British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 27, 1835, p. 4

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lake ont irraxqemetyrs for the end of the season the steam boat united states ckpt j faflcleve gain up loaves osdensbunrh 8 samrday evening kingston sunday 7 a- m sackeia harbor sunday 1 p m oswego sunday 10 pm roch ester mouday 3 a ft toronto 9 in the evening and arrive at lewiston on tuesday morning early- coming down leaves lewiston tuesday 7 p m rochester wednesday 8 a m oswego wednesday 6 afternoon sackela harbor wednesday 12 at night k ingston thursday 7 in the morning and arrives at ogdensburgh in the afternoon september 1915 fancy biscuit baking thomas moxey from london returns his srateful acknowledgments to the inhabitants of iingston for the encouragement he has received ince his commencement in the above business and begs leave to inform them that he keeps constantly for sale every variety of fancy cakes and biscuits confectionery and other articles in his line of the ry best quality wholesale and retail cbrlfftening and bride cakes made to order t m has on hand and is constantly manufac turing ginger beer of superior flavor which lie will sell wholesale and retail at moderate prices muffins every wednesday and saturday evenings store street kingston june 11 is35 356m storage and wharfage the subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has rented the well known storehouses and wharf formerly occupied by mr john maguire m the foot oi store st reel as to location hey hav not their equals in town those h wiah mature property or dispose of it by consignment rny rely on i he utmost endeavors of the subscriber to gic jwfeut lumii btxavarod wiib xd uie above line ofbuainesd n 8 for the accommodation of travellers there will be a room fitted up fur the reception of bay axp river the fast sailing steam boat is kingston hugh calokb master downwabd will lonvc the corrvintf pltccon monday and thursday tnornttwit 3ocuk httffifl at the river trent amain btitgh belleville sophiaibdrgb culbcrfeoits sauwtft wharf hallomdl aduplmlovn frcderickshiirsh bath to rinntor- will leave kmtmi same day at 6 p m toujh at fairtmnptgaiunoqti brnckville and arrive at prescouiu lime for the stage or steam boat for montreal optvlrd will leave precouererytiimdayaod friday p m immc- rfiatfly ifter uiew ial of ih slaves or steam boat from be low tiiuvh at brwkvllte french cntk and airivc at kings ton early next mufttilig- will leave kingston every wednes day and saturday mornings nt soclok touching at the inter mediate places and arrive at the carrying place aaine evenings in time to meet the stage for cobourg port hopo and toron to am packages and luggage at die risk of the owner unless booked and paid for every attention will be paid to the comfort of passengers and the boat is well adapted to lake freight horses c kingston april 1335 lake ontario 1836 the steam boat barton phillips kingston april 23d 1835 caution tbisis to caution all persons from making bar- ntu of sale or otherwise with james schroder in my name aa i have at present no connection wit hat young man also my customers are requested to notice of whom they buy the articles i manufac ture as some persons are vending them pretending to be sent from me henry bolte kingston august 10ih 1813 3 the mansion house kingston u c the subscriber continue to occupy this extensive and well known establishtuent as an hotel for the accomodation of the rublic the mansion house fa pleasantly situated in store street bein ihe erincipal and most central street in kingston in the usness part of the town is convenient to tin dif ferent steamboat wharves and lift riub1isliiiiur of the kind in the province can jnirpaih it in ihv ex cellence nd comfort of its apuihkiit- in res ol both to parlors and bed rooms all of tilth