the british whig and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly o r j r e ft r e it o i 0 t m d i c 0 p by e j barker m d vol iv klxgsrox u- c friday decfimbell ii 183 xo- 31 thk ijuitisii wilec- a bewiweekiiy journal devokrfiucmnineteialuid v ilil 1 inlhnmti in u puhli if 1 every tuesday and friday jtmjii f ir- bilker editor- and proprietor at his office in rear street net door tn the commi itotl i intel iv1 rr l british whig sovonluon shillings in 1 i vieno per annum if piiliu advance or within throe month from llio receipt oftlia rirt number and one pound jf collected atllio end oftbuyear exclusive of pomum no siirmcriulimti received for less ban six mutilhe and no mm discontinue untilll aimaiagcsare paid up eptai ihe option of the publisher finfttttfwnettla six linos and undn 2 gd first inter- i in in 711 cachsiibqiient insertion ten lino and un der 3s- m hr si inertton and 10d each ubiquiiil insertion jbo en line 4d per lino tr llio first iocrtiori and id per line for every subsequent insertion adverltfinunis without written direction arc inserted till forbid and charged accordingly orders fur discontinuing advertisement to be in writing produce of every kind received inpayment nulcitciatakun in except from agent unlets post paid letter press printing exerui low in uvpci canada ah wvrk ij bj pjij fut wit xution thicc ni mill oiler cxc kingston aug 1835 family grocery sc provision store patrick euan nluw for sale in ihe premises in tli muncut stpiure lardy occupied by mr soudan n wm geltedwrmwniflrrctgrocriet tohaco sluiie ware corn r 1 teas- jblj jtroti nsauil grocery m iinruliosecl hi mosiirenl market lire almost vfiy article in i i fovteion a iic at extremely lw iiicc9liaviiig h lull llinisl11 fill cilml n iu ll il new yrv mnrkej- rmor wrf 2um 1s53 23 ctkiv bkovmfi mnska just received nnd for sale by flit subscriber 50 tloten corn broom whik pathick egan market square oct 204 1j3 23 cash paid for fioiliici olevtiy ltgrritivtn bv patrick euan market square oct 20th 1333 23 fresh ismons a fnw boxes just rcceivud anl lr wile bv ihe sub- bnist patrick euan market squirt oct 204 1s3 23 stose ware flower potsmilk pans churn cream and iiikliiis jr and every discriptinn ncsione ware fgrnleby patrick egan a lekri square oct 20a 23 to housekeepers ixdkio likioii sih pcire pearl anh arm hoot ful kimitk rvuiineex nutl fpiic of every kind crnuml uid wliulv kji cur osuv by patrick scan market squire oct sotf is33 23 apples a few barrels of genesee pinnins for sffle bv patrick egan marlct square oct 23 1833 21 tobacco snurr o r sile bv ibt rntscnber mrs li it millis loiillaids fine cm tiibacu in 1 2 z oangtft do morcotoy scotch ktppuc aiid american patrick egan mtrkrl s r oj 33nf 3s 21 irish rtlatiikus madi up iitd- ilulsieiaund pillows jusi ructimd iiid fur sale by nov 17 1835 patrick ega look at this twkktv rn ckxy iiikapkr than svrr the s0bsok1hbr hu jui receixeil in atldi- tiuti to his ibrnut extetisive msorttilulk o goods a tfonttisumejii or ikst or ea cloths consisting l wwk lilue olive urccn ml mix tures of the very bet qihtliiy and ttry nipsriw buck caftiiiicre nil cit wliictl he ll dispose of on reasonable terms fur cah or approved endorsed notes at ninimv dtty john olirilant tarhant tailor wanted ikmediatsly three or four lirst ml coat makj5u kington november i7ilt is35 x o 32 just landing by the subscriber from the iroquois anj dolpbiu barges now lying at the ottawa cunt panys wharf 20 hhds bright muscovado sugar- 5 double refined loaf o 30 ghesls assorted twankay young hyson and ptiheu ttfas puncheons fine flavored jjaiaira bum 5 pipes cognac lirandy oiard dupuy co brand e pipes holland 2 fine old port wine 3 tt ehs india madeira 6 hhds- brown atid gold sherry 2 pipes l p- teneriflc 30 quarter caki bordeaux vinegar 6 barrels cod oil 150 boxes liverpool soap 100 poland starch 3 ton new cod ash 20 barrels north shore herrings 20 mackarel 100 boxes digby herrinirs 20 barrels stockholm pich tar rosin 150 coils fresh liverpool rope 26assorted anchors from 44 lb to 3qi with a general assortment of ship chandlery ugokge akmsthonu- king3tonoci31 1s35 27 indian rubber shoes just received and for sle 100 pairs of indian rubber shoes kinguton iov loih 1835 murray for sale at thid office blajfk deedfs nd