dialincl thy underwent ou jft35jasss55 mow hll mm of the b wbi very link clinnflo from tho gate a lint vuimilrn i wa alio mao in an eiferly direction on the kc the qnliro length of the marh and eiienuing to ho further mlretnlly of afbridfjbtf bay hy imlichit van nidc apparent that a mjf depih of water than 16 feet cannot be voiilned within 300 yards from lie horc it neit tecam necwary to examine ibe mrh add tory many obacrvauont wtro repeated for this purport jtvoj unfortunate that our invetigotiou did not commence earlier aa wo should hi that can not only haa made nome other eiaminations of tho bay but alo nf the marsh to a to havo itrtainerl the aact quatjlrty f llhj marh which wo reclaim able we were prevented from doing cither o much a was desirable though we fained till two of oui men fell ihrough the i in stating tho result of the observations i ahall leave out tfro fractional parta of length of inch in they rather ten to ciiuv and it must bcobvioui that the variations to which the nwwi iaaubject from wind inl ruin would necessarily product eftvu more than equal to such minute divisions ten observations wcio made on two sufjamw dayi which allowed that tho water in asbridos boy it higher ban the fill lako that the rocfev wmhii i a v nil liy woich ha hitherto been frozen hiin riifing the pat winter heart oonitanilyoptn and it ia a re markable fact which was exhibited in emibj the holes in the ic thi it diminished irithickneaaas iuppnmchod rhecu formed by the new tvhorf frflg about 18 inch inches ic tba neit subject for conaideration ja the marsh jure observed the elevation of considerable y fofthe iflami iabov6 0io level ofrjri to 5 rreni or 6 one f brid m was be ortion perhspa waicl in as ia water oftlii higher than rocky ground in the fourteen inches marsh is ree to than the lake at different places varving irom th so inches thai the ice in the bay is 3 4 i oth incite higher than the water of the lake in the holes made in the ic the water flowed to within 3j inches of the level of th surface of lh ice the clar water in tho bay is moiht higher than the water in the lake the distance across the peninsula at the narrows the place at which it is proposed to make the cot i 280 feet and the gifrtoit elevation of the land r 5 0 6 ins 6i0lhs many other minute ubaervatin were made but the above will ho sufficient to give a correct idea of all the material points nerossary to understand the localities it is also ascertained that there ts nuw no outlet at the eitre- mity of abridges day into tho lake though it u quite ob ykjus that there has formerly been onr sufficient to confine a tradition of the indian that they formerly entered the bay from the nit ward in that direction pttflflg through the marsh gea bay from 2 to 14 inched and the wtiter in that bay y about 4 inches higher than ihut of the lake a diroct comma- njcatios between the wo would lower the water of ihoforrrfcr to tho losel of the loiter and leave a much larger portion of tho oiarah dry and qlso improve that which is already so it is therefore recommended that a proper connection be made between die bay and the lake ao as tu reduce them both to tho amo level and that the outlet should bo so constructed that whilst it would permit the water in the bay to csrspe it would keep back that of the lake when by storm or other causes it should be temporarily raised above its present level it is also recommended ihat the mouih of life great dun should be closed bv damming whilst that of the lidle pon ahould be topped by gales to pcirnil the use of the navigable water of the don rivr it is belieted that by thi incna a large tract of the finest pasture land would be obtained which us the government has assured the select committed should be placed at the disposal of any stokholdars who should effect these improvements would prove an important source of revenue and b rnnblo benefit tu he inhabitants of expense of rc la inline b we have never known so wanted t of public dereliction of duty than exemplified in this vphcation for money al the expense uftho aummers trade if whole town how much better would it not have been t hav begged the money pri vately from door to door oh kingston i when will your unnatural children know their cv d ihelt real inlorettt faotb an9 soham the city of hi tati nor would the a mdoi reclaiming be great a few auruce drains leading into asbridgej 3ay properly attended to and instead of ibt mischievous practice of buming the il- if they were cut twite in the year and left spiesd on the surftio would soon brm a crust of vegetable mould sufficiently strong to carry the eavieat cattle indeed even without he cutting if this practice f burning bad not it o h appears from the anncd paraiaph thai docroit oaricsr ofthe british whig w does not approve of amoricons vimitin- that place on july esnecialty if tnev iv ib muranc lo firfc nnon play yankee dondlo l otherwise mamfeal an inrfrw apiril in hw teal to bmw thai it j in ex easive badv rejoico in the birhday ut a i haiion a day which ciiablt prinoiplet of civil i keligtoua liberty on the moss prihanent basis the brave neeri srwl powerful arm of rne to be freethe doc tor bib into an error by whkh does himsolfand uthers ve- jh n in supposing lft wwie air dtttobo baff is an american nofioifittine the fact is and wo lpcak it with all due defrence foasoni for be iieving ihe said sir to be exclu canadian and as it rea- pects yankee doodle ft wn composed by a british officer