provincial fabl1ambw sskmlv veinusiay march 9fi to committee on ihe till for abolishing house ok tl bruise wn rary while we think we nr lice i uinea ewil drools u jhopon admir tufhml iwimniii and ll vi vannih nvstenis have been r rt wriod down 10 an pnm rf th one wr pnrtm 2 ho lea mwhn ni movents that ha imjhj immjto csrimhottih ilink win h rail my forth necuin hit fa ttamf ayswm ofthis kind sro honld ho rr um kt wc alopi it in such tbape as will ruduce a arwl deal nvu harm ta oj 1 have provided mndrv amendment il whiclj wn p lhc ho crvmntl ft is in the sw hi new ork ami lwih kaitiafo 0100 w break iff one of ihe link boimen the cilvatei prartwe amieil cbtitryj jahir ami the creditor we mutt be camion that we dij noi in tin urtiruur ie4arii too much weakened tan a me mn unltmplfaf iq debta wa erehereatvr to he cotrtraeted i ihmk ft cinnoi produce any rrjry injur ime affiicles h contrary it will 111 w place the creditor on hi guard i n will ut loo liberal and injimvions credit and i think in find no one tu differ with him itui ve should be very rautioui ivlien wo ronie m legislate upon mum- wlueh ui thftr eflwtf will operatr rery eenuttely upn outneu nw i mall en dcator to ripri my opinion m thmtlr ns i on premising that inm oppnted to imprisonment for debt provided a plan can b died which wilt giv itlfficiettt eiuhly in crodiiors i infill no ono will contend thai it in rzht lo lakr tli liody ifaioftiito anawcr for anything botctim tltia it the only i round which will justify iqcarvuratiori bui crimti arc of various degrees il i soniclime n rnin 0r person to get in- hldeht and wln wr talk about u ivnim heinminjecllo prie- vitus iiiipriionmirnt hcnj dvprivrtl iflo lihuru and having behind him edentate amily wi- nuit runidcr that tbalpor- nn in ininv instance may linvr liron the ineark of ruining hie rredilr hy depriving htm if lit prmpcrtv i hold it in he a mitikefl luppoailion hat creilitiir generally will act without hurnnoiiy we may rauofiahly atficm ihit wheryu will find ii- liafti hearcd creditor uu will find fifty fraudulent vlehtor i am nut in fivor of iaprieonmeiit if vn can ami a auihewnt mlbuiltite the learned spraher lelleili lliat tiieaotlwriiy of n n r iint history dncn nni jnviify niipiioriinciit for dtbl i ndmit that in the ftfen ftf john impnsotuihiii for debt did not exist ui iiciirid lmt m the day f aticintiv cvmt t did orelse the new trtnmcnt does not hmmie troth wo find il in thos dav distinctly reenfoheed hut i jo m4mimntony thai becauy ii 1 an recognized hy the cliritin rvhimon that it therefore in i perfeellr igtvq with he hon sprakei thai you idtmim not imprison a inan who slrivci to imv htl debu hut ihure il oo iojiulirc in imprisoning tfcouc who make no exertion to iny atmm prrsun should hoi he exempt from the operation oft e luw now ir with res- hict to the very high authorities tit learned speaker ha oim ted i iroe with evaiy attilinwt oa hu iewd h i will it an should roaon onoralion fifths pmwl i nm o l- limimlrimn dior arc ewryrned i thi k we ahall bo doinfi n reat deal nf moi hi thcouiwumty vlill do not dliofc ihete a very nr sent tteerrt5tvii ime hill ifthe nun nf ttfneais emend mant bill paw hitu a law bweuw under tho provisions of thai bill the rc nv luftins excepibv ihe airidavit nfvut mym nirtio lw wlneh impritjnmcnl ran bfl inmielnl un a person kit a le sum hlili hfrt pound so fir u lltal bill whm to do what thi iflll i intended h hve- 1 i hill hoi vole bfcsinit it on h eeneral pripeipwe ihttdiatl rote ajwnst mine of im details i should much tathor loo hill wero not disposed of loday thai hi deuils may b more lolly tnaturrd mr wa otiiiirt cincaro wah ihe hon ml thoso opinions must of eoijre u ukan m bavins been form ed m routemplntiou of out itiat nan was readv lo deliver op ill tl furt than is filt undrr the pretcnt law and until an efficient system ofbonumpi laws calmly eonjiidercrl h adopted i ean notor unto mi you do thi give my coiirunrnre lo the preset measorci ihr afrvei i roite concur wilh ptonia of the acnttments whrch have hen expressed bytltolioo mid learned scniior jeneroh i think it i our duty to protrf tho honrt rrodhni a wcllaf lilt uiifortnnilirlebtur the great principle nflhls hill i sa tfilhe power of incarcerating the pvtttoos isf honet debtors whether ili power honld rest in any individual or bodv nfiii4inj dunk tl onhi notit ir wan intended it houldl think it i a disgrace u t itwand i believe that i will he home out when i say that in no country on th ivo of the earth etreplin ipper