xtflscei-i- the placuk in egypt cairo march8 the plague which has spared egypt during eleven year nd had not fiv several months extended beyond the walls of alexandria is now beginning to spread in all directions in this unfortunate country the sanatory cordon was quite ineffectual in stopping its progress and has therefore been abandoned 1 he rigorous orders for watching each infected house and preventing any of its inmates from going out proved hiqhlydispl easing to the arabs and turks on whom that duty has been imposed and whose religious code teaches them to regard no disease as conragious unless with the accordance and will of uod they therefore considered the severe quaran tine not only irreligious but altogether superfluous and consequently imve dune every thing in their power toadeits regulations cither by concealing the dead burying them in their own houses or fi nally throwing the corpses during the night into the water or into the street it was then found that these quarantine measures must lead to dangerous con sequences and the public life was much less likely to suffer by a regular and cautious interment of the dead than by allowing the presence of infected corp ses in inhabited houses directionsjiad ato been given and required that all the sick should he vis ited by european physicians in order to ascer tain whether the disease in each case was really the fplague or some other malady the enforcing of this measure particularly with rrgard to the turkish women produced considerable agitation on the minds of the people the clergy interfered in the matter and sent several petitions to mahemet alt who returned this simple answer that the relations of the deceased who refused to allow them to be vis ited by european doctors should not be forced to do so against their will but in such cases the dead should be considered as victim of the contagion and their friends would be subjected to the severity of the quarantine in the first instance a strict watch was kept upon the houses suspected of having taken the infection but the example of alexandria soon put an end to this measure and now perfect freedom is allowed even to those supposed to have contracted the disease the plague was brought to alexandria by a maltese three ships which arrived at trieste from alex andria brought letters whioh express the greatest alarm respecting the frightful increase of the plague not only in alrnilriftt but in h pari rr kayp at alexandria the number of deaths was from two hundred and ten daily the renter part of the ships which were to take cargoes of cotton had has tily led the port without waiting for their cargoes of the three ships that have arrived at treste two were empty the third which hud previously taken a cargo of cotton on board was immediately order ed from trieste to venice to perform some months quarantine pminn buffalo this extraordinary curios ity was discovered about two years since by some trapperrs belonging to copt bents company lying on the side of one of the beaver dams of the rio grahde of the north a stream emptying itself into the gulf of california whose waters it is said pos sess the petrifying qualities to an eminent degree its shores abounding in speciments of various animal and vegetable productions in a petrified state the petrified buffalo is described by those who have seen it to be as perfect in its petrifaction as when living with the exception of a hole in one of the sides about four iuche in diameter around whish the hair has been worn off probflbly by the friction of the water in which it must have lain for aes past to have produced such a phenomenon the hair on the hump and shoulders neck forehead and tail though concreted into almost a smooth sur face may be easily discerned the horns eyes nostrils mouth and legs arc as perfect in their stone as in their pristine state the country in winch fnis rare specimen was found is inhabited by the euteaux a roving tribe of savages who subsist a great portion of their lives on insects snakes toads roots c this tribe being particularly hostile to the whites renders the acquisition of this curiosity an undertaking not a lit tle hazardous notwithstanding this and many other difficulties to be surmounted uch as expense our enterprising citizen captain charles bent con templates procuring and bringing it to the united states with him on his return from santa fedurin the ensuing autumn we heartily wish him sue cess m his praiseworthy undertaking f louis com bid imw of printers we learn from a gentleman wfio was present that in the case of arnolds vs clifford tried at newport last week judge story uponan incidental point elated that a promise on uk otnpr libel t0 i j r h templates procuring and bunging it to tlio united states with him on his return from santa feduring the ensuing autumn we heartily wish him suc cess in his praiseworthy undertaking st louis com bul tjaw of printers we learn from a gentleman who was present that in the case of arnolds vs clifford tried at newport last week judge story upon an incidental point stated tbha promise on the part of a libel to indemnify the printer of it against any damage he might sustain for printing could ntft he enforced even if a bond were taken that would be void jonrnaloj commerce we are requested to notice that the steamboat oswego