i iyi attempts would be made to gc i her into place eafftty by suiting the ice hie crew ofthe endeavor were still on lure is md 011 fridey morning peltier the pilot and some ther were in readiness to go 10 their assistance on m first favorable opportunity which it waa thought h would accomplish that afternoon quebec oa- ttttf monday dec 7- t british wh xisghtos tuesday evening dec l 1835 from the nl k commercial advirtiser mx days later from england the packet ship josephine cnptaii button ar wed early this morning from liverpool whence he sailed on the3it of october bringing london jopcrs to the 30tli they add very little of impor- snee however to our previous stock of information we regret to learn hy this arrival that the house f andiew taylor co of liverpool had stopped jaymemfor 130000 they show asaett sufficient b pay the whole amount there is nothing new from france relative to the indemnification the prosecution ofm srrana editor of the ffouvelle minerve and of general latapie for a libel on the duke de broglie to which we have previously referred has terminated in a conviction m sarrans was sentenced to a fine of 20110 francs and fifteen days of imprisonment general latapie to the same fine and two months of imprisonment the libel was an assertion tluit the duke caused to be inserted in the ministerial paper articles rela- tingtoihe war in spain which were furnished by one ofihe adheients of don ciflos the court declared in the- progress of the trial that it had arid would eflrcise the power to prevent evidence being given ofxlie trutli of otrittve allegations the affair f algiers appear to cause some un easiness in fcance serious disasters are said tu have befallen abe french and large reinforcements are demanded- changes in die french cabinet continue to be spoken of m htitnann it is said wilt resign admiral de kigay become minister of marine and the resignation et messrs thiers and duchatgl u also spoken of its probable measure sue in progress for the formation of a piotetant jtajociatimi at liverpool the gxeeulaud fiahciicj tins year have been al mewl wholly ejnproducwve oil has much risen in prire inconsequence the arrival uf 7000 portuguese troops in castile i iniliucril in letters received nt london eleaaioj- hud left st sebagnmi for bilboa and the caflctfto ne said to have profited by the cir cuirwiattee to renew the bluekade of the former plartu general cordova vu in pursuit of don ulne cmin racks expedition we have to an- dotficeilie arrival of mr richard king at the york hswl bridge street hlacfcfriar the companion of op back tn the northern reifin having trans- poftedmnledgrtt weight ol 4000 lbs across nearly tfeetoleliiie of the ftreat slave lake und huilt a uat0 the slave river a startler ia possible to ifevf king carried over poring la roche by fccs crew of eleven men he embarked on the m of june heavily laden with provisions and bag pfir lake being atiu fast and having prepared etjiat chepewpan pjssed the poiiage in four ahyt the dutrctd abate of the cuinpanye posit xejicainnal bands of indians laboring under in fteeaw detained linn some time but on the 23d tiflipist he reacked york factory hudsons bay wiflival having met with u single loss eitherby dis- m r accident on the 2lth of september he h for england in the fur companys ship ftefauce rupert and arrived off hastings on the dliuutttut where he took the mail for london paris ocl24 fwcfvotcatcur of bordeaux has the following arwlle frwn madrid dated the loih m daya agejl mndizabal assembled tie principal gran- vlttnl nobles of spain antj having pointed but hofcemvww intimately their existence waa tndenti- ewwrtji 4e triumph of the young queen he called ttpeii jheoe for targe pecuniary sacrifice they wigtyaied that they had no funds m mendizi- ftdmtsm assured engaged to procure them as ftiicfe oe 1tt millions by means of mortgages on wreieneei it is added that all the nobility ha- n aceftdtfi to this proposal the one hundred mil- onn torily he at the disport i uf the govern- t it isajd rhatm mendizabal hud previously wftieteh this subject with a company ofen- tibaakof this is speaking to the purpose tttmitt he owned is influence were such m- mettdizuhal came araeaceomits fromtheeast concur in slating ni iuunhi now that he is relieved from unea- ae ode of albania in preparing a great cftafettcuvar ail that he hiid lost from mehemet b r- x i t eieii tu cany riur war iaioegyirt ii4t a pledget of success he is pro jtisedike airecf upport of russia and the indirect til md cmnkenwice of england and france though nccannt tiry well understand the combination f iotereatc wloeh can place the two maritime ptvrfsb thceideof the autocrat in any