the british whig published semiweekly and general advertiser fob the midland district o r 1 f k r per 0 ft d i c 0 ft by e j- barker m d kingston u c tuesday october 27 1835 e british wf11g y journal devoted to commercial and jisiion is publiilicd every tuesday h friday jftr baiker editor and proprietor a hi office in it malt door lo ihe commercial hotel i for ihe british whig tavenfecn shillings n im if pid in advance or within three owfoinlhercipt ofiwfirt number and one pound iftollecivd at the eod of lb rear exclusive or paiun no subscription recired for less thin it miuiihs and no pptt diofitiiwd until all arrcoiass are pah up except at the option of die publisher nrwrftommtt six ufittmd attdars ftl first inser- ton and 71d each subeiont ictstftifttti ten linen and un to si 4d firt insertion and 10u each subsequent insertion aboratai lines 4d per line ftr ihe timincreiuii and id per irac for eery subsequent irwertion adterusments without written directions are inserted till ikrbid aod charged accordingly orders for discontinuing tflferttsensenti to be in writing produce cf every kind received in payment nolettcklaken in except ft out agents unless post paid letter press printing ewoicdwitinalnel and depatch terms uijprecedefttly low in upper canada ajlworktobepiid lorwiihiii three months after en- couoo- kiagsioii a the subscriber announces to ins friend nnd lite public that he has removed to those very extorsive premises in front street next to ltd building formerly occu pied by the commercial hank where he otters for ilea very extensive and venom i assortment of british axd foreign staple faxcy dry goods as well ai flic following rocrricv 4 c vix 100 chests tea vaiiiiu sorts 20 hfwk refilled sogar 20 mtwcovado do 50 kegs nig tolmcco 20 doxes caendmi do maccoboy and ruppcc snuff piintand cod oil saltpetre pia blue and starch wtoetmri colored riinianitd black lead mustard in jtifls spermaceti candles tallow candle spprmarcti tvjck tow article fwfpot- ntl i mtfjmlviil so ip flnrrtire oil qhvt oh in hhd find pipe mackarcund ilrrrinff 30 hhds cngiit llfiiiwl ilidi rnmr strong proof oittrd- utpuy cu- and other favor ite bran bordeaux kraiuly schiedam geneva mil hamburg jin pancheiw jtiii den spirit proof i to 2 opmrcntmda whisky whj jw woo 5k iuarter casks of old marltfirn approved vinta- the assignment made to us of the debts taw due o the late firm of mulholland twig is now re leased in favor of mr henry mulholland lo whom all the outstanding debts are lo he paid arthur foster daniel caffry a cameron kingston 7ili oct 1835 oli viero sc cos brand ge blacfcbun xerxes sherry london particular tvnmfle and the mo exten sive and ffeiwrnl assort mmi of hed and white wines wonky the attention of country merchant and tavern keepers bottled wines enst india mtlnm brown mrl mold shrrty genuine old port sparkling clnmpugn jolliev brand porter uibberfs and bunbr drown stout in gtintm and quarts cases of schiedam lln s t 0 vje s 100 2a to 2 feet stusc conk if iff stoves 200 itoxe window llhts various ttcf h0vilh cih illltl vrmighl null boxcj i c i x tin the foods enitnieratud and all his importations mnecutuirly dcucrviiig tlw notice of the public nddte sdvonrogw of the wjinrven and incmies he ocrupiefi lor ihe tneral mirjmmo of trade mid the terms ition which llitock always laid in lltrongll lis frnds in montreal enamc him to sell as low us be montreal iriee i advanres will he maile upon all rnnsijnnicnt of loducc for sali- here or for shipment to ins friends fc montreal the charees will be fnimd moderate t thomas macxider notice mr henry hart hating violated the articles of agreement and cnparinenhip existing between him and me i hereby give notice that ihe co-part- nerahip is held thereby dissolved and that i shall he no longer responsible for any act he may do in ihe name of henry hart co- of montreal or charles willard co- of kingston and further i hereby notify the creditors of the firm of c w co- to forward to me their accounts for adjustment as i have determined to resist mr harts attempt to possess himself of the asset which i hold solely for the benefit of the consignees and creditors the creditors of henry hart co- will see the propriety of looking to him for the settlement of the affairs of that firm charles willard kingston 12th october 1835 214 notice just received and for sale by the subscriber one hundred and sixty bohemian martin caps james linton a b kingston oct- loih 1s35 family grocery provision store ig patrick eganp oilers for sale in nj the premises in the market square kossr occupied by mr scanlan a mil j spices tobacco stow wwti com brooms and almost every article in the provision grocery line at extremely low prices having purchased his goods himself for cash only in the montreal and new york market market square oct 20m 1835 23 corn brooms 4- wbb3k just received hiki for twit bv thr subscriber 59 dozei corn brooms sc whisks patrick egan market square oct 20a 1s35 23 to farmers cash paid for product uf every dtserintion liv patrick eua market square oct 2qtt 1835 23 fresh tekons a few boxes just received and for sale bv the sb- sciiber