the british whig and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly ofirn ru 01 k oicol vol iv by e j barker m d kingston u c tuesday august 25 1835 the british whig aemi journal dstoted o commercial and plticajioforrdation is published aerjr tusaday and friday by dr baiker editor aod proprietor at hii office in x strttnt door to tha commercial hotel rft for ibo british whig stenteo shilling wdmpea par annum if paid in advancs or wiihiu tbraa nintt tha recaipt ofthe first oumbor and ooa pound laavhltd at the and of tbeyaar eicluaiva of postage jfc subscription rcceid for leas than aii month and oo paper discontinued until all arrsajage arc paid up except at tjui option of tha publiabar 0fcrrtittilntav six lines and under 2 6j first inaar- lion and 7jd eachaubcquont insertion ton linaa and on oar 44 first insertion and hm each subsequent insertion aboao tan line 4d par lina for tha first insertion and id par imp for every subsequent insertion advertbmenu without written directions arc inserted till forfasd and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing rmmwi to ba in writing produce of every kind received inpayment no leucis taken except fiom agents mia unleaa post letter press printin executed wiili neatnesaanddespatcrupon tarma unpracedontly low in upper canada an work to be paid for within ate- atwiholi aug 1835 three months aftar ne sale of indian lands on thc grand river the following lots remainine mwnld or which r i r p i a j have been forfeited a ptihlic atutiofu b mr of august 1933 upset prices town lou in brantford farm lota with a river frontage the like not having uch do ivithhlihvmji imfl villniptv ftftn lots in cayuga and dunn 4l tld pr acre u5 0 0 i 1 w 0 5 0 a 15 0 0 ft 0 schedule of hols for sale in the town of brantford leu n 51 52 53 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 j4 63 on the soiili iite of cnlhimiestreet lon no 33 39 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 51 55 56 5ft 59 60 61 62 north side of colburnesirirel lot now 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 h 15 16 17 oriti side of ivorliuniberlandsireet lot no 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 2s 29 30 33 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4s 49 50 52 53 51 55 56 57 58 59 south houmcstiecl low nos 20 21 22 23 21 25 north iiousiestieei lnis no 1 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24 sow 8 of darlingstreet 18 37 51 ttide of dal- side of dwl- 6 11 12 13 north bide of darlingst of wellington st n iide of wel- 13 south side 15 16 17 18 lnt nop lot no 11 12 uu no 13 11 luigtonstreei low no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 h 15 16 17 sourti side of nelsonmftet low 1w 123456789 10 ii is 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 north side of nelson st reet lot n 123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 south eide of tliailiam8ireft unos 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 hill 12 13 14 15 1g 17 18 19 n eide of chath- ii wnstreet lot no i 23456789 10 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 18 south aide of sheridhn- sveet schedule of farm loft for sate in the township of cayuga the broken lota a b and nob 2 7 9 9 40 45 49 60 in the ant concession north of talbot road south lota no 12345669 10 263839 43 44 46 46 47 48 51 in the first concession south of talbot road outh lots 2 3 4 5 6 in the second concession south of talbot road the north part of no 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 in the third concession south of talbot road south do of 4 9 10 15 16 18 in ihe third conces sion souib of talbot road the island on lots 5 6 7 the north parts of no 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 in the fourth con cession souih of talbot road south part of nos 8 9 10 11 17 18 19 in the fourth concession