poilioti f ilwm ar occupied uy ilio uotka of the aame m in iiwitnoohmsrtrr ifincnmidimiiiiwaviisueddowb balsonuifituiii ilio inr 1136 i klirrl imo previoua to lo formation tfwe cw pucliit lie would itava bean atrurfc with thtioultf tnbitiiiliun ofafaop umi ltaji at we puiiculiir part of tho affect an apinbocery pj raw number n aiwr- ooy a butclitr a rig merchant a llrtiwtol victualler nlio publuan and a cvokaber betptir livn liiiljf uut their tod tarried oa iliuir iwurclivo muikuion with all llmi airof fcgy iioiliiitv o peculiar lo lmijofi imilctmen and lon- doo tliuroulifaic on did pjftiiutfitto ufiliochiuferiirano to iho new doch aiouj 4 aoincwlut uimb a cjtab i illinium having tl mivo i r u or- t n uf barker sir podiecary faon c in hxim li gold kit r mcf ibe window ami a broad v pfauo fin llic door ghingdit passing atrunger inti malioo that advice liratia blight bj had within a few largo aliott bottle h led willi colored html graced a alieir in the window while a dark gnmil curtain elevated lu ulwvo tlie tufal height f nwlf imiidully ejtdutlot frufll the m ofilie curiou nr imp mituriil tin mysteriuu usnawttqqt of ho inie- rtor need wc inctiiiuii whoo iui was ihtl it wasin tlii humble ibodt that many year ol the writer jifo were paarei ah happy days how little were yc prized 1 when the puiftl uf pcrsunul ambition soirrj no higher ijau lo the uiird row in uio pit of dury ljhu ulicn bnilium ttmg or keen playil when a suotuy excursion to the dsirtjiiuuili arm rich mond hill giftty itoual norwood iho beulah spa bad then noejiteiiioor omc outer rural 66t in tha rret iiys lungs ivuconajevftd full comueimiiuu fur ho mil and labor uf many a week when a hired htu k to rppin foreft on eaater monday or part ofa hudnu and pair to epub race were manors 1w serrou debate lull a mouth before they armed when licrary vanity wu uc thin gratified by tatwlng one a year a rtfarl 01 rhttrailn nf oitu own com- position in the annual puj kct book and hv shewing toajf irfiind the copy elegantly bound awt by tlio publish ar when sollieient of tliu needful wi- tl durin the ywrfokcpthe wollaud ihc tax pthtrer fruuj tliedoor and j jwhoo the atiiieipated possesion of a lu xte and gvj was looked n as the unuuuin bonuui of human ivii itv ah t tranquil tt how wtic yc dioirdd whcio u now the of your cxilonte where u now yow uoscfor1 the rucr actually mvtislvltcd op in lite dcirc to cxleod the lni- ktiei of navigation into lic lieartaif u city and llj latter dri- tea ft n t i r t iim nftycion and hit i fctling m indite bmttigfs editorials tou ftuty liuuilos ihj tw on amculiurt la bifihly crodiublo w canada vvo ro oommaod the purebwe of tha utter hook loavery farmer who con raue tblta to buy it aaunig him lhat tho gullav of iitmouey will ho ratuinod lo him yiajy 0110 hunl- ju raet no canadian at mcr abould ho without it for ileon- uiinacompnduinitifollujatik wiiiton rautiva lo the bei way offornaitt in the horniu purta of america tfa i famin ia bo eitalnyi in irclund in iba ooimty nthftto ao nnt it ihe neitfeity of fiod that vcaacla have b n loadod at woxforj and now ro by clwitublo pcr aourf with pottfcm for uio uliei trthoeonaujbleam atlondanco upon the court duiirx the imamdtm tuircacded in u fifatalttfinut t- ejiuio reniunvn- tion for their fortnight a labor they uetibwigd the judtfual the cluing or tfai court who ivaa pled lo rccomirtvud thir uvtmoo 1n tho aiicmimi ufihe diatriet alagiralea at the ad journed quvaur sotriooii un i fbllewiiui monday huld hi llie court llouke aiugloii the itiulicr m1ko pctilituniud re commcndatiuii of the jurigo wrro ttikun into eoiuidcpation mid tho eontiablea who othrthm tho aaaeftal wtre allvwvd five aliillinga per diem lur each dayi actual uttendjnee o0nr renders will find in ami tracu relative o the ier place roino lengthy ex- aiu wifliant ci4ibafl it haj hcuu h much uiu liuhion br political wtkari if nil punicntounderrjto thu talented iodividuid that one half of hiipltudid merit av a mw oi u writer woa ncvir thoroughly known or ippneja led by the world in cnerah we feel m bauimluti in nyiuj that wtlh the solitary caecption of the author octhe leueiot jtiniua england never poeacd ao forcible or plain a wri ter ia willbm cobbelt hi atvfe m i 5 pitucglar wtj bewrjr aimpllctry d power peionitird what man over reed its cottage eouunmy m nouponiieal hfirkd r peioui wiihugt bem atruck wuii the truth of the above remark atttho colonial