arcfiir- nished in the very beat style tin hotel has ihhii recently painted throughout and otherwise impro ved the subscriber havin kept a public house far maay years has acquired experience in lira line uwftkrirnstfttiuutwtn uiujn iitamuuj ij tot corofortof his guesw he will continue to merit pub lic patronage in the rear of the mansion zona there is a lara yaro and extensive stabling and where a livery vbble is constantly kept flthe mansion house carriage and porters whi always be in readiness to convey passengers and luwagctoand from the different steamboats a carmlyo kingston may 1835 23 coahnimifmeroftrown ln office t tttrottto jaty jha 163 j notice 18 hereby given that tjhle3s francis le uocque or his heirs flb make any claim they may have to lot no 13 and the south half of lot no 14 in the 5th con c6osion of the town3hip of piokerino iff tuk home district within three months from this date the same will hm otherwise disposed of 1 peter robinson commissioner of crown lanh at the sign op the bear the subscriber respectfully inform his friends and the public that he is now manufacturing and has for sale wholesale retail an extensive as- sortment of tin ware which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms lie has also for sale a large quantity of cuba sr domingo began do do boston made whips of all kinds do stone ware best quality b phillips market pace kingston epu 4th 1835 k bflortly will 8e published at toronto t ths author of tits provincial josttck an abridgement of the tow vrhip laws including the highway and aweonrocnt acts ibe court of requests act and the new township meeting art with original appropriate forms for the jh l cotnmisioners the line fence act i seven i uther popular and interesting niitttere rwrte to the townships with a treatise on ihe liw or landlord and tenant and dietrss for rent c forms of notices to quit leapea distraining war- nntai c and the law and office of coimtfiblett dicdit- lict in a with free instructions for the performance ol ties of die office the object of this publication itiiig to p wiin the reach of the humblest means and cheap form a familiar view nf the above buwh ntl important branches of the law who advertised hr prnvineial justice are requeued to insert tins on the same term toronto sept t 1835 america capt joel f tyleri will nin to trips weekly between rochcstcrand kings ton viasodu oswego ani sacheus harbor as follov coming down leaves rochester mnndayfi and thursdays at 5 evening sodiw do do llsveninr 11 oswumi tuesday and ftidayp 9 rnrning sackcts harbor do do stttditiff arriving at kingston tuesday and friday evenings 9 oclock goiso vr leaves kinslston srtnrdays4 ahcrnnnn wednesday 7 a m sack harbor sunday 7 mfrniii do 12 noon oswego do 3aaemoondo 10 evening n sodltt oo 9 evening thursday 5 a 51 anivingat rivchetor monday at day light do 9 morning intersecting with the great britain at oswego on uliim dayj and the constitution at rochester on monday and thursday on their uwaid tiiiw to chonrr toronto aud niagara nbfiibdtiily ftaatum kingston running to osden burgh 1 1 i up the bay if quinte dcck pwmntli xrtiafwait car by taking thh boat at kingston saket a harbor or oswego reach buftjio tor 2 30 each by way of tho canal from rochester children italfpricc la kb ontauio 1835 ss the elegaxt steamboat oswego propetftdty txo pciterful zo prttsure nfxntofb horse per capt j t ifoiias will ply on lake ontario aud the sl lawrence river as follows leavi lii on friday evening kingston u c saturday morning sjckett ii iiij siitnrdny noon 0webo saturday evening rodiecier sunday ntorning toronto u o early monday morning reaching lewiston in time to enable passengers to visit the falls and return by boat the sameday leaves lcwistnn on monday evening rochester tuesday morning oswego tuesday afternoon sackeua hurhor tuesday