due tiiteiitiuii h all ihv rnlih ir lniliiiutf v innot luil iif tiirorilmff inn h ahhiminoiit and gpne iuaimciinn m jrrti ie in 1 lntimrlti ind an jiinihii p hi wt miglil unit ili limner ap- ellatiun hy iinming the kntii the siihject lie lm chmwn ilnn nl biaimme country eunuul fill ri nrouidng hii hi conie energies and luing forth every lotent spark of his lively genius it lie he a man of wit e mum now shuw u fr a dimrrtatioii oniric rlmracier without wit ttml thii of a high order would he as flti stale mid piufiileas n a chrftnmi dinner loan biiglhdintaii wiilimt plumb pudding wc have not had tim to rsir all ihr manuscript of the mikiintis hut hive nimiagrjd tn gel hnlil of a stray leaf nf the niilior- whether nr not it i part of the lirt uuiiilirr wc cumnit well tell but this wu know it itobnta an average ivhneu of lit style and mannciint his excellencies and hit vices not jtjtcifinj all that lector hitf hj or sung but displaying literary merit fulfy tfijuni ifimt-tu- perior to that uf any canadian writer nutt extant wit tui wittaing winch we call wjr this iomefhing which pcrhap may he called a risibu tickling fimorvi ntltqiiafitff other iiiuona ntuv call h pointed bocimtr tvidl them it is l with them it u often exerufced at the wihi and regard less of ik feelings of others- in oilier nations ii i such a rare cnmoi idny thru they mehiil fri exhibit the putseioii uf it smnilem fiancui tif whatever expense wllttl llh lhihi vpttrmm a iliiuiuritis ttltb the irish wutlm lw count- l as cuimnmi place cnuuilj lllliw bcvidmuilkiiiff tliecuuuirv ivftrl und hint we hhanld oou nee if the farinas aru u were made 10 feel the enriching influence uf ih- lr ui tne road are guod ennui to bnig ull the produce we can ever pay fur if we imve nut wuler we can put on the attain and do without it there is cental enough humlw us if there were only spirit enough to employ it v i he mutter then why are our uhnpn why are tradesmen mid mechanic ipu- jujid j half mutl nn olj imhj nrf j mil f mmlitff vmltf mir jum mir ivnu i i w i- ili i hi- luc- ho irrkuiu deserted villi m cowduig why re uurmtwm filled iih tfrwaud ronsinblliig lriugs dewrintiun of the directs o new anutcrdain w here ihe childivu made iliitpie unmolested by cart ur waeou iumead ui looklui like the cleanly and huy stiver of j com incicial tuwu with its efficient police ilcivcuauve the inaik the laci in the pealevt vhmm ol the money rttnuug us is locked up and the runedtt u tj nnlock it i wh nit onl yatdmbmtlvoiil willl tha mililiral rck haul bfwkam qm j qkl i i wl urtck ii- oui li f lluw uv you canlnvid a td tin buirotui of ull iflu vfl- uu atirim jnlai iijritirtv i toroittlwi lwt imvo exhumt- il tticii an j upon jur uih f fnm u day mi finl ten cjttolarh hifinror lii riw tfiivjuui fhmi irniiiin i iiti walvtfl i n- 41 wa i r it u mu l gluriitu ll ken irish every day iilqtaiitg tl blmirdeil i iif jk count t ri iwiei wi h ilter nitiuus a in ihir etiuatiiii i uniarkable urcpias aiiictittl viiinouy t nrl bailed down loai tdre miii nicej a hfillffihotd fodi with llie ttmu w umraaiitk ever i tying ond ever hiolis as lifft van ilij eeneu it toni its epithets and its desigiiiiiion htul llicm- ittas m 6wry conipmy and ncooiliuodjio iheilh elve5 toevery new orcasiun when exercised b jenuius irwi feiihia it i not pmilted ti leuil 1101 innnturcdly so- it il ii raise a lauh in wduiki u fieliu or a chaimctor the liidii n tlutcrvfvfou bftmultlo in o ie rsjccl lltmilil tw soon latse a bugh it himflfai ui atr el im hit is ktmlcss luh i h niintftrfftiivi ihtsen- jftymcuf ii iuiw m tlw lm hifunt nff i he wit- fan v to eoiitiuij ili vein t niik cvirv man lor the wiueit lnv u iniv white lu eojw the pe- tailur fchiny uf holdnii hoih litaitdv f it irus the iuientoj todnv to inc tomhrd upon inoiher vuitjeel comteeteil with iik- ftriur of the re but we ahstiriti for the wwent wtf rimnol lirve all we liciir itnj hae a confident expectu- ulhat no ultiiiialr occohuu will vxm fur the ex- e of ur ilnori l ilntv aury iai rifuil iiim wwtfl igioimtl i ff dim wtaf fmjiiau hnkwlm iuiij iulluj htim tfuitm of fliu