British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 2, 1835, p. 3

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mntrtl udyfiniitgift vtmtmi sooner or uter give il krai ratou- h commanding every vhre in ihc oily mi advanced and advancing price- we havftbetud of ndra within a few day at rices much beyond the estimate of thti uet three or four years ex- ttmiveprcparuioiii arc making fur building and everything promote brightly lor flic future a mong the building twu and probably three large flourishing mill are to be erected a number of urge irehmjes and irres together with numy sub- tan tin i and valuable dwellings it is estimated that there wilt be more buildings erected thie sea nun than iii any year iince the fouiklation of the ci ty the mcadain and rail roads now in pro gress in the city and leading from it will be a most important item in the general improvement it ie intended to mcadamize the highways for a certain distance in all direction commencing with the termination of the pavements m the city this will relieve us from the mud which is now brought on to the pavements by the multitude nf vehicles entering the city rochester democrat alarch 18 sfriko the morning isdrlightful the streets are fast drying up buffalo creek is open the ice is rapidly melting aw y on oui beautiful lake the shin- yards are all life the yoheo is is heard with the rap of a thousand hammers on board the shipping in ordinary the ware houses are thrown open and the gay boys who have had their whiter frolick hare doffed their jiolyday dress and appear owe more with their jackets canvns pafttaand business laws buffalo jourmarch is a qpakkil rcmkhr mr sergeant in giving a temperance lecture to he uotouiansa few evenings since related tha following anecdote a moderate dtfttkihg landlord oncwhogaveto almost evtry cusrtomer who same in an example ul mrfcrate drinking was htfrnebing the horse of a quaker who had stopped at his house and as he met with some difficulty in buckling a strap complained of the badness of his eyes which were covered with a pair of goggles a thequaker manifested an in terest in thecaae the landlord removed the gojjglea and submitted the swollen and inflamed balls to the exitmiiratinu of his customer begging him to tell him what he had belter do for them my advice friend replied the quaker is that thou should put thy brandy on thy eyes and tie thy goggles over thy mouth let all thesfr who are under the necessity 4if wearing goggles or spectacles for the purpose ol hiding their nuncolorerj eyes take the advice of the quaker gacrudeckptios it appears that the chippewa indian exhibiting at london have been decoyed there under the delusion ihit lhty were sent for by the king relative to a traaty with england which had occasioned some uneasiness among their tribe they consisted of the principal chief three warriors and wo squaws one of the squaws and alao one of the warriors are dead the persons who entrap ped them and who are ashamed to learn are americans from this citv after exhibiting them at liverpool in war dances nt ihr theatres under pre test ihatthe people of liilu wished to see them cruelu desciutf them arhmmugliuut on 4htiiruytu london here the poor creatures wandered with out shelter or fond in the oud to which they na turally bent their step until some benevolent per sons took charge of iheitt and brought them to lon don and to the foreign office where the earl ol aberdeen ha nude arrangements for their comfort jwie york star atfjdtnt on the tth march apsley rockier toecd 20yenf late from england was drowned in the black ltiek harbor having fallen through the ice while skating afierthc useof dilltgcnt means tor us recovery the dody found respectably interred ih the emscniikbiir ground on the canada side the deceased was a sonofbamuei backlcr silversmith residing in mue street hack ney square london and by reference to a journal kept hy him it appears he left his home for america oil the 5th of july inst lie sailed from gravesend and landed at quebec lie has no rela- jives in this country and was engaged at the time of his death as a private tutor in the family of mr william foisyth at waterloo near kort erie up per canada about three miles from the city ofbuf- 2 oaicd much doubt of invcatft- wmuui uoum of their guilt they have obtained ajreaptte till he ihh ot next month but the short time that will elapse it i feared will not be sufficient for obtaining those proofs of their innocence which are supposed to exist in this country our own government however will it is hoped assist in the inquiry as far as the mm who accompanied the savage from england to america are concerned and we cannot for a mo ment believe that president jackson will refuse a further respite when humanity pleads so strongly in its fitvor and justice can receive no injury from its concession all who lurve seen the papers which their counsel has sent to this country concur