British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 20, 1835, p. 1

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the british whig and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly r r r or b b m n i 5 of by e j barker m d kol iv kingston u c friday november 20 1835 no 32 the bkitish whig 3cl- journal devntcd t oimmercw and oliwm irfwdwiob x pbfm every tuesday mil jw feomnbyd- editor and itopuclor mliisumein tostrfelneldoor io ihe cniiincial llntol rmwfor iho british whig mvmuhr hdling idiixpnce purannunl if paidin ad or wubiu une bftjihherocoiilo number and one pound eoltactal tithe ond oflhover cxweofpoe wbmipriun received for leu than x momha and no r diieonliniwd until h erceaiegei are paid up eicept at k option ofthe publisher bwrtfritlrsi km ee dm 61 ii jeter- fan an7d ten lines and un- j 4dtinwtiwhnl km owh biunl iiwrnon ireten line 4d pcrlmoforihe hrsitncrtion and 1j p i for every aubxeqoonliomrlioii idtrtm withuiit nuen direclione ore inserted till id and chnrffed nccnttintfy orjori for discontinuing iwmentstobcin ffiitiii t ice nf ovcry kinj revived in payment df no icikfi taken in except fiom agents unleu 4jbl f letter press printing mtp 1 with nlc and oeipatcltupon terms unprccejentlj in upper cuoada all work ij be pam within three months alter tie- 38 kindlon aug isso- imlly grocery provision store patrick eg an offers for sale in oilie nremisis in tin- market square frmsitiaieiyoectipieil by mr scmlim n well j teas pe nworiment of teas g rocerie iwj2jsiices tuliicco sioiic ware corn iraojm and alttit every article in ilie provision kocery line at flxtrennly l piicos having bnjasnl hia e himself for cartl iil in hie lormval and new yirk mnrfccti market square oct 2imh 1335 oohir brooms 7wks cstreceiel ami fr sale by tin- pibsailier 59duzei cum broom wlitx patrick egafc k market square octsqtk 1835 23 to farmers ash paid for produce ofoverv desrriprifmi by patrick euatf fresh lemons fcv bqm just received and for wile by ihe sub- y patrick egan nnrh squirt oct 20m 1335 23 stone ware lower pots milk pan churns ii am a nd cklin jr and every description of smne ware mte ly patrick egan mflffaf siflre 0r 20tk 1835 23 by afarte square l to housekeepers 0160 loawaotf sdt peire renrl ash arra ot sal brains kuimegv mid spice of every d bround and whole kept for ale hv patrick egan asffftf sonar 0 20m 1335 23 apples wew barrels of genesee impris for vile hv patrick egan market square oct s3rf is8 21 tobacco snuff to sile bv ihe subscriber mrs g 15 millers si lorillard fine cut tilistcfo in 1 2 s oz papers do mocuhoy scotch rappee and auierican suuiij patrick euan rcl sqnirr 01 23rrf i 21 cash cas1j cash the subscriber wil pay ready cash for any quan tity of hides calf and sheep skins flax ur ja seeds tallow st butter st his feather store also leather of every descripiion for snip at wholesale re tail cheap for cash or ihc above mentioned pro due im ford n b pec 100 113 paid for hides market square nov 17th 1835 just received and for sale at ihe subscriber stores front siori street a very extensive sapply of the follow ing tflicim v east inja and refined sugars musctivada do greeo and slack tea green and ground joflc e hnhands gin fine flsvord janiaica rsm cognsfi brandv white and red wine burdeaux vinejaf molasses fine cod fish no i north shore herrings digby ditto no i mackart poland starch liverpool suap fig ulue sminih floqt rvce raisins and cuiraots sol shell almonds russian cluills fine durham mustard in jurs nutmegs cloves and spices warrntt blacking liquid and paste pto lampblack cut and wrought nuiu window gluso of different nis putty plund paper tobacco gbsed pipes bath brick tihoe tiuurfuuijiiigtbtiwitbti bjak lpaa moccobay kapie and scotch suutts black lead pencils fine foolscap and letter paper wrapping do- suit sind saltpetre sal ertus brimstone and sulphur ground and root iugvr oatmeal and barley kjriuui salts cream of tartar gunpowder and flint whisky best quality american cheese equal to english tavern keepers and country dealers are request ed to call and give litis establishment a trial mmes williamson kingaton nov i7ih lbs to tailors ajvd shoemakers to be let at wilton township of ernestown opposite ihe post office a small and