i pt do to go to tlic review aa hare would be trou- giturd wa somcwluti brttcr inn bv no mean out otinnm tlic hvirim wiw tth him con- stimly he had brrii riatad hy ihi- iritibaarf mx joue io obtain iiituimuimii iv niitiihvr of hereon arreted on lilt 311 wftfloo iimmi- wbom waa ar- ind cnrrvl cduur of tin njiriil warren cmtur ol tint jytilinfl the mmwi ofkillfld o fiir ts mvfrltiinrtl m rkhxn y mr nili ftlbwt- fatmawpiiwu on iho euhuci of iff imfrlttw fc uti odtfleo io hi coorfjuiceu the letter faterifcwrelyccfltaiiwiuopidioraofmn nun but when hb borne in mtnd thai iho writer i now ml h lii rtf seine years past ouo ofl icidluf ami mm lurwtiaj rdb mer in the cotmtiaa of lenox addmguhi lino and e-m- ckotioul supporter of uean bidirell tvfy rife mftmpofimpoilaiiccioliiscommiiihcuiioii tint a might other- wiaawaat hhasoflcnbcenunjunly thrown in gui iceth of the loyal uofofmrofupkrcmuia a body strongly attached to the mnnnrchial form of govinmtril io britm- connection that the could silently s by and see uvktmat utter tho osi treasonable and seditious sentiment without atsppinf rto bnd dtchmiing them w say umostft been iho nkotivm ofruvli sdenco ifer beo inucoimnai j tbey were a ailjy aware m the moi bavliniorv in thr tanrf 0 in jury mr mekenzie was doing the catto of return by hi mad poccedmge but they reapeeted him for bht brw services and lite ainch heartednes ofpurpos and hmtaud in openh denouncing him laal hv todoin theyhoiild aurtihe cause of their enemies ioflaaturucueihcniiig their ctvn divide ndconqucr theykoeiv too well to be asianding axiom n 4he camp of their opponents ami they fin our opinion unwise- uy icftlhepuiiihmciiufmr mrknm to lit political one- aiet but there is a periij wliiell lie uumtl paliencu can eitond n farther the lai piivlitmion of mr jckeuziecx- bibiisa techkdjeardofthcluv nf the land it optjnly raccjnideidatlic rising of the populace of turnmo to destroy the properly of hi rtflotv eiirevna ilia piopcriv of thve of wliom he wo uljcmaidh mted htftntjriialo noexcgje cq be framed fr no gloa tn be ihiotvn over hi itmtrajeit undoul in boldrchefp udvocalin all lliat it hotrible and in vgking a civil commotion ihjt woum htf whnlfy out of lib cuiiiu lonor kent r 7 lhc 0 wlich mc- mm a woody iragrdyj ojld who il there that could even reml of thom lrtmciionf widoui prty- iff ihu il demon ofdeairuciion miglitnrver reach our hiomi and iiiit iho rutkum mtlri otchhc in nitmtion might besouilird to quirt and never more awbktn rroiu kh slaiubcrj oiimv html not thou into lhii kocktcoaiuelt oh mint be thou not united thcreiaoineiliiiigmrvoltinsrin die idea of nee- tng th4 bre and pmjwriy g 0 fellow mnn s iccrctl to iho reinomclcm an i immtiutc fury ofoii ex cited mob that it evils cirinoi be represented in ton strong a light tlic decision of nn enraged and pbrentical po ptwldoiu jttat nnd in their course die helpfrtt nnd the innorem nut uiif qtieittly fall die victiuia of lawless nij and savage violence it i not unlike the ravage of war which often visit upon the ittlplws and disinterested that vengeance which vaj designed fur others or like the rushing and irreaiatihle mountain torrent whirli m ha progress sweep rtwht iht plains of feniltiy the abode of peace mid u hut detolnthm nnd ruin it rout aawffhm r oiaar w ur painful duly the oilier i w pimibi ouly file oilier ittrtiwiuraoatalmunrfijl robbery committed m utj town ty lm m fa prowm ocbh nine tbc montreal iive in iis path nothing pwcr to alhiy the lime frll ionic therefore ehsn reformers tiiuai repujiaif udi tenttrn m when ity mui mow their uftbolenl to the tv by openly eiralin ibcmftlfh from all thai u cditi4u4 r unsnufgl tiof tl w fiii rlin baebward in tbirji duly all with tvhoin we have converged have tx- lrt55ed iiiiielve in trin tcjtroliatory kmuiii j hut it wa for mr fellow evt r firt in ihc fie j of oji llmla to come biitlly befiie the ublie and pel the example 1 1 lit follow la bkt in tbevrei wkein win h wu aio ill on tin amowtt nhifli we feel aurod hi uat will bo read with tulciit m vliilmi to ttr edltqk of titil crltlsii fliiq sir 1 iiuvl- jut hgddtfithtlly hivl ivb the cor rtttytitnhtit of llw 27di nit ciiiiniiff n leuirfioin wu l mckwiwr enq wtiltcn a grent