south of talbot road north parts of 7 8 9 10 11 14 16 17 18 19 20 in dm fifth concmtrion south of talbot road south parts of 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 in the fifth concession south of talbot road lots 23 24 in the sixth concession south of talbot road schedule of farm lots for sale in the township oj dunn lots nob 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 in the fourth concession south ofthe dunville dover road 1 h stand nit ffrtf 13 3 4 in the third conces- ntiitli nf riftl ui i h if i 5 i u ihe3tl i hi uwi ofthe road- lots j 2 3 4 5 6 4 and u north part of no- 9- in the second rniwmafon north ofthe road the north parte of lots no 1 23456789 10 11 and a small parcel of the north paitof no 12 in the first concession north ofthe road lota nos 7 8 9 10 ii 12 in the second conces sion smith rt rh roari- lots nos 9 10 11 12 in the third concession south of the road or choice literature too aay thai ihta if a r oniheawxkttjw t njiijre cfw and m iloawlfvihaiacre 60 theinrt potm irr arrji ssshi sffft to ss da and aiwif no- attjbwggga pfl p of tfmcr iq n ood i- h uonah kfuy in apccnain and tr y tofruryihro kin inrcm their wnati 11 iao to aoecfroaiuwcmpodumntirmurc stt pfool pcrm npollcjukw or bwfl ttta wayoiteofwaaaarfuctaawh ofoecovacj litfraiy is-hv- p ir obvtc lhr l poal eflort 10 oin for hb own ur- tfit of hit ftvoral ftfl s 9fah j ccflipleie 00 air av bnwhta orr nrd rsss are lh to m iurm weu to lsc of ibe tbe cjnrtd orvariay aj ftr uh u com wirb mor1uy and rood s tr c y o vbrw m eooteliox ibe library toflji rh worwhirmvctiwnitraiurcorcrffirtbrlu panificbis orhiojrrnpty miaiory travrli ravtjm nod poetry mu t w p oodct cornooton wfcfc pf-wukr- ociional cimiocp tjf iu 55 2s lbe t whteh wtej jhr poni- s st ih ww tfilwrte ihr foea5or woooc ml b s o i worejor coriunenui eumpr and irawulwna uidc from frroch julian oy urmoo aa ihc c6 mov be w bum ibe body otine work wilt be a repriar or at tima a trani oj mtlm vofomea the cover will exhibit 0e roicjwiieu chamrr of a mffnte aodeonjow oraketcha of men aod tnioff od notkea ofnvrj- iicinmcralareandiboarilwokitrt isfbyuoed worw a full nd ruiiiraup ply oflha iherarv monthly and hrbrfomadal jooroalrof ow nuin and rreland in amtiod ik hame prpodyob ofifijifr character canoot fritto arojrfe matenmu for ihi pan ofour work the rcaoorceooil f ltrnalve correppoojeote ortbe pobjiahera ar ihc rjewsuaroreareroirnuanccoftheenirtpnielnwmchihryarcnow alookiieiotwrt osvpljuafor tbe obnndancear the mute kale to rwcit veluo in the eye ot hie pubtie aa fr a udtoa wlretjon nod w rurerurtii are concern t rewtera will u in kprd havcrefion to lie ful ly aatiafw uie riior ofihe library b 001 a atraneer to l 1 ho tnore lhao once omalued their favorable apm fbr liia nam itfmy terms the wotkwffi banobliehedin weekly laanberb in atltehed eora cschntimlcrcofitaijuof bjaaaa aawrm oawarre with double col- oirtc awnwaa andattlieexiruooorrcry oliimwiha auboeribrr will bo mwdltftelttln and tirtle ofcooieota the whole mourn ormdurrlormriiwi in a ainfteyeariil be equal to more tan forty vvme of the common aiird eoe1b tder iioo book the eol of waieh will be at ea un hmt the pnee aa ymf aubaeriptioo 1 hn j rhepperopon which ihe lllmry win be priwd wilt 1 of ie tfm qutiuty wd or bookworlt aaiifa abe admirably odyjrtcxl hirrjndor a- ic i j will he eniifefyroa and ofa ncul appelifipnic racb volume when boond will fuml a hoioftme aa well d valuble and dot cymbroua addiioato the uhnhcai f iboae wio witrooim uo work an rpltome of importnrn naoklpff evnbi wbw fijfvriy kcview ofihe faahtona the vad8 ivbcua iprlnudoniarid3prriatpaperorabeadiipjl wbiiereitare dndia purliahed every saturday at thre ohura per annum io advance ordrrafrom abrajfa nouf oil ww hepfompt ly atiemied 10 and tike paper eaniblly packed 10 prccut it froio njbbtor ty i 1 1 1 the hodmen acting