British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 10, 1835, p. 2

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tl tended lo much coo throughout he might httvc province lthiaoe been aclmiittii that liie judicature sys tem of ijowrr canada was impeilect and inadequate t the wvj of tlu people expensive hi its effects upon the suitors and noi mifficienily dstributcd to ho of much use m the distant settlements to re medy this bills hive been before both brandies of the lcgislatun fur nearly thc last twenty years the olfrpriug of various mimf and framed on very op posite pi inciplt but hitherto no fixed determination lias been the result the printing uf these various plans all of them of extreme length during tlic pe riod lv which we have alluded would havcdefiaycd the ealan sol i wo additional judges mr de ilieury acting upon a proposal wliich has frequently been made hi refer the matter it a hoard of commissioners for due enquiry into the most el- fective remedy to be applied to the existing defects moved an instruction to l0 standing committee on courts of jusiicc to enquire whether it would not be expedient to pass a kill advising his excellen cy the governor in chief to appoint five coram- doners to draft o project for regulating the adminis tration ofjusiice in this province the said ijji- misai oners to he appointed from ttino rjg nracii tionersatlhcbars ofqucc montreal and three rivers rfc two from ctabcc two from montreal and one from tbfcfl hirers in support of his pro portion he stated the great variety of opinions which had hithcrio prevailed in the legislature and no- ticed the advantages which had accrued from simi lar commissions in england for enquiry into the most efficient mode of improving the preexisting code- his desire was to have the whole judicature system amended instead of proceeding by parts as had already been proposed by mr vanfclson foi the court of appeals and mr power for the infe rior terms of the kings bench- in this view mr vanfelson joined mr be bjacry and supported the instruction to the committee the only opposition verbally oflered tn ihe ni ilioa was by mr- l m vigor who thought thai stub an instruction was paying a poor compliment tn the committee who might yet bring forward a measure on this point and be ready to proceed to ita discussion dining the pre- 1 mr- berth lot w lance whatever in which might b drawn ui by commissioners to lie named by lis excellency the inter gentleman wished to have a bill drawn up within and not from without the iiouc whih we presume u deemed to contain all the collective wisdom of the province mr lafuntaiuc and mr isedard thought the motion ought to be made towards the dose ol a session af ter all hopes of perfecting dill during the session linlakgkmkst of tlik krii vasal tllc cllllltl board having caused miveys n nrl estimates to ho made for the improvement of the line canal and the engineers having suhmyid then report the board on friday last proceeded ton final decision on the extent of the enlargement is v their resolu tions which are annexed it will be seen that the en larged canal is to be seven feet deep and seventy fret wide at the surface andlhatihe locks ore to he s iwi v luc discretion by escaping with not have been poi i liia retreating he book upon matters as soon as look to see hole b i i dear pair of heel aid inns si thing which might a few weeks hence it it presumed will write a 1 things in the united states he is fuirj nt home in which we may ourselves used up with a little les re morse and with mor rancor than has vet been dis- tprinials of flour the linn prtclor is uninsured the tt lift and the ndjainiu stables and ihe steam engine would ioe trying played ill such a protection delias had a 1 10 feel long between the quum pnstn nud 1g feel lime uf it particular of late and has been skipping de in the dear tbcplvseilt canal i four feet from place to place minn alacrity which nothing and the pre- but fear could inspire nil nf course take his meni from its persual j n deep and forty feet wide at the suifacc and the pre sent neks are 93 eel long between the quoin pots and 13 feet wide in the clear thus ilii great question has hern defin set- have become tolerab tied after maturedelibcratimi and a full expression little doubt but that w of ihe public scntune it in relation to it as the work will he prn ecuted chiclly during the winter rnonilm and while the navigation is suspended