British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 2, 1835, p. 1

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the british whig and general advertiser for jhe midland district published semiweekly orivcr pr o r n e d 1 c o r by e j barker h d vot iv the bitltish whig a 8emiwebkly journal deroted to coipmtrtid end politic information ei piillilicd every tuetdo end fr idny cveoingiby dr baikcr editor and rroprietor at hi office in raar street neit door to the commercial hotel ttriis for tlw british whig wventoit nbhgl wdaixpcncepjraruiijra if paid advance or within three month from uteracaipt of the firat number and one pound if collected at the cud of the ycixr exclusive of poeuftft nj aubaenptioo received fur loss than ml month and no papr ducaoiiaued until all arrnaiagca nro paid up exoepl at the option of the publisher ttfcwttwwtl 9 line and uoder 2 gil irat inaer- tlojud 7jd escbaubaequeot iuiertion tenlioeeiad uo 4rr ji ed firet insertion and o each subaequont intexiiou aooreeto line 4d- per line fulbe firat iaaertion end id per tiae fur every suhaccf ucnt insertion aruajiujnonlh wubtut written direction arcioeerlad tui arbid and charged accordingly qrjcra fur discontinuing adtarlmeoiatoboin writing produce of every kind received io payment no lellora taken in except from agent unless post paid letter press priuiiug etortiadvitjinoatneniiddepacb terms unprccedetihy tow a xprr c i i i all work to etc pid for within thrco uvnthe after cm- cetion the subscriber announces la hit friend and the public thai he lius removed to ihose very extensive premises in front street next to thu building formerly occu pied by thy cmnmcrnat han where lie offers for fttiea very eleiic uud tfeneml uorlineul uf british and foreign staple faxcy dry goods a well nm the jolloiviuarfirocertoe vjfc 100 ctietttlvoj vniioufiaoit 20 mid rvfincd sugar 20 mnorado da 50 keg plug tobacco 20 uuxei cavendish do maccuboy ami rappee snuffr faint and cud oil 8auwlwi fig buuranl sturh wlutc awjculiwd patuls and bhcfc lend muainrd in jir spermaceti candles hullo candle spermaceti wiek now article liverpool nnd montreal stkip florrnrr oil thie oil in bhov mdpijpw- juatrfcarel and herring ukiuors 30 hluln cuifuhc ttrandy rich flavor strong proof omnia dujwy s co and other favoi- iie brand llordeair lirandy schiedam ieuevu and hamt irg lain puncheon jamaica spirits proof 1 to 2 upper canada whisky- uunner ctks of old madeira sipproved vinta ge blackburn jiivioro cus brand xerxes sherry loudon paiiicular tencnfie and ihc most exten sive and general imortilfvnt uf red and white wises worthy the attention of country merclnirla tavern keeper bottled wines ei3i hidi1 mudeiroi flrown arul fold slieny gcnuinr old port jv ltd ti p outer vtvtbcrc nil dnnbnrs flnwii stout ii pinw nou hi cbm of fcllhmaih iu- s t o vm j00 2ito3feet stoves cooktug stoves 200 buxe window jhis vtrlmta pitvb slovd cut nnd il rousht n box icvi x tin the foid euwutfnttol nnd i1lli impiwwmi arc peculiarly dusefvinjr the noli nl the public and the ndvmitdgetf iifitio whirve and premlws he occupies lor the neral pmpoes uf trade hitd tlie wins upon which hi mjrkuilway uw in tlnoueh jjifi friend in montreal eiwhlc him to ll a low a the montreal price advances will be made upon all consignment of produce for sab here or for shipment mnia friends at montreal kfntmofit the chargra will be ivmiiidmuderate ttiomas matwider sale of clergy rk3erves in the easteun distuict cotuoiik ofcrawn landaoacc torooto 3im augum is35 j notice is herebv given that ibe undermentioned clergy bwetvea in ibu ivabtem district will be of- wrcd for tilr bv public auction ii the court houc wihe town of cornwall onftiday the 23rd day of ocwfaer nasi at 1c oviock a k at the upset price uf hu currency pef acre upon condition of actual fcnlenlenr the terms of payment will be one- fcwhef the purchase dowi and the remainder in egoal anntial insthnenie with intercut on each loiulment as it become due town0h1p of roxbuuocgh 1st con- no- 33 a 44 as 5 1 7 a fa 38 7 44 79 11 135 1719 21 33 35 26 38 30 3236 3d 8 44 5 7 911 rear ii l and 13 14 15 