memorials cash cash cash th r subscriber will pav readv cash for any quan- ityof hida calf and sheep skins flax grass seeds tallow butler at hi leather store alo leather of every description for sule i wholesale re- tail cheap for cash or the above mentioned pro duce- iv m ford n r 5 per 100 ibt paid for hides market square nov 17ih 1835- removal armstrong tk greer having removed to the premises in store street adjoining messrs- john watkins cos hardware establishment beg to inform their friends and the public that they are now opening an extensive and and general assortment of reasonable jpjklf good si consisting of yoikshitennd west of england cloths and ca- sjmeres buekkin petersham flushings satinetis pilot cloths 3 and 6 qi merinos moreen and camlets gentlemens lambs wool meiinoand chamois vests and drawers worsted lambs wool and silk hosiery gloves and braces tlombaetts crapes and bnmbazeens strum loom and grey domestic cotton blankets flannels sergea and fihalloims printed calicoes shirting stripes and turkey cheeks irish linen lawn damask and diaper table linen french and ienitation cambrics gros de naples persian sarcenets and silk serges fub caps muff tippets and boas with a jemraj asorltml uf hh9tfxy also teas sugars jamaica spirits hollands gin cognac urandy roftj mtcrrv madeira and champaigne wines crockery hardware 4e a g respectfully solicit an inspection of their stock hich they feel confident will in quality ind pucs afford satisfaction to purchasers kingston 2d dec 135 34 cash paid for rags three halfpence per lb ill he paid iu cosh for clean rags and two pence per lb allowed in account at the office of the biutih wmo kingston dec 8th 1835 notice tenders will he received from this date until the last of this month for building carrying out and repairing the wborfinlhe rear of the premises oc cupied iy a mauahan esq and belonging to 1 marklaudbi- the wharf to be extended out in the river with three sunken piers clng io mr mac- nidetd wharf for plans and specifications ap ply on the wliarf to walter qales painter front street dec 8tb 1935 36 w1jvbs the subscriber has received direct from the lon don dock 200 dox staled blk sherry 200 red 150 superior port 3uu wt india maderia the above wines are in cases of two dozen and can be highlv recommended for fjimilv use john a greer ktneshm s8di nov 183 31 rooms to let several rooms to let in comfortable and respectable houses apply to walter bales front st der 1st 1835- 3if board and lodglyg three or four respectable young men can iu accommodated with hiard and lodging in a small family in the most central part of the 1011 ap ply at this office- kingston dec uu 1835 31 sale oe crown lands notice is hereby given that the undermentioned crown lands in thfi newcastle district will bo offered for sale by public auction at thv town of peterborough on monday the 211 iv of december near at jo oclock a h jit tht upset pricz of os cur ratify per aere viz the township lately surveyed eiunifeil in in eastward of balaam lake ami in reir of the low h- ship of fenelon will be tel up in lots of 100 20u acres each an isu9xd ly balsam lake opposite the first concession ol the ftbovo township containing nbout 1170 urrcs av island opposite lot no 17 in the first concession of the same containing about 20 acres also the front lots reserved from the last sale iu ihe front collection of the tract of land adjoining the townships of fenelon and eldnn north of the halsam lake the terms of payment will be one quarter of the purchaaq mony down mrl ike remainder in three iiiinl anmml nimtauntnts wiih interest upon each in- milnieni ha it iirruiue due further jiartiruhirs miy he known by applying m alkx macdonell esq peterborough or at this office commissioner of crown jjands office toronto 21st nov 1835 k dental surgery ladies and gentlemen who wish to avail themselves of jwj woods professional services in dentitry are requested to call soon as mr w takes his leave in a very few days to be absent till the net summer commercial hotel 1st dec 1835 31 board jind lodging six or seven respectable young men can he ac commodated with board and lodging at a respec table family residence in the most central part of the town apply at this office kingston dec 1st 1835 34 1 to tailors and shoemakers