its completion cannot be expected in a less period th ten or twelve years then with its inaed width and depib irs walled sides exten and it vast commerce it my rot among the wonders of the i ne improvement we understand is estima ted e cost about twelve millions uf dollar the canal board will proved with all practicable rapi dity during the next iutef awoty argus the mysterious lady a she is termed ap pears before a moiuril audienre for the first time tonight and repeats her performances btao tumor w iraiit the pro- ofibia fine build- were itdueed to ruins have been destroyed weir i not that it was situated beneath a stone arch it was imputid into this country nlmilt the year 1830 the los is estimated at gqdxmonrat ilcrou ilallevs comet during its present revolution is is undeigoimra mot vigilant examination by astrono mers ivolussor jolin of itnioi gilead w e revenge in the only ww hi h us iiii his pen but there is balm in ease hardened and lhc u shall survive the infliction for our own pans fti shall awai r coming of die kainblesofan with great inpa- a promise onselves an infinity of amuse- his sorted thai it has two tal we power by lynching i pert a particular account ufiho d i col lege lias as may slmrtly ex senvorv ib t british wh kisc8tox tuksoay klkxg noi 10 185 provincial r i me lormer eanca iiiim i oiimiuii mi iue 4 m ti t- 7 nn and he lauer the 3ih com liverpool oi mr john oliphani i halted bay car m 0 thc 7 uf 0cbe rf liv kingston was consuiud hv firo nic house was li q i fft f j i u1l oil uk jlljl row and saturday eei vertiwment for further ing we refer to the at the time unoccupiul the fire nriiiiaud in the outsde and was uitliut oni duub the work of an incoudiary chrtntt wi ihii ihwefen nifhse several rultianly outrage atl- 1 have hven romiuiticd upon our peaceable ant unuf- powcr on the subject fion loudon ami new york papers altliouh limited for room uc cannot refrain from devotiitff a few lines to iwr mysterioua ludyahip wliog like the delphic oracle of old clouded in mysterv uiihtlv surprised and delights her visitor atsaville palace bitions in loudon interests and novel pent session and by coud have no cut fit j said he i v the report ighis her imoug ihe bust of public cxhi- at the present time lor extreme iv tbs should m st certainly take the precedence we wcfd ushered into the splendid saloon in the midt of which snt this singularly ta- e p iilhd were lost a cliv isim beinv blueryvf motion wia wi by 22 mr ocallushun has introduced a majnnij the for mr h o 33 to sdjei of ufiips mr ei mr qalew noniinatian 10 the isench jydimsllv dm arfllifiitt ff a prayinp ijim excellency to inform ihrm of the in tentions of government on the sub tt of the com plaints preferred against judge gale and thai he would give thc hnnas copies of a he might have in hie possession case notwithtrtomfrut the oppisitioa of some ho norable members on the propriety of waiting til af ter thc answer of the speech had been presented the motion lf s ultimately adopted by a mnjniiiy ol 49 to 8 messrs linker iii icfcbiirn uowmur gugy moore power wells and wuoi we do nut see ill thc quebec papers any other matters of general interest tlie question of iriv- lcgein the legislative council m to have been aeiiled with cloaedd u mmu j fe not aiatw the council were to discuss yesterday hereportof thc committee appointed to draft an answer to the governor speech md in the mean time the draft is to be printed a gazette particulars and unable to fending fellowtownanvn air lune tailor on speak of our own knowledge in relation to her raaei- hi w hime atarked near mrs thoniaons cdl power wc tiaiismbc from the hills two notices bmldmg nnl beaten mr- mcmullen manooi ho waa pamtu noar the same plae on e believe the following night with his infmi in his arms received aeveie blow from a stone alarmed for tliesaliy of his child he called for assistance when mr corbler liutrhcr ran to ins relief at whom the scoundrel who had attacked mr mcmullen struck virh a stone in his hand he however did not escape without a well deserved and sound beating fivm mr mcmuilen who pre ferred summary jistie to the laws delay a res- iiut master carpenter hen entering his own another lespectable house with water near the ssaluied with a volley of atonesi but by a precipitnie ret rent he fortunaicly escaped without injury md on i hursday night as mr john mcguire vu standing on the side of bis wllorf a fellow rushed suddenly upon him