struggle in at ca ost important from france we ate enabled to say on the authority of one of irinft resjectable commercial houses that p letter km london dated october 28th received yes- tenlay by tfcc loeephinc states that a formal de- and bad been made toy our charge dafflitrsoii the fwach government for the payment oftheinstal- twins due tbe united states as settled by the in demnity treaty thai a long conference was in ttuiequeoce heid between the president of the council the dake de brogli and the minister of finance m- uumann and that on the 26ih a refu- nlwai comiwumned to our charge and a full and explicit expidtioa of the presidents message re quired london oct 15 1835 an isteresting controversy has been carried oq wl the present weel between the london cou ncrsfcl morning htrold on the subject of the pro- etidf duties impoaed on the timber which the nor- fm states of euopeimport into great britain teformer journal in a spirit which 1 do not wish totoeimutted by any other english newspaper jutoregardthelosaofihecanadaato the mother coumry as an event of very little moment and by to be deplored this controversy which itmcied some attention had its origin in the wjk relating to canada from the pen of roebuck yatlssi number of the wutmntter review i m waewhat surprised at a respectable publica- fikejfce courier under the superintendanceof experitttced a man and rdiarpsiglited a traveller a jamm stewart seriously talking of the pow- ff peiedtoy ihe discotitemed spiriu among you m attributing to them the possibility of affecting eptrauon from the crown of england the jjjjjj w the courier aligns for wiehing the f duties imposed on baltic timber to be plw is i truth a atrange one viz io order ttluvate a more friendly ming with the great- en human race his august majesty u 2jfw russians after endeavoring that our relations wuh russia would be mfcd by mor extended commercial irao- saetiona with that country the couritr sugjeats the necessity in order to curb the growing powerand ambition of kusnta of making friends by means of a free trade with norway sweden and denmark so thai in the event of a rupture between this country and the great antocrat of the north we might be able to secure ihe assistance of those powers which after such an arrangement would completely com mand the outlet of the baltic in our favor and prevent n single russian ship leaving the baltic without our permission the courier contends also that were the same duties charged on timber from canada new brunswick c that are charged on timber from the north of europe the revenue of great britain would thereby gain a million and a half of money annually which sum is represented as a bonus paid by the british nation to the people of canada such doctrines as these tukemy word for it will never be palatable in england it is hardly to bo imagined that the people of great bri tain who hate the destroyer of poland and the dead ly enemy of every thing that is wise and liberal with an intensity of feeling which nothing can ex ceed will ever tamely submit to see her north a- merican colonies plundered in order to purchase the forbearance for this in reality is the gist of the proposition of the only power in eorope which this country has reason to fear a pretty mode this of curbing the growing power of russia the morning herald very ably came forward in defence of canadian interests and supplied a pow erful antidote to the poison of the courier a circular has recently issued from the dublin castle forbidding the military io aid and assist the civil power in the collection of tithes in case of se rious riot or disturbance the former may be called out but not otherwise the more violent orange partisans are highly incensed at this but consider ing he cruet scenes which have been witnessed in ireland in consequence of the forcible exaction of thhes moderate men of all parties have no reason to be dissatisfied with ic public dinkcsto hugh kido esq of abhaqh on wednesday a number of the respectable in habitants of armagh and its vicinity entertained their esteemed friend and fellowcitizenhugh kidd esq- to a public dinner prior to his removal from among them upwards of fifty sentlemen of all religious persuasions and of every shade of politics assembled on this occasion to testify their esteem or the un bending integrity and amiable deportment of their guest in all the relations of life as well as to ex press their sincere regret at the toss or so worthy and so useful a citizen john barnes esq ably pre sided and matthew bell jtin esq acted as vice- president a new tragedy was in preparation at drury lane from the pen of barry cornwall entitled tbe pro vost of bruges