British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 2, 1835, p. 4

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soot shoes gloves c a ji as received n j f part i it s nd bfliltrtv experts thk pnoviv the re mainder of his fall supply of lariiea and miam london ntode boots shoes all of the mosi wearrthablir kinds viz prunella slippers black and colored shoes and boit cloth bnote golosh do fur uoots and shoes carpet slipped carria snow and gla ferboots 1 cae ofrditv md mispesextia mad- faricr w bihr booli and rline such as an- mdeorlft retailinc ii the im at k1him m the city erosbofnoysandcliildn boots and shm- ladies kid and other gloves gentlemens illicit ami kid di- of the deal qtuttity mid being imported direct from the manufactory can be afforded rer low lamb skin wool stocks best london made vorunanteaiis large sixetl brusselstruvelliug bags mooe deer hiding boots and a large assortment of ladiess genlleinetis youths and children uperor india rubber overtioes london dressed roans aiid skiverj russia leaihei shoe thread awls black and magpie biwiine galloons hand flinches size slicks iksi polished lasting tnks shoemakers kits and watchmakers files ilall- rteada patent heel sprigs shoe buckles slides and ornaments lor ladies ahois kingsleys supe rior london varnish for litrues leather and sbie patent leather and patent leather straps awl all kinds of manufacturing materials in the shoe line alio a verv extensive assort m nt of jd e1ther oonaiatins of best philadelphia bed new ork best inspected gotxl and damaged spaniso sole leather 20 doz new york calfskins heay and middling buenos avrea very heavy do upper lea- thes and kips lining and binding sking black jroat morocco buck ud doe skins a large quan tity of hie own manufactured boots and slioes cou- rimly on hand making his assortment the best and most extensive he has ever offered for sale all kinds of work made to order as usuil at the shortest notice a liberal discount to wholsalecus- fdinrra kingston november tm u raomth ikktm hotel respectfuiy informs he in- habitants of kington and t e travel- liny community that lit has esei that extensive and commodious fiionsc sf entertainment known b the mime of the kingston hotel inhere it is hi intention to devote the whole of bin time and middy to the comfort mid comeniencj dl hiit guests the kingston hotel has httcly undergone n thorough cpair 1ms been completely rcfiiniislied and ptiuicil and is now one uf the hinlsomc public houaea in the province- it is admirall ell situated fo the convenience of travellers being near the lake shore and cmmiiundine a full lien of the arrivals and departures of the steam romh from which passenger luggage will be conveyed b porter attending the wharves on purpose to the domestic ananfrements of the houpe the grciitest attention will be paids a first rate able will be kept the bed will b- of the best description and the wines and spirits of superior quality connected with this establishment in t large and capacious yard with excellent stablng iritigston may 9th isj4 new 1cial jl stick raw in thr prcfm tbfl w ri if qccoftllicr bftij by ibe mattrn trocy nndiuher publication of mauistuatfs manual i lrif canada unrctte chbvi htvwcn the lvt nd diitifn apprruinutciothc of picr a vriei rijkrul prankiil fnmw renuiretl and a ounprcvpivi viiw pi thr law rihi pro iretwnd reader i ala o fairrcl bj sflbr mlca- pfimfe wean arawkm provincr a unt otpvu- or lilite n r l b i ejiior pott pi ml j oiftrt 6ubnber himw lairft at ihe truer cwwiir omcr w- c nasut toroi t3di drt iu edhor iad uoapflfti cikv iif iinmijm p xiafmm bupotw c glconer nod l tltotjiai iiteml kl 4vertimnwm few incrtoo mr advrr- li if lir publico mi on mt fwr will be rntiikd to a r ofihc work mil ennfrr ft ponwardino thro 7v rocte of the hideav canal otttwftftnd rttcnw forvanliof compnftyft office kinfrton jiui h 1s the ptbiic are respectfully informed that the ottawa irideu forwarding company are now making exctiiive imirovementt in that hue having rilled to it r and uowerjill steamers large decked barges c a have now tc control and manage ment uf the nholc line from montreal to kingston they ij have extensive stores at the above mentioned places