British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), September 1, 1835, p. 3

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ovtwotar ctt ojicial tiazttic was puhliahtfd w aw ay containing a prociunttfif ftis cy the right hon ila tiurl uf iosford au- jouncing his appointment a captain general nd govcraohncliief in and aver the provinces of up mf aadlowercunathi respectively mid command in hi msjesn a office h mid minister in lower frnada to cominue in the due execution uftheir res- pective dhcp ami the cninmimioiiofhiamujeaty fpjiomuiig the kielit hun lite karl of ioeford inn i right hortwr churls kilward tircy and sir george i iipp to be comimwioilcffa lor the investigation of all grievances auvciiuq his majestys subject in ihe province of lower canada ill what relates to j ihe government of tw province mowing courier tfw earl ofliosford sir charles llrey sir george itid lady gippa occupy temporarily at uuebce the house fronting the glacis of the citadel formerly in habited hy the hoik col gorci wlreh was engaged k furnished as the residence ot earl amherst when his lordship was appointed commissioner to this wu wiry montreal gazette although lieutenantgeneral sir culio camp bell is the uext highest officer of the army after the departure of lieutenant general lord ayhncr tod will take the command yet we apprehend that his command will be only nominal in so far as reipects the forces in the several provinces thai the highest officers in the different provinces will exercise the command over their several provinces inly we suppose that lord tiosford though a civilian has authority to cull upon all high officers n die different north american colonies to obey tii the next despatches from the ilurse guards which come by the english fuhnouth packer will proliubly wlw all doubts on the question lb lord and lady ayhner it is now said on good mtliority will nut sail till about the loth proximo tbe mercury states that il is understood that the tituarioii of utnnmaiidemit chtcfhi ireland is kept pen for liislordship if on his return ji i cana da licsho ild choose 10 accept it on his lord- ihip departure in military command in hritish north america will devolve upon his excellency ljt general sir colin campbell licui gover nor of vova scotm he bcitiij lilt senior officer in bo command ib a printer in toronto proposes to rcptihli numori weru prevaltrr facts avd kl l london ffto mpctod revolution- zs7sss n ft ns objtct the removal of kin t ft t wiiiib wbstitution of the tate kiog s brother duo franc uco sh miss reeds sjx months iuii convent whenever he can procure live hundred iuibacrihcra to it at three hillings a heart tte tduuct of the book was to ex- rile a invjurtic- in the states against the human this committee ol lublieailot do mot catholic and to nuihoreand her misuse ilie did ftttalivay strictly adhere to truth we do uot ite- jlicc thai fifty men nut to speak of five hundred till tie found in upper canada so foolish 09 to throw way tiilir money upon such u buuk- i a report has reach d itwn mid appears in the uffim komi register ta day u the rtiict thit infor- jtfloii had been received ai tiuebee of maine ha- tnj commenced driving the hritish from ihcdispu- d territory lord alynier it is sid ftill not in feplafciio liith ii the rumor tfc cwk vlu wan committed to the roniuionjail ol ir iii hist ihi i for rubbing the mail bay jtd yoiicid iv in p ijii ll- iia ivc n poor and ipleva family eoiisisiitig of a wlft and burcbil- behind itlm in jail vrifff observer to euiitntfrunmvi ir cbm jtai rutuitv ivflrtffbfmc narjuc mil u uxasrox tvkhikw kilxixu suvt i is35- by ilio livvr n oil pum uftli tmtli of jtty ttii hac ij iue fallowing iicais tiffmijitt lotvlhjjei tkfl srsat topic of iiilvnm illw iuiuimh pper ircci u llic ubtat ivm mndo liitt i ian insula llr intf ut- fj ilil dut uiu bilvcea the utu tiillowii ik will i niijm l tftftvl iij tfvcil bet thfll icon r lii ii viuif ilk tftr dint iiiti hi uuiiwl onrly i to tiic gonimhtw to dviao 1u0 lull iu sl iml rted ii by a miwrli t4 tail rflitrt ttw pniimhb mm bed with rflat iiitui aad llwio can ion wuor wilt be awbtauial nritwujdi panic tu ore said lo be wttdig foi to fivo tvoou qittlhe iwicit loiifig tltai it wilt nut mti ioui to tillrilcltvuiity tliiwuu niligwfumy p a 1l ofis mtlwltilli lit ilij nut w hw lwwi ulow hiij rtio tvntb rtttl fw c ulwciii of ilimajtmju in uw lictug t unprcs uu in iiv ol rtmiaiiiiiii i i vn ncflmivivr commnm hod rtal to a smst tlie lad drbjiv ilhucfm