16 iv 20 t 34 36 28 30 3234 36 33 township of pinch ad con li no 2 16 i 1 310 5 44 216 6 1 317 t 44 2 19 8 44 22 9 44 n 2 10 h 3 10 23 11 44 2 13 n 9 tfhvnsuirof veufiaif h ce lw no 30 towhtthipt osnabkucij ih 4 no 1 peter robinson commissioner of crown hands kingston u c friday ocfobeit 2 is35 v prospectus for publishing a copperplate map of the mwlaxd district the subscriber proposes should nufficient en- conramont be given t to publish a map of the midland disttict including one range nf townships in the newcastle district on a scale nf 16ft chains to an inch exhibiting all the mail roads cnss riads rivers rivulets lkcs churches meeting houses saw mills grist mills towns villages wlmrves steam boat landings c c by i concession and township the undesigned being about to build a cop perplate printing press is determined to print publish varnish and mount the proposed mnp in his own township and therefore looks io a gene rous ami enterprising public for patronage and sup port the map will be nearly 3 by 4 feec it will em brace four ranges nf townships from the bay of guinte back and will be executed in a style equal to the authors map of prince edward it will be published on a copper engraving coloured var nished mounted on roller and delivered to sub scribers at four dollars per copy payable on deliv ery pvelmore hallowell september 1835 white 4 blurk smithing and farriery thesubacriberhereby gives notice that the above business will be coutmued by httn m all its vnrions branches ai tbo old sfand head of stare st lately occupied by bxadt furayth where he hopes for a continuance of patronage robert forsytil kingston august 27th is36 61 m bags rags rags the highest price in cash paid for rags at this office hritlsh whig office kingston july 21 1833 leicester rams tire subscriber will expose fur hale at the next kingston cattle show several vountr rama nmrd from lite scock of a full bloodeff leicester uim uu- prtcd by him from england last fall w holditcu east loushbnrn sept 12 1835 chauuiere bridge ordnance oflice eytown sept it 1835 sealed tenders will be received at the above office on or befcne the gth october next at twelve oclock at noon for leasing the chudiere brijge for one yean the rate to bo stated in halifax currency and two responsible securities will bfl required for the due performance of the agreement lf i shortly wlvl iie pubm8hcu at fobonto av thr avrlion or the provihcjal jvtrtcs an anridgemtnt of the tow nrhip laws including the highway and assessment aci the court of requests act and the new township meeting act with original approptiate forms for the utc of the commissioners the line fence art ami several tahti popular um iatcnstttig matters relative luthc ownliiu ffitlia imttic on she law of landlord and tenant and dtsrrta forltenf arc furoni of nutices to quit lioacs uitttrainjng wmw aitlhi c and the law aul otlice of constable ith vet iutiuction for the pcrlmmmice of the du nes of the oflice the object of this publication bring to place within the reach of the humblest means and in a cheap form a fntntliar view nf the above popular and important branches of the law whit advertinfd ilia provincial justice ate requested tu insert ihi on the same terms toronto 1 1335 dissolution of partnership the copartncrliip heretofore existing between the undersigiird lia bern ihiji day dissolved by mutual consent all debts due the late firm art hereby directed to be paid to james thomoi who will also settle all just demands mme3 thomson john kiddisll kingston sept 1 6th 1835 ii notice the subscriber returns bis thanks tn his frisnds aod the public for the support tlathu lto partner andjhimtelfhave received since their commencement in business and begs leave to acquaint wiem thpt he intends tocontinne the baking business iu at its branches at the old stand iuquarrv street james thomson kingston sept 18th 1835 h lakb ontaeio the past ailinu steam packet t mrfatridbc d carrrey it auglcn m cuttittoik case and culled the british whig kmgstos friday veking oct 2 1635 the assizes- trial or john mcacuffe for murder on iuebduy at twtlv oviock the