aiiiidacan an individual be incar cerated nt the inre caprice ofntioihei bull wiolmnol allow a man to lie protected bi hon bill ifholiad acted dishonesuy thehoncm debtor should be protected mid the dislmtimt pun- ished it is aam dial bankrupt lawa should be pesftld before vuu pa this hill hth if tin ho pnssed it will create an ail cjilional induteiiimt the public will then require that i bo done thi- one will lead to the other and lltu is why i would vote for it as to th principle of the bill 1 do not believe there will bo a dinqfttiflg voh c in this houac a mans liberty oughl not in be lakon away un hould ho com mdhii to render up hi properly and then he nt liberty to ex ercise hw faulitei fur ilm support of himself and tlioto drpen- dant upon him lam in favot oftlie priiieipie of the measure and would he slad to see il benefit extended lo the comrauni- tv we reprent mr mtrritl with rnjpect to hi- measure i have never en- icrlaincd hut one opinion i am convinced that lion gentle men are not fully nware of the mucry attending the pttttotft aystch- iir he hon gentlemen read a lettvraddreccil to hun hv a clergyman detailing some insbinco of it evil effect i could m nliou numerous intanee- which have como within inv own ulisomiion- i could mention nou msc in the 1 r of niagara when a poor man waa imprisoned fur n month and when he had hit trial no duht could ho proved against hun 1 had that person aitida it that he never owed the prnne- cutor a single fiirlhiiig- tu the nireara ihsinet there it but one feeling on im suhject imprisonment pr debt iseongned i believe exclusively to hnglaud and aineriea aeaice any an objection of the huo- sntleman frn oifrd mtothc proprloti of weighing wull all the provisions of the bill hfrture tlioy aoiuhj ihwo thai it if highly oecoaarv however that debtuts should be ihe ved from the ripr of the lew ofirnprwrnineot aa at preaant pursued he had no hesitation in dtclartng i har known ln- diriduala to be taken on thirteen or fimrtecn capiaaruot oner ahilo the whole amount nf the debt did notexeeed i00 and in the end nothim at all recovered i could ennumerato a tal niimhtf of instances of ii vrore n necessary to do an of vtrj ereal hardship on the pari if the honcdl dhlor bntaal before remarked that whiui we nr relieving ihm womual take i arc to distinieilish betivcon the dehlor who i willini to pay to the utmost mutability and me fraudulent dvblnr whoendca- tor to elude the paym n of hi josl debts mr- spraktr brierr a debtor ahould not he rubject to punisbmcol morely because he t in debt if to ho aure he ahould be iruilty of an pnsitifv fhud m of aiiythinjt which amount to fraud then he shmlld be punished hui nt othir war tho mere riiciimttiurr of hem in debt without the abibtt lo pav should noi subo i any mina perton to impri aonment which in ilelt 0 puiuthtnenl of ithmnarc nature leok upon thai ltw i on evcimlios inrd one whieh ubjecti an inaoltwrt debtor to suiler ponihincn whieh m due onlv to tho f ujuft crime u the standard f ihia inptrt principle 1 consider ihe picenl law very liosatrtnirbtry and this brm4 mo to ihia rpisslion how can it lut lf auunh- t the lirti oeestibo if are wo sallslifd with the law thrn do we think inc lulf before tia hotter than the law i am nt prepared to cxpresian opinion upon the details of the hill for i have not had time to examine them hut what i think very ewmial n hit additional clause jioum be deied if possible fr the diacoveiy of the property of tlebmr- intamw wbera a fraiidii- lent concalihent i aiiernpted as r the principle vf ihe mea sure tho confinement of the person h been considered in all countries vwftcn pirnishrrreni wfikelf adequate lo ihe mosi atrocious offences and when pxemaed in all it ligor il a- rnoimu to a cevtrer doom than even drtath hiolf a pernor sutlonng imprisonment is incapacitated fiom satfving ills ere ditoror from providing f himself nr bin family or eninl the time of old mp u aicknis he not movo nts petition and allow tho hardships of his case nor his willingness ui make amondo t j hissnexorahlo crcrlitor who hat shut him from the woild and from the aoeinif of his fellow men thcsearepom ovila biit duw arc nt tsn greateeii whore a fithcr is kepi from krs family you do not only punish the indi iiluil but you inflict upon perhaps a numerous- fumly hesidea tho deefida- tion whifh would naturatlv fill upon them an inrlculahle evil by being deprived id the eare aim proteeiion of ho head of the ftmily and irow many fimiliri hie h- en ruined and broken