secretary has iuirriated to the f aeut go vernor of new hicwi that a remission of heduiievat pie soul levied in lim province upon the importation of wfaoal floor c will uke place on the 1st jan tf3g w york commercial evident know noth tpalaiion ijut vc an giowinj wrwtinii mal undwutimcut hx ujbl to do with nur lale ihuuh it ii all ahuut lure next rto lit rcpulory for gilcnfctl dwelt the pawnbroker was a middle agcj man who although prunakjnt mul be jew in hu dipotioo hail but hut ufhim in his ap aearance of uij1ulhi ibrwdakm to mike money without ktnn ujc law get imld of hin oud of piaunbiliiy enough ti tiltc uml ubaerver eooaijur hiui a jjoml tntan lie was a rit a villain ter went unhinged tie waa moreover one your hypocritical viibmidiciealed ail the week and prayed jj tu fofsieo him uu the suhbtth while the cry of liuectf and dufiauded eamiu was yit ringing io hft would ihii ki parade hi llmy to the paiiah church tro would hi voice lie loudtliu ihe nptnt m v did filii huobicrvanccofthe ihureh dutie- and seldom if tr was he rioiod to be abtnt from f ireuomi jirayura iu m- lent he tiftttfl man ol huine and fuhbcdoffaa he went cg m ffii abopwu pffjoui and well fillcl and pcraon ware of the aceuci ufwmdiadihm hourly to be wiiueuad the reccsc oca pawubrvikera den outlhj gather aught but t n h fftts r crpial walchtmitid jewelry czittwl ltrilintlte n1 window id tbi laul whvrc kmillcia1ton have no thebjuhjetuuy hfl uow wo iull dwell a trifle upon rkin vrhojiluwjkra lujoii kimnlrfvkrr wc mnultifaiiouand tuiireviiaujecf tlal we lae no ptrtcii paco iv nlmi initio tiian one our itttlio about tho sports uf the luif in a kite nomur it pietemk to turninh an eilraordinary pcrfimance of a boro iji him bcun rioad aomc ycara hut iu lieu give the trotting ofan uo- nancd maio uu sudbury comnion t dan impudent robbeiy at ellerhtcka tavern nnw kepi by mr wok waddinirton on the batji rd wav committed by three soldier on wednesday lat during a niumentary alwence from the bar by mr wuddingtan the joldier purloin ed a dollar ikrtc and ome silver from the till- it waa mime diately mkad tlie aoldiera ieandied und tin silver liken from the peraouofoneof tliem they were suffered tu depart and on going away they stopped under aortic lro and out was ob served to take tho dollar note out of his inuuih and place it up on tho jrass to dry the uwrjur immediately ran up lo the 3po and secured his property u7at montreal on the 14lh rust 103 htu superfine hum of august brnd changed hand at ji nor ttairo and a small lut of middling atsgs yj per uuul tta young man whose name for paruvubir reasons wc shall not give uavingrwd our description of a kingston gen tleman iu wednesdays wh was fired with ihe wtlhhivfl of figuring away like the best of his belter accordingly he forthwith cravrd an iutrodui lion to a noted nihl broiler aud yrstcrday etenikg was spent by them both securden aitrtn it t a pity tiiese ciuuce rpirits have do belter wa of spending their time titan in disturbing the repose uf ihoir neighbors icp a destructive fire occurred in new vrk ou the 12th msl in which awhul block of houses compiwd wnhm ann nassau willitiin and beekman street vftu omimuqwd in the rainca twelve newspaper printing ollices were deatniytaj including that ofihe old countryman now yorker catholic diary is y mirror and others less noted vi fdiimts uf this tlie trivk nf a roriej accordi in our ittullej cr ate pn bamy awaur lliat when rcpniy is pledged ketiatgiouhy lliebnikcr which prieuud 0 rcdemplio liekel- iiic tr iufer aid eoiiiiipkully saleable nbroker u in iioul- hitfthe valuj of ihe goods pawned in ctc f pale nrkutph the ticket otiht to poch a in accordance to ilio lim uuiked i il hence the em of fraud ahoul to bo de1ifcd anj whic h our pawnorc- lur o iucctmdulh i- ttiiieieal upon his books ite a number ol he llllifkrd at all ft 1 i and nick lhat dinieii and others needed ivc double what thry were worth aud ienijtiycd a pared uf crimps dressed like distressed sail- diinso tifilic rpunou licutaniuitg hi mtendod dujhis ikiiin ihoctudrnwa reward iir their villiany lo icuiiu rihtir own ats wliiifcvcr tiny euud ublaiu fur the ticket so au iiisuucc uftttal species of iratij imici crossed out and was rcarinvidiin u in mn lion fur defamation of icter a pcainan uudr tuiiuicni had purchased from i of tie crimp tin- rii cfa watii pledged fur 5 fof i i u vhicli tcmih when redeemed found nut lo lie wrih xx