British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), June 12, 1835, p. 2

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lubb ontario arrangements for 1835 the steam boats orsa bfixtaxk sc ttnx e states o from w june to lit september tho tiro boat will ip con ncxion perform tliree trips in ewfa week flailing from ma n aod from ogdemburgh and prcscuit every oihir jay ex eluding sumuys a follows the qilat bbitaist capt j wiumbyi ltfes jvescou tuesday evening kiogtfm wdmfcuy 11 rn oswego 6 evening toronto thursday at noon and arrives at niagara thursday p- m uavea niagara tliursjay 10 in tho evening and arnreial oflwexo friday afternoon- omi0 or leave oawogo fridav 6 in tlie eveniflp toronto stfurjay 12 noon and ztrnvmtt fffuni in die aflei noon coming down leaved niagara sunday 4 p n oswego monday 7 la the morning kinsoo monday 2 p ft brockvillo l evening and trmee at rreicoll iho une evening tub xtxxj btatilfit capt 3 van cllve cosino mot lcmvt fewiaton tuesday cloning ftoeueuti wednesday muming ostrogo evening socket harbor 12tingk kingston thurslay morning and urn vet at og- donaburgli thurday p u g1i1 up leaves ogdensburph thursday evening kingston friday morning ducket harbofi friday noon and arrives at oswe go same afternoon comio dowff leavea oswco fridtf f ato p m fimiut flbnliir frwfcy pc r kingston saturday 7 a ii aud arrives atogdcns- burgli saturday afternoon 001g cp leave odensburcb 8 saturday evening kingston sunday dwlllpg gacketi harbor sunday noon oswego sunday evening kochester monday morning toronto monday evening and arrives at lewiston early tuesdav morning and after the first of september tho respective boat will reeume uin r trips as first deforc advertised faiilttebsjolntstock banking company at tojtunto capitol 500000 in m000 surrs of 10 tft- ttie cswlfemeoof jiioi 8toek bwiwiogotnpanies a hrn prevel by their pwittttla voriood pans of 0c vqii1 kmgjoii the loo dotted pubcuiihiy s h 1w vcarsi aod lly eiprrietke of tbeirfccnrfc aiil urovro iviof n roiatahe oft house ofcommonn fabem u leitalr ju uw ir 13 v paw an oc cxpnriy for tlirir cocosc iti httf it id raw o loor jwltco thai bimkiif0npawrpfriins nnw auuic uiptiil ai1viici4 wan influential and affluent tv orpropcwiorf arc m iidnilrobly emulated totwtoin rnililk cwhuleiwi ut fimce ofdif- fcoiy nfd to confer hteeyiveadvifttage oin im airaem a- gnff a wdt comjucical eompmy wimw nrthlr- urc umtiy uotpsl n a bohnsof dtmiork oaj tlic rcsovl lialf yearly submrtied io i pttaarte- tori cad never b injured or ticonvenicikol n uic vcr wofsl tut to die m extern that nhvaic citablistniwiw my be or ile lnown art ifrm they peases u well secured capital and uavc ample rcmurce wwim olct the apprrhcntflona of umid drpoiior ei prcinu hie tcckiiy oi a frdden or ilunief contraction nricgilirnaie 0coapi- to the proprkuiry of ihr propol concern am fccarcehr rjul w prove ofcqusl adfairtue as may be inferred from the plcccf of ouitr routw oleofaninrchurpvir the hiu pretnim borne vtrhm o known execrmfrk by their eherc4bjforlthe ucieriwrioiiufuv flssmltc utility artf the treflinblp natvr- gf eh a joint end fmmi ryriem ofpanki many iralueo have lens ben or opinion that an clci7le olenitis preaenif iu crr a ejnonal bank in tltrs privuco fe commcce tntdc pcrulailon and wrutth of which have oflnlc years been advaijcint w hh soeii a stejuly proittei and having atujnuvrjy coder tar rore- ecrtnir fite they art dectdedly of opinion that h wkui be etavwava ipon tiic priniplcj of u joint sioek company aflunliai the bel pjarnice pr pconanent yueccia the nriiriitutor oflms imtituton wiw it how ever to be eearly andcmetl thnl in iu eatabhrhmcnltiey arr not actu ated by r aojhtttdly freiiec towards either of the retpveubk bauka ex- lattas jnhiiactsornlhiicinily v the fthawaw outline s aubtnitted to the conflilerauon of ihe puthc ab tic vsajof vicliaiieaiiibliahineni ulucci io uth mojiflcitieu as t nropritior may hereafter determine iu- at a meeirje laid utilie am eahural bank in the cuy of torono on the amoaj of april ito lr c uunombe m k f uiihe cmlti rt ll l that tho bunk haj be called tbc firmer joint btoct waofcuty ttmlbi enpftal e 500000 co be miiej la mooo aiinrc of lw racli 3 thlrftlloriorcrecntfhnl1bcmadbepuklunmioilowsi vi 2 per coil on 