lneili td rnmblln i n dvjuihory iimtmiti f the discus- itiiii of a cicrti vitriol of iiiiia l hi iriter npprn tj hnve ikto wi iltll ut llip ht rii n the mouinrit flhd bciravs snal wiud of tint n ci cooineas and lohjerniin whicll cvct ouffhl tc ftfin tje leading ffir i ihe pa iwchi rys wav nf h pcai in iv m rft un wint ofcwiilflttv v hj j ill tiii province md hv jelouirts lie cuiftea ihrm with prti iijn nfa linif wlun ftirv nnd nltt wiitlt atfiyf cii ik lrl mlllm ofhi fty nfiiikir laiii t ktiiutk hearing of nscrtiri otn motieil llhsitwlirit rriii drifr 1 1 i rcaucrd i a in ijf banking iiing their w uc dvclon ritii will ci r fo hope ill b we bottrd noittt cnotiifh ontl iliii rri gin to ob iiitfmmiigf lintdo ittvc lonif sinre i briii jttilurc spirit fey i of the taint jiminfcd wlien vat ppving h may per is hut n continued rxltibui which mf mckcnric n- ie cttnunerciol hnik of thin iiiric for it clinrtcr our vstem of ten hrtusntrcd iiiiproxcmeni lut in hhril way ii il lc eic i by crciiing imiuihs txiteniem by 5 nrendtlls prritniieial nnunri by rotiiilmg hitter iiiicctivrr njnj roininu cndle amil tuifimnded pro- ulteciva of imnndingttiii1 i i ly h1i1uj yn- inttcrnl pers mtil leinit and dcununtinp nil vur isr mworihy ofcfiitriwil1 will tln remfdvilipcvilitofwhwh ll wriwrfpmdnii1 fir ivgui it ihii course wmdo nuhcr mi void batten fhi pcoorl ol wnivcrnl ruin nbmi mfc uckenacio iificcia in itoftd tml ftdd io csiiiiff 1inrftiiin tl uulmuocrj infliini of kmghiary evils and scjundtiw putito- lei ineuuviac mr- mcrciwie turhntiwuttti- hi nf iwdvsmv i dpt ntlkr oml more reaeonav blcautd prutaitmcanit iflw www dbr any doti inlr imnroviiitntl nnd let in iiwiim him that r diivwcintic when the kiid oi miim province httiltlsirtlcpllbwiiilintusiil irflherc titih nun tiitrllrr honcht cofltcinhiftutwtd pnlirtll nrjniry ra- ibtsr than tic violent turtllitmrm rfvxcitd fecliom in a tord the pcopio of i province giiiernhy have their minds mndt- up ns it r nds onr itnnu aw convinced of their bubilirv ndifthfiw of their mlecd be hat mr mckenzi in hihftnrsof cotu reaction would nnttpttdc aa h has written upon tin tuijjecu but he being an experienced writer einnnt justly expect us tobc continually securing hisindiscretionaand ilwoflfttuncin we must inke him at ida word and he may rely upon our entire disapprobation whilst he pursue such a course if he loitf allow himself to be enrried away by hit feel- ig and iriyrovc like an enthusiast when he should rrftaii calmly and discreetly the fault ia hit own j jtid i have only to ny to him that while the refor mers nf these cotmtk duly apprerhite irnnv or hi past oktttiont to benefir the province and while rhey are indtilgent enough to overlook many of hi inadvertencies they cannot nnd will not hold com- mittiioi with a mail who o far forgeta bir duty na british subject nn lu entertain and pubhfth the ienri uienit to which i have ben alluding a to mr mekeiizies senseless jargon about the british hag- ancts- being placed here oidy to protect rogues in stead of tin public at large i will merely say that the assertion is too glaring on insult upon common tfllm to be worthy of notice nnd it it time hijj the moderate tefotinera mth their hands from any pnr- ricipation in ditch opinions a just spirt of indi- nalion nliould le aroused in every patriotic bosom and whether such notim rome from eitier whiff or tory ly should bd alike discountenanced anil despised my retired situation in life renders n fo reign to my disposition to engage in scribbling for newspapers and it is o ily in compliance with a deep tvora of duty thai i now express my opinion in this public manner as i close allow me mr editor to have a word with yen if die editor uf the correspondent oud allow himself to write such trush a appeared in mr mckeire letter dial paper ouu not meet the approbation of your hbtrttt subscribers nv more than the whig would and it is quite gratui tous on your part to recommend the corrtspondenl rrl thrift nn nrrcvmt pf itsjippeniryr to be t hian- nei ihrougli which mr- mckcnzie errciaitiid then way io the world 1 am sir youra ac nathan fellows bmetiown sept- 10 is35- eoitobs no-re- our valued correspolihent lias had the mislotttiue