and will be prepared at the open- in of the navigation to receive and forward all goods tiiat may be consigned to them with safety rifpd tlcftpatrffh tmfotving papers are requested to inwtt the above thftthlmvniiftj snh their oicouritto tlic oltuwand rideau fbnraiding oimny olhcc at kingston the fullrcilu inuuigauer the cabourg star the port hope harttn tht patriot if vimrii toronto the hamilton frt frrj niagara kiyorttraid dunrlus fqml pbospectub or a wok to 8c xirmtli the milesians i inqulrr ioi she origin mod hisrr of thr irb dv robeut jfffer9 5fffis fbssh teaftal 9 teas by the ches1 j d brtoe is co have on hand a uattticy of superior twankny and souchung teas which thev are selling bv the chest cheap for cash n is retailers can be supplied with smaller quantities at the aine rate kingston 19th february 1835 6f money lahu lst on tuesday last belf m the commifmrjat office and the barracks in fit nt street seveweei dtjllarh in cash whoever bas found the samr and will return it to ihc wssic office vhall be hand soniely rewarded kingston march 9th 1s35 11 slander whereas several evil designed persons have originated and basely circulated a scurrilous and fttlse report m order to defame the reputation i mite e a daly daughter of p daly esq of er- iteaiowiii the following nffidavitn are made thnt tht public may see the absurdity of such a report lo the public 30meonuegrealcaciit irom lomfttl oipcotcrieft hii ihrirriae from ppftrefiuy iivlnl or ari nuntnl circujniatkr ooeoi the mcrt jitimrotiiil mpmben f ihe highland boewtydl kirikor inacomrsdy whcrihc author tf una inriuiry wa ww nertl thai ihe iriti mil ihrirorijrn from the llmlitantt or whoi jie ctthcd cescieseota ftadlltttltw praemiraofboih the i anil uieoth er huj cooe ieroh ih- hinitt of dover frrvn the eomtneni 4rtrooe r thi fiam oeeurrerce determined the awior lo intitule h miuiry he hope to prove heyond poartibiliiy ofocr m eoninnhcil i thftkitelrieh are pr0genit in ihtaeftae anu ol ieaftft5 ii thai all who hare netful ebtm to iw garlic and irish ueir oa- live lynaiajre had onkeommno ottcin etui that thetr nmfathcrs 01 j not come nerots ue siraiiol dover nor from ibe continent of rscomi iv lhfttatujofhcroraphiea1anaprovioeirliateireomrtce6eau he higtilamlera to be no eonjmereu a pnrt and parcel of 0 qgowrt viinn inir natuml eonoeeuon la will iretno and ihma to oran and immfwmg they have no more conoeetioo with me ocol uin the have with the pooetatioii of sweden or riijia in ihe pofexouo of thai work a mur will be thrown in towards that mom drttrable of htm ihinjrn 0 union mng ike ss of inn a well a n kitfdly t r tin between thrm and all other nationa itia iilfo hoped to remove jwai ftroond orprcjudke ayamiit the nttaw uharaeter t ond by wipiiie octtlte tarnish oj uojuvt miffreprrntaiion to eihimtthe pm kmbkaid in all its native lustre aotmiiit hajlle peoel an honor and not adrjttee lobe conneeietl with ireland in tine the author ia eonsdeni ie can prove that the htlsh r the mo 1 i if jul ii rrin nation thcicwaootxcrpteo thuteitwt or ha eiimed on the fhee of the earth conditions the work ahau come ootin autnner pnee w nmttr dott each and aa the aothor does not evpecttofoi eicepim bis nmu ncation 4 he cannot afloed olot ii ia therefore expected that each aol- serjberwill pay or om number in advance on nuttinrrfown hi name to ihe aothor or to mr david leahy of kingaton wan whom the ainounl will be deposited tmiil ihe numbera are pven in to hi handk fr delivery public spirited and inttuentiat iriahmrn in montreal quebec toronto newvorfc philaijclpkn ilattfronrr ac ac are requested to aid in the s u hc h puoo br nil ovniyu- work when any ncnoont worth fbrwardinc i fliibficribed they will pirisc en- clmie their money directed to archibald mcdonnell kaa not mcdonald hnxel fi it kmaion who shall retain it tionlthe nombcrs arc deliver ed to him to be forwarded an there m s fellow citizen of cork with the aothor who lvi ahijh iuatioolncharteton tf v hklahrrrjiv rmt reapectmlly aohcjied w ajfrm m de furtherance and a ofthin btsii work all ulitorp in canada and the united siaiea who feel frier to uir truth will pteaae to insertthia prrtapectua and those who t t r to do hi be t imud lo a f f it