evening kingston u c wednesday morning and orrises at ojdenshurg same evening touching ai french creek murrbtowil alexandria and brorkvilc triiveller- inrpndingtn visit the faltanf niairara linllilo or the diflereill places on lake ontario will find ihft most pleisnnt cheap und expeditious route by taking the teamhoats t oawcgo and ro- chter piisoncers leavififf lewton in this boat on vnn- lay evening ill amve at montreal on thursday pvinitiff prtniinfl tie innstl iiiieiestiiiff part of the st liwivnce kkef by fifty light i ij- tlu odwegii commenced her tiips on lite ftli april april is35 the stewi bhat sir almiqs kkwpt will until fiirthfr ii f u rftrm lier trips up the ray of quint on tuesday and t find reiurn on ivedntsttays im saturdays will prescott foi kingston and the bay on monday and thursday dytfttingt ttfttf tlift arrival uf tlie boit froin heliw whi leav kingston for prescott vn sunday mi wtdncsdcij rvfoin lj5coi r montreal leaving kingston by this boat on sunday evening may b nironfmoitin the mnnircal lino at prcscott on monday ninmint w the boat leaves expressly fur that purpqwf l 5 itvlork p- m kingston june27tli 16 5 evan treatise on agriculture a pew copiim of die nhiivc work may he had at the hardware tilurc u messrs hill bnggs or of tile subscriber g w yarker kingston aug 2ut is35 6 ncir groceries c just recti vtd and for sale by thu subscriber ai bis scores in from and store strccis the following good viz 10 chests twnnkav tea 4 do yninig ilyson 4 do llyson skin g hhds bright muscovado sugar 3 do relined suunr 2 ho cnguae brandy 2 do iliitlmitls gin 1 pun jnniairn spirits 1 do old rniiaiu rum 2 do molawme 2 caks brortii tale sherry 2000 ffalliine canadian whiskey 1 6 i rinip cod fish ton wis salt water herring 4 do no 1 mackarel 3 casks warrens paste liquid blacking 20 do cut and wrought nails 20 boxes window j hies 10 do starch 10 do bloom muscatel raisins 8 do english pipes 2 bags softshelled almonds 40 reams wrapping paper 20000 russian uudls 2000 lbs first quality american cheese james williamson kingston sipttnher 1 115 william u will attorney and solicitor in the court ll- and equity in england lias apened an o flier i- v couiilii brick biiildifi in brock rrt n- inn hcrc lie draw- urrd- ills uid oltitr ilu- wiiiinif- with accurary md dispicls nmi tin 11111- nite terms kingston sept 21 135 15 london bnrung school gloucester hose establishment hpton iacc nt jfaccst gate 3ssstp mr h ault the domestic arran of this etablialiment arc upon the mrtfi liberal alu every boardei ii tcrwnoiodikd wiili illicit- iiil whhoat iify exira cliaree and i strict 1u00 linn paid lo his comfrrt iialth md morale the course of tmrunttaft includes enlih elocution llie scientific principles an i pttatfcfl or arithmelic merchants accounts boukkcxpiii liisuralion algobia geography use of the glubei iiisiory c anm tjtrmse under 12ycarflofagv above ditto weekly bnardcrd day boarders per aflimift 22 guineas 21 ditto 18 dilto 12 ditto- the languages- drawing dancing music each do- per quarter i guinea 1 ditto 1 1 ditto riib public qrow 1 lind i uhce ns follow respectable references vill be given and required tho vacations are thfw week it midsummer and a lortnight at cliristmac accounts settltitjquarterly the quarter to com mence on the day of entrant a quai tors notice is expected proviohs to the removal nft boarder pupils remaining at schonl during the vacation are chugftd 4 guineas ftxlra pr annum the french lmstugc is taught by u native of pari etch boarder is expected u bring a silver spoon knife furk and si tuwelfc tho situaliimi is eitremeb healthy and pleasant with ex tensive grounds references may be mute to t h prior eiq of que bec for further pnrticulars aply to the editor of the whig 376m sale uk crown lands coinniwiinnrr otcrmvo lmil ooce toronta june 19ih is35 j ire itfttrmiri