n macready and vamleuhoff to sustain the principal characters covent garden opened on the 19th oct at redu ced price boxels pit 2 gallery is upper gallery 64 mr chatles kemble waa performing at this house among the recent english deaths we notice that of josh hudson the john bull fighter deaf burke lias proclaimed ininsslfchampion of england and it appears there is uo one hardy enough to dispute hi title the presidsnlj msftugc ha arrived but doe uot contain the announcement of the rupiurs wilh france as anticipated by many tlio message u cxueoicly pacific the american being too rsuuoim to jeopardize die receipt of the large sum of mortej out of wbich ihey are attempting to humbug ihe french nattoa bj anj bullying until ihe ultimatum of thai govern ment is received should iliat ullitnttum bo unfavorable the president promise i special communication on ihe aubjett after stating the whole of the late negotiation with france the message ihua concludes the part relative to that country having thus frankly presented to you the cir cumsttneesvthich since the last session of congress have occurred in this interesting and important mat ter with the views of the executive in regard tn them it is at this time only necessary to add that whenever the advices now daily rxpected from our charge d a flairs shall have been received they will be made the subject of a special communication in respect to ihe finances of the country lbs president ipeakt thus the condition of the public finances was never more flattering than at the present period since my last annual communication all ihe remain of the public debt have been redeemed or money has been placed in deposit fur this purpose whenever the creditors chouse to receive if all the other pe cuniary engagements of the government have been honorably and promptly fulfilled and there will be a balance in the treasury at he close of the nresenr year of about nineteen millions of dollars it is be lieved that after meeting all outstanding and unex pended appropriations there will remain near eleven millions to be applied to any new objects which congress may designate or to the more rapid exe cution of the works already in progress in aid of ther objrrif and to satisfy the current expenditures of the ensoing year it u estimated that there will be received from various souices twenty millions more in 1836 the boundary question between canada and rhs united statea is thua treated in the settlement of the question of the north eastern boundary little progress has been made great dritain has declined acceding to the propo sition of the united states presented in accordance with the resolution of the senate unless certain pre liminary conditions were admitted which 1 deem in compatible with a satisfactory and rightful adjust ment of the controversy wailing for some dis tinct proposal from the government of great britain which has been invited i can only repeat the ex- i predion of my confidence that with the strong mu- tuatdisposition which 1 belfeve exists to make a just arrangement this perplexing question can be settled with a due regard to the wellfounded pretensions and pacific policy of all the parties to it event are frequently occurring on the north eastern fron tier of a character to impress upon all the necessity of a speedy and definite termination of the dispute this consideration added to the dssire common to both to relieve the liberal and friendly relations so happily existing between the two countries from all embarrassment willno doubthave its just influence upon both law or cartas among the aubjecte to wbich we bare devoted our time since usesatabluihmsnt of this journal bj the law of cupids la the early pajt of last session of parliament we wrote sevsral tardea upon una head and by private letter and otherwise drewi of two or three leading mem bers oftbe hoots of assembly to tbe many inatances ofinri moua oppression thai had tone to our personal cogniunes through lbs cruel operation of this law whether or not incse writings carried with them nny conviction of their truth we will not pretend to say but as an act was passed during the session restricting all capias to aurna above ten pounl it would not be unjuat to claim aorne merit in the aflejr this although a ssrioua mitigation of the evil if not all that i rvpi- f r an smtndmeut of the oath teken by oreditora ia imperi ously callsd for at present any person awsaring hiowelf to bo apprekaum of his deblors leaving tbe province without paying his demand can arreat bis body inatanuy i thue foreing him not only to the aerioua inconvenience and et penes of either goipatojsil or putting in bail but materially injorisg his