British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), June 30, 1835, p. 4

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lake ontario arrnisemeuta for 183 5 the steam boats cheat britain st united states from 1st june lo ut september ihe two boats will ip con nexion perform three trips in each week starting lroi s- ra and from hdciuburah and prtacou every other day tx- cludinjr sunday t a toll the great britain cupt j ttrtixsfiv 4j1s0 ct lurti preott tueloj evening br ckville kin4imi vohnc4ay 11 o clock oswego 6cvcnng toronto thursday at noon and arrives at niagara thunday p m c vis dow4 loavoi niagara thursday 10 iu the evening and arrives at ojwego friday afternoon- lovri oswego fridav 6 in the evening toronto sacury is noun and arrives at niagara in the afternoon conso oowx lcatc niaaia sunday 4 p m- 0weo monday 7 in he morning kingston monday 3 p w- brockville m evening and arrive at prccott the same evening the united states cilpt j van clevg oowisa pm leaves lewiion tuoflday cftnin rki ettor tvejn6diy mtsing 9vfeet fvimiinir irrive at oj- dtaafcursh tiijrrl ltl pp lmto fri i n st rvfctfi iliror frilay nomi and tfffvmtt uswe- go ttm ifwrnoon dinlkg now vltiti kilth triny af6p- w snlirlav 7 a- m i ltft ivu atqgdont- burjh saturday afternoon- coirfc ri loivpi og4iifiburh ft jtunntv evening rv t a ivi i mill r i iv nor iv r v tuotav ihirninr an t ivr tilt firt nf sptwhb cuit rtieifirinn x flr1 hrviirt hi rcti tw cii liift rut 1 i iwt jri8w n arfin irptilt i lheielorc read tlroat iii tr frraine having uiitn-rgoiii- ft ln now in omite oirttn mm ilwy tv u receive wool for giihhngr- one uf the hubscnbera ksving bnd a lone expe rienccin the above hitumwi uw h ii nt the woollen factnriei wawr nviiani ville ihey lev cos lidem fd m jood c4ii fca dune rt v irhir eotmiry hoip- n b canitftvtirrtar8iiyoviw wmli w kooii rnottpbctus of tuk farmers joint stock banking company attorunto capital 00000 in 000o shares vj 10 eatk the fjtablwimenl of jvini 9toct bltttkhif compftnie lm ln prove t by iheir great uctea m vnrioua pnru uf ihr vuiiwl kiilum 10 lc of ihc mom jrijc public miliiv iniiulioiwof ihlnlivinpiirti haw aiwl ft scowj nr itnwartb- or 100 fem nnililic expend c or tbdr hemik mw lrv lieinrrn rrnnrmnetofme ttrvor rtfvvmmo ln1ci chr lerlumrr hilhr ywr i2c ia pate an nci h f r ftrtr uieuritftii hnietaitil iunawioloncerrfoubwihni nnliinotniaimraivmrnnnie quale capital advanced by ipawttllal m nifliem rwtfy nrbnipmim ore mom ailmlniblv cmkafitkni i hc cwnftatier in him- i i- scull niul io ioiifrr iitmrtvcaiuanuice n l ajw ai lfff a well cmdorm coinmilt wikisi mrr are ftiei iieiie ty a biwrior ihncbm awl ihe rc tiairycarlvubiiuitil l ilie umanc lorn imii never lie iijitrctl nr iikvneiwftl in we very www uiaee m uu hmnf rxtim iiai fnvai4 tlncnw may be lu uw kawa na mat ilwy wc n iwll nitnl eipui- j tavc ompk reiuro wartl iltiiei the bpmftiww frfilnih avfhrtir and prevent iba necenty of it aamin or iittiii rtitrnjoii leeiuman uiwub to the propnrtiry of un- projvcl iuvrn u can wairrtjf ihil t pro r of e4ao ijdvamri a mav be inrrwl hum ne noraw oi nuier emipa- nieiraaimilirclraciert iwtinjh prenuuvi boraciiiioinmiy known excefiticvit by ihetr hnrc- aitrl hr titmmipfhwrxlemiv imliiy anil hi profit tblt nntor ofsacli u joint ntl nmltol j rteiw of bunking many eentlrniea knvn hni i i fltwhilfln umt iui elwun npeolae premiita iwlf for an vliiionui in ilii prnvmec immwmr fflijc iiopultitiim onl wealii ofvfwca have onsiir crfceen ndvaneinie wuh oeh u newly prow- anl hnvlw uttemlmv conilu1 ihc fore- oine fcu licv arr teeiiui1ly f opnian thai ii null bo eiubliahti upon ih pnncial of a joint tftnefi qwfpmj i na affortliair ihe bit eiiaraniee v pennmrm foece the nnrfinaium of m limtiiuuoa wlrti it how- evcr io be ckurlv nnteatand ihiil wl wttwirooeirtlipy ar not new huhi by nv unf lendly fccib tawcini dtiicr of the reapecwiiebaiuuiu- imsric thi clt or in thin vieinjlv- the mlwlne nuilne la aulmnnh to the cofwidcroiwn of tv pnblie aw iheiwof aiehaneatablilnneni wweet laftien inomknunn aa the propnrtars mav hireiiftcr r1rirminc mv ai a iwrrttofi ifccw blnmj aer- rdltural bnnlc in hie city oftarmio w ol aprt lifls ur c onnronlr si p p mtlte chft t tbatthclunkjiliixllbf callel