the british whig and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly opitbii pee q b e 11 picor by e j barker m d ifc iv kincston u- c tuesdat november 24 is35 xo 33 the british whig qrtflweerly journal dovnticjiicnnmerci6l and 11 pcrfiuiiiim pnmwd evtry tuqmiu nrl friday hi d- baiker fcliior and lropricir ul tii offi in swet kit door in ho cotiimttint hold for the british whig mwinmii shilling ummn pr annum if paid in advance or wilhio inree litf- ivofn ilia receipt of the first nmnbvri and one pound fakd m ihc end of dm tr occlusive ofposlao sj received for loss than 51s months and no w discontinue tintil all nrrcaiagcs are pmd up oxcept al option of the publisher mttltt si lines and under 2 6j sl ioser- and71d eaclisubsenucnt insertion ten line and un i 4j firt tnwrtionand 101 eacli subsequent insertion raten line 4d per line for the lirit insertion aflj id per for every subsequent insertion initiimaou without written directions areinserled till i and ohvcfd nccirdnly orjers for discontinuing r to be in vvi king rodiceifeverltmd received in pivmcnt nrai i no leitcu taken in ueopt fiom agents unloss post id letter press printing iuuvi ivilli maines and dejpalcliu on terms unprcccdcnlly in uppvt canada a ah voix tube pill pjs wtjun three months after exe- ait 1833 mily grocery provision store patrick egan odors for sale in ie premises in ilie market square lately occupied by mr scuiiihu a well js elected wsorimentofteas groceries ijlj spices tuhicca stone ware corn iroonsaiid nlmnsl every article in the provision a irocery lino at esiremly lnw prices having grehaserl hi trouds himself for cash out in the hfltirral and ww york niaike market square oct 30m 1939 23 ccolin brooms h7sk st received and fur sale by lh subscriber 59 dozen cum dooms whisk patbick euan market square oct 20th 133 j 23 to farmers unpaid for produce of ivpfv dsrripii by imtkick euan utrht square oct sort r95 83 ffxiasm lupous he fluxes just rvceiwd mid far ile bv the siih- patrick euan jlirw rr oea 20m i83 23 stone ware wer pots milk pun churns cream and jars and every dcwriptiin of stout ware hv patrick egan thi square m 20 jv 33 to housekeepers ffiflo tnuhl sih iviv pearl ali aim jal erato itiuiir and sfct of every ground and whole krpt fnr ilr bv patrick egan rit square oct 20rt 1s35 23 apples tw barrels of lieilesee piilpiitc fnr sale by patrick blmbf fort square oct 23r 1835 21 tobacco s2tcst silc by i lit- subvcribcr i b millns lorillards fine cut tiibacro in i 3 5 s nz papers do mnrobjy scutch rippee and american siniit patrick eoan tict sqiurc oct 23rd 1935 21 irish feathkrs e np in dftls bolswianiitl pillows- just td and rr sale tiy jwit i831 patrick egan t to saddlers htfhd by the subscriber three or fniir jour- siibllers who can llitvc woik either by die womnlh also a steady young hid frnn 12 ftfife of age 1 ii maigut insonxv loih isij 29 swing whitihg and reaping classes jennings is funning winter classes for in- ion in die above biaucbi as nut niurc than pupils will be received in a class they will lithe benefit of private instruction moru ladies from 5 till 6 fm gentlemen from 7 till application may be made at his academy next fce lancaster an school or at his residence m street inon nov 10th i3j 293ts the subscriber 10 receiving puncheons of mofamtt lacka- tm and cut nails soap and candles mus- snuft and tobacco witli a variety of season- goods ending purchasers will find ins stock embra- general assortm it of almost every staple ar- wjwiredfura country trade at uncommonly low id liberal letms t macnider n ov 9 1s35 29 fresh importations utq a general and complete stock of staple fxcy lrv goods ijciuber begs to inform the public cy weivd by the regular traders from a large and elegant stock of goods ooe line which having been carefully se- himself in the english markets ts3 fee con that every article will b beal a kind and the prues found as se of any importing house in the trade in u ie lowest pnee invariablv appears in ww oti each article on nov 101 115 296 7 foft 3 at this officbt gej 1xd memorials cash cash cash the i subscriber will pay ready cash for auv qoan- itty of hjdes calf and sheep skine flax grass seeds tallow butter at his