hearted and fr no reason httl to stitufv the uiatisniu uf an unjuat creditor and tlikts nnt all there i a poiidt want in the community of die labor rifhuq nrmou lor il i- pcraonol iah t4 wtll i tio leriiiilt nf the earth and mm pru other nation loleriliiii its practice itliepoiflho andjir reo in tliis perfectly t tivn and warned solicitor ioneral was thai it would prevent ere- etafoeffirjeni and prav tankiunt laws and abolish dim n hv could nor havo advanced i4ro0tr reaeons fir ita the uwofiinpnammont have ihr imd free under all circunv adoptionrive ui capital nnd we do not want credit give tutucts unleae ii u found hy il f mmhtaioocrr trotlcc or people the command ofcapital and they will obtain then com dime in whose hands tho prowrt- ia nlaeed that ibc debtor uiojitiemi the mmt reasonable terms die want nf capital ia not giving a faithful and irm del rm of hii properly if un one of the greatest ovils lat can prevail in a country tl pro- invoatieolioa ibis should be fiundo b ihe case i would al- duera in this country at the mean moment greater ceils than lore thu party to bo held to hid usli he should render up alb aov other eauh eouw pototbly produce i hope nod trust we hot a hill fr this purpnn m ht ased aimultaneoulv with hull not lei seaion aficr m paij wuhout accompltshmg thia utilaii thev o hand and hai- 1 think it would be lm- the pawn of ihi measure provideiii unaifeand unjumiopicipcyof nru henm us- hh nwu i amnlfw at iw to perceiva lai il would bn a thin which would rove imurmui to tint trad die intention ofiho hon and leamej snliritor central rn ofihe country in a very eminent dtpree thia iamv opinion- withresneel to thismewprc i rartainly ululemood hirn w now ihe bill as far as i hive been able to jmlee of it i noexpresahiniaelfunrendlrtn uieimsothawmipitfenment thai chvieul measure which woub pimify ua in jthiiliahins im- and that he had no objection to rhe principle of ihe bill this priionfiieni lor debt now wnh rp to ourselves frhat binp the ca i think he ahould us such amandncnr a our uw at ihe present moment ihmk it ia a law vvhiel ha may think requisite lo place ihe law upon ihu best pom- vfillbafoundcanemllytoheaihumnea law and which ex hlo frtinc and peihapt the hmise ivwlh upon eiuiatderaiion endaamuehindulkaneetnthehonmdebloraalhalofalnomallintohiaviaw bui it doesatnke mo that if the hon and sirnajmitalo our prisons h learned cenmonian would oianinc iho bill he would find that ever h u in point of dc thecieditoru protected as for a the property f he debtor our wvach doc tion of die a ubih iontiuio th lottfcua we aetleprned of lh labor nforioof the memir nf soeieiv and he at ihe amo time i an uvtm euoiomur and requires persons s4tpfumcd by the piihli to take car- if him tl on ifnrn useless oppreed ud henribroku iiidividtal is kpt in 6nnint in order llil be miy pav in dvbls a wrv uuollenl mvlhod of enahlin a man ti py in- dibta uulv tt hi been the pt pr hitn m1 t it oh hu m4 writ no iher couuiry tu imprison for debt but it is not by any mcanp universal there are ariou countries in which this law does uoicist uut we haw become accutomid to the ope ration ofthirlaw if we were not accustomed to e men un- priaoned for debt and wo had heard the evila nanated which aro known to atise from ir we would be airatik with horrui nt the cruelty and harflme of ihe law people do not ffone rally c mniderlhe ovlla of iinpnquuiuil it does not fill ni tho communiiy in a body hut like the petleme rvhi h atiilk ihr mhoui the land cutting down its icinna by imudi vn the cornoiuniiv become ocru4luined l it oitd the htnwn mind it so eonatiluled by an till wie ciealnr r i ri nr lumunii traetiec however barbarous de noi exeite anv fmrthiilat tb urrcoeo hut lei ihe practice once bo dtmniilumerl anl tfore will not i am sure be the ca anxiety onlha part uf those who now tolerate il lu hrinj lenk anin lhil relic of a batbaroun age subjoct the reul nta of the community do not give them aelte the trouble to rcrvd deeply upon ihe subject noi have ibey the leisure indeed iflhcv would but there have been pome who would not lake on trust the enioninnlv receivid 00i- nioos and who have refteeied deeply and dieir opinions are untitled in so muctl the mure weifihl and iepeet the leatn ej speaker her riled magna cham the bill f highl ihe roniintional at of ihi- colony lord iheon lord ctikeand lonl eltarriinrotiizh sir umiimn lllaektnno lr- joliihtoti and lreideiil morjtrpiieu j the tirsi nf praversmfs f rivc is nor debn nx ri foriit h oui dehtori ti t onlv