the rorfoer jaim stock oankinj company 2 naihcrao4uilhcm0000 beraiahin 3 thataeallaf loivrceal nlllbrmai5e tobepautipua wlow- vin per cent on subscribing 4 pir cent on ipnm2 atui te renuuiimtr 4 per cent m two month- if fiiilher rait anoall c lounl urtniblr ihey utiall be mk s tlir director nuy appoint ai cicccuiuj e per cent every isrce month 4 thnt a hoii a i5w share shall have been aatocuhm br a fie- oeral inreiia of the irehotler shall he cilm for the purpo of up- poialnna boniofoireaor an akin other mniriie atramenienn preparatory a the omfiln f ilie hank hut ibrt the pravwiaaiit commit- tec etell have power if they tsink proper io pnii aharrbomeri to my up ihe it lomwtment sooner than the pexiol abate limned niul to otlow epereeoiiaiermiheeeftn ana la thai ease such meeanjehau bccdlcd oon bf 3o0ow can be rwuud as a jiani0t capital 5 tbii the auaerintentlence of the concern rhh be ceumd to a mm oftwrlve dlreetarmlieewiel hy ballal by the ahareumew anrt that aoererfit ibdl hetrtven or contiaac4 coaimrj- to the atviee of a majvniy of leronmordireeiora 0 tliaithe directors aiall from amone ihenwlvrs select ne not en eac in biisioea who jneomonciimi wiih ihe rrvthu nt ami i maimer or n hte nheare a iibmnnaer ahaw have hc cuwiy rf v hank cheat cool tlnio- the surphia eaah not required for inctinte use niul the cmef iprrmtetilenee of the nvre rmvnv paa ofihe ronetrn ee- ciaihttor el iriinctians ami apphcanaa- fir eftifi 7 thnt ihanlerin which the oiweiom liall statu in the iim ahall be toemlnh in tvfiryi inmiaee by w 5 jjj threti on iheto ahall eo an tnmmllv by eolation hoi may be reelreteil p tli t tc director- stall apfnwlm h preamcw nm mtnifter one or m r siihaiaavtera the clerks unit rte other dffieeri of the company iaehilitit bankers mroker aivl mr nt in london or chrwhere aul rnnre aecariti in iieh cna and l wh w nsihey may jetshl awd- rul nrcrintaisc io uirir respeenec miwrnan uod bjiall have the sole pow er of removinc aeelt parties r keert 0 thiina person shall he ei7 hie na si director wmftfmtnmwrru ber fir nml mlerwanh an actual tmbler or at leat w share nnj lhat every manaeer ah be n hoi icr of at woa 3 ilwftf ami everj- uhmu n7vofat lrai doharet l that n prsait sbull beawwen to louknue for more uian 4w hi res it tiaiir5rteiliias vaean ctteral me rtinfmhall ne 10 skare i viiift 1iuri 2 vte f strea votes 100 ahire 4 viirt lrovw i j refuteat mare i n 50 milr fomh toronto may civc ifiej vls by r xv thniien the meiliain ofnny qlmtum harehatlers 10 taineibrrttiebeikorthe b ink mr anv afihe hilla aor scuri vls inv pjisihraiurhthesiunelihllheapentothe inspection of tyha llreeani inl mllcera ofthecsintatshmeni tarmlby them or hi lo h flfi pfirft in mt i h tti rriljt i afttmtvriu y tjeprrere4 inviotrfip- pm tvaeuatuaf ihe cooipay shall be made up bsifyrarly r 1 t ffrral mimnrv oftsem ithatnaa speeiflealjon of nainvit and ii freis svillhe i im hffrrethc prapnriae at in annual meet- loikion iloawltng school gloucester house establishment tok fouxo cotiuikk hpton vucci near orrot cfttt ssssty mb h aulti the domestic arranpetnants of biin ltablthmcnt are ujioit the most liberal scale every boanler u necommodftted with a single bed witliout ay extra toiarge ntd a strict alien- ttun paij iu ins corafuru health mtl murals the eourmof ithtruction itiilutlea r- elocuiion the scientific prineipka and prneiivc ofanilmntie moieliama arc limits buokkcepiug meiiitiiatioii alilra geography use of tiit globes uutory ike terws under j2 years of jo above cliilo weekly bnanlen day buarjtjr the lanjuaes crtli drawing dancing j music jtr oanan ii iutneat st ditto h ditto 13 iliilo 7 r fhtirtir 1 t ditto tt ditto repectiblc referemtj will be given and nqulrtd the vacations are three weeks at midsummer hid a fortnight at chriatmas aceonrh settled qtrtrlerly tin quarter to com mence on the day nf entrance a quarter riiico ii expected previous to the remnval of a b puftls remaining ai dcliool during the va atifin arc charged 4 piineas extra per annum the fren h linuasc i lauffhl by a native of pari eaih braider is expected to bnng a stiver spoon knife fork and six tuwcl- th situation is extremely healthy and plwsant with ex tensive ground rcfereiices may he made to t- r prior gq of