ere- dit with his allow towneensn and bis other creditors what demanded is ihisthal creditors previous to obtaining a capias should ofler before aoms compels prh tangible evidence of their debtors intsnuon to ebtcesd or al iks tstj lo tt thai attorneya auing oul the jf roceaa should ihetnsuwet be aarified of ila nceaeilj that fwapssoabls auviney do aoiaiiiy ihemannee before ihey sonssol 4 sl we believe to itao generally llitesae bul even among thia portion of ihe legall fraturnity aoine eicep- liona to ihe contrary have and do deiity occur witnoaa tor in tancoa lingular arreat in kingetom last week if tberefoie men having both character end reprttalioo to loan do occasion ally commit ihomieuea how ia it luoan w be wondered at that others oflhe profoaaioo fellows wituioul honor truth or integ rity should be continually vetibg irhs community by the iau ing of these scandalous tapujf hup such a piuh ia tint car ried ihai moti respectable indtvidujula tie frequently dragged from their homes by the sberin mien whose lifo and aution in worldly rneana are inferior to norne in the province take an instance of tint kind- colonel molean one of the oldest lawyers in thoproviuce a large landiad proprietor registrar of ihecounly of frontenac a man of vireshh and rnfluence was lately capiaaod by one of his own vmtrkmen for diapuled ac count of s few pounde need we oaesntton the attorneys name who aucd out the proceael ctn svny stronger instance be af forded of the necetrity of some aldsration in the lawl we might give numborleaa initancea of other capiases equally aa atrocious as this but as the piiblisibiog of name would only be adding to the iojur its indicted upon the debtors wemuitre- fiain how mcrchanta end othera movang in good society can uke iheaeoiith iii matter left to theraetfilvet and their conacience but that they can eipect tu do lhew tbinga without a lose of individual reaped ia v hlpctc ae t is futile facts avd 03 tta coronera inquest was heid on friday evening li on the body of villisro bonwood a privateof the 24th rtt who died under peculiar circumstance from the evidence before the coroner it appeared ihst be had attended that morn ing a punurhruent drill in heavy nsarching order that he had complained ofillneaa betoro going on drill but had omitted giving io a aick note leaf hii punieliioeni hould be increased on his recovery when he enujrsd his barrack room alter drill tbe perspiration was atcaming cipiously from every part of hi body and ertr a very abort interval be uctered an ex clamation and fell down acovptt after an attentive inveni- gaiion the jury returned u verdi to the following effect vi2- 4 that the deceased came to his death by an effusion of blood on the brain caused by too mucjt cxrfien at dritl we notice a letter upon thia aubject io the chrmieu ofsa- turday endeavoring to exculpate fbsse who according to the verdict of the jury caused the death of this young aoldicr we are informed thi letter ta the production of die same individu al aid to b a ooncommutiooed officer who wrote the blackguard epistle io tbe frisk adcoeau relative to the case of die unfortunate soldur convicted of murder at the laat a size we aie not amijua to be urtftectsiarily severe on any person whether military or civil but when we perceive of j iulerference like that of thia narncle wriur endea voring to wjrp juitkeon the one occsaion aud distort ciclaon the otlier it ia time to tell him to be aileol it i highly inde coroua for individual holdings cmlitery aituation however uburdinate to be scribbling in the public journal particular ly in casts like the ebow ettorf ialto or cch x tool aa ta otsauxu ifi in turning over the page of an ud cngluh mag the other dnj xve found account of is ciperimcnt mda in the year 1767 al pontipool a gentleman who had lakr d the wine a quaniily of smelts wilh the view of perpetu ilie breed uf ihis delicate kind of fiab in fissh water e them to be pol into a large pond in hi garden and anxitvuily awuited the iaaue nothiug was ever further een of ths the smelt did not die aw waa supposed by hia neighbrni they were aimpiy devoured by the pike with whib ihe jond abounded from anything therefore we know tothconnaiy tom experimenui may yet be tried und prove ft claafufl i vi- are happy to learn that air jenning inienda i a public eibibiiion of hi pupila im prove me ot in elocutiuii on tbe evening ofthe22d inat previous to the cbftataisi vaca tion the ruailinga will roke place at the cuun houar and mr jennings will himself assist admustuo will be givou by fisksll onhf which may be tad gratis by application aia jenning and oiher places to be named hton thursday at montreal there was aome atir irv