British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 16, 1835, p. 3

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ccfttcdt he said he wished lo ask the right honorable whether after what had taken divide the house upon the brotiet sir r peel lace he would again ringing up the report after a pause sir r peei rc and wid that at present and without further deliberation he could not give an answer to question hi would not pledge him self one way ur the other he must consult hi col- league upon the subject lord john kutsrll atpiin roseand eaid the house had heard the answer of the right hon baronet he trusted that the majority would profit by the an swer gived and attend in their places tomorrow friday io repeat the triumph they had that moment gained- immense cheer sir robert peel immediately rose and said i beg the house to remember that i pledge myeelf to no course whatever but to the minority 1 would only say profit also by the good advice yon have now had given attend in your places tomorrow and sec whether wo otnillot turn the minority of tonight into a majority then the question and answer were cheered vehemently after the house had adjourned the majority gave one loud and loin continued cheer and formed themselves ill small knots conversing on what had been recently dne the reformers with honest hearty tuile upon their face while the tories alao biniled but with a most rueful countenance the members left the house twenty minutes past tww ocluck allow counsel to prisoners in case of fe and o abolish the punishment of death in mssees he like ws mr wam ace gave of march he would move isc gave notice that he would subj tilt sional order that no public business shojsd hi cn entered upon m this house after eleveh ttj at divisions post opfick notice that on the 3d resolution that the reporters of the public ores should be allowed to remain in the house lifting the divisions of the members on the 6th of march he would move for a select committee to inquire into the management of the post office and fur leave to bring in a bill to regulate the proceedings of certain law courts in scotland affair at uathcormac mr h g rattan gave notice that on the7th of march he wuuhl move for the proceedings of g overmen respecting the affair at rathconnac and for the copy of a letter signed ver on the subject yet is thut both souk and seba- ihtna have been sent for and both have arrived in paru oi the following not again divide 1 y sir robert said he should from inquiries which he had made k was satisfied the decision of the previous night conveyed the sense of the majority of the house and lie had therefore made up his mind not to endeavor to subvert that decision thcugb such a course was perfectly open to him the report having been uro tight up and read jvir hume and several other members addessed the house the address as amended was then agreed to and rhe following day presented to his majesty in the usual form on saturday hie 29th the spcjker informed the house that in compliance with their instructions he had attended on his majesty with their address in answer to the speech from the throne and that his majesty had been graciously rv itnrrn m h rho fitffotrrjtiv wiwwer i thank you sincerely for the assurance which you have givsn me in this royal unci dutiful address of your disposition to cooperate with me in the inv provemenl with a wew to ho maintenance of our institutions in church and state i learn with regret that you do not concur with me as to the policy of the appeal which 1 have re- cemly made to the sense of my people m ever have exercised and never will exercise any of the prerogatives which i hold excepting for the single purpose of promoting the great end for nhich they are intrusted to me the public go0 and i confidently trust that no measure conducive to the general interests will be endangered or inter rupted in its progress by the opportunity which 1 have fhrded to my faithful and loyal subjects of expressing their opinions through the choice of their representatives in parliament str it peel then moved tlinl the thanks of the douse be presented to his mnjemy for this most gracious answer pnorosd reforms on the 24th of february the following notices were given from which it will fee seen that the parliament will soon be involved in he discussion of more measures oc reform than hve ever probably occupied the attention of the liritish legislature at any single session disstntkns maiuagks sic u- olbrk on be- jialf of the chancellor of the exchequer gave noiicc that on the 17th bf march he would move for leave to bring in a bill for the relief of persons dissenting from ihe church of england as far as regarded the celebration of marriage much cheering laughter from the opposition ixnchen commutation of tithes sir g cleik ateo gave notice