patrick egan market squarr oct 20m 1835 23 stone wabe flower potsmilk pans churns cream and pickling jars and every description of stone ware forle by patrick egan market square oct 20o 1835 23 to housekeepers indigo logwood salt pore pearl ash arra root sal era i uk nutmegs and spice of every kind ground and whole kept for ale bv patrick egan market square oct 20th 1835 23 apples a few barrels of genesee pippins for sale by patrick egan market square oct 23rv 1s35 21 for kingston auznst 22 1833 nr advertisement john olilfhant tobacco swurr sale by the subscriber mr- g b millers lorillarda fine cut tobacco in 1 2 8 nz papers do moccoboy scotch rappee and american snulv patrick egan market square oct 2zrd 1s33 24 rags rags rags the highest price in cish paid for rags ai this general putofficr quebec october 1835 the undermentioned new iustofliees arc com missiuned to go into operaiioir upper canadi from this day inclusive bmmi township of vesprvii homo dmlrict s- m santtort v master colowatiir- township iif home district thames j jhulsrt prtwftr gooeitlcff township of cdviirh munin tract- edward griffin pttt master iiore township of fi lswilitunbury honc dis- irict- d ffilkvt pottmattcr moulincttktuwnshipnfc easlcrn dis- ihcl adam viioiu post magur- oakville township oftrtp tiorc dimrici wm cthhotme fti muster omllia township of somll orillwi home dis trier g alley pt master m- oro township of orn llniue dislrict jco post master merska township of mera western district hm arnhridgc vvm matter stratfobo townshin of 0tiw huron tract john 7 dnihij pifct mutter saint georcetownshipol dumfries goru dis trict g stanton post master east vvilliamsbdrotownhip of willisimsburg eastern district- george cook post master woodstock township of bhuidfbrdi london disinctta omaz sftortt post master t a stayner deputy pst mastct general prospect of a new weekly nctcfrfrpr 1 cntit jed the albion of ivpbr caada or tiik jooknal of commehce av ioiucultunn of ltttra tuhc axo up kk- uffice- isrititdi whifr oflicc kingston julv2k 1835 the subscriber will at all times pay cash for pood mcrrhan- table wheat at his mill waterlno and at iiik store house upon the hon john kirbys wharf for any quantity of pork and potash merchant tiihr i form hi friends and he has just arrived with as complete an 1gs leave to inform inn friend nnd the public trally that he has just arrived from quebec ami montreal with as complete an assortment of goods in his line as was ever offered in king- lton tmnngst which will be found tin following west of england black blue ohv invisible ireen london brown and dclhics cloths single lud black comimefe vun donhie milm live and brown cloths double and triple milld bsimerci and buckskin do black pnerdham id bel qustlity of pilot cloth c sse with trim- and every tiling in the business line which can supply the trade with on rcjsuname terms ifor cash five or six firstrate workmen wiled a soit of clothes furnished in twelve iru n b the latest fashions for october just re lli ived kingston 13th october is33- 22 kingston october 23id g w isi5 yakker 23 jfarm to met or sett an improved farm comprising 332 acres ofgoud land whereof 100 acres arc improved and under cultivation with a good finnic house uaniand uuthouties to be lei or sold the situation u un deniable being within fin mites of kingston on tin bath road immediate possesion can be giun apply to the tfubsribtr charles everitt kington oct 24th is35- 232m to let part of a comfortable family residence situated in the most desirable part of the town apply to the editor kingston oct 23d 1835 24 it is the same with newpipers ns with steam- hoars canals and rail roa as increased facili ties and new accommodation are created an in- croaked demand imiiieiliatelvtullows thousands of peisons travel daily who hut for steamboats would remain rfihoinr rail roads have convevrd millions of human beiuitm luil hlttm sit lltvftrflttl lsk 11111111111 wlwl w hirli i lueb mks hid neve been cllevtcd most have remah e i siaiiunary 1 hi pjritor of the eiiu ca wns scttlrsd lt iti a vimiitiify utiworthy nf niiciitiuil- the idea l cunnij i ditch tlinniirh litimhids uf miles of onitl- habited roretft appeared ti rtuny to he ridlculoiii thai cmiihi has however pioved a vast wurce ol natiunal tvtullh and ikih added halite to the stale ul new york hcyond all calculation unci is become perlmps the greatest thoroualifnu in hie world the press has the power nf coniribtiting more than any thing else to the promulion of public im provements and newpipers like other public work beget an increased demand lor them as tluy are mode more iiitcrwtiiig and increasingly useful many persons think there arc already too many newspapers in upper canada if any there be which are made the vehicles of slander the origina tors of fi 1i hood tnd misrepresentation the abetlurs of disaffection the promnters of discontent and dis satisfaction if their columns arc polluted by a dis graceful love of detraction displaying a iudirme feeling which induces or permit a wlllotl attack on the character or feelings of individuals aid more especially when this is done