British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), May 26, 1835, p. 4

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lake ontario in e 11 f o r 183 a r ra a g c 5 the steam boats omat bmyatlt 8c ttttt 0tavbs itui nrt flsdfloai irtftf the 1 j font i tbb obbat bxlxtfatxv capt j wtfttiwyi commencing em ill 14th f april going ur ltftves prewott tuetday evening broekvihe l kingston wc3nday nooo oswego evenirrg coboargj thursday norning fort hope toronto friday ttomiflsi amve at niagara samo morning coming down ltves hiaan saturday 4 p m toronto evening port hope simdity morning cottoikg m oiifegu swnhff creriing kingston monaaymofrtmg broektille 4i mion mrl arrives at preset muddoy aflfcraoejn tffhuwited btatbb cape j vn clevt commencing on the llrh of april going up leaves ctatamburgh 8 saturday evening kingston sunday 7 a m sachet harbor sunday 1 p m wego bandar 10 p m rochester monday 8 a w toronto 9 in tbw evening and arrive ai ldwhrtm oq tuesday morning early coming dowx lemrtawiaton teday 7 a- m rochester wednesday 8 a m oiweso wednesday 6 afternoon dsdctf a harbor wednesday 12 at night kirigftan thortday 7 io the morning and arrives at opjembotgh in tho afternoon from 11 june to 1st september the two boats will in con nexion perform three trips in each week stifling frotn ninja ra and from ogderabartffr tfitd prdbcutt every other day ex cluding sundays aa follows thd fllbat bhitaiif ctiffg op learvts pnmrtl tuesday evening mii mill 1 kirrgaton wednesday 19 iwim oswgo 6eoffing tomato thursday at noon and arrives al niagara thuiuty p m com1kc oowh looms niagara thundijr 10 in the evening and arrives at oswp friday afternoon cuuo or leares oswego friday 6 is the evening toronto saturday 12 ooon and arrives at niagara in tht afbttiooil com 50 mvntfl lure niagara sunday 4 p if jlwctjp monday 7 in the morning ingsion monday 3p m brockv tfitifton evading i evecring and arrives at freacoll the united states coy15g dow letfvm lwlrtoft tuesday evening rochester wednesday morning oswiaof m eveninc sacfce a harv qt tt 13 at mght kingston thursday morning and arrives at og- densburgh thursday p m ooi9g of leaves 0dcnsburgh tlnihdsv evening kingston friday morning sachots harbor friday noon and arrives at oswe go samo artoraoon course ucnfjf lrt orwvgo friilat at 6 p m stoke harbor friday ii t m kingston saturday 7 a- m aod arrives at ogdons burgh salttrek afternoon ttfnd of leaves odenjbtirrjh 8 saturday evening kmarfum scmday mrnm eaekef s harbor sunday nuon oswego sunday evening rochester monffay dkfmutt toronto vtinday evetfiflg and arrives at letviflon early tuesday morfrrrrp and after die first of september the respective boala will rp w ffp v fij above staled a call and sec the subscriber has for sale at his store a large quantity of citfer swtfs pork mttkadtj com brooms garden 8eeif0 500 pairindiaq rubber shoes siftks and co axes warranietl -jllso- agood suppfy or sole and upper lerther cnlf- skiris e ar of which will be sold at low prices for cash or hides 05oai paid for hide calf ktfm wool sbwp and lamb skio w ford market square kingston march 13 1335 12 the ottawa rideau forwarding com- pttry have taken at this place drummdnds wharf ajwl store together with the new wharves and stores now building by mr- kirkpatitdc which will buuftt onrtwaptfrtfng of ste navigation j at which time the company wfll be prepared to receive and forward by good sabdtantial decked vessels any freight that may offer between this and montreal by way ufthe rideau canal upon as favorable trwi as ran be taken from prescott to montreal a the comitanys freight barges will be towed by steamewhehltf distance there can be no de tention hi forwarding merchandise by this route nf shall there bsanjf delay to the lake steam boats and schooners discharging freight on com- panj fcarrts hitaldetf ftfr this line geo 0hu9h agent dnxmittontfs wristf kingston march 53j 1835 ctre rtfrttft of trtjnfo witl insert t1e above for tilted niuath 15 aosprctv6 of thb farmers joint stock backing coj1pavy attoiionto capital 500000 in 50 shares of 10 tack tftecstiimwhmcm of joint s dfluklnp companlch tik irfcnprej h uwk rm m m vaomw porui of uic luiu kingdom u be or hc mcrtldndc0 powi uthltv bwhwlms of this fertntfnn twr f ftwl smml for upwitpm of 1w nm flndthcmpcririrc of 0m tr lrnliv amply potcfl rorta committee otuic hooc ofcommon induced ihe utwiorr m m year 12s io pas an ac cxprewly for toir rncoifflflrnrot in bnnus- n m now no lonrr dortleil ihm ifenttotr comrmnrpis n jc- qudie capital mlvanceo uy an inllueoiui uwl ajttnem dosy ofpnpriof are roost adoimmy takialj ioomoin public cfklcnce ia ume of4if ftcuuy and to eonftr extttpiinftilvantaecs npon ihr jinno 01 urre- a wli cooairieu compiww whie rfilfi rr elmrly mvrsitaietl tiy n board of directors and the rewjlia lmwyrty smnal la the pixj-e- lor can never e injored or inconvenieocfd in itic wjf