that on ihe 34th of march the chancel lor uf the exchequer would move for leave to bring in a bill to regulate the commutation of tithes agricultural dirrftk jfr cayey gave no tice that on the 9th may he would move a parlia mentary declaration on the subject of agricultural diktres and for ft committee 10 iuqliire whether means did not exist within the reach of parliament for the relief of that distress poor i aws national dmiwl mr cobbett rave notice that mi an early day he would move for leave to biig in a bill for the repeal of the poor law amendment act also that he would submit a resolution that it b just and expedient that there should be an equitable adjustment with regard to the interest payable on what is commonly colled the national debt or at all events that it is just and ex pedient that none hut the holders of land and the owners of real property should he taxed for the pur pose of paying the interest on the national debt briberv and corruption vfrtfrrfy gave no tice that on the 19th of march he would move for leave to bring in a bill to consolidate and amend the laws relative to bribery and corruption in the election of members of parliament mr gisbornr cave notice for an early day of moving a resolution that the expences should oe paid bv the public and where particular bribery was established that the expences should be paid by the unseated member observance of t8 fefumjfa pw gave notice that on the 11th of march he would move for leave to bring in a bill to promote the bet ter observance of the lords day cheers and pwj on the i81i1 of march he wmld iflove for leave to brine in a bill to protect ihe exercse of the political tice that in committee on the mutiny bill he ohm move for ilic abolition of military flogging poor wlreland sir ji muravt gave notice that on the 21st march he would move for leave o bring in a bill authorise the relief of the poor m tlxrwhose nam cvusto notice of a motion on the 19th of march for leave to bring in a bill for the relief of the aged end infirm poof ri ireland- also for a bill 0 wg mentation of ireland by giving more members to the la rtter counties tmtmmj ptotksmut church of 1pfxanumr ward rave notice that on the 12th of march he would brine under thee msiderniinn of fhe house the w of the protestant establishment of ireland and the necessity of reducing it to ascale corresponding with ihe wanta of the proteatnttl population cheer j he also giive notice for motion m 10 the best mode the division of the house sugar dctim r- ercir save notice that he would take an early opportunity of submitting a motion on the equalization of the duly on east and west india surar and for a general the duty upon west india produce an of gi cany day of a viiig publicity to april he would move for leave to bi on tliadll of ingin bills to by lord fitzroy somerset nd addressed to sir h vivian dated 5th jan 1835 mr- f- oconnor gave notice of motion for co pies of the proceedings on the inquest on the bodies wih the rinding of the coroners jury and corres polldenceoii the oflairofkuthconnnc mr odwyer gave notice that on the 3d of march he uould move for a copy of an order recently is sued to the commanding officers c objecting to the practice of firing over the heads of the peasantry in collisions with the people on the subject of tithes and directing that hereafter ihe troops should fire with effect or words of the same import hear hear k imprisonment for debt sir j campell gave notice the day for which he fixed it was not heard for leave to bring in a kill to abolish imprisonment fjrdebt and to amend the law of debtoi and credi tor alao for a bill to amend the law relative to escheats kishops- windowtax sir s whalley aave no tice that on the 31st of march he would move a re solution that it was expedient in any plan of church reform to provide that the attend tnee of the bish ops in the house uf lords should only be in order that they might give the advice when requested on questions relating to the church in the same man ner that the judges were requested to give their ad vice on matters of law without the power of voting on the 9th of april he would move a resolution for the repeat of the whiduwtux he also gve no tice that whenever the septennial act was brought under discussion he would move an amendment that the fixed duration of each parliament shuuljj he three years and that no soon dissolution should be permitted except on the demise of the crown psotiestant dirfsbntrr mr wilks gave no tice that on the 26th march he would bring undty consideration of the house the fitness of redressing the practical grievances of the protestant dissenter vote oy ballot mr urote gave notice tht on the 2d of april lie would move for leave tohriiu in a bill to provide that the votes cor the election w i embers of parliament