3icrwnz 4 percent on oml m- the remomne 1 per wit a two monirm- if further cull um be found deirnmc theyhane made na the dcectora tuay npi3oi not eicecdiuj qvc per cent every ihree moatha- 4 twtaanoiim aajwafliartt ahull have been aulwrtbed tr ge neral metinr of tn sharholdcra stull bo elcd for the piin p poiniinei board of dimir nnl i ruber retiiiaiie nrmncmenl prepanirnr to the nprninjr rtf ihe bank ho ball ihe prtpwwmh eonwm- icc shall havermvit if utey think proper io pfnnli ahanhomrra to pay up the ljt iastalraeiootier than the period above untiled ro 1 0 per cent- lnlcrn tliereon i and in that cor audi meeting ahau oecalfcd a anon o- p9q0ti can be rcahed a a uartin rnpttai i ontario tob a 4xd kpjjffidtd steamn0al lake ontario arrangement for 1835 the steam boat william avery rjofxld n two low prlssvitf- f50llcf d iicm kaaicr wilt- ron till the lit of june on iliortvrrsi liwrenreinj lake ontario botvvecn ogdnriburh anl rochester a fillows learoe ojeoaburgh at 7 oeloelc a aprii153025 30 way 5 10 1620 00 ltace rochester at 9 a- m anril i 25 27 31y2 l 172227- 05ncr tnimo lk wi50 first day kingston gond dxxy jackets hvbor mr arriving stroclieator the same oveningn oa otn trvip oowrf matlm first day sodus 11 oswego second dy sacketa harbor kingston anif ing at ogdentburgh the same ygniq touching at morrutown brock villu aixnjriaaml pftoch creok on hr way tip and down tho william arcry has undergone a ttiurotiglt repair and no pains nor expense have been spatcj to fit her up foj tlio ac commodation of passengers april i3ui 135 lake ontario arrangements for 1835 the steam boat 8 p m 7 a m s p m v 12 m g p m 1 a m 7 a m america capt joct f tyler will run two trips weekly between rochsitcr and kings ton via sodnt oswego and saekeis harbor follows leaves rochester monday sod thursday at b event m sodu do do ilrtoimtfr jvii tuasifay and fridays 9 morning sackcl harbor do do s eecninj ii if arriving at kingston tuesday and friday evenings 9 oclock gofko ur leaves kingston saturdays 4 ajurnoonwednovlav 7 at backets harbor sunday 7 morning do l2toon oswego 60 3 afternoon do locvaning soduf do 9evning thnrsday 5 a m- arrtving at rochester moody st daytiii do 9 morning intersaoting with tb great britain at 0vco on wednc days and tho constitution at rochester on mondays srul thursdays on their upward irips io crtottrj toronto and niagara also tho daily boat at kingston running to ogdcns burjrfa and up the bay of quinle jtoeek passengers going west ean by taking this bral atkiniistoa saekets harbor or osweo rarli buftrio fur s2 50 each by war of the canal from rochester children belf pneo torwardifvo the ottawa rideau forwardlnscom- pany have laken at this place druinmondu vvhtfrt and store together with the new wharves and store now building by mr kirfcpauick nliicll mil be ready on the opening of the navigation at which ttrae the company will be prepared to receive odd forward by geod substantial decked veefe any freight that my offer between una and montreal by way of the rideau canal upon ae favorable terma a can be taken from prescott to montreal as the ctmpany8 freight bargtb ill be towed by steamer uc whole distance there on be no de tention in forwarding merchandise by this route nor shall tlierc be any delay to the lake steam boats and schooners discharging freight on com pfcny wharves intended for ihia line- n b agtnl dniinmonde wharf 7 klnjttw march 23d 1835 ctbelarrrot of toronto will insert ihe above for three mudtha g the mnmbtpifi book n1kt1 olu v b moot celsm awlorsi published at 3 dolt per anjl oy l a godetv commodore barrik i oniniii iwiiml by 4 nptaln jarnr siricloir rreptttcd ty rra wffrm rrtmtt j f laaaar will lcavb the dift knt fobtfl as tollows leaves prescott every m after the arrival oriu hon trl stages of melv hectors taclwej hy ballot by saarebhw lickiotti trtjijority of am fteatasttniaay steaa arm aod ahull liavp ib ote pow- ao craa stein bt piven or cotitinuej aaaufy w gicboarj of directors 6 thfll uw directors aatl from nmonc- xntmtvc arlrci nc noi rn tcd io busing wso ir conjutictioii wui ll flwwcbl ami iwam r ioh orrotr o mlimantmrr shall livc the cufiody otdm ifans cheat rdnbitnifig the aiinta m rcaultcj ftr imintfdwie ove arid tiie hf supenotolcncr ofihc more private parw