tc apprehend our application of the word liboiat we did not uee it in its literal hut in an itonicul sense- implying that those or mi embtenbert h0 were not aatiatfcd wiih theraiiona principlpa of liberty that we promulfttte olujht tnv themselves io the correspondent when they could be rutted to their cniircftatistfictinn ql si uni to rfa- me phortt i tile ico- tnt iiv nw n the pail of sr wclvt tae ito revolution mv perfefrty idl trin over ihfl muin pari of the icfer i cannot avoid ftxtnff mvwuontion iipun w jvaitiroltir para- pnmh whieh i bnve rd ith ttifprlms tnlu and de- uiialiou mi vich in mv upiitioii tliil he statnp- rd with ihcintiedipvoliatuin of b bonetl well wisher u thl pcftco and protpwita of the pro vince 1 need scnmlvftty lltaf i ullude to that ran where iho writer indirccdy the vuwng dwen the tplmdtd mrtftfnh j makfog ban tinsofthegorgratis smjfkraiif bit fcuuw tulyecu mid as a precodent he cites uw rwaw w he awncit of lumult riot and ruht whkll intcly nccurred mm lihore i hw indirectly iceiharhmd nm yet i call lufdly ditnlg possible thill it wiw dwited hut it the wods tmud riiov wwiitly euuvry tbal nijnfr itt w even mr mckciiyic l fi lintcidi to hcmow upon il a dlildikl 10m chari- table appcllarion toay the very icml u wit a tuseitsn ilnl fcy wiwl taiatal ibnl exehiiconinkmiionu5itaiithefcai3ndawu i i slvttp toaomi tfaahtftbflu eunirttd r board arw lu pr ofiip jnulorj a pbartcr juntdaionxo kaltuarja who hii bean ita m fur flw ui jrw weeki ru rj htmiot hu dttwiipd damrdaj nfahl vt a lvor d vjlujkr inr u -lunjm- io mr cdtol- m lmv rt mituttl uf t2j ah a ij if verpam it wwwrlj on sitnday morning ihnt die robben wttdiamwwlb mrcarminn wboi dillrmtp pm iu air ifartot pfciin d shwiff of thi diirjkt for ihunca to apprehend lh mc mr pwh a j tymr jttckauo tbaocflttt nrbnbttba aumhtbdauoid nuiuier vmmtcr lib a mtrltd f brockviip at oclock hatiasoukad thctrckifih um t pmd tlii- truck llirj- fmbvrd for 40 mika it hugdirtin- bwhodbj twdapfiiuhoe ittttbtttthi hid on an1 ii hav ing atari hiiy r uj p nbt loiis tho track then tha pnjttj m f uroc vl wli h 4frivo a after lb re ocotk in the afwiooii hovi hjud mr hurmh but onte jutinc te entire joumry th jud hanlly arriveil bef r thy f mv iiam f il frlhiv who 111 itltmf ibuftrty buatwwhta the stataa iad ijj mi ut bu hgf k ww cucqpnisx detained mr phillip iifiiiujy tol him lot cow4y nnd bavbji jatj lira i f lim rrrfr i j0p jjj in cmhi rntnniinl o dnxkda jjl ihn niht nd nrxt owning wu ttaarfntd by th broicrilla mircy n aaai to ktnftrioo io jlr phiutpa enrtudy for rt ciauiiniino here thiamoni- ina he wii breught bcflirc thi lvington bvucli ann fully coin- mined for trial ftfa philip brought up with hira a now te- mat brcastb9mith in the hape ofon thcmat nicholkor nklftolam cnlvctd tn the ponitcntiary fr five pam whta we roii jie enrreiic conduct pnroed by two in dividuila in following and appreheiidin thia tine with tl ibametiil apailvjr evinwd pa thttn similar tefiaiioa vvecau no help behcaiitg ihi our nufthvtlcj tr somtwhal in fiolt aliloh prrjiop i1 my love soioc hfaj eirm f r lhair noninierkrenr caacll yet rarely city ud commilled c r m having dot all ihcy tould hava dou hvd they been plva i inrifcrc here tvvoiudividuijn on their own ripnahbihty follow nt brinjp l jumint a thief nnd veh ftifhl not hve been duclcd had pnpw pootf armd with maihteril authority puwcd currel t it i na oi too lor to that jjooi mr vjin who h been rolhcd afbin hitiliillu3 mijfhi diltday lain pni arcau part of hit itolon pnprmy vhavo no doiro io hccttst our ma- gutnto of wilful ueglet t m any neglect of duty tonjtitne i aajujoriow a ifit were intuitional there fxirf a lak of enlcrpnzo in kington oci m lh txtcniiun of lha aw 0thr chronitt impujenttn deiiriu the vvuc ineorrrci it ridcaucanal tt port by inhci atalc and stolen intelhenre it is a piuft ommmbug ihnit will not pfttf current with any tcqnataiiid vrlthm ttttmian vn havt tlwayjtpaid io every thing vmnrvted nth tho hioau cannl tjavt acrtd licfrc mid we raun n if oov tlmt nctfly th wbrda of the chromt repoitr lo boen uuhinvy ntuan fiuio the u itc n ilhnit the tliieui erhil aikhfoctl in n kinfki tnsiante ins any arrival or tcpirtut ito ihv day of publication