tstl ijii ifcjd i i h b ttiis k- l whe awntt hv im- iwj iir4l tic im ui iji lo i- luiikciuu iim it tricks ill inns ifetitaiiiiliwll mitflilirfrmwo in a kri fciunriy1 jiiin i pcttbf il vuuuiuijv jho5 ta wmalvwtfi atjvk kiiiiilymlutf muiilti- kni ui uf ill it tutlfm f ditr i ulcaiiti rtliauj by- ii hi m with yi thitiuj inije mon luui w rc arllutqtll bmjuii in he pica burly iite wwyaii mtilkhii it titr the rrrn senfjv iiirpuv i a to in in i ii no a v ry irjjli n iuitiiuofthe aniiyil kmij pi- m i in till ti ut vry 1u il uuou tlui r a ruaj lilt i oritivlliunim1 wu iivc lr r tukiu lieu iho wwleyms i td evifv mkituiti ill i vj 4ciiiii rytrm i u atttf ulli ti italttlk3tilenillhctah nrilfturlrftttidwmicuvi wmi lakniu ufw- tlia ijt ftfllh ticr ilut cvi otr uttwutiu is iii tin- pttrntinli 1 in pta jpaap twa niwtar iimam ofibope viiiil i tlif wtili iifthw dwili ilwin hi kiuwm ifti imirifciir nnmileriiijt ibttt mr kjwiairti in another tiflii minr mij i linvn fclkfl tfinilt dinr tfrvjifhim ljllma ttlft wu hf tlli ivblll do cullllll ihafiujnwfifiwh ttity if ili ki ion paicni iwi jvroicucjj lhat i ti ilhrtikrts mill- mital tbtt jlilitht iitinhinii wi th lilntylih hivtii ihhaj a h fiiij rrlh fthlwf lnj in chi il ml n ccmu vji we lav fittnly n nwwuiu nlmmw trf tn punwrtlitbr h lntjit tit 1 tin i kum lrt lihtwh nfllir virit- c it urn ttatll and a til ai i i t ilic loii t nit und imrial niul potm llml liuklf hi rtuh it pritiik ti uf lan ieitltvr r liitf iwlfief dli on w mq iiiiii oo bihi iktirc hi eveij hlleihit to ctmcipid ihu i ilkihiofttninihttiltii mviiiy il tu itline iht hli l lw aii 14 iw at it hftncj i h i a lii lite i iiui tl it itinnivf wc bavri v ii uiiii w rrilti lul n liyiron vd lliilit but wt il f lnniir any ihr torrun r i ir wiiltti m iuit inj nt thu npeii n oii uedmti we fcmn nuil lor a vit pkir and nni oitu lntwrj llinil for bcnit ihi nnv h oit ii a mv elwft wiiiih ivj lmk whli a kjblc lii f miim ll i harii ivf id hnir icad- yrrty ejqiahlv tf dulluiftmhtja lvwn ilm iii i tv ifuittpm tie pvrfi 30ii til 1 hc t ulj qvll ifpc1 httltcfocuty m aiij cif be iim mticf nf mr kyrtn f ixhirli h if olied it iii l lin uhj jlq willi tita gt nil fasti for t1sl hutttsh wmg editop it inmftymi tlw miiikwhat b to die manner in hkh your editorial wet re renuested mill require m he cnurtrd t pin mrduiv as vou have nu phtnisd my production in the chttmhte urdfc ol luirt andfl vou imve btmti phrftwd to ex- jour tavonim opininii nf it 1 hive indulged vunitv tifuimmiiuingn dv tnx imhlicn- nhe brm irfff- dkcmmond 19 j3 sthte of depletion under whah the toti ton has uhoied lof the lm two yoiri and whicud of dceivusinj would sijmhmr to in- iitly fnrcildy hiiffltrt ilic piinity wkg pttoi and what is ac nnutljfi willlnim imuocuuuit couihif rtniitflit inthepnlnti ikouce the fajiilt lie almost intovly llllioop pie thciuselvt nihl iiieniaiuitli theinanil hhthcnu to apply the rnndy iv m have iwaiingahom the inih iw ioiil- w hae try iilgvtliuuly dluveriiib n hnmhed rea- the unirosikrou3 tait ufllim tlmlef wnlfli r there i- a want nf ferilte lme win ttry ofgood ruads a witii of waier a want ol btii the nni want the want op kn- ftlse habhten little utonglll ofi and the igionian levelling his mici nscoit has been with all his might lor the mote in his hro- ye utterly regardless of the enormous beam time we were awaki and wide uwuketik l us merely open our eye tor a day g curt hnue pasi a frw uduiiu spirit- ud only and then lo til shvp tmef than utui as ihe indian said tieii our eyns nd bee every thiuij uud shaking off ihe bich is rcallv becoming dcgraiiing tlo sptne- io ure now the most enterprising pemntm ia kingston afe ihey uioe wiih thieo orjuurln- uonilde cxleptious and inorelionorahle hyeoatium ar they those who have made ail ihe money ihvi are wonhin this very discarded town and who look with icy indillereuce upon every effort made to re lieve it are they the old settler whom we nu turally and leasonahly look to to uke the lead in every dlort of ft puhlic nature m encourau and lake a part in what husntes remains iitimoy us t sal they are comparative 