British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 9, 1835, p. 1

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the tish whig and general advertiser for the midland district 9 published semiweekly vol iv m t i p it it f k ft o it ft m i i h o r by e j barker al d klvgstor v c fridav octobek 9 1835 so- 20 the bitltish whig a 9em1weekly journal devoted to commercial and poliliealioryrimtton b rwbliilred ltm tuoaday and friday eranimra bv dr baiker wilsrend 1 ropretjf it hut officii rear slreej neit door to aps 1- fatfja for the british wiik- midlm ahillina eodaiipence peranouin if paid in advance or within three monuifrumlhrociplorthfirrt number and one pound ifeohectedattheend of t year exclusive of poeuure naubacriptiii received for less ihan eix momha tnd do ptpitf diaconrinued untilall arraaiegee arc paid up except at tt option of the publither nrrmstmenul sii tine and under 2 60 firat inser tion and rji eachaubcuent inmrtiin ten itnee and un- der 3a 4d first insertion and lod each aubicquent insertion above ten linen 4d pcrlineforlhe firat insertion ayd id par line for every subsequent iimmthoo adtertiirrrenu without written directiona ereinterted till forbid and eharjtuj accordingly orjera for discontinuing edvertiaemeninobe in writing produce of every kind received in payroenl no itrtteri taken 10 oiccpt from agents unlet post paid letter press printing tieiled with hfttmia and deapalclupou tenu unprecedcnlly itv in upper canada y am work to ha pud for whhin three months after eie- eutiom kington au 1833 the subscriber announces to hie friends and ihoublic that he lias removed to those vtv extensive premises itt trail street next to the building formerly occu pied by the comiurcit unit where he offers for tile a very exte iive s 2nefal rssortttmhll of british and porkcgn staple paxcv dftv goods aa well tho followiuijgrvcerjca ovc tfr 100 clmsts 1vi vaiiousftoi 20 uhd refined aifii 20 muscovado do 50 kega plug tolwcen 20 boxes cavciiriusi do maccobny and kipec snuff paint nnd cod oil sauprr fit ijiuoanl stnrcii white mid adored paltttsaud ujick lead 34uftrd in jura shhllkll caildk tallow caudles spcrmrcett wick new article liverpool mid montreal sojip flnivnce oil olive oil in hld nnd pipes muckaid nnd ulfrtia ijiquors 30 hhjs cip mi iifrtiidy mji fltvov rtmn proof olurd duny cifc and other favor- iie brands bordeaux brandy sclii nm geneva arid liomlwrg tiin puncheons jamaica spirits proof 1 10 2 upper canada whisky nvavjss jyr wood quarter casks of old madeira oppruved vinta ge lluckhum oliviero ijjiiul xerxes sherry london paiticutar tenrrifle nnd the moit exten sive nnd benrrnl assortment of red and white v1n8 worthy fus ottention of country merchants and tavern keeper bottled wines east india mndeira drown and gold shorty lemiine oil port spaiklina cbampviglwi jollied brand porter hibberfi and punblh brawn stwt in pint nd quart cases of schiedam gin s t o v fm 100 2j m3fcei stoves coakmg hioves 200 boxen window tilns various sizes slinvels cut nnd vrnngiii xitild the goods enumerated and uli his imporrations r pecwhnrly tlcservinc the tinttee nt the public and the ndvnutoem of llh wnitvea and premises he occupies lor the general purposes of trade and the terras ttnoii tehich hi itwk y nlwaya laid in through hts frieiiffs iti montreal enable linn to sell an iovr as the montreal prices advances will he made upon all roninment of wodnre for sale here or for shipment to his friend at