ever appeared in the chrond whivh sm to have content- cdncifwiuj iv ii mr ftam dim ivno affdta jy prcriout or what it might oilier front icpcredrtdhieauiltoriiy take iu last hatuidayvtujhrrifrion ria impknf tatbjzud pju n fit ttmw 1t tflll rt 4r r 9 r thctth nt imidiq blaritn kmfttni aiti trw kiavku loaoeintied aa ihn lnel jrim whcridi it hid len in pnt jtrtv rby ami wa waitln ft amctnam- repair whihlha ttrfairn w till oue burge whi h t bfm in on the niovtiiiij nf sa- turdey u nolminlioihd at at sn murh fr airival- ftowivf nvfttiuirc the ckrohuw rjrtty neiv in tint rtfprvt nnly rttrnd to fucd mit wliih n point of uii mora than half a dlznnlfam ll and borfa had heest devoindird hetween the8ciionofoyertarroinr and generol jail dlirory wanuiodjourncal like irnt nmi priu iruivn t nfhrin linullr eudod i wouli haw w the rwairy c apply inj tr nnutlier roinmimon whkh mjiy not fio pjtftufpl hv ntatt oflailtnn kuy the lg con mnke in kingu praugi t tlie opening of ibe curuiniesicn in the ltimrict of prince ed- wanl aalay only of four rlaya and btmdy lafleitot to fiaiili the civil htuiuc flr ciiicklt- another inuieh hoiwcontbc civihana and artiuofymen ffatt puy this allvraoon on militia ti- radeajr it was an ably comtod gama and rculiej hi a drawn battle civilian artillery civitiane aitdkiy 48 33 h v i w i ym 41 1 11 14 bjiw 61 runs 2 byes imd9 tamttfi 44runai bye 45 35 run- s byea 40 an antfaiwkd on the part of uic civi- iin andcirporulchiutuand bjtoadier iucd on tha pari uftlw artillery dwd wauadentand ibofl anothar imtcb k thotujr to ha played bhwmi the crleltat cha of the 94th re- ginunfj and ihe ciiuiantj and artillerymen united old branny lhl k folkd cm of tle itosm ha beet kduring party jurymen o their duties while be imimcir betray a lamcnrabk imnve subject h mhet irrnn dohtv he lake a cantuhai jorvman iu be at k a lol as hilualc a i mto prai about hi alandm e i the kfujiton atatedorinaj thraa yean babl the iuo- nnt booby waa navm lenowa tohov hi ua there it re- oiiitdcd him to much of ajtha p-panrata- banall aulfaiuj to tfat4eu 10 ca- lalion otibu bank have hei finally put an end io by theip- arancooflhenotoi oft wt mva hmd thno tflhaawitatfullata uddhncyuhh yirr picking apacl- mens areaajsraviraj- h txftafaad the cooiplatoac- n ve ahaju gtvw a coturiaa deiiplipn utoffra they arc lmd jvim ehmloy pttsid and ii dupny v aer vo uitcr the now jnuilutioa our hearty congratolaliona thiitj actual coiimicuca rfamhajaaaaa maa i- nmiminji vxnt acd pioe wa trut tl cill of odanu to the nub- ik and of individual beiwsl to the shareholders fi lies oe a mosytkft a fi y dm o lie mrn tfiitnsrd 0l the sandy inj bcfltff raittal rti- tnvercd tome oflhefnatiimofdw tronderfiil mam moth tby ctfittitt ofn tuk five leei iwo incbt ittiwi weighing thirtytwo ounds one cud of iitb lild tlie appenrnricu of mvins bctii onkcn olf k ihidtr wtfiisliing iktwceti right and nine pomri kind lutawlfing uli indie tn icoetu a joint of the npiiio was nlfo round lli- teeth were found about two rod distant fron each other ind iht joittt of the vvmcacuiiidimbic dutauct from the tftllh 8lso vocartlaav- he is a httlt the ffttigtft trita jroil ww didzrd oreow tlie ild man ol t woods is nothiih to hin nit a circumstanre uota hutfctebtity nnd lurchmscn who altm ft tcnf when ill the ninoiuniinn he aimwtwil wm nprt jtiat rant hold n cjiidle to ilits cnlmio hh jot iht njmci hui- nnd riie ptctcttrtt titcfi die fturvtt rifle nod lhc ufflfctt dog in tlttf district uiiu thohjh hit f itlhr can ulwp any dlftil in i lin- iutk be can ftwi6iftw hccminisi fnsitr dic ikvjicr ttty loiitcr uulcr nnd fobw chil liier than sny nibfr rimp utn rttlt of tliv lirt pwnmji nnd ran gtfttt the hark 1 a iv a mu ut- l fttf a ijikitilkitt on hi hnvksaiid tlncc ytrciih l liltfiiin without dutliiigbemjesplttyuiff nt rough nul toiiibk vitlj a iitii with kuj otaion tl kirk iron a rbia tn sum up nil in one vmd- at twrfe vor and it id to la regretted that ita reputation may bti by the ahiptnent of flour meda from dia whaat of thui yaare arowili tim different will noi rxtat in the uaitad 0uu a the fifijnj ieaa ha0 been eturad aarlier the farmer throolhui ihtt up par pm tinea lie atin- tdatrng diapnaitioo to effect early