convenient shop suitable for either a tailor or shoemaktr any industrious and sober man may he certain ol having constant wvk in either trade apptv to q s warner wilton 16th 1835 31 to mm hold thk mulmt orthft ujk hhuss at fftlttcott tenders will be received at this office from persons desirous of purchasing the same ad-lress- ed to the respective otficerit of thp ordnance killff- bion until theoth november n irish peatifeus jide p hi bids byutlisiind pillows just iintd md fnr silc by jtuvi7js35 patrick eian lntkd bv ihe subscriber three or four jour o run hive work either by flic steady jtotlllg lad from 12 h haight 20 easudttti is firwonih also years of gc jioon nov loill 1333 jfino vtbiting and r2adjno classes ljenigs is forming winter classes for in- ictionthe ilhovc branches as not more than it pupils hiii be received id a clnss they will mil the benefit of private instruction hoitk ltiitt from 5 till 0 foi ieoilemen from 7 till i applic3tjoii uiav be malj ni his academy next i hi lancastcriaft school or at hi residence v miapion nov 40tl h33 293ts the subscriber now receiving puncheons of molassci macka tin and cut nil3 soap aod candles mus- n snuff and tobacco mth a vnriety of season- i good mending purchases wih find his stock embra- i a general aesortm ml of almost every staple ar- wqiiiredfnra country trade at uncommonly low aud liberal terms j t macnider ptm nov 9 1s35 29 s r fresh importations nlxo a gen kit an and complete stock of stavle f f1cy ij r v goods subscriber begs to inform hie public lo received by die regular traders from kat britain a lah0e asd ellgast stock of goods 4 tt above line wliidi having been carelully se- by linnsetfin the bxglisu markets ash fed confident that every atticlfl will j0ie of any importing house in the trade in m on each article j h jreer nvariably appears n wo nov io h i83s 296ie for sale at thiti office vff heeds ad memorials- th british wh kingston friday evening nov 20 ip35 disasters on lake oktamo we regict to hve to add additiomil details ipvhal appeared infaur last nf ihe melancholy effects of the gale of wed nesday the schooner robert tiruce belonging to kingston was totally lot and her crew consisting of three men named chanley johnston and cook with a passenger of the name of everttt hove ml perished the schooner medora whs driven on shore near sandy cceek all on board drowned about a mile to the south ofthe above wpek is the maius of another schooner bur in so disfigured a atate that hei iirf could not be ascertained all imnds lost both of thesr last mentioned vessel were supposed to be from lake erie they having ben laden with wheat and walnuts the schooner new york is ashore in ctwumonl bay crew saved expected to be got off another schooner is ashore on point peninsula a mid wreck we have not htrard her mime crew aived ihe birttlujgnaim late the unitej kngdoui steamboat wa dnven from her niouritig ai segu and struck on i3 shials she was only paitlv laden at the lime ha ving on board 100 barrel- of salt aucubftut 15 tons of merchandize chromtu the storm on wednesday a we anticipated lias done considerable damage a gentleman has arrived by the stage from buffalo who stales that such was the violence of die wind there that the wtiterhaa driven frui lake erie in so large abndv is cotupielcu to overflow ihe flats ill the lower pait of tin city and carry mmyrtveral frame buildings with their inmates besides prostrating blocks of elegaut brick buildings recently rrecred for stores there was some loss of life but to what extent had iin 1 ijiti i lmvj iiintlj 1 lilv i jj iltfortltflnt ll that plae it does not appear to have been tftw so severe in this part ittlio country ahougliit certain ly tremendous even here iviih tin exception of triuing damage done to the farmer it l aecliou ofthe country the only account ofdrtistera up per canada thai has reached us as iu is from vw burg where the storm was seriously felt much damage having been done m propertx iii the neih- boihood lony before the storn had tmbsidd we fcar ihe next mails will bring other amounts of se rious disasters 11kuiuu ezprise gons bank a mwitiig ofthe petitioners for the gore bank wushcltl at burleys hmel hamilton on he j0i ult but in consequence of no official in