the british and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly ofiper rei pibin dicoil by e j barker m d vol iv -3- kingston u c fridays november 6 1s35 so 28 the british whig a semiweekly journal devoted io cuiimtrciol and political inlvromluin i published every tuesday and friday evcmnzsby or linker editor and proprietor nt hi oflkeiu rear street rtcit iluor to tho cotiiiiierciiil hotel rkmkot thu british whig aovontcoo shillings and sixpeinc par annum if panlm ii- m or within lire month iv umi the receipt of iic firc number and une pound if collected at tlie end of the year rjiimvii nf pnte n mi n i received fur less than six months and no jijit discontinued until all tufaja are paiti up except l the option vfiho publisher qwtrthcmenl- sik line and under 2s gj first inser tion and 7ji- each subsequent luaortjuil ten lines and an dcr 3 4d fit iflfortion and qj uiicb aubcouent insertion abovotcn litre 4d per line for the firlinc and id per i line for every subsequent insertion r advertisrtienu without written directions are inserted till i forbid and char go j accorjingljr order tor discontinuing i advcrtiemimltolje in tviiling produce afovery kind received in payment i nq imtttl taken in except from agents unless post paid letter press printing executed with mfltntm and despatch jutan term ouprecedenlly r low in upper canada all work to bj pitd for within ihrec months after ce- colion t i kingston au 1855 the assignment madeto uasnf the ilchte r due to the late linn of mulliollnnrl twigg is now re leased in lavor of mft henry imulholland to whom nil ilie outstanding debts nre to he paid arthur foster daniel caffbyi a cameron kington 7th oct 1835 strong the subscriber announces to hi friends and the public that la has removed to tholvery extensive pmnisea in front sheet next to tin building formerly occu pied iiv itm commercial rank where he offfers for sale a very extciaive nnd general assortment of british and foreign staple st faxcy dtty goods a a 4vcsl n cue iiiiiuum- groceries ac viz 100 chens tea variouttfort 20 hbds refined sngir 20 muscovado do go kegs ph- tobacco 20 boxes caendih do mnccoboy and rappee sfiuflt paine and cod oil saltpetre ktg blue and starch white and colored puiiireaud 15 lick lead mustard in jin tallow caiulle scnnncctt wick ucwartielc liverpool nnd mouircul ojli florence oil olive oil in llhdft- nd pipes mackareland herring 30 hm cigimc unmtly rich flwvor proof otnrd duptiy cv and oilier favor ite brands bordeaux brandy schiedam geneva ami hamburg jin puncheons jamaica spirit proof 1 to 2 upper canada whiskv mtjvmgt av wood quarter casta of old madeira ujiprovttd vinta ges blackburn oiviero co a brand a es sherry london particular tenerilte and tile most exten sive and general assortment of red and white ikives worthy the attention of country merchant and tavern keepers- bottled wines st india madeira i brown nnd gold slurry genuine old port sparkling cbaqpaignei jucs brand porter luibcrfs and dunbttf isrutrn stout it piin mid quart caaes of schnfdtni iii s t o v je s i00 2j to 3 feet stoxes drinking sloeaf 2fki m iv v fli rrirlim sliovels out nuil rongit iails bow i c i x tin the good enumerated and all his importations peculiarly deserving til notice of the public llltba advmage of the wharves and prctoises he tcupies lor the general purposes of trade and the irfnsupon which hie stock ie always laid in through 0 friends in mouireai finable him to sell as low as ie montreal price advances will he made upon all consignment of boduce tor sale here or for shipment to his friends montreal the dmrges vrill be fiuind moderate- thomas macmder m kingston auffimt22 1835 7f- notice mil henry hart having violated the articles ofagteement and copartnership existing between him and me 1 hereby give notice that the copart nership is held thereby dissolved ami that i shall he no lunger responsible for any act he may in the name of henry harico of montivih ur tlmrles wjllard co- of kington and futthef i hereby notify the creditors of the firm of c w co to iorward to me their accounts for ndjustnient as i have determined to resist mr hart attemprk to possess himself of the assetwhich i hold solely for the benefit of the consignee nnd creditor the creditors of hem hart co will see the propriety of looking to him for the settlement of the nflttira of that firm charles willard kingston i2th october 1s35 214 notice just received and for sale bv lira iwribcr one hundred and sixty itohemian marnu jaii ki ngsto james linton a b oct- locia ls3o- f i family grocery provision store 3fe patrick figan