leather store alio leather of every description for sale at wholesale re tail clieap for cash or uie above mentioned pro- du wm ford n b 5 per 100 lbs paid for hides market square nov 17th 1835 just received and for sale at ibe subscriber stores front tf stare streets a very extensive supply of the follow ing articles viz cast india ani refined sugars muftcovada do ireennd bhick tea green and ground cofie huluds gilt fine fovnrd jamaica fium cognac llrandv while ftltd red wines bordeaux vinegar molasses fine cod fish no 1 north shore herrings digby ditto no 1 mackarel poland starch liverpool suap fig blue spanish fuat bice raisins nnd currants soft shell almond russian quills fine durham mustard in jttrtf nutmegs clove and spices warrens blacking liquid and paste ditto lampblack cut and wrought nails window glass of different size putty plug and paper tobacco gbzcil pipes bath brick shoe and scrubbing brushes black lead mjolmy kpp jtul nuui iufl black leid pencils fine foolscap and letter paptr wrapping do- salt and saltpetre sal eratus lminstone and sulphur gmuud and root ginger uanneiil and bailey epsom salts immul of tartar gitupoder and flints whisky best quality american cherse equil to ejnghsh tavern keepers and counrry dealers are request ed to call and give this establishment a trial james williamson kingston nov ih 1835 to tailors and shoemakers to be let nt wilton township of ernestown oppociwtne pout office a amall and convenient shop suitable for either a tailor or shoemoktr any industrious and sober man may he cctlain of having constant work in either trade apply to s warner wilton 16th 1835 3j fresh arrivals 3 j st landing by the subscriber from the iroquois and dolphin barges now lying at the ottawa com panys wharf 20 hhds bright muscovado sugar 5 rt double refined loaf do 30 chest assorted twankay young hyson and bohea teas 6 puncheons fine flavored jamaica ruin 5 pipe cngnac brandy otard dupuv co brand 6 pipes holland 2 w fine old port wine f ul eisrnurtnflfadvnn 6 hhds brown and gold sherry 2 pipes l p tciienfte 30 quurter casks bordeaux vinegar 6 barrels cod oil 150 boxes liverpool snap 100 poland siarch 3 ton new cod fish 20 barrels north shore herrings 20 mackarel 100 boxes digby herrings 20 barrels stockholm pitch tarrosin 150 coils fresh liverpool rone 26 assorted anchors from 44 lb to3cwt with a general assortment of ship chandlery george armstrong kingston oct 31 1335 advertisement the subscriber befl leve to inform hi friends atid the public in geternl that he in manu facturing and will continue n have on hand and fan sale for cash at his estbfrhmeitt north end ol uuarry street sojip 4- cavjdmes warranted equal if not ew superioi to any in market country merchantscan be supplied wiih candle and soap in exchange for tl w or lnrd and far mers witli soap for anhe daniel caffry kingston november l6iw 1835 32 8m indian rubier shoes just received and for sfthh 100 piirs of indian kutber shoen kingston nov i0ili 1s3 j murray boarders three or four respectable votms men can be accommodated with board tl a respectable famiu residence in the most tul part of the town ly at this office ingston nov i3ih i83 30tf a look at this twkhty peft cknt cileaf than bvbk i the subscriber basest received in addi tion to his former extensive atfolimtat ol goods a consiemnent of west of ejvqjmpd cloths consisting of black blue 0b green and mix tures of the very beat quauy d very superioi black cashmeres allofwhchhe will dispose o on reasonable terms for cash or approved endorsed notes at ninety dovs jorn oliphant merchant tailor wastes xkjktkiateit three or four first rate coat makers kinestou november 17th 1s35 j o- 32 lowbr cj ad 27 for sale at montreal on terms very favorable fourteen batteaux ca pable of carrying 250 barrels of flour all in excel lent order ana condition apply if by letter post paid to h f esperance griffin town montreal nov 1835 276 notice the subscription books for the stock of the gore bank will be opened on the lgtlt instant and closed on the 2sth instant at the following places hamilton at the office of the bank of u c niagara do kingston do coburg do brockvillc do london do amherstburg do sl thomas do bytown