seized him by his neckcloth and threw him into ihc water and but for timely asislance he would have been drowned the frequent recurrence of these wanton or mal icious outrages londly call for a more efficient system of police thanisat present established we are not advocates for lord ayors and state coach es and aldermen fattened at the public expense we always think of tu im ul venison and marrow puddings ipaifj ng ijrtn ecffl gffflmgttftf iwioiv r wjf- land on which happy soil they sire or were indilfe- verv late erou evglamd since our last publication two mote packets have arrived the president opt ripley from london nod the virginian capt harris from liverpool the former sailed from poi omoulh on the 3d of oct our london erpoul to tented lady thsre i nothing rcaurkable in her ap- master carpenter i penmnce savethtt shew youagand interesting j wamtrnck dowiu anal at a considerable disunccfioiu the company and k whilst filling a bucket completely nut of limti g vlltlan with her back tow- tlawa company wharf wa mls us she told the eulorofthe dresses of the spec i of atones but by a precipitate tutors name the various articles produced by them repeated the lowest whispers with unerring precision ami io fret pnfomied fio mmy extraordinary feats ill it we feel ourselves iueapible of doing her justice in the ifottripltolk the exhibition is very fashion ably attended at a private performance before their majesties lat wek the utmost satisfaction veil lmiton times was g we inviari tbly associate the idea lock ftcers bogle onn miriane tell rhine iwrribly wily and lerniic till i it lia in vlaebetl 1 what are tlicne t withered nd so wild in ilioir ntdrc lint 1iolt not tu the inlialiiutifa uf tiartli ayi j vrtarf on it of witches war- tin wiih some- oreat bu1tai9t the london times nnuouoees that meas ires for the establishment of steam communication wi h in dia nre in progress with renewed activity agen cies of depots arc about to be formed it alexaudi ia cairo and suez and the operations on this part ol thc route uie expected to be complete by the end of the present year it ia anticipated that when all the arrangements are complete the whole journey from england to bombay will he effected in sixty days during eight or nine mouths of the yeir and in rigbtyfive during the monsoon shipments ol machinery c for the milrood across the desert nre gning on with grat activity tuis portion of the route eighty miles is tube traversed in eight bourn mr ocnnnell arrived at dub on the 30th a sepiemler having been detained by adverse winds the procession got up in his honor was much shorn of its splendour in consequence of the de lay t r juke of sussex iras written ft letterto mr salamos n israit cmiga tula ting him on hi election is one of the sliei ills of london whhi ihr i duke pronounces a greai triumph of cixil find iei- gions liberty ocr silly prej route are in fair preservation and kept eu clean the wood of the gate has shrunk in tkl per parts but not more than might be naturs pected the stone work or rather ihe ttppj of the stone work of the locks does not appe substantially built we were shewn at the n more than half a dozen large stones several square each that had been dislodged by the headway of a towed barge that had not been oftintime at other places we took notice 4 vera i small fractures perhaps occasioned tfc thc same means we object to ihe useofc chains in opening thc gates and are ofonj heavy beams tiltuhied to the gtee would bef ferable il ia without doubt the most simple expeditious woy ol doing the business and ceri y the leasi expensixe- it is more than proba should thc cnnal fall into the hands of the p ciil uoverom nt and be inanaged by civile thai as these rrubs and chains successively ir out of repair they will he superceded ly the p tive bars and lever at brewers upper m where one of these chains has piven way tlie 1 has been temporarily fined in this manner and labor of opening and sh tilling it thereby much mimahed co ty ineiimrs cirried his ideas magnifico cc ucynud the utile in muny partf tit cuuah ih iuitntity of i wood tin eat us 10 b retime a serious drawback u the usefulness and even safety of the navigabl especially duriitir the nigbi time instead of dering why the thofi mckay should ran unor snag the wnudttsumlri be how she or any ot vessel could escape the waters having ben r ed so much beyond their original level have droi ed imcfa httitl huj jjiiis no iinmeusitv