montreal the chircs will be blind moderate thomas macnider kingston awuut 22 iso5 tf ha of clergy reserves in the eastern district notice is hereby given that the undermentioned clergy reserves intheeamem distric will he of fered lor aale lv puhlie auction at the court house in the town of cornwall on friday the 23rd day ol october next at 10o lock a m nt the upset price of 10j currency per acfe upon condition of actual settlement the term of payment will he one- tenth of the purchase down and the lemainder in 9 equal annual instalments with interest on each instalment as it becomes due prospectus for publishing a copperplate xmap of the mtdlasd district the subscriber propose should sufficient en couragement be given to publish a map of the midland disti tct including one range of township in the newcastle distort on a ecale nf 150 chains man inch exhibiting all the mail roads crujs rds rivers rivulets lkes clturehe mrttiiiff houses saw milln grim mills town vilugrs wharves steam ituat lmtdiug c c by lut cnncwsimi and tuwnhip the undersigned being about- to build a cop- perpute printing prew is determined to print publish varnish and mount the proposed map in ins own township and therefore looks to u gene rous aod enterprising public for patronage and sup port the map wilt be nearly 3 by 4 feet it will em- imfce 1bur range tf tbwphupit from the by of quiute bnrk and will be executed in i style equal to the authors map of prince utlwnfd it will he published on a copptr engravinff coloured vr- uitihed mounted on rollers and delivered to sub scribers at four dollars per copy payable on deliv ery p v elmore hallowed september 1635 white black smithing and farriery the snbcnher hereby gives notice that tlw above business will he rontiittted bv him hi all its various hramhe nt tlie old slnul hind of stan- st iitely nrciipifil hv urndl si f rsvih where he hnpeci fur a corituttuhr ul patronage robert poktfyth kingston aueul 2ih 135 8itll ratidl r a 081 1 rags tfle highest price in cash paid for rngs nt this offii britinh wj office kinrstnn july 21 1s35 leicester kani the subscriber will exjutoh fiirwtfrt at ilte ne- knvmv lllt slmvv yevrnil vomig riiin turu from the stock of a full blooded leicetucr iim n- pyrted by him front england laar fall wm holditcfj eat lrmhlmio sept j2 i6 chauuikris bulugic ordnalier offie bytown sept 17 isk s sealed tenders will be received nt lhetbait office on or ijefoie tire grli october nex t iwekx ohnrk at noon for leasing the clmudiere brijgr for one ypar the rate to be stated in halifax currency nnd tfro responsible securities will be required for tfte due performance of the arrreeujoui 15 8hortly will he puushed at toronto it th acpthok or tor fnomcut jvstick an abbidosrient op the township laws including the highway and asesroeui aci the court of requests act and the new township meeting act with original appropriate forms fov the ue of the commissioners the line fence act and several wilier popular and interesting matters relative tohe townships with treatise on the hw of landlord ad tenant and disin- for rem ft forms of notices to quit lees ditmiuing war rants c and the law nnd ohicc of constables with free instructions for the performance of the du nes of the office the object of this publication eing to place wiihtn the reach of the humblest means and in a cheap form a familiar ietf of the above populai nnd important branches of the low cjvtwui vi nu uonct itivi nv in incur