formation huvuig been received that the royal as sent had been jjien io the bill the meeting ndjourb- ed till monday accordingly a very numerous meeting took place the enterprise i highly honorunlc and wo wish every success patiut boarders thuee or four respectable ynum men can hr accoiiyudated with boivd at a respectable family residence in the most ceutral part of the town apply nt this oflice kingston nov- i3ih 133 10tf jtotmce ktnraa r be ia j to be let for a term nf years with the right or resuming the same if required for the public ser vice the mill dwelling house lately occupied hy the tiuard at lrescott or the same will be let by ihe year persons willing to enter into an agreement for the same will be required to give security for the duefullilmntaf the lease when immediate posses sion might be obtained teudera will be received ai this office addressed to the respective officers ofthe ordnance until ihe 20th november next 27 fresh lrrivas j jst landing by ihe subscriber from lite iroquois and dolphin barges now lying at the ottawa com panys wharf 20 hhds bright muscovado sugar 5 double reflned losf do 30 chests assorted twankay young hyson and bohea teas g puncheons fine flavored jamaica rum 5 pipes cognac brandy otard dupuy cos brand c pipes hollands 2 fine old port wine 3 east india madeira 6 hhds brown and gold sherry 2 pipes l p teneriffe 30 quarter casks bordeaux vinegar 6 barrels cod oil 150 boxes liverpool soap 100 poland starch 3 ton new cod fish 20 barrels north shore henings 20 mackarel 100 bocs digby hefrfrina 20 barrels stockholm pitch tar rosin 150 coils fresh liverpool rone 26 assorted anchors from 44 lb to 3 cwl with a mdtnl assortment of ship chandlery ueojiue armstrong kingston oct 31 1s35 27 on monday no 2 when j m called to the ch air ntj polin c appointed secretarv alleisom hvtr eq was lenie esq was routine business t wus moved bv a v mcnb k- and secunded by john law esq that books of subscription be opened on mon dtty the i6th instant in ihe several towns ineihion- ed in iheact of incorpomiion and at such places a ihe chairman shall dire i and ihat nonce iltci el he given in the several newspapers in this pro vince it wa llien moved hv j fi rirker esq and se comled hv wl macdonald uq tlwt mi soon the aiim of tweinvfive tf pounds be a for sale at montreal 0 terms very favorable fourteen baiteaux ca pable of carrying 250 barrels of flour all in excel lent order and condition apply if by letter post paid tu h f esperance griffin town montreal nov 1835- 276m gndian rubber shoes just received and for sale 100 pairs of indian rubber shoes kingstw nov lpib 1835 j mvbray- twentyfive subscribed ihe secretary be aioried d dnect- ocall a meeting of thesubscribv t bnrleylnn in ihe town of hamilton for the purpose of carrying ihe intentions ofthe act iiiwdfc- after which the meeting adjourned uk mklancholv acciocnt it9 w deepest recret that we announce the rf of capt john sutherland or the princess vicmna who was drowned losi saturday evening ft the entrain of brockville harbour we are infij med that the vessel was in stay offihe point of hmpl inland and that he was in the act of hearing th main boom oei to let ihe bead sails till when be ah overboard from the side railing and sank before the boat which jw lining on the quarter could behtiled up and ta to his assistance the truly nftiniable qualities ill cnpt sutherland had gsiiied iw iftlftun of all who knew him a proof which was alrded by the mas ters ofthe vessels in port and antral of his perso nal friends iwvinglhw place tfle same mghr the fatal inieliigenre arrived to imin searthing for ihe body o the deceased- not ei heard that their efforts tvc bee ucceful js- ctitt vangttard on the 3d october mr w sherwell one of the most eminent british mer gihrultar was sentenced at that place toiree years hard la bour in the garrison for aiding and abetting a sla ver called m cwssador b purchasing inns ammunition c his property said to amount io about one hundred thousand pounds has been con fiscated the slaver has been vondemned mon herald the winter steamboat the beautiful new british steamer tae traveller arrived in our harbor on the morning of the 0th she is owned by the how john hamilton of uleension to whose