to be let at wilton township of ernestown opposite the post office a small and convenient shop suitable for either a tailor or baoemaktr any industrious and sober man may he certain ol having constant work in either trade amtumg wilton novl6ih 1835 3 evenino writing and beading classes mr jennings is forming winter classes for in struction in the above brandies as not more than eight pupils will be received in a class they will have all the benefit of private induction our for ladies from 5 till 6 fot gentlemen from 7 th 9 application may be made at his academy nml to the lancasterian school or at his residence point street kington nov 10th 1935 on to tub public 1ersons mil- of inuismumtg small sums ol imtocy 10 iltcir relatives in die old couniry cmi do guby a fituii g to john h gkeer kingsion novsih 1355 gdue bank a meeting of the subscribcra for stock in ihe gore hank will be held hi burky im in haimi- ton on siiturdiiy ihe i- li day uf december at 12 oclock noon f ihe put pe of hpporiioiiing the stock and tutt for aipoinine a day on winch the eteci shall ae held hamilton nov 29 193 3j the several papers in llp canada will copy this till 1 2th lice ftlontreal stu from kingston 1 brocktille the advenivs mail col for this part of route beg leave i icquaitu ti veiling cinnnu- niiv thai until ihe beginning of jatumry they will he prepared 10 convey nil pirengeis frmn knffton to fcockviile ntid from hrokville io kingston in a coinuriable double sleigh w oidiiwry iuge fares w s pair man jmes thomson kingvhin pc8th 1s33- 366w tliu brockville recorder please tocopy ibi hiee rimet and rharge iln- ndwrtlwrs notlib general meeting of the iloumlioldr ami prctllildcr of the towhip of frederickiburii mill take plce jk the inn of cieorgu chmieis tin su- turday tlw 19th instant at ur of 10 oviock in the forenoon io consult mp he best measure t be adoped to carrv iitto fceessful operhtion hie lflw hulv poeil bv tlie fctwwlbtore enmmonh vlll ihtouhip uffict cj 5 s all arc deep ly in crested a knerftl aimimnm it requested irotlei irksbiirif drr 5l- sj5- riinui ou i i iwiiiiwi rr- h mi k irfl lol no- 9 w liai iaimin ol tvnrihpi tuesday the 1st with ii short swlich lail a hiiespoi on the forehead iter rbrlit bind font white p 0 lhc g an person prminp pertv aig espences may have the above meiitioned u apwlyitig to mr mc lean piltslhirgh dec 2nd w 3 the briti s wh kingston friday kl hbw duo 11 1w5 km ik pro- lnglanin from fa smm york com adctrttstr nearly twofrnir itcr ewrduhy pnprr commer- rial adteriitier luul yone l received lnn- dmi the rosco h of oct in- rlusive but although ihev lrfng intelligence udu later than we had before tectivutl lit timouiit ol new is very limited nhing ecttraordiimry ap- jwars to have happened inbnmpc except the de parture or the duke of cm watgiew ns some say to take puii w r and tccordnnj to others in eunsequeuce qncl with his uther king louis phillipej and except ulsu a sudden vt- sit or the emperor ofbuio tu vieiiiia lie took every hotly by twirprt no intimainiu ol his pkbtorev0aufhullllitioi luiviiig been given speculation was of comr xh guivive but the general belief seems to bo that it was nothing mure than a whim u his impend majesty the turkish ambassador had arrived at pahs and wasretvned with rrat attention which is suj- posed to indicate a diapotttion on the part of france 10 look somewhat sharply iio doings of russia on the side of tin key the journal des dtbala spcik very lightly ol the alleged ilhaffimstloi iti the french army it seems to be very generally hfclieved iftiotpro- vedt that the tie french loerniinnt has been ws- crelly aiding don cirloswiih arms and money the bngfish yuveiniuenl hivc reiuonsirated on the sub ject km a word of our french qofrstton except a rumor thai m jacksoii had declared his in- teiiiiuii tu prohibit emnineicial inteicuursc iliu rumor merely stilted us one oflhe coujvetural causes ofa ftl in the kreu h funds the news fvoil spain vuie little fitiiu previous accounts llierfi are tnarrhinga and cuumejinhicb ings rumors of battles and much buaaimg oil both ticwa the ruw ministry fttillguiuing punulnrtty the juntas all quiet count de lttj nu vasal madrid ihe inrduiuf lie press proclaimed except js tu rfihgitm lopiaid an ixeellvnt spirit of lualu pfvvsiiauiong