rtwft kington february 17 ikii n ii those who with 10 act as agents for uiis work on their ftr- ivanling the price of 0 j nintiera they shall hftve rhewarilcd k them 10 for 16 they shall hove 18 for they shall hare 33 ftr ihj arlceofm they ahull have forwarded 63 new wine and spirit warehouse the advertiser bega leave to return hia sincere hanksto his friends for the extensive suppoi t he ha received rin his commencement in bummfflf an informs them that he ban removed from hisoldsiand in tliri ltrgp nnrl rlimirihirt rlia isturi iji1u in the occupation of messre rose cameron and situated next door to mr olcott tavern in stor street he now nfler for aale an extensive assortment of the very best liquor consisting of port madei ra tencriffe and ijenecailo wines in bottle anrj ak coirnac and spanish brandies hollands and english gin scotch irish and crnadian whikcy jamaica and other spirits shrub and peppermint the whole ia well worthy tire attention of private families tavern keepers and country liopkeepers his stork of the beat groceries is also large com prising all kind of green and black teas refined and muscovado sugars spies rice ruinirte cheese butter starch table salr saltwater fish uf sundry descriptions pork c c also china glass and earthenware sole and upper 27 for sale 300000 uf i rel llrickn bv 7 timothy chapman kinds of country produce taken in paymrai 4ih con eriestown dec 23d 1j4 lhf livery stjittlb jjth seas of mr john brcnnans stork stork vtttt nfcarly oprostte the commektlal hotel the subscriber bees leave to inform the genrlfr- mn of kington that be has recommenced the fcyntff of h0ffies cwwfs aveiisal xc tit uuolli 4y the uteotton he wiu pay to the business to me- tit a continuance of their patronage the horses are of the most superior description and the cutlere and sleighs will be furnished with excellent u a raees and mountings of the firntnua- uty terms cjtbb john mckay kindlon dec 8th 1894 affidavit of dr- percy moo e this deponent being swfirn saith that miss e a daly ihts been his patient during the present winter in has isiled her frequently and that there is no ground or cause for suspicion or evil suimise leather hollow and hardware blacking brushes he report concerning this lady being absurd and to- cordage oats oat and corn meal flour wiih a variety of other article to which he respectfully in vites the attention of the fanners coming to town with their produce for which he will pay the high est price m grain of every description boilflfat and sold tally false signed j p moore sworn before me ibis 9th of march l-i5- thomas sparham j p signed affidavit of dr beamish tm deponent being bworn saith thathewave piested to examine miss e a dal wd mini there is no ground or cause for suspicion oi tivil yniwutfj thereturx cirriiiiig ihjaj ls4y hcmp ubsnrd and totally false signed william beamish sworu before me this 9th of march is35 kingston dec 9 irvjl w p cook s igned thomas sparham j p xq landed proprietors and land agents the abstract of the herald being now circulated to the number of more than two hundred copies among the emigrant agents of the principal sbipntiu pons and in ihe various sections of england sent land and ireland forms the best medium iu british america for drawing die attention of intending emi grants to the most eligible settlements terms for advertising same as in the daily or semiweekly herald n b the proprietor takes tills opportunity of apprising advertisers that uo advertisement can b teceived frbm the country without either cash or reference to a rcsper table house in town montreal january 21th 185 medical card dr perct moore member of the renal college ofsurgeensin lo don having received his excel lency the lieut governor license to practice the thwe branches of the profession bees leave to it forrt the inhabitants of ernrston camden poi- land atid loughborough that he has taken un a permanent residence near sin moos mills er r town where he shall be happy to attend to any mr- dicat applications pjmmous mills dee 26 1831 49tii ohortlv will de piblikheu a comprehensive view of the doctrine of the work othe holy ghost with the power of hi gifts being a plan drawn from and suppoi ted by holv writ according to the system preached of old b the apostles of our lord and saviour jesus christ fria in these latterday revived and promulgated by the rev edward irvine in britain and bv the rev messrs w r cairil and george rvpreon mthis province by a minister t f the gospel j fl subscriptions will btr received n toronto bv meesravk lesslte srt charles daly henn rowiclland the post office bv mr j ballard torfmto 6th december 1834 fur sale by the sibscribeii 20000 asewrs 59 kegs plug tobacco 20 jam superior maccaboy snuff 20 bis hosni 10 do tfte 10 bags pepper jo do pimento la n ys b o ok ninth voijme kepcsftotp ftf ittsfc sangrawitfls oob cuts poetrv and prose bv the most cfxfbrated authors published at 3 dollars per annum bv l a fjudev athenian nullllnk frrnnktln place philadelphia vokk paper mill warehouse storest kingston nov w r uartlet iuk 1s3i kingston fot this estahlihintii i now in full operation and the pi oprietor is resolved to spare no expense to ren tier it wurtly of public encouragement he tru that as to materials and workmanship and variei ofcisriugj the kingston rtiosdrv will he ibunti second to 110 diniilar estiblibmeiit and that then will hereafter he no necessity for sending to tin united states fur castings when they may be limi u this province there will be kept on hand or manufactured to order all kinds of castings for saw mitt and flour milh tii establishment is now furuudied with pattern ftftilc oswego and rochester plans and person itiildiiil mills can oe supplied with good catiog mas reasonable terms as they can be procurer in the slate of new- york saw mill cranks fulling mill cranks mill screws at r lighter screws and cluthterv screws die sfalks taps and dies for screwing butts on the best plan sleigh shoes and fa iing mill irons four different kinds of ploughs waggon boxes pipe boxes and axletrees or carriages screw tops made from 4 to 20 threads to tht inch letters cut tor brand and stamps brjss castings made of every dimension cut steel aze whole sale or retail all kinds of iron finishing done in the best manner in addition to the present conveniences for cast ing the proprietor is now building n cup- da so a to be able to make a casting fronf 1000 to 2000 lbs weight the public are invited to examine the works of the roprie eastwood and skinner fpsgm mnnvfafturrr j i kepectfully inform the printers and mer- rhante of upper canada that they have opened a preb ano utationfjiv wakehou8e on the east eide ol the market square toronto aheie thev will keep writing printing and wrap ping paper also nrh schmil books as are or may bemanufucturerl m upiaer canada for sale on liberal terms rags bought and taken in payment toronto sow 18 h 1834 london lineop packets to sail tkj first asd mltmim kostv ia at present composed of eight alii aack j mis iios wi wm u tfni iliiftf which wjl hereafter sail from new york and london on hi ltand ictli and from portsmouth on the 5th and 20th o every month unlh the day of sailing jhotrid fall on sundi in which caao it will he dsrarsd till dext day t feb feb mar mar day from a york 1c slop president george moore master i ship ontario w s sebor maater 16 ship montreal c h cliamplsin maater 33 fresh tens wines fcc fcc- hist received and for sale by the subscriber in addition to his former stock 40 chests very superior twankay tea young hyson tud judge for themselves the i foundry tor thinks it will compare in finish and cheapness with that of any other establishment of the kind ttern maker kept at the foundry to notice the subscribers hiving been appointed ex- cutnx and executor by the last will and testa mem of the late robert drummond respectfullv request that all persons bavins claims against the estate will present them to joph bruce duly au- ffis5jjr- t and likewise that ihne ib- 1 rymrtii to him without de- mswjaret 01u7mmond executrix a ap make patterns if required also burr mill stones of every size and bolting cloth nf the best description fully as cheap aa can be pro cured in any part of the united stuies the for mer manufactured here by mr l bostwick kingston january 11835 cttho ifallowsll paper belleville intttllijjencer cbtturt star port llopn wbrdor and brockville recorder will iv