the british whig and general advertiser p the midland district 9 published semiweekly on pkit k picon by e j barker m d oi iv kingston v c tuesday november 10 i83s no- 29 the itkltlsn whig semiweekly journal devotetl tu commercial and utical information puhliilied every toesdny and friday rvuij by dr bilker editor 1 proprietor at tna ofiicein j stmt nxi dtor to the commercial hotol zkkm for the british whig seventeen aillins siiijierco perannuroif paidin advance or within three mhfroro the receipt of the firm number nnd one pound lolloetej si ihfl end of the year eicluaivc of postage noisbscription received for less titan pis months and no pif difconiiriacd until all avreaiages arc paid up except at i option oftho publisher linn and under s 60 first inter- si tod 7d each subsequent iicrtion ten lined and tin si 4d first insertion and 1 0j each uuequfnt in tor lion aoveten line 4o per lino for the first insertion and id per is lor every subsequent insertion adtertisrnents without written directions are inserted till bid and ehafgsd accordingly orders tor discontinuing vartisemenlstoboin willing produce of every kind received in payment no letters uken in except from agents unless post just received and for sale by ihe subscriber english mould candles starch blue liver pool soap white ditto 20 brls north shore herrings with a variety of seasonable dry gomt t macjvjder kingston oct 26th 1835 25 md ieuer press printing unuiaf i- mulnu in j de natch upon term unprccd6ml jtt in uper cnir1 a work tj b pit j fur within three irmnllii after cm- jion kingston aug 1835 family grocery provision store a patrick kgan oilers for sale in llllt promises in the market square laiely occupied by mr scnnlan o well t5j elected assorimtiunl teas groceries izlj spices tobacco sione ware com jrooinsaud almost every article in the provision rocery line at extremely low prices having urchased bis flood himself for cash only in lie flnnreal and new yirk marker market square oct jotf 183 3 corn bnoous irmsks ust received and for sale bv the subscriber 50 dozei corn brooms whisk patrick eoan market square oct 20m 1685 23 jyotice office ororriiumrc kington 3m october 13 to be let for a term of years with the right of resuming the same if required for the public ser vice the small dwelling house lately occupied by ihe guard at prescott or the same will be let by the year fersons willing to enter into an agreement for the name will be required to give security for the due fulfilment of the lease when immediate posses sion might be obtained tenderswill be received at this office addrcvei to the respective officers of the ordnance until the 20ih november next 37 fresh arrivals just innding by the subscriber from the iroquois and dolphin barges now lying at the ottawa com pauytf wharf- 20 kb 5 to rattmers liuam patrick market square oct s0l 1335 23 fbesh lemons fev boxes just received and vt sale hv ihe sub- aiber patrick egan market square octsoa is35 23 w hhds bright muscovado sugar double refined loaf do 30 chests assorted twankay young hyson and hohea teas 6 puncheons fine flavored jamaica rum 5 pipes cognac brandy otard dupuy cns brandy g pipes hollands 2 fine old port wine 3 east india madeira g hhds brown and gold sherry 2 pipes l p- tenerifle 30 quarter casks bordeaux vinegar g barrels cod oil 150 boxes liverpool soap 100 4i poland starch 3 ct new ood rk 20 barrels north shore herrings 10 i -s- dgby herrings 20 barrels stockholm pitch tar a rosin 150 coils fresh liverpool rope 26 assorted anchors from 4 lib to 3cwt itli a general assortment of ship chandlery gisokge armstrong kingston oct- 31 1335 2t stoste vase toweurots pmw churns cream and iptiinof stone ware kklmtt jrs and every dew vrtleby patrick egan market square oct 20th 23 oii to nous kdigo locont sail pcrre toot sal eriiiu n utmost and fad ground and whulc kepi for vale lij ivail ash arra uics of every ia arkrt squre oct patrick egan 20ia 1si t apples ici few barrels of genesee pippins for sale by patrick egan narttt square oct 23 133 2 fine cut american tobacco fit snuff or sale by the subscriber mrft0 b millers lorillards tobacco in 1 2 s or paper ho mnrcohoy scotch rappeeand snuflk patrick egan j marie square oct 23rrf li5 21 jrass se1ds uf every tlwciirtlim j patrick egan i aferhf sflifarc w 3r 1833 2 i r due now re- to whom fh 1- assignment made to ufl of the deb hihe late finn of mulhnllaml twigg tased in tfcvof nf mr henry mtilhnlbuit ji tle outataudine debt aw w be paid- arthur foster danirl caffry a cambboni kingston tib ocu 