ihi finulws a nmnher of a hum 1 voltmteered to raioe arm and support ten bcitu iiuoa for the qucenseet vice the offer waaofctftuae accepted the reindeer dickeim arrived at falmout the 13th ufoci froui mexio with 730000 lord ayhner the lale governor uf canada had arrived in luiidon and irausacied business at the colonial department- the frigate which conveyed hi lordship tu england had a perilous pasugc the english papers snll speak with great alarm of numerous ww iueteasing incendiary ire parti cularly in the agricultural districts the portuguese tnmps have at laai actually marched iuto spain in aid of the queen 6500 iu number the king of hollands speech at the opening of lhc dutch chambers has itiwll disappointed expecta tion- the following is its substance 1st the go vernment refutes to give any information of a diplo matic nature 2id it proclaims a persistance iu the nameavatem us it has observed since the belgian re- vulution 3d it tesifieu to a great increase of the prosperity and resources of dutch india 4th an nounces measures ofrelicf fur the agricultual did- tridaj 5th admits by the credit paragraph that the interest on ihe llelgiau purtion ol the debt must con tinue to be paid 6fh that a remission of taxes to a small extent shall take place it requires no great foresight to perceive that such a speech us tins is hot calculated to conciliate the uoneel manu facturing or merehautile classes of holland the albanian insurrection is completely at an eid and the turkish forces have entered scu tari jimieral iturahli has been dismissed by don car los and the count despuguc appointed captaiu-gc- neral of catalonia in huslea a later account state dkspaguu had been sei zed by order o the french govermnent hi perpig- uan and conveyed a prisoner to aries this is said to he a great disappuimmeut to the carlit it was reported in london that mr oconnel was about to tie appointed a piiv councillor an english newspaper published at uuvre had been seised under the hew law lor an article reflect ing on the king marriage of tub qaebn of portugal we learn that the duke of saxe cubing has accepted forhis sou ihe proposal ol marraige with the queen ol injrtugiil uud a courier has been dvtputched io lisbon with the mrnagc cotittact as apprised b hiin the young prune will go to lisbon jii an by lirusseb and londuii during the winter he will attdy the puraigeee ijnguage he already speaks the ijatiu french english italian nud hungariati languages with facility stcubiaa mercury ctdy iho law of england oo ltkl or kesper ofa hmm of corrcclitu pcniuiitiaiy uui oihe ilc of tonfinani or rrimmalfl is i lowed to oct m a -ini- ii- cooomuitcuk being rendered null and vonl by th ipooifitintnt tu ui inf- rior lliougli more lucrnlirp ftituutioa at uiii itw b either old mhiulu or commnn law we ans notsufficienuy lond tu ay whihl u pnltc aa equally tu tins provifc t u eug luid and vlioutil ie generally known ind obeyed uutil slurr ed bv proviiirul lugiblulion tito kevner of the provincial penitentiary u io tbs com- oiminn of the peace fur this dislrict and acu aaamagifitrajc but if our iiiteroi elation of the law bo correct no maguterukl act of liuj cqn be legal nay mota any cnotleble r oth person eicculing any ofhia ordora would be italic to an ac tion foi impriionment or treptu a the case might b how fir jailora or keeper of houea of correction are u ally entitled to ait aa coinmiidioncrtf in the small courts we hjve not yet asceitained jt when oncoan anlagonut u beaten in argument h of ten confutes it by beeomint abusive the harmf beii welldrnbbed by ourconepondent another reformer au4 not knowing hi identity imitates ihe conduct of dirty jack and the cejioville jow by copiously ihowirng upon u crcry vilu epithet in his vocabulary sorueihing belter was expects rrvm uw author of the spring of life c li inner of infamous notoriety that mr juho vln cent the edjtor of the kingston sptctaurr haa for miny yaans been living in open adullry wiui and haa o family by the wife of another tnan by oama hill now or very lately alive in tba united srato ihn last two copies of his paper contain cf tain al1u of an improper character nuh bad thry anf ulii founiit n than liis own m dignity ho ought to ba the last man alive who should indulge in but which