ilumve -it- requested to insert this on the same terms toronto sept 12 1835 utmwr nrc37 lan4- ofticc notice is herkbt gsvew that the ititdermrtiiocd otohy ueerves in tji r tovli3hip of ibfmoub iv thr newcastle dfstffct will -f- ofterurl f r ne v ac auction nf tin ferry hvuw tftvenii in llit tnshik on thurs day the myth day of orfobcr t 10 oclock a m at the ujet prire of 12s 6d eurteney pet at re anil upon condition of actual wtlkwobti the terms of pivnifiit klulw oiietenth of the purchase inuury duwn mid the reuminder in nin- equal annual instalments with it teres upon ktch instalment as it becomes due lot no 3 in the 1 concession 17 in theh 16 inthewi w 10 in the 12th petpk robertson h i m 19 lake ontario the neirstkh coat c03imodork baruie proptutd ty ttctt low prtssvrt engines will fur ihe remainder iifriw w j run a fl low colsc up leave ktknt lit v 4 ic luck n mono rheur ttfnho 1 eieiunu o i i- p t ope wrttiwdiyif vi e j ttiinto a ia ii- iljr 5 41 aft rfloffli ni i2im huimjjy 7 uiorntng to tlsillllhin coming lowjf leuve h nilton thiirliiw 5 oclock gvcnimr tin nniu frifly s 7 mnritiitgf 11 prn ihtjv and covft p fyf sax rveilmuti silk in heeler saturday 12 im suiteodiw h 1835 nooiii fur rse mi tf oi 7t jfoticfc boud of direcion f ih fvunca luck bunkii g coinkiny he by gl w totuii p m friday tfieltl dy of fefobvi iiextliey ojtjnce uikoivtitii- nt ihc olfie uf tha ml tlh n juv i l irml vwttii vnr ujiwii ill suc t fihny- cosiiiiiqti ih hail until lurthei no- ktj voirs ollerej fr rljcount must be put in the day before uidr cuvci 10 the manager i mmto tm 2oth iaj0- iftf t bk1ti6h wh kikq3t0x friday evkmng oct9 1836 gsntlcroonof ili24th we withtfashesit fan eglil irifh 3corman invito you all toos out pjpcr youiro wltdi5ctpljindbiitiijiftflow lilcthia wcfl-dis- ciplmfd brkbb paper wm reifcvtfitlly limits you q nka the british whig n b tji ii b hfllf a one dissolution of partnership the copartnership heretofore eximitig between the undersigned has been thi day dissolved hv mutual consent all debt due the late firm ail- hereby directed v be ntid to jnmed tiiohhoi who will also settle all juf demands james thomson john kiddiill kiiioston sept 19h is35 m notice the subscriber returns bin thanks to his and the public for the support thut ins late and liiiiwelfhavp received since thfircnmmenreiueni in huine uud u i leave to hcu3int them uv he intends to continue the bhl g rfidiieas in ali its branches at the old stand in quarry street james thomson kingston sept lh is35 u lake ont the fast bailing steam packet friends parinei stack spirits und chtic gy bly w i -j- wlien yotubt after writing h tjtmtt btufter knowing tint tome o your imp unk devils ifc llmuftl whils nnd oilier of lufin m n hue i b uk not in skin but in dwiury the blark on hindered ihe whits ones and ktpt u up tu lite thai we hcrums opprtd vitl ltt and worn mil qnttthu sqtnt iravi in tuetdsyepsper ywu wiiltfc t cptd it you j better not let mr puuieknow anythinff ubout thit as the more secret e men keept hie own affair lit better your bleik j i hop s ef j mend jl itwiilmjwfi if tnjvktt4i our ma- iff ut keep from n b utyiiur dcvit ire ptittipwl mfetf vtu dh tuvlfticnd lgtmit iv jiuvr thr iviqs kllt wtnc m uz lirr it li t ti etgfrthij fwwjj miniiirn i44jemism to myself that hhbmya tvdl a s h hrnumni 1 nt itn biotlurr o tinoc vn jirr ir ncit ditr ti il nreli t sure i kmov i ili thsu uiilitjut a hrel v proiiowncit epura township of ituxbohough 1st con no 33 2 