th sbrvj three inortiuna sunding their account to iho chrm- els a gazette otficc to shop keepers the subscriber has constantlv on hand a quanta ty of patent pails to be sold wholesale at the manufacturers prices kttf0m dtttfch w9i w p vqqwr 10 5 old do 5 hbds bright muscovado sugar 3 double refined loaf do 3 pipes fine old port wine 2 very superitr old madeira 5 qr casks l- p tetierifle 4 pipes cognac brandy 2 htdlandsiin five puncheons of very strong jamaica spirits 25 barrels u c whisky 50 boxes mould candles 10 spermaceti do 50 hard soap 25 kes sweet scented virginia tobacco 16 hands 100 boxes cigars 20 kegs cut and wrought nails 5 hales tarred rope 20 boxes pine apple cheese 10 kegs cod sounds 5 taplin 25 boxes muscatel raisins 5 barrels freak zante currants 10 casks liquid and paste blacking terms cash or approved endorsed jvtrtes at 90 days george armstrong mtrkflmpire kingston lm 4th is4 candle manufactory eovira or urocb atn sear itsert samuel phippen returns thanks to the in habitants of kimiton and its vicinity for he en couragement he has eceived since his commence inent in the above business and begs to inform them that he i dailv manufacturing mould dip caydttes of the very best qualityand bat on hand at the present time upwards nf five thousand weight which he offers for nile to the trade on items un commonly low private families supplied by th bx or 9thwip i ship canada ttomar brilton maoter icship sovkkeign j kcrncv master april 1 sliip hannibal f hebard master april lfi3m philadelphia e e morgan ranter may 1 ship samson d cliadwick master from london dec j canada leaves portftnoulh december 20 jan 1 sovereign leaves portsmouth jan 5 jan 16 hannibal leaves portsmouth jan 20 feb 1 philadelphia leaves portsmouth feb 5 feb 16 samson leaves portsmouth oct 21 mar 1 president leaves portimouih not 5 mar 16 ontario leaves portsmoulh nov 20 artril i montreal leaves portsmouth december 5 these ships arc a of the first class about sou tons burthen 1 by able and eiperienced navigator aod great care will be ukenthat th bed stores t areofcti best description the price of cabin pasaa outward irxje ah agreement enttircl into in conjunction with the proprietor of the several liverpool packet lines ii now fiied at atao exclusive of wine and liquor whicli will be furnuhitf each pasaonper at the established rates that are fixed m th printed cards tbat will be found on board each of the ship for freight or passage apply to either of the commandera on board the ship or to geo- wildes co no locoleman st london john iri3wola 69 suutli street new york i grinnell minturn co 134 front rtmt n b stonmboatt run daily from portsmouth where theie- packets tnp to land and leceive paaaengcrs lo different iart of england and to the contencnt information rtlali t9 ihi tine urpackct bipi may be obtained by application at thia office obntmmen3 vadz bcboum kmbraclnf dramatic ntcmtprf 8parttpar thr j urf hishions- and tari ambjecta aflar- ccrcat and amurtneiit aihuii r fir nf r is35 will b commcuccd ift ijulaokjj- ph t a a new prriftlleht bearing chenbove compfthensire liup hacav mv will be carefully ajnpfrrl tn the waaia of thai portion of ihe fcoblfe who piiifnnrtc dramatic utkraititr ihe tlhf sfort- tncaivlthe kafttfldtls from the mm weakli and rnereaate pofvulatton ofthe 1 i 1 r- 1 siatra and the mat njtmwutaikin oflhc atfaiall aporiht with whatever promoter thr rationl attxrraiiooor ltfell a cans 10 tut imtl wpweii nnaauttemmauoq torcnar then ddcx rientto ihc pirmaitoa of a correct rmaicta all m jsac aneannoi cu to nret with a itbeml tnd eredirabk aoppon fham etiffhtrnerf comoiiinity ineverj qnnrter nfilir coumn rhe rlmkajn orakrichinoutaoeha pfan w mf tit be fancjfolly atremed wiasny f thr diairi ofoovekroenaareii ooptiunty amj epciroarmrirt hsabei not ihr ictirt etnhajtaaaia othvuete whkhtheprotoraofth wort titfl to aurmoial in tta inception freling confldeoy 1 n o1 however thai ita kiiece iacnan when rta character betomca properly known tbef havealreailincorreil conkcrabte expenar in arming eorreapodtsrtkiav over un union and have nhonrdercxl regular aappura ofihe nt acleat el knplimh pertndjfau u viait in procartn maierila forita cojomne it 15 not altogether