ofllicconcrro cr- claljv tliw ndalllm to bill irniiineiiorts and pptraf ioi lr trvdu i hist tbcoflcrin wbich ilhirciohwittnii mue l aih tr dctornuncjinihefiritimmaaceby m mud if brat ibrce oc taohsi shull eft ojt aoouallv by rototiofi ll nmy be poetlww 9 tfrm be diff ctora shall ap a prwcai am manaarr onr or morrtobmner utetittvfct etbr ofbccra of ihe ompany includioc baokirp brokers at aftfau io ubdbsi or cmwnr require ecuriy to uch case and to such ful acordn to iheir raspecuvsj m i v- er of rrrpcvro any aurh naniev otrcrr o th no rnn hall rr -ljft- m- a furwtnf wmi i art uv loh ij aucrwntia ao actual mnlef t aaaai at r4mim aol inai every raawralaau te a lakr of ai tojtfi 30 irr- ood every lima- i r of ul ji 30 f 19 that uo persou bah be auorc1 to rabscribc r more toao 400 bares it that the scale for redialing vmai ptnerat raeeiioshnnhle 10 ohmres 1 vote 30 hiire 5 votf60 ajinjwi 3 wsm tto hinrea 4 volet ropnetora rrsmleoi more thin jo oiilc fcoo lorooo may ive r m votes by prxy thrtiiigh the oiediam of iy wallfi hnreholder t tat ocithcr the book of the daov oof any of the bill nr securi ties whifh may pa through ihe same ahatl be open to the inpretron of any w pireetors andimccrsofihcctbbjtarmicnt amhoried by diem or other peroo duly nppoiotfd for a special pajrvsais m order rii the credit and private tranaactioos of individuals may be preterved invlatrt 13 that the accounts of the company ahull be made op vm arly anda mn summary onem uiihogtrmv spccificniion of owcsaid ioji i t creliia ahatl be laid beforethe prpriiior at n aaoual meei- inffxvhm a dividend flumped on ncioal pnita shall ocdrclar it that aejiwraniev aiolhall be provided to nwi the emomioary loworkrnoitlpy jippim n c u r irt of ilie uooiial atsfll be- ond5pereent on utepnirj upenpitalaa may berciflfrbn strrdon 15 toat io the ccni of the to ofihe miraidee ftmd ami percent- of the nobrihed capital it shall be in the power of roy ajtariomef lo riiolvc tbc company notes oilier ahttrehotiwaihuik pro r to eootmue ihe concern in wokh rarihryhnk nuy the dientieni ihe ihen wine of oftiis her hares in be ocrtiinr in case ofdlliereocc by arbiiraiioo 16- fb caplmofae cmany sal loot in any cosebe icmvj info relen loao merchandise i that a deed of settlement ahall ne prepared coo taiafu oil ncei rvclaaseorthe protertiifh of the prprieton airt rivin ihe contpjioy a ben upon the share of any proprietor on whoae reaponstbihty the dh rrriorsmay have fthuhemehcotfjftcdiii oa1iio nnj advance tjii compauy coi i tac raiauurmatonini ich bant in other oittricis where prooiime opinings may prefect tuemsehc a aooo as it osy be be deemed advisabk c1varlk5 do combe m p- p in u chair- that a pioviiooalcammlitee be now fifflm eoaniuus of tlc follow- meftentlemeri wib powcto am o iheir nttiler vix- tbe mensem rf ihe llaom of avrmbly the posttmateri the trea- uren tic pherltt- iei wfcvofibr peace in the several dwtricta id im prvineeah4ibrcurrpon a r r i i k thai uttttfoviconimiticebe empowered to receive m j report on op- ptktiftrw from poranon wifbiex to inhe niarff i to collect further infor mation and to npon their proceedings io jlleam truscoti orren x co at toronto for ibrm to svbtrtse amc to uooihcr ntecttae io be called ar oon mv il may be jeroied cxpdient that buok firutiaeripton ollloopetieft in ihe several dirkis of r mr the same fbaiuwf ni twk f hc coimnsijjl boot a the midland 1 strict chai l duncombc m t iv chlrmarj tsroote- apnl i15 the mansion house rvc3to v c the subscriber cwhulucfl to occupy tliis extensive hnd well known etablwbmciit os an hotjl for tlicaccojntnojattoii of the pttblir the mansion house u plenmmilv 6ttuacl in stoc strccl buitic the principal itd must cctitval direct in kinirtfju in file blllujihjtf tf lit wviii ir ulfltvlllinrtll tu in- iiil- fjrent steamuott wharves and do establishment of the kind in the province can surpass it in he ex cellence nnd comfort of its apartments in ircnrd both to parlors and bed rooms all of which arc fiirnihtl in the very heat style- the hotel has been recently painted throughout and otherwise im proved the subscriber having kept a public house for many years has acquired experience in that line and he trusts that with unremitting attention to the comfort of his guesi he will continue to merit