do toronto do do do do do do do do do do cornwall at the office of archibald mclean do mcpherson co do john brown esq do m overfield esq do james chep esq do j- a wilkes esq do h miuleherger do 0- campbell esq colin c ferrie stctttaty hamilton november 6th 1835 2 the several papers in upper canada are retpres- ted to copy the above til 28th nov and no longer prescotr port hope dundas ancaster brant ford s catharines simcoe legislative touncil- wvfkspav jvttv ii this dnvai three oclock tl spepker and mem bers nf the legislative goulicft- lollwcw tie of st lewi and preenrl ihejbthrtrlug ad droml to his excellency the timveriioriiithirf to his excellency artbibflkl bail of gosfmd c r may it phase your btettney we his mijets dutiftil and inynl sobjeck the lelutive council o l canada in pro vincial parliament aswinbltfdt beglww return your excellency aur thanks fiil your speech hum the throne on opening the ptewut session of the legislature we feel the importance of the circumstance un der which your excellency meet u mnfrltfi ridfi- culties which have arusen in the province and ol late years have produced embarrassment in admi nistration of the government to consequence of the withholding the supplies which are required for dt frayimf theexpences of the civil bulkblishmerm and for carrying the law im- effect of nhirli the due execution ftffiiraa the surest pledge or the hnppincetf and security of society we trust that his ajeai views as well as the means he hus taken to make mi enquiry on the spot may have the effect by muting known the true rtate of things of facilitating to hi mnjotys govern ment the means of remedyiigtlierneaiices of which themihjecis of his maijcty in it is province tun have to complain and ufwwlyiug tleirjust de mands it becomes our duty to express our gratitude lor the views and intenliuns and for the lively solici tude of his majesty towards ilis province as com municated to us by your exudlency and of the as surance uf the firm determimiiuji of your excellen cy to give eftucl to those tst and generous inteu- tiuiis the fnuik declaration of your erscvllenrv can hardly fail to inspire lhoe seiitnuents of conti- deuce so necessary between tlic difiereiit branche of the government we pray your excellency tnacccpt ofnur ihauk and the expression of our gutitudt fur the assur ances youyave u and for utsriitimeitts is well lie for the principles wliich you have maudcited lelai- ing to those objects particularly ujth a pcii to the spitit of immrtiahty in the instructions received h your excellency and for die positive cooittwuds contained therein we feel it uur particuhif dny to express to youi excellency our sutisfactioii fht whai is contained in your speech relating ti ihe difference uf origin ol the innebiiaiiu of this rrovinee respectively m the distribution of place the accuunilfllmm end hi- compatibilry ol certain office in ihe same persons to the refusal made to the legislature of document necessary for the pmsecuiioiiof its enquiries to the too frequent reservation ot bs for the shmilicatiou of his majestys pleasure tu the use of both lau- gunges generally fpuken w- he country ol calling on the judges for extra judical opinions cm mutters hat might subsequently ceme before them lordeci- sion of an inrerlerence in the elections of the repre sentatives ofthc people and we cannot but applaud the views of justice which xekit excellency mani fests with respect to these hteral subjects we have also received ltl satisfkciion the assu rance your excellency gives tls vx you are resell ved to alford your coopereofiil in inose mvasuiee that may tend to fix the focsfn some of the public offices according to just and tuitahle principles be tween the public officers and hidividuub to put an end to the complaints relatu q certain rules til practice made by the courts m law anil to render he proceedings of the tfuprrior utbuuttls more prompt and methodical and lc expensive we shall thankfully receive copies ol ihe des patches which your excclteury proposes to make to us with repect to the clergy reserves and tins will be the object of our must rious consideration as well as the project of all musqrve which inuy re late to the