iirioner who is a private of the 2lib regt w put tu the bar charged with tlie niuider ol henry olda a private in the mum rtgt on thf 22tl auffuht by slabbinc hiin in tltu bslly with iim bayonet wheieof he died art li 26b cpf a c voilrs inquest bad brri previimsly held on the bdy and a verdict of wilful murder returned against the prisoner after the prisoner had been arraigned and plead ed not guilty the following jury kin empanelled one challenge only having been made by mr low e prisoners couiml fohu breuuan p vheldey h weks john midcalf g mcmahon d mi afee d bestty wau davy the attume general stated th the folio ing witnesses john wotford sworn is a corporal in the 21th kegt and knows the prisoner who was reported absent without leave at tattoo on the night of tin 22d of august was endered to take an escort and bring in the prisoner cnt with the deceased and nathaniel norris found the prisoner coming out of a public houe in qtuiry street told him ihfcir business and he cunic along iuietly when he came in sight of the bonacks prinoner became vio lent and struck the deceased a heavy blow on the head with a stick drew bis bayonet ami swore he would stick any one wlu would lay hold of him made a lunge and stabled the deceased who wis standing up went for assistance and secured the prisoner tlic deceaset did not say he was much hurt at the time aud concealed the extent of his wound we did not come inu couii until after ihc lime ilns witness was examitrrd and whut we have writ ten above is taken lion the reading of the judge notes this regret as we fenl much dissatisfied with the verdict nd arrof opinion that this witness did not speak nil the trnli it was dearly proved in court that after the prisoner had been arrested by the escort the whole party went in to drink at ali kolu hnij ttitcrti tv it act wa a breurh ol tlicipline on the part of the corporal and would have biokcn inm had he made it known and it renders br other version of the testimony more credible viz- ihdt when the prisoner was arrested the deceased knowing his savage disposition got behind him and clandestinely lookout the bnvonet and gave it to the corporal who finding the prisoner to come along quietly returned it to htm but whether it was re turned to the scabbard or not does not appear wrj clearly that aheu the prisoner assaulted ihe de ceased in the manner stated the deceased knocked him down and fell upon him uil gave hint several blows on the ground that it has then die fatal tab was given th- which is undoubtedly the true ac count of the transaction was given by the deceased to the surgeon and more than ball a dozn of his comrades ut different ttttwfl before bis death and told by seven wlttiseain court very candidly biltferi- dently wiihuut the hhtllutft apparent iuteniiui uf fr voting the prjmer one tnm in fact wam rc- imtaui in giving ht testimony that for a long while he teiused io be sworn a strong feeling of dislike was nianifestei by every witness againvt the nrisu- er ieefio- hv the wanmn killing of his com ride a klttlig bmpover itrotiius in otu bumble opinion anortiig toiuinoiv tan manttutigxttir in this country t cuctomry to puiuh the high ciim if tnarslat i ith one nij 6 imprisonment only ra for a hiit katfofl thta milu pnibiuuent is awarded lir so horrible a cflencc we know not but in lit britain transportation for life is a very common se quence lou verdict of guilty it should be the sainr here that is to say iiuprisoiuncn in the peahen- as stated by him but be bad doubt whether the pro tiury in lieu of transportation we have made these mulgation of that law had been madeinaegal man place the prisoner i he mutiny act upon which the ar tides of vvar arc annually mude i part of the law ol cfrcnt liitiuit and is binding to u certain degree upon civilian as well as the military unless the eron had lu ul authority to nrnkt the prisoner no ll conviction could follow this wna the case fcn the pan nftbe crown fofttni pspesck mithail english votjt was in ihe hospital with the dceaed on thefiiurth diy after bis entrnnce he told him how be received llwwmintl on the nigbtofthfi 