tlut the sales of n the london districu will tnke viz at london for the cuunw of midftlesox wednemlay 29tli july thursday 27il anent thuradttyi 21th september thursday 29th october at simcoe for the county of norfolk friday 2tli july friday 21st august friday i3th september saturday 24th october at blindford for the connty of oxford mniditv 27th july monday 1 r mnnday 21st september monday 26th oclobtr the number nf tht lota to be nflcrcd and furrhcr particulars may be bmwn by applying to john b askin esq- london- nrnr thi ohicr peter robfnsoiy 42 commissioner of crown lamls salb of crown lawds coimiinner or crown lnrls oibcr torowo iind june 163s the public w infunncd chnt ihe sales ol crown lands and orgy reserves in the midland district will lake pice as follows viz at ielleville for flie township of huntingdon madoc hun- gerford kaladar lowdon richmond and tyen- dinaca 20ih july 20th anon 2li siptiinbcr 20 h orober 20ih november atnapanee iii of sheffield and camden 23rd july 24th aiguat 24h sept- 1 uber 83rd october 23rd november at kingston for the townehip f portland pittsburgh ilin- inlirook hedfoid mid liiffhhnrnngi tuesday 23 h july saturday 29lh august tuesday 29ih september monday 30th november thu numbers of the lots to be offered for sale may he known byapdtying to samuel s willmot fsf rellevilh or rv i oliice 42 monday tburlay monday tuesday friday for the towiwl thursday monday thursday friday mnndav l feather dressing old bfds m1de etjol to dew the subscribers ha procured the necessary ap paratup for dressing rn purifying feathers inform he public that their innclitne is now in operation at tlie head of store s next l0 jfa oicotfs tavern all persons desirous of witnessing the operation can have the fullest ind most satisfactory evidence of the value and efftcacy of the operation and no persons who regards cleanliness and comfort or val ues health will neglect this opportunity of having their beds dreed jjy t process all filth and impuritis are effectually expelled and the oldest feathers rendered light and elastic as new ones aud more cleanly healthy as ihe oily matter so offen sive to the smell ant injurious to the health even in new feathers is euti removed by this purifying prucess bejxjamux marcus jacobs kingston oct 20i 1sl5 23 crrtinratb i have lately had the feathers of an old bed taken n 0ll dressed by ihe above advertisers and am much pleased with ihe success f i heir purifying i reus the llaihrs previous inihfir lenoviiion rte heavy and knotted together they are now aloiost elistii as ue ones and i liieno hesiiatioo in recoinineoding the adcitis- ers to the notice ofil public iiiiitdi mpthp itnitisn whig limn op thk dissulutjqjtr uf iviutjyership phb copariucrshii litrrciofure eximing between ihe uiidoniancdt hmr been ihi day tlifjlved by mutual consent all debts due lite late firm arc hereby directed in he paid to james thomson who will nleto settle nil jusi demands james thomson john uiddell kingman sept lih 1835- 14 thesuucrihcr iv turns uu llmtiks to ins friend and the public for thn support tlimhu bite partner rindhitmelfhavmvrrvrd pincc thjircommciiccmonl 1 lmiiic8s arid h to ujmi them lhit in u toronthimo lio1ikiimc burincm in nil james thomson ktm lii ittis 14 ho 11 v ac an wi py rwh for patrick bo horns ssvm c mnricct square w 9a jflari r si buck careys library ok choice literature tq ny hiot ihip i o rendln 02c implies a dceire for iniriktion tlmfrtfptogniiry ihmrtcire on ihcflni poiftt fttloro mrea cmxhc nccooj ihcr dlvcrbiiy both ofopinion nnd ofprocuce ffc have ncwrnncf mo nrinc reviews in floe pamphlcnrill 1 on near if all fttibfccttf which have severally iheir elates ofrcfldrrftnfl tfopporu ers anoyrt copiouaa arethws mconsof inieltecioil supply more nremill needed in odliiion oite reviews onmalvih pwingno- iicc5 0ibcok the people