uv iwvn only uwhi fabhi temjii so on lis object t bout uiv ioo tlwearl otduriwowl wn l7ul ntost pliwnffi in untuniiol nmpapct bm ipprcd toofokutt hu uvo wisj unn- trcbeen nwhity rmi t by hd hritliuanu 4y litfw oiuuj ti r icirlorcuifdaiiitlic idiciriiuttl iim w with 1 induction ofrim ucwijr 11 no l london a it if laud i4j lo wiil hl it ilx l fmittniiioncr lord ikinsouilr i7tli iitra luty iwj u5 rmylvd ill5ttamflijraiw h ihe ciomct bat ilto miiitarf nen bcicjji all otwiwdl aro upp rh pwwpwnrt of uppflf w ww fa ts i fia 6 i- j rfrfj wgj h m 1820 m 300u6 r l ss i to 125000 wlilli a rtjwmlhow gctssp eyincnadbo ful ac u ggg bowinjcnncquenlly a wfplol rv or fcwwlpa ippltcablc auo to iiilcrititi unprovuncnu mico of a motion bad boon given b die mlnioy 6 hi 4 lijtl llreuod for leave to bimg icorpoialion in ibftt country- 1u owkllcd upon lrtd jolm h ocli modification ht itic ttsfoim of munip tlio npcr say that it rimoa bill fur eng- ciicumuncii ay ic- ilfuil- coercion bill wliivh li mcitjbeifttr i4nttnt yet mid iiolliing on the wo have advertised pnw r sft- k v elmore tlio tntrnded publihtr oft mnp oft bo midlonh ditrlcl 3 mlfe- wliolimioad vici- of iiieiuto oii btmimii i lnjiinin i tli 1u iij by thj projection of a similar mnnofllic district of pimce rtnl colwwmnlllrt nrlisina intipfflhy o pnrk fir ih among the vm krtu atumph now in embryo to encourage tio tlliemflnloftlioartowd midland dtftrkt wc km of nona of greater imptrtanc tban tlmiofobttiniiw u corrol dp of those nmittm or but pirtully occupied btku vo tear of hitchmbruko btdfiin kulwhr uon h- doc at c nd we form in fiiift ideasof ofuicir pntuion in relation tothofruattownjhips b these mm aro tr the moit part erroneous since in conquenco of the trant c road we have no opportunities of becoming poiaonnally acouunud with aeir true positioii now a map of die me promised by mr eioiore will remove this difficulty and enable us to wen tain the precise locality of every ioimiw distance from the nearest mills- ai position of mill ii and other intimation that a prudent man ondeavore to obtain prior to his mnuih a settlement pcrhape fur life in ehott a map of die dbtfht is so genera llv useful that we wonder it has nut been project ed long ere this day fedin pakuadod it rout prove a fortu nate speculation with respoet to the capabilities otfttft ebiore lo make this map the public have receiroj ititfotory pro t mapo pueo edward is as well executed aa anythin- of iu kind on tlita rontinent every lot in each concession i well defined and every crosn road marked mr elmore is a canadian nod j licensed surveyor is familiar with very patt uf the hu- 1 1 m diitrief ind wo make no doubt that the map he u now about projecting will in every rcspcu be enual if net superior ut the one he lias executed w have done our duty in makin- known this enterprise it now remains for persona who have iho means ao who are calling out forilietlvibtof ourrertowoli ps to encourage mr elmore in the prosecution of hie praiseworhiy undertaking lotus hear no mote the pitiful cry of the wui of n back noumry if die kingston folks do n subicribe liandmuelv for copies of this map a couple of stray leaves from the jodiu nal of a frisoner my rcfluctione are of a dark aid djvunclioly rat for they are associated with the nature of the ohjcts by which i am florronnded- here aro no enlivening prospects no fields of ctownhif herbage no beds of roses and viuku no singing of birds no clear eshilaraiing sunshine no ilcs laden with frn- grunce no voico of friendship no toa of yinpatliy here are uonoofthoc varied and magnificent scenes of nature amidst which the spirit of man delightto dwell here are none of tho melting luxurious nbsorbing refiiemnts of creation none ot tie bewildering smilea of imaginative divinity which with p tiih day thr qmt t amhju great lit it ut and vttiud statu cvnimunce ttieir all rnn of nuking only mm trip earh round thu i wk see edicitiseiintnl 15thc heavy gqle 0 thursday nnijht rud uicsoh- jjjoiihiimfjuof iimiso eicvllent lleaniwita the s7 ofocnmt cum flarrit a card of thanks liwrto thtt pusvuerinf ihe talltmocut sinclair is inserted m omo of the provincial paperr ictnor so coarsk at the crnrlwn f a cvere hil vrfll wfclilltfti chronieu upon conduct of the editor orihodethrvitle paper artnvered fr in rvhoim tilhlttit taik upon mr maniihmi the kint win ihlm djwilrapltimii fi4it evr- iu hi i ewiertttnd topi tticuhvlkognt would wlllhuly hive mriw witli a ioiiit of our little giutf to have mid so auod a thiifi