fetobe when a new publication t enoirapuuert- aa prcaent in detail to the public ita proapective aurncnona it cecevaarr neverthetea that it principal riatiesphoiiu1 beitrawnovi aa it pi fr them that ita rocriusifu hnnny bejudfed thin ia tin morvrca all occdcnphahea be pobtttmw ving aawlflal ihai whatever ulm and a wpicbfliheat can cfleel in completing the fiilinc up will be done and that they never wilt be frmu jvricirnt or nntlectfttl in the prosecuting 1 c 1 i- r7 and in mrlvin tu pruduce a benrfiei j and prulkabte ro- auii 10 ihemaelve ami romner the nrama ivilj form a mntcrial portion ofihe nenttemeiaa vde meruro it ia inietvle to pobhii iiktfmtrly eterj week an e tire play ioj reeio be thecte1 wiu a ole eye to ihctrmeriwajogt a preference imwever will be onened in llfniv to native prodoe- iicfi when uiey can benhtiined lydupklataftl crbkbaaw earefoily e- cbidine ihliwmtaaal eomnarivtn ami nroanendrd by ibeir brevity wnl he revitlnrty ineritlbehidr ttjcraphicnl sletehen aaccjow nml hon mot ofprrmuvnt cittneiton ohhr pxenu i- part r af whwh rare and inesbaumihte ratnpil iin it in lre thk tvitf a failhuil renrtl will be kept nf ail the bonniny aiai trotiinjf mntrhea in ih eonntrv und 1 innd hicaphira und correct pflnmit otcclrbram ibtmqcn wen llnrea will tie puwmmrdonee a month every fan wkvive 10 the brenlxif 1 1 m n taping uat ibp jaaeapgy ofurfi invouable answol iil le portktilnrr eleeied spthlting lndr ihi- rnpclnn will w a nccotinta 4 si- mnich pedemhnn teai iaymnatie kiecie ni r ea- c1jol fihinff cjinin frr with aiednh f k4ed doea centtemkns fasihonha rnrteriy rtview will br pn enretl rxplanmo ofihe yllrirah improvement ami cluuuea which ena- cmeji worn in tlicfahtcnablceirciraeonunilynmirrgo h which it wilt he rendered an eij rtipft mr dmperaua1 tmlnn 1 a ditnnee ak thrir cutnm era with the njotapprovnl color and metier n stle ofdrcaa at xhr earliest noible prriol lroviiboe vutwrirnieironrrureineot shall heffiven by ilua portion the public ft full imgihcinjratmf iiloairatfro of the un ip- w ill i- i l prepnrcij amt published h k av mihihlhepun- 1 rir confined 10 ihe four leulim auhjciswliltt liave been mici we deem proibcr to say ihitt there witf 1i in adihtior to 1 v t fr rptog auotved far mineelhineoufi irntur sehoa talc poctrj aa epiiomr n iii 1 mi in nw cny noi rutftf mt u- lira ihe grnin maafl aceienlture pficen of totk uh or brokca fiir onnterfiil nee pswrwr and nil other mllfr re3l4iaf which sn interest may be mipprwd to cite ni home or alrond thia work then a will br ren by ibe rbove explaouiion of tn pro- hnblecharctcr is panienlnrly lined a cimpnninn cit the pntrotai ttue turf the drama hoomit tle fiaiionft ie ac it will prow 150 nsall it- ptiblienttitn ofrui uikle autfieittic ready ofkecorvt sir uercicoee ibrtrnveiltn li clemen ami frlvouvt convetpentry be kept in every ftol n the lmd sftitr itiwtanuy of notice toata patrons in ibe cour- of ofie vcvir will be ibnuaiicsl wttl fift-iwnpop- lor puya and farce tie pmr c aepftriely at any ofoiirbot pnwfn wralilheat lem thifb en ikf here itew an abouiv ivii often dolura in the purchase ofn we31mornl dramatic library lobe hndfhr an nnprccetlerlcd mnall mib not taking into corutfrnnda ihe nmhiplied variety which is to nrritiapany it without dihuoaal eharee tailors wlm desire to procure early ttid correct tnftruiauoa k m everj- saturday on fine imperial paper ofthe larotl ciujf at tbrae dal lara per annum payable in advance bycncletfirtr n five dollar iwir in the publisher pnataae paid twfle- niea of the- paper will be hrwiirifal to m dtrrcum ivdem for one year ii is rrjv reflneaicd that thoe who desire in ntwh nv taw jonrnn wilt fbrwnnt their name immediately lle lerma wiji bettkl- ly adhered to addreaa smith alexandcr athenian bowanft fraakk place philadelphia the publishcra w r r- r with y of their cotsntry dretorto arka will oblige ihem with an occasional inenion ofthu ndvcrtiaeiacat prospecttts t ofthe irish advocate cllxstitimonal refoam- yu am remmkiirial auvkkti8er to he publib edthiteetlle8 a week in montreal alt hoajh fc the population apnaiing the englbb inukqe in lower canada qna- poed of native of ireland and denccndeni oflribmen it h a acrti et rvrret ifnoi of