quebec for further particular apply to the editor f the whig 37 6m bay and it i v e p the faat nailinir etcmini a a i 4 it t 14 tttai tn iii e in i vr- critie capital niftpnn a wiict tmvwiiiiteauipaiir nktfca colored to ofcler damages made socrtl by the shop musi kinds of pi joav retur iip ii ifflitoh watt ernest town 4b c- j h 1835 lake ontario arrauffements for 1835 35 -a- the steam boat ainfirica cat joel f tvlck wtllmntwo frifli weekly between rcheter and k lon via soduj otiveffo and 3ackntv harbor s toiiowa cumlm lwv laaret rochester moridy and thursdays at 5 evenin sodm do dn 1 1 eranlnc v 6u tawy and fiidviy- j backet haibor do do 5 evening anivioz at kinwton tuesday andfndayofemngsti cloek- cofflfc vp tetvei kinpton saturday 4 aflarnorin wednedy 7 am 14 saokats harbor 3urday 7 morning do ijj hatift oiweo di 3 afternoon di ii uviminj w soduf do 9 evening thnridny 5 a ii arriving at rochester monday at layltgh do 9 mnrmng intermcling with the great britain at oiwm on wcdnts- dy and the constitution ai bodmnftfl on mondays bfid thuradayj on their upward lrip to cobmirff toronto and niafara alo the daily boat at kingilon running to o-dens- burfth and op the bay of luip t tttdeck passengers going wtfl oh by taking thta bom at kingston sackela harbor or oawego icaclt buffiln for f2 50ch by wayoftlte olurtl om kuchetcr children halfpnoe the subscriber having made nrrancemeiu with a maiiufacturer has snd will cuiulanily keep on extensive supply of soxjb lbathdb barika nnd birdie leather upper leather calfskins palna kipa morocco linings binding which he will sell whulesule nr rctniliislow as can be obtained in ihe province dualttra nnh manuhicturers can hcsppplied at ll limes and with any quantities and probably on better tarnm limn oan be obtained euewhere cash paid for hide and skins tallow and flax seed ct 100 barrel salt store opposite the market formerly occupied by s r caldwell jofliv murray kington may 26th t35 33 4ffc of july excursion the steam boat oswefto capl unmans will leave kingston early oil saturday luorning 4tlt ol july next fur stcfctfiivhurhor and thence nmuilg the islands excursion occasion lnbahimnis of kingatitn who miy dosi cite krijh can rii i- isr steam uoat cipt jvlr th aanifc i juno vtu 1j5 adjacent in he forenoon una plisurt a btitid of music b provided for the e to take auwrica rfinsf urvl n telalimfittf shajltkitccliirnl ifrih11lw ro ldf1 f inrttkc extrortlinar v iprtiiia panaf the amuimttifailtabc i twrcpildaa may lnrrlr be hsrml na tlhr k aflv cuara ftiwl ami 5 prrceiil i r in tin pawtt af nay aiarejohrrtrt r hnrihnmrrniinw fkonr tit cttntinur thi varrrn in whfeftrtuwtlieyftlaiu py ue ihwoikiit die then tiienr afsrirhfrahirt nbt ti itl hw rhfltnrare by nrbtfntioa ig tir caplial oftlw cnmpaavallniia any caae be inverted la fo reign uvuia mlnintf inlitljtimi or fwjrclw itliac tt thai a lecl flfarulcmcnl ttatl prepared contnlnine all nowfta- rclaitaeaffrihr praietim afthe proprietary and pivlnihr eampaav a lirn upon iti ahnrrrf afany praprar ao wltoae reapor uie i reformy hnvc frhhwnrjvrkjujtifil io timkia any advnikr thia company ciaifmplme ihccmbiihnicntofhraachbiinkrt in other hihrifi worn prmihmm nnalnys m jrocut ilitiiifcclvcb soon aa it may be ik deemed odtsiwei cilarlics dckcouqb m p- t la ihe chair thnt a plovinalcanlmitc pw ftrienl crapiilti ofihe follow mr a1iirra with powrr r aim u leir inffilir via the nriiilrr fftnr haui tfa5aiwy ihi fnat matera the trea- iirorr i r s hen ff fie c tci l ai ittf lcikc ia llw several nimfcishtttti rvficr mt e corropnn vm n j i agricultural hunk rii tlmwriniaiih tinpvvirelia rcrv mil rcpanon ap- pic tiiif t vbinir iiavv5hnira li mljici fiirtbrr iafir ma iois aoiltonporttlirp trclic t mcff truiroti green a co 4 tntouro f r ikem ta ytibmil the ame la unoilicr nieeling to be called nt nin n it inny bi druiel e jp1rtil fiiai banks jv mhr npiian ahalllaprnnl in the aeveral oifiricla of ilus proviiirp ait the itayftoliy nexlnad vloed w the monih and itmare tunu ihr wbak mrk abn c ituhnvriwa far iiahall be appra- nrinifla the uiimc munner iu llic k idllic ciiiimereial hunk of the miilliait uiriici charlr3 outomue m p- f chnirmon toronto april u lx the mansion house thii stihscrihor conintiitts to