ssar rar m settlements and to b lice to ihc indiana of oafrfctfo i in htch it was stated that cilv of quebec contained the hot fluren indians famine and gunpowder had jr work among them nnd aggressor ffntf ion hid nearly completed what these had undone the motion was agreed to and the butter referred to a committee to be named on the fcllowingday the political intelligence from the ljritish capital tquit contradictory there had been minora oi igreemeihs in tlie cabinet which were about to f a disruption and change uf administration hit the courier of the 13ih declares there wag not the slightest fuundatiou fur the rumor on monday evening july 13th after the order of itc di hadbeenmoved by lord morpeth th follow- fagannouncemeni wm mude by lord j russell- j u hove received hi majestys commands to state bathe has been graciously pleased to place at the jisposalof this house forthe purpose of the irish fcurch bill all his majestys interest in any benefi ts and ecclesiastical dignities of the church of ire bnd a correspondent of the cork paper gives the fol- wing account of the effect of this message upon the gspective parties in the limine tbe announcement was received with the most learning and prolonged cheers ever sent forth in the boose it is in fact an expression of the kings ipproval of the hill the withholding or refusing to jfrt which was the foundation of all the rumors du naf tlie last three dnys 1 here will be frmn henceforth it is expected filing but plain dealing i have great satisfaction being able to close sa gratefully a communica tion which would be otherwise received fcith smething of doubt if not despondency of coming wwts the dismay of the toritn id indescribable the irish church bill was then read a second time and ordered to be committed on monday but notwithstanding this conciliatory course on the part of the king and the exultation which it ailed forth from the ministerial benches thy morn ing chronicle of the mth contained a lugubrious aniclethe inferences from whichunless it was prepared before the kings message wu icnown it any thing but favorable to the oconnell mhiairy 4 attorney general had given notice that on thursday evening july 231 he would bring for ward the hill to regulate municipal corporations iti wand there is good reason to buheve that this bill il afluid the fullest vuiitffttctjoil to the majority the irish representatives and to the great bulk ol ihe irish nation so iiuincious were the applications made daily to cgtontl dc lacy evans lor appointments in the le- nn uow raising for the scruce wf the queen ol spain hat he was h1 be 14th of july obliged offi cially t announce that he cuuld not receive any ap- ckatidni from gentlemen who lia never previous- r kfvttf for the next leu days to come the royal tiir steamer kit the isle of dogs on tlmrhir cur s ftfltatftiau nr pttitlnndfi having onboard the lirst uuimuii mi the troops ucitueu to ct under colonel evans fur the uiiern of spain they ere 5l0 in number well equipped and in ex cellent spirits- mial uf them have seivcd in the british nrmv or in that of donna maria in portu gal tieneral aluui and colonel evans inspected sem before the vessel departed their bounty- oney wis paid according to agreement jcall their aid cinilfri sold to some jews jsr1tish whig to corhesponnknth ttektter ofa cannjin wwb jhull lie pr vper y attrojte to vgtov tuesday eremsu 55 1835 l in j itii t u j i- l 16th july kc hnvehftd f avemt arrival i tftuhij tutuc tour ihc lih nitht nmutli from corv our ex j win be found to tiicir proper place oao urc of tuorc thou iuaily klerciliqg no tore mrtociioly smrvrirtrim a udatfiuoat nappcntjtothe schooner mnrftrtt of hamilw vlk three unfortunate fellow creature met with a witury rrav a vrt had the ptiticohirtj from the captain mouth mr mcarlliur we fball ruin them in his owa utuir on tliumjay nuthl lnt angui 20ih alxiut tn oclock xvhtw j iimwii thu likc irmn hamillmti to prstott with lfrsh hieozc from the wvt anj bmi then to vvmdward nf 4s m puck n njkri white jmnill ftwn the soothward 4ruck the clnoncr on her id and inuntly rupftized hrr- ah bandd luein number inhidiri msclf undo tartho atmi v k i r ftwif4 btitift it tcrfifrkron ffes nh painter va jot k in i unvt weiuj of ihc liuo- prt vmzmy the boat filler 3ml lu cjji and we hll rot upon lh bvuin and drifnil a short distance 1mm llic ve- act ohrrviug tin fdlmqot did not dovn i riicolltcd ibajt a ihe was idiglilly hiding hiiitgonlv im barrel of ilali ia per hold bht would heeler torlmir ti limn the boat or he act vo tlten mkin- i lllrbri ctilml out fur ii hand to fcbpw me and madeatr uiehouftal whkbl rtptudlly rcacli- j iwlifd niycir u thu uiniu ihimnek ou niiui only ifohngiilliilisjiiicceidid in finiiiltigltw vtsftfcl who whmim tetilf in the like manner what tacaatq of the other 1 do botkamv i kept n y upon ihc boat tor iumlalfm huur ifwrwrds boldid wtn any unevbout her tins ea moo began to run hiph unj it vcj with grvoj iliaiaiuy v madv nodeurbou- abautlwe oviaefc inuw niwrning a iteinn- boat pad 5oiip ilown t mme diiuiobi e tried to dike them bear but witbutjl tweitf about five oclock 6uooiicr comet