for the purpose of sup porting a miserable and coniempiihh sjiiri of par tyif there are any newspapers of this description they are a banc to any country and the soonei they are extirpated the better this however can only be done by the increased intelligence and improved taste oflru public and the existence of sudi an eil rather than prming that there arc already too many newspapers fur rushes an argument in favor uf additional ones uf a heiirr rtoss ami nmiurfri uttwjtubef principle when it is the ardent iltnre of editors ol public journals to assist in the extmsiou of our cominerce and the improvement of uir agriculture to disse minate knowledge to prmote and support nur public improvements- to ucry disumou and to allay unenlledfnr disronten to become the btlvo- culrs ol mder ind union m lie eitis of iln trervttll wellarc nil j nbovc all whin an editor mike trnib his inrittu sml an iuliixihh- adhcicticc to itoprac- lici ett apei ciltiducti ujuni such principles can imvly in t ttlwrou at least to jur as ihe public mr concerned and diouhl they becume so h flecltu the publisher wli ijc the same as in all uther cases uhviv ilic suppv exceeds the h ma d lormimtitiou u ie vtitcil bo fur us with nh u the aldion intioduce liim- 4 notice 3t or stolen a blue camlet cloak lined bcarlet and padded throughout with flannel y information respecting it will be thankfully re ived and a suitable remuneration be given for its very by applying to this office kinstbton oct 20th 1805 23 w removal ames hall rcspectfull informs his friends public that he has removed from the tavern d lately occupied by him in johnson street to tavern situated at the foot of store street and by the late mr f3an h is thankful for the liberal support he has ived since his commencement in business and his friends that hi attention will always he cted to keeping his house supplied with the ve- bet wines liquoi to printers for some time past we have felt desirous to close the printing business in which we have been active v engaged since the 1st of june 1833 aim won lil he rxnliks by such views lie editi in urrkii caxaua begs cave to vlf lo the public the albion of toped oanadl will in the i trl instance a pnhlilied eery sa turday on a large double hcet of good paper and with iuw tye its iradtmg itice ll b rjcvnt4d to tin emu- iikmc i he i mihiiii m v pih m iii loi mkii ndr mi limmui mm iff b iuet ul liu rarv nnd uf tin c i i the ul mr u i cictittlic su j et and inmruit itm hi i yill u 111 dmhii n i j the price of the paper will be knur dol lars per annum payment in advance halfyearly all letters must be post paid toronto september i3q5 miscellany fromalcpliiiiopltai in cnflond aim english fox chase the duke of cottesmore possessed the finest stud of hunters find the best kennel of fox hounds in rhc world nnd nothing caw him so much satis faction as a quechtiwi hunting was almost his sole occupation he thought of tittle else he talk ed of little else he cared not for politics when it interfered with ms favorite pursuit all the news that it was necessary for him to know be heart from his valet while arranging his toilette but he would sooner listen to u narrative of a hard run related by his first whippcrm jack bounce as strange a cha racter ns his master than pay any attention to an account of the most interesting debute that ever fill ed the column of the times the first morning i went nut with the hounds there was a splendid field of sportsmen dressed in the best style and mounted on the finest animals in ihe country they were all grouped about early in the morning some tiehieiiinu girths grooms were in attendance leading olfhacks on which their mat- t m had ridden to the place of meeting who were now scaled on thoroughbred hunters- the hound s had been thrown into cover and were concealed u- mong the furze all was expectation and anxiety the duke looked at his watch he was getting fid- jetty the hacks of a few hounds became visible in the corse and one or two stole out but jack bounce gave his whip a smack and exclaimed into cover filewood back sneezer and the dogs disappeared immediately ticon iden that we shantjnrf this morning observed lord imoriingale a young exquisite who had recently set up a hunting establishment in the nelmtorhuorf theres no fox here i think remarked sir harry crupper taking an enormoui pinch of rap pee and handing the box to this neighbor suppose we try yonder bed of osiers said the honorable captain flourish lighting a cigar patiiice gentlemen patience exclaimed the duke good huinoredly fcfc would wager a cool hundred that in live minutes the fox will be in as much of a hurry as yourselves done aid lord albany another exquisite of the modem school every eye was now attracted towards the cover by the strong agitation of the fnizein one direction it began to shake as if a hurricane was passing over it a few hounds were observed leaping rapidly through thegorse have at him hounds shouted the duke in an testacy of delight thecoer incuna more violently distuibed ev ery one made preparations for a start the duke looked again at his watch and then uttered a yell which