oram- volame ofabootffoo rmrm ontainlnjc the pia tf farubs ta which appear 10 ibevudc alccam ncnily primed and bomtl in dtlc covers br tranaprution puhhlmd cytfryauwceka ryt mdamawlll onim r ctt or oneyciir utnrjplun vr vnichla three dollar payable to advance porwcmberato the vdt mecom are ffdm to o deductloo orooehird an order for four net will be ihankfauy received and ihe work ibrward- ed to anv i1irecilo by incfoajn a tn dollar notepmtoee pid a iiimchwlmn v w vouinvrrf 600 paeaeaeh ofthtf novel para mutdzine conuicmoff clyht rfiotreor noveka by ihe moa populnr ouihorp willbcpfcicnted 10 the awi whoaliatl peoeorefoor oameto the mi hi it a- 1 li- oehlfmaia voce 51 the nmocfyiof oif yeark aubaerintim or eeh gcmlenen wjtdne to pubftribc tooule ofthe abovn woikav vt ad- drceacuarlts alcxanhkr no- 3 athrniuo build weft frank- io plare phjiphta a specimen copy will be acm to any pan of the union by oddremjajt the pqbliabrr po t paid lake ontario 1835 mocom and remii the price ofthe library will be ie delis mnee r pm rrlpt pouorinc payable id od- behetule of farm fats for sale in the township of brantfordt on the bast side of the grand hicer 1he jnr lou no 1 3 4 11 12 13 14 17 18 rvtnh tide of the ioveruora road or duudaa ttiver north part oflot n 26 27 23 mx 32 33 31 35 36 37 41 44 46 47 48 in ihe finm concession south do ordo26 27 28 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 on north do of do 22 23 21 25 26 27 23 29 30 in the second concession south do of do 15 16 17 18 19 25 26 27 28 29 31 31 in the second concession north do of do- 15 16 17 18 19 25 26 27 23 29 30 in ihe third concession south do of do 25 36 27 25 29 30 in the third concession the broken lots na 23 24 25 26 27 28 m the fourth concession conditions of sale 1 the highest bidder to be the purchaser and in case a dispute sltfm arise respecting any bidding the lot shall be immediately again put up und resold- no bidder fhnll be permitted to refract or to assign his or her bidding lo another 2 the purchase money to he paid to the cunr inissioner of cron lands at his office in the citv of toronto by the following instalments viz one charter at or before the expiration of one week from the day of ale and the remainder thereof by three nnul instalment with interest at the rate nf six per centum per annum from the dy of salt and no transfer of any purchase will he permitted until the lull amount uf purchase money and interest shall be discharged 3 the purchasers to reside on the lots purcha sed withirj six calendar months from the day of sale and the bona fide mid sufficiency of such resi dence shall be shewn to the satisfaction of ihe trus tees of the six nations indians for the time be ing before the patents from the crown shall be is- sued to the purchbers 4 in cases where lands slnll he purchased on which there are improvements as well those inadtr iv indians as by others the purchaser shall pay for the same upon their value ascertained in cast the parties differ by arbitrators oe to be nomina tfjd by every party interested if they shall disa gree by an empire to be appointed by such arbitral tors or a majority of them before they shall proceed to ascertain the value of such improvements whose decision shall be final and conclusive the amount hereortobe paid by the purchaser to the party or parties declared to be entitled to the same by the award to be made in writing of such arbitrators of ilteir umpire at or before the expiration uf of one week from the day of sale the parties in possession of such lauds with im provements thereon shall by signifying their desire either personally or by an agent appointed by wri ting to the auctioneer when the same are put up before the biddtug comtnen es but not otherwise he entitled to ihe ityfr n pyeemprkw of skk btttfte as against any other person not making an increased bidding