pub lic patronage in the rear of the mansion ilonsc there is a large yard and extensive tabling and where a liverv stable is constantly kept fttthe mansion house carriage nnd portcn will always be in readiness to convey passengers and luggage to and from the different steamboats carmyo kingston may 1335 25 stage house a50 stea3iboat hotjlla feg tlik subscriber respectfully in- is forms bi friends and the public that ra 2 1si every pi ssil fort of his rues merfy itcusa t nna up iitcnuunu tuu uuohc he h mken that well known tavern and hotel in llig village of balh for merly occupied by ajr p- dovy and conunuanre u patronage e attention will bepid to tlie com- 8 and a selection of the very best wines and spirits will be made a ashley bath may 1s35 233m brock villc kirgstort oswco cobourg rurt popp toiunto o v toch i monjav eccninj itatathy morning 8 ivicsduv evening 6 wcdiioidy morning hvdnelsy morning wtdnojdty evening for niagara nwxwiitdsi iavt niagara every tliurkfav morning at id oclock t port lloprjp rimisdv evening cubourg thmiii ovenin b oswego tmby nmrning 8 oclock kingston frijjv rvcriiic6 am arrive it pmmtt intuoo yorthti montroalritase on sa- tunluy morning iosenirs by this boat lending niagara oittliuriday may srrive at montreal on saturday tlie boat iaoimipeor speed oml commsneied by one ofilic ihort cxpftioncd ivjigattrnn the iakc 81je of crow j lands coamlsfext occtovcu laiul- olkc tmonto muy ltdi las j the public are informed ihai there will be a sale of crown lands by auction in ihe town ofcrw- hnm in ihe western district on the first tuesday irt june next will adjourned sales hl afterwards be held at the nom iace on ilie first tuesday in the months of july august september and october following sales will nlso be held i saudwicli on the firsi tuesday in june nest and afterwards on the third tuesday in the mouths of july august september and october following the numbers of ihe lois to be offered and fur ther particulars may be known by applying to hen ry j jones esn chatham or alibis ollice 3 peter robinson 31 commissioner of crfficn lands rondpn uneoppacketstmn piiolors ot tin i-ti-i- oflackeu liatine incretmd lv numb r of their ships will hrefter ttpithod of tlieui from new york and from porumoofb rr iie 1 10th and 20ui nnd from london oo the 7tb i7lb and 27th of vry month thioujjhout the year vix from new york ship samson d chadwick muter 10shiptokonto new r oris wold m titer 20 ship ontario master may may may june june juno july july july au aug aujj 1ship westminster new ii l charoplip- 10ship st jailed new wm s scbor mwler yiship montreal c ii champlainnuuto 1 ship canada thomas britluu master 10 ship new 20 ship hannibal f h m maiter ttnnf fi b eveiy vsvuiiua wlubc praporty regularly iliippod kiitton sgdi may lc35 bay a 1 o- paid lo pasrrnscrs also lo river the fmi saillog slcamboat kingston will leave the cunyin place on monday and thursday mornings at 3 oclock loucli al tfi ri ver trent amcliasturfili hellevtiic sopbiaabumli culbcrtsonn sconlon wharf halluwell adou phimtown krederickslmrgh dalh io kingston office of the philadelphia oestl-bmenfvademecflff- the imodern acting drama contain all the plays and farcch published in the gentlemens vade me- cuin there are many of our subscribers we know who arcdesiruus ofprefifing them those h ho wish to procure this work and thereby secure the dramatic portion of the paper complete nill do well to forward their names at once n there are out few copies of the modern acting drama remaining on hand a premium any person forwarding a ten dol lar oote to the publishers postage paid will be en titled lo four copies of ihe gentlemen vtide mccutn or ihe modem acting drama f either oil of one or part of each atf they may request and they will be forwarded according to their direction for one year- in addition to which thev will also be presented with a copy of the novelists magazine containing the profiuctions of several of the best writers of the pre sent day address c alexander athenian building franklin pure philadelphia wil leave kingston same day at 6 p m fairmans gantuioqutfi ilrockville and prescott iu time for the stages or steamboat for montreal trrwafttm- will leave prescott every tuesday and friday r m immediately after the