ejpressly furllio american peof nnd uc band of lll fitutk were only proving to tffi kingsionians that the favor there of what is cnlled the l great don p tberefire tlint till the water brought down by the is well at from tint tnbul iry streams and annni i doubtless nut at the moutl it follows don river aa rn trom ine iridqiary nmd and sprtni which break out between hie don ocd the extremity oflhe bav run into the marh and ultimate into the harbor sometime bunging willi br portions of muddy deposit and always moreor less oruieexudiucsof the marh progfof which ihedaylho ico left the bay afar several davs of thawinjr a how current flowed out at bnlh mouths of trio don there b ing a light hreczc from the north in the morning and durinr ihe day a man breeze from ihe east the stiu of the marsh was once morn examined and the levels carcloily repeated and the results corresponded precise ly willi the preceding observations having thus obtained all the data which appeared necessary to turin an opinion upon the point submitted for our report and having understood that many respectable individuals were of opinion dial th- new opening should if pmrilile bo made through ihe marsh and out at ihe extrcmiiy of asbtidges bay ihe respective localities were properly examined with a view to give opinion on tlut point al which will be found to wards cli w close of lliia reports it is impossible that the tlregoin- acts at ihey resard the harbor smun not excite feelings of satisfaciton iheyillcom bine to represent it a a beautiful natural formnlioo adto adsntrh to public convenience form heav mm imi ia of burning nad not existed a much larger portion of the swamp would already havo become dry posture m ions naiurall lead to he main object namely a to tho piucticabihty of nuking the and whether when made it would bo detrimen tal to the harbor the foregoing remarks show that theie will be oo difficulty in making the cut and of adding an additional entrance m ihe harbor if necesjary considerably deeper than tlit present entrance the depih of water inside the peninsula is exceedingly pro- ino distance across it ui only 2c0ler and intra would bculiy io jeuiug down a sufficient depth whilst he earth excavated might he sent arrows the bay to pmw filling up the water lou two piers outside wodld the preceding observar prthis repoit intended cut tal to the harbor enious a no d ir us a le con- scholar thai the mi mjty iti peculiar and basinlike lrm with formaiioq admirably tnd possjemina withiit itself ihtt beach mi the inner part oftt and its abrupt bank of sand on the sloping sandy wf sand on the souihern side next the i tmrisola show owes its form and dfpth l an under con tut brought in n ih mouiliofthe harbor when by the ore of certain winda the waters are driven up towards the head of the like ard which inn thg in their progress with the toriuus luad lands which prptct iuli it from the garrison point upwnrds flow buck aof liy liii means croito ihe current to whmi thehurbor of the citv tuvnf iu preservation nitvithsunidin however that tho harbor has been thus endowed by nature it tsus of injury and unless due regard le paid to ihe cmcumslancea by which tho mischief may lm prevented the consequences wul be most detrimcnlol th piiii ipai poiiiu which required attention are tho csuda- liuus fruin the marh the deposit brought down by the don at well at by the small rivuteh and land springs and last iho rum lat the wash of the city all of which find their way io trtthfi buv these vaiious causes are producing deleterious rlfiwl in the first pla by lodin depusits of mud in ihe harbor tind secondly oy rendering tho air of the city impure eiij iiiiwinnvsonic the deposit brought bown by the don is of two hinds it first consists of matoriula of which the surrounding soil is com posed and which are of different degree of density according to their state of pulverization from a coarse grit to an impalpa ble powder so line thai tho scntc of biuch can scarcely distin guish it and also of undikoinposed quimal and vegetable mat let whose specific gravity i neatly the same with the water the heavier material arc rolled on by the current rill they meet with obstructions fi oni some power running in an oppo site tlirerunhj and then by a wth known law hfnalure they obey the influence of neither but fall to the bottom at the point of contact and hy this mode and dependent upon this princi ple are all the bars formed which are found at the mouths of rivers and if these heavier material nicci wlih no sdclr oppo sing influence they go on and form the sandy beaches by which our lakes are surrounded tho lighter particles of vege table ad animal matter ace carried about by the slightest im pulse till they find a pav6 of nut where they gradually de compose and communicate to the orrouudtng atmosphere in a state of gas their deleterim influence if these injurious consequences follow from the supply af forded by the marsh and the pon ihoy are greatly increased by ihe more noxious mallei supplied from the wash of the city so soon as ihe 1osl breaks up or alior d heavy rain a vast quantity of water loaded with those impurities nrshes down the streets and the numerous drain that ore made to empty thnwvc4 into the b tireat quantities of soil are also deijijicd from the cliff and washed into ihe hay the quantity of earthy matter so dis lodged is enormous but that of animal and vegetable matter must be sogrcat a sensibly to affect the health