knowing the man who- lliim ihe lllkct we neil some tntvrecsiouto obtiui a re un ofihe poor fellow rf iimin v but wilnut arail cjci iaugty wo mprtftvwl to the crimp the opinion we cntow both of iim and ht employer an opinion that was care 1 repeated lu the pawnbroker und by htm to hie brother r uioajrny nhian sgmcfin ur tale anal wha t direct ippile the revolt in y be anticipated kor- alv fur our i t r tho nmlow wo spoke to waj an ltali and tho conversation took place in that language tho a co isid lo surcharge vraj haling applied tha words m racelerao wtehcd otawfcmil otlie pawnbroker how i whether tlie lawyer did not uiidttand italian or who- be was afraid the jury would c ricmand it too well for u w e know nut btit wu hejid but ltc about the mat- tuu wa however moie than our friend ihe pawnbroker say for our gd lui iu aflixing lnng appellations oppunenti sowecyfully slicwii in the easo of dirty aod olhtr then befriended u aud thi grinder of tlio of the poor wan ever kuotfll while he staid in the neigh 4 thr nickname vf i seelerato and doubt a still njoys the appdlalio lhat i to say if he haa so tseaped the elutchos ofhis ulj fiicnd the devth notice nf his relative the attorney be brief- ho a petty c i a chap who gained a livelihood by encou- onc neighbor lo rob and plunder anolsu r this he did ihe color and sanction of tin law and though he never coliwi4ftk dignity of being presented for perjury yci more then suspected uf slaving been guiliy of auborna the saroc c iurf he was a fallow whu would do any for money and was withal vastly industrious no ei then he had plenty of buvnicjs it ha often been re ad and with surprise lhat attorney willi bad character rally oiore succalhl in buiinc than others whh hej reputations this i easily accounted fur when torecollrct that a man wihingto bring an unjust uc fid ajusl uit or hmttwtf or arrest his neighbor scl recourse to tlie assilatue ofar uprigh lawyer it is ra of character like hi own that he hios for help and icucs usually go lo law ihan honest men hence th afiue too general remark that attorneys with bad are genvrally aieceisall buine ruatier should we be in a very good humor next we awlcoddoue ftujpcrlwpj conclude this rale otherwise hcartrnding bvawt the must dislr treeing accident we almost ever heard of is tfiuted to vie pecurred near culborne on saturday under the following circumstances henry tanner a young englishman residing ui a farm in that neighbourhood with ins mother gv only arrived jrotk tuttgluntt to jain ftiutj going into tlirliouac from his labour fauild the children puying with pitir of percussion jitols jluvin u cap in his pocket he thought to amuse them by snapping ic off when a friend cautioned him not lo point the pistol towards the children leal by pos- hibiliiy it might be loaded on this he hinted bin hand behind him not thinking of hh motatr ocfag seated in that direction and putted the triggtn tlu apitut was ladcd and tlie halt passed dtvtty through her chest the poor woman wc arc lod stood ui for a moment on receiving the uound exclaiming oh henry i wli livf y f foil dcd at tilal feec the poor fellow himself as nmy be expected has been in a state of frenzy eicr since and it is thought will never refuser hi sen ses again an inquest was held on the body on monday verdict accordingly cobourg star ghand ccickatt map if bettfefis thc ifklph anu toronto amateur clubs this match which occasioned great excitement amongst the iricnda of both parties came off on saturday last at hamil ton the place mutually agreed on between tlie res pective clubs the day waa beautiful in the ex treme and the concourse of spectator very great we bhall give the full particulars of this interesting game in our next merely observing that the tu roito side in their 1st innings had 73 ruus2d do 37 making together 110 the uuelph ltf innings 1u8 2nd do 4 making together 112 rui having 10 wickets to go- down we hope this line and manly game will be generally encouraged in the province pacts and scraps wore coptured aud executed in a moat mimnurr manner at the hateuf laatadvicer ahfiouffh con itough con- al on the ltury urn pruritic of apiculture adapted caficcitoi and ecunvwj fdn anunutund vegetabupro dffrioluur in cunuiln a cvitdtt history of ag qtaj a zi tr f t pr nt sftfj he smi of tac piin- raimir eat of the curtt rrwrf tuihruturl in tiit british ajniia crsjwafii ttj ivdliam ra surttartf tu the