ofokvjha also putted mftt lo ue we were more luccwiftll thi tini and were reciwd from our pc- rilous situation b her mw and tiealed wiili fwt kindnua lly companinn lkin an apd man wa niuh exbauled but h for myself i wa not grvnly injured the tome landed eat kingston the same pmrmng the nime uf the thico men whu were drowflrjd are william cullrn ibo male samuel samnson the conb and john ntikeihw a fccttuiao neither vessel nor caico va injured on saturday tho stcamei hwntton went in rarch of lit wuo t but in euiiscquenc nf the weather did nut gel ftr- ibtrihan south bay whcieshe anchored on sunday roof 11- ic alio proceeded again and fell in wjlli the wreefc nearabouu wber the tcctrlont happened and towed her into this harbor fhuffcy thit day fihv mu placed hatwtm wo vewsls ly- g windbound and once again raided and the wcittr pumped out- the achooner does not appear much mjuied on became night ibat rttfl above accident htfpcoed the i sootier vml anof sackeint wascapvued offkiony point d bbing loaded wtih tloof laiitik tlw erew took lo the boat wd wtfj picked up by the thg steamboat at let re port taya o for the iarueutais jiavc not been accurately buucu lo u- hranlnlmencek off our tiullipot layt chapter ii- although far from icing in a food humor today we ahall nevertheleta tonlinue ourtory the writing of a laic lo have 1 continuous interest is by no means m euy or pleaaanl a tabk u some folks may imilin to the meic editor of a newipi ptr vrhose whole time and dltention rc devoted to the litera ry duties ofhi prrdewion it b compaiatnely less difliciill upderuking ihao to tho unlwtunale individual who toono office ftdds another infinitely more annoy iog and perplexing that ol koprwtor to ihe utter it become u wurkofioiland trou ble- it is od however of our own seeking uo one asked u toba writing move lattund sonnet- and if we find out afier t buiti that xvc bc ventured beynd our dcptfaj wo know boba we have to thank- we may make fo d ofouiselves but t have 00 right lo play the fool with our reader tho atory iuromustbc continued bul uuder the more modest appcl- ttph gf reminiscences tbe third dramatic character wc shall introduce to notice is cor late opposite neighbor the cook shop keeper- iu the fdortny idea oft london eating houae let htm answer ip iheoegaiive and thureby ufford um oppoitooity ofdescri- one fit til great ciitei the eonvenience of gelling ftdmoer to eat htn hungry ismuliipltfcd ad in6nitutn in london l i partieultrly ao awowl wotntfravho hn mdrtdyln his pocket ttt ifipajaoaf uswids ntel bflg romtin aeuh t hukigry tolly theletding atreett raj crowded thoroofr lift ret tre follofterni chnp bootm cook shops and coffenshopt in the w wiorlewt of alt tbe places end in wfi othr of itu notoriety ihe appetite is tempted and the eye rtgalad by hiseiom ditpltya of aoch tntsu cooked end undreeaed m englrahnien only art capable of epproettig tle ntble air- loin weighing full half a ton itexposed to the gaae of the epi cure many a day befuro it is evoked end the equally noble buitockefbcef damlned on somo feturo day to aelisfy the raging apjtjtcn of several score at t public dinner is carefully displayed re it is put in pickl that passers by may keow the quality of the itirela ptrvtit up at fable- there are fo many variolic of the london rating house that we cannot generalize them they miit he doecrihed ench by itelc ordinarjoe and ttblca dhote are nut in common use in tlie metropolis on sundays in the environ of the city uush thinsra eoeaetimeb heaid of but in general each cmn takes hit dmner by himself at wbat place and at what hour he pleasot it ra so much the cuttom for tlic man of liunincsa to dint irom home that hts absence from the dinner table is a thing of course- in consequence of the siie of the town t he baa usually aeverot places of favorite resort into ooe of which he pop when hungry should he be a roan of fashiun as well assubstancr be probably chooses a tavern tavof ns in london are not what are known by that name on this continent they tre expensive places of public entertain ment and have no accommodation cw parsonsof little moans they aro dot even numerous and those in exutence are chiefly ucd fur private and public dinners ball concerts etc when a hungry man enters one of these houses any time between the hours of three and six hoeats himself at one of the ele gant covered table and calls for the bill of fare lie makc choice of his dihea which are placed before him separately he eats what he tike washing down his viands with never leits thin a pint of wine and when he pays his bill thiok himclf lucky to receive the smallest change out of hi half so vereign he gets for his money a dinner a plain dinner wc grant but such a dinner and so cooked the very recollec tion make our mouth uatcr tho chop house this place of entertainment takes e cond rank in the scale of eating houses- ll is not so much ucd as a place ofdininj as of lunching tho wholesqh mcr chant rirli trader stockbroker stranger on business and others dwelling in ihe fashionable squares at tho west end or in some of the numerous village on the outskirts of the town lunch in the city