the flour market 00 barrel american superfine were aftd at 31a 3d per banal cash and 330do fine al 2fa per barrel soday yeaterday 4wbaireisfine were bought on pcu lation at 27 5d per barrel so daya 28 6d per cwl ia 90m ed for small bill of tot aahee atztasoltttobi or oaths in etiglakd ity a recent eel i tin brituli parliament tlie fulloviogdlaraiion to bo aubvrtilul- ed inateed of tlie oath heretofore required to be taken im sc- cordeoce with the idofatrou custom of kiavinj the book t do aolcninly aud aincerdy declare that here iho fact i deiclar- ed thia solemn declaration conacientioualy be lieving the same to be true all person making a falae dtecla- ralninhajibe deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and all per son authorised heretofore fo administer oath may edrauuiter and nn deetaraliooa as above spcci6ed tt we learn that the hen nalhan smith one ofthe c s senator from tho slate of connecticut died of apoplexy uaa the tini day if tbe sessiun at washington et we perceive by the montreal papers that a ribe corps of 800 men is about being immediately raided in that city a meeting wa to have been bclcj for the purpose of organizing thia corpa on saturday laat our iik number of lbs lower provincial aaaembly has lately loat 50 ftom hi oat pocket while hanging in the wardrobe ofthe house the montreal herald more uiao in ainuate that aooaeoiher member baa robbed him e7 the kingston volunteer fire company had a grand din ner on toeeday laai auhe tavern of mr d leahy several patriotic toau were given and aome good songs sung ac- cording to our neighbor the chromeu each gentleman return ed to hi home cjuile nvercomo with delightful aensationa the cnocludingsong ofthe evening was therefoie not in ap propriate heghguid cunyerea drunken body drunken body b7footracx aoifst tnaca match of this kind ia to come off on saturday next on the cataraqui bridge at nine oclock ar s wager of a few dullara the person who ia to run is a pjian named nobb cv is to perform eight mile witbin the hour he expect to be heavily backed cm couple or co05onuai for tks whic why is a man with a quiosey like drum at a funeralt becauae he ia mufeod why ought all barrister to be married man 1 be cause eyvmry gown ahould cover a petticoat jlf by the proclamation in today paperj our readers will perceive that the provincial parliament meet on the 14th proximo by an extract from the correspondent we learn that sir john colborne ia going home and ia to bo asccesded by sir george gibb etakothf cohodhum row tu whio why has mr baird by hi new acheroo of raitroada made the trent ihe happiest place in ihe world t do you give it up t ye be cauae he bas taken good caro it shall never be d d fxthe editor of the sandwich emigrant a pol op izea for the waul of editorial matter in conaequence ofthe machinery of hia preaa being out of order we preaume thorefore thia gen tleman does hi editorial by machinory ws aboold feel obliged for tbe receipt in order to do our juba in the saoae easy manner ca tremenduoue hurricaoe was experienced thia evening tuesday about five oclock which lastsd halfanbour and must hare done immense mlachie a part of the tower of su george church lias been blown down and we expect to hear of further damegs while iboaloroi waa raging two chimniea in separate wt ofthe town caught fire and were with difficulty put nm o fiercely did tbe flames rage htwiut r lav lice law u like a country dance- people are led op au 4 own in it ull they are airly tired out law il likeabookoireurgerythere are a great many terrible caaw in it il is lib physic too ibey that take the least of rt are tfas boat off it j homely gentleman very well to fellow and like a i ftabion peoplo are bewitched tcget into iv asd like b4 weethexthey mttgstout of it att l ylw jif uolti t riy-l- rife wiik an u- atsnee nf the truth ofthta hnwiy pmurt was dfred 1 al 8 i- lurday in the conduct of mr juno mvdoneld of ihe pv erciil to the editor of die whig it is enenciiaer folunte for the eatumniaisd lhat their hebiu of rfi are well known thai wanton mault la therefore innoruooa on ihe score of gra titude he ought to be the lul man who ehoold turn round and anapec tbe hand uf him wbonever led an opportunity pas of doin hia hotel service tbereadinee wilh which the editor ofthe cfrcwcb has ad mitted persona scandal into the column of hia paper will pro bably eoavioceths good people ofkingalon that ihe editor or the whig ianotslweye the firat offender in mattere of this kiud more particularly when they are informed that asversl cominunicfctioaehevereontly ben rejected from the wmo ono of which ve inserted io llif lm spotrtator leat ihey might annoy th cm oprietor of the ckronule