of ihe city more especially as it is observable that by far the greater pari of thofc impurities aie deposited near tho shore on the city side as is demonstrated hy the great accumulation of mud which on ex amination will be found t- be of the inurl offensive kind the obvious remedy fr these evils i to form a common icwer from one end of the city to the olhr into which all drains shall empty themselves and lo rlisi barge itself into the don or marsh and also lo slope away the cliffs of the lake to an angle of about 30 degrees when they will be covered with hrrbge and no longer pa subject to the wash they are now ex posed to- tho earth wmch wqutd be removed in making this slope as well as that which would he obi line by forming thesewcm may be officiary attd economically cmploved infil ling up tho various water lots along the shores which it is strongly recommended should ho done to such a distance as will give a continuous wharf with 5 or 6 feel of water which will get rid of the unhealthy deposit now lying at the bnttnm of the water and instead of that and the sqqftwm water which is frequently so oflcnsive the city will have ihe benefit of clear water coosianlly changing by the current oflhe bay and a valuable property will be created inasmuch aa imtead of a lot of useless muidy water each proprietor will possess a va- loable piece of land of 300 or 400 feet in jjeplh with a double and the a wu pwi qtjcimv would be indispensable extending 300 yards into at least 16 feet water and if thoso were judiciously placed they would not tail to afford a safe entrance and a com- m odious liaibor however such a cut might be prejudicial to the hay without tbe protection of gate it is agreed uu all hands that with gates no larger can be apprehended as a safeguard therefore gates should be erected and in order to effect an cart cornuuntca- 1 1 r i with the western end of the peuintfula a floating bridge would piobably be found the bctft adapted fur that purpose this projected cut would be producuve of the following im portant advantages to the city 1st by admitting the clear waters of the lake those of the bay would be purified 2d it tvould add to tho liefdtbfulnesi of the rjty 3d it would enable schooners which eti only naif a loading at the bead of he lake to come to this city to complete iheir loading without the risk of beingduteined by a westerly wind winch is now hit il- and it would enable schooners to leave thtf port at any time wi it would enable boat and acows logo into thd lake with safety to supply the city tvilli fuel sand gravel ac- which now tbey dare not attempt it would have a tendency for soneyears 10 keen down price of cord wood and great ly vm tu tit value of trwlandoa tiw jeskborvwmvlrsvvffy frh ii would- to stcanboi a distance ofaomo miles and neaily an hour of time and consequently the fuel burnt in going thai disun gtii ii would probably increase the quantity of fish in the bay- 7th and there is good reason for believing that it might pro bably preserve an open channel through the buy alt the win ter or at all events would tend to open it much earlier in the spring it only now remains to consider the comparative advantages and disadvantages ftf a cur through the beach at the extremity of asuridgoe day with those of a cut through ihe narrows of the peninsula the distsnee across the beaih at bolt places is very neaily the iame nor will there bo any material diffe rence in tbe quantity of digging through the beach in either oaf in order to gel permanently inlo 16 feel of water il will also be necessary in both cases to carry out the piers to tho distance of 300 yards the expense therefore so far will bo nearly equal thelacilmes for the entrance of vessels from the lake loo arr- upon thu whole nearly balanced probably if the ad vantages preponderated at all it is in favor of aibrijges bay bui within the buy the advantage is decidedly in fsror of tho cut at the peninsula to make an outlet al aabridcs bay would involve ihe ad ditional expense of a canal wide and deep enough tor schoo- nora and if for steamboats the sides musi be protected in a way which would cost a considerable sum ofmoney the dis tance being full 3 miles but what is probably a still greater objection to this plan arisesoutof tho following view ofthe case tbe river don with all its impurities as well as thceiuda- dations from theniarh c would all find their wsy into the canal and it would therefore be improper even to permit the waterof tie cans to come into theharbor which if would be in some degree perhaps difficult lo prevent whilst none ofthe pure lake water wuuld be admitted by this opening into the bay as it would do if the cut were made across the peninsula and would consequently defeat one important advantage to tho eity there can bb no doobt that a canal cut through the marsh which wtiold admit boats or barges drawing 3 or 4 feet of wa ter would be advantageous as well lo the neighboring proper ties aa to the marsh itself as it would help to drain it and such a canal would be made tor a email sum ofmoney as the crust would require little more than to be cut through and boated in lo the deep part of asbridgca bay indeed the present cut called boltons drain if widened would nearly answer this oorpofte and if pair of galea were placed at tho mouth oflhe tkoeoon with 1 swing or touting bridge all lh purposes would be accomplished the foregoing suggestions embrace a variety of improve- uients which if