in the opinion that stronger ground can hardly exist for the postponement of the execution it can be proved that the mine men who swore to their identity on the triah were uttfble to recognize them on their arrival at salem in massachusetts a few benevolent per- toas on whom the peculiar circumstances of this case have mdde their due impression are actively engaged in he search for the persons and documents necessary to prove the innocence of the parties and have requested us to make known the state of thr n flair lest they should not be prepared in time with legal grounds to prevent the sentence from being carried into execution w the congress of the united states arijouied on the 14th instant or more properly on the 5th siitcfl the two hooded coniittutvd in session till an early hotjr of the morning of that day in the senate on the evening of he 3d pursuant to notice previously givei the vice president rett red from the clhair to enahe senate to elect a president ypofmpw balloting accordingly took plarejmrlervirginitf and mr king ol alabama being the prominent candidate at the fourth trial ftlr tyler having received a inajoritv of the whole number of votes wms duly elected and being conducted to the chair made his ackiiow ledgcineuts to senate fur the honor conferred upon him on the same evening the senate acted ona num bet of appomtmsntlately laid before it furconrir noinisltoji of the following gentle ixci d a flairs was sanctioned d chi mation men as ward cavanagh ofmatue to portugal in the plat of thomas l l brent john o a willnrmsoivot north carolina to venezuela henry wheutoiu now at denmark to prussia and t woodskltf of ohio to denmark messrs client hickman and upton s heath of baltimore have been appointed directors ol the bank of the united states vice thomas ellmaker deceased and mor ris coxall rejected by the senate william kuh ton has been named uovernw of the territory ol arkansas in the place of john pope whose commits sion is about to expire the nomination of koger l taney as a judge of the supreme court was taken up on the same evening and indefinitely postponed ilfejt- gar to coyiest hie jegttiiy of mr chessere return the ground of protest are we learn alleged to be a want oftheneecsenry nh5eatin n property re quired by the statutes of upper canadat6 fcoina friencfjut returned from the ottawa we hear that thj quantity of lumber already prepared fnimarket and uwaiting the opening of navigation to he rafteh down is very considerable nnd the es tablishments along he various streams which full nto that river sire now most busily engsad in bringing out such stocks that the quantity in marker will for exceed that of last year this increased demand his had the eflect of giving steady wnploy- meut during the winter to a targe body of labourers from this neighbourhood many of whom have been induced to settle within the upper iownships of the ottawa hk mr bakkow secretary of the admiralty has been created a baronet this honor waa conferred by hjs majesty upon him asa reward for hi active public services and for hta eminent literary atid scientific acquirements a like mark of distinction it is said has been offered to mr southey thepoei laureat 16 the lnddn spectator publish a complete list of the membeis returned to the new parliament accardiog toil the reformers will muster 370 strong the torres 237 the doubtfuts 51 so ihat even though the new ministers were getting 4he full be nefit ofah those falhng under the last denomination they would mill require the assistance of 62 votes from the ranks of their opponents t piit tueto on anequahty with tlem to thislist we do not attach much importance as there are seven ftwiies set down among the refonner which hltvev rijllt to be there and the number of m otiglit to beonsideraby more than is repcespntedt with fhft h npi orotsraal life srollnd brbabtlor ndlho mintmoftluvituij4 e kfrkr busily eannd ln difcoveriop tbeii sett cuw b mrv to allow uoli pou laouri to bssuumipfd btl it- snificsntathia a ibs welftrs of the mi of ifi- tsntt dtbw and hs sir let me rtmrb rjl mintitsrs ofdiflwrsql rlikui dwominiiwnt m iki orihonrnerviiupriwnertmcnifnibuirrtkk on tf englnnd thfit itu whom ininivtord of a lunjperiorianctiiy iceptminltraoftbcw piuui nd pei isemm tiodyofpsa avsr oinsr dcaotnintiiob m up prssrasioos ws havo revsivwd the fir number of w afucsltuitff psrifdicj publirliod st montrosl entttlsd tbs qumtr t outward prstmion are but bumhle but there is eouidscahj litcrsry merit in iti articled we hve telecteooi mjrucsuoa- the ifm mts ihduidbe premrts lbs primitive wchkii to ct4 mj ih ouw tfic maple ttftodirig p tibk wj they are rbbeif of their orotivfiin prxj- ireee it it not lift m ttmhor and leave only yflrnbbef oftheir proledon enrl are eefy liabto tralcdbytha wind but irrei gro wiiii it 11 m tis h whig v to corrbspondents abd hirwy irirvrr fo coitiv rt apoloay weftrccoidpetw asens i kingstos thursda y evening