same- we have reason to rejoice a he opinion enter tained by your excellency utch regard to the in- habitants of the country m jhrir inoml character and the happy results ol their ami etab lishments as well as the asti t we shall re ceive the protection of englaiij wv regard to these objects we feel that it is maintain pfyt peace and good order by iawrimg suettoelitj of right to il iti- v subjects in tins province without any dtstinctic n lhat we may indulge the hone of being able t j avail ourselves of nil our fenorce nf a fertile soil a healthy climate and nflhc advnpin- ces of narsituaiion with rrlaiion to conmitrce ai d navigation union abme cftn niwlurtf iws rtrcl our dissensions would necearily be i it- ineos ul parahzinq all our effort to obatn the suiue we will ftl0 five out attention to such useful rbr- utes as have recentlv expired and mure particular ly to the one which your excellency has mention ed passed in ihe lounh year of him present majes tys iteign entitled an act tu cominne for limit ed time and to amend certain acts iheivjn mention ed relating to the collection of the revenues at the several itmiid ports of the province we will also give attiuiinn to the state ofthc pri sons and their present discipli e and to the expedi ency uf adopting some more efficient measures fur repressing crimes and preventing it increase in tins province dissensions between legislative bodies are not only obstacles to the advancement nf the public wel- lart the necessarily produce public calamities we indulge ihe hope ihat tfaej will be replaced by feel- itigs of moderation and mutual forbearance and that e may be able to cooperate for the ndvwiccracn of the prosperity of the country to which his excellency ihe gnvernoriucluef was pleaded to make the following answer ar- speer and gentlemen of the legislative ctmmiti i return yutt my thanks for this address j trust that the nieastiies which his majesty has ronvttnded in lo adopt may lead to the most suc cessful results that dissensions may cease and good will and harmony he retored to the principle and monuments which i announ ced at the opening of this session i shall firmly ad here persuaded hint bv bung 1 i best tlis charce the duties which his majesty had been pleas ed to cuiiidc to me and promote ih inter ests of this great community castle of sl lacis 7 qiebec november 11 1335- s skx5cixxaxvt tagliovi pmwvmi ti- wt h citvwvi r cw dlvri men in which the incomparable iwhimi makes her appearance she wjgieccd with the loudest demonshsuous of popularity kmh hev numerous uairons whnrll she acknowledged by several grace ful comics i s 1 behold pnid mcphisiophiles diiecting my ot- temioii to tlie cvotuhoos ol the dancer ihe progress ufriviliatioir ii all this were not so graceful it would be indecent tttrfl that such an exhibition ha a moral lenilctiuvi is uioie than duubtfu look at that young girl i it the pi elw bus seen miricicii ui crimson her ice nek and shoulder with a blusli ol rim j- and she hideahtfr ik ad from a sight winch line shocked iiui sense ol decency there is no ai- fectatiou there crhe is an liltinreiit girl freh iron the country who never saw a haiht hi her life vui all tieretom i womm and lihleizeuu deltgtittftl every gus s ntisel iho morccloelv to watch the ujouonsnt he fijurmic look she makes a sue cession nf viiohs and her mauty drapery living uhove her hps discloses to her enrttpsuied adinret she beauty of her limbs a thousand hands beat each other in approbation nvw the uiroueius and unserve die tmouii of applause wiiii h iollowj see be stauds on he h ft lot on ihe iioiltt ol her great roe nail ixtending her right lej nil the lop ol hei li lot is in a parallel line will lb crown ol her head in this position she bends with the appearance of the greatest ease till her body nearly touches the tcrouiid mid then gindoally nes with ihe same in li ite gravcauiid eutliasiasiic havosaud csttc ap plans nuvvou her tip toe her rilu leg slill ex tended she moves sowy iuuhu lilierally extending to all her patruiis within siybt the mot lvorablc op portunity ofcciuiiuiziag uw grtccs ol her tigute while the whole houe ledttfy their inhuiie upplauw again she comes iroin the itark