occupy this rxtfiistve and well known cstnhlishmimt ub ua hotel lor llie accommodation of the public the mansion house in pipfftmultly wt0tilid in e street hciilc ihi- principal and wont central trwi in kiucrston in the bumuew pun of the town is convenient to the dif ferent r5iininltnit whnrvci niul m estiililishiiicin cellrncu ami comfort of its upartmcdtc in regard both to parlora and iird rooms nil of which are fiimitdird in iiih very heimmyle the hotel has hecn rocoulv painted throughout and otherwise im proved the suhsnilier hnviuf k n public uoutte for many ymrs has acquired esibiience in rhil line and he iruts that with mtraimcliiig nltcntion in the comfort this guests he will cutilitiue lo ttieril pub lic potrotiacc in the renr of the mansion house there is n large yabd and extensive siahling and where a livery stable iscimstantly kept i7the mansion houc carriage and porters will alwiiyu be in readinew to convey pasaengera kingston vl ciilrct downwatlos will leave the carrying place on monday and thursday mornings at 3 oclock touch at the ki- ier trent ameliasburgh belleville supbia8bargh culbertsonv scanlans wharf hallowcll adol- ihustowii fredencksburgh bath to kirston will leave kingston same day at 6 p m touch at fuirmans wananoque brockville and arrive al prescott in time for the stages or sifumboat for montreal upwrhi will leave present every tuesday and friday r m immediately after the arrival of the stagea or steamboat from below louhi at brocfcville french tvcik and arrive at lluigston early nwxt morning will ltave kingston every wednesdftv and satur day morning nt s oclock touching at the interme diate places and arrive at the carrying place same cvvningeiil time to meet the stages for cobourg port hope and toronto alter fhc 2dth may pasengera leaving montreal on monday and thursday mornings can take the kingston at prescott and will arrive iu time for the st veofioe which leaven kingston on wednes day and saturday mornings for cobourg port hope and toronto all packages and luggage at the risk of the own er unless booked and paid for every attention will be paid to the comfort of pas- senders and the boat is well adapted to take freight horses c kingston april 1835 23 lake ontabio the yastaluxttvteam packet st gkokge lieut iiaimtk b commander will until the 1st september leave the different porta to fallow kindlon every tuesday and saturday morning tucadav gyirnid wednesday morning saturday evening i 41 4i oswgo cubonrg port and arrive al toronto on wednesday afternoon anj sun day morning downwards toronto every thurajv morning and sunday evening port hope riiorsilay evening and monday morning uobovrgf m ami arrive nt kinpslon in time cot passengers to dke the river boot foi montreal pjeiigcra leivingtoronlo by tl above boat on sunday and thursday will arrive in momrcl on tuesday and satur dy evening- no luggage or parcels taken charge of unless booked and paid tor ah frtightpoyaliu on dtuzcry kingston juno 6th 1835 the metth mtfrngturge mr burke having termiiiiued his engagements with mr jennings hegn to announce that he will open his french classes on monday nest june 22nd from his peculiar method of instruction the en tire course will be completedjn about three months though the time devoted to the language during that period will not on an average much exceed two hours each day mr b will receive his pupils at mrs douglass house in store street nexi door to dr armstrong office kingston june isih 1335 40tcc rags c e patrick egan will pay caab for rags buck horns c c p egan market square march 2nd 1s35 his majestys receiver general of the province of upper cunada gives notice that sealed tenders for bills of exchange on london ut thirty days ieln will be received at his office on mnmduy the29ih day of this prevent month for any sun from one hundred to thirty thousand pounds sterling expressing the highest rate of exchange f current bank paper will be taken in puy- nv it toronto june sth 135 6tle of crown lands conuniimocerororowii lian-j- nr twooto muyllib lioi j the public are informed that there will ben sale of crown lands by auction in the town of chi- iham in the western district on the first tuesday in june next and adjourned sales will