worm umr9 io hie amc effcat that private emumwimrtitt may be for the known eoct ihm they pow a well accural capita and liavonmprrewhirtet- vmm quieith npprchcnslans of iimt depositors ami prevent the necewiiy or a aiddcn or jiuumeileuiitractinnnnefitiniaicdievonti- ta he proprattirf of the proposerl coacem t cna ieircely eul to prove ofeoaal tidvrtnuike a may ue inferred from the ihttem of oihet compa nies of kimilnr character ihe inch premium- jurm witltout any icaavrn execptioh liyfheirftnre oitordlhe 1icrttcnonoriliemeiimve aiiiay iioi the profitable naior of och o joim and minal aymem of banimc mane jrntfcwa hnvtr ion- heen of opinion uiat an clicibtc opemts precfli mstf for an addittoaul hank in ihia province ttic commerce trode population and vedth of which ha ohnir yearbeert adtancinjc wrb flnrh a fltemh pronev and havnit altennveiy conriteml dte tore- coins fcta they are decidedly of opinion lltui should be esubnfwl upon the prtneipjes of a joinl 3ork company uaflbrdme the be ruarankr fornerinaaentfucee the arkinatow ortlii intftotiort wiah it how ever to be elcorly underfoot thai in ib catablithineni they are not actu ated by any tmfrlendty feeling toward either of the respectable banks ex ialina in thiaeuvor in this vicinity tte followine outline ia submitted to the conaidemnon of the public ok the basis of aneh an eaiawwimeot anbieei to soch mettneaiirm aa the proprietors may hereaftrr determine on al a meeting held at the arri- ruituwl bank hi the city of toronto on the 4h day of april ikk ur ci puocomlie m p p r the chair i thai the bank hall be calkd the tanners joint stock banking lwlhc capital he 4tomhw o be raised in 50000 snares of to each 3 thai a call of 10 per cent shall be made io be paio up ns cljowa vii 2 percent on sobenbimr 1 percent an opening atkl die refnaimni 4 per tent in two mrmtha if funher calls slionld ik fiwnd desirable they shall he made as tho directors may appoint not exceeding five per cent every ihree months 4 thai nt soon as 25000 shares sliall have been subscribed tor a gr- aeral mecunt of the shareholder shall be called flr the cmrnose of ap- pomiiwr hoard of direetftrs anl rvakinf omer requlaltearmngenwa nreparntory to die openin of uie bunk hot that ihe pravialnnjil cammil- tex sholl iiave power if they think proper io permit mmremmm io oav no the lat inmalmem sooner than ihe aenod above llnntari and to allow 6 per cent tntrrt thermet ani in that case such meeting shall bccajjecl ns soon as 0 can be reahted as a starting eapiuil 5 that the stmcriniendencenfthe concern hall be confidej m a boro afiwclve directors to be elected hy balled by the aharrftahrsaai that no credit shall be given or comiaued contrary to lire artvica or a majority of the boirj of directors- tj thai ihe dirretors shall from omone theaiselvra select one no cn- mccdinbuineas who incoajuuctioniviih ihe premni and aiawr orchis nbenee a submanagm etiall haw tle enctody nrtlie rank cheat comiinia the sarpttia csh not required fir imiaehatir ne and therliiefsntjermienence ofthe more private part orthe enncrni espe- cisllv lho relutine to bill iransactians and appbejiiions fir credit 7 that hie order in which the directors shall siaml in the list shall be determined in the first tastaace by lot and ihe first three on the list shall 0 out annually by rotation bed may be reeced 9 thai the directors nhall appoint a prawhm and manager one or innre aiihinaaatv the elerkc and he oilier omcera of the company incluiing bankff brnvtera and agents in ivwdoa or elsewhere and reouire seeorily in suth caaea nad tn such eitrnt as they may deem need ful according to their roapeeirre hrtuations uod shall have ihe sole pow er of removing any such parties ur officer 0- that no person shall be disbar as a director who is not a lilm ber for and aflenvarna an actual holder of at least 50 share pm that every manaeer shall be a hotder of at kaet 50 asm nd every aub-nia- naccr of at least 30 shares- 10 that no persoo shall be alloated to subscribe tot more than w it atmearaiclbrrepnlaumivoesat general meciine ball be 10 shares i voir 30 shares 2 vntea00 shiirrs 3 voles iu0 shares 4 votes propheiors resident mnre ihsfl 50 mile from tdroato may rive ihcir votes by proxy ivocarh the medioro of any qualnml hareholitcrs 12 tnat nwther ihe boova af ttie bank nor any ofoie hills nor srtfdri- other persons duly appointed or a special purpose in orlier that the credit and private transacttoaa of laamdoala may be preered htviolnte 13 that the aceonnts of fhe company rhall hr made up half yearly and a general summary of them withoul any specification of name ami individual credits snail be laid before the prprimors at n annual meet- ine when a dividend bnmrdon actual profits shall he declared ii that a guarantee fond hall be providelto meet ihe extraordinary tosses or en leniencies by apportionine such part of the annual pfootl be yond 