r hurt the teelinga ofthe animal who ha xhnreputatio ofbeing hi editor ctfise st exrloiioir a file took place thia evening at mr bakers dvuggtat shop cauaed by the eaploeion of the cootenta of a jar containing soap liniancnt that had incau- tiouily been placed on tho shop stove the concuainn waa sufficiently violent to dtplece some of ihe spirit if wine tied in he making of ihe liniment which unfortunately com municating vitji the content of the jnr whivh wa not bro ken the whole shop bocame instants neoualy one ehect nf flame the htat waa so great as to break several panes of glass in the windows but the fire waa aa quickly extinguished aa it was kindled doing but lilile drmage the necessury ssluries either nftfttc or ttum ft tivr notices for the ensuing session aa parliamcot ia about io assemble we think it proper tu extract from the toronto gazette audi official notice as are of any public importance the inhabitants ofthe townahip of weat gwiltimbury held u james evans tavern bradford on the 24th day ofoctober 8e l was unanimoualy resolved to apply lu the provincial legislature at their firat meeling lopaman act importing a tax of one halfpenny in the pound upon rateable property within tbe said township for the apace of sewn year from the time ofthe act coming into operaiioo fir the purpose pairing and keeping in repair tbe rond between lounge aireotdt the wt nd ofthe cauaeway in weat gwiltimbury end any overplus of use which may bo after cunpleung the said road to be laid out tut b general improvement oftbe road wiihin the atid townab of whch notice is hereby given to all whom il maycoucern applicannn will apain be made at the next scimon rf the legiletlir fur en act io establish a bank at st catherine in die niagara diitiict the inhabitant of the town of bllerille will petition the legislature at n next sitting praying il to enlarge and aoieod an aci passed laj tlie fouilhyear ofhiamajatvs reign cnliued so act to embheb a board of police io the towu of bvllc- ville an epplicattnn will be made at the nest seion of ihe pro vingial legialature for an act io incorpotates joint stock company lo tnike s turnpike road from bytuwn to the ut arable water sh the de clieine rapid through the town- ahipuf nepean on theoiuwkiver applicstion will be made to he legislature at iu next be rion ear si act to ittsonnntts a cmpny for ihe purpose of constructing a uil kosd from tho ciiy oftorojito to ibe wa ter of lake huron application will be made io the legiiulurcat it next mee ting hy the mlubitariut oftbe tovroahip of mlahi1e yi- moiithaud weii io loeufpurails a jviut slotk cuaep- pauy to conatruci e rail roait from the iwtf of london tu in- tervci the navigable waters i t vrnr river and tocouatruct a harbor at iho mouth of said river the suuriber will petitiun the legislature al its next sei aion io m an act lu authorise ihe holding uf a pumtc fsir tn the village of loi urinal in the ottawa district periodicsjiy al four different aeaion ofthe yeur and also to etamih e mar ket in ihfeeid village james ml i ha v application will be made at the ensuing seioo oflhe le gislature for an act to incorporate the town uf kingaion in ihe midland duirict application wilt be made by ihe inhabitants ofthe district of niagara at die next staurioo uf ihe lcrilature fat an act to uihorie the removal uf ihe cuutl house and gaol to a more eligible and central aiiuaiioo in the uiitnct- application will be made at the next seion nf the legisla ture ibr schartcrtbr a dimpnny fur the purpoae of making m cut through ihe laud of john digby eaq william holtnea esq a k smidi and william tvirby near braniford fur the purpoaeuf hydrjutic privilege application will be tnad to the lcgialature at iu next ses sion for an act to incorporate a company tot making a turn pike koad from kingston to napanee milla iu the midland diatrivt application will be made by the inhabitant ofthe township of lewd ietli juhnatown oialmt sllhs next sessrou ofthe i seginlature for an acl toeatabliah the wvatern bounddry line uf the said townlnp of leeds an application will be made at the next sitting of ihe pro vincial liogsblature tor an act to incorporates company fur the purpo of cutting a cunaj through wolfe laland the inhabitant ofthe towtaahros of gluuertor ogoode cumberland husael nepean tiuulbouiuc march hunilej taibwh ii fitzroy pakenlum hortun rua wesunealh and pembroke of iho otuwa and datliurst uiatflttij will petition the legislature at it nex session to form iheui itiiu a new dtslrnt having bylown lor i capital and alao tuto two cuuu- lies the inhabitant oflhe tlh 8lh 9th and 10th concession ofthe township of oxford in ihejuhutuwn dntrkt will pe tition the