enterprihe the navigation of lake oiiiai io is so much indebted and is at urceiil under the charge of copl v hitney the popular commander of the greai bri tain she is built on the model we are informed ofthe british meauiers which navigate the irih ami english channels ant the jennan ocean she bus a flush deck boilr below and is schooner rig ui1 having all the appearance of a mont eallaiti vessel that she a fine ieaboat we cnulq judge for ourselves for she left the port in a high sea and a gale of wind the travttlcr during the winter mouth is in tended to naiatc the head oflhfe lake niakju ihe circuit of niagara hamilton m buitmgloti bay add toronto it is thought iherr in not a great deal of weather in the winter which will arre her trip thai she will keep the lake till ohrummsand com mence with march i certain a id her owner ex pects will perform frequent trips fa t rfend of win ter she will be a great addition ro the travelling facilities on lake ontario and tarnish the means o avoiding a disagreeable land circiit round the head of the lake mdlc the other bots are wiibdrawn hvm monday jw 9 at two oclock the hoge went up ro the castle ofst lewj and yentd their address in an swer to hh excellency speech and being re turned mr speaker reported ihe followhg answer mr sjjcaktr and iienthmen of v howtc of as sembly 1 thank you for this address and especially fui ihe flattering and kind manuer in whiclryou have spoken of myself itwiut tuy constant study to adhere faithfully to the line ofconduct which 1 stated ti you at the opening of ibis session and 1 sdiall feel truly rejoi ced to find thtcouise promote the good understand ing which it is fcj desirable to see reestablished in this province ctutte of st lewis i quebec 9th nov 1835 a census ofijie city of new york for the preem year has recently been taken and statements of the same published from n comparison of the n- moum of population in 1830 and the present year it appeais that so large on increase as 67231 iu- tiiken place in 1835 the total being 269473 and ui 1s30 202589 tlc fthowvng tntommion is aim derived from the official statement jhe total num ber of juttev in the fifteen wardy of the city h 131522 of these no left than 42936 or some thing more than unethird are entitled to vote for nil officers elective by the people the iomi num ber of births during the last year was 6951 andol deato 5930 exhibiting a majority of 3021 births nver deaths that great increase of ihe city popu lation it is evident i7r aitributable to the influx ofloreiguers and pero- from other parts ol thu umon there nre 27522 persons nitjn ihe city not natujabxed 14913 persons of colour ol whom inly 75 are entitled w vote at elections of public officers and there are no u than 1393 imupen the number ot factories disrilierivs and urewencs grist and saw mi us have also increased very materially during the past year but the detail are too extended for us to attempt the recapitulation of them montreal gazette amount of surplus kevenue now in the treaurv i 16000000 whidi with s700u000nf u s- bak slock to be refunded at ilu close el the yoar will mike the sum of 23000100 it is sutgulur that although the state of the tieaaury luis been lung foreseen no provision luis been made to meet ii- three separate schemes pcesem themselves a ie- duetioii ofthe tariff so low that ilrc shall be no surplus fiud many ndvocates secondly it is pro posed to expend the surplus in imerniil improve ments and lusriy to divide it proponionally among the several states of the three the first is obvi ously the most rational for what can hr more absurd than to levy a revenue on ilie people nt a vaiii expense and afterwards return it tu them with itml toleyit under cite pretence of expending n for the uunelit ofthe people is equally absurd for the people can with very lew exceptions invest their money inoie profitably and more safely than i government compaied with other commies uie interlkreuce vfulm english government in inter nal improvriwenrs has always been insignificant and yer nb other country anprtiotfhcs ll iii the appliea- tiou of cipiinl and ofthe arts of industry to internal uuproemeuta it is probable that the third scheme will he adopted hechiise it is the most popular