the british whig and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly oftfrr t orbem dicor by e j barker af d vol iv kingston u c saturday decbmbett 30 1835 tfo 41 tub bitltlsh whig a semi- weekly journa l devoted ig oxnomiil and political infinintumi publiilicd every tuesday and friday jrcilifitiby lr baiker editor and iropno1ur at his office io rar street next duorlo th commercial hotel rumfor the british vv1h0 aeraatsaa atulliaga jhui iiipence por annum if pun advance or within three jnonthdfrom ihcrecoipt of iho firt number aodose pound if collected at lio ood ofthayaar iff hnwfi ftf pwllusi masataription received fur less than t monthe and no pipr ditcoutinuud until nil arroaiagci arc paid up except at ihe option of the publisher sutczlfrciarnts six linos and ufhfcrsft 6d grit inicr- fjon and 7d oach subsequent inssrtinfti ten lines mid un- jur 3 w firit iilstrtiun and 101 each acluoquent insertion cretan line 4d per line iv the first iiittrtioa and id pei for every subsequent latoriam advertismenb without written directions areioeeried till ferti atid charged accordingly orders fur discos tiouing advertisements to be in wining prodjceofnvory kind received in payment nuletteiitakjn m evecut fium awnta unlets post paid letter press printing etecntq i with ntnei and depatcliupon terms unprccedotitly loir in upper canada au worktu be piivi fur within three nwntlis after cm- ctjiion kiagslon aug 1855 cash cash cash 1 thr subscribernil pav readv cash tor auv quan tity of hides calf and sheep skins flax gra seeds taiiow uutier at his leather store aln leather of every description for salt ut wholesale re- wil cheap for cash or the above mentioned pro- du wm ford n b 5 per 00 lbs paid for hides market square nov it1i1 1835 removal greer ises in store street family grocery at provision store patrick egas often for sale in i it pminm in ilic mtirket square liitelvolcuuiedbv tea y mi sciuldii a rsilecird iort incut of ten groceries spice tobacco stotic ware corn brooms and aim wt every article in the provision v orocery line ut extremely low prices bavingj purchased his good himself for casta only 4n the montreal and new york nuirkci market dquarc tkl 20th is35 23 cor brooms i whisks just received mid for ink by uie subscriber 50 dozen corn bruoms si whisks patrick eoan market square oct 30m 1835 23 to rabwebs cash paid for produce ofirvuiy desiriniinn it patrick eoatf market square oct 20m 1833 23 frg3h lkmons a few tfuctf jut received diki lot ale bv ihe sub patrick eoan crioer market square oct 30w 1836 23 stone wabb flower pots milk puna churn cretan and every description nt stone ware patrick eoan 23 i v i jars and iur sale hy mirtd suttrc otf 20tf 1835 to housekeepers indigo logwood suitpelre pearl ash arm roui sal erntu nutmeg and spices of every kind ground and whole kept for rafu bv patrick egan market square oct sgti 1835 23 apples a few barrels of genesee pippins for rale hv patrick euan market square oct 23rrf 135 21 tobacco snuff o ii sile by miu subscijler mr u jt millers lorillard fine cut ttihacco in i 2 sc 8 m paper do evloccoboi scotelli rappee and american st lull i patrick egan market square oct ssfrf 135 21 hoard jhvd lodging six or seven renpeclafjfe voimsr men can be ac- rotuinodiitid with itonrd nnd jmi nt n reptc ulti rllllilv kiklhc i the rowtl- applv at dec- im i iii tjjtfdt lliiic ollice taw kkii nt tiul part ih 31 tie notice- to att whom it hay conckhn the case i finally seiiled ul llie court of equity in favor of the heirs animal lite corporation ind vtslry of trinity church in ihe city of vev york for llie uniount of twenty milhonh wven hundied thoudtind dollum r w martin secretary iv- b all llie fttftfnb are rvipiested to attend at ihe ciiv hall on the 20ili hiv of december new york nov 15 1s 37 armstrong having removed to the prei adjoining memtt john wuikins cog hardwnrl e8tblidhmentf bee lo inform