ebiimiin odiiou hut peailteu morality tenho the same ifiinu now tho nvtlm rity of ihee great men vimhmi names i have inontiomrli is un- queunnahly good they v en iut nure tltcoitsls ittin in the acelusiuu of their closet nd detkin ieuiary achme thiy werf practiced liioil willi nil lliti cuiriirn nt ivstimonv to fortify us in tivor nfa hune in the present liw of iniprkon inent i tiusl ihrr will ik no hesitation on the pail of a maj0 ray of this house to alter the lawoftmpririnmoitijc debt i doubt i ry much wiictlntr equal mithoritios can he proilued for any other chance whauvor it charu points out inmres umalion ao urqeut ncmsniry foreuihhhiuhomeheinebetuie him and do n tercaleimil for debtor erediinr and ih- eninmtinity at urge ivhietiare attributed t any countrv the law nine not a sever law it cannoi he more lenient hon any othr i have dwavi been in favor n doing away with imprisonment in cosy where ihe person can site secdnlv that he will noi leave he province and with respite to tho principle ofiho question you siippnse til i any one who has esubihed fl reputaliua of honesty woum find it difficult to get person to bo his ttretinfhjt he wool not leate the privine there aic vry w instances wherr apartv ctnnot ptocuio kd fr the limits r is known lo br an indiictriuiii and an honest man and ii for the limits so cuul ho easily et bail tor the pmvince thn prii ipln u piuwsolj ihe same indeed there has been cases whero a person hai been arretted for so largii sum thai ha mobj noi flel bail thai heeould hot find men willing to he ins hail but becaua lb nam was so lare that they could not justify ihat i they coul not qualify ihemsitvas for j but in such cases thj tor is a fteod law in iheasireale it is a law which i penerals uaefijl to the community at laro and you should not therefor alter it moreiv hecau a cam of hardship now and ihen oecura in lejtialaiinp upon ibis aubjeei wo should also eouidder node whnl cir umtances we are placed here we are beside anothe country to which access tan be had in en minule time m ny of lite peruon arrested in this province are of that coumrj who come hcra for the purpose of speculation they et lob debt and it is next to impoible to prevent thcoi dfraudiu the creditor by goin away and i say it is not afi to put i out of your powei to retain tluisc persons perhaps it inns b ured ihat it i a good thing lo discontinue eedim but i thiol we ought lo not leller trade by leaeuinc the ourily of ihe re ditnr in eoland there infinitely lti rennoii in rny opinio iinifiu iv than there is here because the mean i getting away am not so numerous in this cnuntrv it is onb necessary to allcdge- that tho person owe and cannot got hhcu ritv a hard law you will sbjy but how m it lo bo remedied you ont find ibem attcinpiing to do away with ii in lnjfbind aconntry the most favorable to ihe suliincl hut lluor w i- stimawhat different to bo mri it dnra not authoi ee arrcta f so ama1lumsa wedo and indeed i think there i as innl evil hatdshfp m thi fof n ischiellv in lh se cne that a vial diclivefclun is indulged it is not the man tu whom n lira sum of money is win who acis with a vindictive feeling f the instant ho arrests ho i his chance of payinoni he or tor adapts ihit conrao till the last eitn nnh luit ihe man vh nrrema for three or fmr pounds may with much truth hu pre mimed to aclfrnltt improper ctelinc m the mijontv oi cac this is ihe conviction whieh ret upon my mind the ham ed sjieaker aid something respeeimt a piirly having roeour lo a capias ad satificiondnm 1 do not uiinb in uilerpretitio of the word was allocth as inficnuoiu as mifght hao bee oos i would ask ihe hon- and learned solicitor general in define the precise course which ought lo lm taken aiuce the principle is admitted i am sure that hen gentlemen who have spoken against the adoption of this measure cannoi re concile lo their minds ihe propriety of allowing a person lo be incarcerated lor the lulling sum offiva thilling by ihe conn uf requests law passed in i33 it is provided that court of itenuast fre onlv shall he racoveiablc on action brought in a hih court within the jurisdiction of the court of uvuot un lens in cases wheio tho debtor is arretted now whal ia the cticet of thai law 7 it ia an inducement lo persons to commit sio woral of crime perj iry ftfm only to ftratlv his own malevolent feelings iut lo save himself the mua imounl of eos il is a thine to he taken sdvdtiiajfti of i sneak from my own knnwtedjpj i know ihat more rapiasm linvr been taken out