and return homelo afloven oclock dinner here tho gorgeous beefsteak only to be had in london ihe glorious mutton chop or the splendid veoj cutlet is cooked for each cus tomer a he enters and such is the diligence used that in icfs timr than he can properly prepare hiimclffor theflelioioui ie past the tempting cookery is placed before him smoking hot and served in water plates as lltese houses have tlvays a publican license the infinite varieties of mall liquor such as london porter brown stout half half home ftrcwed intci mediate scotch and other ales are brought into requisi tion sometimes though rarely elderly persons may be no ticed indulging io a tflss of brandy or t go of gin drinking ardent piriu during hour of business is not a vice nf the english gentleman and gentlemen only are frequenters of chop houses these place ere not very oxpensivc half a crown will go furthci than half a fovcreign at tho tavern and although the kind of refreshment furnished is diflerent and somewhat inferior yet it i not to be griimed at more cspe- cialy by one who never aliycd elsewhere than ai an arncii- can or canadian hotel here you have plenty hifttrm bul ul what kind nl jv ne4v4 hojf fl vh fwf house in st paul church yiird with any of the splendid lunchca in the cily of new york end then 6nd ihc man who would dine twitoat the latter could he possibly i eve his choice ofthe former the cook shop proper this house of refreshment al though not the most fashionable is by til odds the rnoet fre quented of any imagine e large shop io the spacious win dow a seiies of small atoes on which are placed immense pewlct or tin dohe filled with the fwet roast enj boiled joint of beef veal pork mutton and lamb uo ham pig lurkry goose capon beef steak and pigeon pic ejeh dish well garnished with its appropriate sauce and grtvy every delicacy of the season ia hoe displayed and in the course of the dinner huure from twelve to fuur several removes of the same dislj may be observed diffcient kind of oupa are here also fuund kept hot jn metal tureens about ihe aize nf a boiler to a small steam engine slock turtle tho real kind is a cut abovq the conk shop and confined to the tavern rxclu sively gravy tea o tail beef a la modr and other sou absorbing titles are labelled on tbeir huge reposito ries in character thut all who enter may observe while plum podding rusttrds opplc pies cuutnt and domiton 1 iris with other specimens of the handiwork of the pastiy cook grace lite neighboring shelves tnd jptrecorntr but the attraction ofthe cook shop to a londoner ha yet lo be described it i the boiled buttock of beef header did you never pa 1 take of ihc third cut of a buttock ofbeef coidi- ck os it qugfat tobcl no then you are a goth and as bad as a cannibal and never know what eating is nay you are worse than tho abysinitn lor he doe cat of thatdish often even when ihe bullock is jlivo out if you have indulged in tiit dtlt- m fiv ihtt i- iup iiiji y nt mm yvii may furni some fiint idia ofthe dgioeof perfection which londtui nroltised covka have attained in the piepnmtion of thitc their cuhtoniert faorite dih it is pcivliin itself bnd only can be eaten ol a london cook shon even iie with all his astronomical knowledge in the art nf made dishes nnd oilier kirkbhawf sinks into iiimuifiiancc alongside williams ofthe old bailey without hypcihole the fate ofthe wretch condemned to bo hanged before ins door mighl be cm id wen the criminal per milted lo partake of one glorious rnej off but lock of beef etc he died bit we talk to unbelieving jiago and otir words arc wasted the decnptiiiu ul ibi- djiiuty beg- pais our tkill and the pen is thrown down with luartifieajtiotl suh is the shop window of a london cook on ordinal y occa siona but on gala day high day and holy day additional delicacies are added thai duly iccoiwction it is h well known physical fact that the smell of cooked meals received into the tfttnich stay tin most racing hun ger for a time no wonder then that the outside of a co k shopv duor and window should be crowded with indigent wretches who might otherwise dine with duke humphrey an anec dote of one of one these gape croe our leoollcimion a fellow who had been louoeiug or ome tinc about the shop of a noted cook in tho strand vnlcnd and thus accosted him m i wa coming in lodino with you bull nayed so long cotiaideriog which disb i should partake of that i find my appetite gone a you have therefore saved me the piiceof udinner icoum noldo les ubtn come in to thank you i witih you a good day halloo my line fellow r cries the cook not so fat if you pleaac if you have filled your belly at my expense you shall pay for your dinner nri so saying he laid hold of the intruder the dispute waicd warm tod watrefcaicdlo the arbitration oft bystander tieotlenien said tho umpinj there i i great dcl in what you both say you addressing duke humphreys friend have filled your belly ol this mans expence but u i with air you must therefore pty him 111 the same coin bring two plates put the price of your dinner between them and jingle the money under the landlords ears until he is aatified the crowd applauded