the frcnrhqutmiuii remains unsettled general jicksnn will give uoofficial explanation a draft from the united ai run the americans have side and a war will do iheq g kkkiftti important discovery at ihe great meeting ol the british auciatioti lately held in diihlm a most interesting paper upon paper making was read by a mr mullet the discovery of mint aubstitute for rags has long been sought by the mnfllllltcturan ol piper and of all the ituiteruils ued none seem to equal the vegetable tfbre uf certain kinds of peat or r rf this peat possesses properties foreign in othei nanrvnhltfiacil- 1 vo- ni pejju states treasury hns been rejected the rig t on their jldiacatc in wftff giis rv nttakoatti tii m4 3hi sftin lonol hii do tpib tlmm sill them s9 1 ia was the teady answer ct the follow in picr carrtft infiirroaiioi appears ins montreal jpcr ad th i h jitteeeate the nim tioimsimevhiiiirih ui ittifhiirirtcr tltfc kriv m if thk people ptnu loji 01 imaf hip thni ii rcwahun xwi in nme ihi- bink if mri viisar d win co tlir kiftiftn kciolc it ittrurpinicr at aoitiiinhem tli 4th inn tox john ifp4ph cq wi 1 r- ed rn m ir t aod jtmea i ej coahurf t1 diroo tomarsall or them men of woalth and greii repectability ktwa pensive that io nui nbnce our good fiicnrt mr jefrs haa availed himself of the ptfrmiaioniveo by baatinj us most oundly with our own wnio we have been ao b laboro dial wo hardlv koow wlicttcr we aland upon our head or heels r i at we have tteen able to learn amid so many con flitting itorfe tbo particuurt oftbe aid accident at brewers mills not kium miln aa reporlsd io the csroutu are these mr wm frxisy h noijobo brady the lock master at kingston miljs the lock auutet rwi bis wti mr jha murfihyclork to mr j mattbsvrson mr john marbam a sawjei and alexander vint a lock laborer had all beta apeodin the evening at mr matherttona near the locks aad trjo pight being eitiemely dark on their return home frll into the water above tbo uupcr lock roiftfrkiftg one ofthe slutes crabs for the entrance to the floi path on the top ofthe lock putts iluw thty came all 6ve to fill into the water ia not cloarly ascertained but it is aid that messrs brady murphy and another fell first and that mrs brady ons of the others jumped in aftei wards to save tham tbs cries of mrs brady alarmed the tostdeatt of trjeneighbotbood end she and ales antler vr vre rcicd bvttbe otitcmhca were uartmrrato- ly i-iivi- cthe ofthe coborg rormar u actually a wag we id- aiousted a few numbers ago thai neither he nor any ofhb tit rat kiduoy had sufficient jiwouy to publish the opioiooi of vnother reformer in opposiiiod totiioseof a canadian refunner our coburg brother rspela the insinuation with viruious indifnation and occupies the belter part of two co lumnf of his jnurrul in attcmptine to prove that m fnrjurr n a vory wy ftillow and consequent unworthy of having bis ejtf repuhlifhedl he miht have spared bimself that trouble by giving the letter and then hia readers could hare judged frr themselves alas i for hia independence as u piiblir journalist he knew too wolf who tho writer of a ca- p hctffhit4 tu to vuuimctht puiilumog urutbtu anint him or his opinions by the way he accuses us of svin2 aired our nble rontributor egad i he must be better off in rli ii way ihan we ae if he euaprl us tube able fto pay pr literary assistance our woik people could have told him a different late for th british whio mr editoi si andrews day is fast approaching aad i hear no intimation of any intention of celebrating io kings- 1 r the in of sootbl s piiron siint i am induced to call ihc attention ofyuur reairs todi ctrumslanre from the ad mitted fact of mr james mcdonalds being aboutn quit lv commorcial hotel an hotel that has long been the baat of kingston and the pride of upper canada ao opportuofry therefore presante iuelfto ihe inhbitants of tbiatowa to ex press their high opinion of mr mcduoaljs endeavors to peao thein by getting up a st anjrewa dinon at bis house fauci xtrba kintton nov 20th 1h35 a scotchman editors noifwo feol much pleasure in layiog the a bove before ogr kingston aubacribera and hae no doubt but the hiut given will b aclod uuen in becoming roaoner u 1 bteo at buth on monday moroing last mary wife of colin mc- kunzio