april 2 ldj6 to apologize tn our tobnbere fir llflliiyorcftcpojerweefefiowuiilia uijju oevieauon defiret fitioit be remedtrf phovxlfoial falo in the state of new ork the jutnaci despatches state ihttl the governor of the cidonv ha directed n prosxttiion to be insti tuted against tlur kev mr taylor t baptist clergy man for persuadhlg the negroipreniices as the mietnancipaicd slaves are called not to obey the orders of the special magistrates appointed by his nujesiy tu regulate their proceejittgsu such it m naid his been the cltect of the evil advice which im been given to the people of one plantation by mr taylor that they are only now making about i2 hogsheads of sugar a week instead of 50 which tbey formerly made with ease to thcmselve the kingston commercial advertiser of feb 15 contains the annexed article on the subject of emi gration from jamaca to the canadas to the cnnadas as a place of refuge have the eyes of many resident west indian and proprietor been turned and those provinces regarded as the land of promise flowing with milk and honey it can not be denied that the resources of the canadaa arc vast and important and that in the course ol time they will view ith any portion of the civilis ed world anticipations of future grandeur are elicited by the success which has already attended the settlers in that country but in regarding these circumstances m viewing the prospects of that coun try went indians niut remember the sacrifices they are called upon to make when emigrating to that portion ofthe british empire thwe equality amoilc alpipt4ajicussee3tihts servants ore fainj har withlbeir employers and the man owing no fn- cmsiderahie territory must labor in proportion with those whom he employs besides all this the outlay m clothing winch is not at all required in a tropical climate and the uncertainly of a return for the capital employed are subjects worthy ofthe deepest consideration of persons about to emigrate from these genial lospitable shores better en- elure the ills we know than brave those we know notoc these observations tire borne out by the fact of those who considered it politic as well as expedient to quit this island have almost to a man returned to it after a short absence why is this the case if the canada or any other part of north or south america are the gardens of pleasure or the elysian fields in this island the industrious man never wants by his industry he readily supplies himself with necessaries of life and enjoys himself in that sta tion in which his circumstances place him we say that jamaca will yet be prosperous if her sons bfr true to themselves a y comjtdv the spanish convictstiic following para graph in relation to the pirate recently convicteo in boston and afterwards reprieved hy the president is from the london times of february 6th from the tenor of the article wc should suppose that no exertion would be spared to obtain ail the testimo ny which can have a bearing upon the case of these unfortunate men somettenrindhas been drawn here to the case tf seen 9pir5rde tffo hveftce arnyiewd- aft carlton klkctiox the sitting members messrs lewis and mullock havo been declared duty elected and the petition of mr james john son iigainst the return of those gentlemen pronoun ced frivolous and vexatious this discussion was carried by a majority of2g principally upon the grounds that mr johnson after having been in dulged by an extension of time in order to enable him to bung forward his evidence neglected doing so and not even answering the orders of the houe or gl ing any reply thereto this savours something like contemptiand in the mother country such a want nfjudicialctiquette wouldje visited by a most owettch nttnilftr ibroafo iccttrrcr the sriytm boat transit it is determined that this favorite packet inre the conttitution shall run her old route during the ensuing season she will br commanded by her present proprietor cnpt richardson formerly ofthe steam boat canada the transit ivill call at cobourg and port hope four times every week that is to say twice from toronto on her way to rochester and twice on her return from the latter place her trips will com mence early in april cobomg reformer it is reported that a few weeks ago the body of a child was found in the township of dunwiclv un der circumstances ei icultcd to raise saspicionvof he worst kind against the inolher of the infant as more than fourteen days has elapsed nftta the discovery before the fact reached the ears of doc- tor bowman the coroner lie considered hiuisel i preclude by law frum hofdingan rnqoesr anirf vestigating the matter he has we uderstand w ten to the attorney general for his advice mi r subject if an enquiry is now beyond the jurisdu- lion of the coroner it is still within the authoiit ul the magistrates und the country is deukindin u thorough investigation if the magistrates negli their duty will the grand jury forget to do thel at the ensuing