0 per cent on the paid up capital as mn herearer he asren on 15 thai in the eeeai ofthe los ofthe cnnramee mtwi and 9 per cent- ofhe suhscribed capital h shall be in lhp power or any frhurraoder la dissolve the company unless other shareholders ihnw proprr to continue hie concern in which ease they shall pay 1nedisealint thethfn alneof ofhior her shares to be ascertained in eie of dirtlrenee hy arhilralioa 10 the cap hal of the company shall not in any com be eoveatad in lb- rcien lons mining instittitioas or merchandise- 17 thai a deed of settlement shall he prepured contalnine all necessa ry clauses ihe the protcctioa of th proprietor and pivtn the company a lieu upon the aliares of any proprietor on whose resptaisibility tlie dt rectors may have ftit ihetrisetves jiistift rn makm any advance this company coatrmrdaieh the esmhlshmcni of breach banks in other districts where p ro mi ine openings may present tlieraselcca iu moo as it may be be deemed advisable ciiarlrs duncombe mi p- t in the chair that a piotiionai commitiee re now filmed contirlut ufthe fallow- inc gentlemen t with power to add to their number vir yhe memler efthe hmtsa of assembly the port mnters the trea surers tlie sheriffs the clerks ofthe pcatee in the several district in this promcc and ihe eorrvvpnnlrnv ofthe arieuttaral bank thai the above committee be empowrrcd to receive and report on ap plkations from persons wishing intake shnies ta eolket fiirilicr infiir- maiioa ami to report thetr proceedings to mesars tnicoti gnrni co at toronto fir them fo tmhmft thr same to another meeting to tie called as soon as it may be deemed expedient thai ikioks mr subscript km shallbeopened in the sivcral oimricis of this province on ihe by of may next and euved with tlie month and if more tfion he whne stock shall be subscribed mr itshall k appro priated m the same manner aa the stink of ihccouuncirial hank of tin midland uimfici- ciiarix3 duncoa1be m p p chuinnan taeonto april 24 135 jcst received anh for sale dt the si us ituiii garden scod of every descrijutun timoiliv and clmcrsced p egan market square march 2nd 1335 stxqs ctc cvc patrick euan will pay ch horn c- c for ras rtuck 1 euax- market fiiare march 2nd 1835 suoemakkhs waxtiju employment ui he given hy the subscri- ber to 20 journeymen shocmakerfi- aplv early john murray kindlon march 30 1s35 l3w the mmilreal hefald will ilcac lr eopy tliis forcme momli add send thtnr account to the whip office hvxxfafaw mdititjbs0v from the perth hoteu respectfully informs ihe in- hnjttantsof kintonnnd t ctrnvci- hrt coimnnnity that he has leased that rxtensiva and counnodious house of entertainment known by the name ofthe kingston hotel t is his intention to devote the whole of his tudy to the comfort and convenience of b y and river thc runt sailiiiff steamboat am 85 ttuward runaway from tlw ubcribcr jiirtui th nmidlc of marcli an appren- tiee to tae printing bueiirtm named janles dtirllmi buchanan aged ubotit eiglifcen years he his a tolerable knowledge of ittfi trade ahd may possi bly ymtumlfof a a wrnflo cempotilor itib expected uh bdwgdrw 9ourif and will in ar ptofttrthfiry aan mnetrtte tie i of maii btature micetmplmrm smi tmtrt4npetttoe and btmptfbpamto which renders him exceeding ly osoxtou to all with whom he h rtwredirrflf tm aftoff rwitftf md iff iwn3hfe cfiacgbk will be paid for hit apprehenwmr w lh m trmsttt may get blrtl again aff peraon ar for bid harbor- im mm at rtreir pert c albxa1wrr hk 3 mtoim bmfij franklin ph phita- where time and i his enests the kingston hotel has lately undergone a thorough repair has been completely reamiished and painted and is now one ofthe handsomest puwic houses in thc province it is admirably wellsitkavfi for the convenieuceof travellers being near the lake shore and commanding a full view ofthe arrivals and departures of thc steam boars from which passengers luggage will he conveyed by porters attending the wharves on purpose to the domestic arrangements of the house the greatest attepion will be paid a first rate fable tvill be kept ihe beds will hi of tile best description and the wines and spirits of superior quality connected with this establishment is a large and capacious yard with excellent stabling kjqgmcm may 9th 1334 27 medical card dn pracy mooue member of the ro a i college of surgeons in lo don having received his excel lency the lieut governors license to practice the three branches of the profession beps leave io ii form thc inhabitants of emestown camden poi bud and loughborough that he lias taken uo a permanent residence near simmons milts er jes- town where he shall be hppy to attend to any me dical applications sirfintoiia mills dec 26 1381 41 3m ii jb o ok rilntr volumk iwtftnr tor fkntfc asngrawnas vsutin u1b ptiktry avi prose oy i uk most cklrurated authors published at 3 dollars per wwwrt by u a uouby athenian bulldinpfm vraiiklin