British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), August 18, 1835, p. 4

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iaiu ontario atutasgenbxts for 18k- the steam boats orj3at britain united states in ood from 1st june to istscplcmbcr the two boats wil neiioo perform ihrco tripe in each wock mailing from isiaga- raandftom ogdecsburh and preston mf oul uiy cludinr sundays follow the cheat britain cu j wntryey golsc of leave pracoa tuesday evening brockvillc kingston wednwdsy 11 oclock oswego 6 evening t toronto thursday al noon and arrive at isiagara thursday p m com t no dow j leaves niagara thursday 10 in the evening and arrives at oiwego friday afternoon cotftg tr leaves oswego friday 6 in the evening toronto saturday 12 noon and arrives at rnogarain the afternoon eomtno dowh leaves niagaia sunday 4 p m- owego monday 7 in the morning kincoo monday 2 p m brockville lhe same evening evening and arrives at prcscott the united states cp j va2 clf com 1 kg dowk leavei lewwton tuesday evening rochester wednesday morning oswego m evening sacltets harbor 12 at night kingston thursday morning and arrives at ogdcns- burgh thursday p m mih up leave ogdensburh thursday evening kingston friday morning sackels harbor friday noon andarrivesal oswego same afternoon coming nown leave osrego friday at 6 p m backets harbor friday 11 p m kingston saturday 7 a m and arrives at ogdens burgh saturday afternoon coikc up leaves ogdensburgh 8 saturday evening kingston saturday morning sackct hi iiot sunday noon ovego sunday eventn toronto monday afgdbyftj wm ingjiton mtit tuesday morning and after the first of september the respective boats will resume their trips aa first before ad vei tied cooiorfssk nr ofcniwn lands oflke torunio avgum frti 135 notice is ubre1iy given that a portion of the to n plot recently sur veyed at the mouth of the river credit on the in dian reserve in the township of toronto ik tilt home district him port cre dm t being water lots l 2 3 4 5 front street 4 5 6 7 9 10 ii and 12 w ndo toronto street 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 ii and 12 is bide toronto street 3 4 5 6 7 b 9 10 ii and 12- w side street 3 4 5 6 7 a e port street 1 2 3 d w side street- win be offered for sale at the court house in the city of toronto en friday the 28th instant at the upset price of 10 currency each one quarter of the purchase money to he paid down and the remainder in three etjlifil annual in stalments with interest on each instalment as it be comes due the purchaser tvitl also be required to build fl stone brick or frame house no less than 1 feet tdng by 18 feet wide within two ycur fv jc uj faale flans exhibiting the situation of the lots may be seen at the surveyor generals nfficc or with mr jones at port credit and any further information xespecting the lota maybe obtained by applying to he commissioner of crown land 3 peter robinson lake ontario the jveif steam boat commodore bakrie capl jamks mnttalu projtuti ty ur uto iuirc eguc will in connection villi iiiosmu bwtwwegoi iww ihe different purl on llicikuvf lomow wwaitro licaws kingston mnridav mornings oswego monday ud thimw evening cobourg and port mope ttteghy bid ftwjr moi toronto for niagara tnnsjay anil friday evuiflg town wards loaves niagara wednwfoy and saturday at nuon 1 il 4courg wednesday and saturday evening and arrivoi at ofwwo onthursday where slio merw the steam boat oswego and airives at kingston on sunday htrelo meeta tlic tieam boatsift james kkmpt wlikh boat will leave immedimely for prcscouand odnsbuigh thecowaooohr bahrie isoneof ihc best sea bwai 00 m lake and commanded by enoof the moil experienced navi gators evtry attention will be paid to passenger also to property regularly shipped aurust 1st 1835 bay and river the f4st satlwg stedm boat kingston wit high caldeit waaler dowh wards cave the carrying place on monday and thursday rnornins i 4 a tort side hay at 3oclorti touch al the itivertn amelias hmh btflhivillu sopbiiisburgh