0itcal he went with ihe escoft to find the prisoner found hi in co tiling out of a tavern theprisnnercaniealoiigqiiiet- ly but be knowing his savge disposition when drunk went behind him and took out his bayonet which he gave to the corporal which the corporal after wards gave iniek to the prisoner went in to ano ther tavern to diink uud afterwards as the prisoner came in wiiflit ofttje htrtsicks be refusefl to i o and struck hiin a blow wiin stick nn the bend he then knocked him down fell upon him and cave him three or four blows ichilc on the ground tevfling it was then thai he received ll wound the nlhn tfaa so dork that be did not observe the bavonec tu the piisoiicrif baud ir diil not appear verv dear ly as we said before whether afiei the prisoner bad his baymet returned to him by the corporul he had placed it in his sheath or whether lie carried it naked in bis band nor whether ihj bayansi wis returned to the prisoner after the panywent inttj drink or before it was with much hemnioii th it die judge received ihe testimony in fitvur of the iiri- soier on account of illegality v it not having been told by the deceased to the several witnesses on ontli or while heiioagiited himself ueir his latrer end- this frialcn also stated hiat tic deceased wished to screen the corporal hichtrd cnner sworn corroborapd the pre- cceditig icstimuny with the addition that the da- ceased always blamod corporal waljbrd for re turning the bayonet to the prisoner at flutter tfcw nitnej rcfufed at first to b sworn hut afterwfd ronented h herd the deceased say be took the bayonet dvay ivom the prisoner and gtve ii to the corpnn mkiernont sworn itemeutbers drinking with the prisoner and nauiailiel ivur is at motttmtl that bad hecu denied by the witness won is who gave the lie to the prisoners counsel when taxed with it catharine kidil sworn is the wife of itobeit kidd and keeps a tavern ilemeuibers some time ago the prisoner and three soldiers coining o liei house one night and drinking hlfa pint of whis key is iiottinitepositieas tnthenight but think it was night oftlie tnunler the prisoner wasdruuk at the tinie gave some change back to lha pri soners wifb next day this witness was so reluc tant to colufl httu court tiiat a warrant was obliged to be issued for her attendance the pruuutfr who is by no means of a ferocious appearance addressed tbejury he said he had hd the misfortune to lose two of hif children in a dreadful manner and the thoughts of it led him to drinking lie knew hi failing and refrained as much as possible from it when drunk he knew itot what be did and when he committed the glial act he had becnsiruck and beaten by the deceased nnd tluown on he ground he hoped thejury would consider hia case and recommend him to mercy the judge in chaining the jury told them ihe escort in be prcsnt casa must le considered as pence officers and any violence committed against them in the execution oftheir duly must be consider ed as if ci oiiimied agaiusl peace ofliccis with a warrant if therefore the jury believed the vriciiw es they should mhisooinion return their verdict agatlw ihtyraiolltr at the bar m it did not mau er whether the wound as given in the way stated by the escort or as stated by ihe deceased to the vjtmsses for the defence- in ins opinion it wav im- ftiateiial he had no doubt that the law was such remarks in thnj place that lift tfflfmrwtfiy toh understand the c- ngatnst rpmisoner jvattanid norris sworn the other private in the preceding witness but gnv this witness who was e corroborated tht lis evidence in a very i wh that i u ciossrxaminiion the deceased aftltlto c received his wound regt- 13 37 fl editors of papers throughout the province mil- please to insert m above until the day of abb st george lieut iialtpeh ii commander will leave kingston for toronto as follows ufwaftds september thursday 24 and tuesday 29 october saturday 3 thursday s tuesday saturday 17 thursday 22 tuesday and saturday 31 november thuisday 5 and tuesday 10 touching at oswego cobonrg and fort hope wind and weather permitting dotnwaftds will leave toronto for