acrcmckkt mitch a miuh bis imnty game wnt plived yesicrjay afiernonn bmween lvtn vivirairt mid ole- veu ilayirrx belbufhij to the artillerf- tim fame wad oblv comcfunlj nd won b the arllieryui willi six rvds utfpurc rirvr iahlito aruiiery 47 run by j8 civslvn wtuiws bjw fc a 2imw3fey s3 st s iw4f w ihe civilians were the beat biuen irtdboirlew but the ar tillcryineii were by mm h uo ht fiecr having caught out imeteatart hriion ofttoirojiainiito etkintox coisc to oxc it f 0 the nvmy pronfk iailv mrmthed nflhi fitet mar bo aided thl ftl fcft tiic scotch kirk and the ilriiiili ivedlefan lljflfvl have been fiunl too smnji br their ruuwtwo cuiifreniiufi d they are each to he materially im routed in ize dtxhcttlti viutoc ih a vmra few dajs ao the wrlidrofoneoftfa jiujdile hiartnt took tbc puiititi- imof die quarrel to dirty juk lor publication which f ttli- vious reason s not ont a sborr ime iftw jnji met the odinr party and inotterem rrwlit tu iielf flr aluiainine to pnhissli vhit liomdlia nrw wi oftend i thank vou fir yitiir kindncf viiisst rejriird th pflmon jwfc ad- jsi ijsli i cannot hulpmmnlli i much indebted tonr willi minnv whip for youi fjflrtantoe itt the jitr ilflhe flrothritk r rder dtreett thi pnbliv aiteiiiiotitotlie mentofa dentist naind vvrfceeeld iifwbem servirj he hid avrilcd himself in leplnuii nomc ofltii de cajud teeth in our gnlipritrhvs we rmraetcd nrmy thm nnd decayed trutll but wens evcri upon to m any our broohviibbnivtlior u a iianve of this continitiit bos therefore brnn accutomi from hi infancy to decayed teeth aod from long habit h piobably become vamouted nfihirpeciu liar fragrance we can wotmlitt in no tfi ot way for hiadimrcio have them lepljced or hi rtcooimondtlin lu hiw rcadvrx loullts operation r t lfttlo whose phudaitf iaoria exhibition rionf him fii hr vprnifcm dune evy ibinj in iheir power iimwiiijiblq rifiml look m ih ijoatd ofliduc o inland a lii rtcotbudto holy order- i iher w oih itandbr and snot hie njous l btrtrhan at l oeesbiblishhtentl wash h once a im imrofiheuosrdioihosevoraldistrieut and iatljonot head nfiho whole estnblishtnontl w imtoriheowdioihoseverntdistricui ana n wf ettonimn paid to the dimmuohoois and the common ncfis mproprintion by tlio several dhttlm board1 did not d ilnchan iho holy mn of cod with the tkfanta of the sir vennnmit with an en tlttiriulrovi are tdid poetic fire entice the soul mffuuni ner lo soar on high scanning the sublime and magnificent wonders which lie treasurod up in the bright pavilion of tho sky dancing in the mdiant circle of the rainbow reposing on the pellucid drapery of the clouds catching tho firsi nucs of tho murmuring ihun- nvis and in fhe inneirnd rohacf oftj moment mlleftf ttue iho curtain whirh hunts the extent of our finite perwuoiv and obtaining a fuint glimpse of the glories of futurity thcm objects whether real or irosgirary i now name as liny in tlio days ofpoetc and boyish fancy contributed to my hppines as they now doubllos minister to the happiness of ihuuianda and the refcrenco may not perhaps appear so very tbsnrd and unnatural when i remind tlie reader that i am only attempt ing to ivo bin a description of the place i inhabit hy tailing hiii what things are tier here and father 1 daic iwtgoi ince were i to toil him what reilly is lier he would hy down my pnprend never more desire to look upon tho dark and revolt lurluie widj thu negative explanation the fonder vill 1 witnctcd on friday night ha wen dufuilunate in this town lie du not sukcefd in arcming tin ifaotitiuil of tho iiile- mn parectllcncc lie headed bhihiicalional vnne- mefi whivh hein vastly diilwent frm breakinrr into ulackv hoire kusing ntm wenches sniahttf window polling down smuts tmrows ntid ilhef eittlomaoly rc- crraiioii m aoaiter of courts he coldcxpo i and did not iccmtftimjeh gentlemanly palionttio tlv wo learn lhat adlretskgdrmjtht ha seen cxpirente- ii the weetern part oflhts province q rain having taltcn cor a inuuih in thu i inity and more tho fatwaid tin 1 en contrary h beon tlio ea the rain paitialiy to detroy ihe impel of tho this district ho neverihclci on th tin one 1 brti ai pcntilil ai inner the hamm in l-v- proved a fuir ivo to the editor of the vmtish wttiq sir i observed in yarn jiaprr of f iday a paragraph htatinf that mr win k cok had si t ihn exaiipju cf sending 4 ptft mr cok in an inofllihvo aitm im- lived many jcar in kington a wis nevr jrwi wl woietfrtfl wmbttftv w4fi cmrc this iniilorliort i think thenlvrl vyiir mh mvihiii as aduellbt wijihavo 