moniflcflii- to manv ofthetn that no prtaa in this pra vince protects their nniionaf cturncterfrum miarepreeninuon ami la all or serve aa the aeerediicd oryan oft n r poliucal scntiineota to rrnieily ihia evil and 10 give to irishmen that infltteiee and powar to which their numerical eircisfftli their rcflm liability ami growina wealth entitle them a number of irishmen in montreal nuve reaolved tocanav han a paper to be called the iriali advocote omtlm ional icc- former and iommprclal advertiser lobe published m thiaciiyoti tle monday wednesday nm friday of each week a a the iripts advocaic will lie 1 nac ntiiitj the irishman paper and na 11 will apnre no pains to render itselfwor- thy of this honorable distinction it niul mainly depend on the insa ceint- latiooofboih prnvineeaforencourajrcment nnd iipptrl betfideaadbed inauch innvrmntion on the subject of politic commerce and lheratarr as may be attractive to general reader the irtah advocate will rarv larly lay before its patroae the motintcrcstin portions of irish tnictt eence although from the nature ofour poaiiion in the present crwi the energiea of the irish advocnteniuat be directed townrda the pro duetint concord among all pirson- from grent brilaiti and ireland sal heir descendants ycliltolll nettleet no it opportunity of advocating tin reform ofnbuscs under which tnelatici country una so looj utoroj deeply impressed wiih the convieiion lha the anee4y developemcnt is the reaniirces of thin provmrc ip of puramouut importance the irish a4- voeatc witlfircnuouafy encourage ltmtration and cheerfully open m ceilumnstn the enertton ofsveh matter as mayeonduee to the fenert ariiiiiy of irishmen and dhtona oral promote theirsruletorui amomj or under present circumnajieca the jrtsli advocate will era hold in view the counteraction of any attempt to procqc revolaiksi 10 sever pan colony from the mother country or too0eetaehaaee tatfcs contvtuution upon whoe lwcghtyil n now tmirr thnn everuai thpai frpeakmff liie fcnjliwh language m tfna province must rely for twu ence and prosperity from the tone and style in which the paper w1 be conducted and the mechanical neatnea with which u will be esetaw ed its f mi feel saanreil that ji wilt bear cotnpariaoa wiih the fdofttt- hpeetable peholicols in north amerka the proprietors wilt uaciheir utiaoat endcavore to render the paper uefiltfe mtmium of commercial lntelhpcnce and thev ibereibre nrt they will reeeivu the support of the influential body of mcrchanu tat editorial department willbeentrusiol to an iriah roman catholic gas tleman of ability and character in politic the irish advocate will support therause of contitotioaal reform it will orrpoae depeecan and condemn abuaee and will ue its uiniom cltoru for toe removal ta aekoowlenprl rrievancea on oil occrwmxis thia journal will dtapray a firm and patriotic determination to advance the proapervy ofowcouiurj men ami particularly of irishmen the llttsit advocate will be printed on rood pa par of the atsi now uod by the englisli journals of uw cily and will be charal aa ntenai four dollars per annuroeicluaiveofrxisttf payable semiannually in advance pokim a iners country ntcrcliaai and others in both provinces wm may frelun interesi in the succeea ofihe paper are rraptxifoltr rraaenv ed to use their beet eicjliona la proroooqg its eirculauon to thotr rrspat- uve nelchlforhoodn any eemleman who mny procure aubftcnbers and vouch rbrtncrss pccubiliiy ofihe parties fl be enutlcj to m pptr fbr ev7 rn ss bribers so obtained ckdwnleeti ninea to be forwarded to either 6fnf acenisinthiscilyonorlebrvihe tatnf felkmary neit- suleripionh will be 1 ecrtvetf in thin city ot the bnok3iores erloai campbell and it mcorcger si francois xavier 3lrtt and at e bi- chanfie news room montreaj jan e ifios just published a hfcw airo c0c1sk t5tcn ot arlthmlhttc calcuiat ttt racitmti the improtfairktor tooth in orr aa cakada this arithmetic hw been publinhed under tlie pj tronage of hia excellency sir john colbome c b the hon and venerable the archdeacon jj york the rev dr harriet principal of tht v colieoe c price ten bhillincs per doaen half hound eastwood 6uww tete vv 16th tsm

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