in nvh nmnlrp in ell parts ofoor gremrc- pnhltc cmve ihe wlowfeo ofihc boni tliemselvcs and deuil bcyood mere pnjinjrolloionfihc progress of discovery loiirtond ncienet bulihonei if lccsy t ntfcertain and exprestueir wiinis il is not no eay loffrotiryihem extnwiiilance0oinlheeropononjonicrnare eagsinoceapotions which prevent personal application or even mes- ic toinsrariesttnd bookselters uch many caows 10 keen people uway from ihe fcaflorrcasonpiind the enjoymen oftheeoveicd literary arimrnl it ihe nim ftfihv powi1en of ihe library lo obviate tnese jifficullies and 10 enuhte even inditidoaatn small cost nod without any personal cilort to obtain lor ins own te and thai of his avorej tnends or family valoablo works eomplete on all tue branches ofiikcfol and poptilarlttemture and that id a form well adapted lo the comfort of ihe reader- the ehnrm ofvaricty a far tsh is compatilite wilh moralityand cm taste wml he held conatantlv in view in conducting the library toflil ihe pacfi of which ihe current literature of crenl hriinfn in all it vairous de partment of blrtirraphy hlstorr travels novels and poeiry ehalt be frcelv put under contribution wftk percbaoce ocoisional exceptions u is intended to give entire ihe work which ahnll be selected for wbljca- iton when circomstances authorize the measore recouoe wifl be had 10 the literary stores of cnqiinenlul kurope nnd tracislationsmaije from french italian or german as the ease may be- whilst the body ofthe work will be a reprint or at times atranalation dftjn re volumes the cover will exhibit the micella ncno chamcter of a magazine and conpist of sketch of men and things and notice of novel ties in ittcratarcnndthe aris throughout ihe civilized world a full and regain r supply oftlie literary monthly and hebdomadal journals of great britaiu and ireland in addition to home periodicals of similar character cannot ail lo provide ample materials for this pnrt of oor work the resoorces and extensive correspondence of the pubtislters are the bent guarantee fir the continuance of the enterprise in which they are now aboattnembitrfc as wellasfor the abundance of the materials to srivcit vnhic in ihe eyes of the public as far as jadicioou selcclion nndar- raniremeni are conccrnetl readers will it is honed have reason to be iv ly satisfied ns the editor of the library is not a stranger to them but hns more than once obtained their givorable auffrasesibr his past literary efforts terms the work win bepohliabedin weekly numbers in sriteheil covers each number containing tteenty imperial orfaro page ith doable eou umep making two ttoittmtb annnauf more than 2q vexazo pages eaeh volume and nluteexpintuon of every si months subscribers will be ftirnisltcd with a hnoilsome title page and tnble ofcoatenis- the whole amount of matter furnished in a simrfe vear wifl beequnl to more than fartuvabtmes of the common izd enjlih duodecimo books ihe cost of which will bent lenst ten time uie price ofa years suascripuon to the n the paper onon which the library will be printed will be oftbe ilir onoliiy used kr bookwork and ofa size admirably adapted lorbindinir as ineiype will be entirely new and of h nejit appear each volume when bound will furnish n hanctfomc as well as valuable and noi cumbrcm addiionto ihe libraries of those who patronize the work the price oflhe library will bejecr dettarsper arnxm payable la ad vance a commission op20 percent will he allowed to agents and any agent or postmaster furnihini five subscribers nnd remitting the amount ofsub- scripuoo ttu be entitled to ihe commission of 20 per emu or u copy of ihe work for one year a specimen ohhe workorrny inrroarionrespeciing it may boob tnincjl by addresioj the pulilishers noei pam edjiors of newspapers to whom the prospectus is forwordetl will plcam insert the above as often an convenient