culbcrlsonv scanlanx whaif hauowelk adoipliutmvn prtdwkktlturnh bath lo kingstdr will leave king5ton same day at t p- nl toucii at fainnanv gananoijue brockvillc aud ariivc at prccutt in time for the or tiicurr boat for imonlrcal will leave prescotl every tuesday and friday p m imme diately nf lor tlit arrival of the slajetf or sleam dual from bo low touch at brockvillc french creek and arrive at kiti ton early next morning will leavo kingston every wednes day and saturday mornings at 8 oclock touching at the inter mediate places and arrive at the currying place amu evening in lime to meet the staged for cobour port 1 1 on- and torou to all packages and loggagoatthe risk of the owner unless booked and pid for every attention will be paid to the comfort of pacngcrs and the boat iff well aduptcd to tike freight hordes ac kingston april 1835 lake on tif tejm boat iloii boantiiig seuool- gloucespr house establishment rn yotsc fliblwi kiptoq pu near jtovcst gatti bwcr- cnijli tn nv mb k- ault the dosifisfkj toranectnonl of this eumiahmcnt arc upon the inobt ijral omt tvciy boanlorii accommodate with a single ui without anv mlva thir and a strict attcn lion paid 10 lib h mifiirl health id moral tjio eoume r instruction includes enaliht clorution the scientific prittuiiiloi an i prftice of arilitnclir mvfchanu arcounh botdtkcopids moowiration algebra geography use of the glour litorv c terms under pj years of age above ilimo weekly boarder day wmrderi ijie i3iijha each drawing dancing do htuic per anttt mgidnow 21 irttn l dilfo pi t quarter t- l tvuinea l duto i 1 ditto the bt at respectable lefeftmoi will lie given and required varaiinns arc thiee weeks at mnlsummer and a tbrtn m cdr isn i ai mint allied rjwi ufriy the lutirler to cun- inencc on uutday ofentrauec- a quarters ntiec iscxpeelcd previous to the removal of a boarder pupils remaining at school during do vacations arc chugcd 4 guineas wtra per annum tlw i reneh language is uughl by a native of paris each bovdtti ii expected to bring a silver spoon knih fork and six towels tho situation is extremely beahhy and pleasant with ex tensive ground rfercnofl may be made to t h prior hq of que btfe for further nruculars apply to tho editor of tho whus in america cnuf joeb f jvimc will inn two trips weekly between rochester and kings ton via modus jvego and sackeit harbor m folln cominc dow rochester mondays and thursdays at t eventus 11 sodw do do ii evening 11 oswdgoj tuesday and kiidayj 9 morning 11 sackels liarbor do frotoame arri ing al kingston tuesday and friday evooing 0 ielock cotco up leaves kingston sitnrdays4 afternoon wednesday 7 a- socket llarbirrj sunday 7 morning do pj noon 14 oiwcgo do 3 afternoon do 10 evening sodiw no d evening thursday a- m arriving at koeheter monday at thy light do 9 morning intarcctm with the treat britain at oswego on wednes days and the cumtllutlon at uichcpler on mnjiya aud thlirudftr on their upwad rip to cobour toiontn and niagara nho the daily hoatsct kingston running lo ogden- ooti mj un ifooinle deck passenger going west car by taking bin bftat at kingston saket i harbor orowt reach buoilo lor a9 f0 each by way of the cana frum uoebcslor cbiblren half price lake ontabio1b35 the rirgaft 7 bam boat oswego xsm stray cow lost a short time since n small brown cow with a few white marks upon her body lately in the po- icssion of w h grey esq a reward far her re covery will be paid by the subscriber john low kiogton august 12 1835 s caution this is to caution all persons from making bar gains of sale or otherwise with james schroder in my name as i have at present no connection with that young man also my customers are requested to notice of whom they buy the articles i manufac ture as some persons ere vending them pretending to be sent from me hejstry bolte kingston august 10th 1835 3 notice any person having claims against the estate ol the late thomas ashe of loughborough arc requested to present their accounts for adjustment on or be fore the 