kingston stpttmbtr saturday 27 october thursday 1 monday 5 saturday 10 thursday i5 monday 19 saturday a nnd thursday 29 abtfw4ermoniay saturday 7 thursday 12 touching at port hope and cobourg pnsaerlera leaving toronto by the above boat will always meet a boat at kingston which run connexion with the montreal line of stages sit freight payable on delivery kingston 21st september 1835 tn rags c patrick egan will pay cash for bags buck horns ac c mwlrefstt7are march the 2d 183o- flippaiit manner so much o indeed us to call dow the censure ol the judge hwflnaed would not lei out be was much hurt lel itv j o he p ner into trouble- this wtne positively thai the prisoner drew his bayonefand lunged at the de ceased who was standing up hc lime he received his wound on crusxanihation j admitted he went with the party after the rrcst into a tavern to drink but said they only drank u thimbleful each never drank before with the prisoner john short irorn is sumn t the regimen attended the deceased from fl punctured ouod in the belly from the ellecls of hich ootid be died on the cgiii tlttv fter its rccpp was at first in expecuhon of hi recovery- hut for ihe la- three days there were no hope he said be gathered from him at different periods white on the gronntl vox sworn is sergetm majar of the ment went to the hospital on die 21th sept to in terrogate the deceased who m thai time wna ii h dviug sute and knew his aitroacbiw a lr jsked hi whcibcr the wfluid tfiven by the prisoner was intentional or not he answered ifcttenthmftl ho nextasked bhu what he mihl ham be received it and he replied you have done for me upon which the prisoner said he wished he had slinveit his bloody guts out no other question was ask ed and be believes the decras d did not tpenk muc after that conversation upii the conduct of thi witness we must make tin remark however un pleasant to our feelings he went to the hospital for the express purpose of obtaining the dying mate ment of ihe deceased as evidence ayainst the ptiw- uer he dso knew what was current in the rcg- ment that the deceased and the escort gave two very different accounts of the way in which the fatal wound was received and yet he isked no questions of the prisoner as to the manner in wliicll the wound vai given he asked only those questions which told against the prisoner without putting those which probably would benefit him john biuur sworn is hospital seijennt and was present when the last witness examined the de ceased put no other questions than those record ed- crossexamined by mr ixto heard the de ceased sav at a previous time he received the wound white on the ground hm- spring sworn is adjutant of the regi ment received the books produced ihe articles of war for the ymn 1834 ami 1835 in ihe naoal way from the war office this evidene was ne cessary in order to justify the cort iu the arrest ol rtv nn hou lb inff briti to ilf sjr f guum ihe jnioiier he snoutu not proceed to pass sentence but submit the mu erto the coosidemtiou iifhin brother judges the judge made no mention nftiiiiindaitghttr fit ins charge and did not hiform thi jury tbev hatl ihe ptiwor u return d eitlut for the minor offence upon the capital iudtctmeni the jury alter being out the better pan of an hour brought in a verdict of guilty nnd the priso oer who was not much affected was removed from the bar without sentence being passed we do not impute blame to the jury fur their verdict since it was given under the express tlirtc- tion of the judge but wo go farther and gic as oor humble opinion tliat the judge wag out justified io churtshis the jurv n he did whether the e- acting hglly or not a wound ie id con wire the peculiar circtnntoce nf tin could not amount in murder there wan io malice oil the ptrt ol the prisoner and it is doubtful whether he knew what he mw about at the time he committed the act intoxication is no juslillcptlon of a bad action but i should not he naile to augment ttciiine of ilns natuic tim uriplc was iaip down in celebrated carf uf the poet savage and led tu his being ihtfdittwohy the king the prisoner is ui dniihtcdlv