ibndecuion nnd cooky sneaked away tnlhe midst of his smoking viands liken living contu co- pi sund ihe priest ofthe temple in ihc shape ulu huge fat man all cooks are iit with a white nightcap on ills head and lionenepron round hi waiit and wielding a knifi two feet long in the blade he devf itir from his port but as the waiters bring his cutouier plutcs to be filled apportion to each it allotted quarlity about six ounces hi biftg prtcliicd eye and keen knife serxing in plate of cafc not but a paii patent balances are in rejdinesj to satisfy any obstropulou customer who might be dubioua of receiving hi whack the cook ahnp keeper hat but one ftult butihatisa wbftpptf he met like tom daltou his falsehood however bavo ihts miiigatin- quality tyuea of interest ttkcan instance what have you hut woittrl every thing you can call for sir bring mo ome lamb tho platou brought but it prove to he vctd n isiiotwhatlordrrcdi want lamb waiter 4 but the veal is hotter than the lamb aod mtajer aayeho can recommend iu oh eiy fill tbefoti the lamb was the treat ofthe two hui w n wnttfftrlpefli elsi tlitimm 11uaofc if lying in titf tj of lrdcwmucftooganrjst praqriaadbjaltclttses let u moralize i lieaofiateraai ro very various aid more txcusahle and lea offensive than any others the pile and ragged beggar who to add to the effect ofhis otlur illlook tella of the laige family winch does not exist ho t strong motive to de ceive in the penury which doe exist and tho tradesman who tella you he eannot tfturd to com dovn lo your prtco beceuso he gave almost as much trlhegooda you ore cheapening is only labofkt diligently in li calling and tolling a falsehood whirh cumorn authortzea ad which you may believe or not a you choose it is not from persomlike these that the worst or most diuling maika of lalseheol are pund it is when habiiual and petty lying profaubktjm ipa oftluse whom ihde pendence pteeervc from the lempunnn to vudata lha uulh i whom odfirvtiun and religion qufjit to have taught to x lue it but where are the coets placed elltht while tlic are divi led into two classes common peiple aio shewn to long narrow tables ranged in rear of the window while belter kind of folks are uhored up stair toio dining saloons a difference in the puce of the pftlefil regulate the place of tatftwit a man ai one of theae houi h not required to pay specific sum ftr hi dinner but is chrfed for etch article he may order or use separately listen to an ordinary settling scene waiter wicr sir pfhavito pay i what ruwa you htil sn mock turtle sixpence rut- tck ofbecf sevenpence m carrot and cab bage threepence apple lie three pencei ollebread a penny andpint ofportei three pence altogether one and tonpenor sir there two shilling keep the change yoao gommin the waiters at these places tre very alienage they have no wages from their employers and dapind ntrely upon the giuluitic ofthe iitore as three hundred persons somhlimrs dine at a single noted cook shop allow but one penny from each and it would amount lo a hatnuome um even divided aniong three 01 four waiter nu person would be wtc in diningtwicc at ihe same place without feeing this class of personages some limo ago an ealing house keeper who had t soul above histratfo took it into his head ta make an innovation in the mode of duin bosincis ii ridercd it vastly ungen- leet tocliargo his customers per mnntful and therefore adver tised dinner at one and stipcucc a lead lie was not long without quiver cusiomcr a hcrriiggutled fellow having the appenranceof dando the oyster eater entered his dining room and called fur buttok of divc plateful after plato- ful was demolished and yet lbogenrnna hunger was nut siliated aiunglhlhe landlord cane himself with the 1al plate ordered fine round of beef ou have in cut landlord cries jto follow faith li cut and oina again may be cut cries cookey looking wiiehlly askance at his uly customer 4l may becut buld ac ifever it shell be voine utin we need not say ha sqci abandoned the idea of charging per head tbr fourth anj hil description efae iuuic llouc i the coflvehop aa much 0 htrcncc cxlui tietween cpvi hetures and codec slojv a uiwrrn any two trade that coew t eancd ai cor u fc sold a liquid ttiaiu culled cnhre uai n that reninmlvir aotc rcpcmblflncc the 6rt i ilc plucc ofrncctin nnd reilcnrr if foreign nort otlicr frentlnirii of ihe l11iei rank tbr ot tb ihc rxvt of vagabond of dieleoi oemripuon thcloddou coffi lit en legale j i ill if tfyievdm mansion freiturmcd by uavcltuie bnate tfttdtatwli 1oe lcodoit cinvc stop id rntcult highway b a rrrtiitorlc mr iliievet prenhuut umi prrwwoi in the lowreteradc of weaty ah coflee tihof arc not ao bod a ihc one we hiivc particulahze t itieee laticr tncje provl- airmporihe chetinevt tttfl coarsei lmd iref prepared for uiir trctieiil- efr 1l1e unauc 10 thoc m a ceaft stfpfs ouuic tossoton inontbuin- hte fhi- cfe hep where he enhry down mps erade rreant ujjh nut 14fl ubtu t i pl hcvvrul mhrr hiels etfkiun ho juy be nuuuerntc nvh ostbe xidjftod fleer sop ue a ja mdc ilccf ileus lac fteoni- aid ihc tfpsjp orlawf a it rjawt have their pccehatltica and r acellehriff hut we have raid