0 lendonev i jnr- him in lubfk i aioft nnvtfvai yw vfwvvi h milt hi snd ih loittn ife hid brvir wnnglify an tjwly unrated by a certain party uhu without any pvotttwu had applied opithct 10 him that no hornet inaim l j wljl he ihvrvfbre wrote to him demanding an ii or rjfiyaciion and ulwieri the man mr tjitor at wotifd litvi alcd mhcrwuet 1 ebltaa kington august 31 1834 to ti rmtoh of tfte uflttlsi whtq iure tn4cpe0dxnrc ekiacoecwitr- jueoiciit sajspaci- ihdbphoeit blk it always bid bb a rule of tnj aj ihop it ball be to iia it lov mite in dirin- a tribal vf over to iat 111 my 11 furto wa mun kicked at by has expiicd and inoisler subject of luiwwal lord hhad given notice that iwrfmlm bring it before the but in what manner is not stated fissu kcunu contiouo l fat pn be gaftai tsn 7000pn in thai wunly a slsspsiss iirif iwc pound oriu j idjast p s ik sfft2 klm in anuh b1im occuimed by orange pwcn- j i- i- outrage bmttbld bco received al pai ol iby iho flh near mpwri on ho 27ui gfjun e inaib chief called abdl kapcr tho l ww 1 500 nd he routed freiclm wb mt to bring off bhbeor even heir wounded w huway hnck to oran the arab rofiueo ttmw b2 marshall cluiel we ioiiotdwj ss lo uko the cocmnand and iwuinu uw sst tewlonv tho f legion ilortinod lr bpan tolineiufttred ieveitly in uu cnsagemtim ladice fon madrid are to he 14h july and from bay- 0uio2hli lilsctojei in uiist ho satisfied and i only frnr thai i have already spoken too nuiofy of this secret recess of sorrow to be acceutabtc id a gay and a happy world it is arrange that i cannot frame a thought or write a paragraph but thai it mutt be rendered for bidding and gloomy and that i could not with all my cfforis sit duttti to tell ihe reader n lilile incident without pm having a vfatt from my evil u 1 1 dul now rr the narration without tritmmg myself with foilher digression or longer preface tho wife of the prison keeper bought a plover it was wild had been cuuiht in some snaro of the fowler as indued who is there nveu among beings of higher pretensions hut lti into ihe trap at soute period of its hfj or other it was in a small rage and i look it into my apartment thinking i might tame ih the bird wis indeed a mo beautiful cinalure its feathers were so fine so giosv to brilliant and its cotors sn diveri fied fomi red somcgiccn some white of the nuret and brightest huei and arranged witlidueha happy cotnbiealion nfquiet placid and unassuming loveliness that it was indeed strikingly pretty i put into its cage u basin containing a few quail of water which afforded it great amusement it splah- nd into it liicd to divo trimmed its feathers and played an in finite vrioty of little gambols bopoiking uie gratification it it soon however grew weary of its lonely diveision looked around as if wondering where xs many companions were and then seeming to recollect its isolated and fi icndlu slate rid red to u corner of its cage and there sal brooding over its du consulate and sorrowful cndiiion- fur the following two davs it never once left its plac and icreety noticed its kmm it sueuiej rjuiltf lo olid wrapped up in tho contemplation f itwwt as if lamenting the stern 0vreq of fate iu depriving it of friends and homo poorbird said i as i moved my chair near its cage gfal toaympalhifc with one in ifttciion m ment irhomototheot has thou loo ashrre in the cares of life and dom thou yield uiyself a prey togricfand consuming ntt lanchotyl of course it anjwcrcd not but the sound of my words aroused it from its reverie it looked up and as ill small bright eye met mine i fancied that i iaw something very like a tear standing on its eyelid and a it hung it held again iu silent atuny i worriy thought it also felt that misery which aitscftfroni hopa deferred poor thins taid i pot hap thou art now thinking of all thou wast in days that arc past and gone when in the pride and joy of freedom thou didst range the air the fields the groves iho stiearas and with happy troops of fallow being didst revel in cloudless gaiety aod happiness perhaps too in those days of life and bliss thou sbarcsl in joys tbe memory of which serve now but lo em bitter thy solitary musinga in some little domestic circle ihe place which thou didst occupy vaunt end around it sit per haps cn now thy bereaved friends lamenting the sad breath which is made in their little society and pouring forth for ihco their bitter and unavailing notes of sorrow again as if disturbed by the sound of my words it looked op and seemed to upbraid inc for