0tamgwincii who came hre hut a lew years since ami by the well oiftscira urrilfllh of industry and enterprise have bamltu what enterprise and industry will always ftiiih the voluntary respect and eateeinuf their neigh hours and this too villi scarcely a hand tu help ui a voice to cheer lhiil frtilu the leading whv htine of them will scarcely olow mticll ie tead from the leading inbfchitnnu of the town you do not hear l and o and a haie half dozen of spi riled fellows like them always complaining of waui uf capital waul of back country and a host of uthe wants genciated in the idle brains of the uueiner- pfnfjittf wltl seliish theysttfo work and mak capital you do not see anoiher c stop in th coldest njkithv which ever tlie mauunon of uitrfyh- teousnes chilled a mortal and leave off hilpruviil his extensile property heoiuw he getna 6d lew rent tlii yoir than he did lr such men gtifl more active amidst the shtrihness which uiiouiid them and illhey were only seconded s they should he by jlim4 who hae abundant means to do id uhl town would soon take the rank winch nature destined her i how down to thru old but most convenient iflnx hn that every one has a rieht id do what he plens es with his own nevertheless it is the most iiti perative duty of every man as a social heiu to be nrtne hh noi idlelo do nod to his lei tow men int that inert sort ul goodness hios connnendahle so jar as it goes which consists in subsenbiui some tweuiy or thirty pounds t year in the cause olhetir- volcuce bui thaijtctive stirring oodnes which in the widespread healthy operations of trade feeds ihe hungry clothe the inked and poms the sun shine olcuiulbit into the cottage of the poor if a kind provideltm ha blrssed ytm tlh wmllh it u that iju shmi1 wt tt uu o hoi u ul ilie trtum hkf liieillish and sluiih servant m the unable i have tin air editor hastily made suuietliio hke an appeal willi yirtir leae i shall tortli line the subject and i assure von i hall cotiiiue the subject and i assure you i hall not be back ward m speaking what i conceive to be the iruih fur it tnigfttfi ad must prevuil even in kkiffstnii whvre it has too often hern fhijstfd over and tfotifuu ten ll 1 can with leelns wluelil hope have some share ofaliection and paltoiism nroiise a spirit ol active practical euterpritto uniung the mliabitaiit ol myimtivtj town my purpuric will be served audi trust uiv duty perluroiei l fun tu kitiyiiuu mud in lek ninu when ym ujra tn hiivc cot your vcel iui thrtrml inl irtii1licuiiiiiunt cihhiii iwk rttiit odium ii a ul v z h 1 1 nhoulft lnlwllul ttllfi fclcr m uitxx aj4 rho vdunrmui ofihv hwy y ifinticl has liad rftieihir- l llian half a dzi bmlvii im you iithvd ciiptiin wu iifa itcvurniru lh vaiv linn wititti u doctor jiick ixii bj ontiii patr lul fur i tu loll and tfatrf rtvi u wwn tjiw m v nor wh4 mi cutawmd ftlifs lui w u l i mtfmr tfnfi uik chrvn bmiwr sr ikt f tin ui lite ttttg say in fir1 lln to ii llie vtukee alkrwird l m oaiii l t iiiiii rini inkd llie w anuw ttiuliie bttnnuinileil iiiw imp mute zmii runi irliid lini mi hiiu nil in inn a it him cimin iittj vtfavli wtn jft llr ftrl tuilr ifvr- ul mtil lrn dirle ithwwil li uvvofomhl iliic ll ac lit i iiv i inmu iii itil ih lid ilk- miv ii llumltjvrl thi cuurlin pubhu uu rtpbikudt i li hropeiirfjylilii kui lnml ft petty cmnol wheis uml tau miy iw llm hm auto prior u ht lv j utljki u r kcfiu- a hfltcf k nut phr v c s hi lw ntved t all lit im h llil i lli i 1i and rii all he ilnt to vi i r to pity a u u uwt kfiun tfbu llo di mid tljt ft t l z vr u lam whu utmmilaailimi rhi rttilc ufdiiiitotok tiic tofks wy he llll i vc w wp lt iumi i wftts it iq ilnj nresure btlbo f lfc jt an vinl uiuui ilivo ludtil imr wa vowu im lljcir imhiiiv- fiwtu inic uoii 4ml i kit k lu dcliiicc jiid utlj imm ttmti a war tlii tic r allil the vifh liy ttttd iii ivivi hmd a kimett hvi ii duialtcnliv itil my ami di vniill li td f il ifr ii t r fin- wiivr whibiiiiv hjwir ftftuni is to bo cat liku a jteu uf um juuli i n lor pjop uid tii inll vax vexrric kingsiihi srjtl 21 luiths xufe lli out- ii vaukttl vvlnid