flaoe philadelphia for sale a1 tfis brrrfbn rtftft or tide mrtiiir treed 8e jticmtrms w editor ttt lirlt f dowmwar0 will leave carrying place on monday and thursday mor al 0 touch at the ri ver trent anivijurgh belleville sopliiavbtirgh culbertaons 5caiilan wharf hallowdl adol- phustown f br to kinon will leave ki same j ai 6 p m tooch ai fairmriist wnanoq1le brockville and arrive ai prescott in tii f t stages or steamboat for montreal upwards will leave pntcoh every toesday and friday p h immediately ft the arrival ofthe sta or sieamboat frat below tourh at brockville french creek and arrive at kingston eafly next morning will leave kingston every wednesday and satur day morning a 8 oclock touching at the interme diate places and arrive at the carrying place same evenings in tinio to meet the stages for cobourg port hope and toronto after the 20th may passengers leaving montreal on monday and thursday mornings can take the kingston at prescott and will arrive in time for the st georgk which leaves kingston on wedncs- dayand saturday mornings for cobourg port hjie and toronto all packagwand luggage at the risk of the own er unless hookid and paid for every attention will be paid to thecombn of pas sengers and the boat is wet adapted to take freight horses c kingston april 1835 33 storage and wharfage the subscribe begs leave to inform the public that he has rented the well known storehouses and wharf formerly occupied by mr jolm maguire at the f09t of sioit street ae to location they have nut their equftlitt town those who wish to store property or dispose of it by consignment may rely un the utmost eideavors ef the subscriber to give satisfaction for l 1 orders he may be favored with in the above line df business n b for the accommodation of travellers there will be a room fined up for the reception of baggage barton phillips kingston april 23d 1835 magistrates manual tmh imiu iiiitm i kw lit ptu ami neat ly ready to issue including the acts ofthe last ses sion communications post paid addressed to the editor will be duly noticed w c keele editor toronto april 29 1335 27 fob sale by the hubscriber a quantity ofthe best garden seeds raited in cambridge n y bv f crosbv and warranted by itim to be jrood p cook kingston march ah 933- for sale bv the sujiscuibeb a noaittity of laths sliingles boards and flook plank kingston march 4h w p cook 1835 for sale bh the subscrikebf a quantity of prime smoked hams kingston march ll 1335 w p cook town or furniture readily meet observe any persons designs of leaving the otherwise wishing to dispose of iheif c immediately by private sole will with a purchaser bv rpplying to the subscriber j linton auctioneer kingston april btu 1835 new wine an spirit warehouse the advertiser begs leave to return iris sincere tbanksto his friends fir the extensive support he has received since his conwcncement in business and informs them that he in removed from his ow stand to that large and conimodious brick store lately in the occupation ofmww rc cameron and situated next door to mfc qjfoua fyf w tffl street he now offers for tale an extensive assortment of the very best liquor consisting of port madei ra teneriffe and benecuilo wines in bottle and cask cognac and hpanish dcandieo hollands and english gin ftcotch irish and canadian whiskey janmitia and orher sjirit shrub arrd peppernwnt the whole is well worthy the attention of private families tavern keepers and cotmtrv shopkeepers his stock of the het groceries rs also large coin prising all kinds of gieen and black teas refined and muscovado supirs spices rice raisins cheese butter stardi table sali saltwater fish of sundry description pork c also china glass and ertrrhenwarfi sole afid upper leather hollow and hardware blacking brushes cordage oars oat aid corn meal flour with a variety of other artick towhielt he respectfully in vites the attention of the farmers coming ro town with their produce fir which he will pay the higtt- est price gram of every description bought and sold kingston dec 90334 w p cook j b bicowk tailor itegs leave to tuforo the inhabitants of bath and i vicinity that he mrerves orders id his business at his shop in this plare such as favor hina itlt their workf liall find it punctually and neatlv executed bath january 23 1895 49 american leather store jost received and for sale hy he subscriber a his cheap casli store church street one door south of mr palmers dnaggist store market square the fouwing goads viz sides best spanish sole leather do do slaughters do do do do upper leather do do harness bridle calcutta 500 300 300 300 100 200 800 200 100 100 100 do do do do do clf skins kipp do bbls pork do mackarel do salt also 20 boxes of starks u cos test broad and ivr r- row axes a variety of stoves of different sires and patterns a large quantity of lamp oil to gather with a variety of other rwcflwry articles in