htm ci rtwir whaat and many crop hava alraady been txuxht by millara tad otli- rn which wtllba pocdily thrown into the montreal niarfcjrt it not likely that any wheat will be aaot to lhat market ondn preacnt proaptcta conacqwndy all that ia bnufbt wilt balonvorted in flour ft mhiar in the bute of haw vcrkofcr a i can lavvt ttjv own obaervaiiona enund from rnchcrtar to ovre- bejfl laken alarm at liie reduction in the prioa of floor in xe vera and ihe abundant io the wheal cropa thretigb out the western sutet te manirfucturicf their heavy etoeka of wheal leiu cvary vwctkahle tleruy v tho view of get ling ihe prte- tcaavvet aai r peed ily aa they can soaaa ehipmenta ar ah n to to montreal fioeo ftocbtatar and ouv n 4 expected lhat by uat maarui th dopntaa- ionanririp inijie vt y ny j laaaniiag wi- plica- the qojntuy no to rtal raarke i tetht if maybcptrruuuwlto juie a lj number nfboa with theauiuhj whih ipasaeiifc h canal between hoc aittf atd oreo in thtje plajeaa l v buehel vtj paid for wheal at irjiteb rate it wct v faal hot aevetalof thomojl eiteaaivc buyere exd intention of redutirijc tlie pice to 4a 4d iothe coorta ot tt w daya at s catenuea tliay era witf 3 lid and ei w ram ptireronadthehvadoftlia lake to whitby ai l hope cohoutgodthcbay ofqiinte i understand that rfpn rutgoa from 4 to 4t 3j s w wheat if about to ahipped from the neighbourhood of 3t cauiarinaa to th mtlb in the towtfpaul of the prounca to be jnamifeciured mo flourb mrtfik bex4rk0 ov the moxthk41 mahketr lawltltfj tw j 13 ainy iu tho pricea ofahheao to report the market taubcen steady and wa baee heird of eata of pwla io ihe extant of 200 hareu at 35 and a lot rf ssrjt 3 u fl tahmtatn liillt aanlnuioa in thi c im h fccr jm0vtillem n thele 140 bl 1 -7- w stfc 6d per fer f csnad jl fz st omo wicjj h p i 2 wt n curcd ii ilic susjiviont ill a cf inc uliii ifader nnd omtliiin ihe 1nii l mimsj wliiih nc- sultmok and udl u t f dscond rc hn why nar m a ouiunl hch uch cio imtiii i why ih as imiayiita vl ujww iijmdm direc tors of jc ltc aok at imilniw 7 tc ato for a bmimi even he tl lj notlewi why ok ii with itti ia i moyl inicne fil o tilmu from one vh- le ftjjj ho eomiinially compw of ue and j iitv of wrtiw d rdwl rcfonn upon the necessity ljut o it is i entertain wo aversion to to the editor of the rrttlsit whig trutfi lo be aorc ie ft nunn anntiue ihica and nht cvcfy fieoikmnn oubi io nhk oee fl r qftt sin nut mery week- lm i v ia amcninhtrd leant lv toitief l tiswspaptffft that lie heaiuifiij h1uih uf junn pcrunndez hnd bhufucd off its mor tal toilt atid made itaexit frum the stage of human owrvntion hut inst week i warn murh more ati oti limruing iroiti n bto whig that il had left behind it almost a livnl in point of natural beuuty and fertility in liike ontnria aiaoiag the jiisty admired productions of the ftti- llior of the travcft in upper canuda may lie found his last essay no- i4 containing a descrip tion of garden island nnd the surrounding scenery from to able a pen midi descriptions are much wanted to throw into the light the attractions of the town orkitigston and itsmrighbothnod which have bin 40 oigin the slunle but i cannot fur the stml of ine conceive how the author could forget himself so much as to deviate from his natural course of facts and relitie to that of roiminec hile writing of garden island when he must have been aware that anything emanating from his pen would be received as public information unless indeed he took for 4tuu4bi it 1t jnwbmv r inm hij l o hr iardtm nlnnd i haw known for many years and long befbre an ttltnl tower nearly fifty feet nigh ltid urcn rrtcvd thereon or oven before the real un of iwetttiffirc fct high was built but 1 never could lall in wiih the fruit and other rarities that ihe resent narrator saw ami found iherft hut in these nmrvelhiun tones when lunar forests and plants are ilcribud wit prcciinn it would be absurd tn duubt the realiiv of the varnished desciipliun of garden island and it would be no wonder ere an age pttra on the wings f time if the public should be introdu ced to another suri of uobtiton crusoe that dwell t hereon that the author oftho ll iu upper cannda itttfl fccn and tnttd of joint such truit