oj wlulo liciur aitfii invcl jjlnhr nt vvlnt tnmry tli iltlluk fifed iik i w a ft 1 1 inn iffhi anwr m iiitki- hi a we havtmvcel inn ivolinv nrasuu i nriiutfinmilti to on faors j c nd scraps btiiimu ufuw muipfrml juutfi a casil smiww ui ihtiiod in cvral i nf hetleni luviiijr a itftnlenuy lo injure llti ouaauv in olj pini perwui unh ifimlly tu the cumpaiiy ami in eit w mdifiirti5cwwrt huh nty u the kvwl iftl v w fium lln oriianljmm and d tlntiun lh csnl lwi- rivi iii lliu trouiiiiy 4fvutti hrj tsujufi h l4iard a iluiliaiii icncir irv caih ptimltl nni gailicri- lufetlw and fvnt down to mimical fur utilp tlii i- iiuaimy unjirf jinn with the river that the aau- utd- octiional delefiuviflu urcil nun hul ivhaluft llny emit hi die mcr it wa- hut ik ih i i uht lth w imiiiit iiil liutilrri j lkiith ili rwr il- pii flir iiiiv wi ptr lir due aiotfl lichly uuavfutiihcd with ihu mi boat uu the liner si law lail a lit uf ncvauccn u miuilnal fur iu incs it isuldy by a cuup- trt- ufiliccinal i an hj vp may and doveetiriid xhvf paml to w ln daily iiwut jay ili it wvn- im u i ii uiv l ll ll flll jf hib iff ilt t illi i ii jilit twii- taj dvtf vu uf llu lvit iii iklltiuu lvnlmd4yut lotltlorl v nun with a of ii ire f iivnfj mdrffiill hv i i- hi ili6mnof mr imii l- tuwiiui nf kitnh ui iihi rt4tri i drawing nm to 77rx editor of the british whtg pw will yu allow mc tu uk ttiv al krander ouv qiurvtiuo thrul your cduifin and to ny i hna hut tury di he fllipccu me tn lrr i cordi illy uffllt to tho truth id uhffltff lllft ntuoitlllcj aid only vviku hu n vj lir ilu i enimvert iih puanliont and ivn iiih 1 du tliattju ujvit m im placet in tiji a porilion a the light of truth uiay fhhic uprni it tho quiiin i wuuhl ak the canidiau nefirmr idii ilow uu ymt utteouui for ihu jivcu u- ihu lovv jrkei uf our iuiiifft whiili you vharu upon the adniioitrati fui foecvtt t if as yuti iy ihu nilmun- uf uverrutitrut ar thcn die rffct rhuuhl bv uudonn andvoudty n luiiua iieut wliit h i ui thi ate i ik ihiku in u a lutruipo uvut whu due nt wlh lu frtj hi iinuupjiul to4v i ii a lit hninia whhh utliu omadiui rufilffjll leavm lliu iitjrl wiiliuiil cxplutatiuii mi liii luiiil will be the eouqtieiau alter cmaduh kclortnit stiatl hivo endeavored to uli ttttiutlt h- i llvitiu taluflmlhi nlfmiiluatliiii hilrl lal eah want of iwilo and bttdmf4f dttcitcd villaetf and tuivh t4 of maiiiifaclitre a i rdatl fattrn ihue charc tlpofl the people without que ion nig the motive of a canadian refoiuief anotiikr reforsieil sept 14 1650 lljlilj fdhh w4 hit ki i i fc in c hmi drawu irf several il l iilkinj anuurr duv turn lh pi itrfv oid in f t whelf di liuliul unl rlnii ivwninva i oil tiitf iir k and t mi jmdy ibfetntk filclhoitti iwynui nmn 111 tjrii4jmt ihiihf wlitn ihi the ntiiii rtn ii inn nf hi h lj hcaoiu at eturean ivstti iln- ide id ii4 r jw iriitirttrhlv ii l the iivr lit u under ihr u ifoni i jit luiiiuti teiy ieion uf corrvet finite iphi tnunut iiiilined m lu leuuive finin tupolh tho obitrueliims that a individuau had itiruwo dowi tlic pauh dm- lideiko oiievfivu it will bo the fault of oianaguuiunt alone thin ran ptmvudy werwheho il 1 rm imvc uutiretl m tcjiy many letterj niatcrnentv counur- puutiiilutiiaiid altidavi fiuin iifinrm wlm liavo bn dirap pulined irtoliliiiugiigitioniwriiahiurrniidiiineiit in the new nmvivii autimmlrtlvn e wo hottirerded a mat- ie mill wiii h ihv puu imvc uouht to ilw and whue pub- htiiiiuii ran4inh imvtj h uiidcoey to injure ili bnk in 1m iyri ul mmojfkrala distance 1v bnpo die lrrtidnl nod umriliifuifiihii will aha tfft nniie vnw wc liattf and nrnuii in aitibt fruin lurnue ihn ln- enlutun uf nwtpap 8u lung pilmvm drill mudifvlid im tirply liiutuniniud inipiilmuuf im- u4lim tl4 ihr wlndc win m know tu int lahu flotll iheir j itr- -mi- jtl wmiii uf ptidmhiltly hi hnijc will ute author uf ui ii m aiulatu tepnu- iwt ii up a 1reh haro w hen llie old vi i- r wd tu i tin- fiitnihv bank h our bvt wi1m fi lu pnip fiiy rci lajy whaiifihodorny of trade in kinptouaud i ursv i mliji diluents aimui khidaro daily upmin m lliu ittm the iev w luihhlllu