British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), August 21, 1835, p. 1

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the british whig and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly o p 1 p p r r oecm dicor vox- iv by e j barker m d kingston u c friday august 21 1835 no 6 the british whig a bemiweekly journal dmoted tu gohtrciaj and folibosl informtion u publilicd every tocdaj and friday teoiort by dr baiker editor and proprietor kt hit office in rear street neit door to the commercial ifolol tut for tho british whig rovenloen shillings and sixpence per annum if paid in advance or within three months from ihereceipl ofthe firt number andooc pound ifcollectsdalthc end of tho year exclusive of postals no ubecriplion received for less limn si months and no papttr discontinued until all airoaiogei are paid up oxcept at jjio option ofthe publisher strbrrtutmtflu sii lines ood under 2a fid firal toser- 4 7d cch subsequent insertion ten linos and un mar 3a 4d first insertion ind 10d each aubsequent insertion above ten lines 1 j per tine for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisment without written directions are inserted till forbidttnd charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to be in writing produce of every kind received m payment no letter i ukcn in except from agent unless post aid letter press printing re ruled with nratnem and despatch upon tenna uopraoedently w in upper cantata all work to be piid for within three monthi odor exe cution kingston aug 1835 sale of indian lands on the grand river the folloftulg lois remaining unsold or which avc been fiirfeiud m former sales wuibe soldby ruhlic auction hv mr wni muuhews at the toten ofniij- tford on tuesday die ili day of august 1835 1 upset prices schedule of parm ziota for sale in the jtnonihiii of cayuga the ween lots a b anrl nob 2 7 s 9 40 45 40 50 in the firs concession north of talbot rontj soulll lots nob j 2 3 4 5 g s 9 10 26 c3 39 43 44 45 46 47 48 51 in the first concession south of j talbot road south lots 2 3 4 5 6 in the second concession south of talbot road the north part of nos 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 156 road south da of 4 9 10 15 16 18 in sion 6outb of talbot rnad thelsland on lots 5 6 7 the north parts of nos 3 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 is in the fourth con cession south of talbot road south part of nos 8 9 10 11 17 18 19 in the fourth concession south of talbot road north parts of 7 8 9 10 11 14 16 17 18 19 20 in the fifih concession aouth oftalbot road south pans of 7 8 io 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 in iic fifth concession south of taljod road lots 23 24 in the sixth concession south of talbot road 18 in the third concession south of talbot he third conces- town low in brojiijbrd jarm lots wiiltjx river frontage the like not having such do lti lots in cayuga village farm lots in cayuga and dunn per acre 15 0 i 1 10 0 5 0 0 15 schedule of lot far salt in the town of itr a afford iota nos 51 5263c6 tf 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 63 on the south triejot oolbornestreet lo nos 33 39 41 42 41 13 16 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 51 55 jo h 39 60 61 62 vorth side ol culburinsioet tmm 7 ft 11 f w 11 15 16 17 1 no bw u north ljr ol surlllulrtlhtlnklrtftlffc lot- no- 21 2233 21 25 26 27 29 29 30 37 3m 4 41 42 43 41 45 16 47 43 49 50 51 52 53 54 68 56 57 53 59 south side of dal- housicstreit lots nos 20 21 22 23 21 25 north aide of dul- houiesticei loia nos 12 3 19 20 21 22 23 24 south side of darliostipet lota nos 6 11 12 13 north side lots no ii 12 13 south side of lots no 13 14 15 16 17 18 n lingtonsircet lot nos 12 3 4 5 6 7 11 15 16 17 south side of nelsonstreet lot no i 23456789 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 north side ol nclsonsireei of darlingst weuiiigte-n-st- side of wel- 8 