agricultural smtetu monuwt 18o iuir cv ocfura- 297 bovc is ihc hlldpugo of a very nual anj really useful 1 uuly issued from ihc mimlmil ires omqc tu thu i oriliciitlicir wu imlilalso add lonwty thr ftv ow ja itr thtiik uf pay ins thvir ijvrtii owj uawlciua of uucikc lu witj wu luvu been favorud py from which wc iutoml li uiauu oecimal as- the btthat of jur ariiuuur4l ficudv mr evans w j triuer m liwd 17 ywrn in cflnadfti fd w wtf by iuiuic jud mlih i i pin t thora thu benefit riencc the ihlblmttluu of iwo iiicli work jo ori i u kwlcsrwviucbl juuce mjevoitrifr we regret to learn that jedcdiah jackson esq of brantford was uulbrtunately killed near that town by the falling of a tree on thunday lasi i mr jackson had for a long time tilled the office of secretary lo the uiand kivor navigation compa ny and his loss will be deeply recruited by all those who knew him ri on thursday morning about four oclock eight ewes and live lambs uf the real leicester breed tuo calves and six geese belonging to mr alexander benniug st pierre were worried oil bis property by two dogs from tlie effects of vihich only one sheep has survived mr u lud refund nine gui neas a head for the sheep which are of u rare and very valuable breed and the lambs were sold to dif ferent individuals at ten dollars each to he deliver ed to the parties during the fitt week in septem ber the dogs were traced to the house of l s morin a cooper who has we understand agreed to pay the amount ofihe damage montreal herald the quarrel between the abolitionists and the slaveholding states in the union is rapidly ap proaching a crisis but a little more excitement ap pears to be necessary to cause it to burst with un controllable fury for some tune past the aholi tionbts have been busy circulating all diicciion their tracts advocaiine the summary destruction of slavery and as may be supposed this is booked upon byihe slave owners as an impertinent aud un called for interference with their property to wards the end of last mouth the mail from new york to chaileston was filled with little else but these pamphlets and this becoming known to some of the citiztns they deliberately broke open the post ofltve ceized the bags continuing he obnoxious publications made a public bonfire w thnn and at the same lime in the view of three thousand per sons hung in effigy arthur tappan lr cox and w l garrison to ho even suspected ol re ceiving an abolition tract is enougb 10 i charleston tan before the public atilfi m disclaimer of the imputation tliuaj tho bishop in strong terms for himself bis cleigy ami the students under their charge denies that en her he or they had received any such papers and that he does not know a single person belonging to hi persuasion who has not fully deteruiued to uschts best efforts to prevent the mischief a mm iii him lie which the circulation of then is calculated to produce t an insurrection was to have broken out among the blave population of miwiwtppb w ultimo but one of their nuuiser haangpeaclteu todays previously aavc steps were takenior seizing the ringleaders a great number of them biderable excitement still prevailed yci cre eiiieriained of the slaves atteurptirg to carry tlieir plans into execution montreal gazette some excitement lately existed at boston in con- slrjuciice of u rumor whidi obtained paniul circu lation to the cllect tlkit the yellow fever had made its appearance in that rjity this was however pni down iii the most saiisfstory manner the day af ter it obtained publicity the city from all ac counts was never in a more healthy state thuu it is at prtwiit the sudden deaths of messrs tiod- daid uitchie and sargent all merchants in ex- eenshe buines hud contributed to the alarm hut we learn rom the huston advertiser that two of ihemdied of apoplexy and one of fever ciiuikiu- ituffaln wcare happy lo say is com pletrly ace uf ihu awful maludy notwithstanding ihe iihiiui creuted in that city a few days ngn by a few cah bring reported as haviirg proved latul u e have made it our bumtiesa to exaniiue cfaetty into the circumstances and we feel much pleasure ill stating that buffalo was never freer from ddse nl any and every kind than that rising and bcattiilul city was on monday last toronto recorder a person from the western part of this itatc went to upper canada ammdjiig to some spentution hut did not return hisfiiends made enquirv and advertised but he as not