having moched it with idle and deceptive sympathy lis silent vebuke was more eloquent than words j could not resist the ibpcalj for ot that moment memory suggested that my condition was qntie tmitar i thought of my hotnc oftho hallowed place of my chddhood of dear ow ones far away tears always miothe soften and reconcile the iron hand of cruel fortune seemed to relax itt grasp for a moment and while my agilatrd and burning heart beat quick and acutely i thought how ineffably hpjjf i w be could i wing my flight knd join dry der dtai bimb the angel of adversny as if unwilling llmt 1 houhl be hnp pyoveoin itnofimation spread her duhcvcllcd wing over the food picture and bloited it out forever poorbird cried i ihnu shall yelbe happy i lore the cruel wires from the cage put ibi plot cr out utweeu the cur sed iroo bars of my window ond held it on my hand ittasl- ed with toy the pure and free air and at that momenta flight of plover came passiog over it caught the huppy inspiration o iheira4ng spreid iwjojwtf wings joined tho happy troop and dashed gladly dowt thenar as i returned lo my pallet of straw i reflected on tho deed and felt tht mil conviction that i bad done right for once m with arfmirjtiioi and ptuwe wjier pruin isittio and l bell delight not with enw pite and ttalirvj a ni u ln w traiu in prominent charactri ttiat go u dcwl tin above admira- he qiilificftliotis allow me at this ffhml juncture of your public career to addresajifewohsenatw t andihniish you to tho public i call it a criicat jrfirluni ifyour uotiticd career fiuru the circumstance of its ww llttawo oftttottl- mqst a hyword in varbuj circk ihv lftc bdir of iip ivhij was about larntiiqnvcr to uie tories v in tho nwrhtl fr tht highest bidder was making propyl onstochango or hold on as occasion might rtnirt or ai h- w i oppodunity was middle of the finn r die and givwirt thtr rea- aton llin drill of youi writing of late rimvo 10 kctpw and the reform fwuty lo lhhf th- lower prottnce and in englaorl now urcoiding to my weak jitdgmut uw very rtiuunt they generally ain a the grounds of thisum i huk trun etprool that ou 0s5csi the ibovc ialitie in an cuunem dfteis i will mention at tow as a pe unun vour cotiliim ally denouncin- hume and papineau id all who think wiih thentav traitors rebels and rvolulivtiimi kwa ymir oppnah lion and halted of all oriiuythiu the tone in hncland would doorvjv whrj since they have been turned out ot ollueiuxe declared in one way or other aloiust tt not quite every grie vance thru was charged to eiii anil ery numly that wu demindd to be rcamahlo and just in a wind iho tories have got nhngnher iu adthuw ofih lirilih whi in iho lrah ofconcemnns and lihendiiy towuds the ctinadians then about the firt of july la yon ohvcd tocopv from hf fvtwffrf rvrorireilflioivaol w i wjkfn tea idler to iho coiilcroneo ruspiriinit r kyetuint lor lti goo1 reasons ycu then nsfigned m iho aid e kyeronvu uu about to move t kingjiln in mlliiencti amf wonderflil tact in convincing the pcoplu thfet to watu injured and cn- himidiled individual while at thiam time you tok espo- l o favorable an ipouttrtyiilip of kuine ly ow dipped iiittu- itid sending it home vrln ft a i c i 4 iti v re nl t ii li iii iho kmu ofrrulh wlorh smg itii ir mont uoili in hu pub- lie and privito chiirattftr than woum imvu been done hy pub iihiri2 extract from that day to ihi wtucli proved niui cuar ly lliat you did not dread bis influtnc again lately full de clined complying with uie wywl of jour properly icroied rude correspond nt j obaener to copj from lire coltc omrffftt uf the 30lh july lat ihe kev jitncs kicharilon let tfr fur reasons as von say h would know if he hid om plain ofundcrliudinr li ihitf- uytffsofl would convince all per ftins with whom he came in contact ihit he yeusa cahiinniatej individual but tt proof that fou twtoom a fig tut nil his whining about calunmouon and hmse in making pctmlo br liotc black is white and truh fidhimd c you in your vvliiftoftbe utli int with honest inditrrattoii spurn the idea of being coupled with tho said e liyviu and tom italuii cv in abuaing and denouncing uhi pplnead pail you iiu hesitatingly buudlo iliehly fcgwim and niottus tvgther and nrnnounre lhon iwo of the raok apolits m iho cun lhat they aie on trartli what im ltitier lies u in ii i anhelieatlofllieir profession thnlitfl if ball now mci htyour undaunted trtttck in your whq ofl the stb na cauadwt rfirmcr who has hceii fignnng fr wnw 111 the ffttcfetor- vour taking the qins lo procure