9 12 13 lota no 12 3 1 12 13 ii 15 16 17 18 thathimiistreet lou nos 12 3 4 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 hamstreet luf nos i 2 12 18 11 15 16 street 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 19 20 south side of 5 6 19 n 7 8 tide 9 of 111 41 chaili- 3456789 10 ii 1 is souih side of sheridan ssthtttutt of farm hots for safe i the township of brantford on the east side of iht grand hiccr the gore lois nw 1 3 4 ii 12 13 14 17 13 noni n of lots no 2g 27 23 31 32 33 31 35 36 37 11 44 46 17 4 intbe firafconcwion- south do of d o20 zj 3 3u bl si tfi 3u 8 7 40 41 41 45 47 49 50 51 in lllti oral conces- northdo of do 22 23 21 25 26 27 23 29 30 in the second concetwoti south do uf do 15 16 17 13 19 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 in the second concision north do ofdo 15 16 17 i 10 25 26 27 28 29 30 in the third concession south do ofdo 25 26 27 25 29 30 hi tlie third i concession the broken lots no 23 21 25 26 27 28 in the fourth concession schedule of farm lvufoi satein ihe township oj dunn lots- nos 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 in the fourth concession wmh ofthe dunthle dover road the island on nus i 2 3 4 in the third cohccs rion nofth of ute rtfnd lots 12 3 4 5 6 intlic 3d con- north of the road lots 12345679 and 116 north part of no 9 in the second conctwfion north ofthe bond the north pares of lots mtl 4 23456 769 10 11 and h small pnrcelof the north pa tof no 12 in the fust concession north ofthe roud lots nos 78 9 i ii 12 in the second conces sion nu l n of the rond lots nos 9 10 11 12 in ihe third concession south xf ihe road fc t conditions of sale 1 the highest bidder to be the purchaser and in case a dispute shall arise respecting any bidding le lot slmll he immediately ngain put up mid resold d to rtmiaci or to nsgn vr rir ler krldinff to another 2 the pnrchfthv money to epaid tu the cnj- inissioner m cwn linds at his office in the cirv nl toronto by the following instalments vi one quarter at or before the expiration of one week from the dny of pale and the ieraaind thereof by three 2nnui inndnienta itli interest at the rate of six per centum per annum from the day nf sale and no transfer of any purchase will be permitted until the full amount of purchase money atid interest shall be discharged 3 the purchasers to reside on the lots purcha sed within six calendar months from the day of sav and the bona fide andaufftciency of such resi dence shall be shewn io ihe satisfaction of the trus tees of the six nations indians for the time be itig before the patents from the crown shall be is sued tn the purchasers 4 in caseswhere lands uiall he purchased oi which there are improvements as well those made hy indians as by others the purchaser m1 pny tor the same upon their vmne acertuiiied in cast the parties differ by arbitrators one m be nomina ted hy every party interested if they shall disa gree by an empire to be appointed by such arbitra- torsbr a majoriiy of thorn before ihcy shall proceed tn ascertain the value of such improvements vhosc decision shall be final and conclusive the airnutn thereof to be paid hy the purchaser to the party or particfl declared to be entitled to the same by the man nod lomowlit of t biot tlw purs tory ii rulber a acarrc animal both in enfitand and in onada itifc diflcrcnc between whig and rtjicnl u also great im latter not is r i eirumwrtfwj the psirer of the orown wiutin very rrow limits but openly avowa the inlcn lien of ivnoi- bold ile afitoccy and the church he likewise adrooiite the riita of universal suffrage and voo by ballot two diingi ill n never can beadoptcingt biitaio while e reliu iter present furm of government the reformers of upper canada are composed of all the 14 owvoclassc they do not appear to have any fixed political priiriplee many of thum are pure tones in their hearts who havinglitcn disported with the nyau offavoritism prac tiicd