ii 33 5 ti 7 6 ti 39 7 i 79 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 26 23 30 32 34 36 33 8 it 579 ii rearfta 12 and 13 14 15 jg 1- 20 22 21 26 29 30 32 3i 36 3 township of finch 3d con lot no 2 16 4 i t ii 310 5 i ii 2 16 5 14 ii 317 7 tt u 2 19 8 ti tl 22 0 41 ii 2 10 i ii 3 10 22 11 li 14 2 12 it it 3 townshif of k5100n 9th con i lot no 20 township tjf osnarttuck 9th ii ivn 1 peter robinson frs p ccmtismoner of crown lands- ii i k r pipers hroughoui the province st george lliu haiiper r n oiiinnnicr will iave kiiigaiun for toronto a fol low urvard3- september thursday 21 and tuesday 29 october sumday 3 thurf1y s tuwoy 13 saturday 17 ihufeday 22 luesdiiy 27 and saluidav 31 november thursday 5 anil tuesday 10 touching ai oawcco cuboitrgandfurt hope wind and weailier ermiuing oonwabdp will leave toronto for kington september saturday 27 october thursday l monday thursday 15 monday nnd thursdav 29 yovember monday 2 siiunlay 7 thursday i2 touching al port hope and cohourff passenyera leaving toronto by ibeahova bom ill always meet o boat at ringkoli which runs ii annexion uhh the moninal line of tftugea jill freight payable on delivery kintilnn 2lt selem 1s35 rags ie c atkick euan will nay ruh tor lorn c c 5 salurday 10 19 saiuyday m i i in b in mori ro r mnrtfcflkj zq3 if by ver ttu to ii rii a lh cuiju mijin d let uf sood om bihrtp jntl iiim liyin pirae dhura y wwuiit blm him lr wliat v jfl eulfl hu each ounk hie oilibrr nhi ti fiue yel liie4iica well 4 he sfiurdofti vu ncinvoitar imtitllrd nl bhivteiril pou and oud nimicr vr tidt in 1trfirt it ivnj totimfcil liiiwi i y drink n j ihs j licbnues f and vio buniing ya all at all i shurey wnjldnt mikj our p ior oulil bishop in- limo lr jifoijohn ddpttfta udtfj imu tut ihr wilder aetfti v eut iocukip anil wild hnmv i out reatc lb jwbii tlit ujplit vu called win biwifr tnd a friend nf publicun nt cqcnco macdonatd and ibltnn bw- an itts was uui d ie- 31r but mixed in the inncx rrr hucwtllhi w life i tfaowghl id jtvf yo thi tiii advice s i i new cgek l t from jn groalt cuop unl lting nt u to tlie crony gbijfc cixzard i jul seen hi pitci tuyer lienor end i thought yed bo after lakin my tdvicottnrncr than hit n b riiiafcarj lliit 11 v bad mvbi not having my k- rhard anarey cumtnon people caiik it jcanaij by ue commercial wc licik eur itftdera will nrf ivhh o t31 any uian ft ho til way noma to 3 place foi nimrt and vel lwai iffecow mull in a peculiar aente be atj czccpticr mut be a peculiar xnoo sr eoltn i audi a min hi alvycuinetokinx ton formtfrtct and yel fall alwatarrrkcine we expected h would ba tirojght ti nouk on banking with liim c are of op fj w ouht lo know miiit of tbt uojoal that no a fiuir to produvo guu a book perhap no obaervation u 010 fjlldcioii than that sehitc- very ono say must ba trnt contrary it milt be found that any pefteral popular rud t ii lduin based upon iiherraatinorfa whilwn outcry wi rtind on the tiilurc ufilie kingtlun bank i and whnaver head of a bank hav ing failod with 10 saju a fiitneyf it 1 clevn man who liad it managemorii were to jn allowed 10 flmihlg6 their cvti affile how much bettor would st haro been fur nil pariiet tli public lni rntii lve ben tnfliog narhap the intiluliun might hava been i fi tho vipac licked id the ovtcry caiwerl the loss iho file ii m no it tiwii bhi siimn dind broken lie wl m j i i ij rii m i ru- 1 1 f t iafett mil wlnvn in bl1 either it in 1iro u n k0 he jucea cuofideace in it mfuon the