effected can hardly fill of proving of vast ad vantage 10 the city it is presumed that taking the value ofthe marsh into ac count the stockholders would receive from the new entrance an ample remuneration that the propped whdrves would amply rcpy the outlay of the money dmttwhy complete them whilst the common sewers independent of till advantages derived by ho inhabi ting in iheheamhfuliic ofthe city would be so otherwise beneficial ihat they would gladly pay a sum fully equal lo the outlay james cull city of toronto april 5ih 1835 a proving mm was uot forgotten the amerh pleasure patty ljrc arc concrated from the eh impropriety or ducting in bad tost as they were l complimemin the good people of kingston wh undoubtedly duly appreci ated the spiru m which it wis ooctur barker is something d n w and it will be seen in the squin nf l mm ofihe black thick when y n m play and so they but uv home ihhr euntm that the rub cant bear the smell olrder hey 1 in the abov morceao which w traded from the tratcrtotcn eogu our yankee v attempts to be face- lious and as usual with all the scmidem willing at nur ex- pence heaven bles ihe simf wu i does he think we were born iu a wood to be scared by an owl does he poke hu fun at us and hope to escat unpuninhdf by the im mortal memory of oor great ancv he who was hanged at pontefroct by old null we hn ten minds tn annihilate the ffe and its editor and by thrj dsshea of our pen bring ruin and dismay upon ihe jackson f jefferson county ibr ever and a day it i hnwever attribute ofthe powerful to be compassionate and hishurn feeling prevents our ven geance from taking its ftilt sttf- bullet not this offender trespass once more upon our mttomoeramciit for should he be so presumptuous well bdown upon him to use one oflusown vankecisms lihe a greased thunderbolt oh et gods that meo would but lc when they arc well off niton vhio tct a very tolerable joke ai um tedious delays ctperi- enced by persons having busim l the crown lands and surveyor generals otfices wa5l in toronto a few daya ago one morning when c went to open the offices the following placard w tituck on esch door lectures 0 paiience practical lectures on patient w be delivered here every day by the honble- peter roblon his majestys commis sioner for the sale of crown uds and s llurd esi uts majestys receiver general fnruppcr canada lp our trip ro fttttfftgtf postponed peihaps sine die a multitude of small matters r themselves upon our at tention that we cannot find the necessary lime to prepare the account of what we saw andicard during tho six days ab sence from our duties let oouur readers be too diconso late perhaps ihey are spared an infliction when a mxn prates about his own sayiuffstud doings lij ten to one he is more intorestinjr ro himselftisn to other people o the british whig of this jmmtfjj orrr 0himiwiu os that it weanoi mi mleao h e u mcl mr mdnnell it was his brother mr alexander silean corn toull observer at any rate we were not wns lfl ascribing the bloodless bailie to our farfamed acquaints jeeas pius an individ ual as noted for piery as forajored whig- xt currents both red and vttte ac plentiful this sea son as to be selling in kingston 4arkcim6d per gallon fruit of all kinds promises to be plonri sr excellent ef the price of flour still ke p u yotk mar ket being from 7 to 7 j per fan eon the 14th int a calamity curred in montreal ncy and yet the jury ffave ihn follow 1000 damages they should have drsfigodhtm through a horseponl as an example to all such sordid wrvfthee 87 it ts an old saving and a tmo there is nothing like a woman for business kingston artordsjeeven proob of this adao in tho persons of as many laditfs who having lost their better halves have demonstrated lo the world now highly de serving ihcy are ofobiaining successors did the kingston rncrchanu as a body possess one tilhu ofthe apirit perseve rance or energy of tlicir widowed competitors in trade there would not bo half us many of their aom closed nor half as much occasion fur complaint ctoue of our subscriber related to us tho fol lowing occurrence yesterday afternoon about six oclock a heavy hail storm was observed to pass over hie farm iii the 7tli eoncwion ofthe western additron of the township of kingstomi arid all about two lots oit on piissiiig tlip place ibis day on jiis way to marke he wu burpried to find the ground still covered vilh ice in so grtn a quantity ihat lo ue li os- 1 vord a buahcl coulj be gathered in i the space of a ftv vruare wrd sunc of ihe hailtftunctt utter leinaining 13 llou on the eflrtlt nicaured two inches in dijniictcr milch d our iiifurmarit states nas done to i iminedijtd vicinity jlistrict lie haa noihing to do but put hit freight oq board n durhd4iiboat and it ia ufe at montreal i know a numher of respectable emigrants who proceeded to the westward and yet returned and purchased in the midland district where tbey found by jxperience that thcycould obtain good land for bajf what they were aked in more favored itamtobt therefore recommend all persona into whose harnb ml editor your paper may chance io fail to re qeci and look about them in this part of the pro vince before they waatc their substance ia travel ling farther lo ihe westward na daniel ruttan ninfftton july 20th 1835 land agent commectfal i uuinage ic crops in the mury one ofthe grave cliarle- plyinoiicli ens- lie eral novel spciei of kona diggers for the parish of hind b8 lately coinmittd tognuloil a clmree