bythpruvincialgovemmemavejuined the refonners j in consequence other again and by fir die largest portion arc strongly aitavhtdto the monapchul form of government to dritibh institutions ani to british supremacy and with fur no niuro than to see the peoph of upper cauada en joy the ime rights and privileges as those in ihe slother cooo- trj yhile the leioaimjr arc composrd chiefly of radii au with all the levelling principles ufihur eitglish prototypes and a alight sprinkling here and there of plr republican who would be anxious to see both ofihc tanadas hmqmti ioirgral parts ofthirutiitcd sutcs thi portion however is bot tug smill and insigiiiflcant thafulluwing letter from anotl rtforrer lias been just received to the editor of the british whig sir ifiliu canadian refunuci tequires an ejtlinatioi from me i shall cheerfully do my hott to satisfy him and he bus a right to demand il butlknow ofoonethata cnradian furmeryha to catechise me on my politicat creed my von legion offuth agrees i believe with that of confident and mihtcmte refurmrrs and i trust thai i shall not disgrace thr eaotoof icfurm btit i cannot adntit thai my controverting the premises of m ctuolm rofcruier plare mo nsvjr obligatioo to enter the hau with any scribbler who may ch io addrrss me tlmtugli rum coloatiis with an apparunt imrouvn of drawing me from the maiimfeoints into a political ccatrover i shall be l home whenever i am called una by a canadian itefor and tuhim unty disastbous fire new yokk we1iietiav ev4tilii auuai 12 1 1 in our painful dittytu rccirt w melancholy pf frclsof the inoflt rfestnictiv conrieraiton regard ng the immense nnmtmt of iropery destroyed midi l dolll stati limn full i l fonh in herd we cc of thb coumy ourhahdtare more n4enng a record of the dutram break- alnifitti every uftt of ihecountry in- vd hurcely mike room for al the-d- ljief kinton auguftsirf 1835 another reformer pacts ajo sceaps 1 i v ii rir the london dbklrtct i at lon don on the 27th ult and ended on ac jm innl the london patriot from whuh wc gather oir inlbrmation t uo biv slfihling is enemies to condcscctil to afford anv parttcuurs relative tu the business transacted the assizes fur the wt- ttt district fomoience at sndwirh on ihn 5th aurnl nnd oded on the lh according to the sttndicich emigrani tu6 criminal calendar iva unuhuafly ir- but wih uilh all tin- rivi cm dbtpnsod ofvll friday ovemng the amiunt of btttneirt dont in ho hurl a lime heirs testimony to his lord- ihip prrvtrinre and itic miahilv nlrnlf of xu schedule of fats for safe in the township of brant fordy on the west tide ofthe grand river arnold burrowes esquire possesion contain ingpartof lots no i3 h i5 in tlie second concession and part of lots no 1314 15 16 17 18 in the third concession containing 658 acres james charlca wylda possesion being part of lotano 12 and 13 in the first concession- containing 200 s10 acres zechary bilys poswaaion being part of lola no 15 and 10 in the first concession part of lots no u 12 13 14 15 16 in the second con cession containing 212j acri james nimuios possession being part of lots ii 12 13 11 15 16 in the second concession ooutahiing 242 acre francis gordons possession being pnr of lota u 12 13 14 15 16 in the second concession containing 2 12 j acres j3 ft baitersbys possession being part of lots 14 15 16 in ihe first concession award to be made in writing of such arbitrators or i heir umpire at or before the expiration of of one wetk firim the dinyof nit v phlucsin possoamiicif audi lands hi ilil prnvcinenta thereon shall by fiiguifyin their desire either personally or by aii agent appointed by wri- ilnf to ihe auctioneer wlnn ihrame ace putup- belbro4lie hiddiug cninmenes hut not othtrwise he entitled tu the right of preemption of such luid av against nnymher person not making an increased bidding forthe same and lastly if any purchaser shall fiil to comply with all or any ofthe foregoing