should be taken by ball cheers londo- university mr tookc gave notice that on the lostfo of march he would move an ad dress to the king birwechiiiir llim to grant htsroy charter to the university of landou containing ii other restriction that one bjpbis conferring degree in divinity ciondtfhj march 3 negotiations with america mr o robinson as we were tolda vailed bint self of ihe prsence ufthe kt hon baronet sir r peel on the benches opposite to ask him wfaelhot any progress had been inada in the negotiation with the united states respecting the north aine- rican boundary sir r peel said that ii wuutd be a difficult matter to eive the hon member an answer on the boundary question in the terms as concise as those in which he hud couched his query the boundary question wa one of the mostimportantaud complicated question with which the government bad to deal as it related to the settling of the limits of the state of maine on the part of the united states and of the limits of the province of new brunswick on thepartofhi britannic majesty the dispute arose out of a treaty made between the two countries so long mu as the year 1733 by that treaty a line was to be drawn determining the boundaries of maine tna new brunswick certain high lands were to be discovered between the waters of the st lawrenc and the atlantic and those high lands were to form the boundaries of the two provinces but those higl lauds have never been discovered indeed it wa physically impossible to find them inconsequence of this a convention was subsequently made be tween this country and the united states by whic the settlement ofttwse boundaries was left to the arbitration of the king of the netherlands three points were submitted to his arbitration on two of them the king of the netherlands had given a decided opinion but on the third he said that it wan impossible for him to give any opinion at all as the high lands did not exist in the portion in which they were supposed to exist in 1783 a laugh under these circumstances the king of thenetherlnndssuggestcd that an amiciblecoir pro mise should take place between our government and that ot the united state the british gov ernment was desirous to stand by ihe arbitration of the king of the netherlands with respect to the terms of that compromise but the united states refused to do so the united states then sueijesr- ed that there should be new survey the british government consented to make thut new survey and abide by it provided certain preliminary arti cles were agreed to one of tiiem was whether the bay of fundy should be considered as a part of the atlantic ocean a despatch had been sent oui upon this point in the course of 1 ist autumn hut no answer had vet been received to it the president of the united states having declined to produce any papers on the point from fear he supposed oi compromising himself 01 1 the subject the nego tiation however was siill pending this was ihe only point now in controversy between the two powers and he was certain that the announcement of that fact would give delight to all ihn lovers of pence who wished well to the commercial interest of both countries a pftper he repeated had hern transmitted to the american government in octo ber last and it was impossible to ascertain yet trlw ther the terms of that paper had lonpos manh 10 otis flwl recalled from malta to resume mouihofthe dardanelles in consequence of froh disturbances at constantinople fomented by ritttrfti russian fleet is reported to have sailed through ihat is to have forced the bosphortt the late speaker sir charles manners sutton has been called to the peerage under the tide of vis count canterbury francb- there has been another banking up of the french ministry but ofthecausesof the explosion we are unadvised the paris journals were occupied wiul speculations as to the reconstruction of the cabinet and one of them positively asserts that m lhipm all that is known howe- whentlic utica left france it as geiierally be- lievcil that the hill of indemnity would pass ihe french chambers but the subsequent advices by way of england announcing the dissolution of he french jvjuistry may retard the settlement ofthat question at the silting of the deputies on the mill of february a royal ordonuance was read appoint hlg m deaiimtlfseauxi assistant commssioucr for ihediscassionofuli bill relative to the american treaty this is the only mention we find of the american luition this appointment had excited soon- enrprlae as heretofore it had not been usual far the cotiiiiimee to chuose a reporter nntil they have agreed upoti the questions upnn which lliey have to decide and arranged the pasis of theprtjeci which they may have to submit it appears thut in the present case the committee have divided the labor aiimgall the member each unc havutij a