valut fgld fomparetively irfcal it ex unly in msgioatim i will gold malco a plouh an ai ur m kmfat what mgmfie iu value cuinared i ilia uc tim value tha world ha conatntitfy ptacad npoo it ia another iniunrtt ofliie uttamef if human folly of our great land hoidcws f k in what does the rlchetha rvtt rirhe nf mankind imi4rt1 i annwor thoy principally conwat in food clothing and habitations whitaver ill pronra theie i most vnltia hfr nnd whatever roprutenu that nught ilojt to ave lha con tltlenra of mankind what will produco food clothing and habitaliontl i an- awrr the land iim am whatever mflftttftt this bet ia thaotrt j-pc- ie of eyrreory but paper 01 parchment can reraltthija wall aa grrld or silver i thtuk icmild lay down a plarwiti lailativeaiairtancc whereby no rj a luni owner could evvr want rnonay and whereby the public eovid rutcr tustoiit less 1 1 the notional dkt f england need oevar have been crated postscript notwilhiundifig our hiving wetted iowq an additional quantity nf paper bv tuesday impreeion wo run abort of paper sirke torn we have bad auch an accetamin to our nubmriptiiin iiau tliat we aball ntft be wnrm fa have two hundred additional auba riliera befre the cad nf uiermotik the wmoi running ir altquarlera ilunabt in the n v commercial advrriioi of sept 3ib there i lomrrtorl an obituary ofa deparrd ifansion it rmde busy meddlinx meinnry miktar up the day of nuld lnn syne wc would go fifty milaa on foot toahake the tiand of tse wiier if wncjntmvt in ur preem uneay chair we shall al so tieit insertion wcaropoinvfty no inoiefi for ihetm blooded heartleta eeliih braxvl of thia word than cleopatra was to be a mistress mm among iu lender tr producina aerttiamti wc extract a wsli mrrited compliment t ihe punc- iv of the people called quaktre and the beiieficiil efiecu of that pc5ctcu ur r human affaire 4 now hold in my hmrd lang tumor a nw york gt scifi uf january sih i8j8 in which tliucditor mdotkt thll inv wilt winiit the cmuucii cment of the line ot arnerivan pni katt brlveen new york and ufarpool tli jmo mun rn tvil take hnr deianrjthimoruirgat lotducfe what a inkinj e idence it fainiiha of the prowin commerce uf ctivity uf lvf merchants ur tad theakill and ins of uv rapidity of her amen it is to be hoped that thin atranemeir will h completely aiicccwlul a it promisee to bj ut gieat pith ik utility it will be a aort of chain conicctiig he new and old word ac ii packet we rnydatebo if new york began to ir dj om from liin- of th whence the cojimerce u pdd andaa h- aj the wafers of the likes the hudfon and ihe qfwj continue to amalgamate the namea nf fulton lt vinatun clinton and iann wrinhr wil he held in rwiaui- jioiia 1 irtiiiiftif iohtnritv jin in mi ilttv ritttimt j n rare virtue indued by iho way or the pjrturo and pmti 1 f three mvkat fiirnow they run to almost every wit in i nrr in i un our nwn eooiinvntf j woure btitabrjad to uiko ptmclubtny and aayim u achoowlvle tlit finnh liauty if tlieu in wji iiotuo and do likewisut bltqot ttft tltwll u cimtiuoo ji- tv btt ite a man to atteid tht luoamj uf la brthtir n s e v ben lie know u eervice are no v nuicl till nnvnt if timt worth twentyfive centa prhngr why keep rilv inon tvtiitui two imtm rt a in of fifty reuti earb just ue ummuih want qervv to carry pjrwaid ymfuwn arrnnae ineut look at tlii duiurmtc ecouoniy uf iho friends their tyattttl and ruedarity in nil tinny- it 1 tinj they ale ahu to eie toward uie atipiri nf tho pom of oilier