British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), March 26, 1835, p. 3

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a paper thm hnabcon sent to ut and which it mbly drawn up goes into mi elaborate exposition of the cauioa which have produced this contrariety flc feeling of the manner in which it operate- ths ten dency of the whole institutions offrench origin to aunt ihe sordid and oppressive policy of the rac of french canadians agninaf hoae of british blood and the fatal results of which if unrestrained the inauceuvre of the french faction must be product ivc wc have not room or time for more than a brief extract here and there from the document to which wc have referred and which comes in the form of a complaint frim our brethren of british birth or lin eage inhabiting montreal and its vicinity nnying protection at he hands of all men of british or irish descent throughout the whole of the canadian pro vinces against the oppressions with which those of alien blood vis the french party have visited them or threaten to inflict upon them in the fust puce the moral and intellectual degra dation of the french majority to which our bri tish canadian fellnwubjtcts ascribe 00 many of the grievances weighing upon them is stated in the following passage the want of education among the french majo rity and their consequent inability to form 0 cor rect judgment nf the acts of their poliiical leaders have engendered moat of our grievances the ex tent of that ignorance may be collected from the facts that within the flat two years in each of two grand juries of the court of kings bench for the district of montreal selected uider a provincial iuw from among the wealthiest inhabitants of the rural pariaherf there was found but one person competent to write his name and that trustees of schools are specially permitted by statute to aflix their crosses to their school reports the political information of that part of the canadian population engaged in agricultural pur suits is therefore derived exclusively from the few educated individuals scattered among them who apeak the same language and who possess the means of directing public opinion exempted forom those salutary checks which education alone can bestow the persons who wield this mighty power are generally speaking seigniors lawyeiandjvotdriet of french extraction all of whom a will be shown hereafter have a direct and selfish interest in iqain- tnining a system of feudal law injurious to the country and bearing with peculiar severity on british interests the effort of thy british inhabitants to procure relief from the everiiiea which they murmur have heen described as covert attacks upon the ancient cus toms and instruction of the province national pre judices have heen inflamed and french majority misled by theirchiefs and ignorantof the real nature of the questions mooted have arrayed themselves say the complainants against the minority com posed of englishmen and their descendants after enumerating a long catalogue of evils growing out of ihceatablithment uf frudul tenure with all its inci- irnts rxnrhon and burdensome hindrancesto agri cultural improvement and coimucmal industry and inarkiug further the sordid motives which are al the bottom of canadian agitation as well as of irish ihe complainants express theinschesin theseempha- lie kmwth m arc tre considerations which govern n party exercising paramount influence in the house of assembly find thus it is that british liberality which eo iferred hpotl the french population the elements of free government has been perverted by designing and interested individuals to the means of retaining laws adverse to national prosperity and to the spirit of free institution the concluding member of the foregoing par agraplt lays open ft grand secret of the impolicy nf the british government which in conferring ft free constitution upon french men who would never have dreamed of ask ing such a hooit and were and still are utterly in- capablenf applying it to the wholesome purpose of correcting vicmiis iusiitvtions fmvq tuned it only to the aggravation ot their must odious viced and so debased the gift of liberty itself into an instru ment of animosity against the power which vouch safed it and of cxct union from u benefits of those for whose sake it was bestowed this just hottest and patriotic majority in its hatred or terror of a british population has im posed a tax on cinigant from great britain and on no other emigrant in adjusting the basis of the elective body they have divided counties ac cording to their actual population without ad verting to those prospective changes which ought to he considered aa of certain occurrence and ol the most important nature in a country whose po pulation ha btfen produced and nourished by an annual influx of emigrants from the parent state the qualification for voting has been so arranged as to embrace french canadians and exclude bri tish the qualification of magistrates of militia ofli ccrs and of jurors is made to depend upon real estate the possession of which in properties of li mited value is generally confined to canadians whilst britons whose capitals are more conmonly embarked in commercial and manufacturing pur suits arc virtually debarred from those officers and public trusts thus confiding our liberties to the discretion ofa body of men the greater number of whom are devoid of education and hae been taught 10 regard