8th september proximo to the subscriber p mad1ga2v kingston august 8th 1835 2 119 as iis is stage bous akd steamboat hotel the subscriber respectfully inform his friends and the public that he hn taken that well knowi tavern and ho tel in the village of hath formerly oc- rnpiph by mr p davy aud earnestly coltcita a couiinuance of patronage every possible attention will be paid co the com fort of his guests and a selection of the very best wines and spirit will be made a afehlliy bath may 8 1835 233m to let two small houses and several rooms apply to walter bales painter kingston june 23d 1835 mecbjinics institution gothic arcs b0 dclivcred by dr holmes at mr jennings school room on ndaybvcmng august uib m oclock at which the public are respectfully invited tout tend kingston august i ltd iwjft co pi j t jiojiai will ply on lake ontario and the 8b lawrcnco river as follows leaves ofldemborgj m friday evening kiuion t c snturdav niijrning harkcu llnrbor stnrfiy mtn owcso s iri l s nvenin sijtaill llitlim ut lltll rorotito ii carlv monday momiuff reaching la ivi ton tit lime to cnttfilc iivngcn lo visit iliu falls and return by bool same lay- lcavctf lcwiston on monday evening rocliutot tuck jay rnoning cuivogo tnesilay sftcrnmrti sarlcous hwbor tuesday eveninj kington l c- wediiesuny rnqnulv arrives at ogdonsbum saiiki jvrninff toiebitig at creek uvrrtttvtvni ahimlna qnd lfiocfcviuo travcllcrc intetiding o visit avfnlb f xiisaii or iik ilufcrcnt places on likt ontarrui will timi tli- nm i nlm tfanl clicaji nntl cxpejttimun ruuh ly taking ilie fleam itnau at jjiveu and it4litir- paiteiigers leaving lwitun in llu imi on munjay even ing will arrive at ftuintrenl nn 1urmlay wcuihg patbiu the inirit iotcrcstiiu parts aftlio s lawrmcc kiver hy day bht it the 0wegoomincuetj hur ttiiid on the tiili april april is lae ontario the vast sailing steam packet and french sale of crown lands cwuroiiotur of crown lm uilicc torearo jum lth lw the public uro informed that the sales uf crowil laiid in tbc lojkiuu dibtrict will take place as follows viz at london for the cuumv of middlesex wcuncsdoy 29tii j uly tliuredttyi 2th august thursday 21th september thursday 29ih october at s1mcoe fot the county of norfolk friday 24th july friday 21st august friday lsth 8eitenibcr latufdav 2lrh october at blandfolld for the countv of oxford monday skitjuly mrudvj qmi artit monday 11 -sptcuiber- monday 2ith october the riuml-v- of iti lte in wolleretl and aiuhcr pnriiculnrs may he known by applying to john ii asklll esq london or at this oflke pj5tkk robinson 12 cnmimictnf r f crorrn tjtuttfa sale of crown laxds cuiiainnier of crowa lituija oitlcr the public ar informed that the sale or crown lands and cfgy kescrves in ijic midland district will take pbee as follows viz at belleville for the township of hunundun maduc hun- cvrford kuludarj cawdan ricumond and tycn dinaea 20th july 20th august slstscpteinben 20ili october 20th november atxaianee for the township ofslicflfcld and caiudotl monday thursday monday tuesday friday thursday monday thursday friday monday 23rd july 21th august- 2lih sciiwnibcr 23rd october 23rd nuvctnbor at kingston for the township tpf portland pillglhfrgjhj tliti- chinbrook bedford inil lnmrhliorouh tuesday shth july tiatuiday 20ih august tuesday 2ili septomber orinbcr- wedtieftday asii luu may mondar mi n numbers ocihi lois to ij ie known hy iplying tu si belleville or m ilrii office vlllliit 0 ollciu inn i fiir wi ml llinoi 43 st geokge iniif iriv t lommaudcr will until tho lit svptcmbcr loavq the dilfcrcnt pnru x nlloira orwiku kingston ovtry tuesday antl saturday morning qiwego m tuesday omoing gnbouw 4i wodnekiiiy diurniu saturday evening port hoio l and iirnvo al toronto on wednesday aocmoon and sun- diy morning toronto every thursday morniii and sunday cvehinj tori hope tburuy evening qim monduy iiiorning cobourg m andarrivuat kinjtnn n tima pr paticogri to tike tho river dupu fill muntnitl lasscnrrn leaving toronlo by iq ttbovq