isiiainner to cutntot lliw uwii pimilwi ik 1 a no btrk nolsit i utfn bj a canadian uf farmer while all the try press- in the province hfrilih inclined hkothc toiiesin etigund hi inho thflo by iho titluck and outdo iho win in canada in ihe march of iiberajity ami rclvrm oveo by ttieir mwoco pane ihcii ttxit 9met hi the chant rflowttlwtyottttiuri iw w use aek bone it is all ridivuhms ttiu abun1 to mpi th ilnye evi nitjim riftnikf in to goveminnit inut cqt doi to i o seltf miuttaara in thu pr i event uiiranu vofln setthne i flm coo dbtab ihachnrtnrof kings cillegn iu the year to uomtimnl ofilouonyearmit nt thecaetmf and tor t l which hnd been oi an rl tumriily fi ficho ivhich the corporal jjrlliiia nt from y4 to 10 pur itcrr ihereby maliu a 50k tuna lor that ihstitutiuq to he sure iho foundation stone of ijo nahlroltonu nolyctljid but then the iivcituo and the ground where it is to stand ha bom imprnved and a bcauii- fii dnce 1 1- 11 i rio of tn not delightful evutifng wllt rrai i nrunto abod especially when iho youu wcqofto rouio are il jmg marching and cjunirmnarehuix and when the collrge shall he built it will nltord an sms iwr aft the ynoth hi ihe pruv inco llmt are fible to g there hi nh ttin afirc uu rdncain and thev iny takoony dercc end arrive to annost any poi ofhnoi ihe inhitutioo provided ssrts v churdl ensland and w ib- noinrt and theiefore wlntt done to kelorrrt i miht gr on with the vc hle twelve points as riucrctfrfiifly as imvo doun wuh the nbove two hut i inul 1 bare raid enough ft ihe prcycut pcrhape if thi moots your appro 1 nod a clvonua tacniliod from the public tou may hetir irem me again iliurtlvi a canadian whig l35t itportant point rood whi- could haveilurte mherwiso than you hive f hep fiiwurd and stop the mlichlovous duelling nf a c ray quintc rpitont none uuit loth wo much duubl whether any liberal ncwpfper would have published a communication like iho abuvt few editors wuhug to be iuuiled m ihoir own columns oi r wan of eacdor u 0 gmt lhat wo admit it freely and almost tvithou comment leaving its weakness loaand ai our exewe wc 01 not going to be put down with mote asser- uog pcam bf otoof of chtr apotacy wc demand chapter and vemtt and if theso ae not furnished we shall look upon take notice baxts of fkopbrtt by auction will poiitivtly take place on lliuraday ihe 4ih mm if tint prcviouely dispoacd of privately thu moet atlvatiugeoue property situated at the corner o t front juhnetone streets nearly oppottte mr conniei bambliahnienn riecxircinitieaarca3fcetby66 containing six uiiclljnga mid ivnlicing t lat ffom eighty tonioe y i uu per annum albo on the mmeday uill be old pifty acres of valuable lonfl eligibly situated in the fourth conceasioir of ttli gstofl roiitigunua to powleya mills and only litcv fiom the principal mart tht proprietor huaresuhed on arllipg it aa im ptirpmieti lending the country tbe feule will take place onuie premifcs nd om- tneueev precisely at 12 oclock james linton auctioneer kingston aug 27 1835 uh9 attempt id injure us with all lbs scorn it menu we sru in the potilion oione who has done znutiwt ninlynine guod turns and hecause h rtibsei la do the hundrodth is imted with as much ingmtitudo as if he had never duno a tingle kind- lit vc have served ue refnrnicis ijiihrutjy nd at ttr as our services have bhbattq hoen rjinuncrjted dhlpleivitsdw hul becauaj wc rofitsd to 0 the wlndu hng with a small put of them few of the icadurs aro attempting io put us down we have purchased nur independence with the swsal iitoof hrow rtud if i neither in tin power of lory or radical to oiulava a wo arc not worth purchasing but tho gold ha yut tij ho du that would buy us 4 du 4 lo fl li1s 3 do 2 do 9 do 1 pun 1 do 2 do 2 casks 4 3 20 20 jo 10 s 2 aug a 77 port of quebec ariuvais aug 22 ship orient 17th july liverpool bm rjpringflftvrer llut july pukinw aujsa jncluiha kill july bvlo 74 nottkn llri j olin thompson 2dh juno havre jcgrace uuk clicrokti 20ih july greenock 1 1 mrii sili june inverness 110 peltiers tfrtir maris dolphin 4ui aug st john n f w rngluhuuuis3d june london bri- tjiiurdidtt 3uth junoscarbto hii mahtbsr itith july liverpool bitx atlatttie it julrliverpch an 25 brig hector isihiuly ms 49 enlem ship attyono 1th julv liverpool 39 scttl cr sinn ouindo i7ih july licfpiol ittrltbufit ifiilijuly londou htrludt ljiz msnfnr tlioii ship activr jllh july liveipuol 2 tetllcr 13 nk elifi lt jjloivi- djrk inauiichi idth july london unit wullvrcutc uolirjuly iorlgliow haih clyde ttl luly unrpooli 