conditions the pur chase moneyshattbe tbrfeitecl and the sae voitl the land be liable to be refold at such price and in such manner as the trustees ofthe six nation indians cor the time being shull deem most expe dient by order ofthe trustees of the six nations in dimm wm hepburn acting truster city of toronto august s 1835 5 n iiiii lnhsh kuaboy wi wkiihv t but il lnliir in tlio penitontiiiry furhttr stalin la mnite far stcilin bmwitoa like pubiflumrn jowtli duiliriiu tur receiving itidbans vru icnlcrnv one yeai iitijiriof ment in ili penitentiary josh mwssw fic ihrnfinj a puck ct botik wiili 40 in it was tentcrnj to lour yenrs hytrj labor in tliu penitentiary two lad anrd slimlrouli whu havtf ucen in confinement lineo lam scglrttlbef on a rhargr ol hum ttoalinf vi duharglc grand jury m ii n bill ng4int them- tlio ease ofth two ll caitol mai tcrablv tympathy and funmlicd awther pr9ruflko nbinluta mwciiy for n more ftaqntini 3 dnhvwy robert uinl vi inut tj for i lie murder of trieu cnyth a pdhr the c4ttinctifta particupir of thioirid tranacioin a0 pro mised by the sarm ii paper met hal be enpietf by uj in the mun whib we can say that h prir ner was isiuiid fiuilty on the clircit evidence an j temped lobe lmned tlicir were 13 civil eases entered on th docket- tlie fliaogtr in wliitli tle trial are icported in the laid undvr cod iriliolloft i1iihly crediumeto lli editor ho sets a utate wpciiv cvimple to papers uf higlie rc1enons 7 the rformrr iy lint li i alio on the io of ontiititiorial utorm hrtlisti ni ii bruirlt rinux ion c nrvlad to livar it a wo imii toy u tiial he ha mmaowhot fn irish modi nf hews hi ntmcliniiiil t things bhlitli rvvipnjriiiij a fieovh rrly in lmwtk dnjda i opposition to every inn that brth or that dutvts hold dear wc lave done xt wc notice tom ddhnnn patriot hecane it contains two tio concerning ihe at itai it asen that we invr an intention of quiuini kington for the west the whig ha hitherto paid it way wkvfc b more tian ll patriot did or is likely to do llteje i tuuwforc no orcainn for shift iiiri its uarter tho patriot auo n0bkl ofthe tvllotv pctt ell a a betrayed friend it woim he muftt manty fnrtoin to mako hiniwlf acquainted with il truth of that aflair hefurc hcipcakof any bdrayntvffiicndf when he payalman i l v it tit w i 1 l he may fo irjorm him if and also of tlim iiiiintiiji in which iim lhuriyi wm m n- 1 yttt lit his eteaurtj mil a ftir the ung uhout frlradhn the fence it i beneath mure notice tbu thitan bpatflato like tom djllon who changed hi primplm to fruit hi poekel can have no idea ofrftditude in fiolenl lifo and may there- foie beexeuhd for imagining ollun mkiw vlu a- himcir serjp fur the ilrtuli whig love like the beedve pleaun orin vi like the bee it leaves it a4t jnd like the b tis fond to settle whereer ilhear tin sound ofmetal w w reckoned without our poit in faying that the cm itablea io aitcxjdance at the utc awe had nccived remitne ration fir their trouble we should have mi id ihcy mil re ceivo it the matterrt over t thecieneral quarter eaioii the number of inrfividualsriirown oiit eniplnvmefit with wliich our city hnajjern visited for many jretil it broke out mnftr two aclofk thu mrnin in the lofty ficstory intildtog no 115 fulton street and rapidly extended through ann mreer wccpinf nlinnt every muse in the entire block formed by fultonann nftwan and dutch thence to the north aide of atrtttret and through a large portion of the hock formnl by ann nassau wil- liom and dcektnan ntul destroying alo several biiildines on intj south sitle of elitlcmi street t jubllag immense nmouttf ofcipitul waninvtttml in this portion rifthe clyfll btjildlngui merchnn dize and the implements of xnrtous trude and profession and tbere is priibstbly tio oriicr pce of equal exicitlln lcw york in which ropnw number of wiidiu were daily employed then can be no doubt that upwards of a thousand persons have been suddenly thrown out of