of stealing coffin phttw c from lliegroves and vaults ppears lo have carried on this plunder fur sr yeitr scvuial coffin jihitcs and handles were found mliis residence nlieii apprehended ue has been sentenced io ihee monihs impruunmenr i he prisoner hud sen his wife to sell a silver plate when she waadeiained which led to his anprehen- hoh and the distovciy of the robbery anonymous have you ever thought tfnlvfr- baid remarks on the montreal marketft atofurttl jotjr hlh istiz theftrclfn wbt4t tx bri iwbclln ftom tate wummt fxia on rhewhoff by hi on rwl idi 6o0 twl rlt rtlacd fl t3s ihpfmftln6f werr purrhard f- tij rtcwi muhmrs rr k i it uv flour 1 la etia c j tad a few 9lt were crtttjit4 em bbli u c fine prinriptt ii y choice bruds wc sold mssjciitrti hii i i300bll ftisaj mdiys thr ftrrlr tranatc twain atik w hftvc hird of is bb m 2 3d per ewi i ik cirifrtcriiie mary llltibtih broowhlibcftiipvinr price tlaqctloft ttlc on m rloidhy 47 bokrncbodlcetl1 6 do tn h mjcud htmif 7 to oloorn do i couc mtmrtce 71 ff riiwm r wine 6 ito vjiuruin do 12 cc rtarer l pip bcnecir1o witt ai pip- whlu omridr 100 hni lorktf t jithjsiud 0 7d4 7 l4j b h ft4llri eiiii 4d ftfta 4d 2s w ii u 7d lum wjis in co which the captain iucm t oiu u clergy uihti to a young man who n dtwput takitiff to eet mapiied strf vatwn myn joiiatlutn ht the thunditb phel a rauuwlerone day naked his captain wtml a w stood for after a ituns name answered with a look uf great mnsoik you darned lol v no mistake sambo tvhero does squire peter live said a traveller tu i llegro liil who sal grinning and balancing himself on a rail turn up dat street den pasdnt pond den torn to dc right den to dc left den vike off he old farm siile inarm sheds house and keep going on where you oum de field and you clult help missing arrivals at the commercial hotel july 13 lew in n llriih trorco o haooox salb mr dat j ljy ojucqo mr dvlchrr i kevd- mr marcus ji viihur hamowcti b a lrrtr1j bmmw tftoa pbtllipt mootrcai lj or x mr vvod 0cg0 u j h j u jjriyjvh amcuoiil k lierborotfjh tttb afex fcrnod in cwil- whtpiitrmminal w u whiimjr co j w ofimm mr dm- mf a iwty otfwttt i mr euaydnt itrcckvitlo i7ib j aodenoo j tfintt toronio h mnl london t room xdy wrotkl h- icalbtiouc lftdyan cbid cvui i r d itibhbcd t indtdoj n ifaimtnn mdtfi vu mr howi 1 s- itmltboik jfjiifin ccumy y j ci grartl eq 0aiml j d ii aluaiiy i9ii- wm uncofi uadcnborgb dr wood ifrocknttu 11 fhjiip inwta j jj mjcr- oubtlo 90th u cftmrron a fimilv fcmjoburrh cacccroa alun bnk mo mrsst cainitahnin cditiburh mr lub mooiroou cot v ant j u tj b a bnmnffi see t phi s in oil a huge inal ofthe lz ijetroying the dry goods more and the auction room or m x fiontago of 66 fuct one of which will face the bay ether will torm tho touth side of froiilsirect which u that tlreet u left one hundred feet wide raut becuino most valua ble each ofihese lis will be worth far mote than u will coil to nuke them especially if ihe whole be made simultaneoonly ao aa lo render unnecessary any side work lo iho respective iota and il ia suggested to ihe attention ofthe corporation that if50 such lots be made they will bo worth at leat 15s to 20s per foot at ground rent producing a rental sufficiently largo to pay the interest of iho money ncicssary io complete them and in a very few year u pay offllie principal and it is further sub mitted that il would be possible so lo legislate on ihe aubjecl thai the present proprietors may derive an important advan tage and that iho water lots which remain unsild may bo made a source of revenue lo the city t the present entrance ofthe harbor i a subject which should alao ongab the aitenlion ofthe public there is a will be m by ihe chart in the deepest pari only 14 il 6 il of water 6t from the present low stale of ihe waler ot ihe like there not o much wlilsl near iho wharf the sounding indicate only 10 feet if il enlrance could be deepened it would be ex- irwnely desirable and probably lliere would bo lesboimcouy ia doing w lhan is generally immed it will be observed ot reference to ihe chart lhal the north side of iho channel is co vered with mud and gravel whilst ihe oilier and dp oh i rocky holtvui the breakwater proposed by out bonnycasle leading from ihe peninsula lo ihe buoy would by mvreng the raoidny of he current have a tendency lo remove the kpnsit and deepen he th part oflhe channel whel her however 1 would ly narrowing the opening prevent o hirge s or fiom entering ihe by a is now fund o v lean diminish iho rapdhy of ihe under wlwlwujj uw and whether the moposed breakwater would ni by con ning ihe ice keep iheuy longerlosod and ctoeidenl lo tu leaving the bay are m consideranon nor jrjb jtetl breiikw- m of ih current ofllw water jjll mia 1 hanoel throughout the yffl it qiir that lli nciv wharf ha5 had ibis twdeocy no a skeleton ofo gignntic ni lizirtl kind known lo nuturaliid as ilu- ichthyosaurus vlutyodo has been discovered bv miss mary alining an indcfniiguwe geologist near lyme ktgi in ellglftfid in the fiis deposit from ihe size ultlie bones found il ia thought that the animalmuihnvebeen thirtyfive feetin lengthond of iiropnriioimble bulk the tttiitbli muneuin not lung ugn rejoiced greetlv id tlepos8essioii of a ifloiimrous skeleton of the hit thyosaunts- declined to be the largest overseen ou though considerable sninller ban the one above mentioned- unhappily it wus discovered afer a lime to be a client having been ingeniously con rideax canal ailhivrd- jjl19 tlwmer