in connexion with the steamboat com modore barrie will hereafter make two trips in each week she leaves here for lewietown on fri day evening and arrives on wednesday afternoon and leaves the same evening for oswego where she puts her passengers on board the tommodore bar rie and returns here friday afternoon wc shall sublish their advertisement next week ogdtns- vgh republican the u s frigate consttuitipn arrived yesterday afternoon from plymouth england whence she sailed on the 16th may having on board mr liv ingston late minister to paris and family the constitution came up to town this morning and fired a salute which was returned by castle wil liam a despatch was sent on to washington by mr livingston last evening commercial ad ver titer june 23 deadly comfortable among the curious ad vert ise men ts of die day is one for making coffins comfortable by lining them with caoutchouc this eaye the ingenious speculator will make them per fectly waterproof if another can make them fire proof nothing more need be desired in this respect this is pretty well matched with a parisian adver tisement which rays foreigners have the ad vantage of knowing that mr abel is authorized to enter them as soenas convenient having an exten- rivfl stock of oak c he hopes his friends will fa vor him with an early application he can be trougly recommended curing butter take two parts of the best common salt one part sugar and one part of salt petre beat them up together and blend the whole completely take one ounce of this com position for every sixteen ounces of better work it well into a mass and close it np for use the above by some ts uetd in this propor tionten ounces of salt to four ounces of clean the following is the commendation given of this practice in the pennsylvania farmer the buuer cured by this mixture appears of a marrow consistence and fine color and never ac quires a hmrdnes tastes salt it rats as sweet alter being kept wee years a at first it muat be noted that butter thus cured requires to stand three weeks cr a month before it is fit to be used ifit be sooner opened die sons are not perfectly blended with it and sonuiitnes the coolness of the nitre jh be perceived which totally disappears 3eisrds lf tjik jvrticate a curtain eminent individual ordered a pair of trowsers from his tailor llio other day with a strict injunction that they should be made in a particular way and fearing that the tai lor should not do so he sent another pair as a pat tern the trowsers were made according 10 direc tion except in one single point the gentleman expressed his satisfaction hut observed that the tai lor had not made a fob why said the knight of the thimble 1 thought it was not necessary as i found the duplicate of your watch in your old trow sers pocket t mortal declaration of u men to have equal htjaopean intelligence great britain lord albert conynghnm it is said is to he the new lord chamberlain lord litchfield the new postmaster general and lord errol the new mas ter of the stag hounds in the house of lords on the 19ih of may the marquis of londonderry gave notice that on tues day next he would present a petition from 50000 protestants of the ixrh of ireland respecting the danger of the established church his lordship alluded also to the procession which accompanied the lord lieutenant and hoped that the parties en gaged in it would be proceeded against according to law viscount melbourne expressed himself ready to enter into the subject of the petition whenever it was presented but thought it extraordinary thiit having been signed six months ago it should never have been presented until now as to the proces sion in dublin he could distinctly state that nothing contrary to the act of parliament had taken place the earl of wicklow thought it extraordinary that the newspapers should have dared to publish such charges without any foundation- but he was bound to believe the statement of the noble viscount on the follouingday the marquis of londonder ry renewed the subject of the irish processions by putting several questions lord melbourne repeat ed his former statement denying that the procession was illegal and us for the display of banners it was impossible to have prevented it a long discussion ensued in the course of which the earl of wicklow suggested that tome measures should be adopted to prevent the procession alluded to being drawn into a precedent the marquis wellesley said thai as an allusion had been made to his resignation of his office of lord chamberlain he begged to say that it hpri nn r ih f mi i to i j 1 li poliiiciif and further than that he should not condescend to explain- on thursday the 21st of may lord john rus sell took his seat in the house as member for the borough of stroud there was no opposition to the election of his lordship and the poll was con sequently closed about as soon as opened after which a cold dinner was partaken by about 400 peo ple who were addressed by his lordship on the 22d sir r peel moved the second rea ding of the dissenters marriages bill slating that be should now lebveit in the hands of the ministers ns he thought that all such measures were best under the management of the government dr lushing- ton considered that it would be impossible for the go vernment to do any thing on the subject this session