employment by this cnlamitous event and we have heard the num ber stated at rxore than fifiren huidrrft ammt rficm c are nssurcd drat belvcm four nnd fic hundred industrious woinen and girls are sufferers ho eie employed chivlly in various departtitctit of boowjiodinrfolding period icals c the loss gil wiili peculiar severity upon editors otrd piintermlieestjibjishmeuts of twelve unlitdh ten newspapers nnd periodicals ids aoibngtfeose dtftroyed upwards of tweniy prmting olfires in cluding some r tlie ticst extensive in the city rd many hook binderies tin wjiich a vast amount if business m done among the newspaper cstalt- lilnncnts tlestrnyed wft ihte of the transcript leffrrsonian morrrtng lotftldi courier dts eiats uti pini of seventy six tltl countryman chittiat injfiuigtootfe new yorker catliojie diary protestant viudicatnr slid sevral others the extensive pwiitmig office of tieorge wbcqt company in which the new 3tor mirror was printed ifilsogone in short the loss is enormous we understand ih insurance to the anmuntof 2ot dollars wtrt cdeeted on some of thr lrtild- iugs and oilier property destroyed but that amount is undoubtedly fur sliori of the loss ustnined in one estabunblufnl olonc we are informed the tock wasvulued at 1 5000 the great height of die biliidiittph most of which were or live or six stories rijtdercd ili cscrtions ofthe firemen almost incdec- lint the most painful tidings arc yet to lc relat ed lives htve been lost to the number least of four and il u feaied that ohers have alio fallen victims jamaica papers c attending these painful outbreaking of the lar fury were we to devote our columns exclusively to that object the moral condition nf the country i truly thofiking we havens space of thi though it tourers breakings fmrvwas thotriifmph ofthe mofioabcty in ihe election of general jackson lr baleful in fluence was increased by the reelection of the ji- nareh f misrule and the immediate abolitionists have stepped in tn consummate the work of destruc tion wc intend to resume the subject in a day or two and prove what wehaeasserled at f cam advertiser nt prenent for a calm inouiry buplhe causes lis unhealthy stute of tip pio mind y is uourficulfmattftrtptcvcg them to the phe creat first cause of these popular difftcuttv at ciiaalestowk some trouble it iippearvbythe boston papers ioofc place at the above place on tuesday jt had keen known for some time tftftl a number of persons assisted by a lew from huston intended to celebrate fie anniver sary of the burning of the convene arni jt was slated itlttllliey were organized to the numberfone huu- died or one hundred and fifty for the purprvae of marching to uoxbtny to fire at a target o7 which was painted a represcmaiioii ofthe ldy superior hie select men of charles to wo refused tbem per- miissin i to parade as a military company and un- dci took to tuke a way their muskets onthis a scuf- fle ensued ajmone ofthe select men waa assaulted lie sckjt men succeeded in depriving die compa- schedule of fats for sale in the town of cayuga lota no 16 20 22 on ouse street do do do do do rao do do i i l l q j talbot rood o 1 1 1 1 1 7 14 1 19 20 weai side cayiigasi 3 4 5 ens side of cavucapt 6 7b nonh hide mckaysi south aide of mckay sireei norili yide bnnit eiieet 5 6 south side braoi slreer 5 6 7 imrdisidetuscarorasl fide of ialboi do do do do do do 2 1 3 2 2 i 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 south road south 3 5 6 7 8 nonl 1 4 1 4 4 glasgow courier have jnmaira pupers ofihe 29jr may inclusive j lit following e take fruin the dipiitch of date the the working of ihe new srstcin is every hour developing luelfw the niosi tmsniitffactory icuniiofi the negroes will not work in their own time for hire and their ohject ig to do as little a possible in the period allotted to their musters- on ulwo poinis there is h regular organized plan from dc- merara to jamaica and atltuled to wth the most