guilty of a hellions ofivnre that of man slaughter and houhl be severely punched we n usmiiri j udrfc sherwood and the oilier judges oi the land in their consideration of thi melancholy rase will temper their decision with mercy the prisonei hasu wife and family facts and s0baf5 lolly rihoihlltf proper firolin ml tilterp nrlectlbl of thet- iisljitn lot fsllmir ecupic aicliiodairov iiimtf talfi tho liks fktei tiio anfy mcuos for thu wrebc4 ymii mmt u h wira vi loii ct th chromic uf saturday my that tb wmnlsn of tbo pmiioiitiiiry i h for im rttmnoo wo tluukioto mmmgfl do not cooccive oiocrtflplimant a tcry tiigli onc ct sweet kinder wo prrtpntc to ourselves tha uopleajut tarlt r ui i iihfxnt from you two or three araaiataweek be fore iho wratcr seti in during wtiicu time our duty wilt w llou by oaiffi the only didvatuc rjlttndinibi arrajiga- jnuiitt4 ba yuu imy bean mucl belter pleased with tha dain ties prepared by 00 doputiay that when we ictora you may be tiiiutled with plain repiuu wr pf before rou on tuctdayaod fiiday ne mr robert jcffera willdo the need ful for in nd when amrv write for a proved tvhig newt paprr vornrilimx o jginal may be exited wetnual dotbiv kriritcmin ihejtmikc io aav utat ih anicloon tha impropriety f jtmntin mf oooret euker 1000 arret of land fcr hia aar- rtitt m appear next tueauay baji been prepaid by ua somo day and crowded out by iioro inleroiung matter 17 we hear it i intended from the constant ihorougbre nnd tro4t incre of bdtifma to erect a sail itoad from die ccntieof thn town to ihe french tmilp the company will hi now amalajktu offfeci tbia desirable improvement arg somewhat particular in ihe choire of shareholder aod ah llio laiierore v have tlie piivilege ofijoing mil free wetiave noduubt thu stock will btcaujht op by persona of tbo biheit rcspoctabilily 7wd nre rty to leirn that the bhop and dwelling bouae f jain foh esq byiown were demroyed by fire on the 0jfttoftbsbuiml itbatu byaome thai the fire mi the work uf uendiarie but nn proof has been oblabied of that ivl mr jilmrbm nnd family barelv escaped with thair lives he is injured to th amount of 350 we prccive that the ramort which rmcjind town rwodnyango respecting the disposition of certain government offices are partly confirmed hy two cmiimniiiejmnns in vvednesdays quebec gaztiic our limits frill not permit us io insert cither of the comniunictltitmi in today tmpresioii and tc ibnll unly at psvkm state thai onoftliem refer to the nbtiflm of the crown lmd depnnmpnt the other to the umunaly of membeih of ihe executicouo- cil holding ministerial offices ji the legulativ uunncil wa ha hrrd that u gemlcpoe hv9 thrown jp their aituutionavia the lintirl alrfumt ment all real constitutionalists mut rejoice irt seeing hc coitirlilwioii pnnceding indcpendentlv to the rcmcdylaq of acknuwledgtd abugesto the clearing away of ill kbiftblfl pretexts for the violent pro- credihir of tlu revolutioniets to uumc croakcra tth would dlwv evil prognowipwonak rfg the future conduct of the cuminisftion from the lct that thty are taking early cognizance of nolo- nnuh evils in the departments alluded to we would put the question are not these the very eviuof which cofittituimnalihtd have long and loudly de manded the redress were ue to quarrel with tho cinnniissttii in consequence of ihe contemplated re- fonni we should not he true to our creed for as imettof he principles upun which the constitutioa of tilts ivovincial liovernment rests we must desire to see it freed from all blemishes in iu different bnmvhet morning courier a ktious accident lutfel wo men tiaracfuusx jtnder kennedy and ngos b mdonell ftitc on their way home to st andrews mi mondav niht last it appears they missed the road and sot into a river in crossing which themselves and their hottcft ivcre swept away by the rapidity of ihe t current kennedy was found nest morning almost enhpusted clinging tu some wand that mtrained stiiiloiiary in the liver some distance bolov whero lliey got in every search that possibly could has been made for mdonelll but to no avail what i 1 1 1 1 the case oftlie latter more deplorable