and that it would be best to take time to consider all the questions bearing upon the church before any one was brought forwaid irish tithes at a meeting of the reformers and friends of the ministry held on the 23d of may at lord ebringcons the plan of the government for the settlement of the irish cithe question was an nounced by his lordship of which he following are stated to be the principal features the million loan is to be cancelled thirty percent is to be the new valuation to be granted in any parish where it may be called for in the plan of last year forty per cent was xo be deducted from the amount of tithe the reason for adopting a lower percentage under the present arrangement was the objection generally felt by he english members against touch ing the consolidated fund it is also to be obser ved that the irish members object strongly to the present valuation of the tithe which they consider as grossly exaggerated an appropriation clause is to be engrafted on the bill and in order to pre vent iis being mutilated in the lords it is to he in troduced in the shape of a money bill which will leave the upper house no alternative but to accept or reject the whole measure the highly gifted and accomplished the patient meek and longsuffering felicia heinens is no more she died on the ig1i1 of may at dublin and met her fate with all the culm resignation of a christian conscious that her spirit was winging its flight to another and a better world where the disgusting to cveijy 0 reason and justice and true liberty to he of their democratic principles nnd mrinnions without a blush at the re collection of their i landsmen they were traitors to liberty to imnovfo consistency they nullified he proudest rfciuimcii j their in independence whi declared sacred and inalienable ridite cheers lie did not wonder at the death- plagues of new orleans or he devastation of people many of wham enjoy ed health and vig al m and were lifeless at noon when they had committed or countenanced crimes w hich could only be registered with the annals of nicholas and tihecorses of poland the hull and learned gentleman read several extracts from an american act of parliament in which it was en joined that no jude member of parliament barris ter or preacher should speak or write anything against slavery umder the pain of being sentenced to not less tlrm three years and not more than twentyone years imprisonment or death at the discretion of the oourt and that no american should teach a slave to read or write under pain of not less than three months and not more than twelve months imprisonment hear hear the lion and learned gentleman flung this black dishonor on the siarbangled banner of america in vain did it wave over every sen proclaiming the honor of the boasted republic of modern times those who fought under it were felons of the human race hear hear traitors to liberty to their own honor and blasphemers of the almighty the red arm of hod continued the hon and learned gentleman is bared and let the enemies of those whom he died to save the black man as well as the white man beware of its vengeance the lightning ca reers through the troubled air resistless amid the howling of the tempest and the rolling of the thun der francs paris papersand letters are to the 17th of may inclusive they contain not one syllable respecting the american question which has there fore not yet been called up for consideration in the peers and a this body has taken upon its hands another serious matter before having disposed of the great political trials upon which it has been en gaged for some time past it is quite uncertain how soon lite indemnity bill will receive its final dis tinn this spost- this new subject of action in the chamber of peers is the 1111 iuiiion of procccdingsngninst m m audrey ie puyrnvtfqu and m gnrmprtith two niroers of the chamber of deputies who espous- ed the cause of the politic prisoners of the tribune newspaper which it will be recollected has recent ly been suppressed and iis editorsimprisoned sonok naroleon a stranger who has lately arrived at rennes and halaken up his abode at oneoflhepnrtcipal hotels has made himself the ob ject of general observation by announcing himself as a son of napoleon by a celebrated actress lie makes a lavish avrwndintrc and declares that he has an income of 3ll000fl he is particularly kind to all the old soldiers he meets and the very sight of a military uniform seems to make his heart thrill with delight french paper the intelligence from this kingdom is meagre- there is nothing from the seat wicked cease from troubling and the weary are ai rest ui jhi9j on rit v nfilv the highlv gifted and accomplished the patient meek and longsuffering felicia lleinens is no more she died on the i61i1 of may at dublin and met her fate with all the calm resignation of a christian conscious that her spirit was winging iis flight to another and a better world where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest king otho was to be crowned on the 21at of the present month of june in the open air the capital of his exceedingly unsettled kingdom not con airing n building of sufficient grandeur and extent for that imposing ceremony the sailing of the sultans fleet from the darda nelles for tripoli is confirmed it left the straits on thessth