ol tlie stage turning round uud round wnh the tfpsed ol a tclotuui but with an mdcsftciibalile and luciitaiiug tr cc thai seems to turn behead uf every young man in the ilieavk luihngihe rfioiill at tililllulfmluh vriiwi ensues she stand near the footlights sinihug euurteymg and looking h modest us an angel riltii comes lvrrot who is as iinich the idol ol ilu ladies as lugiioiii i the goildis ol the gentlemen lie leaps about us if ills kel vvur majeol louia ml- tier ami spins round a illie intviidcu ul loie a hole with his ute iu the flooi oi the attfttt 1 hji u lt n pumoihuue lovt busmen takes place between the dauseui ami the dniisiue ihiy ivvtrl itwtty ulidhoij eloquent dtscourse with tltcii pittoil litim and ilu- slluir ends by the geiitlcuim ciauig the larjy ruuitf her tiejicafc waist whilst he beiubuy htolmdy in the most graeeiul atiuude so mat jus lud shall come under her kit arm looks up m appaium ustlicy into iier suiihug iucc us ulc luoy ttiscl m i utuscinta on the exm inc point of her leu liiui cxtoild hci tihl limb at riglll angles with licr liody and hioks dovvu udnnrmjlv on her cotnuanluiii jlhuj grouueu thecurtttu dropsi wuu every one aivs ravo uiuoijib the hour with lus stick oi oens ma patma itigeiiiev nil mich a dm is raied is is ulhulobfly deaemug he is a chiiuung tlaiiccr i ubered yeep icpiied he aha uudomiuids the philoso phy ol her art butter than any oi hei coiiienporaiie it is to throw atound yeusuulity rfurcil a colunng or refinement us will divest h of iis grossucss for this she is paid a rmudred pounds a night and is al lowed iwo benefits in rmftwini which n generally a thousand pounds eoll vl bile you are thus lioerd io a dancer some id the worthies of your ministers ol religion receive about tiliy puumls per annum jor weai ing 4iil their lives i ur the good ol your suul and many ol your mot exalted men ol genius arc loft io starve such is the consistency of human uatoie mtflttstojftius iu england fuench mtoal drolleavtlie london poltct reponeis have lou been eminent lor the oddity ol tiieir perpeoaiious and their tenets have become bchieeuuiuitg literary producvous titespiitsoenie 0 have crossed the chetiiel aid we hid now and then home whimsual allairs in ihe paris pupeis under the npotteis heatl ihe following is a tiunalalion tiuma report in the ottstitutwttrut won which we were so niueh miuud l wu thought it woiih an english veisiuti much of the pomt and humor is unavoidably bit till the process ijui if we are no deceived there is enough kit to ulford some jinuscineiit to our readers bdsmwere nought op for practicing pugilism and oilier improper sciences mi ihe peisuu ufhitt wile when his name was called his visage ux- brteesd tert perftct wondefi ad hs ftatorea ciird to exclaim hauled up fur such a rriflhuf ftihtter s thw 7w prtfi unt seenik thai on tlie 29ih of au- gtwt you connuiue rloleut nsseot upon your wife llasoirit a tathftottnt mtite i monaieur lc preiiert 1 dustil my wife my desr fricd lei nir iimlire yl liial 1 am u man ihcapablp of such an actum i will foil you ihe wtjurtoiy you see pni a poitfi by trade and 1 had bevy a far us gen- lilly to pet a load of clay well after thst you know t wuh quite natural to top in at the wine hop and rest a little tike any other decent citizen well in comes my wife you see and she and me bad a glass together quite civil and after that we set off together for huiue the bcft friends in the world i dont be lieve there was tnore than one cuff on the cars be twecn us all the way home and perhaps o kick or two and you know thats nothing the president well hut for all your friendship it seems that after you got home you kept on best ing her fnd that in the end you threw her out of a window fifteen feet from the ground baws fi pi i teg pardon monsieur lc pre sident but it wasnt an inch more than twelve and a half to be sure there was an area under the window of about three feet hut thats no fault of mine you know besides she got up by herself hcremadame bassois was called as a witness and solemnly asseverated that she had jumped out nf the window of her own accord not knowing what she hid the president did your husband beat you madame zfrttttif ob never almost