itot on sunday and thursday will arrivu in montreal ontucsduy mid satur day evenings n o lugintc or pnrcuu iikcn charge uf unless booked and paid iir ah frfighf pttfobtr on tliticmu kiolrtin juiii- hi 133 the steam boat sir james kempt iiiut nifi pi rfiii filing and fatuajs will until fiiillifr nuiri pfrhnui lnr lrip up tint ray if tuintn uu thtiiifj and vwrt and ntnru on iwdnvuttj quint nnd situfthtfs will kmvc ruistmtt rr kingston and on but oh moiiiunj ud vhurzthtij dvoilill4 ktlwl lli uriival ol the lioiils fnuti 1m low will ktiv kingston fur riescltt on sir nda ttirl puwiisinv tor mnirrul luvinr kjnjptnn hy ifaiihkll on sunday evunhljd may u ur ofniaotin ihu montreal lino it iromoit on monday murninie n the uoal kavcj vxprcly lr tllut n tit 5 nvlurk iv ji kinjlon june s7lli l5 patrick egan will puy cash fur rags buck ilornn c tc market fnmw murch2d i0 sale of crown lands rommiloncr or crown 1 oflko tnrniu mny tuu lw- the pulilicnre inftnrined that therr i he n eolt of crown lands toy auction in the own of chn ihuni in tlie irmlrr district he lift tiitrsihiv in june next iml txljcttirticd sales will nfretwnnfs hu lntld il ihc vain plnoo on ihu firsi tuesihiy in the months of july aujutfl tieptlinbur ind octu bcr following 6ale3 will also bo held in sandwitrh on the tirt tucttday in june next mul afterwards on tlie third tlmtsdny in thu monihs of july august september and october fulluwin the numbers of the lots to he offered and fur tber pirriculars may be known by applying to hen ry j jones esq- chathnm or at ihis office petek kuiji6u 31 commissioner of crown latuh kingston brewery a bpiseittery the subsciuukus have recently erected ami have nott in ftill operation a tatknt copper klo tjkyino appaftaru fur the manufacture ofpnfo canadian w hiskky being the only one at present of ilieamc construc tion in the two province customers can be at all limes miited on the vliorimt notice nith ihe various strenirtlis from alculiullu common rcluil hroof of a rjuality superior to tny oilier maiufaetued in die proviiice- thcy have now on llmid and ready for sale from i5to2luhkcailimsof whjskey also from 12 to 15000 gnllonh of superior sxj laxsetx aze warranted that by utfing proper aitcnlionto it oie- inain good throughout ihesrason pavmknt cash or approved endorsed notes at month wanted 3 hmak if hardwood charcoal hunt s muuton kingston brewery distillery storage and wharfage the subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has rented the well known storehouses and wharf formerly occupied by mr- john maenire at ihc font of store street m to location they have hot tlwir equals in town those who wish to store property or dispose of it by consignment may rely on the inmost endeavors of the subscriber to give satisfaction for all orders he may be favored with in the above lineofbosillw- j it for the accommodation of travellers there will be a room fined up for the reception of llffffflffc- tjjlrtojv pbllhlps kingston april 33d is35 may is35 i i wantfi immrihatelv a malts t e bt konk need apply wihi ctmiiut prunirc tcbtii old us to character ability tid teiupuranet hunt iv mukion kingston brewery v distillery anrust j 1s1v lust viii- el v rags5 the highest price n ofltce hrituli whi-oilir- sagb kaii cash paid fur kuffd al tl u faxcv kischit baking thomas moxey from london returns his ziateliil acknowledgment to the inhabitants of kingston for tlie encouragement he has received since hu commeucumeui in the above business and begs leave to inform them that he keeps constantly for sale every variety of fancy cakes and biscuits confecfiunervt and other articles in his line of the very bct fpmlity wholesale aud retail christening oud bride cakes made lo order t m- has on hand and is constantly manufac turing ginuiirbeer of superior flavor which he will sell wholesale and retail at moderate prices muffins every wednesday and saturday evenings store street kingston june 1st 1935 356m cheap grocery wine a spirit warelioust score street jamrs