4 scttleri hri- willmati 2ut july deusst brig vclocitv 9lsl julv waterford 1 fettlor brigjsiis iarfsrtlst july charmte brig prince iuatm 2lt july newport iri kllzibhh nt july llvorpuoh barti rrloverr 28th julv clouceter commrrthil rbmaktcb on tiik moxtrcil raxnnrrrft ttsstut tlvtifto aug 2r 133 aiir tliiic is no change in this tirticle pots go off iciddy it 31- a 31 far small parcel while 32 if do- ui mded fur larg luu hut w iralhsoc leorn tltul this price jic bsttl pail pearls are wortli 34s w a 35s per cwt ftourtthc holders have not pressed sale and although tm bumiiei done hasbeen ineonnderabe fleur mny be no ted a shaiie bidder die only transactions wt have heard of t nice saturday wre 100 in is canada sour fine at 21 iso brls rjocied finr a eery inferior or qi2s6 jmobrls line mus yd yonge jiiluaod 150 tot it 96v g per brl j ttny tho article h hly fferd r it wheat there har been nulhiog done in wheat sines om lash iltovmons some burimn tins rjcon done in pork from iji tfitfuo brls prime hove been pfd at 13 ctujt and 100 biu prim mctsatlgj 90 days iu prime m- lta hnnbty3a in small iumtitiej butter is still sought fin at itur guijtious wkst im xa ptuetce muscovado sugars have been in good deiaoluidalisio ihe xten of about 130 hids btve haen 0tadt iuu prices obtained have been liorn 43 gj a 46s according to quality the principal transactions wore at 45a fcr fair overage puree for 30 lihdfc bright amigun 47 6u and for 60 hhdv- good brown 44s pir owl have ti ooeretl and in both iutance refused tht hen ha ran mar kcl hatbetii firm and prices nrv rather looking up wo havo nnly bcirdorttvo ialfl worth notivine inrw satur j j imo 2l jiiw iij f iy iu uui iciliuiaiti j ni i u n ul pun jjinailm inuuf 1 s at s 2d 9ll days topaccvthc recent udvauco is tuiiutaiued and sake in vi been ii vide nflppir canada plu tittjd per lb cash lscmam bills mi i jutdon may bo noted a ffrtda lower say 10 a 1uj fur merchant tiivf liun itren a vj jtnutd here lor dry good for some vetoidvy prie re- dis pal and sutrie itre salei have been ma its there wa- hill doiici prdre of tiny hind and muin iho bame 3tttntnf courier llnli ittildv tvlhi adtiiinsstrutian vim- whji has ilhrfftvcin- thu mpi wvmhhy ami lutcllieul iry iitad nf fluekiu w tbe united states t they hive rtt muithtihhtnhi of wtruib itenum imifa um f the ewktl ainl tcrritii d rvciuiie ii h laid out in employing poor ennirani- m making rnid tl lwd known whvi ntid iu fenraidmsj ihinn to their land and aovuf even required dio ptop to render an acwunl i wfanm theimmw wu pm ht uqhw f lawrf pt r- fottikil viz lvtir iiuunin r giiutnriul ltowtl mount t frwi fitkw to ilcjvw a im-t- and lhat i hid hii iathcfo not antlmny uiiwk h hi elohw a2mi till vast eprum irinplnyifd to fcrtv i pour ami hmimtu nm- eumii bvgivlcmfi lt jaa uu llig fjnhis dead ir afiva aim- t l m l the pv- itlltwiit mliw the ij t militia and other claiidai luvatmiii t land bui n- verve iiwm of the mum valuable trtu hdl to vorito weuh thv emigrants liom whiejl wore i d and tmilimial revennu will accumulate went nol 111 iirtvs worth fttrol fti to ct0 per aeie of thr lrl land ill l- wmmpulktrkl ndwr- litedlfll kull who kiihllu ablck ltjt one inonlh tin- ii til iho upwt price rrfl iv- per are li mjii lavmite r irniiant and did nut the niv pfttttu uv ut ila noted lliend who niulvmuiw wf hiriti t- hpprai 11 soijiidatalriilettueiipjharjiu itll all ihi4mil mon iljikpcisninftouunon sisu it 0 w t tho nek nf the h wholnne auction sale of furniture will itesold iy attction on wetltiwdny ihu 2nd r4it i hi fullnwiiigai licit y uf furnitute belonging lo individual about lemviuff t0ih consisting of dinitif tbblefft latlira drnwiis bud work tables lltdir i3eiltculii aid bctldiiif with a tine assort- motit ol etiglfcli blunkctfs counierptiiiota eve a iapitiil fiufkt stoves l dog irons and kitchen impfcinenift o it ofun stctockery ware atid iimty ulllcr articles lu3 numerous to nwiltinn thvn will uko b sow t flfuun doable wag gon ev curt tlirile will eominvnce preciwty m 10 oclock a- m iuihe ma kit place jlin ton auctioneer broker kiftgstoni fept- lr 185 for sale ftj public auction on tuesday iliusfrfa dttyofsopteniberncxt at 13 oclock at noon at llic 0iurt houm at lictoti u tho lliglivttl bilder that beautiful property known iiv tbe name of jretn iuint confuting of 313 ocree ticxccliwtst liid which wcw groceries c just hcceivt d and for sate bv the subacriber mt hissoresjii frontund store streets the follow guadd viz 10 clii3 tttakay tea young hyson hyton