asixesl st thomas labtrat at a meeting ofthe quebec constitutional as ciation on friday last it was greed unaitiriioufv tharjohn neilson esq be requested to proceed lo england with the petitions to the king and houses of parliament and to support the prayer j the same as agent of the petitioner mr iveilsd who was present tfetejoice to perceive accept the important charge a better choice could il have been made independently ofthe ackno ledged abilities and industry of mr neilson t circumstance of his having been one of the drl grntes appointed by the briyof the people in 18 to lay their grievances before the government l england will add considerably to the weight ul i represeiutieonsv hts language may be expected lu beso loogas the complaints of canada were dp attended to i went ftlong with the opposition to qp verument but since these have been redressed- since my fonntr coadjutors are determined ap rctitly to have a revolution not a reformation have seceded from them i have lent my assistant in upholding the constitution jmon gazette the imperial parliament was to meet on the 19f of february and his majesty was to open it i person great exertions were making by each pat ty to secure the election of a speaker of their oi political views the candidates in the field w- f sir charles manners sutton who for the hi seven parliament has held the office and m- abercromby member for the city of edinburgh- it is said that the whigs would have madenoopp s nun to the reelection of the former liad he u exerted himself greatly in bringing about the di missal of lord melbournes administration and m forming that whivh is now acting- the tory jour nals deny that sir charles interfered actively in til- recent changes and from the high character for ill- patility which he has always posessed it is not ii all likely that he did so even though mr abercroitiby should he appoitl ed it was uotauticipated that sir koben peel tout resign as there are many members who might vole against his candidate while they had no oljecim to allow himself arid caadjuidrsn fairtriiil 16 c p tnkaowelt esq the unsuccessful candi date al the late ejectioirfw the county 6f pieo in- the upper proimeorhw proceeded iotdrom the americid mail of lot aight brinje ao further intelli gent from europe the next arrival it new york will pro bably convey the oewa of the meeting ofthe imperial parlia ment the election of speaker the kioge speech end the pro bable duration of the peel ministry we shall ooiuhjily et- pectlhe ncit american mmi and hope its contents willejiav the public emiety do nut heal tbo water lodgea in the bout and raiibe woa4 and tbs tree dies oris broken offby the wind aotaeelaad malteiarc better ihen thfl axe toftip with eddaacrew uud iwo to fivequartera in diameter eceordirig to the etas of tfae tree better than either as ihe wound then goon clow arid little or no injtrr i inflected vn tbe tre oae or levo hole n v- be borcj on the loulh sod the like oo de nook aideofibe ireojftho o will ursnssl it the klmf at ahould i ntoicedtrireequartiraof aniocb and tlie lope warjaihourd beao rmj li uat ffae eap will run freelyjiafii w oj the r and not by it alow motion bs iteble th 10 fire- up- reeae m jetppsto l irt kr hm the pros- uf the two canadat baa never been famed for ita chaatilyofeipreiun or its deference to public or received opt- nion it has however been left tu the editors of ibe four news ppera in urn good iown of kingaton to place themselves upon an uihjotied ptutustql of notoriety in th polite arts of billirig- gau the virulence wiih which they assail not only the pub lic and private character of each olber but that of every indi vidual who in any whv crosea lhajr palb evincea the supreme contempt they feel for the decencies and usance of civilised ociei during miu lal lew wutks eviry individual pusse- vfxlpf ordinary aansibiliiy mutt have convinced hinuelf of the truuiof what wo assert end at die same time fell himself this loirghly umfuiltabt ihs hamtlcs details of private and profli gate scandal emanating daily from the town press and the on ly wonder amiug in his mind can be the infatuation orapathv of the patrons of ibesu papers who could tolerate somucb de pravity uf heart end so much malignity of dipositioo in this general censure we have not excluded the wme l though as fares wp are enabled to judge ofournvvfi conduct we think we havfbecn more sinnod egainst than we have ain- nedto other- vvhai lias been written by u- lately has been ilrswn from us by a series of most false and malignant libels pubjnitiriirparryi trie wruafr j tf- raid and spectator end thn onry eicose we ceo offer for the occasional indietiveness of our replies is the slate of mind ne- ccssarily attendant upon the roiicrited production of iofamoo clatges lnrgcs we knew lo ho both fale aod malicious but tvhich we had no other means of refuting than by referring lit public to the correctness of our conduct during