april with a force calculated not to exceed three or four thousand men british antislavery societv the british antislavery society celebrated its anniversary for 1835 at exeter hall london on friday the i4th of may lord brougham in ihe chair his lord ship made an eloquent and stirring speech on the occasion in which he spoke earnestly against the conduct of france and the united states on the subject of slavery mr fowell buxton followed in a short speech and was succeeded by mr george stephen who also adverted to the conduct of the united states- his speech however was chiefly devoted to flic condition of the semiemancipated slaves in the west indies under the new system ol apprenticeship and if the one half of ins disclo sures are true mr george thompson ought to be recalled from thre country by the snufftaking spin sters of glasgow to deliver lectures on humanity to his own countrymen or rather he should be des patched to the west indies where the evil exists instead of prowling about new england for the pur pose of inflaming the passions of the people where s slave has nst been seen these twenty years against their brethren of the south for most certainly the slaves of the southern states are in afar better condition than the emancipated nccroes of the bri tish colonies the statements of mr stephen were confirmed by mr buckingham the meeting was next addressed by the rev john durnett and he in turn was succeeded by mt o- connell who uttered a second edition of his calum nies upon the people of the united states with in creased vehemence and bitterness according to the report of the morning chronicle he began by adverting to slavery in america on which country he pronounced n most bitter phillippic he de nounrcd the americans as men who were a dis grace to immunity and declared that the ameri cans had f irfcited nil title to be called men of honor or tuke a place in the same grade of society as the people of england we whi not however confine ourselves to detached sentences of the agitators harangue the following passage is from the ex tended report of the london christian advocate ol may is and we commend it to the particular at tention of the getteisup uf the oconncll guards the hon and learned gentleman then proceeded to speak in terms of severe censure of the conduct of the americans in continuing to keep in bondage the black population in many of their states it was sim iv extremely of war in navarre and llw basque provinces and but very little on which reliance can be placed from the capital all that we bare comes by die way ol paris purporting to be received in letters fiom ma drid and the constitutional expressly says that no faith is to be given to the communications we endeavor to extract from the confusion in which they come before us the substance of their state ments a letter from madrid atcd the 7th of may an nounces the arrival of grsornl cordova with pro posals from vuldez and 7umnlacarreguy foe a ter mination of the war by compromise the terms of which are as follows first don carlos to renounce ilia personal claims to the throne secondly his eldest son to be affian ced to the infant queen and assume the name of louis ii thirdly a general amnesty 10 be issued fourthly the estatuto rest to he maintained fifth ly the privileges of navarre biscay to be preser ved inviolate sixthly tl arrangement to be effec ted under the auspices anl with the guarantee of france england and to te ratified by the northern courts this proposition is sale to have been favorably received by the queen regent and all hermiuibiers except martinet de la rom who had in consequence resigned his premiership and been succeeded by count forend it must he stated however that the journal des debuts and the ctestffoiwimwtipettk very doubtfully of these tiding niid the latter con siders them nothing more than stockjobbing fabri cation xlns proposition ptfairt iu nave buiii lawman received by the quern regent and all her ministers except marlines de h rosa who had in consequence resigned his prenvierhip mid been succeeded by count forend it nnst be stated however that the journal desdtbasnnd the crattifcfwuirfepettk verv doubtfully of tluse tidings and the latter con siders them nothing nore than stockjobbing fabri cations lord ehot nrrivesaf paris on his return from spain 011 the 13ihof may where he had a confe rence with lord cowiuy the british ambassa dor in announcing his departure forgngland the h farmatucr states that lord eliot had htld conferen ces wiih the iviiitf and with ihe austrian ambassa dor and that he had openly declared hiscoimction that the ttucene gow went in spain cannot stand and that the blocknta established on the french frontier does not in tie least pi event the army of doncarlos from betig supplied with arms and am munition obtained frini that kingdom colony if h x bouhon was no longer worthy of being continued attorney general of upper ca nada was it proper to make him chif justice of newfoundland if r- s januson was roper v recniled from being chiifjusiiccofdemerara were the people of upper cunadi properly respected when so incompetent a being wu went out to he their attorney general in both thcc casceiuorevt- leutioii seems to have been paid to giving i good place to a hunger on of the government than to consult the real welfare of the