waruhoii ofc wjllard a co imdutcadi uctuil tro uf mr- ahbrni in store slrwl at laliiddaiuu tiu trade vvlulr ihe auetiun rmunofa1r ii seaulau in ihu m41 kl sjuarr are no mmner abuduned hy linn ihuilhiyaii lijudoinejy filudup hy mr patrick kjon q a iluiimon stiui blhjhtamwtf llnvc no rfunhi idulj in tin ealinur hut we mi ihui auntuklinvr it tube utcktitl king- luu lh in ullnr towua ullhe ufolllc8 c vvat ik-pr- jalnum have tlffjl tatrly cummiticd in this lit vu in nililtiljljt niirandrr on lliu j h 1 j piupurty uf lh- liuhid on tuiliy pldll laft llie garden ol or uur 11111 wa nler od ami rntllmil uf a uamuy of tiueu lua nil ht dry ilu rutilicry and une olhei of a lik nature nidueed tin- uiailiatei ii tiact sovial rrarrh warranto and the miirt qmnce u thai mi or eitfhi ihim jtaftrnr iiavebren utreheinhfl ninljt 10 prioii tam llcml of loku tert rwtveredamoutj whieh ta kild hi uc a niltiuii ul uufniel tli late tine weathrr km rnamtd the fllltt eounliy toother in dieir liarwsl 111 uuihi ruiidilfnii wheal idtuutit i hitler and rvv ihe riliu o ui luve luruetf out weji and pubaitftf aru exlrefne ly ilnntitas ea eoru and wheal lnv ituue welhin arlliwlinj in lie welneuf llieeaum every kind of ipnut iain ltayielded 4 uuj return for i ibur lliy i th only a- lerh uliurat jifudure llial 1- deficklit aid reaite the price at preeul avtj bu iioiiuuul trvl ink ociiid in the offire tduy 3 tniddle aced lemal from ihocnniatl ih entered ad llltlti atemtetl llj an ol imi j el i f toi v 1 r du a pour viumi lht fatvtrf f jiuiliu a lew liuex 111 ihu paper cvnandy anaivered we nthlllllf a eornplaicorjy a luuruua1 wont uii ueh uc amii an xireivh ollioaiter ehiritiiieiimeh v wad tha applicant fitruur rajctliuid livir wel ia a itir4cril4iu wo ull w a the reajy repl observing 1h1t at held but a yaukeo half dollar between tier thumb and fiugei m blctf you sir thai mine and lhi ii what ill waul you to dutuad mailing tvlhjn pail wiih my huhau in 4 eoal pit ha id iiiui fiir a ihrht he i4ii uiealatt al att anil 1 waut you lu iau1 tiizrluui a in ill mj goud woman naid we ppinj lui liuii iufc come to tjw wn ii hop to il y u muni- 1 oidah j ff jj v utt t rlr hvtci iif are ihithrntil utiiium tfua i nahifo we are yrn v41 rait 1 hamuolai h m s wo ute tu me paniriilai ill hinnm tudv iiiiiiahii wdtjutt jrni- virell ihe tnu- k- lu mahket phjcl kihatua tuaj jytmklsm 4 a baefhy th c w t vi too do at lha rnafl mi t 04 0 ft mutton by dm sheep per lb 00 1 0 0 dn at the ataji per ib 0 4 a 0 6 viai 03 04 fiwhpork per 100 iba 0 j a 0 0 1 r h butter per lb 00 0 7 td do do 0 7 0 h kez pr di 0 61 0 74 ameriran plour perbrl ou 0 0 canada j do 27 6 a 29 6 do j ncfcwt wheat iierbulil 15 0 a 1c 0 39 a 4 0 rye do do 30 a 0 0 corn do do 00 a 0 0 hurley rio oo 20 a 0 u oni do do 1 0 a 1 3 potatucx do di oh a 1 0 llay per ion w 0 a 45 0 straw per bundle fire wood p cord 0 1 a 0 0 8 0 00 stap 0 4 0 4j 1 3 fowl cup i 0 a pork uiesa bb so 0 a 0 0 do prime mat 76 0 a 0 0 do im imp 65 0 0 0 lp l i4-rd- linen rrioi ifikvir inner ihispamn government house 7 toronto 12ih sepr 1s35 his majeuy having been pi wd to direct that the office ol auditor of land parents in this province in jjhiiliftltd tlie r vcurdu and dicuments at present under churn ol lite auditor will be removed to the kxceuiive council office coiy ot a minutv in uounril approved by hi e- cillenry the lifutanant gnwruor on a letter noiii ilie surveyor genetal relative tntlie order in toinril uf tlie 30th may reajerting u e loy alists dated 27th june 1835 in council 3rd september 1835 it is respectfully recommended that as longer dtfty aiibmpfri rntlie ue cluhw which have been t ojied i y ntdti in nunril nnd thoee under ifrflicfl lufhlfultt- rhiv6 be n nuide produce einbarriissment and ulnnu tn the parties concerned xo murh of the n iter in council uf the 30th may last as piecludcs ihe ui veynr i r from acting in ihe above cjn be resciiuted und ihut petitioners vvhuserishtfihaie licennt knuwledired by the cnuncil at all locatiees vim hiive ptj ififiifii the cuiidition of the lncarinn ticker be pimntted to prosecute the