williamson respectfully informs his friends that in addition to his grocery and provision ware house in frontstreet he has taken the shop aud business of mr a fee in sioresireet directly op posite mr c heaths where hchas laid in an ex tensive and well selected stock of groceries wines ami spirits glassware c c suitable for a town and country trade his ftoek coilthtt8 of the following goods viz groccnik tireen and black tens refined east india and muscovado sugars almonds rat- atins starch soap sat moccoboy and rappee rinuli taper phk tobacco saltwater herring mackarel and cudlish prime mess and mess pork smoked hams t c wikr am splbitft superior port sherry and ifonecarlo wines cosnac brandy hollands lin jamaica spirits and old rations rum prime ca- nadinii whiskey peppermint and white wine vinegar rjejfmo v the subscriber respectfully informs his fu and the public that he has removed his whol establishment to thtr extensive premises situ at the north etiil of front sireet next door to house formwly occupied by the commercial t macnidi kingston august 1st 1835 toronto july 23rd te3 f notice is hereby given that unless francis ic rocque or his do make any claim they nifty have to lot nat- and the sunlit half of lot iw 11 in the 5th con cession of die lovnsbsp op pickeeino in tint home liktrtctj within three innnths ihitu this date the same be otherne disposed of 1 peter robinson coiitmissiujtcr of crown landt wil alsor sou itjci trip uiitjici jumtikhi anil h uuc with a variety of other articles j w being determined to sell for cash or pro duce only he is enabled o part with his goods at euttlio small profit as shall command future custom kingston july 7ih 1s35 sali of crown lands tmiinjifnif of crown lnm9 office 1 torimin julytiuui q j notice is hereby til vn that thel now under survey adjoining- the townships of ixdox a fenelon so ft tii or the balsa m l a k e will be ullwed for sale at public auction towardi the end of the month of aueiqi next the uftiml notice tlcviynsitiiig the numbers of ih lots as well the cviidltiuim anil place of sale will be given as soon a the smvey is completed i 500 sides ofs ilc lc jllltt 200 do 11 irucsa oo 100 do ui rioio oo just recti ved a 500s 200 100 300 calfskiirt 100 kiji skirp 20 dozen movocco sfe 20 iiiuiiiff hhl biiidin 200 itirafs valr jy leather store il for itp hv ihe subscrihert 3kin 20 hix sitko cs axes a full siiiiy ol fiut ilullnfm pi ice in cii cud fur highest lisis nml pnot trees per cvt iiid ir hides and ijif markc iuv sheep skim william ford ihic ktillsion july isi is33 mr oniiiinei kiuga c fu- lotl dentist wood deniiul will stay a few days at the em i on hotel june 23d 1335 41 bilious palls valuable medicine for f- a safe and all bilious dividers and obstructions to he had at dr adamsou with primer directions kingston july 9 is33 mily use in of the bowels i surgery in kingston 46tf miss iiaixks siemiaary will reopen on mondav august 17th rear street july 23j is3j iil j- ssr fresh j 4 teas 9ft teas if f n e s groceries rf c c just received and for sale hy iliu snhscrihjr 10 chets twankay tea direct from the east india company sale 10 cherts twankny tea free hade 15 do ituhea do 10 fltids bright muscovado snrir 5 do double refined loaf do 10 iae of cuba coffee l tiprs cugiktc jiramly dupny favrenuv and oifinl m ufand t iuiicliuniis j uim 2cr rvmt 1 tu fa warranted sjlti of crolin lands cmininuiincr ottcuvn lnda oftica turonm mnv i ilk 135 crown lijkis hy anctin in the town of pe rougli in the ntircastic district on die lim day in june nxi and adjoined sales will wards be held at he game place on the first day en the- month of july august tfejjlcinljer october following the nnrnbeis uf the lotn he uflercd fof and further jktrttci irs may be known by appl to alexander meuonell etq- putci borough sj this office peter rorinsoiv 31 vonifnisstttntf of crown imsl the sr with a in l an extendi leather hscr1her having iiintlo arrangcraqb lufuotnrcr has a id will cu uw kcr vcsitpiy of sole 13athea