colony 10 which they were sent- among the subjects to come under the consideration of the society is the follow in that the present constitution of the legislative council of newfoundland and of the american colonies generally is not in accordance with sound constitutional principles that thi has been one f the principle causes of all the unhappy differences that have existed between them and the mother country and is calculated to render insecure the bri tish connection while bmon those adopted we find it resolved that in the imprisonment of robert john farsons we feel we have to deplore the loss to society in st john of the patriot citizen the talented geiitleraan the honest man and that feel ing deep sympathy in his sufferings we take the earliest opportunity of conveying to that oppressed but proud prisoner the heartfelt expression of our attachment our respect aad veneration and of offering the meed of our sincere condolence to cheer him within the damps of his dreary dun geon resolved that an aggregate meeting of the citizens of st johns he con vened to meet at the soci etys rooms on thursday next the jih of june at 7 oclock to memorial the king and petition both houses of parliament for un investigation into the violations of the royal charter of the supreme court of newfoundland a report is ii circulation whether true or false we do not pretend to say not being in possession of the facts that judge boulton has been called home and that he will shortly leave the island we hope that our gracious sovereign is about to confer upon the judge some more lucrative situ ation than that of chief justice of this island the judge will carry with him the prayers of the people the purport of which prayers will be that he may never itffain visit our shores and sure we are thut the people will joiti with us whtm we say that the woret wish we have towards him is that we may never see him more since the day that judge boulton delivered his charity school speech confi dence in him has been shaken and can never be re stored the sooner therefore he is removed the sooner will calm repose take the place of unkindly feeling and distrust brockvillc recorder the great snake in a predicament this mounter has ever since thursday evening last been htrugglingogaintthestream between the island and this city if it bethatitisihesnmeunnutural creature seen lauy in seme of the upper province mkgci we should suppose that he used but little excriion in his c uirse down ihe st lnwruncc over the falls and rapids with which it abound we apprehend he find much difficulty in getting back fir it appears that he has spenl near four days in endeavoring to overcome the heavy current which sets itgnintf him where we left him yesterday he seem- however to be determined several shots wen fired but ihe bullets have taken no effect and he is not daunted in the least this monster la the talk of the whole city and our citizens have been going by hundreds to sec it some say it is 150 feet long and others say twenty for our own part we cannot venture to judge we understand that an expedition was fining out yesterday sunday at the cross for the purpose of attacking him but we have not learned how it succeeded as this expedition was furnished with the hesi harpooneers in the city we make little doubt thai ere this ihe great monster is no more besides the harpoon the adventurers were to have fowling pieces ruskets horsepistols boathooks pitchforks and a variety ol other warlike instruments if iheprticuhu3 0l this most hazardous undertak ing arc onh recording they shall be furnished to- iiiorrowjlfonrrtr herald yesterday morning between twelve and halfpast three o clock hondlow hotel was broken into iud a quantity of wearing apparel silver spoons and knives decanters spirits und a sin ill sum of mo ney carried olk the alarm was given by a dog hut the thieves hud escaped before any one got downstairs some cooking utensils belonging 10 one of the durhnm boiiis were found neir ihehouse this is the weennd time mr ifondluws house line been broken into this season and it wqirfd be well l s ri 1 to the first 9 teamboat ever built at toroni launched at that place the week before u longs to a number of spirited individuals i merits in and about the city indicative of incri prosperity are rapidly progressing mr kn also mr palin particularly distinguish tlieme the peaceful and beneficial rivalry of honest ind and activity irish advocate thomas dalton has made altacks on the 1 whip- the correspondent nd advocate mr i thorburn and also on our amiable coniemi the brockvillc recorder we mind when old was a radical he sat at the head of the ta dinner given in a back slum of the market 0j kingston in honor of ihe u of july st in brockvillc got hold of this bit of treason showed him up as the ivntniu drunken ea man of a dinner civciihyfhe devil in lndemnni tom became quite sen do to the writer after and begged his pardon for the flight aherrai whichhehnl been guilty and avoided hi ever afterwards we advise our brcthi him into the same characteristic predicament 4 will not trouble them much more vangwrl i the journeymen shoemakers of thin town m1 roche and the long sault arc about malcjj strike they are to have a meeting hi mr s m3 al the foot of the long sault on monday den the purpose of establishing piices