of itl her this timser a it doc i9 fills into ik tn add is carried down stream where in the nam parts it acru tmhites in such quantities as to lei jv p w ri idicc nous hut we do think that 10 itv we oiiifbt at least 0 vc expected to see the vriuklctlbrow protecled by some constabulary foice o that we x doeumems kinttv finders hut was most nffrecablv lis- might venture our heads outside ofour doors at night nponined when a prety little eughh woman with j without danger of having our brainy if we have any rosy cheeks a soft blue sleepy eye entered the are na curtsying graceful lv t ihe nudience and seat ing herself on n chair irt the middle of ihe roqin mm york sor- knocked out ib ts esq ot the united slates wasmnr riod on the istofoctober to mary dattghter of win since esq of thc royal arscnil woolwich mi and mrs willis immediately after 1i13 corjmony set off for paris the london standard sav bat earl si fiord althorp bus been sobcited by lord bourne io take office hut refused nlleging tl would have no coonexinn with m trcnmirll the affinnug fferultfsnys thai uie four unprtani offices of lord lieutenant chief secretary ntlortiey i general and privy councillor in ireland are filled by nominees jf mr ocoenrll the vestal trainer was at limerick on the 3 i of i october having on bourd live comursmiinersanpoin- ted to survey jicer meb it he hall peo every snowy le in a one day just such a 1 it was a drizzling day as puts nfou4 aieives and every one else brooding over the fire immediately after breakfast x his wife addivsed bin us follows mr dode the western eoust of jitlmd ami sc- on satumay night ahoui 12 oclock a fire broke leet a harbor suitable for a packet station io cumin u- out in the veiling house of a farmer named c- 1 nicatc with americjl donnell wlio resides on a firm belonging to john the following is from the morning herald of the 1 the seventh concession of 5j day just sucnos- cartwrht esq l bad humor with j sci wwlwj township of kingston been reported that one of the largest hou- job codac sat il flwnjcp spread with buci rapidity that the fam- 5 in the general wnrebousing trade of which n were a b to save oni v a cant you mend that front door latch todn l no n misceliiawy cfiueltv np a fatukr a cuoie of the mori was the anifwe terpnil no well the niop u pin for the clothes io well can you li tl rain and snow- wont drive answered dodge sharply well can t you cant von fix mend the wa- ihe handle of well our 1 ti n m u v of barbarism can hardly offer of such atrocious cruelty respectable family consist 60 and daughter until the year 1928 they had al ways hved in the greatest harmony at that period the daughter then very young formed an attach ment to a man of low birth and connexions which circumstance gave the greatest offence to her fami ly and more especially to her fuher neither cu lt eaties nor menaces were of avail to shake the young ladys affections for her locr and the father seeing that all was in vain resolved to employ tin most horrid means tube reversed upon her lie hidde iter gti down jlilootk of llieeelhnsof thc hmne when he walled up a space it the corur po as ti j form a narrow duucoi the entrance of which he nl- tcrwards closed up with stones and mortar hatiua only a small aperture througli wiiich the ltmd could be introduced for tliepnrpoe of supplying her with food he then to allay fie eupicioii8 of his neighbors gave out that be bad sent her to a hoard- in school shortly afterwards be spread abroad n rumour that she was dead and went into mourning for her during seven years the unfurlunate girl remained enclosed in this dungeon every week her father touk her down fresh straw to lie apon nd 0 measure of boiled potatoes wliich was to ttttrro or her whole noarishment until the nnj visit about ihvee weeks ago a iibppv accident delivered jier from ihi dreadful durance- one of the mid j bon excited bv the up- you put up some hainhert mo lndow so tliui hie no no no no d was on the point ot t where ik would meet small part of thc furni- furmer celebrated free trade member of parli une lure 1j j is or was the head is about to establish banks at ci mklancoly accident on ihe 21st instant cutta canton new york c and thai ut the p john burred nne of the laborers attending the locks j seni moment arrangements arc making ii at suii the loc e- ork htf horrid nature lias just been discovered in tliuleuli 5 then took ins ha- and was on the pouitol hge near landau in