being wholly and totally false uliev the height to which ihadopra ily of lii rjutureeitcnda etkin haihorisnot yet closed the union cpt patterson arrived tin day friday from toronto having that port yesterday miirnih touching at port hop by tha vve have ihe pleasure of ftllifu that capl pattcron h sureecded in obtaining an orderfrorn his excellency the lteai lovernoi directing the rostiukicn ofbu yssel fiuurtou rrnt oflhe law 5 iat monday seems to have been a pioud day for ihe bntitili iobsbhsats itfhcmlniaj on that day wasbeu ttatteualj and attended in immense numbers tlio annual nnetui of ihe montreal constitutional boeuty to revehti llli natiort of the committee relative to the inri um of the agent m losidorl aiiil on other iiupof uni matierj the limit of our meh sheet uttirty prohibit our iiiiixeven an outline of what was said mid done at this uicetinjoor renders lor mfoimutioti on thit liqjd are retened to the montreal u4ptttisj but llio letter of the s ircury to tjie couuniiioers tu tin secretary of tlie society d so communicative of tbsj intentions of those impoitanl pcr- mhiuoi ihul vvm have contrived to nigke rounj for it a goj deal uf hiiigui was made use ttf at this meeltns wiiitli our wing adactuuii would nil tnraauoabla but which nvcrthefes mjy he jutifled by exiting i no buioo belie whigtvy ui kadi nl i an bear to be trampled on by frenchmen in the land conquered by lii forefellier i qukbkci december 5 is33 sir i have hid the honor to receive and lay be fore tic coiiuinionti your letter dated 2lth u 4oeuiher luqairtiig at what time and ill what man ner they will be prepared to investigate tbe cum- plaims of the petitions addressed hist year to his majesty and both houses of parliament bv divers inhabitants of the district of montreal and i am directed to iieflnnhii von in answer that the com misiouers are at prevent engagtfd iu consideration of the conduiuns whuh it mny im proper to annex to ihe measure of giving up the crown reserves and thaff iu connection with that subject they have also before them the question of lhc independence of the judge and the creation of the court oflnv peachineiii if the cousiitirional assoeiation of montreal wish to offcf any iiifoimatioii on these pniuis the comrauotpuers will he happy to see any persmi ur persons whom they may depute tor thai purpose in order however to enable the aociation to decide whether it be desirable or them io make such a deputation at present or io await some future htagu nl the proceediii i am desired to apprrae you that as soon as the coiiimtsmoiierai shall have dipatched their report on the matters above advert ed tci it in probahle tnn their next eucpiires will re- late to any improvements which mny seem practi cable in the system tif inanaiirng the cruvn lands t ltd dispoin of tin v l lands and forests thai fium thence they will proceed to the tenure ol land generally and in the ertect which ihe seigni arial tenure may produce upxai the prosperity ol the city of moniieal as well to the subjects of lle h ifistiy of title and ihe future incorporation ol land companies kinally that the coiistiiuiimi u he bruiivtj and legiafttliw councils and the stutc of he keprestntatiou of the people ore ques- linns whtrh it wllilm necessary to approach the s ot the comntisuhi is nut cmilineil to the sub jectl svhrch i have enumerated ulthouyli uudertsie instructions from his majestye juvernrncnt they are considered to h ive the first claim to attention having thus stated the course of inquiry contem plated by the goiiulllimuiiers i am to add that du ring its progress it in probable they will remove their sittings to montreal j and os they propose to make their report on the appropriation of the crown ueservesbefbte christmas i am to request that you will favor me with the earliest information you can eonvcuieiitl aflbid whether or not it i likely thai any gentleman from montreal will wish to attend before that communication be dispatched 1 have the honor to he sir your obedient humble servant titos- fueok ett-t-jt- j i scott esq montreal tacts atfjd scraps 150 pounds wanted wanted to borrow on mi c unexceptionable freehold security the sum of 150 for which good interest and a liberal bonua will be given letter addressed to d l cure of dr barker whig