his line of bushusf the whole of the febove go6ds will bd disposed oi on uncommonly low prices c7tie highest rrice irt cfh pam f hjde cavf j wool shbp xhkvs wfllumfokfr kingston december it 1831 37 pbotpbotuc of a work to be plbushed bv j mackint08h- iw i i vi ic tvaii the rfqtiprt ornmneroti rricna ihrohoat jwr onj tppcr i i i- ntn luc sioirj i hrvt now flnrhrd ioy work i tmiuim rt ariqtjiry ofthe gael f mmth and elun a vindication of thenational cha- ractkh opthk uakw am a ora jimau otthr oab- ckot number orulwchbcr can he procorttl part i ncnmpflftstirlirirrf4rffliorh rmtiqrtiry onfp qliri i ttmrc cot- fiimmdtltrulcf a few pojnilkrcu writer nrr the only hfeuirinna llw cnff- whik bh greeks rtvl komiinv have left itmr rkhomas brtitiwl htrn wmch hlmeaqr tfjppott ibe pfelcniirf rihe gnd- t aiii j a motbe rcinnrtced itas mtmjt to ihrir u i i i in the language m which die irnnuciions or the no tlnf weir minority rronw orflietrfrnrt incrtdbhty uur1 liavr fert en rrom nnhonri iijliuy fiinr i i rival nalkw whw ptrambrta tinihroocha labyrtmh ofobfeoriiyflnl uuqihy i imve not rcfrrrr to oral tradition or io ihe uncertiiwi refrnion oolie hnnk b hihih itnr to wiimk ioteresie in nuiftiuining the prefrnmnp or mn niion on hie catmtyt my mmm lire oftm mo mmmimbm diara icr wiwiccrcejithl row ihettjiceni birtqwory hlraam 3iner uie iqitiliukis cnm eit thc vcnrrtbkbeiieaiij several ouet atiuieotjc i n i r m r tubd airotiiue 10 my px4lion part n thc worn pnrt eoiwits ofu vindicatlnn of flic nioaal charaeicr ofihe gnnofrrln arn uno wolefl fmin the mae and pfffldte entttgbl of ptnkcrton n- 1 chher wlm hove many disciples lo rerieraic ttair sen- limriita tlvecelw oncy asrert were ofallftuvagea the pm deficient la anrferaaoj- aad otetly imabtelorate uwroeetve ht tbt aeate or aotieiv tothenrmlreply lnilcftnvmaavr if leomint bravevy ottd homtatlety if loyally lo ihetr lowfiil aotcrein ami fidelity io lucir friend betheeoiaiitocinptfnofbbrbar1iy to the ecnd t ikcwte rdpiy m llic uffirmaiive ir be uimbicloratoethenwtvesln theacojeof pocici tycoeftsi in adorning the ictiflte or shining ai the twrj or in deckcii ihdrbnmsmthefleuldfflrani whh never lading inarch 11m lofty mfcum ofhonor whtcn imbued ihe mind ofthe ancient tiril and urord ihm to deed of oditarawc heroism andairiwnggencrdmty iaa php of cievauod of mind oaj refiocniaiiorentinicat- partiii thetliirdprieonsislffdra gaelic grammar in aimtoj whicli i have snared no paftia with hopes thai it mifetai let in wn tneaaor to pre acrve iii ancient tanjpmc from perlwiiing in hie revotutiona or novelty and fhsdjoru topfomeotielduityofihliflaniiae aiwl to alidw how liighrmidcbtetilhrlmruaftorotc uc ibr mfmnoftp nmjealy and melody 1 hae dilleinly collated tlie whc with the latin greek and eevcrnl other oocient and modem hnciyivisjiiinji ivaivl u beinfc mnueoced ptireiv by a love of mc tank without fefcrenceio pecuninry considernlioo ft to be hned that oil the gael who ctmoc rcopcet tliemaelves iheir cemmry or their language willnhow aaplntofemulationlo eaabliog this work to the rl vtm r r fltpers ore most rcpectfftllv reonehe o copy the above rrofpeetaa nftdby aodolngthcy atall receive acopy ofthe vrk with the thank of die author mercury and gaieiie quebec vindicator gazette and herald mon treal patriot and corrcspondrftt tonmto cornwollobocrver brock ville constitution cohoorg sror toe truth tetter ow countryman mil knugrant new york theluemry mod catholic seiiuoci bou kingoo april 7 irw- prospectus or a wohk to bc s5t1tl1d the milhsiaxs or an inquiry into the origin an alitor ef tliti iriftli by rob j 10 the public some ofthe greatet and tnnm tmponani hucoveriea had their rioe from ppotenily klvln4 or nidehtnl cireuiukuince one of ihe own riiatinguiahed muabwa of the highland society of ktnhon in a company where the nuhor of una mnouiry wa present airned that the irish had their origin from the hdthiaod or what he called critic scots and thatthe progenirtraofbothhcone atdt1iroth cr hd come oxycmiht tfiruliof doecr from the comirtem ofturope tmaaimpleoeeorreocedeierminrd the author to tnviithteihuinqairy he hopes io rove heyond ponattmlitr ofuceetftjl contrail iciinn l thalhetrialiilreprtffhar iflthleow and fft arfmfk 1l tlwii all who have rightful claim io the gxllc and triali oj itieir nn ttttftwptbftttwsrtbaul cwwftcrrtw ile airojtof dover nor from tite continent of europe- iv ilwi althomih geographic aland providential rircaovtancttcaaot h wltrhmnrtcra to tie nam cooswcretf m pan hhtmtf nf ine scflnh n n r natural con ueetion la with ireland and tliaca to origin rtnd jaguar thev hnvc no more erttttectml wtihihe iund bmt omn thev hire 1ta the pnpulaiiim of sweden or kuama lnuevoecutionof oih work a mile will be thrown in trtwartfc that fiiom dralrahve of irish iklom a aaio nmtmf iht som f trim mm wellhiiidlyeehalwectilbctbnnulln4hrrrnnnow it ialo hoped ta remove jut ground of prejujicc