for tlie same ami lastly if any purchaser shall fail to comply ith all or any ofthe foregoing condition the puir chase money shall be forfeited and the sale void st the lands be liable to be resold at such price and in such manner as the trustees ofthe six nation indians for the time being shall deem most expe client by order ofthe trustees ofthe six nations in dians wb hepburn acting trustee city of toronto augusts 1s35 5 ur awwthilfj rwe l r mfm kitty the tuuouut ofu arrtptiofi atoll he rniital to tbc coaininidfi p rot or h of the work fir ooc ycf artttiinc ilir work in format rfaprxtluy umay be ot talrtrd by i rr- ihe puwlabfra pct pa kdnora orncwawpcra to whocn tfalnkm u jfarwamj will r- itiarntheaufvc iia oitrn aa crmvenu lfl mntsflmr r txnnqf w- iri n r i ji r aawiams to a ftc ex n f odc -t- adjra rhiiadclpliiajniy i7tfj l carry fc v habt phila4clphla the ladys book for jirlv woi iimihd on xur first lnf ihtsnnmlhft rmmtwi new votoifl cnm i i- uf pttmim wfaleli ha iwkiii wj in the second of lois no 13 14 15 16 concession containing 658 utuk of 1ots for tale in ihe township of brant- ford on the west fide ofthe grand river arnold burrowen esiuirc possession contain ing pin of lots n- 13 4 15 concestion and part 17 18 in the third icree linn charles wytds posaesi on being part of lot no 12 and 13 in the first concession containing 300 810 acres zhary dailys possession being part of lots flo 15 and 16 in the first concession part or lots no ii 12 19 14 15 m in the second con cession containing 212j acres haca niinmos possession being part of lots 11 12 13 14 15 16 in the second concession- containing 242i aces prsiicis gordons possession being part of lots 11 12 13 14 15 16 id the second concession containing 242j acres b g batterabys possession being part of lots h 15 16 in the first concession tdedde of utfor ale in the town of cayuga ulsnos 16 20 22 on oune street 3 14 17 19 20 west side cayugasl 2 3 4 5 ens side of cayugaet 2 3 4 6 7 north side mckaysi 2 3 4 south side of mckay street 2 3 4 north side branf street 2 3 4 5 6 south side brant street 2 3 4 5 6 7 north side tuscarorasl 8 3 0 11 12 sou rv of faluot bjad south 3 5678 norm iv 2 3 4 south side ol kerr street 4 north side of kerr street 3 4 south side of mohawk street 2 3 4 north aide of mohak treet 12 3 4 south side of norton street do 2 da 1 do 1 da 1 do 1 da 1 da 1 do 7 da 2 da 1 da 3 do 2 the morning courier is published in montreal daily from the 1st may till the let december and during the remainder of the year on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays and ibrwarded to all parta of upper and lower canada and the united states on the days of publication for seven dollars and a half per annum including the charge for postage payable in advance the mobning oouaiea ab a commercial paper stands unrivalled for the correctness of its prices current and observations on the slate of the mar kets and its columns especially in the winter months contain select literary scientific and po etical extracts from the latest and most popular european newspapers and periodicals together with all the news foreign and domestic of general inter est to the canadian reader in the summer months the latest shipping intelligence is given as well as the particulars of me cargoes of the different ships from europe c- to those who may not be inclined to take the daily paper for the summer months the morning courier for the country is published on mon days and thursdays containing every thing thatap- pears in the daily with the exception of the adver- lisements the charge for which together with the three timesaweek paper in the winter ts six dol lars per annum including the charge for potage payable inad evans treatise on agriculture fc pew copies of he above work may be had at the 8ardf0 pmre 1 hill rigge or ofthe atocvihtr y w vakkfr