office will he attended tu dec ii 1835 37tf doctor walkek intends to give instruct ion a imu frw ivnurutjie ui lumen iu medtcalarulfiugictil science nnd to read a course ol lectures as deli vered in the uiiiveiiiy uf ediuhurg on anatomy surgery practice of physic materia mcdica and thysioloy hi terms will be reasonable houra of adinission every evening from 0 oclock until 9 store street kingston lc 12 1835 3r take notice a those persons who are indebted to the subscri hern appear reluctant incoming forward to aettle their accounts they have at length to ieform them ibat such accounts as oiay remain unsettled on the 1st day of january ensuing shall indiscriminately be put in suit fur the purpose of immediate collec tion the subscribers alao particularly request ihose persons to whom they are indebted to preaeut t ieir accounts for adjustment hunt mouton kigmonder 11th 183 37 jyotmce the undersiened residents and freeholder in the township of kingston request a meeting of the in habitant freeholders of said iownhip and other at cuunicr3 tavern in the village nf waterloo on sa turday uie 19th day of december insu at 1 oclock p m for tlie purpose of taking into considerarioh the propriety of petitioning the legislature at he next meeting to further extend the jurisdiction of tlie conn of deque ts and for other purposes horace yeomans william raymond william kllerbeck robert richardson john grass patrick ma dig an jarvis worden peter knight township of kingston dc 7 1835 meeting of tht inhabitants of the town of kingston and it vicinity to devit measures for settling the back townships in the a jutland jjhj- trict notice is hereby given that a public meeting will take place at the court house in the town ol kingston on wednesday the 16th instant at 12 o c lock the object of the meeting will be to take into consideration the best mode of proceeding in eudea- wiring to obtain from the crown the waste lands in the rear of the midland district and for laying out the bark township lor settlement fur which iurposrit ill be proposed at the meeting to raise iiv sobscipiion in small shares sufficient stock tc purchase the said waste landy lit for cultivation from the government and to open toads into hin- chiubroike bedford olden oso and adjoining townships an outline of a plan for carrvi ig the measure in to effect will be shewn nt the meeting the principa vaiure of which after the laud is purclascd wit be that ihe company shall resell the laud and of fer irficoiluns tin such easy conditions as woult qoickly settle that section uf the country thereb coillribuihw to the indmdiinl success of industrious settlers yielding a reasonable profit to the share holders advnucing the prosperity of the country a law and ultimately benefit the town of king atoft signed john aiclean sheriff kingston dec 8 1835 at the request of the undersigned alexander pr1ngle thomas k1rkpatriok james sampson john s cartwkight john macaclay 1 a harpbr john strange james nickalls william burke john watkins abraham truax john marks mechanics institution a discussion of the question whether a cana or rai hoad from the bay of qtituta to lake hu km would be the most beneficial for the province is to be resumed in the mechanics rooms upo tuesday the 15th inl those who wish to hike a interest in the undertaking are invited to attend kingston dvc 12 1333 etsoouily inswiatit iatbltb1areartiita quantity of dun bam biu and oilier rivr craft aoiuntiu in number to bv twetsu ii and 13 r caught by ibokellillw various bays of ihe si lawrence fftma tlwy had utupfurthe nighl tins h iiufrtd since tho close of ihu rideau canal the up per country merchant fcfi making serious outcries about this deieoiion nf their gond to how dos u happan that wn trfces stattj in the road at mr gai raus w her the road is narrow and at thu 60 ftct rojd the trees wtli cut down all within uqo mile of tbe iond wheie tht liairflt3 bt pout notice to all whom it may concern the case i finally settled in the court of equity hvorotllie heirs againl the corporation and veatr of trinity church in the city of new york for ll nmouiit of twenty million geven hundied thouaan dollare k w martin secretary j in b ah the ageu are retjuested to attend i the citv hall on the 20th ihiy of december new york nov 15 13 3