afterwords be held at the uulti place on the first tuesday in the months of july august september and october following sales will also be held iu sandwich on the first tuesday in june next and afterwards on the third tuesday in the month of july august september and gtctuw jviummi4 the numbers of the lois to be offered and fur ther particulars may be known by applying to hen ry j- joues esq- chatham or at this olfice- peter robinson 31 commissioner of crown lands 1835 lake ontario xiie crrcawt htuam boat fondgk link op packets pf icttdfi of tins line of packets having incrti iiumli r oftbeir ship will hureafter dtp of tliein from new york and ivom portcna the ut 10th and uoth and from london o vw 17th and27ui ofcvrj monlh thiounhoul the yoar vki from kew york may i ship samson d chadwiclc master may 10 ship toronto mav 20 ship ontario new k griitivold mm june june june july july july aus aug ati may june june june july july july aug au aug sep sep t master ship westminster new h l c 10ship st james new wms sbov 9a slup montreal c h chaoiplainmvti i ship canada tnooui fliitton inoster 10 ship new mailer 20 ship hannibal f h hcbrd matr i shipiminalmpiiia e mofgonmtrtft 10 ship prksidext fienrp moore master 20 ship samson l chadwicltp master from ioxdox 27 piiiladeirillaicvesporiwiwith t w 7 pkesidkxt iiiis purumonlh june lo 17 samst in hums pommouihi june 2 27 toronto icivrs pummoiiih july 1 7 ontario tones poflmimuih jul v 10 17 westminster iwwi ponsmouih ju2o 27 t leaves portsmouth i t 7 montiuuivrpuiooothaofr 10 17 canada leave pornmmuh aug 27 27 1 new loaves porlsnioulli sep 1 i sep 10 mtiuth 7 hannibal knv portfinout 17 philadelphia learmportniiiuih sep these ships are nil ofihe firl claa about mo ton bffltba and are rommandoil liy able- and experienced navatow great care will be bhen thai the bed store careof a best rlcifriptiun thiirirc of cabin pasajjc outward fixed at ft 140 including wines and liuor or 120 wiifw wioc ow pcngers paying the 11 mcniiotied price cu he supplied by tiie tcwam at the primed rate which will h furnished on board neither the captain nor owner of pachetc will be niipouflblo for nny leiier panel or packa iijf by them unless rczular bills of lading arc signed thuellu apply to john gris1vold 70 south rtrwi new york or grinkell mintirna co 11 front ldoorto geo wil11e3 co no i9coloman m london n b- stcamhoit rim daily from pwrtsmoiith where ihm pkctastnp to hki and iceivc parcicrs to i i paj d an- of england and to tin mntcitcnt infiirmatiou relitivi lo thlliao of packet may be obtained by appliration at this trtlicc lipi and lorjnm to and from the dillertiu scinnihnuis ft carmlyo 133s- kingston rlny 25 stage house steamdo at hotix thl suuscrllter respectfully in- forms his frieihlsniirl the public thit he ins taken that well known tavern ami hotel in lh wlhic of batlii for- erty occupirt by mr r davy and earnest 5ulluilarconilnuw of patronage every p sslhlo acleillh in will be paid fort of his ciicsts and a selectioi wines ami sjirils ill be luadtf rath mav a 1835 to the of the wry com- betl ashley 293m auclioii ai commission lu6iiic thomas x- woods the subscriber amiouncrs tr win friends am ihr public thnt lir has opened an nremtnev luivly occupied by market sqttrc next door toie where he will icceiv 20 olltzrs reward wjiereas on the uijht of the 3d of june the ne of the subscriber were feloniously enter- etl n w m- ii in hi possession together wiih otlhi ariiclefl ilia property forcibly carried iiitj and ivhiieaft the body of the said bettrvehdh bince lieen fotifil nn the preniiseh of one george mmahon n cawofhili town this is to dve notice that a re- wlir of five pounds mil be piid to any per- stin persons who can give such information n aimll lead to the dieoery of the pluce or puces wheic the reel of the stolen property is secreted or lo the detection of the felons on conviction of any one of the ofleudere wpcook kington june ftrfi 1635 ai di lo fur ction imnri in itiom rifrgilkon in the mr kutivrs llai salt everv dserip a aatjwrttdji or jartc blw ilsood cut portrv an1 krlhk by the most cftlebr aftlb aithouh pyfttilhed at 3 daitars per annum tfv i a mmvv lion of merchandize ab well as household fuuii- inre r fiom lii vxpf rieiiee in tlii