against the nuotu charartit nail hv wiplttc nffthc tarnish ol unjust mlyrcpncntaiirm to eihihrtihr ptft kmkclalo inallltv native lnitre wlhatil shulldc proved ajfl honor and not a disgrace to be connectr wi hfe ireland in lino thc author hf rotlfirirnl he can prove thatlhe irish hthe mo peeiiliorand ini- nation the j ewa not excepted tlui um uriuia cxlttcd on the face of the earth conditions- the work thai come out in numbers price one q bmlttf duer each and nthe author docrt not exprci to fain excrpt in hta national firali ncaiion ohc cannot oi1hrdtooe it i therelbteexpectednmieaehaub- ii f ii mv v- tme aimiler in advance onpunincdowr hu nnine to ilio author or 10 mr david lahy of kingston wkf whom the amount will bo depoitalf until the number- arfc iecn inin his luifala prr dilivcry publrtnplntcdaiid influential irishmen in mmml qijelec toronto zvewyorfc v l ipho ilaltitnoret ht jcc arc feimctcd lo oki in the atihcription flr and sate oabia work when any amount worth forwjrdinff i abaerilcd hey will plenfr en- clor fhcir money directed to arehibalif millonoell kq not m- mi hh7ci ii- ii i- wltoshuh retain it uotilifceoumliertaredelivct- ed to him to be frrworded af there ian fellow citizen or cork with the antuor who fill ahapi ailuaiion ia ciuxrleton c hr is hereliy mot rrpceuully solicited to asmmin the ftirthrimce nnd ale of rhis iftlll work a ii bdiior in canada and thc untied i m who fi frirndly to the iriwh will dea to insert i hta prodpceiuf auj those wlwcaiaatodo ao skauht ttmtdtoopi fftkc wirk kingnon kchruury 17 tritf n b thoac who wib lo act m agent for thia work on their for waediftc the price of 5iumler iliee tmlh have forieartleit mi ihcift ii for l they jtall have 18 ftr mtc ahall huvei fur uk- price of ii they ahalk have forwafdetl 63 forwardikg tiie ottawa stkamboat company having in- cr6ane their capilsil slock by ihe purchase of chrec steamboats on iiicriokau casai in order to com plete and extend their line to kingston will here after transact their business under the limine of tllfi oftatca anft rlorau forwarding comrany the undersigned the committee chosen to mnn- nge the aflltirs of said company are determined to use their best endeavours to ccrc alwwai qtsncz of the public by having a sulficient number of steamboats and other craft on the ottawa and kidkau waters suitable stores and steady capable and attentive agents clerks and conductors toper- fonfi the forwarding business with fidelity safety and despatch although thc committee would not wih to un derrate the advantages of any other route they con fidcntly solicit the encouragement of the public in rcncral as iheir charges will be moderate and they trust that losses and vexatious disappointments caused by delay and damage may be avoided both upward and downward by having their persons and property conveyed on this route for emigrants this line of communication is par ticularly adapted as they may embark all their lug gage aloiig with themselves on board a covered boat and continue in the same the whole length of the line to kingston being towed the entire dis tance the committee consider insurance unnecessary from the superior safety of this route but as acci dents cannotalways be avoided any person con fiding property to their care are particularly request ed to order insurance if they wish it to be done on uie opening of the navigation thc company will be ready to do an extensive business with the following boat the ilkarmon receiving two new engines of 40 horse power each a jveto boat building to receive the shanftorfs engine 56 horse power the ottawa with a 50 horse engine and the st andrews together with re steamers on the ri- pratj canal and a competent number of covered is urges peter m gill john redpatlf john molboft j- thomas phillirs john frotiunghah chair emery gushing agnt all persons indebted to the ottawa company are callud upon to settle their accounts with as little de lay aa possible feb 21 1s35 prretemi oftfiii untof pftcftm lwfeiwniy mimb r ofihelr bfcim will hgrditwr a if mfc m oflhew finm nw york antf from pcrucncnuh rot he lit 10th and 30th and from london on ibelw ithirtd 7ihofety mmthtjnoaktrdm urn jxry ruom netv york mir ishlp samson ix chadwiek mew mitv 19 ship toronto new r grwla mimfr 20 ship ontario raster i ship we3tw1n3teh new h u dhamofin 108htp6t jamfcmnrw w mkb 20ship montreal hcrutniphwrmsief 1 ship canada lliomit bruton mter 10 ship new martor 209liip hannibal f h jfcfctfd mmtet may june jtfno june july hity july aag 1 ship philadelphia e e morgan mt 5 10 ship president oorgc moore mantt aug 20 ship samson i chad wick master i rom loxdox may 27 philadelphia leaves portsmouth 1st june june 7 president leaves porlimouth june 10 juno 17 samson leaves portsmouth june 90 june 27 toronto leaven pofumouth july i 7 ontakio ifiives portsmouth july 10 17 westminster leave portsmouth july 20 27 new leave