send n copy of ihelr paper eooiainine ihe advertisement marked and entitle themselves to a free ex change ibr one year address k l cakey a hart philadelphia philadelphia july 17th j3k london line op pi tors of this lino of packets having inc number of their ships will hereafter fe oftneiin from ner vorkand from pt the ut 10th and 20th and from loodoo tom 17tli and 27lh of every month virouhouttbe year from newyork sept 1 ship toronto r griswold maat sopt 10 ship ontario james kearney mi sept 20 ship westminster h champlii ocl 1 ship st james wid s sebor mi 10 ship montreal c ii cbamplin 20 ship canada thomas britton tot 1 ship j 10 ship hannibal rfrhard master oct oct nov not nov dec dec 20slnp philadixlhia e e m or mwtr 10- 1 shin rillladclphia e e morgan u 0siip president george moure master dec 20 ship samson d chadivick mucer from london aug 7 montreal leaves poiismnutli atig if aug 17 canada leave portsmouth aug 20 aug- 27 new leaves portsmouth sent 1 sept 7 hannibal leave portsmouth sept 10 sept 17 philadelphia leave portsmouth sent 9ft sept 27 president leave portsmouth oct i oct 7 samson leaves portsmouth 10 oct 17 toronto reave porlsmrtuth oct 20 oct 27 ontario iravoi portsmouth nov 1 nov 7 westminster leaves poiismoulh nov ft nov 17 st james new leaves portsmouth nnvfc theae ships are allonie first clas about 600 tons bunw and are mffifymodod by abc and experienced navigitorft great care wili be taken that the bed stores c are of bealdoiciiption the prinfcabin paae outward t fixed at 110 including wines and liquora or 120 wi wines c passengers paying the ivtal mentioned price be suppiji by the stewaid at the printed rtcs which wi fbrnisned on board neither the captains nnr owners of packets will be ruaponsible for any letlcr parcels or paclun sent by them unless regular bills of lading are sigoed ivrasj apply to john griswold 70 souih slreer new york grinnell mint1rn co 131 froiiiudaar fftft wlderf cn n 9 colcmnnst uadoa n b steambrats run daily from porumouth whereii packets sifip im lmd nod rtriive passenger to the coaritti and to hi nt part of eultnd any tnfurmttioii relative to thin lino of packet aij may be obtained y applfeatinrj nt ihisoltiee the gentlemans ok the sporiaj and dramatic companion lpttrspeksfd with a multitude of eitobavinos drcurdura rrtuh r ffirrsrrfct yft nth horses legedemain c it isoowaix rcoath since fma pwhlication waa commenced r phlla ilvlpfim aud although the m i in have aecd ao ciironccra ineaos to dmd a knowlcrfpr of r merit5 yet aikh ia ilc aisfirtlon manl tested by thnt rtortioa rtfthr puhltc who have been made acquainted with ra cltarncur atvl contcnti ilmt it jitt orpntrons cntnur constantly antl mpwlyioifirnoi th- whqt nw iltmribiifnt rrgufuriy every week over a t6 portion ofthe vniim ue mrm vatiicfory uiirmce arc reecivcl thai rt ivillpveoitnlly luconie one of the mol popolnr iraoiir the nomrroo excwirm pcnftlcnn tvhirli isar from the amc icn mtmi noexqtifmmiltepamd miuiablmliu pcrmaneia reputnirn more awilhwi and ixuit hbernl atincilon of inom whom ji in crciallv jeigocd shall warraai iw future improvement both his rcgiml typo- grnwucdl neainet antl eulhltiphtticnt ilf hemtttifrinlly advanced the dhbreat plnya aal potcm that xvitl atipenr in ilte course of ayear ftiihemsclve will cvorthroore than four tiinea the amount ofdhscripitoo thcauowiag jsaliittofllioewliieh have already an- pearej chjrlcs itre first i alien 1- 101 the hunchtrficlc the deep deep sea cheap living sh ok pa re if early ii hrnqonrlre quite correct i- f ufbcthnal green llujnla anil vivr man ofteo tliooiuiad thelvwikv man piitell voti vhu thettuliun fanner spcctrbtsoo olympk ueiu ejipljtthmnn in india 8hikancire festival the bast indian my friend the governor vic tori tie thtr omitiliiifi the child of nature the kcncnotrc the uwet the sclera vurtcq hrrnsini