operation to a cluav in llie ual way john beikie clerk executive council tiitmr ihvtot jknriau just arrived 1 iu4tl uitutt bvriiig j lvt nrtii illv htiln d i- t hi lickl liiij littcu it ilirl f vvmh hnl lvhiy tih l alim il nifi vvi tieuiit liuvv cfiiuij ihu tmlh- jiivvn du it iiti fftdiv ht- kingrlun to rms editor of tub british h7c- dun in yu hml inuniiui jiuiu nic ta nfrke veihjl dti ration ui inv uwv vv licit juncirud in thv butith whig ufllia ifnlinift t vnur changing one word ha nmli-11- nlly tdkrd its uitmeiiu t u ili vuu to notice this in your next qhm ur ive dti ms ju itiaertitfi viz you iuih uiu ilmjiutiuu when juu ituuld hav c fji llivr llf 1 under ttt ufftft bcaminh nd struui biiywara eniuriinucd vt rteuvcrvi ctiiucihinti i tttanffa ban ipinc iftir ur m bajih rtlm tlui we dartj hardly riry miiv vt uddv j dtoihj it wiidmit jiitis i f the in pfubrmtul fn hu frfti u aneil i tixvtl rwidvm kimi itmd ihu win i wlut svufldi fu tis u oivlvm c vrry fahisrtfanuc iune cxhilinvd tu tint f ul si r may uu u thv hiuh amiia im il i tfveffilu- a i t4iu itiifv i evf lr wo iuir in fatanl lh j wvri givmi f iri 1 lie ll in ulululvy utfiimiuirivhhjivthclniiiin llilfhfl m ihir iiljuiruinuiit til ti tt in auut cuurtv ill inert uu vvtsfcwjay tvxf hut wlnllnr tin i nialr will hum be ncriud wil we iwvo imt ksirnl jinit 1 1 ive it thii 1 i vtitali mtiwrij lin in bjdl lmr w1tfan1 wit vtwluyrd hy lu fcil lurd mr barttm phltltpa wit- mmirefuliv mhwd u d iiiiufil ilur puhiudir ivlm flh mu miiiuii llu hi been tuivhcd upvn tu iur4uc tmll jimum h cxttttt- ku lie fftiatuotwd wlni wc driuiiid wilt he doll ilkaliijidy ukiiuiiartiiiu ol ifatj it llf sid wilm ihttl sfulitlq luiiim irrutihil ulhi ivrtl tttinj it ad nf tin utt iuiunut tr llir ifiiii umiuv in in it hinilfihiwu tu ii ml vvnrk awl h lihiii un mr an- 111 f form in tin inijhtnirliiud it i i mmi wc meet willi inatbltcvi uf ni h tru hihtuhy ttdittg jiafltimftntvir irani fiuuittiv in hi irm wt hit i th riiuind v- fttfut uil rind i it livid j tu 1 114v i t r iiii 1 lliu ir i jvi u- 11 til irr ct ii in il n a ui 1 i nn ij uut f vh lut uu fttuui u he ll uie mm 11 ii itij- iliiuted auddutimle en tw ltt tif jttk ins ilvuvtilm ueitlliil and itiuvhed he sna- ui-h- ctucitijuiir lik us that the liidnlritm 1 iii are w nil 11 then wax hither wc trite miiui dmill uhlhti nr im tllf frttlllti ft aiv rtally gtftii llnugh uu oiciftt from vkilih eljuu lt mhw of lltai munneul ua i n iijii jui lih idvrumiiieiil ul siurir maotru 3liter jv tmial ul ihe uoimj plan hulilvlliji the itiuli 111 il ihe real ii1mih ii ur 11 t h 1 x r 1 u 1 ihe lutitu guflt mii imrj und jidr tjijijvuiijlel in ii rxtii hoc in fttatvitvi e 1 itiir mmuiiiiiiuiu- suiitjihii nbuie wt in tyw the m flea havi kjrrued in livu as will lietucil l ihtirinlvrfiintunit th tr utt li ijm in amv 11 im1 sijmir m jtru whu i i led i in atunirfd itrnivj a rl indj ntilnir ttmiei- uirut md tlvit ihe real i vine umiau liiwl 11 ilh ihui klhivv hoilli r ivtij urjudrii hetweeii t wcvdle diuu fc tw tdlc fiev than liv v imtltts hirh evhihiliun a it arrives t n iv tlilw ai tin tmlalunuiatu hottl mr a hnidvhaw 17 11 ilin ttij mfiittttvh m tfinri 3kaimiiiiifimniriiii htitlnj im mm w- 0iimmi mr mltjm i ili u niin viihirl mr vmir iirlcci i t vu iti llml-uj- u- ml v ii ijiri t si- m ija s 1 iti mi iv iftt iait w i viviii ri tl i iir uwhunli ii vj fr ii limui tvk 1 vv 1111 iih i i p vv if i h 2lt ailiiilr i lvrtir mjuis t- mr- amki ttjimlr lunitt mr cft ittii ii vv bimvemtl4 hul vlitii ln u k aiutiu k mil i dv llu qit-u- vr ilmthur kfa- l vr unhin t- hi ltnkii mr utitl imktilli c hun tvl i4uii j- mccirn ilo nr uurrm j lilmil l i mr ai m i4iii ii- u lau a i rttl llrrtpl tai am lfrli t lf itirtaii nf the wnl cniirlufuiiii the word rovtutiun in thti prmtua rjulet a tale of tin cuuiitry iallucihcr toomrotuj and hard uri cipnion tub ug in a fiit coul and inudcrate rofi b utui whu i irul will h rn tn be mure rudint and cutiiiicnl in future so thai lu valuabv ami indefuliahlg labon hani innro fully and ulfec- tuatly lirurfil lw covntry anital-wln- a uhnjeiale cittlttao ona- hte