enonh ar ene day- we set eet jm cue dilcrniirjoorioramiihma love advcdture nod htvowrittctl inlteu an m oiilaiiog jii vcma perajvcoiorc do urucr af ue fl alone tacts and scraps ttjwe nutico an adxrtiacuuul in certain paper nf ibis province of comparatively small riitulalion regarding the pale nf indian lands un the grand kiver whuat it i wilheld irum ptlioftf known in be more cinalty read it notorious tlial llio correspondent v arlroftittu a larger eireulolinn than any other j umal m upper canida nnd yet mr ilcnbum whuse naitic b lo tho advertisement would not dein to nub- jih in it ale we to atlnbuto ihi to puliiical prejudice or to a deire to keep the alc cunccah d from our numerous read era or are we lo consider mr llrpburn ns acting tn obedi ence to or violation ofhis orders it not from any qitfto- nary consideration wo brin tln trjle before ihe public but ti eitubit the unioleultux inutility ti the kbetal potlion uf the pre curried into such contemptible detail by the hirelings of government oatttspqwuht we have quded ihe above for the purpose of kiting the world and iur learned brother at toronto know it i vastly easy o hud laoll with one public bvfy and at the some tmi pai over conduct iufiuiicty more vile in another since the rcmodelhu of the board of ditcgtorj of ihe welland canal 1 in jinj it wn happens that the lii of a radical tnijoiity are expcrieneed when thin bj the casrx it is amusing to be hold the selection made of ihc vehicles for tho advertisement ofthe company in thut good tawn of kingston there arc fuiir iowp4utir published end 4mnn the the radtca ma jority make choice ofthe moat insignificant and ofthe eat possible circulation in the province dirty jira5 journal alias the kinton spteottor a piper of so litlla consequence tha no ibvtiiblti imoreho mf twkouiwvi bvw 4iowu 4m adwrtim in itwbne uhie whole number of subfcriber known not to exceed two bundled and whoc projiricior re turned to the port master le lba town nol jong ago ftxti a llio number of papcia mam weekly during tho preceding quarter we trust after thn thut ihe uvtrpondnt will be more guarded in bisubservdion respecting unrelenting hod tiluy zh be tnav gibe lim hins of bis dearest friends do mdck he ittiiijim in saving riatnwpapers orcompuriivcly small ctrculaiioi hive bet seletld by un indian l nd de- partineut jjtd h pot gjtf the advertisements in the christian uttartliu and british whig and ms be the hardihood tu call the rircubtion oflhetejnnrii ondll vv should be tarry fitwhm w imvotaid of dirty jacks journal should injure ihe lillki wimorh it in not much he get jroio m itdical fiend tjul wc bould he loth to make thai little lew while hundred- uf pound are being daily placed in the way of lha ctoftmnijtaf ii ionlv occasionally that a hone is ihiowu for l in f i however if the s tub on ly get monkey allowamo it 1 powiblo his anpluytr liave dwttt the jotuat possible ettiiuto vflib value in that case ihe diaiuterostedne of the blockhead i prodigious like jlatcteorfff he must have a vehdncnl lotootbolng despised icr wetbisday present our tender with the hon j elms- ley addrerf to the people of upper canada on the subject of the farmers bank it ia plain ducuiittiil ttlld will un doubtedjy remove the unjust cuhicioiit atu prejudice engen- deiedby tin peroral of mr skfitdttva letter wc shall not avoid iimkuig thi remark- wc ma kuie is a geutlemaii of too much hnpor ukt to be treated contemptuously by any one however high hia rank may lo mr elmsley should tvtoueel this when he tylo a person who has been the fift mayof of toroiitu who isitill fatct load a conspicuous pail in the polittcnl drama of this province dain william ijou mcken tie uciides a want olrepeet lo one opponents never itttjigtlifcos aruiaetit e nutico that the cluonitl- of satuiday publishes mr m- kcntties letur as well ai mr elmidcvti ant a it dues co for the purpoe of contracting thu vile scurrility ofthe one with the geiiiletnanly uuujc of ihe other sfticer humbug 1 it publihta tho two in irdcr to pander tu tbo malignity of the chartered institutions and at the game lime secure the dterti sin patronage ofthe new bank it a montreal newspaper br4gs of ittving sixty editorial ar ticle in one impression bak i we hereby undertake to supply any newspaper proprietor who may de ambiiiuuttu cut a tigurv with as many ofthe ttkc quality as ho may order alalxpcucc per dozen oo the kditortof therimmerc0 adrertistr nr so fond of walls ujinus that xbv are apt tu lutvquolc uicir favorite uu ihir man wanlibut iiitu hore below n wautihut hille lonj utey call well kuowo hue ffiim watu did thev ever read the vicar ul wakefield i oh i thise yankee f xtthe vice iveatdeiil ui the tiilted sutta ihu lion mar tin an burcn mude n flying uit to this town on thursdsu bit in iheteaaiboat cu4 stuttj tcrkinsstuniinolthuonlv dace in ihe univero where a lako lhir lotio nmuronient n the fiiw- 111 cstraii from a london ppet will uniply instwy amomllmyl milita utmttmts lt week two oacet briongeiui to a uubhinviit lying in bbetcrncm rritod aallied out into tho town h- a iurce they conuucnccd their fun with rather a culu tsik by upsoniiig a nightcart