1835 commcreiai bank notice is hereby given that the books of sub- scriptinn fur the new slock in this institmion will ite opened at he different places as mentioned br- low on tuesday be first day of december nexif at the hour of ten in the foienomi and closed at three oclock same day according to the act no person can subscribe for more than eighty shares kwgloi at the bank tcirorto office of the bank brockviluy messrs a w morris co prtxcoft hiram norton esq bytatcn messrs g r lang- cornwall g c wood eq pcrlk a leslie esq j0fdwwdavid smith esq jiem7etho parker esq cvbavrg it henry esq port ifcpe david smait esq dundati b ewart esq hamilton gore dit c ferris ca niagara james loekhari esq london c goodhue esq sandwithyi dougall co amherstburgh clms berczy eq a meeting ol flic sroawflcr vft hvrfartf es called for tuesday the lth day of december next at ii oclock iu the forenoon at the bank to electa director in the place of the hon c w grant resigned and other purposes by order of the board f a harper cashier iorsale at the subscribers leather store 50 do- plat and round corn brooms 10 do superior grass cradle syihcs 200 bis salt fresh front the works 50 do mackarck cash paid for hides sheep calf skins william ford marketplace kingston july lllililssr 4 5 wanted itjligetll youncr unmarried min an arrive and capable of taking charge of a printing office to whom a fair salary will lie given and who is expert cd to board and lodge in the advertisers house- apply if by letter ost paid to the proprietor nt die british whig kingston nov 4ih 1s35 advertisement tr johkoliphant merchant tuitor egs leave to inform bis friends and the public pnerauy thai he has just arrived from quebec jfld montreal with as complete an assortment of s in his line as was ever offered ml kings- nan amongst winch will be found the following ittfwmtof england black blue olive invisible green loudon brown and delhies cloths single jjdird black cassimcic vesting m is d wire and brown cloths double and triple milim ptimeres bnd isuckskin do black petersham 1 quality of pilot cloth c- c with trim- el and every thing in the business hue winch hecanaupply the trade with on reasonable terms bipoh cash five or six fintnli workmen warned a suit of clothes furnished in twelve gpwrt the latest fashions for october just re- to be sod tub hatbbuu op tilt block house at rnescott ontaaiw office irtgwfs sw odowr 1533 j tenders will be received at his ollice from persons desirous of pnrcliasing lie same address ed to the respective officers of the ordnance kinij- b until the20h november next bteambmtts would reinaiij nt home rail roads have tonv million of human beings and tons of mercha iiutume which if such works hud never lrfr effected must have remained stationary 1 he projector of the eii canal was scofted at as a visionary unworthy of attention tie idea of cutiin a ditch through hvadreds of miles of unin habited forest appeared fc manv io be ridiculous that canal has nowevei proved a vnst source of national wealth and has added value to ihe state of new york beyond all cv and is become perhaps the greatest thorhfare iu the world the press lias the povc of contributing more tban any thing else to tin promotion of public im provements and newpxp jk other public works beget n increased demand for them as they are made more interesting an increasingly useful many persons think tlttre are already too many newspapers in upper gtada if any there bt nhich are made the veiling of slander tlie origina tors of falsehood ind misvipresentation the abettors of disaffection the promovrs of discontent and dis satisfaction if ttieir colmuis arc polluted by a dis graceful lote of dctraciim displaying a vindictive feeling which induces or imii a wanton attack on the character or feelings of individuals and more especially when this is dote for the purpose of sup porting a miserable and tiintempiihle spiri of par ty if there arc any newtppers of this description ihey are a bane to anycouitry and the sooner iliey are extirpated the belter this however can oul he done by the increased intelligence and iinprovell taste of the public and the existence of such oftevil rather than proving that there are already tuj many newspapers fur nishes an argument in txox of additional ones ol u belter class and conducted upon higher principle when it is the ardent usire of editors of public journals to assist in ihe cc tension of our commerce and the improvement of our agriculture to disse minate knowledge io promote and support our public