kinmon au- 21st 1e35 h one or the celebrated ojwifcerkfmcirorhr ol en tiinr five hl plate will be given ilibi year irfkvnri payable i awajwr every nuntltrr ervitaip h m l eiir3y ir o plate orfuhtortl l grimly etikirnl iwo i f mtittct twn fell r mint ovsi in juiced uuilkrni ctatftlhiumofxkuiiuc nltalh iwwwitttiwmk mbwbii gallery of portraits coder th htrt will be puubbed llkeop dliftftiuhcd oaihora tqtliuicotury nd t eorope already bitl txd atnkin re- peidnaiiceeofbotwr broughato httfc ai conninghum tw mi lowkiu are dow reaxfy for nnindwii j nwwic4 two io eachto- bcr udlllihe wi- completed yviley rwta moore cokrjg rodders diructl nle wad rfe e j fortercampbeji rtoo- wacxl soothes ac almileor wwiuirt oo wnuag of ma accounts will he mm m aa aoia oin alrt sieel krttrra- vinffa ofihr puruni hour il1iirmeij v n brw a m a view tfiirk place ew- york t kxcerowr aitt lp m cry ls emliroftlery mask ac the mnwr tf vtiwwl ciliicn will lecaiinurd in n noettirt is tjwoj to raider tlu work jaranoum id i other d of a tuiiiur natilfe l a gildkv powiher j p pautta place pij- i i i the itihrlter to coovioce tef iwtmm 10 utcrbe for uie ladjbook thai hereiaao vepum mil warfc will forward nny oionth datnber as o xpecmieti by aenoinr fcw pfi i puj- i- i rir 1 i pi nuoi volume 10 on him thntiheyranootuae iiey wai confrr a pamitvv fi lhc ff5 hy rr i 1 i ihn iu accooipalkiixj lln 00c c di- ber aeot and who ihey re from wc are ao oearty ooi of voluaie 10 that we o provide a supply fnseaaoo ivcwtpopera eichoiif wiih ihe i u- ww coofcr aetv oo thewberinr i- vnimiiriunriirrrfii inftcrtkma the gentlemans oe the sorting and dramatic companion huiliikirh vnh a multitodbopbwaaviko 0uttn horses srb ifjya nf f aial ai4a44jrmt ijituouu loegeriieuiaina ca it ianowalx hmue ore ima pohucatlou waacooioicoced in phila dclpltla and aluujrh le poumtfji hav oed oo cxirunecui rawiw loclrcutrtie a irtowfedir of iift merit yet och u ie aatiction iati- fcated by omi portfitc of ilie pobhc woo have beeo otde aftidmtrd wu itidtariwut tidcoriinl- thai its lmof patromcaoiinucontimlyo rapidly to increave i pnper ianow lumtribtitod regularly every wcea over u wide portioo ofthe uoioo tlc most itlooory aaaumncet wr receivrrt that it will evcotoally pco04m ooeofhfr mont popular aioorif the otiroeruoacxcelltfot pcrtddmif whtcji iaoc from ii ae con pren no exertonwiu 6c spared toeatabtthiu perruitnrnt rrptilauoo ioore escayvely and if tu liberal aanctttri of ihoae fvt whom it in eajeeitly ktne0 aiiajl waraot future iaprovenrfot bhh hv r ri typov eriijical octneaa and ejnteut9hoefitvil he muier tally advanced the ii tir m 3 r and fareea that will appear to the coure of a year oj themselves wiube worth cuorc dao luiil ttmca theacmntnt of mhtthpcloa tbe foltowwj it a liat of those whieb have ojrudy ap peared c rn the fvmp iabea brigand the hoocbbirfk the deep dp tfea cheap suviog ghakprurem early da t elegant steamboat oswego proptutd bf 7vi ppwtrful lew v f u- evu o80 yv i pawar capt j t noaxs will make two trips oh lake ontario in each week in connection with the splendid steamboat commodore barrie leaving oijdensburg and preacutt every wcdnes- day nnd friday evening at 7 oclockt for niagara louctiingat the intermediate ports on ihe american and canndjtsiores fiissengers leaving montreal nn tuesday 01 thursday mornings reach ogdens- buror prthcou in time to lake ihia boat the fo- lowing evenings july 1 1835 sciiool tip tiubawribor biga iu accjuiiiitihu inhabiunibol kingston ihat he has opened a school for the ii- stritttiun of youth in the house belonging to charles anderson esq rlirecily opposite mr- john culientimarhle works kiiistreetand respecifiilly solicits support from parent and guardians uf chil dren he would stale for the ealisfactiun of ihom who may favor him with the instruction of iheir children that he has a commodious school room