ilarnceand uridle loaihr ujipcr lendier calisklns pallia kijw morocco liiilugs lsmtliiigf arc ncli in- wiil oull liolrsil or retail low as be obutnetl in tho pnttinco dtikn nnd m facturora cm ta 8iiplieil at it tiwca aud with duantiliefl and probably on better terms than be obcaiihd elituwlmrtf cash paid for hitler and skins tallow flax seel 07 uni bun store npjiiiiil r oddm wi svrr piisiiu the markvt fiirniorly occupii kingwlnn mav 26ih jqihy murray ij 5 ripes i hollands a do l 1 tenerifle wine 6 hhd pale and rrown sherrv tlo 3 1ipe i f f india madcini do do beiiecario do a do superior old port do 5 cases french glare do lovaiiik itonr ci rket tripmre where bo will al i lunrc iisoiiiient of die very bcttn red lift istaqhs aj 30 caak4 hibberts london rortell 3 uln bordeaux vinegur f2 foxes lipxia ulooiqand muscatel ilaiains 3 tierces prunes 3 aca soft shell almonds nik si and lsi to the m on hand fac lure nt ihe foiluwing low prices fo heavy woxey onl ladint do do do prunelln anrl lmitliot iomp 3 fi 1 1 nihiiorimlit fancv culmim 5 0 itlll llti 1 71 am ivcrpool soap cheese 00 boxes hard 5 boxes pine apple 5 tierce rice 30 boxes tobacco pipes 100 barrels u c whiskey oo drums turkey fig 0 tierces french currants 0 bijs barcelona nuts 1511 package drugs spices pickles sauce sec 100 boxes starch 3ewt sr lo l d 1 du i cuiduis k woiuhifi si s litii miiltililu fr unirj- wuif satin pinv t iiiiii mniinr iiiiilitv dfiill i kin lidi luidiei llwijt nr gmktnuuc do viry do wlaal walking si lll du ptgvti lhht 50 5 o o h ti j n 6 6 d 6 g tl 7 ti also a variety ofbuya and liirl very low prices boots and shoes made to order kingston mnv2jili ksis bouts si a 6 0 a c 81 a id illl a 80 a 76 a 63 2 89 a 136 murrav k t panisli irgini float i it leaf tu nligo tchaccoi lgsto is 1crnut casft vr unproved jvolcs tit 90 thns george armstftoivg kingston julv 14 133 farmers joint stuck dakk1ng i board of directors of the i armcrs old rations rum foksaliiljvthk subsckibliu a quanti- iv of the above article warranted seven years old a desirnbld purdiasa for tavern keepers james wilmaawom ktnphion july 7th isjs 43 fetock bonking company give notice that they pofei taking intn cunniilvrauun the nppoinrmw ihe mntwifcr teller accomprant agents offi clerks ami survuiits oflbc institution day the liist dny of seplpmber nexr president ij in tlie jneaniiuic directed plications- the faitnxtnticntluiiien compose ihe first b cohpaot joid par meal cm upon tim and thai a to receive f or lite fanners joint slocl of directors company hon juliit elitulcy prmttati coboiivg whiskey jackson auctionetuf kips cunsttnntty on handahireequantityuf coiiouro wmuskby a vtiy superior quality and at a very low price jv is as i b appointed agent for one of r ol tlie most uxionive uistilioncs in the upper ivo vincci pcraoim dealing larsridy in the article wotllil in well to give a tall previous to putviluvin else where tnknt unxhi or approved credit ki iiion joseph bltiur william munon john browne henry sherwood james saxon kichnrd toronto july if lj3 iin wiljiani kctchura thomas hector israel ttnnsom ifoii tfitwnrt rrwiici ilinckaand cotters exeuansro coflvwuouso folm kimii ldpfkkhitlllslu 1 lhsnhciihit havinir tik iiis cxtuiisivc ttab- lihitient and 1 avinl kiimrun jitlylm iht lent i lor tu tiny in i eprriiniie ami it it lo merit ii joliv cuitkr iriiic of branituril ljndyn v trm ly mcli ti llcil it up in a styhr not wj ivoviiicc hopes from his t uciuaiiiiaiue in ihtr share of public pulmniufe uife- i busi hi fursai u du 10 do 201 b- 5u do r m llh sulwcribera leather swre riu and round join brooms iipuriitrtfrns cradle syllics ntlilroiii lliewoiks mel a ii fi m h k cali paid fr hides s william ford wop calfskins market ha kingston jttly utli 1885 i notice jbr rilici brnii desirous 10 relinquish bvh the rlutw in this town takes i lllg all pers iis iidellei payment ujuifetuti icih jnlv ms public method if ualii lr lo make iiiimcdi ii mais isk

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