ince that law pajmed than in iham apacoof t me before it iassing the prineipla nftho bdl ha been e- thhahed by tho adoption of the preamble let u now proceed to examine its provisions mr ftithrhn proceeded to comment upmvths different ctausei nf the bill consecutively tho bill w adopfod by the conimictee and reported lo the house ftsafntn hw bcewmew coumjing aftwfr to the adnrtfs tt ilrs m jrstt on srttoof lnfc j coibohne the secretary of 6 fr the colonic hating m- ceited ihe address lo the king of thu 4th ihcuiher wss fmm the house of assembly rcmicctin th liud oniuiilly ct npn tor th aivancement of education tho lieutenant cmnor i neqioinid ly the secretary of state for tho in- eipected from hal hon gentleman tho meamog wlon ftii intliori a eretjir to ruoft to lie ri tu i a mr ee rw i prouoin if if i satisfy his debt you then have tho body and your debt is an lisficd it ia extinguished from thai moment except this tin you have the power lu retain him in prison when you tak out a capias ad satisfaciendum it is the final process and von debt thenceforth from he fulfilment of ihia ultimate pro cess i considered as satisfied it can ho no further pursued with respect to the remedy of imprisonment what i have i ay is raise ihe amount for whidilmprisonmentis authorised and strip thorn or if jj do not giioom bide this fiivousoi efficient system of bankrupt iaw5 and do away with imprison meni ft debt altogether except in cases where the eommi ionerappoinlcl to receive llic citeets of the bankrupt sho that he has not acted honestly at the earliest period of m government no man could he arnued for a leum than le tnuuds iit ini if ihe uw be raised to tint i ahull he cot lent fbr one lo vote for it with this restriction ihat it shall m 1 have ihfeopinjunf nfwisennd reflecting men upon this i apply to any contract which now exist ami thai it shall note into operation until twelve months after its passing lint ih people of tho country may noi bo taken hv surprise and th the merchant and traders niav have an opportunity so to reci late their butiness as to surfer no injury fron so material change now this is aproposition which the lover of hurni nity rlll readily concur in and i am wro speech ofth hon and learned speaker is calculated to produce those fee lines but it sometimes happens that our duties a icgtsbtton require thai wo should noteonfile mo much in ihe existence those leelini which are calculated to iidorn humaniiv pi nuhmeut fof in a part ofetil lo1c il mull 1c o it i unfvj innately thn case that mankind have do obtained thai purit- of iiitcntinn that von arc hot lopuardaaint hisdoinj wrung and i cannot help ihiiikthff thai there ih miroethrnj dbhork- in a person ineurrin- ddus which ll4ooa not expect lo pa il is said that to bn in debt is a iiufortouc well i can onl ik hn uiilemen to loilc xhuut llicui and stto anion thu who hae failed from misfoitune how few indeed hie her imprimoned in uch a case as i aid hlore i eouyi ler th the 5nrrahfy of creditors are hind hcni ud nnd when ihrv s that a person has feiud ibroogh uiisfonune they cnmpiim it him with thesrt wndielne icehiu i llvum sir looking at iiocliereotiiii btt xuiplrt wo fi here a law was recently m sed f if fthnhbuu irnprisiniuneni for debt the niot inioliii nmn complain thai it acts vory injuriously in a ui uninler instances cases have thero 0 mried of persons from th iieihrin plate having carried awny nsrent amount ofoo on crndit and afterward rsme bak and cetidi r d a uire iril in place of full offlieir dhn and the creditor i old een lo ftorepl ie or sit fi in the pound or else loitee if yon relax iu vonr piintiple nf 4rnnielit ill repcet yruir remedial law vnn ear srddomfii tli ineislaluni to lolrai their ytopa it t adilfieuli mailer it scarcely ever happons- now 1 ciuld have rwen fdad i efore n in ft is u re of litis dtsri lion had hara brought forward ihit my hon frbnd had liinx- j for a return nf the number f prisoners who havv hem em mittrd fr debt fir ihe lat five vear omitliiis naiins course ih period of the imprisonment d the aniouui f which sfreated with all the circumstances which eomo umt iho knowhtdeo of the si he bod oo the table and will vnbire t aflirtu ihat instances nf hardship will bo ton to hn iufinilelv fw- n and lek m extenr than ho centlmu n cern toanppn hut ihia it rontnleniic lhequvli on rlmaint and only plea of humanity iiut because iihj v i aupplyiu ndvjintajtc or suhniltutinii any tbiiifl bitei i aid that it inn infringement of ihe natural liberty nftltfl