branch of busmen w tnxt he ill bti cnablet linn iitul ohtiiu a smre ut lit- ripctftillv solidta- ml kinds ol caille ant land etold on ihe most h f id- jlttiomtr ff bvok9 io pive general baiihsii jubltc patronage which sorn i u lu svi u1n8ulvtion lrwp rinr riup lirrruiibrr rximf tjlwrrii liir ilnvtlv ij iitiitutil cmv1l it cn hrrmdn ranng mwwti me wfciibfrt 1 rif aiiiiiiriio4urni twbklroiliwlll i citiei by george tstwtovapr who duly bdukktm t mih ta jglf nsrenuevant ihkd april fc 13- tlir himi- will cooiiniifil by 0r vubacnber wfarcpapkro evry v rripit iill le or rx m lc loordtt ti wc vlioiuh mniu i b qm -ui- m torio dboktk q iwiailf m lb l5 storage and wiiurfugc the snhcriler betya leave to inform ihe public that he has rented die well known storehouse and u h rf formerly ociopied by mft john maguire at ihe foot f titore stner as lo location they have not their eqttiu in twrn those who wish to store property or dispose of it by consignment may rely on ihe inmost endeavors of the subscriber to give mi hf faction for all oiiershe may be favored with in the above line of buanesfti a ij- for the accommodation of rravellers there ill be a room fined up for the reception of baggage barton phillrps kingston april 23d is35 observe any persons desirous of leaving the town or otherwise wubing w dispose of their furniture e immediately by private sale will readily meet wiih a purchaser bv applying l the subscriber j linton auctioneer kingston april 8h 1855 the subscriber besn leave io iulorm his friends and the public that he has relinquished the business of hardware merchant in this place iu favor of messrs hill biies who will continue in the old stand in store street g w yarker kington 3d june 1835 373 w kemovai the suijscriuek ime removed his cheap and fashionablr boot shoe establishment to ihe market square where he will always keep on hand a large assoiuuent of the very bett manufacture at ike following low prices for ready money only ladtespruncllo and lcatherpump 3 6 do superior quality 6 fancy colors 5 0 oswego captain j t oman8 will ply on lake ontario and the st lawrence riveras follows leaves 0dcnsburli on friday evening kington u c saturday muruinz noxclbf llaibnr tsnturday niou oiweop saturday evening rochester sunday murniuff toronto u ci mrly monday mornin rcacbing lnwmun in time lo enable pttthugen lovuittllo falls and return by itoat same day leaves lcwisi i on monday cveningi rochtlcrtuesdiiy morning oiiwpgo tuesday aucrnoou sftckolts llnrbnr tuesday evening killgildil u c wednesday morning andarrivciat odnifiurgh samoovcnnic touching atfroneli creok morritown alexandria and drocltvillc travellers intending to visit the fills of niagara buffalo or the different phcea on lake ontario will find tlio most pleasant cheap and eicditious route ly taking tlio steamboat at oswego and rorhester ranrer lining lcwtton in llill boat on monday ven- ine will arrive al montreal on thursday evniny passing the most interesting parts cr tlio st lavrente river ny day light h d the u9w4g0 commenced her tups on uiogth anrib april 1835 24 gentlemens vade mecum embracinir dinniniic uteri tun- spnintr tlie iuri4ip isiunl various subjucti ol in- tereiif and aittusciuciif ahrtut thelnitorjiitinn t35w be coatmewh ill pmila0eu plllahncwpcrilii t4bipfeliritivetill iis tents will be carefully adapiwl io x uaih rf ihnipnnion pfihr ptwit who pmroniie m if lilkhatl rk the ttkf sfort- f j if fashiiins rromihesrowmi wmlihemi torrrm poputmioii of the 17nltet1 pint nml tlie rirar a imilalinn ofihe nw oppeiiie wftb vrlumivr promotes tlie laitnl iterreiitton of lfr ft h prr 1 1 u i -i- oitrtl poin ofiimlt jrni means lo diversify ivpmtet nta n iletcnnlitiiii trtwmlrr unrub- vkjiuo iii ijdi f rnrrttf wtff itmm iwittee rrlmlif m tien numot fuil m nnxi wiiii a jiuthi attti eftslitawe uppm fr rolijrhitned eommumty in every qtituer of fe emintf hie mok o 1 iing out llr h ii plan a mielit in iitilly invnl tliar m the charm ofteftlj loennrr n ppuijirhv jii rnroiirieinni hafst not ihe jvi emhnrryjnc oiiicle vuiclithpromet tftlil ml lo surrjiount in its fitfrptfml fecllnc eomwunhi uifril liovverctt iiseiiceess iseertxinujivti u ehiraeirr lncomr prn kjywv hiiveolrrnily tncurnm r4 cxpewv in fviulm crtffwli