hii parlianieiitniy otlteajtuvx and all tine nnd inyal rcmini r to go he rt ami hind with him in ihe mrtwliun of the tihuse whteli bavc mo long disturbed tlo uur and retarded the protwriu of tins pruvtuce un a- nathan fellows- ernesto wn sept i6 1835 euirota nff ill mr felluwi ms wo altered die word ironclusium to ravtdriww in order to make ihoenso of the purrccaiih maud uul clearer thi t orrettmn uf our tton hy ihe enuipuritur nnlakeii rof mvnluiioii and thence the errur that escaped tlieeyeuf the pruuf reader foli the emimi whig- mk enitua i hanpetud tu te in th curl of rrque t snurdiy firtnight wlwn a w vto etdkij in whiett one uriiumajoia3tkcaofdwlawvaj thu daleudani win did nnl aileiitl liimsclf bul sent anuhcr prtn t- ipjar etf him and the vim watf htar1 aud dc pljinlill noumuud utwl ctmlvam i wa miller atutuded for miu- liw a i p ulied id mr djw3 luappnr fur mo tua cartr in win h i iiv thu defendanl hut he inh nelhllhecuiiniiiuiiuiliid d d that puinooa could appear by aeiit and lhalilviidiwu linihl nut a 3 have llm commissioner chained ilnir opinion in tin paru pulif or dues urn act rant a nivihe in jutvo otult ft bkhkwfcbi4dr i8w iiv ulitc bald dijiiivd chat rallln ml u lul de little tuad slaver i iiriii u ami o we un it ht hv tfttx he likrwit nil kv iruiii itmlirrvbltt airl th whjiralifitaliun rjit tl yield thv liiitihhmi h tradi pi lie iiha witl lu pleufed vvtlh it a nai wmild b tul utt u h dlmrii lli- tinj al uihv we iim i irid ittilu oi uh hnei v ibuot fit chiile gnv n a iiiinnw tepnlr lib hinjli ut iti riiii mv i tiiuuiph what ruiui pl if adniiril 0kturi villi il mdhlu l liii in teodir fietti dly eilljuad li nnd h itlthotiui ttffl nvi ih and 1 mrln pni net htm a ijinlttfl aiil lirtj way- bell linn ii rvuiiii ns ffliml nun a lmir ai d friih nil inl an snivel hl oil j ivu j j it vu arv a i i it ui i velpm i -i- nidsau canal alsltlykn pept 21 tim meanirr thwus mr kit y chamuitt witk hirii i i tri tldirt uul trjlii ill hlwt sis patilmf and tjrft tundjt 0t j- iiikui ii c a rrler j ik linn- vu vmlmr 11 bennn j vclpal hdl v lri ti mk uidtt i si leiuti j cirtvvrliilil i- iw- i 41 l j snm s vianm j nutmii t- knltp j i- at i dimim kiuiluu j viiiu niagara the extraordinary exhibition of the industrious kictitfi mid msi iipiui tliuitsdny 21th iitl nt the tffun lutvly ulcujim1 hy messrs itryce co- in torc stiect ntnr ihe connntrrcial hotel uours linn 10 a m tn 10 p m adniittunrc 1a 3d clnurcn half price tllaluiere bkldgbi ordnuncif oftici bytown sepl- 17 1s35 sealed tenders will le received at the above ohicfaj un or hi i the 6ih octohernext at twelve iiylurk ut noou for leasing the chaudiere bridge lur mie rar iln rnie to le mated in halifax currency and twti icsnuiisdle hccunties will be required for ihe due nrrlinnmnce ot ihe agreement 15 sale or crown lands conmlioncrofcrowi lwfv oflk toroui mi 3rpl 1835 j notice is liereliv riven tlim poftwii of the un- siiied lhhj in ili inwinhijbiof colliogwoodj st- viiirnif hull ao wrt3t in ihe iin distiiiot ml ihj nlvrrtd or amte liv public auction m the iuirt utilise i the uitv nf trotito on friday the i0ii ocioiht next nt rjnculk nonn t the updet pricvui o nuiiicy prr strfe dnefuurlll of tin purchase money in be puid ilnwhi iud ilu rtinniiulit in nine eunl annual in- maliwllmi iih nileiesi upon each instmlmeiic a it ihrnmeai dm- plmia- exliihiing the itimtion of the liinmiiiy heteu at thesureor lenendc office toronto- nnd further particulars known by applying i this ultice 15 peter robinson ti llnntil j kh itiilmlii il ivirv i ftutl w sill- j iltm iuiik bihiw k lavri- tiiytc liurhjitin t li lliiftl c n ttlii l lh j irabuiiij cavoiii mtili bm ti t wifif ijvn wiih targe in m liliminf iiud mr latidlw tuuiim s irta ti vi- yurltvr ii iknawii hdl vcjkrva liwi ih ui int i ilamv rhiftr iv watm ini alltfli hlvdm il srimk rulii j i a a oiniirnii y clifk tfoh-tt- j yimiut nil t vt lluu- win uaiifv i kitnrl km unlitilhr- w wut- j tnuiim cmmiui 5 nn flrtkl ik hith l tjleawili l ol v mithcm puutuinjui it vviihuul lht i irualc fm a tnhi milii avwci vu yuttlli win anu r i iruru