txnu mckay gbammrtt with ffooda ui pinr ciivkos morkv t c bioley siuatdai d au un nrtmoobj c mcktinrj tort eric july cj the liner mjcdif bowcd wdt bams inqaj aad llawkijory m tow on board the hawkuborr t dcuchcqcnt or ika royal a i lii hi i r i i i- r arv ottiximjitc tforra oo mtj tic iroocu oo pufencrs aod ljnn corui r u mc- nabv loot j uiruitoik fl3vroh30cox w warren whnby ll3ljie port colbornc i jauc mtbrou t macqujct kiafuftflt qsavtnlb akcorititdf a co ttrotw wkrrai daruf uilso j ls ti r steamer bytoicn bauu with barn clara plsber to july 20 thcklcamrr thorn jffaar cluttbcri with lott buji in low jtffa ctimbro wiili tllnrenu- pluier of 1 itris so aiming discovery is whether ii me r i ihn wmtftemd oschr wh ihb pwjwmjf ot quealion ro- not pre- qoito ccrion from ihe toronu courter tue cmomr a report wa currently circuutcj aboul town a few days ago fouodfrd on a communication received at the government office from tlic secretary ofthe kingston board of health that several ce of cholera hid occurred in that town it turns out however that there was no foundation for tbfl report the kingston chronicle of wednesday 8th july ait days subsequent to the data of the letter which gave the alarm usurea the public that the reports ar utterly with out foundation and that kingston was nover in healthier state at una season ofthe year than it u at the preaftnt remahks what motive the kingston board of health acting perhaps under the dictation of their mcijicul mcmber might lm had in forwarding io ihe suit of government tho false intelligence of the choleras having broken oul in this town is best known to themselves but that they were artuat ed by a sane or worthy motive we veiy much doubt if as we have presumed they wore led by the noscj by interested individuals they are lo be blamed chiefly for suffering their fears to get the better of thtir judgment but if they made the report knowing ittobefdle and under the expectation of ov- tainingmode to squander upon favohto whmhavo they not toanswer for totheir townsmen 7 when it is recollected that tho alarming intelligence was accompanied with an application to the government fora sum ofmoney to be plated at their dis- poeal this k oo w ledge coupled with the ict that no dieae did exist orby intelligent meo woi believed to exist surely the inference would be that the board of health wanted die mmey kni were oot scrupulous at tho means used to obtain i the solitary case of juan babtisle tecor was the only one that could by any forced tntana be tortured ink one of cholera granting that a medical man was found sufficiently wicked 01 ignorant to give u erroneous repoit of din mans complaint that should not have influenced ihe board to alarm tho country o prematurely lor al iho time of tho report being made this very patient was in a state of convalescence and had been al no period in any great vital danger he had been attacked with the common cholera moibos and being of a remaikably gross habit of body the symptoms with himweremore than usually severe but tho cae came apropox lo aerve the present purpose of the board who from iheir actions appeared to have looked no further than to the receipt of the cah and who in case uf allerclaps could shelter themtclves as it ap pears they have done under iijp idea that thy did all for iho best and if no cholera did xit the medical gentlemen should bo blamed and not they during ihe period of our public life messrs g k ducondu pinsonaul damage was done to the amount of 7 fcex feoe m am- i- a nr styled pedeology has hailed up in opposition to rvenolopy it pretends loex plain the properuitics nt humam0 from ihe cunhrmatiou ofthe foot ti liik woods ihlivj lotlie alma mater of ihis intciesiing discovery d the ladt book the july number of ihis charming companion to the female toilet rtwj it wonted apiwarancc last week but being then too mob occupied wilh phrenology hiidihedevelupmentofour own vumpii to think of anything less cxciiing we laid it down uvead upon our able since then flo havo contrived to give i a hasty perusal that has more than compensated for ino rscesiry intermission in our new cramulogical pursuits th i monthly improvement although we must confess mffltfvfcit imperceplible in eacii ofihe succeeding publications ladys book now and again wc meet wilh a number th inferior id its prcdeces ors bulasifaware of the lallinxi the editors usually con trive to more lhao compensate f ll deficiency in the ex cellenceof their next attempt he concluding number ofthe last volume that for juue we did not altogether approve of while the number now before t ihe commencement of ihe 1 1th vol isahogether as urn above par as the other was below il the pieces that havo pleased us in particular arc experiences ol richard tavloc eq- maimers ofthe court of charles ii and sliihide maggie tlie oilier articles are generally intercslmg u the original tale fjuhn turlctoti not the least effective ctthe kftckkraoceiavoftly after an intermission of several months this magazine has reappeared on our table we are alwava happy to welcorn it and give it ihe slight cri ticism ibe laite of our readers ana ihe extern of our litnus will allow this periodical iidiffer from the ladys book in birnuh ajitidvutd to 1 i lui- j m9m lure t i i i advamae jf alanine it bo of being 00- lirely original among ilio contt p no wx be found highly worthy of pen m downfall or na- lioiis 3ebao a paagcufll and a delightful tale by ihe revt flint the litcrar