arrival of the stages or strainboat from below touch at brockville french creek and arrive at kingston early next morning will leave kingston every wednesday tnd satur day morning at s oclock touching at the irtterme- dialc places and arrive at the carrying place same evenings in time to meet the stages for cobourg port hope and toronto after the 20th may passengers leaving montreal on monday and thursday mornings can take the kingston at prwcott and will arrive in time for the st jkoftgk tfhich leaves kingston on wednes day and saturday mornings for cobourg port hope ami toronto all packages and luggage at the risk of the own er unless booked and paid for every attention will be paid to the coinbri of pas sengers and the boat is well adapted to take freight hordes c kingston april 1835 23 the storage a wliarfa the subscriber higs leave to inform the public that he has rented ino well kiiown storehouses anil wharf formerly occupied by mr john maguire at ihe foot of store biwbfc as to location they have not their equals in town those who wfcjh to store property or disposr of it by consignment may rely 011 the utmost endrrtvore of the subscriber tu give satisfaction for all trfdera he may be favored with in the above line rffensinesa- l t there will boa riu fitted up for the reception of baggage barton phillips kingston april 93d 1633 for sale uv the huoscridlin a quantity if the lt garden seeds raided in cambridge n b crosby and warranted by him to be good w- p cook kiiiffsfon march mt 1935- auction commission business thomas l woods the subscriber announce to hiti fviends and the public that he has opened an auction mart in those premises lately occupied by di ferguson in the market square next door to mr uu iters hat stoie wbefc he will receivp fur tnle every deaorip- tion of merchandize as well as household furni ture arc from his experience iu this branch of business ho trusts he will be enabled to rive general satisfac tion and obtain a share of public patronage winch he respectfully solicit ah kinds o cattle and land sold on the mot reasonable terms t l woods auctioneer broker kingston may 15thi835- 30tfd dissolvtio dydiffcoivrtty ouiulad the tikinffrt arm wtuu uvuied by wgcljrdcvoow f geo- hrunpfvant the 6ne wmlbciiouoded by ih whcrlwr wbtpafkro for sale iv the svusckiuek tpntiitiiiiauiilm uuatdsiinil floor plank w p cook kingston march 4h 1s35 for hale bl the gudscrirkr a quantity of ptflmi smoked hams kingston march 4di is35- w p cook disserve any persons desirous of leaving the town or otherwise fciching to dispose of their furniture arc immediately by private sale wil readily meet with a purchaser by applying to the subscriber j linton auctioneer kingston april 8tk 1835- new wine anii spirit warehouse the advertiser begs leave w return his sincere thanks to his fi iends ftr the extensive support he has received since his conncncemcnt in business and infortii them that he hts removed from his old stand to that large and commodious brick stortf lately in the occupation of messrs rosu cameron and situated ucxi duor to sir olcotts tavern in store street he nowoflera for sale an extensive assortment of the very best liquor consisting of port madei ra tene rifle and berecailo wines in bottle and cask cognac and spanish brandies hollands and english gin sotcb irish and canadian whiskey jamaica acd other spirits shrub and pcontflnl hip n ny rue attain inn oi private fanning tavern keepers and countrv shopkeepers ii is stock of the hest groceries is also large com plicity all kinds of green and ljlackteas refined and muscovado sugars spicks rice kaisins cheese butter starch table salt salt water fish of sundry descriptions pork t ic also china glass and earthenware sole and upper leather hollow and hardware blacking brushes co lage oats oat and corn meal flour with a variety of other articles to winch he respectfully in vites the attention of the fanners coming to town wiih their produce for which he frill pay ihe high- est price grain of every description boucht and sold kingston dec- 9 is31 w p cook 1835a lake ontario tdk elegant steam boat oswego captain j t h0ma3s will ply on lake ontario and the st lawrence biveras follows uv oadodtbunfli on friday cvontn kingmun u c 3nrjay morning sachva j