riligioiih tcrvor tin abolition law expressly declaiept that unleihe dlutjicm of children under nx yfttrt of 8gb will apimxittie item to their mas- tvwfihey have no claim upon thc for support stiit fc only know ofnne iiftuuicehi which it ha taken place ill till idtand where there re ahoui 50kmj of this description thi scheme was pre rmicoried w ajdernnmbtiry and pamphlet willi the latemr priilgl nnrnealfitd were circulat ed bv the sectarian preachers ihonghoiil the whole of the colonics previoiw to the dissetninalion ofttie docrrmes laid down in the pamphlets die negroes were willing io work for hire and the moth were disposed to indent their children but from ttu moment these books were read from ttvi pulpim hy ili- nstlltfi nf on anni nil ol mdustrv and yujil wilt tanihvd 1 lie wy havl become extremely itiftoferu i nd the i nidiilerent as powildv y tht interesr cri iheir former employers onicin of lvnchs law a 4 law lias recently bocmum almort as generii as it is pio- xchbiil onq a he question is oked o hundred tlew lilmi eu as side 2 3 4 pouth frideof kerr street 4 nonji ride of kerr street 3 4 south side of mtibart street 3 4 north eide of mohawk street 2 3 4 south siik of norton street british whim kingston friday evemng aug 21 1835 with the intention of replying jiruifim to the queries of lh canadian farm wo icpriirt ac firelput of liw icttor and tfftuolhi doctor arc you a wls accordinto what i underwood hy the term in u cinadj oho creat britain 1 what i i i diderencn betiveeoujie principles olpoliticfll nerd oftlie whg in knliind and in canada and what i the difference in cither place between that of die whig and ihm ofijio trie or rktweeo the whig ind budieu andu which irany sehjol the reforcoeis belong or whether ihcy form a fourth i we area whig according tu woati gndutiod by he icrnv in great firitain the people of upper canada have been apt to aasociate io their idea of whiggiani a vast deal of repuh- iicanrsm for they bear in recollection dial those who ifibtllw ugainitlie mother country in 1776 called themsohc wliiga although tbey bad no real pitteoitml io ihnt icpeclablo epi- thel to guard againtmisooncoption of liii nature the tale of britiah whig wa affixed to this paper lu reply to the eocond ouetion wc ay wc know of no dif ference either in creed or principle between the whig of gu britain and those of canada but hero is no patty of men known in hi country by that name thcro are many whig among the reformer and wc have heard of a few among the toriei we know however of him acting toge ther as a body and calling themselves by that name the difference between whig and toryia great nbviou the firmer endeavor to maintain in an equal ratio tlio rigbi ofthe king the arutucracy and the people to avoid n much poibe unnecessaiy innoration upno established rights and privileges but nollodeny the principle jhat change may bo salutary and to maintain liberty of conscience in religiou niaitci inviolate the tory oo ho conuary lias a eon slant deeire hi eocreaw the power ofthe crown at the expense ofthe people hu ao utter horror of ctangc in whatever form jl jnay be proposed iind in religious maiw ie b ehurch n charge gratis cm any newcidcr mjuqm no i iiatnt gut omi real old mnt a pood ii new i want tonic new but seuing htiw yju haint none hi try n ict1e eld tin man was going after it ifeje ifldunc like it you wont cliargv nc any things will you mitcr i oh burtinnot the wad brought and leaning from hi hrpv the ri der drinker took adiaufht he nnd hardly put h to hi hpj before ins screwcdjiic mooth into hn thousand puckers and threw mug content- and nil on the ground pucke ration what bluff boo o cat hoo it vinegar made of brimstone and cayenne pepper whor whoor t let i feel a though iontd chaw yu up ntioor ral wliy yes it imlit m sweeter u kinder inearih m whour rah i dont like it therefore a you said i jian pay you a summarkee ho nol mister i didnt say sho pay i