improvements 1 decry disunion and io allay uncalledfor disconeot to become the advo cates of order and umounr the cause of the general welfare and above all msn nn editor makes truth btuwimi wndm ifnafnufc hillhnwwe to its prac- ticvi newspapers conducted upon sveh principles can rarely he too numerous at leas hq for as the public are concerned and should jlev become so llc hfect to the publisher will be the nme as iu all ulher cases where ihe supply exceeds the demand with a determination to be governed so far as he is able by such views the editor uf ihe albion op upifin canada begs leave to introduce him self to the public the atjbiox of upper canada will iu the first instance h publuhed every sa- tuiday no a large double sheet of gmod paper and with new type its leading articles will be devotes to the com merce ilte agriculture and the pubhv improvement oftlte colony it will be beside the constant aim nl the editor to introduce kucli n variety of literary uud scientific suiyectsi as will at the saue time amuse and instruct feeling assured that jch incidental rradinar byo4 ry mc elo adapted bv improving the public taste tu lead li from the exciting and debasing influence partv politics the aldion will comain the most veceut political news from europe together with 1i19 most interest ing local intelligence from all parts ov england ire land and scotland a comptrative weekly statement f barometrical and thermometries observations taken 011 ihe shores of lake huron at toronto an in lower canada an abstract will be given of the di 0 both bouses of the dritisli paliatncnt aitj a correct re port of the proceedings of the uppr canada pro vincial parliament xwv wftwwaftfl dwvtiitioituf farm produce in the city otlorontou monthly lisss of bankrupts deaths marriage naval and military ptonottois c from the old country agencies will be established lirouglioiit the pro vince bribe purpose ofubiauing such local coin- muuicatioiis as may be iuteiesing advertisements will be inserted on the usual lermv- nmnes ofnubcriiera will m received at the al- hion office south east corner of the market buil dings mr kowscll staiioner no 32 king street mr- djiv stationer king street messrs ward collins printers newsireet toronto and at every pom office hi the province- bthe price of the paper will be four dol lars per ucmim payment in advance halfyearly all letters must be pw pall torouto september 1935 lect and publish the facts on both aides of the ques tion that he may enable his readers to judge f r themselves and by a judicious selection of corn- he would ask for what purpose the agent was to be named was it for the purpose of filling tiewspa- perswith correspondence t was it for the purpose if annftying the commissioners and impeding their enquiries did no miscellany iple ugit and it would cause an expense which miht be avoid ed it would shew a forgetfulness of the power with which the commissioner are intrusted and be ibe mercial and agricultural information poetry anee- means of fomenting distentions already too violenl dotes and other amusing and entertaining extracts he hopes to make the thavellkr a welcome guest wherever it may travel the titavfillkr will contain twetityfour columns of letterpress and will he printed with new type nn good pnper and furnished to subscribers in the village and those who take the paper froir the of fice at twelve shillings and six pence per annum if paid in advance or before the end of ibree months and fifteen chiilings per annum if paid at the expi ration of the year if sent by mail four shillings exira must be paid for postage and papers will be delivered at suitable places within eight miles of the ijstrict town for lire sum of two shillings and six pence extra for each subscriber subscriptions thankfully meeivfd by the pub- cecil mortimer booksttler and stationer hallowcll u t nov 1835 1 he would once more deviate that he appose the measure on account of its prtn- be on account of the time chosen for bring- forward he thought that at least it ought to e postponed until they 1ma reason to complain of the commission mi ded and matters were extraohd1nary adventure of a young lady of fortune on thursday morning information was given at the police rtationhousenl greenwich by the driver nf a cabriolet that he had been engaged at five o clock that morning to bring down two persons to greenwich he stated that they had alighted from a postchaise and four at the triumphalarch op posite cousiituiiuiihiil hyde park and thev bad directed him to drive to greenwich