only on sundays and black monday you know of course and on saturday shen he gets hit wages and some times two or three other days in the week barring ibis he never goes near the wine shop the president but what possessed you to throw yourself out of the window 1 madam bassois why you we bassois had torn my clothes pretty much off me and 1 was a fraid hed go to tearing me next the president but you said at the time that he had t rowo you out and the witness nd so too nre vou not afraid of getting 0 beating if you tell the truth httmois monsieur lc president i am not in the ivifnxur euattig twy witeto make nor uili vt oidnt 1 take hci twice lust week to the hop at the cat and rainbow whnestce tfe thin called tl e first of whom lnnghns stated that he saw a bonnet come smash ing out of the window and after the bonnet a wo man whirling over and over like a bail after reach ing the ground she straightened herself out and said it was her husband who had thus set her flying- before she earn out she was screeching like u man wiih the moth ache madame bassois oh what a big liar bcmard another witness ihtts delivered himself ill tell you what it is president 1 was going quietly along before this here cbnpe house and i heard n womnu making an awful noise so i stops a while and then i raps at the door mid calls bassois and lie says to me says he i cant opci the door for you now becuuse im busy walloping my wife and ihen the first thing i knew down comes s big bun lie right alongside of me and what should it be hut this here woman rolling over and over like a whirligig and bassois poking his head out of the window and looking to see how she came down and then i looks np at him ami i sings out hul- towsays iwlintsort of a ways that to pitch your wife right on top of a fellows head and then he makes answer and says if you say much ill pitch myself down on top of you and see how vou like that says he and thats all i know about it basais only to hear that now i that am as ji title and peaceable as a iamb madame bassois oh what a iiar what a set of ins fer witnesses monsieur bassois was condemned to a year im prisonment to ibe great horror and scandal of ins wife who ceased not to exclaim l4 what lies what a set of lying witnesses commercial ad vrrtistr aovirf to unvjarribo ladis fioiutd otfrmg hutnc m3 of a late dowager- you have blue i yes languish if black cypft leer if you have a pretty foot wear hort petti- oa if on r ihe la doubtful as to that point let iimi le 1it n vou hn g oti le lh dont fo get to laugh now itld then li you iiave bad ones you must only simper w bile vou are voune sit with your face to the light when you ste a little advanced- sit with your hack i he wiudnv ivc bj voice tiiwaye pc mv ii a low ityou tunc if it is nckftnwhdtfi d that you have a oufi votcc- rcur si tk o bij i one jl vou lltttitr ftfil etutice bui seldom if vim dine il nevei daice himil if yon smg well make no previous excuses ii you stig indifferently hesitate not a moment vvh ii you are ased hr few persons ore compe tent judges of singing hut every one is semnljle of a desire to please if in ton versa tion you think a person wrong rather hint him a difference of opinion than offer a contradiction ifyuu find a person telling an absolute falsehood let it pass over in silence it is not worth your while to make any one your enemy by proving him a liar it is always in yoqr power to make a friend by smiles what a folly to make enemies by frowns when you have ai opportunity to praise do i with nil your heart when you arc forced to blame appear at lest to do it with reluctance if yoii are envious of another woman never show it but by allowing her every good quality and perfection except those she really possesses ll you wmi to let the world know you are in love with a particular mantreat him with formality and every one else with ease and freedom il you are disposed to be pettish or insolent it is belter to exercise your ill humors on your dog your cat or your servant than your friends if you would preserve beauty rise early ii you ould preserve esteem he gentle- if you would obtain power becouriesending if you would live bappyeudeovor to prornoe he hsppiners of others