in the kuhtloct and by uucking the two niglitnieu who wcrebuniy engaedat thest avocation at tin moutent two youne m and peiyiving that one 0 tho najw was an office nut 01 them mui 1 t is onv b olmcr jq dis guise ipouwhkhihetiii phahbattl end wit- auod ihe other avkiekkdso lerthr diafarbenee end intluced 1 1 i oflho inhabitant to riat from their bed and endeavor to nuall the riot which had arisen to a considerable height in the course nf win h one of tbo officer struck t man named itoktolt a violent uow wilh piece of wood he had torn from t fence upon akjch the injured party ao belabored lhi offending officer that he was obliged to be lakoo to the barrack where it itftbotigbtj he will beoonfinad at tent a month before he can tpptw m pvttffjg duricethe jtcuflle with mr jack mind ins assailain the oilier officer niched 1 picquel from the barrier guard uuo of whom wounded a comrtahjo oq ihe head with hit bayonet hut wo unduratand uiey did no further miftclnef rt uiey appear to have acted wilh mora pru dence than their ithircis the iftlhtr have endeavored lo nial the wound they inflicted in their frolic with o little gottun ointinrnt but iftjtj lvrtics we be ctnuot povw to tiin keni herow aoin htcaxboat eannsiii the cineinmiti gazciu tneotuins dial thi noambimt rob hoy on her way up from now orlran on the julu ult aliout firccn mint from new madrid nuck a simp which caused her lo twist in such h manner astobtcak one ofher biauch pines and scalded ict or twelve ptftohtj of whom rmu had died and two more not expected to recover at ihe same time a oumhor of pcraous leaped ovcrboanl of whom three were drowned ct important fact- wu are givcii n understand that his majesty f igatu pique ha arrived at qmdjpc having on btard the royal coinniiiaioncrt to iuuoire into the siato ofthe ca nada tttiariinta scrap wc hive aun learnl something about a hoslie menage pnrticulan on friday ftwe areverry ioreraii rii attwrot arising rromlhe carries manner 111 winch cellar jer are lefl unuimrocd in ueanulinl itoqbct a mr gordon ofttlt ofintew wa i- mr t wnmlnvb u kreeli rrrt utc mul he lumtlitnllvfoitlw inhofered wfect he hal ilirmbfnu 11 iliiimitie elur ofnn urfiuinlicil houc aciir khijc sifiii avul arvcrely injure mmreir he wea m iaificuute1y tkwed tip boi when dicovorco iviisooaveynl tu mr witsona wher e lay thi inoniim in vert danrcroe filiic trwc arc plciprjtoai dahnareiuta the wliijr o cnrefelly we tnpe ik read il fr niomidghu head bj tcn ckarrr and iu cattmiorei nrv more itkrl5 nln- fcll althooffh fippirrelly ihry rletnm so lailr good pefbftpa lc la loo ttumbohertae ante foad bchor hid we crc ftsr 7vm opinion pofd or fviivc wenld puttitnei ibe many lauchcod hia potrioi nfilic jlcwttfn hut wcas ihrm ibr whtu ihcy arc worth mr lira like a tjoopcr awl would n nt be relieved even on liia oath apropoa wwl t wiianmnen about the rrwntry wrviog ruraue- scntirrv io to ftrivominc cnlfhpmny en twhvioe he lei oeacbody nt 1 -ihii- ii 1 j t and ii reader tola uih videat we lerrnrd itc ediior tow ifanry at ourhavin lnr m hew could wciellbe hid rciurncd wr had ccn nhtng in hc tot riot uperbtivcly etcdfr aeiae week oftecoorwcrc veryenrrrnt dtirlnglakt wetv thai the privy council hnd alloai 1 i bin rtr locccf ing the caplial sock oahe commercial dank and for kchluataf a dank at hnmilton humor also awcrt itathr- dunn the trovinctal itcrcivcr urruml now in london wm litinjr nut wilh hlettlt itityat aeol kothblf ll id about uic tro- viacinl loan company uv refer our rr adcr to mr jownh trrecva eilvrrliemcni in tw dnya ptpcfi tu ndvcrl4cr tttc oiinuficioivr ud invenler of the h oil ep and impcriul itnovautr two composiiio which brfa lo thiir otvn tnent nnd the rtcrcvcnnv lnduiry of sir trnc4 have brcocno ecrbnicd in cvrry partofihiff continent wc wiiecstied two cxncrirnenia otade with ihce compoiitiod one lo reme- rttaj pre af from a pfcee of woollen eood nd ihc other in uikirg au ex lenpivevtflinivoin nlnly jlkdrr botherfich wrfocompm sue rcail limpcrapr benen u ihc ilirmty ofthe pro land with mefc mioucnca lnini4ctwn iinporlntly eo tiivijd yet vvc b no rocaa think ohirnwnoroor readers lime weatejui eouriiin ivir eacatioo to ttic td- cnicuciit vemv or dt7o- aruivali aug 16 brig percinl j jtf litfa brie thoma rii krph june- dartmootk bark bnnzall 38th juwftw aog 17 brigmay workington brigsoccea w july newfoundlaifc- am ia ship john wttoh 3d julv livfjpgol sritpiccri 14tbjulypooi fig andromed 13ui ldn icoodoo- bhipcity ofwattrfbrd tth jaiy liverpool bark st leonard 27ih june liverpool chip french 18th july barbtdoea to the evttok of the uhtttsu jr0 sin a ynii were kind enough promptly to insert in tcur british whip of ihe i8tfl inst my kncjuirie and promtsed an tweffa ti length to ihe rueries proposed in your next i flat- tcred myself that yon would dopo in tho ome spiiil that the uctuju wrre aked viz cunrior and a deito l obtain and cmivev umful and hiternslin information inwlikh cayo my only ohjrct would hao been attained aa it is i have no other alternative than to pocket it yet will i press you tor an tntwcf whether candidly or otherwise iu oti may think pro per to oty lasl queblion which you