blienuh buvaria the ages leaving hk- house when his wite knowing that hi reran example ofacsse hm bp lo l luvcr f 1 in that x illigc resided a s yf h wc dn p ki d him to stop iugof a fther mother a rh j jf blmel lu ilo ijiu uj a mid said to her hubaeui lou are going to hie tavern with you id started 111 up pi kami bai go as enl p leave ill so wiih you tim yes said the ft fe ik may as von if you go mid wose be day and the tavern why li 11 i inn gu and do ihe job ilt the reproof 113 ml ill ihe door hungup his hat got the linmtu r and nails all his wife had requested and snt down bv at iiiyht a belter and ii sav baabovf the nosed to have emb itktl ri a rr ijj ton for havana ue is hnllv purmic water h quest was i and il his ii hnppier mi fiiiiive 1 a 4ci4wj cftphie a tt no flouhi he overraku lempts ni oscajie dcuciioi and for thc simple reason is a fool to bo a r igne run trxa is is in 0 comjdelc news ilh in all probability general cos on ihe pat ment has lauded a force urass ueratc to s klip atti unl will itiijiiis i 1 tlirir at- are ifeue rally luulrt llitt a man will s 1011 be falls whilst in the act of filling one of s with water in order thai the steamer tftos mckay muhtbetnnba tugt uirowglii ilia crah which he bid hold of unfortunately slipped out of his hand tfd struck him on he head which caused a fracture h the scull and at the same time knock ed linn into ihe lockpit which was partly filled wiih mmedtatrly expired a coroues in- idibyj ii chofietd eq coroner lor the jolftown district the verdict of the lu- ry was became by bin death on he 2ll october l33i by receiving a blow upon ins bead wiih the crk of one uf the crabs attached to the locks of ih- keleau canal siiiilrs fulls when iu the act offlmngthclocfc-pitp- perth gturitr jt is gra 1 in witness ihe great itnprovcnieni that has ia p in tins eity within the last few mouths abuai forty new clone bouses have cither n built e rffi building numerous handsome i icturc ic beuig buiit of brick maiiufkcured hi est rnflof ibtf city in wellington streets idock of bn paul at the 1 new for that purpose we believe ihe plan wai origi nally siilccsted by the great increase of tae with new york in in mufacttired goods pnriicularlv silks diverted to this cnmtrv hv ihe celebrated dis- lurbaoce at lyons turn all the money parlies into ihe same 44 the object of the plan is to transactions of the exporting channel and llliis add to ihe slaughtcrhouso sysfeni of profits by a new kind of monopoly iu the money trade cupt back has bteu specially promoted to the rank of posi captain by an order in council io eon- stdraiionfhis rxtrtiortliitory senimi ircat alarm noperos to exit in ihe agricuhu a ceelingly troumcome as well a dangvmustopa it is hi hly dinvult to pr po a rcjnmiy since cutting dowii of all the dead iree would be a c of immeiine ex pence and not likely to in encoi tt by the tirilih sovpnioieill a governiue that has done so mu for tic colony and been ungratefully rear d ia return rc the can once iti tie hands of the proviice as soynei or ter it must be laws mi it he p isd innking it 1 perative on the owners of thc coil on the mil route to rnnnw tlu decayed trees and then su portions n i it irdona to tin grown mighi be do d at the puhlir cjiniu this is the only my kiow to pavt the 01 il which eveivyear will ty come greater and eivuter a the fallen ticcs act nulate several hlocmiohscs have been built or auiiliq since last w- parsed this way at kingston mil a very snlistairial bitildinshns been put up snow at the narrows inula third has been finisjlwh merricksville he cannot itimijiiie the oiiliiy these boc bouses since ibt are no surely or 1 my and even should hey be deemed strong cno die 1 to be of any service there thou id be one every station they hidcnl form comforsable r tan bj s nnjwhm tuntx hy i fluid another uisimkc of til extravagance what mimt sie with asto lisluncnt every prt son who travels ihe kidea navigatoiii ii immense qiantuv of water absolutely run wna nt almot ivcrv six mus between kings ami jjytowji hilec cry stream that can turn sap mill is seized hold of and occupied in other c while towns and ijlngos rk erected w mill privil ft arc ftbutdathlohg this spies rnnal the fines waters wators bat in the v states wo ild speedily make duals or even companies a teily neffleciul or overhinhed- to what is this rrihiitnuol 1 tin p rn having tiiorgs of c nial or to in pumicat i uve inagreatik hh the -i- that ii to o indu fen lent