found it was said thai he had a oid mitch a man- of genteel appear ance was found long since in rhe marsh near the ion caatol toronto nnd apparently murdcted he had s gold watch the poesflor of which is be- lieed to bekuowil the friends bo advcitised lur their rehnive can iid the nijpjer of his ffld wiich by letfr pot paid to w l macfcenjc bsquire toronto without delay t or before this no tice reaches the upper canada papers some clue may he found by which to trace lite manner of the sfrungcrs death rocfusitr republican i he most impudent find barefaced robbery which we have for sometime heard of was committed on the premises uf mr n a jaonette near the ferry on wednesday last about 10 oclock a- m mi mclean ferryman observed a man makiijg oil with one ol his canoes and after having repeatedly baited him to no purpose he and one of his men jumped into a boat and captured the fellow when about half way across the river on mr mcvms bpnroaoitj the fellow threw i to the river four potk it houks one of which betuming unclasped tb- con tents floated on ihe water mr mclean succeeded in picking up one of the pocketbooks and a mte of hand for 47 10s which were floating but the re muftiing books and papers were lovt the fellow made a rjespenite resistance and from hrs awkward ness in matiiigitig the canoe was precipitated three llllloalllmj llc rim ulfd rfv f ot v rf on his being secured mv mcxeartread some of the papers and sent for mr jauoette when it ym tliscovered thst he had broken inio mr jannett at 10 oclock in the tnorningt by forcing oprj tin door and what is very remarkable he was not seen in the nci of do thotnrh the house is situated on a wry fveijueilted part uf the rourl opposite mi mc- pocket book couiaineu 13 iu cash and notes ol hand to the amount of 300 he say his name is juhu hopkins but it is stated by other to be john wired he has been committed to die disuict caul tsandwich emigrant a man was committed to gaol on wednesday last for a mot disgusting outrage coninrtted at the ferry the particulars of which we camot with de cency lay before our readers bur for wiich we irope the fellow will receive ample and well ujeritedpun- uhmcij ib -r- tot ivjntrx pertiapsit may not be amiss to remember the trinrer ill my discourse he is in a very disagreeable situation he trusts every body he knows not whom his money is srattered eve ry where he hurdly knows where to gon look for it his paper his ink his press his typts his jnur- neytnens labor his living c must bt punctually paid for or he must be ruined for evet yon mi j w mi d and mr u and a hun dred others thai i could name have taken this pa per and your wive and your children and your neighbour have wen amused and mfamed audi hope improved by it if you miss one paper you think very hard of the printer or the post for it you hud lather go without your best meal than to be deprived of youi newspaper have you ever com plietl with the terms of your subscription have you taken as much pains to furnish the prtntcr with his money as he has to furntshyou widvlfee paper have you contributed your mue to npeplhim for iuk iris papef ki wpa am ffttti aandiwork and head work if you have go pay faidb oft and sin no more steasidoat unitko static on the last long trip of the steamboat united sf l were be tween eighty and one hundrd cabin passengers from the head of tho lak npa of whom came through to this plnce jhey w so highly pleased with the boat and tho officers ttnmauding it that they held a meeting on boaivl and passed the following resolutions which were signed by every gentleman present nothing wuld be more flatter fmj to the captain and crew of the boat and the pro prietory than this spontaneous expression coming is it did from gentlemen from different parts of the country capt- van cleve of whose qualifications we havo before spoken is one of the most gentle manly commanders we have ever seen and is equal ly respected by passengers and crew the boat is managed w ith a degree of quietness without a paral id on our waters during a hole voyaee iucom- jttg to and letting a harbor you ecc nothing of that bustle that takes place on some of our boat which to stranger is so annoying the boat is not only fortunate in having a good cortrminder hut is equal ly so in relation to other officer the mate aud clerk and all others employed arc persons whose address ensure lo them the respect of all who come in