one would have supposed might be heard in the other world the horses appeared almost un manageable and exhibited as much impatience as their owner hark hark to brilliant shouted the huntsman to an old hound that uttered a fiiut challenge as lie raised his head above the mas of herbage by which he was nearly concealed in a few seconds the deeptoned miihicaf cry was repeated mure uittniiutlv by another dog it was echoed here and there and every where and in a moment the chorus of the whole punk burnt forth ttmy ho shouted a uuaker looking middle aged geuileiilui whom i took to he u neighboring squire there he goes screamed a ploughbny in a stunted alder tree as he pointed to the next fidd where something woi stealing rapidly by the side oj the hedge and now the delightful music swelled upon the gale out came the dogs in full cry their noses to the ground their tails in the air and leaping over one anothers backs as if they were mad a rush was made by ihe horsemen wbic hounds wmohoandsi exclaimed jack bonnre llohl hard sentlrmen m for jodv s ihv over the do shouted the duke ked an liu- m lime said the squire only three ko 35 k ul gston oct 161535 22f the toronto correspondent will copy this ad fwbement three times and charge the advertiser with the present numler have felt happy could we ay to our readers this is the last waider we shall publish if a purchaser should ofler we feel dispo sed to sell if not we shall go on in good spirits at the same time let not our friends suppose that we offer our establishment for sale on account of embar rassed circumstances far from it our prospects at present are brighter than at any other period since we commenced business we offer for the present only one circumstance whereby any person wishing to purchase may judge of oor office patronage the difference ofall expensesattendiug the business from the first to the conclusion of the second volume and all the earnings of the office for the same period avc- aaed 65000 a vear in fovor ol the establishment terms o purchase which will be found moderate modulhig may he known if by letter directcdto the editor of the warder tort hope warder office oct 6 1835 and ftecfll post paid tie same nine hlttusu j that such incidental reading in beyond cery ihing else adapted by improving the public taste to fend the lliitld from the exciting and debasing hncncc of party politics the albion will contain he most receni imililieal news from europe togetlu t with the most interest ing local intelligence from uj parts of kugland ire land and scotland a coinpaiitive weekly stement of barometrical and tbcrmoiuctrical vbscittjnubi taken on the shores ol lake huron at toronto and in lower canada an abstract will be aivei n the debates of bolll houses of the british pihu7eiitaiid a correct re port tif the proceedings of upper canada pro vincial parliament a weekly price current or u descriptions of farm produce in the city prtoftyitu monthly lists of bunknw deaths marriages naval and miliary promu ihe old couttry agencies will he estamistj throughout the pro vince for the purpose ufob 9uc local com munications as may be iltiiip advertisements will be incd on the usual icnus barnes of subset ibers ffii b received at the al- bios orricfii south eurtct 0 the market buil dups mr bommu 3intioi xo 332 kiiwmiwk mr duly stationer kia pkf m wanly colling i mitefts tifwi toioniuj uudatcieo post officq in the province ricd all ruvorint tii or iur couple of hounds appeared to have taken the riffht scent the rest were mixed up in the crowd o hordes tn what 1 thought inextericable confusion but jack bounce aid his assistant soon sent them on the right track after their companions mid i re ently saw them all so cloe togetherthit you might have covered them with n sheet and going at a kill ing pare over the very field in which the country mmi hud discovered the u the fox led us an amazing distance and the art for which he is famous in end escape from the rest of bis pursuers he entered a farm vard sought shelter ill a garden ninuhmg the top nf a narrow wam and bv short turns and vari ous olier manoeuvres died hard to throw the dogs off the scent bu he was betrayed in every instance ami he again look to the open field ill the hope ol tiidiig safety in a distant coppice very few of the field were now visible the duke of cottesmore had succeeded in finding his second horse and as i still kept by his side the delay oc casioned by my waiting for him threw us consider ably in the reai much so that we lest sight ol the bounds seeing however two or three led torus in the distance we went forwnrd at a tremen dous pace in that direction we were now going over an extensive ploughed field which led towards a five barred gate placed on the top of a high slippery bank i went over it the duke immediately followed but his horvc slip ped as he took the leap splintered oftthe top o the gate and fell with great force into the lane pitching his rider far over his head against the opposite bank i thought both were killed for they lay without mo tion i instantly alighted and paid every attention to his grace his hunting cap had