special question given to him to examine and after they have all got through their labors are to be sub mined to m dumnu to he collected and presented othe chambers it was supposed that the cum- milieu would not gut through before the middle or latter part of march the furis monjteui the uffirial paper of ihe 12th february expresses a doubt whether the chambers will allow the americans the three millions of inte rest as well as the principal and is uncertain whe ther the government will recommend ii in addition to che twdntyfivc millions agreeably to the treaty the same paper add ifc hesitation on the part of the ministry is represented as arising from their anxiety to steer such a middle coarse as at once to avoid all course of quarrel with the united state and at he same lime secure the adoption of the bill by the chambers but the treaty of 1831 recog nizes the interest equally wiih the principal death op the emperor of austria the momteur of alarch 7ih contains a telegra phic despatch from the french charge tpaflhires at vienna stating that ihe emperor of austria died suddenly at one oclock in the morning of the 3d instant he was in his gtih year and had been emperor first of germany and then of austria since 1s04 he is succeeded by his son ferdinand now 42 years of age tli- event it is probable will bttuwi cfai change iu ifte future ttilwy rftku empire as the present emperor is sid to entertain a strong dislike against prince mctternich to his excellency sir john culboknk iv ac the honorable tht spwlicts and members t tht legislatict v rri and house of assembly of vfrptr canada in pro vincial parliament assembled at toronto l35 may it ploaoti your excellency and your honors although cunihtant education oannot fa churned withuiil compoi0iit teachers ycf if tfltuifl hindrances ai not re movedthc ty b9i i l m will accomptili but liltlr in my last uddrc i dwell uoon the plkst qitd main bin draticu which consist in the evil arising from iarcnu nl tvacliinie their children lo look up with duo dtiftrcnco and ri uccl to tii teclitfrj furcvmi where parcnu huvc aulr- cient ground of conmtaint aj3iiil fho tcicherfatf toitff as he continues to be their lvacherlhe inldreu ahnuld nt be allowed to kqi its cotnplumu liould be made id the tcicher hiinlf in private thu second limdrance i would remark upon u the method of sending for instance a fanner has suppose thut children yet he will sign but for 0j cholu i and he mnn pnlly one div uil jolnuiv nxt day and sunud tfaa thlrddnyl now wliu dottl mw that each child but the ftco days absence creal part of what nruloiratl in die vtr- dsy spent al biiiml ameveu where a farmer sins for a many bdwiw as ho has cfawcn- bouxphb ibe tdchflf to keep omwlwwrf every days absence i this on tht onelnnd m3esc parent more creleofbein punctual etdm and o iim r it tu up thai valuatilu time whieh the icaohcr shoulo cvui en t if tn baidee if the school be uiuhi upon pro- er pnociples ittebud be kept at home even ha a day hu tcnrt nr a umnalthe committee of the ottewa ud ridcnu forwarding company fan receivod th ibllowteg leiter rrom the committee of the cdboorg stearabotl com pany at toronto postage not paid the new committee of the steamboat cobourgdetirena to infurmywu thai on ihey havi learnd itu tht intenuon of tbt ottawa forwarding company to deliver goodi in kinjmos tit llie ame price as tho pretcolt companies do to prataotf which they consider will be prqttdical to their intereeto thw therefore are determined to chnr the strat rate to and for kindlon id they will to nd lor preecott by order of tbt committee cii thomas d harris s c s b ca cily of turonto march 18 1835 ittlie of afisembly ii wid on ihe authority of lur from obuoflbq memburs for ironlonac lub ptoroeui tin any r 07ih patriot ay thai ill jackal bill baa twea thrown und ih ilio of th cogulaure council in ihia cm lliu nlitvr ol iho chronicle may visit hit yattkee refiom nilhoul ftm ol paying duly ud liis return ithe great britain tooehwl at kingmon on lupaw ip yororday noi and the oswego on usedowj lopmg au liourluslovenifig nu c fitted tip 61 i m iiuui these vowels aro luptrbly to the editoil of the britpb whiq siii your corresponded spectator a in error whon ha u- siris that yaifcau hill i l0 be captain of ihe rifle cntnpaoy i he youn uuu of kingston arc lesolycd neyecto mbast to ih dearadation ol bting comirtiiided by an afien and hate ukau atilo inform colonel markand of their dcurmination a british subject kingston april 15 1635 rimf will have got so much beyond him and su he child will luve tu fall hack intoqn interior elas or be uujhl unperft advices from liverpool up to the lili march state that lite sales of pot and pearl ashaaare very limil- erf being- merely 50 bbla of montreal potal34s 6da 35 3iid40lbl muiueal pearl at 36a ihe atock of montteal pot ashes