b si ion to deuces fr sive t une verhinhed- tllp p rnns ll puhlirat ic blame itifty be laid the itrhwi govermn ihc fortunes of int re here as parcntly the 1 1 la me i lent sure we ofbotb ti officer iu authority hold ou individual r lease the valuable p dtviduals who have applied fb hti py have ihh satisfied with a slrrtor evasive swvr from a cionja audtorlty 11 iiick rotdieations i tte e itriiievr mvm oirwc of ctrrvj in ij0idc ilunitil stscreinrv nf uecidinn nras ivoplclii and cxtcll- vir ih pmi loa wbly 5 raci u ironr and the next tell us of a butle of the cont mental fovem- landed a forcts at the month of the river of four hundred men with whom ik i to au antonio de llexar t clvect a junciio 1 with n body cf seven hundred soldiers the force is intended to compel the texiaus to submit to the arbitrary requisitions of santa anna ju4 been imaiplelex a inazniliceitl u ishiiildinjr upon the place darmes in st paul rev nod the main mreet iuebec sub urbs a uumior uf splendid cut tnie bailjinjs have just been limved ffintrtal ilralil we are happy to inform our reatlers tha they can now be supplied wiih coliios io which iheii bodies can he preserved fucver and a dav without theex- 1 pense of embalming no more need they shudder nt the thought of mingling with the dust those cofqns are manufactured by a mr- white of new i york of a mineral paste which can be moulded iu to any shape whilst soft and after a few days will become as hard as marble and impervious 10 air and water the mil maybe cemented 01 and the air excluded from the holy mr white will be d districts of eoslailtl 01 nccouoi hhhh ate said to be even m ire sivc ihui in former yearn col painnun the crand reerciary of thc ornngft lodges has commenced actions for futw impiisonuumt against the speaker of ih hoosc tifcummona the streaatatarnu and the select eohmiiiee xlinir lur io fuftrt9m ft pin httlfihl a telegraphic conimuntcalion between u ido puri hv which inline arc to bo cciivpyul hour and a hall the c betrttcn london and to ecu between the french uncuftakius is cot up hv the ldn the i weill to bo uh en une si nd and 11 an lions loo u pho centrial govemnicut is making a g cat parade happy in accomodate all who may choose to forw id w3 have rufflfl s of reinfurcemeihs and the sail- him their measures 16 servants whose cnnosity liao fathers conduct nud by the circumstance of us mg ofarmed icsssis to ojckne me coast nua 1 tin tnulish depo thelvsiuns unl zava and magazines in ihe inh r austin isxiio eruoi changed lo formerly vice preside ni preparing for ihesrugelc nintr arms in hand to ihe a meantime houston 1 aie busily the seniors e donated ral ig 00 san rion there while the i tos in ihe true back- ivis the court his force of prompt fiiinibilaiinn- being strictly forbidden 10 all he family to eater me cellar resolved to approach thc interdicted cave when at the door she began to sing ad soon nfter she heard a faint cry ij the corner aoproncbing the spot from whence the sound proceed wt httstoninj hiooawonned oralltlwarcumsianco fihis horrid lyiiig nomts one body ih about march affair the maid immediately gave information i anton the police who on arriving released the wretched being from her long and doleful cftpovity the tin fortuoctte girl on being restored to the light of day presented the most hideous appearance she was unable to stand her legs having been so long beni undei jjer ne to have deprived her of ihe use of them ijer body was covered with hair qm it wns hardly passible to fccognim a human being iu ihc misera ble and deformed object a suftftsmdea at discretion at the stornunfz of the height of iter i oathesfh oftctnber isij colonei aow sir john oobnure who commanded uie second brigade tddrmed hi- men before irtnl- uuuiocr iv npon 10 iiucdiem up totlia enenn cdoul nif my lade well jum charge up to til edge of the ditch and if we cstfl gel hi wtfjl snd lbee d fire in their faces they charged smirdingiy the my ced from the works nud in fotlowiu them up mountaitt fcirjubn in rounding hill nefstinspaiiuv only by bin brigade majur and a few riflemen found that bud he beaded a relhhlg body of about 30l 01 the french slid whispering to his brigade major to get as muy men together as he could be wiulottl besifatioi rodt uoldjy up to ibe wieiny coinmamb er and demanded lus sword the frenchman sur rendered iiwiih the usual gfare of his countrymen requesting that die oiuer would bear witness that ie had oolliliifictl bunsell