otices in the ksickeimoc- ktnaro very creditable tn their cp and the general clia- racier of the magazine approxirmp ltf european than every englishman will admit this periodical like ihe lad- boom to use a technical well got up may it continue to visit us i e7 wc notice again and with mmi tlial pdilftr of ll correspondent calls upon all upp canada kelormera to sub scribe to ihe tfjufcafor ofmontre- oui voire is not so po- lent aa that of our toronto eontenporaiy but we rane it in opposition to his wo call upon hti pereuns who value their reputation as honest consistent lonstitutional reformers as british subjecls domrous nf perpuialing the connexion be tween canada anil the parent itst to have nothing lo do wilh v vindicator it ii conducied it n true by men otlalenlt but they use their gifu not toenlighlebul lo mislead aud whose aim i revolunor not reform xj an able letter upon the banliog instilutiona ofthe coon- iry join ihe pen of mr markcnzw will be found in thfc num ber ofthe cvrrtspoitdmt lat puished among other de tail ihe wnter enumerates the number ol sun m tbe court of king bench bought by ach of iho three bunk ill the home district afoot during the year ie34 tho uper canada bank instituted 276 iho commercial bank 96 and the agri cultural 53 independent of comworis of judgement and other less costly proceedings e7 the provincial parliament of this province has been prorogued ontil august 8ih 13 judge shei wood and the attorney general will attend ihe assizor to be held in kingston on monday net dthamology on friday and monday evenings mr pat noil delivrred two more lecture on this interesting science to small hot select audiences he was listened to wilh ab sorbed attention from beginning to cod and on his announcing on monday evening that in cooscquentcof iho want of thai patronage he had anticipated he should make this leciuro his fast a general feeling or regret and disappointment w mam tested every tlnug iu kington goes by tahion had hall a down individuals whom wecould name condescended lo attend these lecture all the world and his wile wnujd have crowded upon their heels as n floek of sheep r the bell- weatlier bui as these gentlemen chose to withhold the light of their countenance all those who wero feaiful of lusing caste copied their example and the hooc of a highly acientihe ami unassuming gentleman became blumod wti parnell doea nut however want tho kingston mark of approbation stamped upon ins ibiehcad lo make him pacurrenl in the world his sue cessful labrs in quebec and mormeal have lung ao burodtt- ccd him to iho uciainunce of iho nilttlligenl iu every pari 01 tliix iioince end we havo eveiy confidence that in ruronto aud clmwheie where eucuuragemrnl is given lo men of edu cation ami scientific altaimuciits lhal he will be more appro priated and coiicmienlly more iwcesnill- dirty jack hm presumed iocjii iuj gentleinan an aelvtn- lunir if ihis bumg is unable to drserimmato between men of knowledge and pretender towience hoinightatlvjsi have the discretion lo hold his tongue and thereby conceul i irior- xf tho american have stranp notions of justice some few days ngo a merchant of new vork hy the mow of bar ntrd brought an action agamt a iuug lady of hudson named power since married lor breath ofiiomiawof marruigv it was proved on the trialihat be phimtili was a cold unfenhng calculating scoundrel who wotm tho lady merely for her mo structeil of wood and aa wc can kurn mitt uine a fair hit the sinmcse twins whose levees like lie president al tract nil sort of visitors me not unfrcquently the scene of much amusement among the thousand faetiotm avkvdi many ol course are veiy simple ones and as lilts twins liken joke they soimtimcs venture a sly hit hkc the following which occurred one dtty last week visitor are you pitduwed willi separate or influ enced by the same mind twins our habits uf ihinking are very similar but we undoubtedly poffses dilinrt minds visitor i was led to supposei from your striking similarity of thought taste unci inclination thutyuui minds were ideniicnl 2nd visitor vtho had been wroevhtit rude before that is d d likely they have got two bodies and if there is but uue mind one of ilie bodies must be without a mind twins bowing to the last visitor such n thing i not impossible sir in oui travels wc huve occaionolly een bodies wilhuut minds erpknt again we understand bw honor is paying a visit to our coast and w as seen roeonnoitenng our biy between this pice hsirpswell ihe day before ytserday w heiherhe is visiting our sinte fur the mere loe of travelling like other fobiomible tourists or hnscoine auiong us to spend some ofthe hot summer months fur his health or is on his way donn east io explure timber townships we are not informed lie us however wrm ilu thrxluifiireviiiiirrvby mr rhuqillof ra i ii and his lady and othei s in a n esel curnuitr irom harpswcll to this place they were within a lew rods of h m and lind a lair view of bin he canied hu head bus or eight feet out ofihe ater had the bunches upnn his bnck and exhibited the undulating motion and all the appearances that have usually been ascribed to him- mr ingruhain had before been an unbeliever in the existence ofihese monsters but now has uu doubt on the subject portand courier pout of quebeo arrivals jqjki nriftlnamuv9m mjv phmouth bark bloiia l jonfilaverpoov brig janr 1ijim newfoundland brig saruh 37lh june v e iiland 41 mlllari ui 14 rriliuia i5ih may ronerdarp scboomr