oflers for sale in the prennscrsin be muiket square latelyoccupied by mr scanlan u well selected assortmentofieas groceries spices tobacco stone ware com brooms and almost every article in the provision grocery line at extremely low prices having purchased his goods himself for cash otik in the montreal and new york markets market sptart oct 20m 1835 23 just received and for sale hy the subscriber english mould candltti starch blue liver pool soap white dittto 20 urls north shore jwr rings willi a variety of seasonable iry goodn t macmder kingston oct m60i 183- 25 kiapvoto- 3 o0br 1b35 j to he let for a term of with the right of resuming the smnc if rqnm tor the public er- vice itie finall dwciuitg llfluse lately occupied hy the guard oi pmcotc or lu same will be let by the year terwons williofl to enter foto an agreement for tlie same ill be required o s security for the tliiefulfihnmt af the lease immediate posses sion misht be otitained tenders will be received nis office addressed to the respective officers of lit oiduance until the 20ib jvovember next 27 jfresh arrivals just lauding by the subscriber from the iroquoi and dolphin barges now king at the ottawa com pany n wbajf 20 ilhdi bright mscovdo suflar 5 double refined lor do 30 clieem assorted twattkay young hyson ulld bcbea teas cruucbeons fine flavoivd jamnica rum 5 pipes cognac brandv otard dupuy cos brandy 6 pipes hollands 2 fine old port wine corn brooits 4- whisks just receded and fur sale by the subscriber 50 dozen corn brooms whisks patrick eg an market stjuart oct 20m 1835 23 to farmers cash paid for produce of every description bv patrick egan market square oct 20th 1335 23 pbesh leiions a few boxes just received and for sale bv die sub scriber patrick ggan market square oct 20m 1835 23 stoki wabe flower potsmilk puns chums cream and pickling jars and every description of stone ware for sale by patrick egan market square oct 20th 1635 23 indigo root sal to housekbepers logwood salt pcire peaiash arm kriu nutmegs and spio of everv kind ground and whole kept for mtii hy patrick egan market square oct 20th i35 23 apples a few barrels of genesee pippins for sale lv patrick euan market square oct 23rrf isj5 21 tobacco smrrr for sale by the subscriber mp ft iv mih v iim f c iobacco in 1 2 s oz pupeis do morcoboy seotch rappee and american snuqj patrick egan market square oct 23r 1s35 21 3 east india maovira g hhds brown acid gjd sherry 2 pipes l p tencrinv 30 quarter casks bordcus vinegar 6 barrels cod oil 150 boxes liverpool soap 100 poland starch 3cl new cod fi 20 barrels north shore herrings c mnhrpi 100 uoxe digby herrings 20 uarrels stockholm pircl tar rosin 150 coils jvesl liverpool re 20 assorted anchors rroml4ib to3cwt with a general assortment of 8htp chandlery george armstrong kingston oct 31 1s35 purchased by the subscriber all kinds of grass seeds also woollrn raes patrick egan market place kingston no 3 1s35 27 t british wh notice to stbsckiqktts thproprieuhofhrnnlisk whf ifftobai lavitf t following phcr who arc in hrivv nrrrzrv mw prpnrdto jqtitnic junuttn ll sljfffi i w i i j wm u r l kingston friday evening nov g 1835 mayt is tidily elecitrd in itidon on mjciiafilrnaf 1 ay f qnd that i10 must bo chocu from dio board of aldermen ob i ice yankee i ltt by iht following extract from a london papftr tbe ca nadiau public willpcrctivethntthnhtjnibuj morrison pifla iji ci joij oi homo wheri wo havj n liulc moro uitiie we sliall attempt irio sarnc thing m uppr canada 11 critvmiitft tn a very foilii individual if ha rao pmuode hirrlfihi the despich ha4 done any gopd vhy vnniy apart vxt rcarj lo ono feature only of oor ouroeroua hi pin urea of vile frauds end public ijbuses we can clejrlj hat we have saved the live of jiundiep of out country- ttfgpw eodora of the unirtr lcce ainum tl m advertisement john olifrahti merchant tailor ggs leave to inform ins friends and llie public nerallyriiat he has just arrived from quebec id montreal with as complete an assortment of dods in ins line was ever offered iii kings- i amonjst winch will ho found the following m westoyensland black htue olne invisible reen london brown and delhieacioihs single ihm black cassimere visting uuuhle millm ivemd brown cloths double and triple mil id neimercs and buckskin do black petersham fdbesi quality of pilot cloth c c with trim- ogb and every thing in ilie business line which i can supply the trade with on reasonable terms cash five or six fimrafe workmen tinted a suit of clothes furnished in twelve n b the latest fashions for october just re- jo ved nniringeton 13th