which he hud done and hrtrj left litem at the buffalo head pub lic house gardenstairs leading to the steamboat pier as directed by hem but their conduct appear ed so extraordinary and suspicious that he had thought it proper to give information to the police he said they had luggage with them and had paid him li as his fare on hearing the above state ment policesergeant mcgill no 19 and consta ble duke of the r divmous mweded to the ruf- fttlos head which is kept by mrs larkin and found the parties described by the cabriolet thivei regaling themselves with spirits c one of them was attired in a watermans dress and stated that he came from windsor the oilier was dressed ns a sailor with black cutly locks and bushy whiskers and a green shade over one eye lseing unable to obtain any satisfactory account from them as to who they were they were taken to the statijnhouse where ihe feminine voice of one of the parlies who had remained silent up to that time led to the dis covery that sjhe was a female this led to further interrogatories but the parties refused to disclose anything accounting fur their diguise on ihe act ing inspector asking the lady her name she replied that her mnne was jack wilder and that her ad dress was m over the world she added that her companion was her servant and that his name whs john wilder with no fixed place of residence the aciing inspector informed the lady that he must detain her to undergo jn examination before the ma gistrates when she asked whether the law sould pre vent her as a british subject going abool in what dress she thought proper so long cs she did no harm both the unknown were then charged with being in greenwich under suspicious circum stances and the lady as well as her trunks were searched on her person were found several let ters addressed to her they were written by n gen tleman residing in henrietta street convent gar den and commenced my dear miss sanford the contents generally were to the effect that now- she had come of age ww was entitled to a consider able property and stated that he had paid upwards of 1 lwq for ticfi nlucu jh iqpfd jte aught be al lowed 10 deduct out of her luituue another stated that her coachmaker had called upon him for the amount of his bill for building a carriage for her wishing to know if it could be discharged the same commuricitiiiin remonstrated with her upon her extravagance and referred to her escape from an arrest by u sheriffs officer the writer ob serving that be was not altogether sorry that she had got out of the officers clinches hut that he he writer had bad great difficulty in preventing the posting n ittrllutot said that he was of a very differ ent opinion according lohis excellencys speech un opening the present eessiou there would be nb decision 011 the affairs of the country until nert year and whilst the question remained undent- highly intemtiog to the country progress ought they tacitly to ackaowlcte to great britain that justice had been done 10 the country by neglecting to name an agent t he thought the measure was introduced just at the propper moment and considered ttperfetlv proper the commissioners were not the agents of the people they were deputed by the imperial gov ernment and ihe people ought still to have their agent iu england they might as well reason that because there were judges in a court there was no need for suitors to employ lawyers luupft- itrs as to the expense that was a minor con sideration when tle liberty of a whole people was in question pounds shillings and pence ought notto begrudged mr marin after making some observation which we mil jennings can conveniently accommodate three more young gentlemen as boarders ihey will he prepared as may be required for college the learned profes sions or the counting house application may be made at his academy next to the lancastrian school or at his residence point street october 26th 1835 253 w had friend uf john doe london 1 and kuhard roe from oris ai d dover with hills containing prospectcs beginning in the utter end djvirwiftm or the of december trill bt ftghlitd jvv 1 of a me weekly pmiodieau to sb kstlted the traveller or prince edwakd gazette as it is now nearly eleven ininths since any news pnpei lias been published in rie district it is pre the xew steam boat kingston 13th october 1ss5 32 the subscriber illaiall timespay cask for good merrhan- jble wheat at hi j mill waterloo and i at bfr ore house upon the hon john kirby s wharlj or m quantity of pork aild yabkek- kingston october 23rd 1835 