over tin- union niitl liavrxiuoinloivi1 rreiimcmippliioutirbrilirf rd lnrilf h perindloak ii t in itfotouiie jirtiierisil iriiijl ji mtlirl in- ktmlilr wlrn i mv r i nliiniptto u prefteni in detail lo hie puhhe ii tmicellvi uttraeilmsi ji ncvcrtheleci ihnt it principal liratnrrh should lv ibgwn ol oa h t them ii rirvv nry liiil c p ht igerf thivm llic irrfi jly accompli ikhi ito piimukrr liiic miilfifed ihn wtiaievrr u und a wichfiil zenlnn wrvt in roiuplciing ihr ifitinjr i f nm ihnt ihey nrvcrwill ur touml ikfiriini w tifckclful in ihr prwnh of this enierprjinim in wiving loprodutc a lcniiciul unj profiuiblcnv fut loihrmvrlvesjhifl otlwm thk drama wilt ftrffi a mnirnal pmtfim nfhe cenilrarfti hle imucuni iti imrmled to prirfmi nhrmtely eiery weei na rv ttreploy narl lireeto u setrriil with n mgl- imoihnrmtriishioot aprererencr howeter will be emmdrrl in tfllcpm r native nrow lioh whrn olwcim tieolktallw -f- m ln fn r vi s rl rlutfin nil invliltoitt rminfioi onl ircontinfii u i hyilirir itrrvav win he rmhirly innelrtmeii blognutilnil keidw ateoloie sijl hun aiot ofproniiurni lmrilijii oflu prrwirl anil jmm utte c a rrr nnd in 1iih ji rtmnpil itm i ntniri wli v hi 111 lie ii a valuable farm for sale in a wellsetcled neighborhood being the east half of lotno 1 in he 2nd concession of of loughborough containing about 105 acres there ire on the premises a good frame house nnd a good frame barn ni sixty acre of lund cleared also a number of hearing fruit trees of diflvrent kinds and a lining fpring of water nigh the house- for funhcr particulars enquire of mr da vid purdy waterloo or of the editor june 8 1835 do do do do d do do do satin rto do fine lipst walking shoe siom suitable lor country wear prunella boots giilahd superior quality greitn do fine light lcnlier boot bout dn gontrf mens siom ivnlkinc show do very do do do pedfioota al60- a variety of boys and oirlb boots ery low prices i hi s a shoes modr to order n jmttksay 70 50 50 70 86 30 6fi 66 60 76 100 4h 60 8 0 60 66 80 100 10 0 80 76 a 63 1 80 a 12 6 shoes at to let the extensive premises situated in store street opposite the commercial hotel lately occupied by air w k bartlet apply to the editor or to smith dartlet kingston may 1st 1335 kingston brewery a distillery the subscrilieks have recently erected and luve now in full operation a patent coppeit reu- tifvisc apparatus for the manufacture of pure canadian whiskey being the only one at present of the same con struction in the two provinces customers can be at all times suited on the shortest notice with the va rious strengths from alcohol io common retail proof of a quality superior loany other manufac tured in lite province they have now on hand and ready for sale from 15to 20000 gallons of whiskey al 12 10 16000 gallon of superior summed a l warranted that by uning proper attention to it to re main cood throughout the season payment cash or approved endorsed notes at 3 months v wanted 3000 bushels of hardwood charcoal hum morton kingston brewery distillery may 1335 j 34 sale of crown lajvd8 comcitehmr of cro n lnfc i ifflcr tormua hoy immp the public are informed that there will be a 6ale of crown lands by auction in the town of peter borough in the jvtwcastie district on ihe first tuesday iu june next and adjourned sales will afterwards be held at the same place on the first tuesday hi the months of july august september and october following the numbers of the lais to be rfered for sale and further panimiluvs may te known by applying to alexander mdoncil jsaq peterborough or at this office 31 peter robinson commissioner of crown lands- till flrf a litilliful nvnltllflh nfiullho rm tmuiw nuiehi it m rmiry iiml koqlitinl llinfmiilh tl uma pnnjm ftrawwiuil tliomuffc iinil ir wiillw piiuiiloneri mmklh kxery tcl rrlnvl loilit brivrlme hittiunimimut lrciiinr l ibfi riulwvanhihivfiliinlitranimm will in priiilnr fcrtcd spobtinc i it him rupiion will w iinntafiilbl ncam i wijjtini mutcliit iviw cvpniuullc kxircfrwaipiiiices- ciirion fhihr niiilm willi aim uw ojsatjjbmbn rasihona quarterly tvticw will it earcl xiiiii aflhe virlnti imprmniritl ftl rlnjsti v1och c- ittmc worn in lhrfitlmimlrrhcii cnmnnll imttrrft h vukh fi he rciwrrcd sin ra hhx itif ilruirw