is that he was io he married in a few days and was the bear cr we believe of some of the weddiny articles ths night the unfortunate accident occurred it ct foa tii placuk dr abbott an english man who offiriatesas surgeon major to his highness ibrahim pucha has recently diecovered tbu tha pi igue is not contagious and that like most other diseases it will yield to the control of medicine dr v hirroh pitinv rrtnbi tlrtswtlttsh ajh4jfr- cvh to the patieniunu without any injury to nnn- self it is estimated tliat in kgypt alone within it twclvcmontht more than 200 persons have fal len victims lotbia awful scomge the discovery of lr a musij thereore be highly ildportaot newspaper borrowers are a nuisance to newspa per takers nnd robbers of newspaper printers but it is the advertiser a clever little paper printed at bangor that says n man so lost tu decency as to be in the ctfwtant practice of borrowing newpa pcrs in this country when they may be bought su cheap cannot be reformed by any thing that can be awltl on the subject brtpt bcul 17 snli of tr rtsders wlvh to nee hallevt cniaft which h now vrhh in the heavena will rihl firj it after the 6th debitor iii he noted cuiiejbliiin tailed w gl bsar miticrly known by ih- nnme of lfc flouli and cliarlra waw it may llivn he ein i v ihe mkth rye it the rjqtintt anjry wilh our prsnt inlontion tvfaift- inj the iilm1 frni irn- chart idest fepunin lbs byftl relbr- inor of tbo province from ihe tew rnjbhranaiidanan iim who liaveaubdely oufcttwofon tfawttltss ftonttlg asm inim- iiile we iiv pon jing unndri between hcanii anj garth should uch u imfmcuiuto llevaliiii boixjrfjto w ilinll nit however deserve it like hr hy thu publjcatinn orediiiimand tnmkott 3d t waft i bv egrton rarson in hta apphoitiinn hi thu attorney genn i to hjvo the trial hmiuoned thore per- on who forcibly tnok possession of their own ehapel ill wi- reriuo that tho pctajury were front the aame aeelmn of ihv inuury and mainly fpienpaliaus like every ihin euo which una r etrend gentleman has lately said tin itatentunl i false ennuiry ha bevn made into tho ereed of the 48 per- ons who competed ho peiit jury at the lata aesizea and ilie tult y aa fbjiowa church england man 24 briiiah vvesleyana 14 tpiojalians 6 presbtehan 4 07 the younr wataon who having fiund bail lor the aa- auh upon the centall waa dicharxod from cuaiody return ed to belleville on tuesday latr by tlie staninboat sir jaioea kmpt from good authority we isatn that hia cooduct on fcoire the bot wv highly ucocoroufp ind bespoke i mild to- pobt of queso arrival 22 sliip john robert sift abgut bclat ij3 uri cjioiic silt augttm st lve buldy youny 4ili sept newfoundland stut j l slnui lloborisou lch augoat greenock hark lteaper sth align prol- lark coofurlinml a r london birk diadem 9ih auugt liverpool drl- orydcna 4th july newcastle biiic roepunk 3rj aufut betfaat sept 25 slj canada 13th auguu grmtiock ljfk sufintflill till aorut dublin rik llcrjld 1st august newcastl it elizabeth a ann 4th auii cork itrii molaon cili aunsl pjndco briff ryal adelaide f24tji july london ijrig adanimcr 7th august carnarvon 1ripiv hundred t sevniyfuur9lhdo roaf hug princo loopar 3rd aogml liveipool sept biik ecdthuriu i4iii auguft loudon bark arpyle 12th ausst watcifiird burk lofam ith auuat mverpool biifr jaiu lladden oili nilis greenock f j j 23rd julv dundee bi5 e feftbrth 6th aiwt newlbundtaod sehr june lcuie 7ih splmlier mframiohh brig bowea 9th aji kiuyn xjfrtv in thi town on the 30th sept mr mozey ofe aoo ett6 at hia residence in beck with u c on tho 12ib septemhtr 11m kirreoj dfktoi buueiaoaii in the 74tli yew of hie and 45iu of hi vinily bank notice the bnrd of directors of ihe farmfrn join stmk batikittg company hereby give ntmre that upni friday the lsih day of october next tlayw1l ct nenre discounting note ml the offircof the ctiinpany in toronto and therenfetrr upon till ew ccedin fridayn continue the same unftil further no lice iote offered frr tfischint muat be put m the day before under diver to tne aluiidger toronto sept 36h ub3o a

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