october is35 22 p nt notice sjst or stolen a blue camlet cloak lined to icarlet and padded throughout with flannel v information respecting it will be thankfully re vi and a suitable remuneration be given for its oyery by applviug to this office farm to jlel or sett an improved furm cotnprising 332 acres of good land uhtreof 100 acres are improved and midrr cultivation with a good fiame house bam and outhouse to be lei or sold the situation is un deniable being u ilhiii live miles of kingston on hie baih rurd immediate possession can be given apply to the subscriber charles everitt kingston oct 21ih 135 232m commercial bank notice is hereby given that the books of sub- kriptioftf for the new stock in this inrtitution will be opened at the different places as mentioned br low on tuesday the first day of december next at the hour of ten in the foienoaii and closed at three o same day according to the act no person can subscribe for more than eighty tliares kingston at the bank tvotw office of the bank brockvitle alesrs a u morris co preterit hiram norton erj uptown messrs g r lang cormralko c vvnod eq perth a lohs eq lfafarcuyaxd smith erj ufftt rvrc ns- parkpr eai- cohfurrexl henry esq pnrt iivpc david smart esq towre j b ewartesq hamilton gore dil o ferrie co niasarar janir lwkhari ksq lnnthn j c oodhue esq bondwichj dmigll co libajr56ur5achas berczy eq a meeting of the stockholders in this institution it7krj ftwr twtrtrty thv i5ds day nt iffemmiiluv next at 11 oclock in the oretioon atihc bank to ieci a direcor in the place of the hon- c w irant resigned and other purjuisca bv order of the board f a harpe3 cashier singiionocu50th li 23tw removal mes hall respectfully informs his friends public that he has removed from the tavern md lately occupied by him in johnson street to tavern snuated at the foot of store street and thy the late mr faan h is thankful for the liberal support he has t hved since his commencement in business o f ires his friends that his attention will always he t xted to keeping his house supplied with the w wines liquors iiitgston oct 16 1835 toronto correspondent will copy i iwraent three times and charge the advertiser pk1zb 3iedals it is hereby announced that the natural his tory society of montreal has resolved to offer four medals fur the best essays pre sen red during this year medals are offered accordingly 1st for the best esay on the comparative num bers of the ancient and modem aborigines of ameri ca and on the causes whether moral or physical of their gradual disappearance 2d for the best essay on the catscacc of the ri ver and gulf of st lawrence 3d for the best essay on any scientific subject at the discretion of the writer 4th for the best essay on any subject connected with literature generally the conditions are 1st the essays shall be presented on or before the 20th of february 1836 2d the esuay may be in french or english 3d the i and residences of the author most he concealed to ensure uhkh each ewa shall have a motto and shall be accompanied by a sealed note superscribcrl with the same mono ami containing the name and residence of ihe author this note shall only be opened in the caae of tha essay being declared worthy of a prize oiherwiw it shall bo destroyed 4th the successful essays shall remain the pro perty of the society 5th the society reserves to itself the riht withhold the prize should no one of the essays any particular subject appear the esavs are tu headdrt m d corresponding secretary uf andrew h oct 13 1335 wanted an active and inljliieiit ymin unnariied man capable of taki charge of a rritiwg office to whom a fair salary will be given and who is expect ed to board and lodge in lite advertisers house apply if by letter post paid to the proprietor of theuritish whig kingston nov 4th 1833 for sale at montreal qn terms very favorable fourteen batteaux ca pable of carrying 250 barrels of flour all in excel- lent order and condition apply if by letter post paid to h f esperance griffin town montreal nov 1835 276m notice the copartnership heretofore existing between us in kingston i c under the name and style of charles willard co and in montreal l c un der the name of henry hart co is this day dis solved bv mutual consent henry hart charles willard kingston oct 30 1s35 27 five days xater fiiou england by the packet ship north amrica capt dixev from liverpool whence shesailedon the 2d of oc tober the editors of the commercial advertiser have received iheir files of london papers futheeveniu of the 1st ami of liverpool 10 the morning of the 2d inclusive the