anrfarranj other matters connected with their business 9 tcall observer a steamboat resembling the rapid at pr passed this way on wednesday morning last on way downwards not having called at the wharf tell her nama or bihuua is ioisuch fmm ryt thjt she is the ripid bid our opinion the bout is neither one nor the we surinu that she has been recently ehms from lnke ontario to gij ii sarh of the sea- pent if so the crew can find his anakehip urn ing his figure to the newfangled portion of tie toe munity at montreal should her whalinga sion prove successful we would thank her 11 call on her way upward as the good folks of c wall are anxious to see the amphibious traveller it is well for his serpentship that the jackass bid not become a law m this province for ifitdid canalers would harpoon him while ascending fjp4jj a sitheiitnit fcr lrlher jnnadinnsea tle bvkron riots or he states of ohio and alii are unable either to some say her name while others cinteiid usa late afinir 1 were not bctw eei llul cu parison to a scene that presented itelf at the lqj sault the day hfcore yesterday two parties fa the provinces of minuter and oonnanghtill irdi agreed to fight u itched battle to see of course 1 were the wronger party uf tin two but as pr dence would have it liefom hostilities became pirent m hirvey anj 1 powell cxtwuli with the belligerents on the impropriety of suho mgcotts proceedings nd after i little nflcedoa the part of the suns of si patrick they retired ft the field ihe great credit of themselves si battles hate ofien taken place in ireland to our kuowledzr iu iniis and mii hnl we would to know what induces people to introduce such indent nieriinirs here till coontrv is not like hind out puritfh there mutants ncnrly t m soul as two tlulricts iirc mtd wimw prnple art numerous ihern limy he muiie exmte formed rpinrreling uhmiunc what will wen thenroqj vvv have tu boiiftt 01 mulling absolutely nodi nflvc hie ttttsttitttioit of hating pei imps killed 1 fellow creature toenue forsooth they are from the mime province with on such unnatural conduct mould disirrae the sol that if cnisclvv m shq ihoae t miles distniir that ifrccu inth ver intended her sous to behave we have received a descrijuioi nun ve me si from friend y thein birth 3b 1 of the ocean in ciuada t seeing the ehvcts of a most a llvti hprthn pbcvincial the printer of tie newfoundland patriot has been sentenced to thee months incarceration and to nay afineof jesojiy the chief juice for nn alleged contempt of court in having printed in the patriot he does not tppear to be the proprietor or publisher the follomig article stia a pin here beneficial efffts of hanging illcstratud we understand tin a lecture was delivered in the court hourse yesteriay to the grand and petit juries nn the openiiy of the central circuit court by the president cfte council in his capacity of chief judge on the ery great benefits which hang ing q people confer on society arising no doubt from its sedative eftcis upon the human system which to the uniniiiaed are truly astonishing the same excellent plan a to be followed up in order to quell the fiery spirts which at this moment keep up a truly wholesonn tipple on the surface of socie ty which it would appear fearfully disturbs tt repose of the honoravle lecturer and all other des pots whoshall date to subvert the charters of the fundi and plant in tlir sicad the unalloyed prin ciples of arbitrary y go it ye cripples the proceedings of his honor h j boulton iu the case were fll extraordinary they will prnhahly nccupv a ponton of our next publication the meddling propensities and the highhanded measures of the chirt justice joined to the conduct of ihe council over which he is said to exercise much influence seen tohuvc caused no small sen sation umong the pepc ol the colony the conae- fpieuce has been ilia they have been driven to the necessity uf orcanifuwj a society denominated the newfoundland contitntionat fheieftffot the pur pose of prnctirinfl ill the people of newfoundland tfidl knives decanters spirits and n small sum of mo ney carried nlf the alarm was given by a dog but the thieves had escaped before any one got down stnir some cooking utensils belonging 0 one of the durham boats were found near thcliouse this is the second time mr hondlows house has been broken into this season and it would be well if watchmen were stationed in that portion of ihe city the office of the otitawa steamboat com pany was also entered but nothing takenw in answer to one wanting information we beg to say that in our opinion the word news is just ns much a plural us the word riches the best plan when one feels any doubt is to evade the diflicuuy- ib an unfortunate woman named conway was ta ken out of the hay near the wharf on monday morning into which it is supposed she itfd fathn the prececding night and lamentable to say while labouring under the effects of tikoxication an in quest ww heldhy george duggan esq and a ver dict of found drowned returned some severe bruises appeared about the head of the deceased and the hands belonging to one of the steamers were closely interrogated by the coroner it ap peared that she had been tu company wiih some ol the sailors and most probably fell on the plank on returning to the wharf how trttly awful the ter mination of the duys debauchery