tlu- niatf i 4 nuiiivi mitfuili m 11 i- il kunui- iapu tivmifi 6hacl all dn ewlti caulivr tiit now ti m inu j i i cith in thv p j ud u have nmvtvl iti uniint u arly 100 bulldara r ij iwtdfc t hi anuihrr part of 10 piper w itiili tllr ojowjiavi- hrmw j diftw nnidirdiit tv inlnrvkl smth inivl rm inn lilt wiuu all thv iimnfa ai irralitirv v ill aiuulh t will mtua u nihil wilt hav iiittftfttal iiti aiiialv lnb uv imv- lut unih uri ii vi ttruainlvd wlh all that i m li t ui mfdmi luiitunuii t tt u truvvta mbii riiiutt m tin mw mm i m km uv an mid uiiiit tl tvill b- uinnl ii lir iv til lhvtrnt t sluuday im otdwr kingslonscpt21 to the edstos of the british whig sir 1 havo been a link mind ihtdifted h vvnm jm a kt m mvtaclfihu wtma or two p but 1 how could rtf aiy- ihinttow w m tli p rmi fiiryc r acute iort tuier li-kino- afraid to pet rniaph wi yms but vvhon uncle zach tolled f ulber daj that you arf n w almost trftiliiikmcrmbeiriuiihoughtl would juil ask y-waque- lion or two bow do yflij manuj3 your tdtwf ship so w to make r voy n tiii taiiiida u ml n ut tit lit uu ilacc ii the wnw div itwv icm ricvni iuin4uf v ni li n- jirvit- trd t die liirtaiii ti rmirt and i jrrinilidt diif oii rlliliit tn llii grant uf sw n hnul iiudu i mr goufgc bkt tlhlrirawfl vtuiiit fiu reifiin iririr afitof bj jnin duiin tin i ilj wu- vv imv nt tune llu till oiilvf tlrti thv hiiiiiulir tltw ha- fligtivii d- ill dtuallenih itltlat iut lidilriw of ihir- hind vrw i un riiin j jralhml l n khuii uiiij j it llifl ti kiir ivleibiun n ii- tin alivtulii hti mnirval ou ilu 1a but and w i uclv fiiut daj on livi iantfi ilku tpl 19 the ttunet flivirw with gin und parii rr uil ii frviri tfl tlu ivjijl- priiliil and emiianl per tot law- fvii v lr muttirval willi pa h stlt thrmtainei tatfnu jrktfy with gouu and pa ciiihi utitwn hair combs eceivei this day n general assortment of hair iumtfctf nf nl wzel and patterni mide by g puck- td cd hiildiniaud n d an article of domestic munutucuiie wxw worthy the attention of the pub- thomas macmder kiign sipt 2i ii5 15 port or quebec- llv 11 mi 3la julv suudchuid liii i i lth julv luk a miltlfn j iim miiuiit 4th aufim nw wrk ir- sir h ycb itiif tut- rf oi m heht ataudrl la u iiihl ilaiiiuuniif rir und ihqt ti rlii hi al length inftk f bvlt a flas a dv m imnudav huue in tin i ri vdla itt utviiu tin ovamm nllmnvn uhnruniy mnrw onttpe it unioro llun likely we duudon vjy the hunnr of pub lihin- aliiloflo 6lbiotwllu viu r at h yi hare ten mimntr do it nvr sept 15 uuii y un n ur si oaik naiimi iblkjuliil sojit 1 uaritliiudb mm cuidlll hip ivk- hark it llirti nuiiibf yiiib july lir buk ilivillj ltd auut umrlkk iiuk lpwn h lt auaul padiuwo 5 oltliff pric uihaiiiiiii fifth attjurt urwuda bvi aw 31m jiiv wotdptft llfireirlmnra itlh july cluwortcr it icmuuijrilh july cdciainc bfhi emtthi 3hjidy- beift isfttf briilth aujniti luueri k brig frunddiip 6th august juioaioa ni u nifwpnrt r23ili july lmdun 1c m suili july gw icnsweri ih jily liwrpud u3tllll julv ivuraiiic if 3lt luly luiidiiu rmtbjuiyi new yvrfc ke9 11 aliiutl livihio william dawes attorney md solicitor i the courts of law nnd equity in england ha opened an office in mr cumnervbiick buildings ill brock street king- tion herc he draw- deeh wiih and other legal wiitingh with accuracy and dispatch and onmodo rate terms kington sept 21 1835- 15 want places young man and his wife lately arrived from etighoidi ond who are without encumbrance the filtlwu hutlrr footawn- or general man scr- vrtnt and the latter as cook or housemaid- an tin rdvtfltara 0r0 strangew in thia country they ivillhi- comeiitniih moletute wapeb- address if hv idler pwi paid to thomas hawkins british vhitr office kiiitvttl is ntnti found near ihe residence of the subscriber siuaruville- uu fiiiiidy liwt fnv ling piece whoever ha icl the same may by describing it and paying the expense obtain tl kinffslnn sipt william stone 22 15 15 cut nails just received and foi sule mftll awiitmcnt uf cut inailn in i in the heaver woiks montreal quantity nf colored merino and brown pome- t aucn1dkk ktnyston sept 31 1930 it