mlhjoi uoprbtftn bun kir anv other ause than crime but m ia i inn lion wheihor the ruiimnjr m drht wuhout pnpwrt nfp njcre ibrhevethat wm i i rinitwr tf would mil upon crediting ifthls moasuie woreadopud ik mr htitiittoi tjnttral m fares ihohfphnmlaof the learned no w by dehtiin j believe it would bo mend vytswi to ftoi n homcv i ah fr ranie4 h wom w rimes wer nppreesion aitdiftfrtl mmrv anddiaefi tf fmatioti oftho hoiic of assemhl that it appears ihat th allotment mido in 179 fjr school and larm sernmarie conited of twelve township ami that altlioiih lakfll m tieir enriro extent thee troid amount to a ipianttly not re nil ue from that named hy the assembly yet after innkuig the deduction for crown and clcrjcy unserves ihry would noi oa ourd fitlljn czz that ollhia rpniililvj9llm acres ar omirised in iho assignments to the liueriuty and o ipprr canada cnuoco u bile above 0400110 acres are est- nited in be aetuallv available for ihe assistance a endow- neiit of srhools onlv 72fl3 acre tf main lobe accounted fr and the appropriation nf these would be more llian ei- rlainedby the crinis whi h are speeified by the assembly as havin hecn inidu to urvoyors for suvejmj that he ifuafs ihat iiieo explanations will atifv the assembly that thera in noi been an improper diminution of the iuantiiy nf iho lands nserved in 10 for school and lariror seminaries that tho vlotvmrnl ofkinsv college having been hrourjil under i t t e i i dilution mill re0iilos lo be iiiiaw adjusted acciintmi tu ihe l vieuf ihcleila1ure ihat ihe establishment nf cidlsflc 01 i cniversity for the insimction nf xotlth formed nnw nf ih oh- eia praved hr in iho adrliess from llie council and assembly m th- year 1797 and that the institution of larger seminaries nan the ditrict schools was expressly adverted to in the com- rmnicalton hy mcan of which hb majesty siitified his com- rliance wilh that address- that whatever diovrence of opi- aion therefore mav exisi as to the most appropriate share to vc devoted lo the purpose there can be no duwrt that the allot mcnl of some oflhcrenca for kdu alioii to a tntveisity is rffietlv eonfiirmable with the objen of the endowment nwt thai to rhiut the entire amount of ihe kttiea in the enrich- gainert have been the radical party who are m supposed lo number about 200 in the houer these gains arc at the expense of the whige aa a matter of emiree a circumstance in which 1 bhould think no friend of liberal eentimonta will find any cause for regret the whigs who remain cannot of course vote with sir robert peel and hie tribe of tories so that they iro with the radicals to make up an oppoaitioa of reformer under which name both whige and radicals may be included of course in the houae of cominotie we have various ehadvs of opinion 1 we have the ultra toriea generally dietin- guinhrd for their ignorance and obstinacy sir e knaichhull and the whole tribe of the rural sir johns and sir thomases are apectmena of thie class 2 next we have the more educated tories men who want the excuse of ignorance to excuae their immoral pillage of ihe people who would fjin exclude all but the priviledged orders from any the shghcsr share in the business of government sir robert peel may stand as the type of thia claeo 3 we have next the conservative whige wh approach very nearly to tories indeed can scarce lv he ditttinguohed except in being membere of whig families i we have the liberal whig who approach nearet to radicalism they often do liberal thlnge and ihen seem afraid of them they seem lo re gard the demands of the people as something te be btrcnuoual resisted until they can resist no long er a conaequence of tbia ia that they do liberal things with an ill grace lord althorp onrj poll lett thompson inny stand for this class 5 lastly come the radicals who are for ex tending to the people those rights which justlj belong to them they would extend the frauchie to nil who contribute to the exigencies of the state tlty would secure that franchise from corrupt m- huince by means of the ballot and they would bring the representatives of the people more fre- l mm illy biito thfrfi uihteifrutitfie uy uieaha biujt parliaments the types of this class are irorc roebuck hume ohjonneil romilly bulwer arc now the grent elttxt anticipated from the dimo- lution is a concentration of parties the ultra to ries will notbe heard of in few yeare ihemer liberal tories will unite with the less liberal whigs under the title of conservatives and the uberal whig and radicals will funn