jj for sale at montreal sfn terms very favorable fourteen iieaus co suk of carrying 250 barrets of flour nil m exceu ivent order and condition apply if tetter post h f bsperanct griffin towm mcmrea o 1s33 cobimodobe barbie cpf jajtles sinccaiu will for the remainder of the season perform her trips on the uay and river as tilm- will leave kingston for the hay on mondays thursdays and return on tuesdays and fridays will leave kingston for prescoii o0 tuesday anil friday evenings and return on wuditesday and sunday mornings kingston 26 oct l83o raospecrus of n new weekly newspaper to be u1i4 the albion of upper canada jolkml of commkkce mh- twa anh of 5ciksce mimed thattlietrave persons of every parivi ires wi it i the same with newspapers boats canals and kail koids as ties and new accommodations are creased demand immediately bjljw thoutandtuf pcron itnl aailv ta with sicnm- icreased facih- creaied un in- iho but fcr likr witreceive support from who hying aside their pre- judires will unite ill esfithhsltng a vehicle for the expression of their wuuts and wishes their feelings and opinions instead ofnnmlly sending away se veral hundred pounds tor lltj purchase of other newspapers whose wishes are often opposed to our ow ti lts publisher i pledged k no party whatever hut although devotedly ullmed to his king ilia country ami the constitution if canada he will al ways be ready and willing t expose any known abuse iu the uuvcrmmrni ay depariurc from the path of duty in a seram of rl crown and being well aware tin the present mid fu ture prosperity of upper coda mainly depends on its connection with lliu bnjsh empire it will al ways be his endeavor to rlhrisll that connection and to frustrate ihe design f those who by dia- solvingi would lcid us to destruction theptibliaher uf the tftavi licr is well acquaint ed with the duties and rcspoitijbllithttf of the office which he is about to avnmie in determined 10 devote his tune aod tiler 0 ihe support of the king and constitution the ivoinoliuu of morality ths diffusion of useful knowl mentof the district in every fespecl and while he nil fearlcssl e men en aiy phtifa uiyii ivulct a description 0 her person a letter was also found on her person from a pawnbroker at kensington respecting some plate and valuable jewellery led by her with hilti tihe also hnd cah iu gold aid sil ver and twentylive franc pieces in her trunk was found female apparel and various dhguiws hy itig been divested of her whiskers and attired in a dress suitable to her rank and sex she was taken with her companion before colonel foreman one of the greenwich magistrates she then gave her name as miss ellm klllflbrd hut owing fts it was stated to her being highly connected hercxamina tinn was strictly private the magistrates decision as far as lite reporter could learn was for inspector thomas to conduct the fair fugitive part of the way to london and pre vent her being annoyed by ihe hundreds that were assembled outside uf the office and then to allow her once more to enjoy the sweets of her liberty the fair adventurer appears to beabor twentyone yetrs of age five feet six inches high and of very prepossessing appearance at the same lime her companion was discharged out of custody wri- ing post- xioweh canada ge and the improve 5 own efolk opj col- house of assembly wfdnfsdav october 26u assemblys agent in london the only order of the day was for the second reading of the hill to appoint on agent fur the pro vince in ureal britain mr mirrin inning nsked the house to dispense villi the rending at length of the bill it being his in tention to move its reference to a committee of the whole mr gngtf rose and said that on any other occa sion but the present he would not oppoc the prin ciple of the hill nor under any other circumstances but be present it was certainly extremely ncccfr sary that an agent for ihe province should be in england but at present when a commission had been scut out tu investigate ihe oflmrs of the coun try there was no necessity fomn agent in england there was no necessity fur their appointing a per son to do ihat in england which could be done here by themselves that was only doing by a circuit- could not distinctly hear respecting mr gugys support of the late administration and hostility td the present asked whether the commissioners had been delegated by the lords and commons of great britain if that was shown to be the case he would have 110 objection to postpone the nomination of an agent mr gugtj in answer to mr morin first obser