmnittniqri a brushl kuslidi wliobr that vmitb cjtlic llow in the vieimly of kington hn disappeared some wvf day ami lliu ieo in the llubor and buy is rolling very cist the eroding 111 ihd american channel i hijrldv tbidsnrain while that nizher home k not in a much belter romlllijlu barkac1c cantbens itirofdjilnant notice is hereby given ihm ilws oantbens in the ijaflwclm l the tv lc 1oni kingston an4 it pehcwnsuiawlie uio li ll1 upon he loucw- ing conditions for one year irom ihe 25th march inftiniiti no person hut of an unqijcblionablc character nor any iittsnn for more hum uti cantccr or who will itoi untlcrtflkc bona fide to fiwin the can- leen and nrndiici ihe birciiitrt ihcreof in w own iiifnhk will be approved anil two surelkmwill w required iw the rcgulnr pnvment ofthe rent and of nil sinus which may become due in respect of the sniil cantetih nndnr the due performance of the several conditions and tiplntiona f the lease tlie ptrsnn vhue propniil shall he accepted and liia sureties mum execute the indenture and lease ofcovennnie reluiing tlieroioi the particulars whereof may be known by applying to this ofiice or to the barrack serjeant at renetanguiabine the names of two vespectahle person with their christian names professions and places of abode who will join the tenant in executing the indenture as his mireiiess must lie inserted in the proposals and the tenant is to pay for the stamps and the oiilnauee department does not undertake to pro cure lite tenant a license sealed proposals addressed to the respective ofiiccrsal kingston wiih the words tender for canteen written on the outside rover will be re ceived at tins ofltce on or before 12 oclock noon on the 20th march instant after which hour any proposals received cannot he noticed by the mu- tin v act canteens are not liable to have troops bil- litltl on them all persons making tenders for canteens are to take notice that they will hi- held to the strict per formance of the covenant of their leases and full paviiients of their rents without any remission or re duction further than ihe covenants of the leuse itself set foitli the form ofthe tender to he as follows i htrclni ttjfirfffr the canteen in ihe harracks at for ttrctvc months from the 25a march instant the writ of pounds per annum for the house has a thvilintc ami the further rent of per month for ever fen amcotnmisioncfl officers and private hohliermcho may oecopjf the ban aehs during that period and propose air of and j1r of as tut sureties for the same the rents of the canteens as dwellings are to be proposed at the sums stated opposite to each iu the following list therefore the biddings will he upon wlmt n olkud lot tvny itrn unit occupying the barracks this number will be ascertained from ihe barrack masters monthly return which are made upon the first day of every month and no changes in the occupations of the barracks which may take place in the progress of the month either for or asraiust the tenant will he taken into accouui no lees number than ten will be charged against the tenant nor will any odd number be calculated ihubi if the barracks should be occupied by 148 men on the first day ofthe inotiih only 140 will be calculated for that month the bidders are also de- hired to introduce no fractional parts of a penny in iheir offers as ihey will not he noticed nor will any tenders be noticed except such as are strictly ac cording to the above form kiufffttoih tele tie pont 15 per annum j b smith ordnance storekeeper w ivwft i j- ihnriitffoiji thewlhimgto ichuh has hew constituted ttibrl british irm kisgstoy monday bvhxtnq march 16 1835 wtitinra received intelligence vera europe io llic 1st of february fnmi llw english nwi wc mm made several n- uict bo from the fiooch pnpoi wc teem anually nothing relative tn the dfrputci between prance ami the cnited state thu chamber 4 dejiuti httd rlfct ditotimd theifotmlinn ol paving ill indemnity end iiwu anithil point wheihtfr r nut the mnney would he voted no scnous tdwi ofwnr ap pert iq be