porttmoulh aug l 7 montreal leaves portsmouth aup 10 17 canada leave portsmouth aup27 27 new leaves portsmouth i bl 7 hannibal ivnvea porwmouth sep 10 17 philadelphia leaves portsmouth sep 80v july july july aufr aujr sep sep- geokgu moss tailok grateful for ihe patronage he hfts received refipccifully begs leave to acquaint bit friends and the public but he continues to carry oh ihe tailor ing business at his old stand ixt door to mr bern f davive store in bath done but march 2nd 1635 93m stolen ok strayed on smvrdny nilit oth inst from mft d- dethunee partly woet lotttbtmr0 a dark brown rmr heavy liick mane und heavy with foul aij persofv te fuming ber ro tle sujmci air on the premise l be hundsomelv rewdt john tolani- wctti loughborough may 11th 1833- 29p these fhips arc all orrhe firsi cli rtbnj 10 lon brtbeir and are commnmlcd hy able and atparienred nuv inform- oreal care will be lkcn thai ihe bcdi stores c are of ihj best description thc price of cabin passage outward i nw fixed at 140 ineluihlu wines and llquori or 120 withoul wine fec paenccrs pay in the last mentioned price caff bewipplicd by tlie steward nt the printed rtttei which will be furnished on itoarj iveiihcr ihe captaint ior owners of ihee packets will be responsible for anv letter parrel or packaxai sent by tflfera unless rcgobr bills of lading arc signed therefor apply to john oh is wold 70 smith alrect nmv york or griknhll m1nturn a co 134 front m do or u geo wildes co no locoleman t iondon 1 b siriiitm-it- run daily from pnrtsmonib where llwie packet stop to bind and ineeive pa5cnerj to dilfcrcnt pttu of england ftftd to the emitenmt iiilrimtion rclntire to tliilinc ofraekcl sliip may be obtained by application al ibis office gentlemens vade mectjm- linbnirlii dramiltlf ul r in r sorl imr the tiitfi iiijfiiiml wrimis mujecc of in tvicht nut amuticiurnl ahruiifiefiriorjmiutrj 1kj5 will 1r fflmmcoccd in rillladcl- rhufisewprrtanchlilfnriiqi immnrn rflmrrftnlvf itnr itftumu ii ss i lr r irr- lly nbpid tn ihe wanl nr iltm iirtton nfiltr pnstic who pmmiifz- lr asiatic ijtkatcrk chc mm rnir nnonjthr kashitls ffifn arftfowtoq wrllti ti1 inrrrapjik popmmiofi otirfiiiit 8titfli niitl ihe nmr nwmiatinn othk anlkmiil u l- with whtttiwrr nrmntrs bc rjitinnti lrcodlioij of ufi it 0 nr iirr tm l1l iliu irittim posritji ilir pnewnf ftfil lll 4inp1e mfimij to itiyrrtly ilxpce htiil lrlf rmiitoii torenlcr hrm uliser- vtenuo rhb hruihiiofi ifo cnmtthamcnith nintiorrtlaiinclo ii dc f m nm i mtnl nn r r- in i 1 v i rl liiiiii cnliphtrncj cmiiiitiilv hi rwrv iniritr of ihr i-omiiry- thf iliaulty ofcclthiijf put iirhn ptn t nilit in fnnrifi tnwr1 wiiti iny oc tle r rirfn ol imi rllj lornsun it pnpglnriiy ml nfrtitrairfnnt mtt brto notibc lejt mlmirrtmu ohwarv which ihipmjnr uf hi work hj 16 sifnnmiat lh ii inrrpti m rrrlimf contiilrtltly hfutm however ikiil iiseocttps bivrtuldwaiei iw tnmmhft lufomr properly knounoiry unvr dlrpmy i i eninitimblr pcw i mplk ffiwkpwtfff tft favfirmt revthviu toammn procorinc itifticrinl- faritcolvhim fl p n oltof r liter illlr wlicti a new phhtienon ii cuutcnipliinl in precittbi teul lo the ptimir iw prwprriivr mirnelianj it ip nremry uablmaw 0ih1 empfltklfmll lnlftrti phoyu in lriw iiiii a i uy them iliniii nvrii irii luinnny m111h itr jinlm tivjnil iiotrrfn- lily qcatomplifi ihe pnmlirrx ircine hiiiilirvl au vliirvir indrotry si if jii i i iiwi in rmpmifii un suijc up will h ilone f iii iln itty btvit will le fouhjtffwtcni or ntnlmfol in ihe prnfrniikni oflhii rttirrpw uu mrivng to produce a ltitcikml uimi protuumc n fuhloihetoarlviaiiil iinthrr tuk draua will form a moirhftl poninn ofihe grwlrffvnii vmo mtcum it i inttniic0 lo naldm nltrrnnirly evry werk un cb liieplwy nnd hive tn be o1ecm wuh n inletlnihiirmeiltiiiitnfi a preference however will be men in jillcne lonniivc projvc lion wlien lh- can lieoljliiricrt jiutojum ciurimv mrrfuily rx- ctiiwintr nhiftiitlnim liuiparinni utxs rrfommraiikil hy tlierr irrnj mbbc re7ularl itirriii1 hetilvs hioprnpliieul skrwhc a-i- i tini hon mai ofprntriinrnf i ii m 1 1 nfilu prernl nrul put i tl which n rnrr nnt itiihtiiltfc dmuphnttuji lofc i hi j lftj a liiilhliil rraonl willlw keh of nil the rvinniniana trottinij m1di in ilii coinilry ml kvtlaii iliflrnphiek alul rortvtt portraivv ofceirbrmiro ihornifrh irrl hormn till lc piimlmlcrke a nfdnha rvetv fuel reivive lo ihe lireethnc dflolwafewwih kivping und ihe dlteew nfllq kmitlntliml onimnl will le pnieulrly cucm jpuiltinl liiiltr itim ciipt inn will le counwniuhl nccooifn o shooting mateh prdirinn frti oymnaixlc fcltl aquttue fl cur5ioti4 flnhinl iiruiii ac wilh aictlnie of nottl hv centlkmjns fashion a qmtrrl reicw will be pnw eurej exbinnuiry of tlie varlnqfl improvemrn rltnnee which eolu tiimcs worn in ihe iishtftnnlir clrekti confliamlv nmlrrn uy which it witl he rrrxercd in rayuik jsif lrupefhaivl uuwpnl a tllince tn mtil their