frifh ambaahor mesa mitlbnl it p smith j s- knowlcp j b pinnehe f reynolds c a somcrad t mortou r p smith j s knotvfca thoma- hole roll william e unrton mrs- lachtmki rcnjimin wcbier f m kcxtvohu- puikxh i djacc americhy leather store just received mu for sale bv the subscriber 500 sides of smic leather 200 oo harness do 100 do isridic do 300 calfskin5 100 kip skin 20 dozen murucco skui 20 lining md binding skiti9 200 harreft sail 20 iionps sraike co axe a full supply of lasts nnd boot trees five dollttrs per ct aid for hides and ikl highest ptice in cail paid brcalf hecp skit vux1a ford market plae kington july 1st 1333 lkathkr wvviiiiu luivuiij nisidi arrnncfemen with a manufacturer has and will constantly n nn extensive supply of sole leather hamcwand bridle leather upper leather calf skill patnn kiiw morocco linings landings c hich la will sell ivliolvsaltj oi obttiicd in the province w be ructurera retail as low vj dealera and mam in he supplied at all times and with ar quantities and probably on better terms than a he obtained elftewltcnt casil paid for hides and skins tall flax seed 05 100 barrel salt ow sin re opposite t r culdweh lie miirkct formerly occupied b kingarnn mnv26 joily murray is33 j wtmoncried j it pinttche m m ri r ir- inliiil i w r peak bctrrymore j i- keaney tyratto power thesponioi inlelllgemci it hofuwld abroad oceupiean roqmdcrv able portion ofoitreoinmnr nml i tolirctet from i fir momunihcotic our- cea- ammiiic portrait o fee id ruled iviiitiitifc llorsea wnkh have fjrrn mcn arc the american troilmt horm kiiufn flmtltkst theloiortcl rich- llcre tilkhetbnobll tlmffivnriieraelnfi lan- i i nnd her ft at by ecmp8r kitidfcbriiefltr4uific horse ntmtflilk piiknoaiinon ttatm blmm pmlitr h9rw ciiatgat m n a i the well known knjrhh it aei- hore tovtlltonk a correct pictuke of a itauk i k m oceupyinj the widtti n june itsts aakoqi n variety of otvr krrrhellihmcitta of axibjcctj or interests which have iieeu published nrcthc following a complete irealtee on itldtng vrklifourbesn illuhtra tiuns for the improvement of lattice in that moet healthy of all exer- explannttonofthe automation chessplayer iugatrated byelkvkn bm08av1n0 vfre t x v luc wihtcf occupying n luc drl tukea m ke3ioval the subdcrihbb has removed his c and fasiininabtr boot shoe ejtasushhc to f lie murkei tfquurc ulicra he will always kee on hand n largo assortment of the very hest mar factureat ilir ououinrf low prices for ready money oxly 3 6 the eishjecta which ore parltrnbrly cmhmcet in the vaue m kc vm will lc more dutiocily nnricriood from die following aammary af them titc torf and ntl mittrn eonnccird therewith onthcsjimehirennrt character of the hore untiif im-tiwitl- i r i 1 1 rii cattle unit ftr novices in shcmhn mt thols ibr feeting and training btflgrapucv of cctchraied horfie with their ponrrils mt i fmliay fowling ac approved gome j from hoylc and others criticuina oo pfiy nrvl acw tjie hiost oopulnr songs tet to nutic the artnl legerdemain iltiitroted a variety orttecjpeidimted to dooawk economy an i iii i i lrtt pinning events ucntlmenfl qnnrterly ke tew of the fnshionfl the vaue mrccm is prrnted on large imperial paprr a hcantirti white texture and rfptimifihcl every saturday til three dollar- per nnnnm in advance onlenifrom alirosd post repaid wilt beprompn ly ntim h- o li the paper carefully packed topreventit from ruljbinz by mail the lmodkrn acting dlt ana i volfimc of obont 300 paea containing the plas farces ac which appear in the vdc mrctam nenlly prinieif and bound in elastic covert lor transportation is published every six wcel eight vojomeswill constituted ketf or one years subsenphon thetcrms jbrwhich is three dollars payabje la advance ubpriberstothe vodc mccnm ore entitled to a deduction of onethird an order fhr fbnr will be ihankfblly reccivcdond hie work forward- ett