i i- h imr j lv noon oiwogo saturday tvemng rochester stmduy mofiiio toronto u c early monday mornin reaching lewiton in tim t oaahle pogt tovuiltlio kails and 4dikn ly i smo 1 y leaves i3aviatonn monday evening rochester tucudiy mniing ojuvoffoi tuesday afternoon sickens ifcubor tuudav oraitisi klngtftooj u- c- vvcdncacby uionnnj and arrives ut ojcojburgli 10010 svoning tonliing at french creek t morris to wn alcxdncliit and rnckvillo tr llcrj intending to visit tlio falls of nnara buflalo or tlio diltcrnt places on lake ontario will lunl lite most pleasant elwapund ciwditiousroultf by taking the steamboat at oswego and rochester passoiigcru leaving lewttttn ifl tftia doatnil monday even- i w rrivo at montreal on thursday ovirnin panin ihe uhtft interesting parts of ihe st lawrence rivrby day lilil k b the oswego commoncctl bcrttipsou diu 5th april april 1635 2t master i ship philadelphia e b- morgan maatcr 10 ship illksidknt irc moore master 20 ship samson d chadwicki rosfter from mwdox may s7 finllkm ajivcslormwtli 1st joir june 7 prkhrnt leaven forumhth jnn 10 june 17samsi n loovw porbtuwnut june 20 june 27 tokonto loaves immuih jolv i july t onta ilia kavo porlwnohilh julv 10 july 17 westminster leaves irlmomli july so july 27- new imvc fottatimmtlii aug 1 aug- 7 montis e a l leaves potlfmnuth an 10 aug 17 canaua bavs portninontbi amgs7- aug- 27 newloavr fortsmouih sen l sop 7 hanmual itftre purfmniitli sep 10 3 17 puiladfxfiha icova purtsmimh sep 20 these ships m all of ihe first rlas nbmiit goo looi burtjn and arc roift rounded hv able and experienced navigator- great cor will be tikcii ibat the ueilt staroij c are of the bust deseripticin the priri ot cabin paumje outward i now fixed at 140 including wines ami lnjuors or 120 without winm c fatseiicrs paying iho last oicnlioiied price can be supplied by iho istttuarq at the prtatm lcs which will he furnished on board nilhcr the captain nor owner of the o pickets will be repnusibh lor any itroftf parcels or pvkani sent hy then unlc regular uills of lading arc igncd therefor apply to john griswoip 70 south mrt new vorkor grinnhll mint1rn co vm frontkdior to geo wildes 0 no iqcdiiuau a london n b btmnibmh run jatly fiom porninouih where thcc packet stop to i i nil iul heivr pjxirnrr- u dilterenl paiti of england aivt to the roiitcnc ul every inloraiatioii relative to thultoo of packet hij may be obtained by applieitioti at thi olher cmbraclufr israruutlc rircrniurc sportlf the turr rmilifihnurt nriou mijjm i tcrcst juii tiinimiuciir abit tlie ftrsl of jimuiry fs33wtl lr qomiimeeil ifj phil a del- iwiw perfjirnl lmmrm thauow ciunprehnivc lulr wwf ltw imrril tnlaiivli the wtimor tiiairiiao fihc mm wte mfw lift v rni utriiatrrk 0 vvtlf srot frimiilrroulw nulamd utovfc fi eirrtr nnniiunuikn bflhe iintfnniif u 1111 j main to 4ivcnlr- us mcf hli i trs tj f j vldtto ihe mwlliua r nri imfm rtffo cwkm lt to rncfi with a ithrnd anrt cnliffhitncd cmnrninmpncvro iairtir ofilir em rlf etching ort mhf at luti fu fu lc i li rtftw i rrcxn an or forwabding the ottawa steam ooat comtanv having in- creabed their capital stock liy the purchase of thrctf steamboats on thcrtcau canal iu order to com plctc and extend their line to kingston will here after transact their business uiidr the name of the undersigned the committee chosen to man age the affair of tiaid company arc determined to use their uest endeavours to secure ihecanfi fence of the public by hiving a sufficient number of steamboat and other craft on the ottawa and kidcau watery suitable stores and steady capable and attentive agents clerks and conductors to er- ft nn die furanliug buahiess with fidelity safery and despatch although tlie coinrnitrce would not wish to un derrate the advantages of any other route they con lidemly solicit the ritraiiragrnitm of lite public in general as their charges will be moderate and they trust that losses and vexatious disappoint nieuts caused by delay and damage may be avoided both upward and downward by having their persons uiid property conveyed on ibis rouie foreintgiants this line of communication is par ticularly adapfed os they may embark oil their lug gage along with themselves on board a covered boat and continue iu the same the whole length of the line to