tiniornerwtih tin momxpprove color nnl modern fyte oftram ai thc ranlctf pr4hta rnriot prnvufn f nffirfaot eoconrasrotem hntl be chen ty ihi- ikinhinoritie p4ihhc full ittithcngruvfii iittutrtlive of ll rme wlb nlffi le prcpntrd ami htlhei1 mickltia y although tlc p ofnurfhert mny pparlfhe confine io ihr liiiir rvlin ultjci wlch tmve teen lateil tve derm it prnjir loay 3il iwrr will he in oilthlion lo ihtri cotipicrnlile pj ojliwcl for inhlliiu iiiailrrstetui tiu ljcirjin icphmtte nf ncwn llvl ih ihl- in hiciv jint pmef of nfmlftfnkiiu- st- tir th grain mtrkvi affricuhur rrkei of eikk urri of ttrokta n mik n rlm note urirctor uirl all other inmtcr ririij w hicb nn inleri niny b nppol o exit nl honic or ntirovil thu work thrn m will lkivn h ihe iliovr ciplniinn of it p- mhkiixreir w pbniicalnity de maenproti r ihe r or ihe tori ihr huutn sporiine the fthiih- ac ae it wiupfot nlml ornl it- ml il trail on affect will iht nutlkntten reuy of hrcool for k- r- iortaivrthni urntreturo noil hwam wlrqweiihy e keptinrverv hlhln tin cniieij ute ii l wortliy ofyotic iwhi mhanh inihrinreofonejejir wilt lie tlirnlheil with nfljtwo popu lar plays ainl fiircrs ihe price of whieh epnrietv nt miy of mrtoofc not wonhllm lmt tlnneen dottntvj hatmhtw irun r ntvinojviiiiimr- iniuepiirchjirse of a wttmaored pnnwuteff jihn lohehnflior ni itnprererlcmeil mlljwm not lakm iniiirowioenitfnn the mnliipttil vtirkiy which t lo necompiiny it without l clnrxv taihr- whntlere lo procure enrty nml correct iikormviioa of tlie oiamm in ihflrmi wit itmllhii uninvahinlilrcohe tub okntitkmksa vair mkclll ae will he pibhaed cvr- 5iiurln nn hw impehul mpct olllac lnrfcji dttj nl ihree -j- arbiter rimvtir pryiwe trtnrlvanee rty rnclotinj h livvtolhir note ro die nubfcfra poplam pawl iwocb flvti ofthe pnprr will l fiirwnrjeit loany dirntiitftorlrrc1 lor one year 1 1 rrpixlhilly raqmsndlm rjwirwho iwire io nmcrlbri n iht jonmal twum their named immediately the emu whl be irki ly i i r l in aildreit1tii ic alexandhr ahienian boildinr frnnultf pi wee rmmntpmni the lnief- will eichanfe wnh rny of ihrir conner y llrethren wbo will oortfu hiem wilh an ocrioonaj wenion nfthii ijtcmurrnent valuable pkopekty fur sale four acres of land un lot street weau on which hna heen erected a three story brick house unfinished trout 50 ftet coinmaiirliii a fine view ofthe hay the lake nnd llie city the garden occupies 1 12 icrns and is in a hiirji state of culti- vntion and well stocked with a variety of choke fruit trees this property is situated m the most pleasant and healthy part ofthe ciiy and from the rapidly increasing value of lands in its immediate vicinity would make a capital imcsttiicnt also for sale or to let one larije brick build ing on king street north west of yonge street 50 feet by 60 and four stories high this building is situated in one ofthe best parts of the city for bust- uessofany description and has stores and offices in every respect well appointed it is particularly well adapted for wholesale business a ism a quarter of an acre on the angle f lot and peter streets on which is erected a brass and lftcui foundry frame building 101 feet by 23 also two lots on spathna avenue onul9s feet hy 100 the other 103 by 1sg also 600 acres of laud 100 in thc township of reach 100 in georgina tfith hacresclearedand 100 acres in the township of malahidc in the lffn don district on the catfish creek 35 acres cleared and 11 miles from the flourishing village of st tho mas the above property will be sold below its first value for cash or onethird being paid dowrjv the remainder may beheld by thc purchaser at in reiesr for a term of frotn 6 to 10 years as may be agreed upon application if by letter post paid to the subscri ber joseph tuhtoiv lot street toronto may 6th 1335 2fr m new publication tab provincial justice or magistlutlcs manuid lo orcvolumc if iwrw ift thc prca m ihe tipper coftwfa otr ntfw the work contatq hcitli tlie law brd duties ifmrtitattf wiw fic6 of j oi kc of iuc peace variety of useful pnciicail rornw reqtfre4 by the wiqistrtry ontl comprcheftrtve view of tlie laws ofifcu fro viriccs tiv ft t air the getter rewter a ceyrevt i em msm tracy anil obm 1ulilrc olrlcor ilirougltout the provlac- a lifl 0wk aoribera will alro be pnmrtincj with the work price to vobrvriberi m aw boarjfl u titf hj ooontt and lettered 0 16 0d lrteeet to iw fxtltor pip- aiu in-ik- subaeribers names ujka mm upper canmu cnieitr offlcr t c xeebk toronto 13ih dcwttlbtr 1pm bam mnd compiler- kdltor of lh mhmm plfm rbunta clirohwtr drhlrii hj cnhoury allrfr j i fow iiaiira rrpotttr nd gteanrv m k thorn a liben rivinp ihl auve tirfenmni it fi w jiucrtjooa id ift fldn th4 rut- jf wilt btr r to d ofi7 df ihe wok oivi eoowi mbmo krfx j d bltyoe 6i co have amoved to kintfoov nm dddr to mr k jackson uciiunoer kingston april 2 j635 w 2

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