as he men- tiotsvd as rtal prodnciiotw of the inland liiytuef ipiestninable however thty may fill ihe imaginary stomach of thousand who will never tatt ihem with their lottguea any intr than lie did lie cerutin v most have been imposed upon by being present k with some other than the real simons pur butternut on gardco wand mo consciem-e- chmiw and wild onre too wry m wrt i he hortnhdlnniofiii ftsrkdisnr 1 wilbthevu- lie of ull she wild fioit on this fairy talarid to two broad coopers nmdebfold bottona that i will cam in n bket on mv arm all the wild fruit except that which rnw on thorn trees thai he tmunim couth in lvirupooa can pick to three of ihe longed ejtiptcutberday ll we are to hnve descriptions of red places given to the public in the imon of common sense let uvm liemclt as will not mwehtj those that ctimc nntonj ns for the pnflkirt ofaaillimlet ihem not unugiiw ihfhmslveii hoaxerl if c bftj to thaw iaiuhaser forourlnudtr c it will not be dmiehy ileceur them with exraodinaiieswo hn e plenty of od lealiue i could a good deal mom wj ifeb hiii- ject and that 00 polllw nmre impnrtant lltaii irui aud nosers but cnouh jiff tjg m kington se 14 1535 yac awp scraps t7awlwb haaho u0tfeu of the ipnw6 worm thai day njsp vmh thriuy 0tmfomrianyppc3nuttii a of which hjj iho flppwtriatw fivponiiius hcen imwaj nr- ca miht have ttco xmed to in itft f wtal ur in lh ncrvmiih rmmnniy is the yw i cf arrival and depart uu z fcniiiicht afur dafe tjrr tiuiilcra arc perhaps i6ctf aj nnwirdiy f invir hut if ttn cmfl of a pirwi o lotig eiawihil a tins ckr- nitk cnrwtccnl in ttcal fron- ayoungei eeatcmfhattrjr whom dapy jcnuie sopite dm li that am uc rxnandcbio tojbyjtijj bu pjcil wthr mi m ji r of nvpapi in the gormm lonif2 i been jmhluhcj at berlin township uf waterl p cmtitld ahaivals at this uouubrcial uut prpt y rer- mr- fry iijovell hci korr u unntrcaj h rev airdfv bell il mr dii tonmn m aotti mc omirtl pfri mr flf mhm gilovmlih tnnm mm oicliitsniiilwnmai ludowvlh 10 h drilriibi pnnbv mir y s viril mh ux s ftell u a sir win sh rtrunta 1lhtw mnlonatusi alwrt aurtrudi urtit vnuii h cjntc kihim ij- mr iue cotujlainuie- rt ijaivkm iw vur i mi timj jo ih mr anrt mr anvu mr- mnim cvrwii mr bwdj sir charfcai crw ouubeoi hon of k kuninlw dn mr- buhanv pur i s c uinleir nite we till directed by th chromtu to a great ble hvertion has iwnc th mi mckenxte has il kit mr 4 toouwlul 10 be l3 anj dc- olf hunt that h to ufc the canada tib0tm and au niuint xrttxng lu adifieuiivn ol ocrman tfetilci in thta prnviaeo we d not approve orkpt4uttin a fiik unetngfj inibriih colony tlinsi faerman lhat have dum u ihe hnnr if nii amwg u did s wiih uiu futl iul9iiitn uf bflftj jriiti u1 in cvtfij rejsueri hmcj the unntr ihce los tho idenlisritinn f lanjunfie and country and inaoclt nmalgimmtd with the great mans of the ncple the better 6r them and fr he q7tbe liethlunrl jt the icllnvvf w i ninth worthy pro- uiirtot of trip chrontiu hat umpornrily cnaj l do thl paper and it roqder lau alriidv ol lumrf intn a mt i wih iu cathnhr uhrrihir it nchnen 0 ph hi piv pitc oatnitlhcsroflt hhcrntor of wand daniel ocoimell whom jie id puawh todenouuee ilw he had better imitate oui awbaht ad iouhmrol man alnne l he wakeaomo fine mornn and nod both his cars tut g7 depend upon it hta iruh fivuis wij dot content lliemsekea with mery tatrin and fewbrtng hicn- w ivr uitv l4 ivlwft uz i eerninlheproeecdinafihekoyil cammisa wrier we can iieaii iron he muiitr al paper- ill cm qtubtc gau m he kovjii rimiitm held iuirlittniiui ihe sts iurral pobh ifflivtm tfuno ttxaminid iria jjfmii fe a tcpift ha reached im u fctw from qi brr lhrl n dry etenivielijiiajwceiiifndateil in tin rjt and lcgilativocountiu that imhtolh m iirnnti aii1 irteru rift are u iw cxehnkd andtlit tvu tr ihrmi hijhty iurinen lialund iuihjkndnil cmlem nfmiminml arc to he thvaled lotlivlumivf wu ihrber f rheio oin ie itonie of hue mtiilttrtiifj xzrmttz ivrrr sjtlic itt um sir oiar grey nnd pert tefl kington fr quebec ii ihe st latfrej n sojlj 1 ihertwnl boat vi jirt kcifr am the ftvv m it ivliklitbg uoy- il cumniixionet paid in tfrwmati inr- ln hm uiv in did lltftotnce oftho ia mfcj iheliwiortifai ill iuacri- bed bi name ii the nt ifow