like a jnod and valiant aol- dier sir john answered ibe niical with an nppni- vinff nod litf tt wii no time to r fo bai mg nod wr 11 ww no nm ness to the valour of30j juibe act of surrendering in i- ly dozeu- rest will deal with ucncn woods liishion if be le will be in no little danger the settlers hi texas arc precisely the men or sudl a contest and cai wwlv manage double their berof mexican they biwnw call loud- heir brethren oftllc united stale to conic hhvolnoieers nod ihc most flattering inducements arc held out tlic immense and fertile lands of texas yet but partially settled will be the reward uf volunteers should this revoluionary be successful as we have eery reason it u ill jlie province i remote from die central jrovennucnt nud sauta sucll oil insecure coudifuin dial he fears to withdraw his fires from lihr preswil posts and march litem into texas under siiehcheumance there wm be no hie of vobimeeiiiig lrm these republics nod we observe already thai immiiuri have been heldal new o leans nod natebilohic of the friends of xexapaiiadrpkia gaittcmms vtttr mmtnu jkotog tnonpso the nliolillon inissiouary sent out by ureal briciih toaid iustiwing tlieaeede nf dissension ml ibis hapuy repubh left our shores me cmbirkn hi uovement lelieve the aunt n anna is in mela pool knew york w uliirkd dav lastf ftrtrtt new inged inaiww so n i on f and in of his intention or k mull be was jhr in h time or heaiol sow i ibe vort tgly hat he bail tiwuy on ihe 11 retreat u leiijlh cket ship fr iiver- l no one been hi new billow li danger was 111 oilhir ito mitient livhcllwrtl was nppronchtoi itl dr king of ihe artie land expediiioii passed norway house in bis boat on the 10th augllbt on his way to york factory toembuik in the hudson bay ship which would sail for england m september lie and the oilier members of ibe expedition were in good health and spirit afffl gaztffc we have been informed that a letter has been re- reived from the district of grope complaining of the heavy injury done to 1 hose engaged io the fish eries on thai coast by the encroachments of ihe american lishrnnui whn not only fish beyond the limits allowed nt tlnon by ihe existing irvniy bill c one om sbuo ttak bail iv oilier wnjs grpatly iu- tnrfrre 11 iliomnmiriwarr ithv manner vih the bav fihiirr an 1 art 1 mo towards tile local ifiiu jiir w tl ny ioteilere to check thrtr rv tuwj sutler thobe riicum- taorehihcin tihhatit ofihe shores o the day of cluleurs ad ibe adjacent coast intend we under stand to pelinon mis majestvs government that a vessel nc war may be sent lo cruise in their neigh borhood m potct them from these nggrcsmolis lo which it is addd ihey were nrt exposed when ay mitt formerly ihe case the admiral on the ilabfax station lifted fosetid hiulo of the squadron to visit those parts i r illlteraiil pcrio s during the flshiagsea sou qwatf nrrntnt dirnsini uftflfi losvou pil mil the mills discontinued work at abut nine oclock on thurs day nintuinc rbfl men who lived at some dis tance from the premises went home at about turn- oclock on the nigh 1 of tin- same day leaving a lire burning itl th nal kiln at ahum liallpat four oclock next morning ihe building wa ilbcoveivd tn be etimplerly enveloped io llamcs and if even lire engines wvth u in- time upon the spot thev could have rritderril but ivry liule htmce except perhaps in sutvlog nclj- and firewood of whih an an coust wu tari- lhe lose concerned io stocks id queen of debium after vmling uf ivoqlaid at windsor tbe duue ot igtnn at walmer castle and thc estate of kinf leopold at clarcmont had returned to brus sels where they were expected to arrive on the th october on proving the will of the late will cobbclt his effects were sworn tube linger the value of i50u pounds theiv are no specific legacies but lllpcopj right of all his works is bequeathed to the eldest sun thc surveys have bee 1 completed for a rail road from aldgate in london to ihe west india docks widi a branch to the kast india dotks the rail troy is 10 he constructed on arches the whole dis tance the distance is to be accomplished in ten minutes mikllse i liue wavrjs and tha ivrrtml emissary proved w bushels n h itfiy vv wr 331 1 uuicd itjeiht r widi mh- of ultrat iti 11 bi 0d3euvat1ons on the kideau canal its vil- lagea trade and prospects a week or two ago with a fi lurish f trumpets we acquainted the gentle reader with our intention ofmamoff a second trip to rytown along the line of the