contact with thetrv at 0 meeting of the passengers of the steamboat rox the umn wma mk eonos allow mo to propuurwi a few qufta- uoiii to yoo ami nlxo hiwituli yuur sritlah whit to vt ojf- rfrtuuiiuudt karornwr 7 and firtothelur a you whi according to what iauud3modhy tho term m ix canada or hi crauf britain winn ia laq difturcncu bctwesu uwpiinciplas i poiuiclrjad wlrgain tiilaod aod in canadat and what ta th ofrjic jtlfcraiico in either place bstwaan lhat urtha whig and that wi titcum im roiga and which ifmiy idiikil thu lufurmeia hd kadiculi and una ur whadicruwy lories fa lorru it uurui cjrf sorumlly tu anotlrar rcfurmor what ihinaa do you mksive in ur country thai rouir rfnrrning aud whar msa- surca wuuld vuu recommend to bo adopted to bring it abouh iliirilly tuuillivr whether ther if any virtuo ru iba rnuic imiim ul any tliiriic any fuitlier than to ditinuili ous thing iruiu iunuihr 1 idwire nulmcraly ght rsplia but pbin eaphvitaiitl wiho soswota biought dnwu to tho capacity and uiujtrstsadiriaj ofu plain aiinu farrutr ai lhero vouittthn dtkiiujiugun tho jniruoiiof yur uiutwara to lb above vvurujily attonttuu will very much oblige youricvc- a canadian kaiuiku fjjy or qirutis i7ih august leli eorroha nort this luitir arriuj to bin ilui are unubjotu smwsl ihaquerica prupoundcl uii day but ahaltdo io ai lun on fridrty ut tueadiry our e mospondeul 4i liter kclormer will do hb any although it would luivo bosn moic manly on uiepjrl ofa farmer to hav avow sj his identity whh that of canadian rfurriier and met 4 another itcfmner on fair brltlc grouutl path mih au lrj35 dtaft sin i parcoivu you have tirllcri into- lotuo errora in publiahiru what laaid upon ithrji the ism trisl otjklr losvph noiimmi lor forgery which if nut corroctej iuiv cuutu aoniu surprise imhu mitub of p4runa soquaioisd with the locahn- of tho ptaes tu which tbcie errors rater t tliercforu he- lu uouble you to correct l hem m your nexl yuuiuttktf incaoy thai f keller of trncstown and f- ksllsr of krdridihurh fit c ahuul x nnlca from one aiio- ihtjr isjid ihey livmaboot two mile apart ami both about six miloa fhwl fatbfltfaiu thai l priaunuca aliop war ba- iween ibcuj j vaid r roller uf ernattnwu jived about half way bhwevn t- keller of frcdaritkbuigl ajid tuo pruoocrs khup 1 hu u ihu honor lo ho sir yuur rawmi fully dr e 4 barker b perry aftuivaus ai tiik comalukcial hotel au 10 chiw cbrkc cobourg mr john pahnor nw york m- mii i i nil mr ueid uullcville 14 mr roblftmti ubwa up carter munucal 1j mr iimvm lailv and two ehiidreii sandwich mr juhn a jmedonh halhvell mr oofast dm lo cbsa wiulcbargcr umi- i- mr armour do johu armour junr do william warren paaitmlvit irj mr furtye peteihoru mr wflt kin and isrjy currying piscs mrtkicoo ogdcnaburg fu koguis euljnd dr wtuone scutlaitd mr badlcy montreal mr kerr do post of qux3bz30 asrival8 aug 10 park iiutkismm 29th juno waurford uaettkrs aug li biirk jarnei gram 24ih june liverpool 84 do- au 14th juno amsterdam 12 brig john barrv 29th june brii rfnd li vi jj i cur muy ct jopl sriijuty aug 13 1nc lainlie july limerick au- 14 bri congrei i9tfi jmm marvnftrt 33fitller au 15 ship rodger stowri 23d j ly new yuik wvkket pricl6 kivoara tuesday august lca 1635 beef hv the cut i b iibl wtl ut mutton by tli sjicep per lb rjo at tlir stall per lb vtijk ficih pork per looibi freah buitt por lb tub do da ei per doz american flour per brl canada do do do do nerewt wheat nerbuhcl rys do du corn do- i5ttrhr do do oats dc do poutoe do do ttav per un straw per bundle frrt wood per cord soap fowjv coipl iork jn0 bb do prunu nie5 do piimf 27 g r li rj u 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 g 0 0 0 g 0 0 27 g 15 0 t 4 c 2 c 2 0 1 9 40 0 i i l 7 0 a i t ifi i 75 u a g 0 a d 30 0 ur 0 0 0 5 04 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 9 6 16 g 5 0 0 0 2 g 2 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 jdftrj in thin town on ac iglti iaai j v batkr sundi cq storekeeper of ihr onlinmcc iii may t lu rmlnn r cfii- 1 1 i f n r i irvl mi j chiiilierlaitic dfs hjv4 fatjav rf mr sibky forurr oriraatofa at am oa wclneiiny i7ih junclt ui u i i j uaiivh i t li t i i r j l- i s i i audcatcatduutt- lrrwrtr- ajauimki kiamun sale of indian lands on the flwnif w the fohowinij lots remaining unsold dr which have been forfeited at former sales will be sold by public auction by mr win matthews at the town of brjia tfqrd on tuesday the 