parliament al it next seiun for an acl to establish theeaatern bouudaiy oftlie said cuiicesions aa the govern ing boundary an application will be made to the legislature at it nrxt session for an act to establish a market io the weat ward of the town of brock v ill the inhabilnnu of whitby pickering and the adjoining townships will make application to the next provincial par liament rur a rant of money fui the imuiovementof the har- 04r of port windaor tu the township w whitby homedia- irici a fcittion rtm oo presented to uie itovmcml horhameul ol- cpfer canada it their next seastun in the city uf toronto tor a kail road from tbe detroit river in tho township of sandwich wtern ditrjt iu the niagara ditrict and from thence m the tuwn of nugaia b p cauoon applicsliun will be mdeto the legislature at their next sea- aiqoj riraui a mi inciuporate intoa jil stock company tlie farmers store in the city of toronto application will be made bv the louth harhciur company t to the provincial peliementst its neklsittin fore luau to com plete the louth harbor there will be an application made to the legislature at its next session ibr so acl to incorporate ihe colborne furnace b dtownsend an application will be made it the next session oftlie provin cial parliament fur i charter to effect e railroad from wel lington square the head of lake ontario lo godencb in lake huroo the former application is intended to be renewed by peti tion at the next session ofthe legislature for an actio erect the county uf norfolk into a separate diatnct including the tuwnahips of buy rum and walpolo and for refitting the gaol and court house therein application will be made to the legislature at iu next ses- aioh for an act to prevent the aeltiog gillnet or drawing seines witbin uurlinglon bay exesptwitbiu half s mils ofthe canal application will be made for s cherttr to incorporate a bank under ihe namesnd atyls oflhe niagara district bank with a capital of 100000 application will be made for en act to incorporate a com pany with power to mike a lateral cut to connect the welland canal and the niagara river at it mouth for the purpeaes of sloop navigation application will be made al the next dneoting ofthe legula- ture fur a charter incorporating a company to construct s canal from the grand river io the river thame thence to the towo of london said company to be veated with banking privilege and capital of 100 00 to be continued tbe cause hich i assigned for 44 tiroes yoej nrlinit cajsi belt deny that cause to be in evil ibe burefcu of proof now rests uoii you to shew some other csuse and to prove tbst tbe balance of trade against us is an advntage notwithstanding your flippant remarks for 1 catn call them dothiag else 1 remain nf my originul opinion now mr editor you havt proved yourself m proficient in abuse and hove fallen upon the last rt source of a hraggadocin wlm has failed uf itrspiring his antagonist with fear of his provteesi and turnexl to calling hard namee ynu are welcome to the ad vantage this propensity gives ynu and in order to impress the public with a high idea of your literary posers you have fuied into yotir airide an ex iract from a french auihor which pruves notliing even if corrcetly translated hich 1 doubt fur iho il nin not the kmmi tocrilicisse our lnngiisge that u to do the vwrrk of a school buyjyoiraro the inun to defend this bncungr a ixstku- mbivts sucli as clearing lands ac- arid i tberelorc duuu your ability to translate aij- ihing into the english language but yon have va rious instruments such as setti1tg types at your command and hy tuoting french and calling every one who drltvrs from you itt eur- nion ignorant you may impress ihe rouids of sunie with an idea of your being a learned marr- you can auo lay down a rler doctrine and by the assistance of n few lines in brackcts vhen you reprint it make it nearly intelligible i have ho surh adantages i will not even cull you a scur- riloua viriier for ynur writings are before your readrn and there is thi refore no necessity of my doing it now sir pray do not let this igno rance cull fonh u colninn more of words in the ac- formtr it will be more for our credit to let it pitta by with dignified nlntf such trawli tu ycur subscribers of vthicli i haprien to be one having been so from the commencement of i5e rtformer and have found that the mantle ofrad- cijffe has not fallen upon his successor- his writings deserved the oame of englfsh i heg your pamou i had almost forgotten to notice tfiat patf of ynur remarks which no doubt you suppo sed would be the most fmprtitttm upon me i al lude to your boast thftt after the 44 jian re former bad wteaten me to a mummy hat n