deuoininationa while they tlicmsehr ak iiefp irani none facts awo 60aap6 ictthe jamaica dipanh i r r voi it- may bi imp t her- on javrnaiit of iho prvribd duty ht1 work- avowedly otbrltijil ontjio rprmuil in aiorn w arift hr i te r it m ifc a 1 1 1 nrr a it th c moin f ntn r 1 iitr lt thiujfi thai should not b blik- m ahtattd not h hjpocrttj ildkrati ahuiitd hk riri fldijeiimiapni pmasttm iimum nt he bavkbiler nor nit dowu to cut up stfnmbtat bxpluatu it become our painful outy tn nniice uitttlhr ol the nu iy ncidetira wllicli nriclnily icuning oh hmrd the sreamfniat 9t luke eri- a tin- sieambokt oitfmodure ivrry ws tin liar wny iwn to dudnlo ifaiaa inoniimf sat- nnl situ was met liy the dnniel wtbairr siira- t nhoit tw nitlta titiihi sandicli nea die can- iha nhora and ihere bring some piadengetd on bnard ihe webster wbo intended goiny 10 u prrt bilow the oumm idore perry atopihrr to rertfive them from on bonil of th bujt while prcrnrr- tions were uiakitig uw pmmngcff on board tho pijitycrowdrd lo ihai yide of the vpf on which he pi3ai02lm wcrr to und thereby causing the vcsttel torareen eresiiiy mid tie bwac winch wna ii one nt the builm rnn hitalfw order inequeni- ly m ilie fire continued to bum brikly the einniv boiler became gnlly bwied nnd when the phimifr- acre were taken tift buitrd nnd ftlhfu the people bad icomk tjtv dsjiltil jier ic brit the vater runted iiilq ihe empty bgtler whiih iimnedicctj burst puiif men were killed iinbuithr nod another aasobedlv injreil tbuttiieir ino hopevufbu recovery more ihno thirty persona have been 9cn1ded the explosion happened abuut eight ti clock ip the tnorintr juit fier t pitasenirrrrf hod tnken hrroklft9li but 1iovnlentirjly there wa- no one in citbia nt that time- sandwich eaigrant attack op ak alligator a younejrncn bytha nmn otxortoiit resident at a pa called brfiitdy branch nbout twentyive mile frutn here a bincn in the innd and armb and alligatur ubout two tverks since and a bone fractured we utider stand that he vm endeavoring to got wine water ivmu a stream nnd while clearing the surlaca with lliinhniidi thealigittor sricedi ond he waa nnly waved jy loryiiig thexttitirrrtii eyee rrjjcjtvvvwtcwiiar nriiiiqumvfd ilia luild tlte young man id muvh in jsiffdi a id it my yet be ueceatary to perfimii oin- jlllitluit tise i nij vaa ofterwtsroa taken aod mevued nhnm ul feel in hnjthi janllttmwiui fwriu courier duaritccnivk piiua aiwu twelve oclock te hellrfaouiraed hh alarm fur lire and the one on ihe city l noted thai the fire waaitt the northern ec hmiiatid the engines proceeded in that diretttun anj found two bniwirtg in ctoxhy street bteen sprgnnd rrbice atreet on fire iheee were near iy destroyed l itliiii live tnitintea from the 6rat alarm the per- osi who wra tnoktng nut at the city hall haine mvndl liom the uthern aecnuii of tha city 1 tic lie alarm fur ihtt dsrtrhun vrueiminedihte- lv imojl t mi- it- itwi liim- xiiiiiajid the j 11 j vr character ivih ia much appeiilc and inn carvr would sit down to cut uu a fuwlt ct pyinc v rn or tvmjehascf l would hat ihenv of my rj atb nuy inmctjrtai be ubewad aiaitay f metiiieiii aarl njoicinr fliai my body muy te quietly hifanad in list pilerfielct vf the city that a auta my la erected lht1 5i111ii proclaim tu tin wnm iheimaery and wrethrdimf a thai i have nvcussoiurd lh crime tliul hv un cummted thmueh my inflnee uf tlic titers tf blood wliith have flowed nt my i 1 lilt f trxtimtttf grot s that have opened nt my bit