know which tje my brcidjtbmtcred i said ulmuldntrwe yon nothing no luore i ttunt ml calculuta y t my pay without char ging 1 erott pay a cent wtill ivull say- nothing about ilr cidsi pay u a quarter ofa dollar for uie mug youve brokv ttml ill do hut ojinme sir 1 wont have a cent of il jr fin die cider till icello graiithc n i ever did sc wbuorrah tin as shrp iotde as i vinegar bairelwlioor rah wtu squire i have seen a icetl- sharper chaps in ibcm paiw than you some folks aro tur cute all iliu eider in the world wont make others sharp the rjianpuidaqnjiterofadoriit for the mug about four nines a tell to serve aa in wi duv lh irliilc ni an lullovting l uuhs law it may be mkrcdote which may hie ser b pa mny years jih tlicre lived n iiiwcllhig vagaboiit lio it wh uelivved iiitiiuuiined himself unu family by iillviitiy ffimi the brmcnoniuiid liim ihimgii uuivenully u yett ed yet i e luftnaflvd so ndrihtly u olwnyu u uvoi ny ol their arms afrer irh the coiiany wont to chelsea io dine ib kiut at baltiimaoue pf the most disgrace ful riots that ever took pvre unpjir country has jitsf been experienced at ttaliimorel it grew out of the failure of the bank of morylatid wliuwookf boo during the panic of 1 under circutmitenqeo whic led to the believe that fraud was uedb itflfficer the itioh ntacked the dwehings of some oftmi officeri ofthe bank threw the furirtfurrrolotb sireei burned it several persons were killed a others mfdimdcd we have not room thi week for puwiclijng ihcjrizunogdensburg ipubtua windsor fifty latt llr ffentlewran f very respectable appearance ni3e a spirited horta into the casilc inn nnd after giving direct iora for its beinj well fed walked towards the ctle vh rx thewhbfemjf ivniclnng ati opuortunity to gam an entrance at nboul halfpast o oclock this morning he demanded admission ut the- porters door and stated that ho wihhed to have an interview with his majesty on hetng refused he ran and jumped over jhc wall by ihe round tower into the garden befonuig u thtv jni miss towndhcnd and got into tlie apt icontq occupied by that inly when he gave orders fur a sumptuous breakfast stating that he was no other personage than ring robert the poor fallow beiiij evidently deranged was taken in clmrgoy a jlowhmnel officer who rs nlwciyo oo uw preiiiies and uhtmately conveyed to town where it is supposed he resides the horse remains at tht inn attrmpt at muttde mountford tbe man charged with sending t tin box containing a quan tity of gunpowder and other combustible materials to mr lad ofthe bristolroad birmingham with intent to cause hi death was again brought before the iimgistaienat the public office on thursday and monday last on thursday mr ashley fire- worksinanufaciurer of little charlesstreet was ailed p strtetl that the box sent to mr lad waa adm1cfy constructed for tbe purpose and the wa terloo ltfiigiips irirnufactured in a way so syrff of ignition that an exphision on openiug the box was almost inevitable it was indeed difficult to ac count for its failure the box contained three pouml and a half of gunpowder of great mrpngthf together with a quantity of hard pcao and bal fab uxphwion taken place mr lad and aueiwofto m ihe v in all probability would have been blown tu pitl2ft and no remnant ofthe box left by which n could he ntcerumed how the horrible and fright ful nccurrencc had been occasioned on monday lubi iimiiig ficaid read the various depositions of ill wiirittimf mr williams cunnnitted the prisoner to lake his trial at the ensuing anisea fur ihexounty ul sttfflbrdi on lira capital charge of attempting to laurdejr mr lad under uie9th of george iv c il tec h birmingham jwtrnal j a mr owcnuiiigvu hud tin in which he waa caught if he concealed it liutu bissau caw al detection at following trup for jinn hating a netybom calf he concealed it lion lluigllburs for cveialdas then rode over to tin tiuachers and told him llutt a young calf hul re ct till y