intelligence derived from these pa pers mii be found below citeatdkitaiw our last london paper before this arrival was of he evening of die 25th of september we continue our sumoiaries and extracts from that date ihe recent ebullitions ofpopular violence in this country are much and seveiely commented on in the english papers full details are given of the various lynch aflairs of the riotous proceedings in several oi our principal cities of the pmvesairfto have been made up as a rewnd for ihe seizure of mr tappan of the letter written by the postmaster- general ffiid other matters hrliidl erve to vilifv the good name of the america people the king nnd queen of belgium arrived nt ramsgate on the 29th of september on a isii to ihe dutches of kent ttho if king leopold sister mr oconnell had set out on his return to ire land and was expected in dublin on the 29th of september great preparations were made for his reception he wrote from kelly on thc2lih to a friend in dublin insisting either that their should be no procession in his honor or that all ban- ners harls c should be hud aside without ex- ception i spain the latest intelligence liom modrid is to the 23d of september a lm to ihe karis tetter of the 20ib in the mornine post of the 1st october states lhat great agitation prevailed on the bourse and tliht spanish securities were rapidly falling on account of alarmitg tumors from madrid it was reported thai the queen and the ministry had fled and that a strong force of liberals marching up- on the capital demanding the constitution of 1612 these however were mere reports from other sources it appeals that the formation of juntas stitl continued and that they were reso lute in their demands the dismissal of the twe- no ministry gave groat satisfaction a cofnpira cy is said to have been detected at st sebas- timip the object of which was to deliver the place to the carlisle tlw english auxiliaries ere actively engaged in raising extensive furtificatjonsat bilboau the junta of cadiz have published a mani festo declaring count torcno guilty of high tre- sou gen mina hnsheen mice more appointed captain- general of catalonia general aava had set out lor madrid to enter upon the dmif s of his appoint ment as secretary for foreign affair the french papers say that the portuguese govern ment ba refused to march truops into spain at the requisition of the queen recent there ore arious and coiiflictifig reports of bkir- mislie between the carjists and christions but no thing certain or authentic count ahuodavar president of the valenciau junta had been compelled to ly by u popular com- tnuiou the english captain commanding at the biscay station bus transmitted the following letter to don carlos accompanied by a french translation of the same 1 was this morning the witness of the inostatru cious insults ever committed by the troops of any civilized country in direct violation of the must po 3tne assurance on ihe part of the responsible otli- crfftwho blockaded bilboa that the englih flag should be respected upon ilie faith of this piomise two open boats belonging to his ttiitanuicmaicsiy- brig ringdove descended the river to communi cate willi the superior ofticers ot the porlugaleite when they were attacked by a strong body of troop intienchcd on each side of the river and persons killed and wounded as the superior officer ii the command of his britannic majeaiv s hip employed nfl ibis was i prote in the name uf my country aoinsl ihi atrocious and deliberate assaimnattoii and unless the most complete satisfaction he gieu to the insulted flag of great bittain your royal highness will have to expect that vengeance which you have had the temerity to provoke on board the bri ringdove stationed atolayciigb september 3 1335 how me ml vegctwo poisoa were poiicting thousands of pound per annum by the el of that vil cnmpounj iff 3mtoe j n aloci wmcli twy had the audacity to declare would cuf til ovcue bulwliitli iht hjit medical auttioriiie btdrtd by tho o- urn decision of juciii5 declared t bo horribly dettructiro of torn ia siiii i now cwlied aw iiass uer ivng puff of d iniraru eu j gj cnonnouij cxhnjiv pill wc ivdloircd with ffis w hi power ffsss ru down ufuo lhm and now thai -i- tg icr thiiv ziilz f tjjcvraonotsoll illa eoougb in a mouth t fitrnitb hammer itir the mu i auciiuacer era inn for his bit ijj seotui partner blv icntioti rwttll gain new bering otui prlitcr itrio severnlof ilw upper cttwldi ppo w hear tn mde ufthe l4 of certain place such for inuinco as the appoinuneotof the rev jatnoa gedde lo bo rector of hamilton in