kingston being towed the entire dis tance the committee consider insurance unnecessary from the superior safety of this route but as acci dents cannot always be avuided any persons con fiding properly to their care are particularly request ed to order insurance if they wiwi it to be done on the opening of the navigation the company will be ready to do au extensive business with ih following boats- the shannon receiving two new engines of 40 bone power each a jrkw boat building to receive the shannons engine 56 horse power the ottawa villi a 50 horse engine and the s andrews together with five steamers on the rr- deau canal and a competent number of covered barges peter mcgill john redpatir john molaon jun thomas phillips emerv cusiiinq agenl all persons indebted lo the ottawa company arc called upon to settle theii accounts wiili as little de lay hb possible feb 21 1635 not rir icoh fruitlt-r- ii ntrr wttrch ihe rrtjstr tf tin worft ii to flurrooobi id hmptra fwun cnkjtil amirm hnwvrf thi ils0uccep9 jrtnin wlirn ili fuinrir lirtf hwk rafrri known ry mnr fvy n nr iiijrrlli rtprft w in jtrilkini c-rr- i over thr ir nmlkavrilmjrmrri l rrulropf tivliri vkei co kntuh iirriodirrti io hsix u prkiirm ihitntu fiiritlcoliimw frcni m iltipit u li n tm ii n prprciiv nttrac ii x hhjiimfl mvcrthck lltdl iu priikiiml ctr hnuui ldrnwcirmi n li by then tint fcsitfcrlfr hnhaui iu hrilcnl tlih i ihe irrt rr- dity no h luc hijtin f hi uil ililtto t lurtrjr iuvj n wftichfnl cr rue rttcr i ri rijiiuhc tin aiirc up ilf be wr th thni ihf y never will he louij jrirhl or uifwifiil o hir ptortnwq nflfilveulcrprifrvmt wrivimp to produce u tvtiicl aid jrvlltmr tv siltl to thiftisrfve jd1 o nllwrp tiik draia wirt ifiiin a lomrial porlioo otlhr crmlrmtt vtnle mcctro il liuouilrtl it pnili ntvumftiy rvrry urel o rl- t i iri i r r brtlcil witlin vmli- tvt lnlwivrncrilstae preli rrnc oo vill 0cxi in msc iinuiie prjwt- tioojt wbfvwv cn w c4iml lliirnjcot cfirai rurrfirtiyrt chiriin ntlinijtom coiutariffif al trt mnil liy ilirir trtrty will uc rotbrly inene iirkb hi cfnpliital tfvruhrf anrootr ll loo moij orproiioh iihoitl irilr prc iiotj pil ut ot wtu a rrtrr wm4i imidmml4r tt1tli i in titoie tiik ttltf- a wiiliil rrvfnlwiilkkflri rnll ihe rnni7ianl troiunj routcoe in if omiouv nnl linvutnl tiocraj1iirjt hih ritcrt pfirtfalls ikicmirobul ihonmiti lfnl uvtm yvm t rikliw1 vicc m i eert ft i fdmivf l l lnctv mn oitnu hcrpjtir ami lli4r1inflomhif nvnhhtlttpolllhd will i ftjirfiif ulnrly ckel tlpolttino- toih r llita rupiioi will hr ruunicmtrl wkauftm a shooiinv wjifltc ivkirnn rii gymfutmk iic m aqutltt ki- cuntirm pihiin fomnx wfrfc aiwkrruonl m cfntiemkns fasiiigna quftrirrlj rrvirw wifl lr pia- ciifc4 ett1intfry ofciio vnrioii improvement atrt clmirrv ulikb ttm ium worn in ttie ihshionihv tiv ofiiamy oioi ro hy wluh if w i im rnnjcol m iy uik f r rtmpem nnl irikir m a ill- imt to ihdr customer wuuk iuomsptirl cbr nojmkrn h1rttrrm mthi earliest posi vie cfj0fbn prmhiinjt natmlii iwll ukcnnyiliiartiortofihepilliiafiillknjititiyrttvi iiltitrnti of lw fior will nlo lie nf tkirol r pulrfkserf mi8cfllanv aitloitfli iuinirproiourerinimrpprllr conjwaisn fci ivirtjncli li- brriittlrtwewffl u ems sr hh rr mm ui aniiffhrphta aiiocdwmcjineiiimit tiiinrokpv an li 4 ntaewn uhol lit- in tut riiy um rivi of amormcm 9t tt tirni miirkct aneph rrpncror bhk jh of urokci unkt- uoootoruii 4 im ftnrfl ull oihtr lumlrs ttthrm wjuchoninierrtiiiniy u ipirtd tooxtlnijortcor aiaxwl iliill work vit a will he o by the above riplhitaiion of k pro- 2 p ir p tteantnr am u ioap nin tr iu- pufrooi oriho turr hc dmmo vpnfimc im knsion a ar ii will pro mlllwwhliliwi offli willlv aaviutfsirryarkkaril fir kerercacc w rrutf ihn frmbmhhi aid nftowm rixirumiy ik kept io every irotchu im vfulrsf tftalr hiwofllty ornaiie im iw c rirnic witli rrt-wopp- irn irnriel nl km oioor mom ivnulil im oi lrtt nnrtrn mi4larl llerr hwrc h an nbhm aving ovodrtnrnitjie pnrruhm fj wriiiorj llruumttc iufno io be kij fir ao uoprrrl bth coftlf inn cm iikmf into eotiijf oithi the mmltipn4 vrivty whivh i to ncconpa0y i without mtiinm rorrrj toilor njnilrtritn korurr enrty nl wirrset inroruiik tfj prrv willfiojim- hi fil t little tun cisxtu vaob nxrf winhc r exrr 9ahmla on tme imperial plr o hie