beuunful figure ol speech you could flog half a dozen such fellows every morning before breakfast for the benefit of an appetite how smart csood morning capt itnbadil another reformer kingston dec 111335 p a mr whig 1 perceive my prescription has had some effect upon the canudian reformer he begins to talk quite rationally i shall congra tulate him in the next whig mfe in thietownon friday the inii louur csruhoe wife uf mr juhn s suiyih al toronto on the 9lli inl ihe ulyoflho llooble john h dunn receiver qeaeral of titi pro ines proclamation upper canada j colborne lieutenant gwernur wiluamtke fourth in ths cre of cod of the vnited kingdom of great britain and hetand king defender of the taih c to our beloved end faithful lagmaltvo councillor of oar prntioce of upper canada end tu our kuurhu citizen sad bureee of our ssm province to our piovincial parlument at our city of toronto on uic eighth lay of jdnusry nexl ta be cntmgoced held celled end electc1 and lo every of vou gkeeting whereas by our proclamation rn- l- ute twenty baii day of november last we thought fit to prologue our provincial parliament to the eighth day of jasuary next at which time st our city of toronto yoa were held end con- attained to appear now know ye that we taking iro our royal eoaaflcw- ratiou ilie ease and vonvtnience of our loving subjecu have ihooghl fit by end vitb ihe advice of our executive council lo relieve yuu and each of you ofyaurattoodance st the time aforesaid hereby convoking and by theie presents enjoining sou end each of you lbat on thursday the fourteenth dsy sf anuary aext enduing you meet u iu ur prtiviucul parlie- rneot al our city of tormito for the actual des patch of public business ihew to take into const- riftratren the atsre nd vrshsr of niu asid province of upper n do as asy mvm nevesaary end bereia canadk nu bh fail not is iwlaw w ws have es4 thsss our letler to bv matte i atoiit and iho ureal sul of our ti4 province- ti hr heieunlo iilrxd witssw nor trumy ind well dm sir john colborne k c b lieutenant governor of our said provino and majoi general ommanding our force therein at tormto this s day of december in the ysr of ou lord one ttioueiod eight hundred sod jii t u end 10 thcaixih year of our reign j c by commend of his excellency s p jarvis ok c chancery d cameron secretary ten shillings reward lust on friday evening tut on the road between waterloo and powleys brewery a martin boa whoever has found the some and will return it at ihe office of the bkitish whig or to james lin- ft aitcliuutir aaftt rcvie uic abuve rewardi kington dec 15 1835 yoi the british whig to the editor of the reformer my t appears to give ynur wisdom xmne trouble as i perceive you have filled more ihan a column of the reformer whh your nage re marks upon my article addresaed to you arguments i cannot cull them you admit that the balance of trade ie against ua that the nation or people against whom the ba lance stand has the disadvantage you do nol attempt to prove that we import for any other pur pose than hoiiw consumption admissions and o- mittsinne sufficient to establish my argument unless you can prove our national revenue overbalances the balance of trade agaiiiat ut and in this i think you will 6od eomo djml wq a proting instructions in chemists amd pharmaov mlt- ot1v rution having at prebent eome leisure lime on ins hand proposes to give to young gentlemen trducaiing for the medical profession and others rtructions in the necesry hut much neglected ariinces of chemihtry and pharmacy terms may be known on applicatinn to mr olio rutton at dr barker rear street kingston dec 15 135 splendid sale of household furniture ec w 11 be old by auction on wednesday the 23rd instant in the large room at the kingston hotel an extensive assortment of household furniture c consisting chiefly ofthe folio iug articles viz 2 mahogany sideboards 1 table 1 black walnut do 1 bureau 1 mahogany da 1 mahogany sofa 1 black walnut do 2 rt secretaries 2 cherry dining tblm 2 breakfast do 2 carved black walnut bedsteads a variety of ladies dressing bureaus srveral vvulmil sc cherry wahstands 2 superior eight day clocks and cases i alarum dav cluck 1 ladies gold watch a few aets of cbiua and a quantity of crockery wrc mirroia feather beds bedding kitch en utensils 2 horse harriets cutter and buffalo robes aio a splendid double barrelled fowling piece and a large collection of other articles too complica ted and numerous to mention ltkewistt at the same time will be suld a 4 year old blact mare warranted perfectly touud und quiet in imp crnditrons given at the hour of sale tsule to couimence precisely t 10 oclock a m james lintox attitour hg5too dec 5 1s3