connected wiih his dwelling which will at h time enable him to piy particular attention to the comfort and con venience of those committed lo his care and parti cularly in i seasons ofthe year that fire is re quired to render the school room warm and com rortable morning before the children meet for school he would also slate that he will pay strict atten tion to ihe moral and religious improvement of his youthful charge paul peterson kingston august 1s35 3 miscellany for the british ifhiq to emheune can a heart lliat i bursting mlh grief find case liy relating its wnel can my booai eer n for relief while rav sorrows continua to flow t ah two noftuccoin be near from tihin i cannot refrain and a ica mill enforcing o u t my cjclijj incossantly strain quiir correct uwz nfbftbaal utfxo i l ami wive mao ofteo tooaanj tlir uajirv m ili tell vow tvhai thc grlilm j r nr r 8prxulatioo olyitiiic dcviwi- kflftl 1 i bhawyrre felival the eai ldi my frefld urf qovrrnor victorine thr omnrbnu thcchiuofntture lhe kcocootre tbe duel tm ditier 0 vidoeq llrft 1 1 i inch aiabaoaator mirb hwbnl r p smith js knowlea j a jii f reynokla c asooerael t monofj ravb j s ktivwjea coud i these torments no quit r ijm i i uar hut her form from my mind i but why houd i wiah lo forget tli b1 oncr he w gentle ad kind 1 tbm hie in the playday of youth to my noiiat should be so severe i to cause me tr love her wrth trulh i to cause me alas to despair oh i whence are the moment of bliss we tpeni where ihe clantinee grow or wnere tbe sweet innocent ais she then was so kind tobestowt gone goffi i shall prove them no more with my blossoms of hope ere they fled that hop 1 ww fond tondori now blasted now witlicrd snddead had she never pirmiud my piiirie whon relind on iter bnsom hunj had she never been fond of nv lay had aho never upptanded tny song o i then liwl tny heart fetcfl ut rest which now must for ever endure anaogim whieh cant he csprcsll an anguish ihe only can cure kingston aug 3t taking up tfld cross w thomas horoa wlum e bunon mre hcrr n br jriii wcbetrr f mreytwmf wt koncrftfl m g lewus j nplaoch h m sif mm 1 i- i hi w b teake s if ir t bags 4l c patrick egan will pay cash for bags buck homs sec sec mirket stjuire march 2d 183 jnmea kenoev a tyrone power thetfponiog jnuiik home and abroad occupies a coaswjrr able poruoo otovr etflumna and t coilrcird trom the mwt nethcnlie rur- c amoo3ue peruana ofekbrtuej www horaea which tavc the amrrkorxrouin hoise eduin pork est trxtlmjrtoj umdm horae meknok the lavonic racm marr ar1ku and her roalhy lllipme bonds otlrbrrtwfroiifne horse norfolk phinmeiu thr iroe ploodcu popular horse uhatml mariialx the well known toetish race horae tjjl uh i u e a correct picture ok a raue course occupying the aui mundig uie winner ofihe derby siakca w atnoryj a vsrleiy ot other embelhehroedis of eubjeos or iniercoia wmchhuvelrbliafccd a complc reansi on rimink vvnh fot kfck tllitftka tiuns ibrihciuiprovciucolorlaflicfln 0ai caoai beahfty of ajl cxer- c automation chess player luostxsied by eleven engravings the subiecui wbtf n are perttfolarty ewhraced in ibe vade mfccm wirmiredauyondcmoc4rrodiificrollowing ofljlcfb tfte turfaad all multcrs eoooecied iherewwi obihetftruciureuri chaoccerorthe mffrae ooihclraproveroent of horoed cattle roka for novice m 31ooune mrthodalr frojioa training dofs broff raphica oreolcbraed horsc hh thwr ponrata huortrr fiajiinr fowliaf ac- approved gam from hoyje and olhcxs cnuciama on ploy and actors tw meai oopofa svip to mm twajioieenislnlitoanatot a wlecyef rfeciro adafied io fjomcjcc eocy jesus i my cross have taken all to nnd follovr theo nhed jhior despised fmrsn thou fiotn hunce mv all shall bo perish tfvery fond ambilioni all vft oht oi imped 0r known yet jiov rich is my conditipn cod and heaven are alii i my own 1 lt iho world daspise and irave ino tliev have urft