ibsciibeia ned tt say we duly npnieeiiited t- otwojleiti i favor tjvoltu iseaitvniion ur orieulmral reader hi the aivriieniftutirv- hmit e mr- lluuiteh iiflfimwi nhillltuj ui si tontlhtioni b attd lui jtar with tlm itinda- maintantlon itjmvi tiubtwl wfnvmiitd heep im- nnrhnl full hbvdl mrmt pwh wm wte rtnrft cmrwj irlicj iinn vwti hsbiitf red ityl jmius inirt- the illh tpred aldnintrvj k 5 cwrtv tf fcrtv tlitf wlndi thtv awoe firlc we fr iijeiit thai rvltftew ilalnhj bfihipnvvirj thibrdofthri itnuqr wmiitntnil uvtinaw m ppf rt-jn- iu tfiwa itkmevta f vuc of mr uoutuvfvffliufj lain awha ntaiairejtivciu1f bunfnlr wilson haw been pot nicd i utile nlntii nml kmhsiliid to kinavh monjay moraiiq lawi we anr im kem tht ir wih eoolntl been rubbed ul ilk ill by hn irea liriu uidrl whuitoiifwim mitgtfii nuchuy hi rnbherf at hew ii ipated aince uu ww on ihe umipl uf hi booty we i given to ondoimand lhat i ktive briitin i mw ma kinj inihelvniuiaicsvlb nt fand to vneble mi wiln v uuiiue cattlh tolllfl erediiofmi- tvnl it iitd lijpdiel that vine tier h0fbanv4 dpvimt h- paid run1 ubb d by liitn uni intend in da il powef i owki a r wdie f crut theifoi it the itmltf vhu hio hwwrto pamaiata ft cirthl coflco houfe will fr he eaxe of tho helpk wife q ikmlly continue toupnoil i t on ihc21 in- tha aiiurne4 stttin4 ut nii friu will be resumed el the cowl m in biqplpit- owing to thobrenbcrofpione iiwi vrhu wil hvc tn reawto ifcw h j muocj thai unonet tfo mimen will rnhi ivu lie doien to ry an h l roav be in cumoty t t tju j caiue wo d- nanifrd v iv bw thro r u c j l nvofield rm 13 ru ikt t t l ruitaili chrmie do 4 hmmrcaty rs vandyke do 15 lb bvad iwitdiichici payn laadv a- mepher wn keptitai j- vln mri- wil ed j kev mr lttefiand cin odeiihurli p03ro or auubeo aiitiv mb pirlc airthv cisltc 25lh july brito luik kertitnuon ifcwi joly wtntajf- itarlt wtflmee blrtjuly inlon mriuj cnnvimtp s6h july bnmoh urij coceair afch jly oreeun k 8 eukt s lir- aaflniv sl johns n u- 3 do shr lllisoill jiy liverpool s hr standard asthjoir livrrwvil on perv 2lit july aotjrnh bi crdha it july csundciund 8 hr kibr ltbauium lltifv shr ctmhelli v rather 4ih augtw st vincebt hrhtp dow 241 auuo halifiv sept 10 bri loti 36th july wateifoid sent sept 6 sep fcrcdloeliveoofui fivorab wealhjw wehad up to hie beginning ofjart vk rautdtbe eonatrj mrchiou to dechae neatnij a price yqtil afior karjt the quality of a large portion of the enp iar raidiobwiftntnt thera boutf coodseej apraated end ahtllm arboiaaltiheraiupoo tb whole a smaller proportion of eed and othiniign grain amongtt the wheat than usu al from cpper taayde there haee been no arrivals of new wheat ncxiaitprecmatimh will be sent down thii fal in many parts t we wcauier has done great njury and wllti the exception xfrwtmvqtc dstricu tbere will be rmieh i wheat ttovabe province wi nj jrou paodocmramrfldaipasi th grocer have hnught freely and a amail adtjajhuji bfgn iptllzed upoo su gars wa advsnee tv raej c cu gli eortt with the except of 3 iqitllparmi asm as rcd brown laid today at 46 per ewt oai vhrva94aasacanoa have rftnrired rom i wiihont flhtmion pko4ajioi ihediiiiad ui j o rjaeruaiiap aar tinuewod nnd wore than fteps pace wiui fh theftj ii no change in pnc lot or 50 brlt pritm wae aavv oedyemrdaf al is4 l4td has been aod at 6cl lar jh hut the dcroav r ltele ia still languid tituw tbj price ofaa ehj inthsenr markealas incd aw rata hre candiv vrtrwiran ihro i none lef to apeavf in firt handa tocitto at auction on tttacrda e parlof half kege u s- rhi ofixferiorquctdy bsujsi8d- aod hon u c 7jd a 7d per lb wimw class about gm bosuae wereyoafc eei on semidav at the following iljcmt 28 a id sim jg x icuvalcvflj 17x12 igai 17 x 13 14a- 18 rma cd 113 lufldi 15x1312 lleoajt lij3ir it a 10 13a 3d a 13 gd 10 t 10 14s sboaraa i0 97i tut 10 x827a 6d oj x sj 97a 3d atfau f 6c 7i 10i alos31 10x8 tftv kicrwai ioennaiicrcesand 70 bag esrt indl old ai 22- for ibices and 21 a tilfc w per cwl fur bos tlaa parwl tifsoohcstafiraitiedewaa offered i auc tion on saturday ihe f ihnwin nftty were old tly0h svin 38 cheats at 2 ljha24d cipw i3httwallfcw ai la 10jd pekoe s chests t 2a 3d the fsharindof withdrawn seat mi m ecuiion is brls good quality