vations said that he was very happy to lenrn from the hon member that the king had at presents majority in iho llmm thff tnwe sows tffta mifrflv would thereby have the powerful support of the hon member as tohisfmr us niiport of any admuiitttiation he denied beingennnected with any and spoke his cnlimcnts in the houhc without fear of government or party and would beg of the hon member toiestrain hisasrerbity when speaking of his mr gs position io ihe house last session which had been any thins but pleasant but ho had spoken his sentiments and would never do otherwise mr morin had asked it the commissioners had their au thority from the imperial legislature in answer to this he mr g would say that then appeared tu he one circumstances which ought to have struck mr mortu but which ind apparently escaped the observation of llnu gentleman it was this the person rained fts agent for the assembly of ibis province had after the appointment of the commis sioners by the british government been reinsert admittance to the colonial office in that capacity and being a member of the house of commons ba certainly would have made a complamt to that body had he seen that the course pursued by the govern ment in nominating a commission by which means a more impartial knowledge of the affairs of this country could be obtained than through an agent appointed by a party was not agreeable to the house of commons it was therefore to be pre sumed that the mouse of commons had acquiesced in the appointment of a commission mr morin said that mr gugy t not under stood his question he mr m meant to ask whether the commission had been invested by the lords and common of great britain with full pow er to decide upon all the grievances complained of ay cilivpupib hi i jmhh v jiw itlucr uinutf nun be the case there were a number of bad laws pass ed by the imperial parliament relating to this pro vince which could only be amended by that body and the present of an agent was required for that purpose there are also some other subjects which had not been touched upon in the speech of h e such us the desmtuiiou of certain public officers of their offices judge kerr for instance into whose conduct an enquiry was e till pending in england and the presence of an agent was required mr 0cataghan got up but was interrupted hv the speaker who said that the debate so far had been irregular their being no question before the chair after a few more words however had pass ed between messrs gugyand morin n the speak er this difficulty was obviaied by mr morin mov ing that the bill should be referred to a committee of the whole house on friday next mr ggp would offer no new observations but beg the house tu understand that in pressing a di vision he did so with a perfect conviction of the re sultand as perfect a conviction that it was his du ty so to do he would however say that but for the presence of the commission he would not have op posed ihe bill leaving it to its ate elsewhere jmr ocattagamsuid that mr gugy had sraied that mr roebuck had been refused admittance to the colonial office as agent of the house of as sembly mr gugy however by referring to the printed correspondence between that gentleman and ihe speaker of the house would porveive that he was in error that mr roebuck had been received at the colonial office en quatite p agent mr btrthelot had but one observation to offer ifthc house omitted to name att agent at present it would be inferred in england that justice had been rendered to the country which was very far from being the case mr gog in answer to mr 0callaghaiis ofc scrvatious said that he had been misunderstood by that hon member he mr r had stated that mr roebuck hid been refused admittance to the colonial office en quatite d a gent y after the ap pointment of the commission mr ctapham mid that in consequence of the ar rive of the commission the presence of an agent iu england was quite unnecessary nrd the appoint ment would have been waste of the public money he thought that the commission ought to be allow ed a fair chance ofinvcslignting the grevnnces of the country before such a measure as the present was resorted to the house then divided on mr morins motion for the inoiion 55 against the motion messrs bakr blackburn bowman claphain gugv pow er wells wood 8 the house atljournd at halfpast five oclock am the assembly have thrown out sc measure brought under their consideration a few duvs ao by mr uii mthon what could be done by direct meana jde bleury whieh bad it been permitted to pass