25lh toy of august 135 upset prices town lois in brmitford pnnt lots wiill a river frontage the like nut having such do towu low in cayuga village- farrvi lots in cayuga and dunn per acre jc15 0 0 1 5 u x 0 0 10 0 0 0 15 1 soutbr1ordo26 27 28 30 31 zz 33 3 38 37 40 41 44- 45 47 49 go 51 ia the ftnf codcm- ton nartli do of do 22 23 24 35 36 2 23 29 30 iit the second concession south do of do 15 16 17 18 19 25 26 37 28 20 30 31 in- ihe second concessjon v ndfihdoflfdo 15 16 17 18 19 26 36 27 28 29 30 in ihe llilfil imliumhm r south do of do- 25 26 272820 3 wife third concexsioii t s h the broken lot no 23 fhtwm io th foutih concession schedule of hots for sate in the touwstip f brad ford on the west side of the grand limtr arnold burrowes enquire pdsmkibfl canaain- ing part of lota no i3 h 15 in the aecond eoiicetoion andart df hou no 13 i 15 17 18 in the third conrteaiort copjitibiog 658 acres- jarnca charles wylda poaesion being part of lois no 12 and f3 in the ftrtt concewioo confining 200 610 acre zf chary bailya poeaession behrg part of lota no is and 16 in the limr cdhcessidn part of lots nn 11 12 13 14 15 16 in iik- tlxond con- cession containing 22j acre james nimrnrys poeasion bcin port of lot ii 12 13 14 16 16 in the ncoiitl cooteasioo- containing 212i ucres francis gorrlons poesstpn betog prt of lota 11 12 13 1415 1 ui the aecoad caricesdiou containing 2421 acrea f e g bniterahya possession beioy pai jf iota 14 15 1g in thenr0tconcesiou uiiiltd slalrs on arriving at ogdcnaburg on soutli 3 illlllglljill 6il of august 1835 it 3s kesolvcd uuauimoi sly thai our thanks bo ten dered tu ciu james van cleve of the steamboat untied states for hi tftxl attcniions to us on our paisugc dovin the lake resolved ulso that we have never been in a more commodious quiet orderly and clean boat ilui the meals served were truly excellent both in materials and cookery and that the uniform atten tion of the servants and persons attached to the boat deserves and has our wannest uidiiks and that we recommend the steamboat united states to the ira- ieliti public uesulved that these resolutions be published in the ogdensbufg paper and diot the papers at kingston hrockvilte pmsfom sacketts harbor oswego kihlieatcr tontu niagara lewnton and buffalo be requested to copy them ogtttns- bui litfttblicoh texa this province now on the eve ofn rup ture with iht general iovernnilni comeina a pop ulation of 50010 inhabitant chiefly americans tliey hae deteriuined o rcsisk the despotism ot sauttt anna and it is i he bopted that their resist ance will be ioiductcd with sufficient energy to de serve success lotsn do schedule of lfvr sale in ihe town of cayuga 16 20 3 on ouae sueel 2 3 14 17 19 20 we side cavhgtfst 12 3 4 5 eas side of cayurant 1 2 3 4 6 7 0 north side mckay 12 3 4 souihside of mckay street 12 3 4 north side ifmiit sireer do do do do do da do do do do do do do bt 1 2 3 4 5 6 south side brant street 12 3 4 5 6 7 north idetusearornt 7 s 9 10 11 12 south side of talbot road south 2 3 5 678 north ride talbot xaad 1234 south side of kerraireerv 3 4 north side of kerr atru t 2 3 4 south side of mohiuik um 2 3 4 north side of mohawk street 1 23 4 south side of norton street schedule of farm lou for utift a ik and no 2 7 3 40 50 in the firai codc8ih1 north ocnlbot road sooth lots nos 12345689 10 3633 39 1 44 45 46 4 48 51 ia the fine tconcesaion tthithof talbot road south irf lots 2 3 4 5 in the second concedxoo outhaf talbot road the rittfh prt efnci 4 5 9 lo 11 1213 h 15 16 13 iu ihe ihicd concescrion ooutb of talbot rwl south du of 4 y 10 la 1g lb in the third couccd- tioq touih of talbot road the island on lota 5 6 7 tla north parts of nos 8 9 10 13 14 15 ic 17 w hi tfie fourth coa- cwioti ttouthoftulhot koad south part of nos 8 9 10 ii 17 18 19 in fourth concessioo eouth of talbdt road noah purtaof 7 8 9 10 11 h ifi 17 18 1920 in the iifih concession bouth of tlb raau ak r ftoa io 11 12 13 14 15 1g 17 is 1 20 road lots 23 24 road in t finiiconccasiououat of talbot in the aixth cpuceasion south of talbot schedule of farm hotsfot sale in ti township of ihvm lots nos 10 ii 12 13 h 1510 1718 19 20 in the fourth concession south of be dunvillejlc dover iioad m m the itjlmirf on hob i 2 3 4 irt tbe third conces sion north of the road lots i 2 3 4 5 6 in the 3d con north ofihe rtd lots 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 3 aod the north part of no 