britons as their natural ene- inv ta bbeertli important in terests which would require to be regulated by 11- jnanent enactments yf wjst l t0 p irt rcvicw aalaries iftftll puo ic officers by an annualcivil ii voted hy ll would if acceded to lead to a dtaomnrcaiiolof government and ultimately render the judges wd other public functionaries the instrument of ilr political animosities tn lativc council a body appointed me orown where alone british interests airly represented ihev are endeavoring to nat by an elciiv council which returned by thcrfp constituency mti from necessity be in all rests a counterpart oftfce assembly a measure wlich would remove the carriers that defend us ugav french tyranny and give to a majority hostifc tn british interests a power that would be cmplt to sever the connexion between canada and empire jjondon time amksican slaves seized avo drraiweb bermuda it will be recollected that some t ince a vessel having on board a cargo of ametf slaves was driven by stress of weather into beff da and there detained and the slaves set at lw ty by the authorities of the island during late session of the north carolina legiaari very strong resolutions were passed conderd tory of the aet and designated it as little else w legalized robbery- the same circumstance has s occurred in the case of the brig enterprise washington bound for charleston with aewj eight slaves on board of which we give the parl lars below and lest the wrath of tha souther gislature should wax ungovernable and talk a robbary redress and so forth we will in them that the same conduct will be pursued in of the british islands it being part of the nal al code use cannings word that rt cannot exist wherever british rule extends mere circumstance of even an accidental coji with a british soil constituting as effectual on a gatinnof the state of slavery and the conseqt loss of properly dependent upon that state as if slaves were physically transferred to another wig or sunk to the bottom of the sea currans brated speech has immortalized in burning c quence the apothegm as reijards the island- great britain i speak we quote from mtfj ry in the spirit of the british constitutions in the letter of the british law when i mfcrttt slavery cannot exist within these islands no ii ter in what language inimical to freedom hia ds may have been pronounced no matter tf complexion an indian or on african sun may ft burned upon him no matter in what battle hi nth berty may haie been cloven down no matter what rites he may have been devoted upon the a of eilavery the moment he touches the saf oil of britain the altar and the god sink toger in the dust hia body swells beyond ihe meat of his chains that fall from around him his br jikj aluouu in iu own ijti anil nc wnilt deemed regenerated and disenthralled bv the re- 1011 miea the systematic proceedings of this alien majori ty of canadians exhibited by ingenious devices and 011 a vaiiety of subjects have had for their predomi nant spirit the perpetuating the despotism of the french over the british population and the shutting out the authority of the british crown over the inhabitants of canada the beauties and blessinis of the philosophical selfgovernment ol lower canada are not badly illustrated in th fol lowing paragraphs with which for the present we shallconclude recommending his majestys minis ters to keep a strict watch over the parliamentary organs of this audacious and disaffected band o antienglish hypocrites who like many others of the clique have reform on the tongue and in the jieau rebellion- the grani of representative go vernment to such men was wc repent it an enor- mous mistake the provincial banks called into existence bj acts of the provincial legislature and by the terms of their charters compelled annually to exhibit statements oftieir affairs have been openly denoun ced by mr papineau lata speaker of the assembly and organ of the french party from no other possi ble motive than a desire to inflict injury upon com merce and consequently oa britons by whoia the commerce of thecountry w chiefly conducted the same individual has publicly recommended to the french party 10 abstain from all intercourse with britoua an advice which has been acted upon iq a considerable extent b not satisfied with the powers with which they are eonatitutionally invested the french party in the aaaembly have bean incesantly occupied in at tempting to arrogata to themselves a supremacy m the concerns of the province thtir pffiubl ro p i c2cm p sistable genius of universal emaucipat tho the british colonies have but lately ceaed to be slave holding cojnmunitiesyet ever srtce the abolition of the slave trde they have ceased u be slave importing states and the integrity of the soil has ever since been as incapable of violation in this respect as that of any port in tne british isles so that the above splendid eulogy is nuw tiue of every spot on which the flag of england waves and the owners of the slaves should ap ply to insurance office for relief as certainly as if their property had been rantmed in 0 oeen 1091 by the peils of thesca or should sun mit as patiently to their loss as if the slaves had all perished to ue the law phrase by the visitation of god ifany of our reader says the journal of com merce need to be informed how it comes to po that cargoes of american slaves are every now and then driven in bermuda we can only tell them that a brisk trade in human