a great movement party so much for the state of parlies at the opening of the second reformed parliament the huue opens on the 19ih iu the building erected for the purpose on the site of the late ruins it appears to be tolerably com foriable two grot struggles wilt animate the early proceedings of the commons i h election of a speaker and an ad drvs for the removal of minister in amendment of the intnistcrnl echo of the speech for the speakership abercroinby is the candi date to he supported hy the liberals in appositrow to sir manners sutton who ii the event of failure is to go to the lord- hs uarnn lexington i5y the way he has chncn an odd title 1 suppose hie next atep will be earl of bunkers hill and baron ol lexington the reformers are pretty confident lhit they will succeed m defeating ihe tories and it is now wispittfd that sir miinnert will tke hie peerage and decline the contest for the speaker ship iu thrit case tlio great trial of strength m11 bo for tho add fes- whatever may be the result i shall ttikccarfl lo put you iu posjossion of the issue- as an inipnriaiit lenture in the preeent etate of litillaud 1 have uo tlotibc tlint you feel an interest in tho mailers ftllicll 1 am now unfolding vill in cotnmuntcatiug them to you 1 am convinced yotf will look nt them in reference to thir fflcci rm ihe prosperity uf canada from the good will of turv tiocrntiient canada coulrl have nothing to hope thu present state of canada howerer in ikes her aliaira assume a national tharctery and it is the general opinion among politicians that they will occupy a wry prominent place in the proceedings of this pirli jtcjnrlvrriwstfirlviavlinliiliiy ao lmt ivluilcr h bill is j nn thai raihittv hw been pointh- such a will rvothoptirpitm iderrd milnvethi- ihi iu the fftito of new york win oft won rah one of ota di and hon uicmricr i am sun will tank upnu t iuijmrianl moaojrc wlurli cn crijfli i lhm we riiinni ji our i from in fiuiilv in tally i lion elau hu thiir attentinn find ii will lin n matler ofcmtlfieatiun hereafter thai llim- nio u iaj it iti a hw when a man la lakon frrdebt no u kai li l lafcoriinsathfictirin his wonh leslkidy itittfcen in katifiietton ofth frit ifimm jircau- mbau sad thrvy lnilii lir masted and mtu it would he to frorutj pnirpom mur liuir if tro ruum w4l inn bud v and gi otir4ebtby ibiu innrw it irihildlie tominif purpuse bm if our oi ht wliururiru iak in imdi acpamtn bun mirll hun in n rtlulqwifj where he if lo arireil nf tlin mm f payinji w and rail tins ailufac it rn lf tkiaciimu only la thn hml limrttn grinding credit i i rmnrrftf i invc olim ibouchl ihir i v in tins parti eolar ekefdiiily aliird and impitwj and wouhj rinicli lpt loeee it amatidiil hut i wnuld l in avnr neverililei offtdoptinnany ruearkby winch tin tirrimiiy of dibtrrs may be rmre effivhimliy dicovpnd and nittw a nun iaimnii tims confined ntbifca ho creditor vvpnrln to gut bit ckut tom hun bmliwaiimlieliiipriffhi ivihu will out ofliumam rjtowmrrh bim imme iiruaid and mt dtd tl man iuh eoirmmpnmtly mffiti ihr miiy nf inrnituratiau mil ono inrraoii map forward ami nnftmuw tbe victim from die merctfrm atwl itnnl inarih twhimr 1 lfll u fivr of the irin ciph- ofiin inimirc anr i bavu the tm f m wawi sad oftne prnlrril ol ihi mud stales i xu d m hm thmii nf vilric srlmou would conlravonc thr drin of thnr sy tvhoni the nroprtf wh ct amrl km if tliv nppliritum nf part ofibn reserves fr rdiicatiun to ih rndwtujit of a vnicritv rannot 1c demued n divrttwa of ihni from ihcu wnprr nr it will hardly be denied that ihti pxehanflit hy nretuw f which ihiy were ihiwepnliod was highly advaiitaseiiiih ili rtajemf rnmrd 3shi acrc nut of ibr school rown- ihips mideranterl tn ftn cnrpormtiin nf kinga cohvge in ileum llieoii an equal rjuanllty of iwa reacrrrs nmei nf ihcm under lease in old and v tiled tntrnahipi where the inndii bnmncrit valtia it may he niunwd htat had thi nndon merit noi taken place the mrlte uewrvoi would have income ihe property ufib omda company in common with the tct of tlu cmwri iteervo in the rurveyud tnwnrfiiw or nt anr rain would never h ive heon rwhiiil f r iiri intvrinr land at that in the hehnoltownthifh that with these viawe he cnviv llii mitv grariinm ieriaiasiiin to arlont n mm- pure vbicb hn trtih will bo nc rptlblu to tbi acmbly hit of the original grant of 541 m7 rw tliure remain dinpnsable t about gioflklacrr ftol ry advanlageoi mly situated and be authorises the lieutenant tinverour if the assembly buuld wih i r ttetrct lhi numlr ufectts