striyt to ins farm which he hid penned and wo anxious io find the ouer the poacher isked intu how long he innl hud it its ie and co- lor and wing mid siiid it ws his and that it had ijgonc ofljosi lit ihe tunc apokcq ol ileing thu detected in t lie with a tlcmgn to frainl van swear- itigen ivpioached bun itlut and told him heould gie hint twentyluur hours to leave the nriijhbm- hood adding that if he remained lonei he would prosecute him the poadiet only hmghed p ids threats while the latter went to consult with i neighbors as io what wtis to be done at the expu ration of the twentyfour hours iheoreix of them repaired to the poachei whom they found perl-ii- ly uitlitnidttiodi the parly bowctcr proceeded tu their number van sear- elated the ollciice which the poacher ol course denied the case wus suomiittd to the judge who decided lhat the poacher should be tied time iu aiuc nd by ibimlttaasguhhq cider gratis tiifctmil or capt mitim in ni vrk who wi in dieted for a irmdvmraiior tirinn hltliar fur the porptnm of nuking sltvvtof tbetn twocbudre f the oust ofalvirs woiirtatedoqsatuidiviiibbtfcfjl hcijtilltobirtiled a hpltsl fvliinyonsiniidklmvmfuijibriungiliedavcuwlby earning ilitaslbr sals tiwti one jiftvt of afica t another a qulion ofjurisdicltifi having olln cnpt miller having beioprehvndtd io m4shsijssiu ant x s rciiiiiiios thai tlio party should he tried vrhvi j npprrflsptlw tio caac was poitponcd till tlw p icrtn and meanwlulo tlio cfiptain wa let out on bail lor 3uoy evans treuiwc on agrirulturc a few copies of the above w mv ha m ie ud ihe party bowct liv him in due jnrin clloomllg one of a urimef named lynch io he judge ingetl an- 13 nv nmi in tow tiii a i a cartatt tune do aiff stoi tld aiodf ikahed fhe stamr ttiiuwt bowen with haraet hair cminnis t meniddr r aobeji kiny on i j i j i r i v 1 1 r i w dlim- i hujdljton t rmrcaulay m ferrcl river trsol j b for pritfrbvro a mcneil nnpue iv- steamer btftown rnbiu with pucnrert yarker t mchider r gutifiznws g v tfauliell kinclon ridoul brolheis bbifer uurrayt j b- tiirtuticdt co thump poit 1 i l aug m the stoainv thos bfcfftfs pi kthi 37 i li crs font co towsto c fetfrio howard ciainber vnh barga rifhrnl nwvj frar t- mcnider kinvion a lfeuri co g brother co toronto a ye d c biggsr murray howard dtthomp jlum menihb hiuintjii ion puit li sailed r aiy jg tlieaicamcr thos whent lor thomas mckay 5 bru pork g r lsikg bjtowo aiig 1ft 1be steamer jtufh bo wen 25 brllt pork d f i- bytown ao 8q th tuamer bytotcn robin up aa and i r 55 or of the hardware store of messrs h g jj subscriber j- w yarker kingston aug 21u lm 0 id receive three hundred hibhes well hiidon hen be given twemyigur hours to leave the place under a penally uf receiving three hundred more if found biter thai time the first part of the mtiteimti was iitlhtriertl on the spot with yich good intent as to lender its repetition unnecessary 1iie culptil made ullat tatm hislacerutcd limbs would permit him pardon of db soto the pirate the reprieve of sixty days granted to this individual expired on tuesday at i0 oclock on the morning of day the marshal ihe spanish consul and some other iudivid out entered ills prison and read to him on absolute pardon by the president madamcde soto waspres j out and much attecied the reprieve of ruizi who continues apparently insane willexpirc on thellth of seotembit- lake ointarlo 1835 the elecjnt stejmbqat oswego proptucd bf t rvijwi emfmmj9 ana rupt j t ffo ks will make two trips oh lake ontario ioeach veek in connection with the splendid steahboat commodore barrie leaving ogdensburg and prescoil eyery wedneo- tlay and friday evening at 7 oclock for niagara touching the interinediate ports on ihe american hltd canada shorcb m passengers leavfng montreal ou tuesday or thursday mornings reach ogdeno- burgnr prescott in time to take this boaj the fol lowing evening july 1635

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