diluofria prisons that have btn peuule al my itmihikc oftha gnuoics ttul uixq been erecttru lirouffh my bn4rtlunrtl taliu fill tunut es who loi dieir leaaou through my trcath- erv trihn asylums which hav iininf upby iriy difecliou ottheicftfeiqj who rnuuin the death of their pfttfertf the ttrphons wlm hive been thnwn dmttwte upim the world of xhtpoor whose surow i have in ranged tf pftttrtira oftnufkaiceiiaugout the banner on th outwaid wjih baoelani aye bibceu the a uf cunten sln pmi ik j iei u fvrovcr of has au i risstln u in aim ihnjmiiul will ik drowned at uia daep ten uf mn ref tn lntj rtit1 u v ii inn to isiq u iccaiu ffirtm iho unttrnrj ripm dlitfitniwmlliy ainile and ilia tlviitvtl nit lul f ul fiiond iotrinoirritirr tu tlc citif a ol ill rich lid lse o ir 1 the ittua tliitt widow aud the orufum to ttie tuue uf the liihind ihvhw thecquioof auffbrutt humanity ktvhk fkuo o thk ox jackson pier in new or leim nf ttiat ttit urcen president ufdia united stafttj and n t the dukeof welhiilon u tliereatetcaotaiafdc urv i f illown tktfo lhat general packliihuirt whom general j it sort conquered ftta greater oamtf ftf th fttl al war tliao 3oit fir mnrmnot ornapuleoji himaelf whom weihnlon dtitrnteil the urce ofadulatiun can no farther gj cc adz tt user tiainnl jarkma will not thank the booby fur hit compli- inunil d- wbio btmr btvuetbrfer wc wiji nottu h you aa yei- vim may im ht iblt 10 haaf it v u haw y the ndvautsje if oiilarkri0fi long head xt hispid thai wewencathe idea of prnvirfalior in the rrenm tif lha brain tnd jul tha provocation in thu region of the heiirt and tlutlhe commuuieation hntwoen the region urcikt- rej1ton and tv linj is lhroah lliu spinal marrow of tho back bone soiey fieniua akaandei he llfcewlav4ya utai 5jiorl min nre batch sooner nit2ry than fart men fur that till me have swrh long liackbnnw thit the unry ijea hfufieja cool by thetimrj it maehaaduwa whereas on the cuutmiy ahnri men in eonequen e ofhaiij nchlioit hjtka ore au at once in a flame i w do not vouch fir tha wruiacy uf lii hypoilieia iiut we positively hetird lhat great man iy so with our etfti lp hrdtiiuctivr piftic at oswicooontlieiiiorrjneofiha 6m iuat about 2 o lo k a fire broke out in a stout maiimie bttlonii to air fitxbmrv mill and eilinded jo mftlliai mill and five ntor all of which were buiuerflo uwgfuuod- tbe rtpility of tho flames ifta auch ihnl lareral nerni who were in tlse alures only escaped hy irapit from iw window uf tins third story iuto the etoik ne imm wo rrprettoaj wa drownad- he nwmevlvurlti t sjv sour hi virituivof lhu fire uul llinilkh hi exctlions to av the pro- nrrrydte hinl in which he was uoei the confuiiou was lu is tha our arcntim i nresarily impcrfevt v aic not sura tut llmt mute live were lol the properly ii eslimatod htl it iii other k taketare of yor if cftl lj m nnd dont let swubbn ji lafli z hunts oi he ahll find tee at nut a hare fh rlk pirr however prsreeded ttanrrt the lid fuintl lliexttfiiaivtf lic etory bujjtny im in3 kioiitrtrecii ikcujiied oy mcman fuse l 1- u 5 liit hckk utfitmirficuhurfil ejhmtirv nid iic itmm txietume urthtrkintl iti he city in naien at thtfvtm e urrived n tlehtce ihr filtli try uriljit i buills ultj iii htt tlluu tcii ilriuua he rnill in the tuuviiu were of very torn fitiaiiheirotfiiiii bj herd ery nipidlv uoiih- ard ctufft ikirpiittt itfle there tw little piiwied ui piivhu un rojtttiy rx ipt liuit ti iimtiul at- tft d st titti t eoijcmikiirhjiiiii of four ftiuriea