from the trilled town- lbifk nnil lo retinue to the crown in lien of them b una- 1 lifnaicrl of tin school towndiip iik cain winch nucb a mrannrtctin would ronfer upon ihe endowment lor imuranon i obvinn and it i imped ihat thw librral nlver will be reard- ed ii a pioof if theimportanro wbleh lli majftrty atlorhra to tbecnut ubjii oftlie inrurliun of the people in 1iiner ta nada government lliu- ltii march iviiscelijanv- london f auv 7 the htiaiiippsor thr bleetiima is now dif- several pnriiin arc now engayed in making uj thru acinihhs nut of how much luotiry may have lirimi hpitllt miii of ft lion hith i dtirintr esjiermlly lonrds ill tntl of the the torich and their journal rmwtt btfrally rhe ennscrvative im naa tin mtrhitf thr mrurijk hut nf tlic loa or irliamrninry slnmth which tlic dlbboltt ntailtil apou rarlt he prtictm of die elejoiin aifd mora strucrgle most ii lluiiic of roiihoivativr rxiiualion ind snmr of the liheral party not duly examiinne he evidence u mn which the current ntuiiiius mm grounded shenttrl for a li l hnl homi uliglii itispnsiiiou to dithponil u hiii the klrrtinu udvnnced ii has famul that nil ihat was mtiit hy kmii vii5 ihut thotorle willl- latin rmiiniiinihtiiiw lltnu thev wftv ml ill firnl hrforuii tl piirljiiuirnr thnv were uboiit 100 houmn where there will he ahuut 370 sn find inn over 2fii jtut ihe ffreui iment measures will be early introduced hy mr roehtiek for the improve ment uf the government of lower canada and it is even thought that the infumoui system which the inr8 hnvtf so lone fostered will he one item in the srneril nrrourit ffainst them the land coin i in will he eapecuilly considered and it ii ex- rmiw rioma dwrlnnoree will take nlnre not vry neuilauju to mf itoijiii3uii tne tncrnorr lor wor cester a very genernl feeling iu favor of the li heral party in camirla has been genertej by their t not undr i 9f3fl fair open and mudernte conduct duirng their gene ral elections the returns or which have jujt reached this country such judicious conduct cannot fail to have a moil bemficial effect in england ruratn then the name upright manly and independent course and you cannot tail to make your wny to lite lienfto of thu english people from ihe pre sent minjfltfyyou raunol expect much good but let this lu your consolation and our support that thr people nf england fully sympathise with you in your struggle lei the friendly correspondence which 1 nliserve has heen instituted between the two 1 vovinccss be actively continued let a similar corresptmdonco he et on foot with ihe lower pro- viurca mid there cannot he a doubt but that the british parliament will see you righted i nay the british parliament because i believe you have not much to hope from the prestut colonial minister i repeat then look to the parliament the people and the press and not to the tender merciea of the turin in power there is some thought of the timber trade ef canada bring brought before the house by mr c poulctt thompson and it is doubtful whether mi listers will oppose the equalization of the duties jwoiitrtat vindicator callao january 6th 1835 there has hrcn sad work here since the 31st of december the troops in the forte broke out int open rebellion in favor of general lafuente who with his family was on board the united stateaship fairfield imtl waa the candidate for the presidency of lima the soldiery were to a man in favor of him he had heen fnrmerly banished from the country but had in the above manner returned before his time on the morning of the lat a num ber of the soldiers mailed from the fort and ruahtng down to the mole where the bonis land fired into every boat they could reach lieut drummond of his biittnmtic majestys ship satellite received a mikskithill in his knee which rendered ampuratioa of the limb necessary a captain debroth of one of the american vessels received a ball in the arm and had one of his men killed in his boat men women and children alt confusedly retired on boord the shipping for protection the soldiers had pre viously confined the officers in the fort before they commenced during the day there were several cannon and millie nfusketry fired from the fort upon the town and in the evening there were many vol i eye of small arms we with the reel of the shipping lay close to the front and immediately un der tin lusiy cannon but suppoeing they would not attempt to firo upon the shipping we had retired about ilovlock ordering the watch on deck to call up if they commenced firing the great pa jry