my savior too human henris and looks deceivo mo thou aft not like ihem untrue and tvhiut thou shall smile upon mc god of wisdom love and might foeti may hato end friends disown me show thy face and all is bright go then earthly tame and treasure come disaster scorn and pain in thy nervice pain is pleasure with thy favor loss is gain 1 have culld ihee abbi father 1 hhve t rnv heart on iheo storm mav howl and clouds may gather all iout work for good to m man mt trouble and distress me twil bui drive me to thy breast will tiials hard may press me heaveri will bring mo sweater rest oil tis not iu grief to haiin rne while li- love is left to m oh i twere nol to joy to charm me were thai joy uomu d with thee soul then know irv full salvation rise oer sin and lear and care joy lofind in every alatmrj sumethiog iii to do or bear think what spirit dwells within thee think what fathers smiles aie thine think that jesus died to win thee child of heaven canal tliou repioet haste thee on from grace to glory arnvd by faith and wingd by prayer heavena eternal days before thee godsown hand aball guide thee there soon shall c ihy earthly miaetod soon shall pase thy pilgrim day hope shall change to t1ad fruition faiih tosijh and prayer to praise so- 7 a ft obi ihe koodoo art to hiss fanny kubl who poor and atmoet pennilaaai driven o the siao by dire duueee sought succour from the indulgent preeel my faonj i who when that preae with load acclaim in pity wrote her into ferae repaid xhem with an odiooe nuie my fenny i who welcomed in a foreign land by pafrona friends ji hart and band with ridicule their friendship ecupdl myfaimjl who io ejoamsl nonedelrad proves by the bug so coarsely pennd how she has htmbvggd eary friend f sfy fanny i rorrr h30ndcnco of the toqimrrclnl ad vrtiaer chicaoo june 20th 183s deer sir you have been already made acqutin ted with our peregrinations in pursuit of the fir west up to our departure from mackinaw- oar next stopping place was at fort howard mifitary port eitutcd at the mouth of the fox river at the muthern extremity of green bay this ia a pbec of considerable importance and promisee to be the site nf a flourishing town the fox river if navi gable for boats within a short ditance of winneba go from which place a portage of one mile epa- rntes it from the navigable waters of the uuiscoristn the territory around green bay is rapidly filling up and st this moment the settlement at fort how aid has two churches two comfortable hotels seven stores well stocked and about fitly dwelling houaea the river is settled fur a dozen miles on each arde by whites and the stockbridge and oneida tribe of indian many of which have farms well cultiva ted occupy for some distance above tbt climate is snid to be severe but judging from our own ex perience we should consider it warm as the ther mometer stood 13th of june at 98 and green we received a considerable accession to our num bers at this place some of them speculators bound to chicago and others trvellera going east lea vlng furt howard we beot our course directly for chicago our passage up the bay was detightful 8c we were constantly interested and amused by watch ing the indians sweeping along in their light ca noes or examining the broken outline ofthe coa covered with trees and indented by bays tbe next morning found us in lake michigan with menlt breeze cutting our way through a dense fog to wards evening the breeze increased the ea rose and before midnight crockery smashing boxes shifting chairs tumbling pics squealing sheep bleat ing every thing in motion gave evidence of a strong wind we shipped a sea into our cabin windows which sent our passengers dripping upon deck and afforded one of our friend a nervous utile fellow an opportunity of trying bis life preserver bad be not previously placed himself life presefvour and all on the