flesh is carried on by sea between the nethermost slaveholding states and the southernmost slave labor being in iftucb grea ter demand and the price of slaves much higher in the latter than in the former- the principal mart for the collection and shipment of these slaves i the district of columbia the government of which is vested exclusively in congrets one of the last cargoes shipped from that district consist ing of 78 pcfsdns was taken on board the brig en terprise of this port elliot smith master bound to charleston but either on account of the jonah on board of aome other reason the brig will not go to charleston and after being tossed abut by winds and 8ves a sufficient length of time put in to bermuda about the 20th ult in distress it im mediately became known to the inhabitants that there were slaves on board and accordingly on the fallowing day at the instance of the friendly society of colored people of bermuda a writ tf habeas carpus was served upon all the slave commanding them to be brought before the chirf justice and answer for themselves whether the would proceed with the vessel to her destined port and continue slaves or remain at bermuda and be free the rest of the proceedings in the case w- give in the language of the uermuda royal gazette received at this office the constable with the writ went off to the ves sel then lying about 300 yards from the shore and requested to see the master into whose hand the writ was delivered he passed it to a gentle man on the deck of the vessel and asked him 10 read it who when he had done ao observed thai d prospect beat with aa anxious a joy as chat of a white person for any other cause the result proved how groundlesa were hi expectations the firbt man called upon was desired to stand up and turn himself towards his honor the chief justice who plainly kindly and very appropriate ly addressed him to this effect your name is geo hummett you came in the brig enterprise as a slave and it is my duty understanding thai you unre kept on bord that vessel against your will ro inform you that in this country you are rreefree aa any white personj and should it be your wih to remain here instead of proceeding to the port whither you are bound to be sold or held 10 service as a efave you will be protected by the authorities here and if you do decide to remain you will become as i observe a free person and will be punished for any breach or breaking of the laws of ma colony while if you conduct yourself with propriety soberness honesty and industry you will meet with encouragement from the whole com munity do you there wish to remain and be a free person or continue our voyage to the vessels de- linetl prl and remain a slaved it would be difficult to describe the sort of joy and wonderment that was depicted upon the puur fellows counte nance unawd now by perhaps worse than frowna ofliis late presses when he audibly and unhesita tingly declared he would railicr remain and be a free man the whole of them were acquainted singly with their condition and each answered sing ly when the pour little boys some of whom were barely six years nld were kindly spoken to by the attorney general and said they had no re lations whatever with ihtfin it was a most interesting and at the same melancholy scene o that other nations would follow the glorious example of the british people in doing away the odiuus system ol slavery which no matter by what political partv brought about will in after ages be spoken of as one of the noblest acts anation ever accomplished and one that will redound to the immortal honor oi a christian people but to continue the whole of ihe slaves save a woman and five children by name ridgly declared themselves more desirous of remaining and being free than proceeding in the vessel the chief justice gave them a parting adomination somewhat to this effect tlmt they were not to suppose because they were now free they were not to labor but on the contrary endeavored to impress upon their mind the neceesity of an industrious sober honest line of conduct as hy their good or evil course of life they must stand or fall and he trusted they would appreciate as they ought to do this unlookod for boon of freedom which by divine providence had been granted to them he also observed that too much could be said in praise of the friendly society ofcolourcd people who had thus generously exert ed themselves to rescue so many fellow beinga from cruel thraldom the attorney general then moved that a sub- sniqiinniufr iramadiaftfai ftntasiftd tio fo is- 7r r emergencies of thoe now free persons until as he observed they began to feel their way and had obtained employment n about 70 dollars was the amount collected the crowd assembled to welcome the lauding of these people was immense they were received with cheers the court room was filled almost to suf focation the feeling of commiseration exhibited throughout the pruceeding by the bermudian peo ple of color was really gmtifting those persons who had but a short time since been owners of slaves spoke with disgust and utter detestation of 1 ihe sis vf y s a t a rt a 1 1 ililaacri n walery grave in ihe four mvj on the mate ifafw are ao much i oiuni tfau dhtvaw ro be very carefully nuracd raofi fc the invalid lur on of iboiuvior atea that capwinand himwlfwer attemphnf to rafa rt rocks from the aame point at the aanw til l bat tfai ihe former having tnimed hi footing fch betwei the vessel and the 