no 191 ccnptcd ha nil oil mtufc h ixftlhull coininclcr nnl by jtliimi- m vhtvrlnry cu itierchapis iou in- k firr 01 tlit rof hud uhen deleft uaatu fimea hut tiierttvere muy aircam uf eiiaw puuring mi it itii the lu cr nrt aill proltlily he imived in ihe rcah th iti c cuitimu recited to the atnre of u 4mvnrl i- p piljif sl njt f ratt exenimisi tlifl program nl tnu flunea wera in hwdiivctiuij arrested mid mr south loss is ui- flllw tlif soc of messrs woodltull on pulton slip mid idjsfiii thwt of mr rh aufirred a little t cmicitiuertwuvatvr but waa not injured by the fim yvecuid notfonialn the alueofthe propfrty rlehimvrdi itithivtbe to the umomhiot mutt thou iid doiluro wc lern thot nil the owners were iiuuicd m htlfpait one the fire iaanhdued hid territory of arkansas he decided hy nlftrgt majority to upil ur qdmiession inm the union as ail ridiprudmit stute lopiflarvcn dl809 ut wiinm 9s33 ore slsvejft dcdurt 25tha uf her and ths jiopnlrttion in federal number ia 47957 or 257 note tsiin ihe required number f i i 1 going tu mako c -tr- a solilouuv what isaauhluquvt a peron ulmftgto hhntlf the detiutlioii dnea not entirely please us btrl perhap we ate all fiiult doctor porell my ourhefld s- well bajiimd that ump just sq itsteme to u tbjtinetiml- one thoughtit ialkiu- ui tfrtelaer and lhu a man divide himself and gnu to hurtoti itaiffa i ol wc fear www have a bundle nf rrora lody vvliate thcreeson why wo ore irombliittly aliva all over there ia auch a pit patv about our jieirt auch a tremor in our hand cuch a dimness about mr mghi wlirtathe riuset itoiiuin our composition and uurircuroauncai wv aru ajinjjb hope and ftr of mr ttiblic fal ad ohl drerujrull froxen well its one comfort twill wcir off wlien 1 why who we kat aredto hanging trrnrs nr no errors v e ilulll e oui in time tudy i s b uur detrlce hufllflj tohittt post or qusbso sep 33 t trk clsv 7th attguit loadon durk ael yon 3uth july hull berk william mwy lalauxuucolrbaataf- hv amaranth llih aueiet jantatca briff eleanor 4h aiujruat colaraiua jinz mary bm i0h auxuit loudoa itrig david 13th auutt oelraat cricliu 7tls au2ual bridgevatar brig i i 15th august lith bri orut 7th auual uviderlanj brig swallow 10th auat hoiitraas- octr j dfifc triton 9h aueuat soctobini ucir 2 bark salu i2h auu t portsmouth b irk itiomap cartv3 1 auaat droeheoa psrk lord malcravs 7th auttrt mitt bri martin 7ti september newiouudland britf iniited km torn 16th aunuat ralana brig vi tona ii altfwt ouodee brsic biiton isrh august gosicfttter utirk adninl uenuow lwh aibi liraipool barkkm- i9ih aujut land n f j lizibath icth auut lrdon hark i 23 j auut liverpool brig arethisa j3j uut gr4naeinoutli bri k i- bjthurt 8to augut llwale brif hannofi 23dalcuj wterfuf m- ophalia sli august brrijj bri tbeuexer iftn aoptt bilaford brig krloflitliotiie 24th aueuat grwnoet ootr 3 bhsp hero j9th auguat ifrikol ship weuford llih august briatl ship cumkerlaml 20rh august liverpool it irk ra kin th aujuft hull oak europe 26th auut lanraater djrk napxrima 14tli faspm litukiti uaik evrrtborue 9lh august london drk luuiau 8u asuruat cork birk frknja sdrl axsgi livepoo li i intballa 2sfh auuat rvloa bryan abb 13th a lttnerltk bitjf bolivar v5id aufuaturoedit biig elizabeth 8th aucui london brig tourney ctoe 2ut auxuat clisatir brijt locwr 15i aueuat flint brig prince lehon 13 auptat ltverpaot bri t v 11- auftutliierpoul bri cjiaw auguat lielfiut

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