is now estimated at 1800 bbu fltoobbla new and 100 bblsold thewholeofwhidi with lie exception olloobbuia held by tiro houaea mid of montreal pearls also 1900 bbis from the quotations in our prices current it will be seen there u a considerable full iu flour and wheat we may be able tohc farther details in our next atqlaa- gow ashes still maintain their price but the demand was verylimited montreal herald ofrti in hit town on te 15 lost joseph seobell inguit aen othr fom klxoston to toronto mvopv 1 chr sspiraofd an aat sadinfl stb am packet vily the factu it causes niuep injury for nchilu to be kept at home unv day than if ft uuclicr were topivc sevrral iavia- mlciiv- for in rim latlur casclic children stop togeth er and 3ain begin togetur but intltftfbrmernh onudnlil geu beyond aomlicr and so the children who arc kfijjtai imme becomes discouraged thtrc ltoum hf n lau made miking it penal for ny teacher to allow for lost time on the coiitfury teacher should be vinpowerod innu n email fine upnn every paiciii i every djy every chihl wia kent from scliom indeed i would allow the teaehtr to eiaci double dues for all days of ab sence except in jcs uf sifiklwoa a thiitd hindrance to education and nottlio icoit in iiw country is t1ik eternal change ofteacheush a neighboihood engages n icacher for a quarter before il i finished pcrluips some aunt r grandmother quarrebi wih him without well hnnwing cr vvhnil he i diuiscd and ten to one but it h half a year before they hin another 1 1 u every teacher possessed a concentration of abilities how can a solid education be obtained under sufh circumstances i vili vhat i have said in these preliminary addresses may he borne in mind that the tehsoii and ground nf any rmutffevbu may clearly appear your excolieucyv and ytiur honor well intentjotied servant robert jefpeks kingston april 1st 1635 inih siflili iu mftfioii irk off i british wmmm kingston thursday evexixg april 16 185 we have filled our paper today wit the nevvj lately recciv cd from finland tho important debate in the houeof commons on the 0 th march on canadjaftiiirs owing to want i of room wo are obliged to postpone till monday tho speedy arrival in lower cauada of a loid llich com nrniionei rcptescniativc of majesty is announced in the peech of the premier in ihe debate alluded to this august peruiiage is to he armed with full authority to settle all ho dis puted of lnwer canada intelligence in- intended arrival wa sent to the governor general of canada six ivcolu prior to the utli of morrbj and trnt laftva been rieivcl by him at the time thi house of assembly was prorued the conduct ofjhd aylmer appears to be directly the revere of that of his majtyf nidtetccsi they irmper tvwllwlioa with firmness he vxhihiuj nothing bit the pettiiflim of on ihnaturetl school boy tho rwjll or hi lonlship if imperiously demanded the premier state in explicit lerqi that no new principle of government is tu be introduced or in other words thit tut elec tive ljislalive coimeil will nut be permitted air- kocbuck dlltaw a most intemperate rfpeeh and ww soundly i h by lb premier we bhall lay the debate entire before our rea uh ropect to the peion who i to be scot out from eng land tlie mont net i fjuitttc has the following eonjeelure hiui anxiek will naturally he fell iti thi- province to n certain whu tli ttodituiiwivtir is who is to examine into the txmhng 4titof lllwar canaihi and to loporl lo his majebty go vv rumen i rnuedy tor all cxirinit cooijiaints e have moei ed u private ktter from a friend in london much inte- revest in the welfare of iho rolcmi who states that it id a ur- rent iinor that sir cifurpe murray is the person charged wiih thedvlicate and tiiipoitant mitui sir george murray was in cvtijriiiiiiil in canada during the iai wu and under the liikol wellingtons adininitratimi itehl tln ivoilal of the co- loim department the intimate connection which exmbbe- twecvt tlic noble duk an sir and iho rireunislanec ut hi hiviog lom othco by bis deleat in ltiihire make it hoi altoa improbable that ujo rumor hus some foundation iu fal will be prime minister w much plettfun in informing our readers that the comuyiiuec tor irymjj the eontested decton tbr the comity uf letj hv declared the return of messrs jameson and goamo null md vonl two aiteinptti have hce male by their pirti ii tn house of assembly to itwvfeoff n unit writ hill ihi hous c rt to kiit n miul omc means could bi devid to pture rt free and convitutiunal eleciion lieut a h i oiumatidr will until the 20th may run as follows to leave kingston april 18 23 cs may27 1216 tu leave niagara april 20 26 30 may 4 10 18 touehii at cobour purl hope and toronto uwr th 20ib may bbe will kva kingston every wednes day and saturday fflugutu evrrv monday and toronto trvery monday and thursday touching at the iotefmdiat