stairs half way up the gangway with his umbrella spread that he might use it as a stilincaaa of emergency but though the sea was running high there was no manner of danger and even the ladiea were perfectly tranquil we arrived at chicago in the morning but the wind continued so strong that scarce a dozen of us dared logo on ahoref but the old adage it is an ill wind that blows no one luck- proved true on this occasion arriving on shore i found the streets crowded the hotels spilling over and travellers arriving from east west north and south soiae on horseback some in waggons some in boats the village was literally crowded and the universal cry was where can i lodga af ter running too and fro through the place for near an hour knocking at every door and inquiring of every wafrrer 1 began to despair and tremble leat i should not find even a place under shelter to stand up in just at this moment i met a man who in formed me that he knew rf one house and but one where he could possibly obtain accommodations but that it was some distance from the centre of the village comfortable quarters any wbqre wasa con sideration not to be neglected and on examination i found them every tiling that could be desired the re i of our company were not so well provided jftn tahijtfp airiifu iflx ojruhtts v aj l-uping- ulre in a hed considered themselves comfortably loged ihe majority were forced to wrap themselves iu their clrtktimd hug bn oak plunk the sagiimh parlor tire next morning a mjvveil with sewitetrn pruned boliehit had 4i pt there duringthe night and ome of out friends whv obliged to travel halt a mile to ob tain a similar privilege it sunday nml the streets exhibited a specta cle both novel and revolting loan individual educated in the und of steady hubris the whole village teemed t be in motion the streets were literuy a- live me hi platoons were promenading them knots of individuals occupied ihe corners the bar rooms wre crowded every thing bore evidence of a foul conspiracy but it wasa conspiracy against the purse and not against our liberty speculation wm in every ones mouth here was a man talkiug eloquently upon the qualitiesof his horse there ano ther invoking all the saints to witness that land hi bought yesterday for 100 dollars was cheap today at aihousound yonder tall darklooking figure with a map in his hand is pointing out to a couple of city speculators the position of their waterlots with privilege of docking out which they bought a great bargain in new- york chicago is situated about fifteen miles from tbe southern extremity of lake michigan on a river of the same name which at the distance of a mile from the lake divides into two branches known u the north and south forks both of which are navi gable forthelargestsiwef lake craft to the distance of six mites from iheir confluence along these the main stream the village is built it conists of about five hundred small wooden building fifty stores and warehouses one of which is brick y seven hotels two or three boaidinghoua- es a sniall methodist church and a presbyterian lecture room the land in the vicinity is a dead j lain nearly on a level with tbe river with a clay ottum covered by a rich dark soil soft and spongy so that the streets are cut up into deep sloughs at all seasons and during rains are in many places absolutely inpassuble side walks have not come into fashion the pedestrian whether man oc beast inust splash through the same mire unprotected either by bills or trees the winds here hold an eternal jubilee occasionally assisted by the sharp shooting lightning and deep rolling thun der we have been obliged togather round tbe fin to keep ourselves comfortable even at so late sea son as this and last night came a froet which has materially injured vegetation this is aa ftvflwav an account as lean honestly 31 v of chicijo it 9