1o disappeared aod ia5 need again at the time the mail left rmpatrttfc only one body has been cast aahore butboxea3 bales of cloth were floating about and capt lmw with a party unjer his command wera ajrenfng- themselveb to the utmost toreeoveraa reochofo cargo as possible the mate aa taken to the gor don arms oapt bursley washighlyrespetfted forhiseaiitn like accomplishments arvi hia many esthftrfwe mat ties- on wednesday the american smp4marwrt present in this port deeply feelingftielosathatftev have austaaed in his death paid a mark of mm to hi inemory by wearingihen coronet hattinast jpukfrug courier british frjbtf to corrtispondantfl a0 upper canijmo piitttos lovaabstt a mcfef kikqston thur8payevemnq ws hsvt no isur aswi from eoglinj a bill hu tan iatrodiimd into tbo houw of asstobjr to aa able the bibiutw efarytoffntd set three youth to uedidui for dmiuow imo tbe d inct schonls or kings colug of which cmrfidu 4 ihall be cho in county to bo odactttd iod bww t th district school and one morott thakin coluwro thiabill also proyidtt for the public eiamioarioo oftkstosci- tra of common hooli od that so addiuowl fum u paid to them annually according to their proficiency we know noc whether tfai hill will pas into a law norunder whose tvtel hia but we know tbatiii- a uaefol mtuurti and best wiahee it baa our if the following be njt we ahoum like to know upu newspaper should write taubjtct for public animadreraioa ipon what mauera the editor ef a a vug scandal ia brought upoo a rbrietiaq ehurch throurt the following circdmaiopcea- a abocouker of kinona man of a family who instead of meoding the aolee of ki c tomera haa lately directed his attention to the cure of their souls waa preparing to preach bis introductory or trwatridoo at the methodist cbapal 0 few nights ago wben th nesafafeor- hod of his home was diturbod by die outcry thai his aasajs aerrsnt had been self delivered ofan infant which sheetouur maintained was thv offspring ofa criminal intercourse botwaaa herself and her master the said wouldbe divine as a mat ter of counts v this serious charge was promptly dcnim by tha reputed father and an inveatigaliod into tbe wbola attsirtoqa place by ho hrads of tlic aociety of whiob he waea member which terminated by a majoritys declaring the oricaf riov proved against ihe accused thus falsifying the girls testimony who it is said still periitu id the same ule end who ouihi tj be th best judge of the ral paternity of her jnfanl mfsask ssra jm ssithaee fit smbjectsfut mm noticel wc think tlicy arc and moreovr think thai warn ihey oflercrcxpirtel the crime ofhypocrisv would becoma less frequent in christian communities to lb great beaeft of oia truly and eiucerely pious srif gtgsjua ami rtfit if- fji m mm ntislnvery society intlie mother coun try could have wiehed so thorough a change has ta ken place of late years in the midst of the people of this colony the court did not adjourn till near midnight when elielter was afforded to the now li- herated people by the worshipful william m cox esq in an unoccupied 5toreroom in the town of hamilton they have all been since as we under stand provided for either as domestic servants or taken under the ptotection of the members of the friendly society before iiatied- jv y commercial advertiser it is believed in london that the adjustment for the american question will become the signal for the reconstruction of the french cabinet bui though they appear to be pretty confident that the present cabinet will shortly undergo some modifica tion they are not equally positive as to the mode in which the predicted modification be effected the ambition of the present minister of the inte rior points to nothing less than the general direction of the affairs of the government with the posaes- sion of the sea i a of the foreignoffice and the pre sidency of the council should he succeed in reach ing the pinnacle of power his friend m- uizot would probably become his successor at the home department 11 this arrangement is of course incompatible with the cooperation of marshal soult fur whom a strong preference is still supposed to exist in the mind of the king hut as the retirement tf marshal soult na undoubtedly brought about by m thiers thev are not very likely to act harmoniously together in ihesame administration his majesty will there tor hava to decide between the contending claime of parliamentary eloquence si personal predilection and if it were not premature to forhi or to express anv opinion on the subject it would not be difficult which king louts phillippe is stour readers will find n uncommon document in oar columns tuday no lets than ibe report of the debate upon the clergy reserve in ihe legislative council 1 it ia hut rarely that tnce honorable gentlemen suffer the suo to shine upa iheir actions ttt acoronert inquest waa held at the county jail on wediiediy on the bdy ofa debtor named llugh m dooough who had been congncdir prison fur asarw two years as the prisoner died from the effects of natural indisnosiuon accele rated perbaos from close tifinement the jury under ctiraelios om aomerf tite jurymao were for couplios with the raf- dicteaevere censure against tbe inhumanity of the dataminsi craditor haartteu a on wdnes3at evening at tbe residence of dr barker h tbe venble archdeacon stuart ma jasjas wtuiaatscv of kingston to mas manx haaatrrr riilir aisiar to mra barker who when he lia the document was not wrved in proper form on