9- in the second concession north of the road the nmth parts of lota no 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 u md a tmallparcel of thenorth pattof no 12 in the first concessionnorth ofihe road lotaixos 7 89 10 11 i2in uie second cohbe- sion south of the road lota nos 9 10 fr 12 in the uurdmioessidai of the rott schdah of lots for salt in the town of brantford lois nos 51 52 53 56 57 5s 59 60 61 62 63 61 65 on rle stauth idc of colborncstrect loh nrw 33 39 il 42 44 45 g 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 51 56 56 59 59 60 61 63 north sije of colbornesireot lois nofr 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ig 17 js north stdr of northtimberlandmreer lots no 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 23 20 30 37 33 39 4 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 43 49 50 51 52 53 4 55 56 57 5s 59 south side of dal- honsiestiect lots nos 20 21 22 23 21 23 north side of dal- holticirect lots no 1 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24 side of parlinstrecl lot nos 6 11 12 13 north side of darlingst lots nos u 12 13 south mhe of welltdgtoihtt lots no 13 14 15 16 17 18 n aide of wei- lingtoiistreet lots nos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 ig 16 17 south side of nelaonstreel loi nos i234507s9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 north side of nelsonsirccl lor no i 23 ug739 10 11 12 13 h 15 16 17 is 19 20 south side of ihathamsircet lot no 12 3456789 12 13 u 15 16 17 18 19 n side of ham-stfcci- lot5 nos 1 2 12 13 m 15 16 street 10 11 chath- 34 56789 10 11 17 is south bide of shcridit schedule of farm lot far sale in the townshi of brafdford on the east side of the grand river the got lota nos 1 3 4 11 12 13 14 17 is road or dundaa north bide of the gov niora si reel north part of lot j no 26 27 23 31 32 33 31 35 36 37 u 11 16 17 48 in the fiiai concession conditions of sale j the highest tedder to be the purchaser and iu case a dispute hliau arise respecting any bidding the lot shall be immediately again put up and resold no bitldcr shall be permittee to retract or to asdfgn hisor her bidding ta another 2 the ptlrcliuse money to be paid to the com missioner of crown lands at hie office in the cuyo toronto 4y the following instalments viz one quarter at or before the expiration of one week from the day of sale and the remainder thereof by thru ii im instalments with interest at tbe rate of fx per centuni per annum from the day of sle aqd otf transfer of any urchase will be permitted jmtil ibt full amount of purchase money aud interest shalj b discharged m g 3- this purchasers to reside on the lota purcfaa sed wiiiiiri aix calendar months from the day of ale and the bona fide and sufficiency of such rest dence hall be ahrwn tnthfr f fi tw nmi tees of the six nations indians for the time be- ing before the patent from the crown shall be i sued to the purchasers ii 4 in casee wlere lands shall he purchaser a which there are improvements as well rltrmade by indians as by others the purclimw shall pay for the same upon their value ascertained in cas the parties difter by arbitrators one to be nomina ted by every party iofreijted if they shall disa gree by an npire to be appointed by such arbitrsr tors or a majority of them before they shall proceed toascertatu the value of such improvements whofe decision shall be final and conclusive rthe amount thereof to be paid by 0k purchaser to the party or parties declared tobe entitled to the same by the award to be made in writing of such arbitratotac their umpire at or before the expiration uf of on week from the day of sale the parties in possession such lands with inv- provemtriks thereon ahall by sitrifymff thtit ttesiiay either personally or by an agent appointed by iflbh ting to the auooneetwhen theeatnearc putucs beforethe biddiug commences but nottrthetwi he entitled to the right of preemption of such lands as against any other person not making an increased bidding i the same and lastly if any purchaser shall gait to comply with all oraoy of the foregoing conditions the por- chase uioney shall be forfeited and the sale void s the i nide be liable to be resold atauch prices and in such manner as thetrustees of the six natiw indians for the time being shall detm tuoet expe dient by order of the trustees of the six nations in dians wm hepburn acting trustss city of toronto august8 1835