the ome we had been before them in canada even with ihfs eicute much has appeared in the whio that had better never bave seen tbe light rmd tbe experience dearly taught us that reply ing to thu foul malignancy of one individual ia but generating thecalumnious attacks of twenty may aerve ua ably on come future occasion itie journal most lo blame in this late scurrilous welfare carried on by all parties is the chronictt had thi paper ab stained in the first psc from lending ita columns to the pro- pagatfonofjjrivate slander against its enemy the town would have leen spared the disgrace it has incurred and the feelings if rm m would nat have beer lacerated to the patent tbe iu tice have endured taking the lead the others followed in ita wake and although a latent sense of propriety induced it earlier than the rest to back out ofthe contest yet as mischief is much easier provoked than remedied it cannot be held guiltless of the congee uences that cnued upon ita departure from the laws of decency to picvent in future eny recrimination like the past we have come to thin conclusion never to reply to any accusa lion mate against the editor of a private nature nor even lo notice any public charge unless couched in civil language it hull not be our fault if a stop bo not put to the present dis graceful squabble injesterdays carontcle there appears a long tetter on the nnpritoiiment and doaib of the late mr hugtfcdmigal drbto in kingston jail as mentioned by us a few dayasmec oft the ostensible motives of this letter we bavj no remark to make- but we deprecate in the severest rnnner the mali- ciouaqtuck made ip it not upon tho pubic character j mr bidwellf but upon his private standing as an attorney it is rsotbecausv any thing published in tbe chronidc orauwsuoli like vehiclefbrscimdal can injure mr dtdwell thai wo have takwi up ihia subject but for the purpose ofshowinlo our torrtcadere how apt ihey are u suffer their political prvjudrcce ecoinst parly men id operate as a means of psoveniing their full view ofthe foul methods token to assail tliem had the edi tor of tho whig fubjished any such insinuations jujuirai the rooral choracier or reaptectabilit of mr carivcwht or any other eminent tory lawyer not only would tho whole town hve rung with reverberations of their giowncss and monstrosity butall the idle lawyers clerks would have busied tmsewes in etirnaiing the amount of punuhmnnt such ouo4uydeserted r butbecauscmr bidwc tsaliberal it i presumed by the chro- nidt he u to be libelled not merely with impunity but with ap plause we say with applause sinco at thu particular parted when tho whole tnwrj in thoroughly dbgutfsd with pyivate scandal tho editor of the caroitjcie could nl have imagined an auack upofi mr bidwell to bo unpalatable or be would koow this to be no lime lo beidding fuel to the fire wpeliiill say no more but give the following as a sample of thetnrguage used on tho present occasion towards a gentlemen holding one of tbo rnol honorable office in the province lib intlus way sir that profound kill hi law unacrjuim- panivdm the mind of rbhmsmorj by strict principles of jus- lice renders the indivicijjil pusecd otlrmkatfwlsus tx willi- ering cure lo the community of which he is n member in the same communication there is rdn a stos libel on the clergy uf ibe kirk of scotland which in spite of the flimsy excuse oflhe editor ha been inserted solely for the purpose of emblazoning the superior pretensions to piety and charity oflhc nidwlfls of the church of england th conduct of die scottish clergy neds no eolpgium at our hands this is the extract sutr e it to nentinn that he passed the loat four daya and uightof hilife ouan old wooden chair in a rouin oeeajired by four other prisoners without a frieod to soolirecu m his lstlm0te1 rjjbpsisn41 rsctfiittj wih pa mouth of ibe orihce wheolbe fleweftrre alacfcen the hole may be increased to the evprh m4 half inches qf ihc deplh of tbcep or vhrxewood vdwetb i an augur a rjuarter larger trfarf it was irsmoeei tho spout shoom not enter the note more thadalfait loch as tbe mhcr it eittere tho more the running sarlobbtu6ted a m dinary teutons th6beartieae ftr tnakisg rlrtiple ior4e fi lal twelve days in march and fbe mffvelvd tfeye uv ayrsu it must livekfil nijbt and ihojv iu ihe4tf w coitm- sap weather a west wind is moat bomha v the next object is to piescre the sap clean and to- do usis it iefiecesaery to have clafl vessels tor its reception- tho old ay vastouseaouerotrehly cot from t viously split through the centre these aoewered fomrahly well lor the first year but beio suffered to remain uwter th tiees they were often found when wanted the nsxtysar fitr- led with leaves ice and sllh which unavoidably sniujle4 with aho ap- the besi vessels lor this purpoee art woedeo buckets tuade broader at the top than at bottom iba hey aaay be packed away io nesls under tfover vrluuk the aunr eoasocs u over sud tbus preserved