been knocked on one side and exposed his short silvery hair and his fine ruddy face was almost covered with dirt lo my great satisfaction not many minutes chip soil before i observed signs of returning life wheiefl nimrodl were the first words he ut tered as in a state of considerable wcakneet b iried to walk we then examined thii horse at that moment the fu cry of ihe hounds were heard and the ani mal started to its legs with a violent shake aod a loud snorting all exclaimed the duke as he eagerly remounted ivimrod like his master is not much the worse for his tumble i used every argument icouid think of torjissuadt my companion from continuing the chase fully con vinced that he was more hurt than he would ac knowledge seeing loo by a deep craze on tbo hind leg of the horse that nimrod was in no state to second his m isiers inclination but both ap peared too fond of the sport to relinquish it while they possessed jife sufficient to carry it on at the top of a lane we leaped through a low hedge and found ourselves in a turnip field formed upon a lit if we had also the gratification ofob- mrrvirlg half a dozen fields ot the whole pack in full cry with only tw horsemen before us one of whom was about two fields off the other close to the hound the sight gave us a fresh energy the hone started off at the top of their speed nnd w were not long before we were in the tine fietd with the last melfoniab his hunter was evidently too iaded to stand it much longer his wind was gone but he had too much blood m him to give up ilto gain wc saw him attempt an ugly oxfence then heart a tremendous shock and both horse and rider sujdeoly disappeared wc were quickly passing over the same spot and saw the squire for it was he examining the ham grey gelding upon which he had first taken the field he hod missed his se cond ihose and had continued the chase on the spi rited little animal that now luy stiff upon the ground we had no time to offer consolation but speeded on till wir approached the next rider it was mephis- ophite the prince rides famously f exclaimed the duke rapturously as he watched him going over every thing with the most perfect ease it ia a thousand pities hes not an englishman w soon came up with him and as he slackened his speed to speak to me the duke passed him say ing severe run this mfver saw finder sport ca pitl horse that of yours just then ahontsix cou ple of the leading hounds dashed through an open gateway on our right starting around them and dis playing other well known symptoms of having view ed their game and in a few minutes afterward poor revnard with blackened mouth tongue out and brush hanging down was scti slowly crawling from the midt of a flock of sheep among which he bad taken a temporary refuge the duke spurred bia almost exhausted horse to renewed exertion nim- ud cleared the hedge in good style staggered a few once inwards the riojis and as his rider lept off his back he rolled on his idc liis big heart panted with convulsive force a strong aimer shook his mus cular hdy hi eyes became fixed his nostrils dis- tended and the next moment the noble animal was beyond all hope of recovery the duke appeared for a few momens effected by the death of his fa vorite hut he was too much of a sportsman to re gard hi accident of such common occurrence with deep or long continued feeling securing the brush he gave a ichoo whoop so loud and shrill that i in voluntarily put my hands to my cars to shutout the stunning sound in a short time jack bounce joined his matter and viewed imrod vithamostdoleful physiognomy others made their appearance soon after but near ly ail looked very different from what they were when they first started few had escaped without a fall some had had several and their neat coata mil c lean breeches were none the better for coming in contact with ihe ground the horses were tlio- roighiy exhausted bvw the opinion ofthefield that so severe a run had never been known and many went so far as to state that more capital sport it was impossible to have after suflicienttime had elapsed to refresh all parties they quietly rode home to dinner this is a specimen aaid mephisiopmles to me as we rode home together of the most fashionable of english field sports foxes are very distructive to ih farmer but are preserved that noblemen and gentlemen may enjoy the pleasure of hunting them to doath in chase of this wmthless vermin whoso ficah is not eatable and the skin not worth flaying the life of a noble animal worth sometimes as much as four hundred guineas is frequently sacrificed and the neck ofits rider who is generally the great est beast of the two as often placed in jeopardy so enamored ore your young men of fortune of thia harmless and creditable pastime that they manage to spend between fifty and sixty thousand pounda a year in thin neighborhood solely bv the expenae at tending upon killing foxes who will affirm after this that the rising generation are not remarkable for wisdom a tremknoouseouasii a mrsiinsonm porta- mouth n h has raised a squash weighing one hundred nnd sixieeu pounds it is fie feet anil half in circumference