the name of common sense woufc whomado i gentlemao or any other ch urch of england minister in canada a rector a bottwf u a clergyman who ccivea llio l tithes u parfsl and it uic roceirirg of uiosr tixbes lliatconaliiutr him ministers are called vicar f rector other parish 2nd thoir ttfmtants cumtca- the real designation of r churili of engtaod sliniatr in up per canada is missionary uutilthi province it subdi-i- dm iflto parithesind saddled with tlto groat tiihe we hope we shall heir no more of ihoodieuj name of rector pa number otcnquifica have been made relative to tb identity of the gentleman wjioperfunned tbe office of haag- mau on the latemelanclioly ivi sorn peroos au4rt htn tobothe while nigger oihere again eropoilire thai one of the prisoner wait jack ketch whil we are euooet equally certain that the ditor of uio ucllevillo inlelltaooe was the man who earned the tn pounj one thing is cbruria no man over evinced so mm h anxiety to hang hu follow crea tor as the belleville jew 4fii ln miwll dtilwall hlfltfi uiottttuau jlftcllug ilow er cuna wc have searched the mitni papers rr ooi- uiin io satisfy ctjrioeiiyreipectiuthe ntovemanu of tho hoom uf asenbly the coitsidcra ion of the governors speech his been rcfcnvj to a sloot committee who will prepare reply- a till h betrt read second lime appointing 5tr roebuck agem for theprovine the appointment of a man 0 inimical lo his majmyi fliinister docs not look wu tie house is employed in routine busine r3wethuuljbc happy if some pundit learned io the law wuld inform us why the colour people pell the name of bir lonn wiih twooathc wry is pelled in england sl germany i coiwr 79 to be sojldy the material uf thk block huvsi at prfifrcott ont inner obvc krnpior 311 tmekef i603 s tende8s ill lio rtcvivifd mi thia office from persons dcrifoiw of purrliaainff ihe aine address ed to the reifciive officers if ilie ordnance kins- mon until thc20ih nnvembtw next facts and scraps ig of it- deairrvi m beaddreccl o a f ho he so i akmol 10 illicit recording ftcrtjn vc 22tc thi3 ad- the subscriber will nt all times pay cash for grind merrhan- talte wheat nthi mill waterloo t and at m state house upon the hun john kirh wharf for any quantity of pork and potash vv yakker kiiurslnn ortubrr 23i j 1s33 23 to let- part of a comfoiihlle family residence miunied in ihe mom dcirablc part of the l tiihn apply to the editor kingston oct 23d 1635 24 2i jkwiags can conveniently accommodate tltree more vounp gentlemen aa bentrder they will he prepared hh may be required for cullege the lea profeih bione or the counting house applcaj ma made at his academy next to the lancastenan school or at his residence point street october a6ih 1835 253ia i uilom vt btrjlollcr our rohttrnporarieti with fulsomo praise llicy are not aturlcd wr imagined ivchal praised the v c albion ty die editor n licarl lomenl but il senilis we are ruibtakeo like momus wq mcnuoncj tho liipcr of vmn anl lo i wc liave comrnitd a inoruj offence we n ptm again anj a5in that unless our conlernporary will iddke lis compositors learn the diuoction between a comma mid a semicolun the fureo ofhlfhia writmftwill bo much duni nisliml in the ery column in which li alludca toatypo- rapliicaurror in ilttt whig fifty errors of that kind maybe found to the mnuu detriment of ihe writers meaning tha true utiton u alo angry with us fur nod cut b political bia- i with him however our cnuie proceeds friuii ignorance i be that a it may wc take ihe liberty of telling bun s wc con sider rueh publications as llio 1 herald and true li however ably conducted to be highly detriment l totho liber- lic 6f ibabflttahptll of die lower canada population they keen alive tliatciinnty unhappily enbling with ihe canadian of french origin and lltuio from great biitam and are iho main cauc if rcjitiiigoiicciiin being mad- by ih house of atinhly ihat arj u limjly called lot byvry liimt man iii the province a- in our ignorant opinion it w tho ltntih pirtufthc population ihat is laboring under political and do meuc griovjnco so we must also think t tlittt every person who prevenu lhoo grievances from being redrcsud must be an eneaiy to thai paituf the population c the mtto vork commercial advertiser gives ihe follow irig important piece of information to tha amcricau public a ucvv louden maynr has been ejected lor lundon wiu liaiii taylor coielanil csq one of tie board of aldermen one would hava imagined that a newspaper so profoundly learned in englsh iffairf wculdfeave kcwd that a new lord to tut editor of 77ie british wuiq dr george baker j- p and his 1000 acre