clean tbty will lait mjojr years li i fiund benefitijrf to put into each half barrel of aap epooql of idsoksd tune this causes ihe impurities to rise potter when boiling wiiklt should be carefully ikimmsd off tho sap should be boiled before fermetstioo comevoces which will happen as the wcarherbecomeawarm tbssecooi oi third day the greater the exposure of the atrrftos to ibe aimusphef when boiling the greater wih be the eraporalio when ihtf sap has been reduced loayrup it should ht tra through a woollen or hair cloth and thea stand a tev hours to settle after which itahould be tamed carefully off from tha sediment which has settled at th bottom io oiling dote charcoal ft the betfu i to use for although ilie heat should be pretty brisk it should be equable end be confined to tbs holiom of the keille th cunfyinf maimau thoutd be ad ded at the commencement of tin proces- ihese or rally rnilk eggs or what is belter celvea blood tre impurl- l to ihoc mucilunoiaojauriajs and ore carried with them to the iui face p when ilie syrup is sufeeiezrtly reduced and cakcu from s fire jtudotiid be vell stirred in wdev tnerive 4t frew th uoiloitd iy bi ituiiic vry drt of thotoaaa in coutort wiih tho atmosphere pir if turneu into moulds immediately wid not stirred it will not be grained botreemme candy fthrr than sugar if intended to be criked irmuet be turned iote moulds before iom cnderthebefrt pfocctf there will bss portion which will not granulate on account the vgetafam mucilage v hicli it contains but wbicb will drain off ef ih eak in which the sugar is depoeitd has holes at its boitora through whivh it can pass toprevaotibe sop or aynip ri- sing apiece of fat may bs thrown in or the iuner rim oribe kettle rubbed wilb a piece of fivt pork mulsev vs and vinegar er generally made from tbe strao- nrnge- as the sap is then resi sdirptad for soger atxftindtrjg nioro in mucilage si ihc buds ofthe ueeawtll and birtgmot liable to fsimeiil the molasses whor properly clarmsd iev superior to tbol from lite sugar cne having peculiarly grata tufruvqur the vinegar though excellent for ordinary use is not so well adapted for pickle aathai madefrom cfder claying or ithuthing ct sugjr jo prorjiots the roollaa- ses passing more ireely from the sugar when draining in ifia moulds or tubs and to improve its tolour in mo or three day after the moulds or tubs ore unstopped at the bottom mix white clay with water ao a to reduce it to a thin mortar with thia cover the lop ofthe sugar one inch and a half thick wheo the covering appears dry remove il and supply uie place with a- fresh covering a tout two inches tbiik this proces mar ra- duco the sunronefifih bui will add correspondingly tptfe edullasseii montreal gfrancr b7 0o wednesday morning mr ferns called upon or barker and relative to ihe transaction oq tbs saturday night previous tlatfd to him that he met thiee meu in a duguisejd siate on tbst nigm at half past eight oclock but he sid not see them enter ih houses of aithor mi jaekaoo orsewell i ltthc ice has given way in the channel beiweoo kiogstscv and long itlend on tuesday evening it raa fintobserrsd ie bwsfc pound rvd tooetf jjjus jwahaa astwj uswibgpa a of cleaied wetav t oceaeiotiahy errcumbered with tee floating down the st lwrence the weather has beentxrild axtd dry for the lastfevr days with iheeiception oftoday j a the request of a respected subscriber we have pub listed today the account of toe trial ofthe uf rev t irviag before the presbytery of auaan in tho year 1832 it is nor impiobable that a churhof mr irvinge followera will ahoit y be foinjed in kinglou or toronto 07 wo should ungjlh tho muntrtat herald to be durtoa- tinued ha i wc not accidentally seen a laie number of that p per lying upon omerghbora table it is three weeks iacs number wns seen at the whi office marktt price beefby the ctvl do at the stall pnr lb- mutton by tbe sheep per lb do at the stall per lb freh pork percwt fresh butter per lb tub do do t per floz american flour psrbrj canada do dot do do percwl- wheat per bushel rye do do corn do dr ikuloy do do oau do- do ruijcr jj do- hayper loo r t sjrwpcr bundle ftre yood pei cord soap fowls couple turk uicjs bb do priuio moss kiis tklhiut april2 1836- j a l 800 os o 0 4 85 0 d i a 0 4 0 0 0 3 7 i 0b b y 0 10 9 o t o v 3 0 vom- 2 8 v 2 q j 10 19 3u 0 o 14 9 0 0 4 1 0 80 0 jao t oo 3 0 j5l 35 0 0 u oa 0 4 1 0 0 0 c- ten pounds reward- 0 a rewaud of ten pounds wilvbe paid by the umiersigiicd 10 ny perhl ifiat will gitc 111 i ih of oufc brmniuu as shall lead lo ihe conviction the petpettatora ofthe brutal ouirage committed on hia pcraon on the uuiibig of the e j kakklu m o kinmiton miirch 30th 1835 jlht itkt kivcd and foh 8alb bv the hubhciubgr jo ijalc3 new ii ul kupe- 1 do ue seine twine alw freshgarieh e08 geouik aumstrong kingston april am 1p35 r fob sale jt the british hg office l nhitiv deeds esrwic i

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