and what a lesson to the intemperate a respected alder man mentioned to us ihe other day thai neaily ihe entire charges lrought before himself and brother magistrates arise out of an improper use ol that curse to thousands ardent spirits toronto re cordcr whose persevering ha college in this the celebrated john slack endeavours hist year to establ city of which he was in the most disinterested man ner to take the charge is now on a collecting tour rlown east although he managed to elicit a consi derable number of dollars from the good natored people of canada we question much il he will suc ceed in imposing upon the clever natives of massa chusetts among whom according to capuiin ham ilton neither jews nor scotchmen can pick up a miserable subsistence montreal gazette there i some reason for believing that lnrd am herst may yet crulh out to this country in ihe ca pacity nflord high commissioner letters receiv ed in town we are informed suite that ihe minis try have renewed llieir negociutious wiih his lord ship of whose serviees they arc still anxious to avail themselves ib inciuiase or tiik navy it is not intended to ivy to en down under nnv circumsiau- kighis privileges and immunities of british ill hie cinc when will the drill ah government learn thai men who hi unlit to hold hihund responsible vltutttions 111 one colony ure epy 80 aft fpecta auothc rsji hi low our ccs he navy juiuiuissinuers have issued propo sal for the delivery of while oak keelpiccca and eisjht seventyfour eighi frigates by die first of august 1836 mniionu of portsmouth huston new elphii niul norfolk this ia an addi on ol nearly oucthird to our present naval furcc other limber lor d ten stoops of wn nin 1hi at ihe york in reporter baa returned fnti inordinary i hemrmenon which took place 1 lowiwhip of mnb by some nnttccounnble of nature thv letter is duted some weeks ago bus only row reached tin the ctthsc ofdchiy do not knnw there ht been about eight nrres of land sndrf ly removed from is pristine position and 1i1 lm st in n compact body jitm a large bay ol mtdawasku mer most of the trees standitt their mtturul j option and now forming an isl the distance whtrh it wns removed bring half a the brea h or chasm from which it was ihu viol ly removed isabuul one inmdred and fifty feeldt quite porpendkulur and represent n eemic tlte shark wn nltojfetlwr loenl but so paws as io cause the finll to he thrown out of the ri inch upon ihe bank it wtw not occasioned by eir untliral pomutin uthl vavy laimuti avims the distance ulurli il whs removed winy half a nf the hreah or chasm from which it was thugviole iv remove istldout om hundred and fifty feelde quite perpendicular and represents a scmici the shock as altogether local but so power as to cause the lish to be thrown out of the riv hish upon the bank it was not occasioned by action of water- the soil being perfectly dry and appearance if moisture of any kind neither there any ea fhquake- hut on coining within tv ly yards of the lower extremity of the chasm strong sulpiuiiic flavor proceeded from it hut is so palpable on netting a few yard wihin the lrea this has been remarked by several people dm able damage was done to timber that was ly in the bay j7iir7 courier imon law in tiik unitso states on the 1 instant the town nfharifoid was disturbed by operations of the sovereign people in icvcll several small houses occupied by blacks the ceedings were conducted with great spirit and form an appropriate topic for allusion on the proaching anniversary of the declaration of in pendence irish jidvocatc millions the subscription books to the bi of charleston 8 c chartered for a capital of 20 000 were opened the other day and no less t eighty nine millions four hundred and jorlynx thousand four hundred dollars were subscribed spkko o tuf 12mk canal a new boat cently introduced 011 the canal at rochester complished on the 5th instnilt 0 distance of twe four mites in two hours and thirty four minutes f i eluding time lut for changes of horses vc ffc catholic rorbbarancs ano demockatic j rice contrasted on the lt imtatit aaron n ley nathaniel bmlil jun l p pond a alvey the only remaining batch charged with b concerned in thetlesiruction of the ursuliut com charlestown were brought to trial and acquitted nearly a year has now elapsed since that un rallekd outrage was committed and during that riod not a single attempt hasheen made by the c olics of the neighbourhood to take the law intot own hands and their conduct is the more aduura when it is considered that the original out has been followed up by a series of atrocious atta 011 the reputation and social existence of defence womeu devoted 10 the service of ueligiou and instruction of youth those attacks have termtn iu the withdrawal ofihe unfortunate ruined wotio and lnki i ietiins from the cursed kiupirt theoretic liberty antl practical oppression ib jumf the other day a man in the port of dclpha jumped from the main truck of a j heicht of about ninety feet in the river beneo before performing the feat he addressed the course which was ery large in tjood set terms- tuld them 4 was a preity considerable of a jumpi he wastitafear onl ih painful trn hkkxck a son of the right 8 bishop ondcnhuik u new vnrk hns luvu milled w prison fur ibrgeiyi coiumitted outhe i schrccdei of the staie clcy ifc