nrriillerj perhaps by njh take il having been addressed either 10 vttgftw or another itefurriier vi whelhtr there is any virtue in the melt name oftny ihrn xr to t4 another kebrinor i umv be prrmittm to observe io u mtidid with him tloit it vww my iipiniun n well aa the o- jiuuii urui ttu l hwuiii tutfc v iv km mi wat teior of hiacmnnitimalion iti hv british w m- i- i 1 a ui 1 to a canadian reformer eftbt tmlh wvie known or in- political creed and ewi rf3hth ruittd he hroujhi our it wouldtoru qui lobe tory nr nitum that of tory re ftrmer ond h may rel aoicd thit his nulice in the uritih whig of iho sllinl ofmy eiiaueriev ha not in ihe leat k j 1 the suspicion lio nol liht a rnndlc to bul it under tleuhol l yottl lijthtoaiiinutltat oilier may x yotirgood worki ac are jiitind reaioiiahlecoinmand those who olwmtui ditolny the injitiiciimi hut ihfy cant prg- vctit cnuimenl 2nd ruamciun 1 our c auzust aith 1s35 a canadian farmer editor notk at ihc time xvc replicil lolhe cjoestiun of the ctnadian fanner pcnvunauy adilreamnl lo ut we had nn idea that another reftirnur would have anwered thuse addressed jointly lo us both his letter receved after uur ar liile was ill un pave hi reason fot the omission and forms nr excuse although like hint we do not acknowledge tlie right of any nameless scribbler to calechir v yet u thi controversy was in some measure pfovukod hy us wo shall lint hiifle il in iu infancy through any points of punctilio an fttitweff therefore to hi micshmi is now futiiishcd we know of im merit or irtue iu a mere name what docs shakspuarr say a rott by any other name would smell a sweet end consequently ifcoplious folks will dl the briiih wht the canadian tory wbj llieif gelliiu il ao will nol nmke if hecotne such if we knew to whin purpose the query was directed wc uitht auswci it more at length one word as t the want nf candor whrrefwc tand accu sed we do not feel nureleff jriiilly ho ostic our corres pondent we h broken through a law hitherto rigidly ob crvcd tod have published several letter ivom the same source without demanding the writers nntue wu have answered in question simply and without reserve escent in this last intuflco and yel are tailed ilnewdid i there never w a niore uncandil writer than dr 0gmdv a peifcit sophist iu argument and one who tdmitn communication tn appear m hi iournil that in ihr tlihrst dffe iiirlinlc atein t ilu- inc ot tuudu l oujriktloi linn aim ttvut jiilouj nl n fault our conduct is nrecisrly tbo reverse andyet we are ikxu acd nfwant of candor furwuh w hat little wc know or thmk wogietho public often indeed without duo considci alien t and yet wc arc uncaudid i one more word another reformer u no tory con cealed or otherwise hut ti tiiicure practical reformer known and valued as such and uu tire haupy lo sav that men ofhis upright prinrtmy an plentiful m thi laud with such to back him luii nuy the l4 ivnl cnulinuc to floiiah mfilascholv thtj mavite ky englo of july 30 antics tlmi a yountr nuui fontiorly tf that pluccf the fetid oftliuuias m donovan a much res petted citizen has become the victim of the escfce incut in mttsisippi and publishes the following fecting leturr to his uiff wriuen after fiemence of heath was nrbnohrccd livingston 7 ik jttly 135 i write lo inform you that this is the hist you may ever excepi to re ceive or lifnr from inc i am doomed 10 die on to morrow at is oclock on q charge of having been concerned in a negro insurrection in this state n inottg many oilier white but i can say what few can wy that i can meet my tiod iuiiocenily by the false atruatton of both hlacl and hite and some particularly who have come forward and sworn falsely to tny prejudice i have been con demned unjustly by their oath now i musi close by raying before my creat maker and judge that i go into his presence aa innocent uf this charge as when 1 was born 1 feel perfectly reconciled when the hourenmec both to face my accuser and my kicrnl judge 1 mtltt bid you a final farewell hoping that the god ofthe widow and ia- ihcrlcs will give you grace to hear this most awful sentence and now may the lord he with you hencefoitband lor ever- far jw ell fare- well m s 1 was arrested on friday the 3d irid to day the 7th and to morrow the ex citement is go great wc are not tried by a regular jury bul by a committee of planters appointed for the purpose whu have nol time to wait on any doreofl lor evtdeiue there ore now seven or eight prisoners to be tried immediately and they are bringing in others continually there is one to be executed with me- negroes are hnn on ihe plantations two white men preceded me jyew york commer cial adttrtitutm arrivals at tiic iommkuial hotel aot hkli col cainrrei tflrimirt m mclioncll cornwall tupi ivrtrjuii bntotfbcil mr rrrorli new vrk geo- jiaviea mon- ltcil mr dulo mr mitu aufaplctl mr stcrte tnli ioih mr lilinar mnuiral mr uimkr treauj c iirfkr humltitf m r ierry w ap hart kq ueetfr rider kinqwai mrj lmrttprwo emhuwi mr ii ltr bhlbev irlr lvrr cvlkkjrc hi i mr hick do i mrfmic- u- tirr vrw york mr feetlittmimwli 1 kven ai huciii uckturg mr j tco w lwtf nrw york mefitrrtii shh mr nwharlwt qinlirr