entertained mher n france or knhuid a ropy oflltt wippnmci uolv of j i on- cst rurier lo the purrcihry nf smteel wiijuupiun appears in the french papers thcru i nothing in it to excite llic indigniton of the authorities al that capital jud nothing in it to induce them to suppress its publi cation until liid hefore the knu ofthe french the rcnll ofthe elections in great ijritain and ireland is a mnjority tifjtffl for ihe reformers i low sir kohertpcel and the dukeof wellington eancuiry on ihu government of the country with tutha inajnrity against ihern ua mystery lo u titty appear ncverilichw tohu highly ftfloguim- a gooddjl ofilie pntilie utqqilon has heen htelff directed lo n depute hetwoen ihv acricnltural and iho wo chartered hank lliili panics have appealed lo llw public and from llic published cnneitpoiidence wftgfen what follows rather better than a yew aio when the agricultural dan commented operiliontf the two chartered dankrrofitwlloro- ccive iis paper under ihe shallow- pretext ihat fhey knew no- ihins about lit tlno allhnuiih folly aware that the pnitooh in tin now bank udviy trnteoit gretn were men of con- taumlilc iraprtal iiovvar annuyirig uu refusal miht h to ulu new hankers it proved of no utility to their opponent lor aooii a any papvr of the tharured bank came into the immu of mtkk tniscuti c it w hwiantly rouvcrled into specie and deposited invgty in llnir own vaulls to hktl any run that might be made on them through the instriiinni- tahty of iiialirimih hinmui whilu at iiriihei ofthe other limks waived ihe ittwrof the iiewrfecni they had not thepowvr l tetuh r tt noh tjt limit own bnl weie euihpcllcd lo hand mil the hanl cash this game it ttvumc wj played upon the l c- bank to thc1uneofj40jkj0 while iiu ihe cnnnnrr- rial hank v vent j large dmairula f spreie wi re made lo an uiiaiwrrlaimd nmrnitil but pnimimvii mil n jail tnr nhoftuf half thu almvr nolhidmin fpern u lft inft tcacheth ttmh wilom ami ihr hircelorsoflho u i n finding all he spidii in ihuir vault in a fail way tif bring transferred in the colverofihtii foind mmpititurtt bian to ebango tharnttm ruiur- ihtir pdiry and hot only rimninncod rccltvitut lit tnimou jfc pup i irinittid large mnnnf i tolhnr wvrnl apenliil ihceountry lo hoy upallllnv rimild lay itaink upon ju urdir in arttuiinlftiv miehan luninint w ij l m ui maliv w dlw w hat cah tin had vmd iittlmm hill hiioiusi m i1m rdbfthlm lwile lo vmjrr inn lo wimi itgll lln- mall r uf thru iknm might knd ilnwld ivhnmv kim uvatiiv trunolt rifccv- imakkkt ruin iktw tn untuiuv mnnh 10 is j s ll ileifliv the cwi l 1 1 vo 0 do nl thr kfnll ptf lh 1 a i miitlou hy uip skirp pr ik u a ii 25 0 h do al tin vfd itr in taaari ii n a frji iwk pi i ml qi u n an 0 troli roller prr lb ii s a 0 9 tnh do do ii ii n l h fl2 ht do 11 a i 1 phirn- n i 1 i ii ii u i juadj oo u 17 0 so 0 no jo percw io n a 11 3 wheat per bowel rye do do 30a 3 3 9 29 a 0 0 corn do do- 28a 0 0 barley do do 20a 2 3 oai do do 1 h a 0 0 potatoes do- do 1 9 a 2 0 hay per ton 30 0 a 0 0 straw per bundle firo wood pel curd 0 11 a 0 0 80a 0 0 soup 04 a 0 4 fowli couple 10a 1 0 pork me hh mi n a 0 0 do prune ur 7i 0 a 1 0 oa tluipyla nkrnidff hi robert cmc i son of mr- 3vcph nruce asl 1 1 iar iilftl h uthmu at anpljnlm in mw c lmt ftftcr on iltaew of 1hrer riy fntrinr llinun it 1 fur pnuirul only 11 nift x jrii orilutt olvn ffrrfhtir ptjltowwglk on friilyjv fiih loil ton ofthe laic mr joints bcton if kingtftofli v npiil l siiry tjiis- yooiit pmienmn u m tt wrfc rimumir ltof firihr iw 8mtmmm mmlhit4atifw innrtrnvl hr m cxcru- ctalldg pan ihriri unw pr x u drra lu i xmr tti hi tljf mim- bodmlnrrttui ofhim wfco ulnwbi thr rrnmvl ot ih lying chrimitin mr ibmhidlrdui w iriimmhof uvi- ciiik fl uaamanihr rmyifiimi fpcivucli unusiiv tti hiond of jrmh lkhm ami l iw p t i goi imin halvmu ti ilcad hi- iliritfliimfniiiiirlnmh h iloiiml id fh hntivr llimtim hit- iir kmifin nurftw irt her4tr iliiiarnik cxanipl- ll hvi un fvrnkkf hi remain oi3 lni fir llw flight ai hv a ttuoitroo cihtvoiirt ii nil owrafae