to any direciinn by incloin a ten dollar notr pomnee piil a premium conitinp of two volumes 500 pagct each oflhe novel lrs muprine mi i ii rent novell by the most popular aatlior will be pretmnted to ihe a r who shall procure foor r jmcm 10 lite modern actinic urniiin or itie ueniternans vsde mccurn jfd remit ihe t mount or one ycirv sulicrjpiion lr ench fttnticfntn wihmf to htttkcnuc to cither ofihe nhove i rfcs whi ad- drem charles alexandkil no3 allinuan buiuinss fmnw- iii place nattrnpifa a specimen copy will be sent to any part of the union by addressint ihe puiinnhcr post pai- sale of crown lands in ilic weslern district commimioner of crown uindv olbce i toronto 3lat augnit 1s34 j notice is hcrebv gtvrn thai on thursday the 29a day of october not there will he offered or sale by public auction at the court ilmise in the town of sandwich at 10 oclock a m- a tract of lund in one block comprising the 7th 8th and the quarter part of the dili concessions of strnia and containing 14777 acres at the upset price of four shillings and cloven pence currency per acre payable one quarter down and the remainder in three years by annual instal ments of one quarter with interest on each instal ment as it becomes due the pitrclmsrr will positively he required to pay ilifl liist hittelmciil on the day ofrtlcj and in de fault thereof the inict will he attain set up to auc- twi k iho following dny nt 10 ovinrk a m a plan nf tho tract nnd the innnher of the lots henry j jftiiea esq uutierali toronto o ladle do do do do do do do do do do prunella and leather puium puieiiorrjiiiiltly tiiv eulotirtf sauii tin do fitl- liglil unilciii si strait m r cotiniry wear imhu iviimrllo h4j iol iiili ueiior niiality r u ui i fine liiit boof vt a variety of boys very low prices hoots and shoe wiry tlo do dt pegged 1 i t- atn 5 0 7 i 5 0 5 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 6 6 h 7 6 10 0 4g 58 80 6 6 81 10 id 8 7 a a a 0 at 8 q 12 ai id girl boots sj shoes madi to order j- murr1 kingston may2dih it 33 b rooms for sale at the subscribers leatlier sto 50 dot flat and round corn brooms 10 tin superior grass cradle svthes 200 bis salt fresh from thewotks 50 do markarel cash paid for hides sheep calfskins william fojox market place kingston july 11th 1835 prospectus for publishing a copperplate iviap of the midland district the subscriber proposes should sufficient riven to publish a map of couragement he midland district including one range of town in the newcastle district on a scale of 150 to an inch exhibiting all the mail roads roads rivers rivulets lskes churches m houses saw mills grist milla towns vil wharves steam uoat landings c c by concession and township the undersigned being about to build a perplate printing press is determined publish varnish and mount the proposed mi his own township and therefore looks to a rousand enterprising public for patronage aud- porr the map will be nearly 3 by 4 feet it will brace four ranges of townships from the bf quinte back ami will he executed ia a style to ihe authors map of prince kuward ft published on a copper engraving coloured nished mounted od rollers and delivered to scribers at four dollars per copy payable on cry p v elmo mallovlii september 1835 mm to h seen by applying chatham or w the surveyoi copy of which will ttleobe eeni to the editor of the ktnigranr sandwich 10 peter robinson cttmmizxumer of crown land bank notice hie board of directors of the farmers iinz company hereby give notice stock bui upon frifl commence company iy ih 15ih day of october next tht oiscutinting noies at the office in toronto ant cecding fridays cont ticc notes nllered the dny before tu toronto ept l thereafter upon al me the same until furl i for discount must he r cover to the manager stith i83fr

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