fcul clow ui irvce do- lars peronnnro poyulik- in mtvabtc uytikkttiii k five rlolty note lo hie ehiuuhcrp potajfe mid two co moriheinvrititicjtemii ii 14 mpmwky rvmeeiitliat lcwh dnu e to obrhe for hi joarnal will brwwu tneir aumv iohucjmuqk wmm will be urn- lyaivicrcilio tr iq ateydbtt atlklanduil rnnktin toe pohlfclicrfl wjb exthrifa ith rny of arir roumry trrilirn kka will oonffc them with on omiwinal lienjon ofllih rtverirmcai pironp iftltiefoiiref nne icaf will f rj9au fanrjtieprrorwii l tin j b bttowjr tailor 0egs leave i inform the inhabitants of balll and its vicinity that he receives orders in his business at his shop in this place such as favor him widi their wort shall find it punctually and neatly executed bnth january 23rd 1835 49 mobs i ahok ukatbl ulfor the ptkimnagc he has received respectfully begs leave oo acquaint his friends in the public that he conmnuesto carry on the tailor- ing uusinem at ij olid stand neat door to alt benj fdavcys store in bath cutting done bath march 2nd 1w35 km medical card dn percy moore member of the rova college of surgeons in london having received his excel- lency the lieut ioveruorf license to practice the three branches of the profession begs leave to ir- form the inhabitants of ernestown camden poi- lanj and loughborough that he has taken up a permanent residence near simmons mills erjcs- towij where he shall be happy to attend to any me dical application simmons mills dec 26 1s3j 41 3m sale of crowjv lajvds cwmotan ofcrovrn unrwt- clfflc tupt li- torodtamyliibigm 1 ht i ubhc are informed that there will be a sale ofcrownlinds by auction in the town of peter- borough 1 fa the jtouwutu district on he first luesday in june next and adjourned sales will afterwards be held at the same place on the first ruedaymhernomhsoljuly august september and october lollowing the numbers of the lota to be offered for sale and tinner partiealars i be known by applying to office vdontu 9 pecrborourghfor t petlr robinson comi of cren zcitaj valuable pkopekty lok sale four acres of laxd on lot street west on which has been erected a three story brick houc unfinished front 50 feet commanding a fine view of the bay the lake and tlie city the gssdvn occupies 1 18 iicntg nnil is in it high stale of culti vation and well stock rd with a varimvof choice frui trees this property is situated iu the most pleasant and healthy part of ihe city and from the rapidly incnituing vnlu of lands in its immediate vicinity would make a capital investment also for sale ortulet one huge brick build ing on king street north west of vonge street 50 feel by 60 and four stories high this building is situated in one of the best parts of the city for busi ness of any description and has stores and offices in every respect well appointed it is particularly well adapted for wholesale business also quarter of an atre on the angle of lot and peter strtets on which is erected a brass and iron foundry frame building 104 feet by 25 also two lots on spadnia avenue one 198 feet also 600 acres of land 100 in the township of reach 100 in gcorgina willi ii acresclcaredand 100 acres in the township of maluhide in the lon don district on the catlish creek 35 acres cleared and ii miles from the flourishing village of st tho mas the above property will be sold below its first value i- or cash or onethird being paid down the remainder may be held by the purchaser at in terest- for h term of from 5 to 10 years as iqav be agreed upon application if by letter post paid to the subscri ber joseph turton lot street toronto mnygih 193 29 sloo reward in the lbsence of any other inducement that ulike ly to lead to the detection of villainy the subscri ber will pay the above reward for information that will lead to the discovery and conviction of the vil lains who assaulted and beat on the night of the 13th iost the person in charge of the montreal mail with the supposed intention of robbing the same about eleven miles from kingston of dl pcinuns is said to be a stout tall man in dark clothes the other small in a light coat and straw hat w fa1rm4x pittsburg may is 1835- hagn c at patrick ega will pay cash for rags budi horns arc ac p egas market square march nl 1633

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