bf ought 2s 2d per gmlon i- 0 boxes ordinary liverpool realized el public sale 53d per lb stif5ii saturday nn assortment ftf 300 double and sin gle sectch slnvce was offered at autian and the folio wins pnvps ubtnined z wiaal aamqaeterba for ausauns tetlow ws percwl 1 aoldthinday- irar sideau canal j ci ivucll en ii fcr io rnnttin is rye j lnun lats llu- lluvnanan d 31s co eer i m i- il t m iit ioi oiii flower in tov gl iiikvjt cuicnc a fr rra cnx mtlini ktofyfrn ctrcmij isurkc shuuri pnt011 w cntw ritajhtmittldt jsljinantrnnm iarmi milkthiui swlbaa rd tiumrw l4htllttf vlhaiiionmrnfe ilni get i3it- tho vtcimer thomas mcavey qtamaaw ttw h he m low 75 ftmpr psrf ess cull vvriihlj d bcyecco it jackson hit a brsffi a former kmion j rimell waartl humphne tlam camtni vr a christie cry tnnrto hiward ttinmpaofl tort ltpa her o r ftanfl dundcs srt4 15i jr in l laaaiaiisafliii k km h brtsaa watkm i prenti wtm nhlejdu a r f drunk llainih j- miller hahnwfd villa i d hart st cattarlnm pmii 4v art v cia w wnr dnihiaxi with hmvliy cobour- j rndl htajaiat k 1 f it cy camden fttrn stfrtid tlie nuataer iyfii rbi wi whiskey dt lwafftiwpr 7aorte ikatn ohimlhr with ahj v1iv pi r bvlown bmnii fus tf c ptl3 thhir mtur ir sl ui hexaa stnnti p- mgittacu motrcatl lrtl r jo tnwra montrtalt and natal jauja ut 13 e lm mayflower yilb a t jlttlh hri r vt flail a liurie imrl end n i torej 36ineh doumo 30 do do a do sinxw 30 do do 27 da do c in cirron w 0 l the teaner murgatd moolllwais lth ww ominees b vs c f ir- tovje do do do io sinfl stovi w do do d ii ilii dav the annual sale ofthiee rieers stovee took placa iherc tfsm ffnodaitendanfeof buyers and tho aala eentoff brislclv ti3 follow 2il i tfiublv stove 36 lorhc a ft do 3f a 0 9 ft 2n0 13 j 25 gfl 2 25 ilo do do do do do do d 10 parlour d do do do do do do do ilo do no 27 36 31 30 30 26 24 21 inehes do ik do do do do do do do c m i no 3- no- 2 no q- no- h lluward thiinpii tororttnr r prctitha diiv giods although ihe fill trade can acaicely be aeid to j ate commenced alt son ofteonable and well selected ifvids 4 in jd i a rnand at fir reiouneraiin pricee- lxchanorj- tho rate of lonon it lower tho monteel sank draws at 9j and merelants bills may be noted 8 e ti oflci premium- horning coirrier lie rp mccill tommrrul weliavcbma panuittad u aki fl wtewiaa ttei kixostok tumdajf sy 1 1835- fin iri we ons pav if ranjproioiaujrr fe i fram a letter written by a enleman lio haa baoo mttwr lournflerc ooci way upwards ihioujh the uppci rvjj0i w tnmh jurjyl to find iar a portion unie wheal tjfibar ved wad nf dm u whc it su-u- auv cuomilalftj much earlier than in the iwmi part rihe i ro- eiuca- from pfwou m tht ittvaf trent great process bad boefl bade in the wheat harvel and in sum intlatwri rtfm bad brtii breacmi ntjl b v llg hcrf onurx lntw naal he soured and as thru h- bten a s dentuf niuy waatlw since aut the 17th august i am iipprhsivediaia ooomderable quantity of the wheal will have gftofl n indeed reports geneally piwll w that eitect in iheneuhcrhoodnfcibuuf wlniu tnranto and to o moderate ixwnl eren in ihu vicinity of si cnlhrhies the wurst elf- i to be apkeheodh from iho gmwitt or tpfhut inl tfwhrut ii ihis flour manuvwd from it will uf iu riputattw fo haaplnjr il will lojbtdiy have m pteattdndoney ouo froi and ntoci iv flw sasipptad ihk ww nrti cwde will prewiiec yet iorj in is fs lteefby the cwt do at the stall pot lb mutton by thi sheep do- at iho stall par lb viu fieibporlt per looib fioah 3utter per lb- tub do do eys pordox american flour per brl catifida do- do- do do perewl wheal per buahel per b- rye do do corn do do burjey do- do oals do do pulatoo do du- hay pei wf snapper bundle fire wwd pei cord sop fowls couple poihneasbb- do prime mes dn piime a d- 27 6 a 0 4 a 0 0 a 0 4 a 03 n 0 0 a 0 6 a 0 0 a 06 a 0 0 a i76 a 15 0 a 46 a 30 a 33 a 2 g a 20 a 1 9 a 40 0 a oh ft 7 6 a 0 4 a 1 g 8s0 a 7s0 a 65 0 i 4 d 30 ft 0 00 0 5 04 0 0 07 00 07 0 0 29 6 16 c 50 0 0 00 3 q 2 6 20 4s 0 00 0 o fife so 0 0 0 q 0 leicester uuns the subscriber will expose for hale w ihe nexi kingston osttlfl sho sevenri youngram raised ttmu iie cuirk of n full blooded laicesier rain im- oarted by bim from england utt fall 6 wm hold1tch