esq the propnelrees olthe u c herald is requested not t wrlic letter io ibe advertisers in tbe british wing look at this twkntv fkii cunt cheater than eve the subscriber has just received in addi tion to hi lormer extensive assortment of goods a consignment or west of england cloths cunsistiui of blaek blue olive green and mix- materials and being so easily procured will become an article of iuetuable value io manufacturers one hundred weight of ihe peat in is natural stalv produces is pounds of pulp some paper of the very bestdecriptiun haalread been mauulaetiired from it ill irclnnj lbeivre two itiitlions of acn ol bitg ihe average depth of winch is toi tyirighi mr intej salomon t important invention a peuiylvahia lately received a pateni for a safei steam boiler th bohtr pieseniing a croiita surliice than the common cylinder for the tiretoaci von win require les fuel and fnoi its peculuj cuiistriicmoii the act with much greater ad vantage it nf toht i will resst aluinst anv pressure ot sieain and will pne itself one nf the fust and mnt valuable inventions ol the hgeift- tuies of the very best quality and very superior itlick uasimeri at of which he will diurtt of utl reasmiiatde teuus fur cash or appioved endorsed notes at khtety dae john oliphant wanted immediately three or four lirat rale coat makeup kiiistoii j 17ih 1635 j o 32 pacts avo sgraps oths lcgisuttve cuuiinll f lowwoifwla ha llirown out ihe bill of the houm of assembly appointing hr roe btivk agent for the colony thcppoinlmctilormiiha iiiauus mr ruebuk so inimical lo the english pre and to all par- ticsof politicians at home would be anything bul beneficial to i- ii- 1 or lower panada 17aii in tins province will be plehtsel to hear tint die rev eferton rreron is about making his io ky id est going iu england wbeio we heartily he may remain id the road between kingston and bath i once more pas sable the bridge over the cauraqui creek iiqs been repair ed and a floating bridge has been renipoftiiily erected over i i bay sumethiig should be dune towards directing the attention of the legislature to the tlato ofthe biidgea aod rada in ihis section of the vountry xttheitawtion ofthe ridcau canal over fur the pie sent mtfflo ths i u ii ivbfeirn ha fnied in attempting to reach dytnwn on her lat trip owing to ihe water having been let out of the luvel belweeu kingslim hill and brewers mills ictvvhen the canada fueum o paper in the german language published in ihe upper part ofihfl province madv its appearance we slightly cnrnmrrvect upon th impropriety of iferpetoaiiflg a foreign tongue in a british colony on the nln- rnir ipfihe exchange paper we hive perused some m priinnce which surtbuiing io the editor we uke the liberty oielling him thai what he has to say about us he had better ay publicly 0a ceruin gallant colonel celebrated for ins good msjko ing a few days ago demanded ihe pries of some tine white i i of a yankee ralesroan and haggled a good deal about pay iog u much i- wttsslcti tail you wfcat tip tie adveutlsjfcimkat the suum kl lilt utiitive to inform ins iriends aid the public m gereml that he is manu- luct riiit oid viii coiittuue to luve on band and for milo p r c b at hu estabushnieui north end of qltiir sfueei 0fjp v cajvmmes svannnud sitisl i o tvsk aujtnith to iny 11 mo kit country mcin tsi o ie ihtjijlcj wh cuddies in exciiaiur tur tail iw or lard aiol iar- nid ejuvpiii echae ui t mtrs with dup fur 4ie damel caffky kinatiii november hi h 183a 33is notice ifjr subscription books for the stock of the goke bank will be opened on the 16ih lnscant gu and closed places riuuulton at the office niagara do kingston do coburg do brockville do london do amherstburg do st thoinasi do liytown do toronto do the 26th instant at the following cornwall at ihe office of a ofthe bank of u c do do do do do dn do do do mcleai rhihah do mcpherron co do john ttrown esq do m ovet field eq do james chep so do jawilkes esq do h minlebciger do d camitbell esq colin c ferris sect etarij hamilton november 6th 1836 33 the sever papers in uppor caftada arc reques ted to cojjy the above till h nov and no longer ivescott port hope dundas ancaster urjoifurd s catharim siuicoe

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