iill liv mill tfiini- large call iiil soe- the subscriber hu lor bale at his store quantity of closer sccd pork mackerel corn lirogiu farclvn rcik- 500 pttir indian rubber stioesj staiks end os axe tvarrantcd a gonil bupply of stav nmi cppct rdhor cnu- skins e nil of vhirli will bu sold ul low prices for cash or hiritfs tcaah will foj ilidectilfkkinff wnil sheen jimi liimlifkiiih v fori market squuns kinmion mnrrh ii xtr i xmoncy losi lost on tiijjiii im heicn fhe coissariit lliceami thr liarrk in from slrect seventeen dolars in uwli ivlioivcr ims fountl thu raniu imi will return u wmu oilier shall be imiiiu sunirly rcwanlrtl khisin mitnli 1h sr jt information wanted any liilurnmlimi u h11m mi lunlnril lrrluh1 i thu vcnr isj3 in kiiilmnn in jium jtwhrh wtu unu mini hisi im11 u of nr uroiln 1 mvmw rim iily m thr fobwahdinli the ottawa tlamuoat company havjng ih- creased their papital stock hy the purchase of ihrpe 8tcuitiboat8 on iliurldrau canal in order to com pleie iuul extend iheir line 10 kindlon will here alter transact iheir business tinder the name of tiik ottawa and rioki forwardim company tin ultdorsignedi ihe committee chosen to man age the ofluira of said company are determined to use their beitt ciulea0lirs to secure the confi- tlencl of the public by having a sirtficient number nf stchmhothft qid other craft on the ottawa and rinrai wnteri suitable stores and steady capable ami attentive agents clerks and conductors toper form the foraidinff business with lulelty safety and despateh- alihoufrli iiir rommittoe would not wish to un- ti imic 1i14 u rithgc tf tu utiiti rtwutj in con lidently solicit the encouragement of the public m general as their charges will be moderate and ihey trust that losses and vexatious disappointments caused by delay and damage may he avoided both upward and downward by having their persons and property conveyed on this route for emigrants this line of communication is par ticularly adapted as they may embark all their lug- aagc along with themselves on board a covered boat and continue in the same the whole length of the line to kingston being towed the entire dis ta nee ihe committee consider insurance unnecessary from the superior safrty of thh route but as acci dents cannot always be avoided any persons con- 4 filling property to their care arc particularly request ed to order insurance if they wish it to be done on the opening of the navigation the company will be ready to do an extensive business with the following boat the shannon receiving two new engines of 40 horse power each a jrbv boat building to receive the shannons f eucine 56 hotse power the ottawa with a 00 horse engine and the st andrews together with five steamers o the rr- deal- canal luid a competent number of covered barges peter mitim john redpathj john m olson jim thomas phillips jthin fhothingiiamchtirmad emery gushing agent all persons indebted to ihe ottawa company aro railed upon to settle tbeir accounts with as little de lay as possible fib21 is35 flftlir vhnun star ami port i loj ivdnlw will cioh give thu ohovo ailvertioiueiii fuur inscrtionn and nnd iheir to nmittnto ll comimiiyv am at kimton hoitltouki 1 ks ienileman who borrowed the 1st and 2nd nf uirdv inickot cnnveyhcer is renoeetra liurn them at his earliest convenience to the of- lieeof thr advertiser john low kingston man h b35- 12 the vol to wul vork will rhmikfulh r nntris i nivll mil ar iltice he oxlnrd 51 received by u rfojl soon tu kinum m ire lit wu 1vj5 information wanted maky ann read a single woman ores 10 yeirsnf ace and limnly a storekeeper in king ston u c disappeared fipm iter friends iu a mya- lerious iininuer and they are unable to obtain any inliuilccorpccling her whether dead or alive she lust fall addressed a letter to her nephew john parker nf kingston which waa mailed at the post ollice in watenown since wlieu no intelli- lrnee from her has reuclicd her friends anv n- fiiniuiiiuii reapminr hn will hethanklullv rccejv w iy her brother tnona hkmi i2i fourth etreet i roy