rm ttir m i riliikth w lhir cnmoincrivitli ihr mmnppnivril colms jimlimnlnir ij rjt ai ike rariicst r- ih i r n v r iru ruf nvrci hcfwn fryiwpnrtlqli4tltiirinlilicallkirjltniil ilttiruv ortlwmr lll nut in prcpnrnl i1 ptitl1 misciua v altuoiici thrpiir4 nrirhoei m a y appear tbi conflnnl io the limr ir miihc piilwto t lrli lr lip iarrtf tr jrm prnier io wmhi tin rkmijn m wmliiunin iheiinrttletrtrfcfpabi ii mul ftr mictilummiif timllrrmicli tiil rucliy m l r or news lior htil- lu ibfr rify ftml ptwurf mniiintwirt-swfc- ike ilir ciroin 3hrw-h-acrieiilinrerricr- nf swck um orbrttff ehintet comhcrfi ii nc imrfinr nut nil oliver mhrr rrrj whirh in ititcn imny he i ii rfrl hx hiiie nr i i thiw work firn uilltetrrt l the hiki fxpfeblt60f h pffrl wac rhnreirr i p iriiciinru ilritfrtnl i chihimii fr uh i of be turf the dmmi soriinc ie pttftmnnri ae il ill pfotf nlpo ni it pnulrali41 ufcci n ill 1m anhnti i rciidy oritccarf for itefiyrme iirtrtltiinr onuliwea nnl imifsil rtmmuciiiljr be kept in eveiy hotel in the lniiol stkcw ith wflffl flroniice lhaito nitmitf inineenureoljie yeir will in firnrlol wild fiamopf lur ptaya und faree- uir prtrvofwhieli mwfiuhiiiabf etmrbhl wnwk wheal itwt tlilrtrrt imbir lire iltere nn nmdc ofien dollnr mhr pmrthbm nfa iriiil lrnmatic irwury in le hud far an ilipr i f i i w l ifit ihe miiliipllecl viriri whieli to m kriltt il uiihou ndjilioail ehurffi tmlrtnt win itmrr t prtirr rlv mid errfrfl lofbtiwlm it bummmn llnw wjllrinniii tm ikvnlnalilrflim the centlkmbrf vauk mixt ila wipta ww ertry tfiuirilay on ftur imfnriii ii r oltlie bil tni m ihrccd lur per unmwn piy s mi irlttie oyrnelniiii llvrtlhtr no uur putlihrr rftiatrc pil two pf ftn i ii ia tn aw reprxtinity rcqnrrtrcil dun tn c wlo himii nt scribe for jonrrini w ill forward ittiir lunney inimejudly he terms will te strju ly adhered t adiirr mf rif l alkxandki1 alh nu bumitn frau plaeephundrlphln the puhlisliers will rxeftantr u uh ny nf iheir crmniry ureibren w will ihem with mi venhimiril inenion of lid- n4veftvctawui valuable pkupeuty fur salb four acre of land on lot street w on which has been erected a three tfory brick hoti unfinished front 50 fvcx commanding n fine view of the bay the lake and the city the card occupies 1 12 acmsi and is in a higb state of cultm vutjon and well slocked willi a variety of choici fruit trees this property is situated in the ino pleasant and healthy part of the city and from the rapidly increasing value of hinds in us immediate vicinity would make a capital im eminent also for sale or to let one inriw brick build ing on king street north west of vnnge street feet by 60 and four stories high this building situated in one of the best parts of the city for bus new of any description and has rtorcaand offio in every respect well appointed it is particular well adapted for wholesale business aiho a quarter of an acre on the angle of lot ami peter street on which is erected a brass andinoi foundry frame building 101 feet by 25 also two lots on spadtna avenue onel98 hy 100 the other 193 by 1s also 600 acres of land 400 in the township reach 100 in leorgina with 14 acres clearcdai 100 acres in the township of malahidc in the lo don district on the garfish creek 35 acres clear and 11 miles from the flourishing village of slt mas the above property will be sold below its value for ca8h or onethird being paid dow the remainder may beheld by the purchaser at teresi for a term of from 5 to 10 years as may agreed upon application if by post paid o the sub ben joseph turton lot street toronto may 6tli 1835 9 loxdon tailor j ii hooper from london respectfully forms the inhabitants of kingston and its vicii that he lias lately removed from the head ofstoi to no 3 counter btuldings brock street- lie hopes to be favored with a coniidtianco of pal age gentleinerrs cloth made up iu the most ionnble style and on the most reasonable mrms kingston juno 16th 1935 bath arnrteiuy the public arc reapeccflilly informed th aboveilamical academy will be reopened on day thebnd junr under the siipcrintfndcnctj mr john mackintwi principal aod ina a for tfprasjpplv tt tbe truov bath- june ab ww 9 ol r r b i a ai hi ti 1 or v oa

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