the constable declining to take it hack it was dropped into the bottom of the boat the consta ble immediately returned to the shore to report pro ceedings in the interim the master having landed a merchant of the town of hamilton who had wit- nessed the transaction very kindly intimated to smith the necessity of his regaining possession of ihe writ which he fortunately succeeded in doing the master then came into court and pleaded very hard the compliance with the writ might be defer red till the following morning hut under axiatirtff market price kiotrot thomdat march 26 1835 a d s d beefby the cwi is 0 30 0 do- si the eull j mutton by the sheep per lb do at the tlall per lb 04a 0 5 0 0 a 0 3 0 3a 0 n 25 0 freh poik per ewi 22 6 a fresh buttrr per lb 08ft 0 9 tub do do 0 0 1 0 8 eggs per dm 0 10 a 1 0 american flour per brl 00 1 0 0 canada do do it 6 a 20 0 do do percwl wliest perburtiel 10 0 a 11 3 30a 3 3 ryo do do 29 a 0 0 cofn do do 1 8 0 0 barley do do 0 ss oais do do i 10ft 90 puiatoen do- do 19a 20 hay per ton 30 0 a 00 straw per bundle fira wood pei 0 11 0 0 80a 00 sosp 04ft e fowls couple 10a 1 6 pora mesa bb- 80 0 ft 0 e do prime uipfr 70 0 ft 0 0 d somewhat auspicious circumstances the as peremptory accordingly about 9 oclock court p m ihe whole of the slaves were marshalled iutu court there were children without a single con nexion with them who had no doubt been torn from the very arms of their parents to gratify man win is ever inventing means to gain filthy lucre then- were women too with infants at the breast and al- tozether they presented a scene moat degrading and revoluting to christianity it has been asserted and we place implicit confidence in our informant thatan attempt was made w tamper with these un- fortunate creaturea before they left the brigantmr by promising them money if hey would but s when questioned they had rather proceed with t vessel but how little did the tempter reckon on ni man feeling though his anticipation were vei great where such strong elf interest was eonceri- i he little thought that tha self interest vm co cemed be little thought that the heart of iho pqn and opprewedcdlored nrorsil eould with frwdom in y opinio mi c ir to infer the course likely to pursue the elevation m theirs to the firat rank in the ministry would produce the retirement of admiral de rigny ho has in fact ulrvady been apokrn of in our political circlrs as the future ambasador to london a post for which tit is eminently qualified much more so than for that lie hits hitherto filled in consequence of his acknowledged deficiency as a parliamentary orator melancholy sawnccx and loss op lire it is with grief we record the following particulars obtained vtrhally from the guard and driver of the port patrick mail the lion of boston a vessel only three years old of considerable burthen and wiih a crc of fifteen hands left liverpool on fri- diy the 30th ult prom the unfavorable state of ihe weather she had much to encounter in passing through ihe channel mid on saturday from conti nued florin and fug the captain determined to stand for some port on the irish coast uuteither failing in this or mistaking the light at port patrick for thoae of donegal or dundee the lion a run to the scottish side paw d the port and was driven on shore a good wuy bvlow the dunakey caaile among ihose high and jaged rocks that line the whole coast from the point mentioned to the mull of iialloway with the exception of the openingthat leadstoport logan tlie sid accident occurred at three oclock in sunday morning and such was the fury of the or akers that spouted agnst the rocks that in the nurae of three ho irs tlv vessel has income total vicik indeed the oldest person on ihe shore bv coawabbiwo thk ottawa kidbau forarding com- pany have taken at this place druinmonds wharf and store together with the new wharves ana stores now building by mr kirkpatrick which will he ready on the opening of the navigation at which time the company will be prepared to receive and forward by good substantial decked vessels any freight that my offer between this and montreal lv way of the rideau canal upon as favorable term as ran be taken from prescott to montreal as the companys freight bargee will be towed i by steamers the whole distance there can be no de tention in forwarding merchandise by this route nor shall there he any delay to the lake steam boats and schooners discharging freight on com panys wharvea intended for this lint- geo brush 2gnf drummouivs wharf kingston march 23d 1sj5 j c7the patriot of toronto will insert the abora for three months retheciioi of having keen tlie work o distrue- five dollars reward- whoever will give information of the persort or persons who pulled down or otherwise defaced he handbills of mr linton auctioneer on thursday las shall receive a reward of 86 upon application at the auction room pp also whoever will give information of the person or persons who broke ihe windows of mr linton a auction room on saturday and monday wgate sh be entitled to auke- kingston march 26th 1835 caution this is to forbid all persons purchasing a not riveri by mein tavorof jehielhawler orbearerfor le sum of ten pounds dated april 183 payable io january following as the sad note has benpaid bv me in full james lake 3rd h completed so suddenly adivuiuulwfiiwoyfi thatthjvenofthecrewlccluduig the eoptam found 4thoocbrnwow march kh

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