suin biiglu mutcovadu sugar refined sugar cogiac brandyt hollands gin jamaica sniritsi old raiiona ruin molaascs brown 4 fale shcrry 2000 gallons canadian whiakey 1 ton prime cod fili 6 blu salt water herring do no l mackarel casks warrents pasted liquid blackin do cut and wrought nail boxes avindow glass do starch do bloom muscatel rotting do english pipes bags softshelled almonda do reams wrapping paper 20000 russian uuills 2000 lbs first quality american clieetc james williamson kingston september 1 1835 trospectu3 for publishing a copperplate map of the midland district the subscriber proposes should sufficient en couragement be given to publish a map of tfao midland disuict including onarauge of townahia in the ive castle disti tci on a scale of 150 chain to an inch exhtbiung all the mail roadv crou roids rivera rivulets lkea churchea meeting houses saw milu grist milla towns village wharves steam boat landings c c by lot gonwthi and township the uini ntehnl olmhgr huhhuj bvihidf tfuj pcrplaic printing press is determined to print pcbliii vamialri and mount the proposed map io his own township and therefore looks to a geor runs ami enterprising public for patronage and uup- porf the map will be nearly 3 by 4 feet it will em brace four ranges of townships from the bay of auiiiicbiick and will be executed in a style equal to the uuilmrs map of prince edward it willbe published on a capper engraving coloured var nished mounted on kollen and delivered to sub- wribfira ut our dollars per copy payable on deli v- cr p v elmore llillowell september 1835 lake ontario arrangements for the end of the 8eaqk ira po the ion inch ui txavt hi tltu nriglworiml is an exteimivd wsultfomul of pcclttbly far mnrtmh and was fully persuaded tbst liberty is as sweet to tidihittlw sth nf th ro put q tamper un t wtialrwuui nnwf rtnol then sfein what mm iisiftu tv torn uiti 4cl lbaa l ctraigs wtniraiwa illi llic want uu inferior i j th 0 un i smmtvin fcuj- linti is cleared mtuutej hi one of the fiihwl parts fthe bay ol ciiiinti hctng the residue uf ft kwtxt kit lor mill tavy pttiiiomrs and ulienvanb mittcd to sir john uumv oa which tlierftkft furry orowf to sis mcr tlwpiwuiaw niul i viciniiy abound wttii miiv md ihe day with fiau of every desenption noliartoluke onturin icie parttcularly suitable fururuzilfi audi vmihin 40 mites of kutgslon which iaaaevw failing ready money murtob it iuhorr one ofuieuioal desirable and valuable pro- partita in thy country the steamboats mvlndiim ihe uav iiam distance ol several mile round the kitnc iluiiv tli lalwblc lands will be eutd iiii inttlltnt inpii 10 ttt pi phui uf thr priierty ntuy be men bv up lo lnuthcr mucphcrson eti of llalloutsll ur tu the aocuoweer t llii- hrutun the steam boats qbbat imitain ac united status o the great britain ct j yvhitxzy going p lcamra tresroit tuesday evening rrockville 4i kington wednesday noon oawceo evening cohnuri thursday morning porthope toronto friday morning and arrive ft i im i same tnorniiigr coming down lcavcavingara saturday l p m toronto evening porillopc sunday morning oobouig 4i oswego sunday evening kingston monday morning krockville m noon and arritct at prcscottp monday afternoon the united states going up leaves ogdensbiirgh 8 saturday evening kincaton sunday 7 a m- sackcls harbor sunday ip m oswego sunday 10 r m uochcstcr monday s a m toronto 9 in the evening and arrives al lewiston on tuesday morning early coming dvxen leaves lcuiston tuesday 7 r m rochester wednesday 8 a m oswego wednesday 6 afternoon sackets harbor wednesday 12 at night k ingsion thursday 7 in the morning sad arrives at ojdiiiburgh tn ihe afteruoou september 1815- ujijyk notice tlletrsmfer uookofthe farmers joint stock itatiking company will be opened at their office kuigirert toronto on wednesday the 1 2th inst and thereafter at all times during the hours of business notice isalso hereby given lhat inconsequence of the transfer book not having been yet prepared 9 the time limited lor the payment of the second in- slihuent odour per cent due on the 1st of august i extended to tuesday uw ut of september ou r before which day it will he required to bepid tht- office of the company in torottto or into i hunu of the afn i the several diatricts tht further instilment of four per cenl will be rmnirrd on the lt af october pursuant to the 6lh kingtoili august 7th lintoin auctioneer 1835 clause of the deed of settlemtut toiontoj augtimh 1835- w

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