tli ii very superior and beautiful steam boat iapropelled by mi enif4 ol frl lionrv power ihe is the only lotvvprwgur choonerriicd ritoain vcl on the lake aodoa ascaboat there are mmc to orfati if lo equal hor the st geoiltie hisaccomokdation for upwards ofgoca- hin pfirmersi and her cabins are well known aseugant spa imouand eoinfortubl av utguffivr parcel token durge of unless booked and rtirfan all f retain payajru on dtticery kiniibhi lt april low the montreal gazette toronto patriot and cobourg star avtll copy thw abnvadvrliemerit until further orders xyice iv the atjffftcf tf st gcavge episcopal church this miiiml mcttlns of the pcwhoiders and letilhen of the raid church will take place next mtisdoy t 12 oclock noon for public business retfltivti n l ad church when and where you are requested to atlcriu lor l purpose ofarrargiog mat- iera rcpectiue he prophet of having a bell for suid church suhscrtptirf or olherwiae yours kespecifullv a pewkolder kinijston april 13th 1s35 probpbutvs op a work to ite rcbllhco bv j kackitosh is compbnficr with isereqwtufiiunrro4j fricads threiitkkit 1owor 4ibe ttittbhi rm antiqcitv op tub gaet of aibyn and lltlnv a vlndlcatjoxof the national cha- mi i a da grammar oftheoae- itl lafjlaui which wilt be mfliatbq hftl as aooo oa a buffl- cicm auinbvr ofuberber can be procured part i in compiling ibid mtftfcctrh oahe nniiquiiy oribe gael i uve ool- rxicjiiotcnaiiroijijcipntruwmed nmiaoarlea thai have jb- cuwilllttmiurtl a few nroujioed witen arc ihe oalv hinoruna wlioji awp q ihe ltiu auiimiiiv learning ana early clvluxauw pf iheumi while b till greem fld romaaa have lefl amrfe leatimoolcs pemd irirm winch rtiifficirnily minhn ilbc prcicrwion afihc gael tlh it alm he n marked vraa mvla to ll irfewnrtiiiitrcdulity mui bavo mk m in noin ntiipti mhm a rival nattofi whim rrambuli m rui nfolriearltyanfl nniinoily i hav rrm rrferra p oral m4m nor lo oc uicrnn relmion ofihe baj atn mmfttaa kti lh iwrftya in maliitafalw fee nrttgattb of imi das itn ih- wmtiwy myihiicdnnrtbr mt uiiiiiimaejialr cjiarxw bjrt wriikiffcvviiiid roiuc uh diliih uaiiquary tloiuoil sprir iir luimnww cm en vcdrfabtobctewl wvcral otter amwikdo hrtontiu maud jeiiorahfc lo my potilhn part if tisrffis sf coni vm dattoaal chftraticr of ibe tjufoicril alboiul wiibfioanhcfalae anu httaw cham l2ir 8 wb0 iavc imm gg mnm omr ca- s llw trlw aty ascri wrrc ofall 5avathr mol ucficienc iauaiicrtimhnir in the ecak of tfomay lonrmlreply in ihcartirmaiic if loaniiac briavery mri hof pitaluy ulayajlv la ttieir lawliit avereien and nfrlicy 10 llir friend ho ihccaliocatiisirtiioftirtrboriiy to uc soad i likcvrtec rcpty ia the affirmative inno lw omtblr toralc lvmclvea in the scale of ocie- i rairiiitadurniiiuiiiiitiirorabinme at ihe tr or in dcctiflt vinr browtf id iih r fuj of imur wiih nevri fading laurels the lofty jmionborborrwjicnimboctivmiiiuofhearuiei celt aad urced ilicfiiiadeidaoradniiriiblr heroin anjurikinjceneroiiy wa proof or 0civaum ornuu unu rcsucmcmoleoiimcm part lit trie ihiril pan conaittt ofa gaelic tframaur in framiiiff vvhmi i liava upsired noftaip wili loae thai it miahttml in soma makwre to pre- g 11 i anc langaart from perishing in ihe revotaiiooa of novelty f kiv 7 pf0ve uwmrty oftualaqimm aad to show hw njg bwewod u laiiswigc ofjieere aad dcmoatlitiich areiotgae- 17 iiiiiyahiiiiuiod iliuve uttiaently colmucd ilka mtmwiui b lntin hreek lutd mvernl oilier aaeieot and modem jwfwri spoken in ibe batuuri wcsl ucing influenced pordy by a otcorihvimk wilhoui reference to peeniiry coasmleraiiona itbto bo iwpej ibui an ihe gorl wtm either ropeet thcmaetve ibeir coootry or iuuon-i- will ajiow a spirit oremutarioniqeaabling uiia work t the fiibhvti papera are m repcetfally reioeied in copy the above ntfieciiit ami by aoiloiosihcyaiall receive a copy oflha work wrtb iljhaiilojilmmiuibit why liad gmaito qvfevbtw viiidknlor gazcttanlilern1d man- tol puirivt aud uorrrapomleou toronto comwdllohserver broek- urg sur the tniui teller ow conmryman bl hiititfijnl new york hie lflcrorr and catholii senlinel boacoo bimi april 7 ly kot1ci3 will re sclu by auction on wedne- hy ihf 29ih hvinnii tlu mnrket square in the town uf kingston lgrt no 7 and 6 in the 0th cunccttmolti juwusliip of madoc county of hit- linifs coutsiniiig doo acres xieitm one itulfllie purchase money down the remainder in mx and nine niaiuhs by furnishjnap noved clidoftmsd notva unwt piirci fethillinga hild ihree pence cur renoy iwr aciv- ffsale at eleven oviock a m taxton auctioneer khicbtoni april c is35 ubseuve any person dwiroiw of leaving the town dr nr oihrrttie wishing to dispose of their furniture i iuiinedialcly by private sale will readily meet willi a purchaser by upplying tn thu subscriber j- uoton attctivnetr eisou april sih 1865

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