tatty miolwrmiui quvtcc joliu a midiuulo lt llliowchmr iircuifrucwi mcnm oj mcoli slpehl do1 b tri eh cuot nccsbtjo efis kcri- the subscriber announces to hie friendeand the publict that he has removed to ibom very eztemive premitet in front street nt to the building formerly occu pied by tlie commercial bank wbere he offers for sale a very extensive aud general assortment of british and foreign staple fancy goods 0s toll as t b r fouctotno 100 chests tea various sorts 20 hhd refined sugar 20 h museovado do 50 kegs plug tobacco 20 iloxes cavendish do mnccoboy and rappee snuffs paint and cod oil saltpetre fig ijiue and starch white and colored paints and black lear mustard in jars spermaceti candles tallow candle spermacetti wick new article 200 boxes window ubs various piica shovels and cut nails boxet 1 c 3c i x tin liquors 30 hi cognac brandy rich flavor strong proof otard dupuy co and other favor iie brands bordeaux brandy schiedam geneva and hamburg gin puncheons jamaica spirits proof 1 to 2 upper canada whisky wvvves jev ifvoj- quarlcr casu of old madeira approved vinta ges blackburn oliviero t cos brand xerxes sherrv london particular teneriffe aod the moat exten sive and general assortment of red and white irinest worthy the attention of country merchants and tavern keepers i bottled wines east india madeira brown and gold sherry genuine old port sparkling champaigne jollies brand porter hibbervs and dunbar9 brown sund in pints nnd quarts cases of schiedam gin s t 0 tje s 100 2j to 3 feel stoves viourur sitwes liverpool ami montreal s0j1p florence oil macicanl and jfcrringg the goods enumerated and all hie importations are peculiarly deserving the notice of the public and tde advantaged of the wharves and premises he occupies lor the general purposes of trade and the term upon which lifcttou iweyg laid in through his friends in montreal enable him to sell as low as the montreal prices advances will he made upon all consignment of produce for sale here or for shipment to his frienda at montreal the charges will be found moderate thomas macn1der kingston august 23 1335 7tf london uotanic or vegetable oil soapj jmtd imperial renovator 0r the general restoratives of ladies drtss and gentlemens clothing of every description of to tour or quality without the leatt injury to cither the above compositions bo celebrated iu europe and also in the principal cities and town in the united states the vegetable oil or its superior quality in extracting oil or grease of any kind also paint tar e fromgentlement clothing and woollen of every description restoring the some to their former condition and is emi nently useful to travellers it possessing the singu- inr quality of washing in hard spring or seawater l1 ftelft hlhut eiwimh rill in i- v mv r to tbs ladies the imperial renovator for its extra ordinary qualities in extracting apois or stains caus ed by grease oil or soil of any kind from silks sa tins merinos canton crapes bombazines and fine woollens of every description restoring the samtv to their former condition without doing the least in jury ro either gloss color or quality let the same be whatever it may and in a very few minutes loo it may lie left upon silks or woollens of the most delicate colors for whole months with the greatest safety and is now most respectfully offered foj sale tor a few days only at leahys ink he respectfully invites the ladies who may wish io satisfy themselves of the benefit to be derived to send their address and he will with promptitude aud pleasure wait upon them at their houaes and convince them of the invaluable qualities of theao articles and furnish them ifrequired aodtbeinot satisfactory proofs given that the practice of send ing fine dresses on account of such staina to the dy ers may be in such cases dispensed with it may be had at all times by wholesale or retail at the subscribers residence c5 a very liberal allowance will be made to one person in each town who may purchase to sell again qj none will be left for sale on commission j thench inventor manufacturer 7tf no- 426 broadway new york auction sale patrick egan being about to remove intote premises lately occupied by mr h scanlan begs leave to inform ihc public that he will dispose of his present stock by auction in front of his store market square on thursday aug 27th his siock cqtuisu p following articles is 5vhcsttwankay tea 1 rhtsi young h son do 3 chett black du 10 boxes muscatel ruisins 10 boxes poland starch 6 bags cuba coffee 350 packages ground coffee spicks arc- 6 boxes le mons 20 jars maccoboy snuff 5 jars rappee do 10 bags english ulnuts 4 ml lorillard cut to bacco 2 blls lorillard in half lb popers 30 doat bottled port wine 20000 russian quills 20 doz pis i- blacking 30 sets of measures also a large quantity of stone and tin ware c rice barley pepper soap candles c wh many other arti cles in tlie grocery and provision line those in the trade will do well to attend as the subscriber is about to embark in another lineofbu ftitie and will therefore sell without reserve csuu to commence at 10 omock a m jamrs linton auctioneer kingston august 23th 1836-