kidenu canal nud xn equally pompous florish announcfd our mom tin djwr we have made upon tin inwno jtit0l nf i 0 d v r aecibaril iirief in be siiiind 10 the co lumn of a newspaper but such as they are we oticr them with all due humility tnr pkrsknt stat op the oanai llaviog in former numbeis deotcd so mm li of our time find space to the dccripiinu of ibis canal it would be a task of supererogation 10 attempt that now we shall therefore presume the reader to be acquainted with its topography and speak of it as ilnow is with respect to the durability of the work on ihc whole we feel inclined lo report favorably with no tingle exception all the dams have withstood the spun mid fall hoods and nre iocxcellent pteserva- hon wmnu nfthc locks leak 11 little us au several of ih enibnokmcot bur ibe generality of ihent are sound and perfectly watertiglit no interruption beyond that of o few bous has nccuired in the na vigation llli season and here has always ikcii an abundance of water above long island rapids during a short portion of the summer be liuuau steamboat drawings feet ater could not pass owing to some delect iu ihe wu wi irs at this stft- tuc sum of three thotisaid pounds is lo be out previous to the iqienin nf the hpxi sra winter and spring or to the i lvnireih inriw of i qititm canbj enl inl it will i ft weli in partieoln use a few of tlf mill pivilrjc7 the uhmv ijicd use of which we m aeh deplore ilie tin site for mills wc ahali pa on um kingston milk near where the f locks now istnnrf ihre yet remain an nm saw na oeeasi mally ased and worked by the water f rural waste weir the tall in llts pbce is 40 feet s 11m bf ri iililv ahla iim f- nv fvtr n falls iuring the nutntim much surplus wair eoacs down from tf lalesah k as could wnk muni llwn 90 mill over and ahnr wh 11 would he wanted for a fo ir fdd increaseofc r ml busings arid even during the driest suiani iiiomih there would millbo move than sufficient several mills to be kept consfanily coin arid to which may he monitored the possibility of briq tnff down to ki g simply dan rior lakes th rows assures us hol h- has never known ihe inn iu wtiirn tte milling business could not le carried ingmioit mills mncli mare water it nj the oulht n some of the utp cvrknfiho works ma t b ive at thai pei iod in the sp t n ure hems niisct m h another excellent itself ai lirewers uij laid 11 111 i 1 p coustruci inufrrai t tw 00 of ul nob tl w 1 as slud a h ihioii i elleci ghoul on oal- tt at knisslo 1 m when the a at ureeiv lower m fur several mill present mdls a le te site still i partially occupied by utist and a v mills of mr jnnus ftlathuwsouj tl lumber mrrcham ihconu person 00 1 1 1 line wh has hitherto he 11 permitted o use ihe waste water fxcepttfl snii hs lallsaud mrricksville where tb mills ne scaled on the mil u ml bed of the hidcau b ver mr aiathiwsou s mills afford a practical proo that mills do not interfere with the canal since is only ihe surplus water that is vt to work ihe atjone tails a sapr rfwaterfall go feet higl ix at present wattingiti immense powers th uation is perhaps ihe finest an the whole line tl immiral bed nfthc riwr is flammed u and an off ict i mad mr ilwsrpiibi water ihrouh the rok vr alior ia cv hsnivi ihe i k tl fall is tint perpclldicuhir and is perhaps 1u0 feet more in icojib and the quantity of water is inuiwht port gohipd ivn the iananofjue river at the wlii kish fulls ami part coming down to kingston w1w in dry seasons the lock master gave us iu undefstm diat the water never fails at davis and at chafcys mill privileges tnij be leased nut with advantage boih to the lessor au lessee but ihcy would be of comparatively minor iue to thon t tlones falls at aim 1st every station in the ktdcftu rive mills of every kind and power might be built at this nv r is the outlet of many lariro lakes and led by several sircams utmost n8 large as itself it mipply of water would be at sjinihs fulls mill mills aie 10 heitiif bavin constanl at menicksville sever o jnr the most pait bee built prior to ihe formal m nf ihe canal beh smiths falls a old ll a splendid waterfall to be seen the bcdofihe rier is dammed il and ihc wlmle ivotrroflhc 11 er descends tbfuof a cm twemy or thirty leet wide and regains the ot tdiul led ithiin below the luck the fll l fcrl mull and ihe hultl is so siluatcd that msnf mi fri it eould he tonicil hv llu at a nuh tw vinul kiream without inf

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