nautilui tfrii jlnl- sydney 147 at schooner charles 2- i j sydney 2 mltleri bark cambian mib may livepoof bark fairfield 1 4th may liverpool isiig tlivnw 27ih jure newfoundland bug ann 18th may uordcaui bng tihahapeare lt juno liverpool july 15 brig hulla 311 july greenock brig nancy h june newfoundland bark london botfa may liverpool 5ciuerfl bark thames s6ih mat london buk victory 25th my holl 159 wttlrrr bark kmniijous 88 may greenock i09aeularf bark vim htinitixloo 30ihmay liverpool bri granger lgth mm plymouth 0 ieltlers brig eleanor 6h may whitehaven brigcarrkk 24th juno newfoundland brig slwopon lt july newfoundland brie camilla 25th june newfoondlaod bri donegal 30th may marvport 69 aottlara july 16 ship cclia 6th june liverpool birk ranger 27ih may london brk cotlinghain 26tri may dublin brig hercules 17thjune newfoundland schooner lark 24lh june halifax- rrigspecuvalirr 7ih may londoo brig transit 24uijune newfoundland ii f corsair lt june lireipoul sea the sea serpent govtr5rt hocse toronto july 13ch i63 ills excellency the lieutenant governor haa beon pleaavd to coutiilutc a board of health officer at and for the vilhue of j waterloo and vicinity and to appoint the ubdermenuontd per- ii- members thereof viz mesieur horace ycomuns william beamish j iron al- kinson albert memichaci sumuel re adolphuasparham john duuuo david purdy jun and stephen khight cca crown chancery jqffa ttth july 1835 county of huron district uf london member roiurnad 8 p jarvis curk c cliiwery to the editor of the british jlio sir for ihe iulonnattuii of emigrants i would be thankful for your giving ihu eurnimmicatiuii a phice in your journal 1 liuve travelled over anil examined tlie hinds in alt parts of both upper and bower canada and some parts ofihe uuhed states and from aitcntive observation 1 should sny that us irood land can he found in the midland district us in any part of this continent owing to the inte rested publications of the canada company the emigrant before he lauds fancies there is no laud in upper canada worth locating sate and except what can be found to the wesuuird but i can nature him that iu his way to die plnca o ilia ambition he will pass much bctttr doiu thm any he will liud on his arrival in ihe western districts of this province land usu ally averages from 85 to go per cent higher in piicr thiiti in the more eastuin scciions ol the country m yet the dulmce from a market is much greater and the price of produce materially less this va luation is quite ian iful and depttdfl altogether up uu llk exiiiuu pit am coiners home fur a valuable of about 3000 volumes oi new and econdliand unrliitb tonn prlalrd books which will be sold by auction at ilie subscribers auction room commencing on friday evening ihe 31th iim nnd to continue every friday satur day uid monday evenings uutil the whole are dis- rifoputtd of among which are many scarce and cu- rioua works consisting of an assortment uf ancient and modern publications hy distinguished writers in divinity history lives voyage travels and adventures astronomy philosophy physic surgery chymistrjr mitiury and naval agricuhun- planting and gardening t puetrynnd plnys with a large collection of choice novels and romances and other miscellaneous literature not to be met with in canada together wilhe variety of portruiis views and scarce prints some by eminent designers 1 t jxckso jhiettonett klnirstoti julv21si 1s35 judiccs engrafted in die minds ot runt the talcs tlny have been mid m iutnikv in the midland uisirict the soil w better adapt d for wheal lhan any other in upper ciinodi unj yet the lands arc neglected ic al most of a nominal value within a lew miles ftvii kingston on the borders of boughborvugll lake a hike abounding with deer lish id fowl excellent locations lift iiidustrioim wnlura my easily be pro cured and vel no one thinks ol inrniug his ntlttulioll thtthcr all crowd to the ml on lliie lake lu h iuieraects the bitlean coiml there ill probably soon be tueomboat nmning and should the intend ed canal hi kjilgsloll be cut it must become ol con- eideralilc iinnorlancv many other situations equal ly eligible couhl he pniiited ot wheat biaold in the western parts of this pro vince for only hall what it will fetch in the eastern wliyl my answer is the pur- anjenrrutge to bring it to the lake shore and then has to ciouiiter tiie dangerous uutl expensive navigation of the hike thereby run ning the risk oflomug all whereas in the eastern the emigrant asks thascr has a long itank of upper caaada public notice is herebygiven for a general meeting of the stockholders of this bank on thursday the 80th dav of august neit for ttns purpose of electing a director in the roorn or the hon alexander macdonell who hae resign ed b v order of the board thosoridout caakier bank of u canada july 8 1635 jwtioe1x hereby givejv that the wert part oflot no 13 iatheloui concession in the township of adelaide in the london dirtrict containing 100 acres will be offered for sale by public auction at the town or london on wednesday the 29ih day ot july instant at the upset price of io currency per acre upon condition of building a sawmiu within two years from the day of sale pro vided asuflicieut mill site shall- be found there- the terms of payment will be onefourth of the purchase money down and the remainder in three equal annual instalments with interest pm n instalment as it becomes due commlvivner of crotcn lands offite toronto joly louyikb s