farm ii although for several year past iq various circle ad an various occasions dr baker bu been tho tuhject of remaik on account of the tremendous swath be culj and dignity and importance he equine without any regard from whence ha sprung or in what m ve was educated and brought up but merely in reference lo what he really is in and of himself ao4 more particularly since he has bud a handle added j bis name and become ovrrflouiug with loyalty for i muet not focgat to mention rjijl among all ilm smalltalk his exploits wer moie tlran hinted at accompanied with a wink or ahrugof lh shoulder but sir neither myself those said circles nor the public who have also bad an ca upon him sinco he com- mencej routing toalftj and since it was known jbftt tbo go- vernmuiit in addition to 6iiog tho handle to bs namff had al so fixed biro out with laud oorea one thousand a snug faiiii in these hard limes by way of suppoiiiug hi dignity i suppose were not prepared unlit wesaw sourraotarksiuiba whig oftio27lh of lastmoiubioha what used only to b hinted at and whispered as a secret proved beyond ihe pos bijitv ofn doitm vfe ipon no x jritv thin 1irtjavli ot 1 otet ouft uh- w dw ay one i am sure thai bus thu lean noujutliifc with thut gentleman will for a moment doubt the truth of what lie staled i fay we were not prepared tu liiivo such proceedings proved against the moat supeib loyal dr j p i wonder if il was foi those loyal acts rnantioned by mi davy that the government nude a j p of him and gavo hitn tho ltloo acre farm if it was not i wonder what lhay will tbiidc of uieir new friand and biotlier aid i also wonder whether a they canncit uke back tbe farm they will let htio keep the handle also and 1 fuither wonder iviitihjh if the governmctit does not iee fit lo iak back the j p our of her worthy j ps of ihe district will rest easy and ret witb htm on the bench with mr davys statement atariogtbemla iik face or whether they will refuse to do so and desire ilia government to aend him adrift 1 suppose timo wiluhow wbal u ut become of all my wonderments however 1 may per haps be permitted to make one remark and that u our j pa generally of ihi district arc tolerably and some of them au- peruy wd to in tlieir proiatiuoaa and tf i am no4 much mislaken if they contmuo to bench with the j p under coo- siilciail i oiher toiba will consider hero just aboul as loyal oj he is an old saying is thai you can know a man by the company he kdtlp but 1 will not anticipate avil but good and iharefoo wih believe until roiced to do otherwise that in case the government do not uko it up our magistrates wil and tul souirv davy will manfully step forward first oo iba list relative to the grant of land 1 assuie you that sioca it hi lcoq knovrn not a little dissat fraction and distrust hm been manifesto amunc tho puhbe aod no wonder tor it must bo romembered tliut atlho limo his tojuabu trzit wujo rewarded with 8tn acre uio government were ihrowbagayery obstacle in they way of the faithful and honest milita obubaiat 100 acres for ix months privations sacrifice and faithful duty and the l e loyalist for their true aod faithful allachmenl c and uic circumstances you mention of his hating a license at the lima ho served will increase rather than dimi nish tfiat dissatisfaction and distrust and there isanotbercir- cumstanco which makes it still mora squally his having re ceived 200 acigs in tha year 1s13 tm a settler for i will thank any one to shew in any one instance whero a grant haa been made to a settler of the description of george baker an american born subjoet aince tho laio war cieapt to this in- lance it would ccm he does nol spout loyalty for nothing anxiously hoping that either the government our rnagitimictj or boih will wka such steps as the public have a right to ea- peel under the eircunutlancea of the casa allow me to aubscrirja mvsclf for the prtamt hope camden nfx 3d t8s5 editors notb vehav bean tolicitad to publish tho of ficial ducufnvtltp relvrrod to by us in our espse uf mi bakera jrnlof land their length prevents us wocao find roojn howaver for mr- datys allidavit copv bath juna 25ih 1835 hearing ihnt dr george baker lataofuatb now of king ston hftsmadi application for a grant of land for hiaaarvicea iiii 1 u ail knowing him to be wholly undeserv ingof tlieaaaio i hereby inform your excellency that i hovo kuown the taid baker to harbor that noted spy and pirate wil liam johnstms all through the hie war io hia house and about his place io 0aih havomfii him mvself uervodallt r reteb davy 39 to hiseaaoueacy sir john colborna ice tita r