their fiicnda and ihe puhlic that they are now opening an etenic and and general assortment of staennahlc dry goods con3i8tino op yorkshire and wert of england cloths and ca- jtnerea buckskijis petcndtam flushings satineit5 pilot dohi 3 and 6 qn merino morcena and cainlem gentlemens lambti wool merino and chamoid vcftli and drawer worsted lamba wool and silk hosiery gloves and braces honibaeettd crapee and bombatcena steam loom and grey domestic cottone ltlutkit fhtnnel serge and siihmooii primed calicoes sliirtmg stripe and turkey cheeks irish uttfdj taofip pumask and diaper table ttiften french mid jiitarion cainbrics uos de naples lvrsiaus sarcenets and silk serge fur caps muff tippets and bow j with a general tnuorfinent of huberdahery also tea sugarth jamaica spirits uollanda gin cognac brandy port ftfberiy madeira and champaigne wines crockery hardware 4rc a li g respectfully solicit hii inspection ol their stuck hhicfethey leel conhdent will in quahiy and pric s aftitid satisfaction to putchascrn kiinzstoo 2d dec 1835 31 rooms to let several rooms to let in comfortable and respectable houses applv to walter eales from st dec 1st 1835 31tf irish feathers made up in bed boutera and pillow received and for sale by nuv 17 1835 josi patrick egan board and lodulxg three or four ttfepcctubte young men can be accommodated with beard and lodging in a small family in the most central part of the town ap ply at this office kingston dec u 1835 31 montreal stage from jkingtiton to brockvitte the advertisers mail contractors fur ibis part of route beg leave to msquaifk the travelling commu nity that until the beginning of jamntrv they will be prepared to convey all passenger from kingston obrockviile and from brnckvilleio kingston in a comfortable double sleigh at the ordinary auge fares- w s fair man james thomson kingston dec 6th 1635 36- 6 w the brockville recorder will please to copy this three times and rharge the ltdvvrluem doctor walker intends to give instructions to a few young gentlemen in medical and surgical science an to read a course of lectures as deli vered in the university of edinburg on anatomy surgery practice of physic materia medica and physiology his terms will be reasonable hours of adm lesion every evening from 6 oviock until 9 store street kingston dec 12 1835 33w take notice ao lltuite persons ft ho arc indebted to the sobscri bers appear reluctant incoming forwaid to settle htir accounts they have at length io inform them thut buch accounttt au may remain unsettled u the htdsyof january ensuing luill indiscriminately n put in suii for the purpose of imidtdute cullvc hon the bobsciinors alwo putticularly request how perwint u whom thcyure iddebiedjm jreeni si account fvr ieowt kmgfile lift is35 moetoy 9 the subscriber announces to his friends and the public that he has removed to ilime very exiensive premises in front street ncxt to ihe building formerly occu pied by the commercial uank where he offers for sale a very extensive uud general assortment of british and forl1gn staple fancy dry goods as well as the following oroccriet vj 100 jhfts tea vaiious sorts 20 ilhds refined sugar 20 mufcovado do 50 keg plug tbnceo 20 boxes cavendish do maccuboy and rappee snuffy paint and cod oil bittiputru fli illne and slarebi white and colored pjbueaud black lead mustard in jitfts speimaceti candles tallow cautlleai spermaceti wick new article liverpool and montreal s0p florence oil olive oil in iihdja and pipes maccaret and menings ttouoak 30 hhiu cognac brandy rich flavor strong proof 0ard dupuy 6j co uud other favor ite brands bordeaux brandy schiedam geneva and hamburg uin puncheons jamiica spirits proof 1 to 2 upper canada whisky wine8 in wood quarter ciki of old mndeira apprtd vinta ges blackburn oliviero cos brand xerxea sherry london particular tencriffe and the most exten sive and general assortment of red and white iviwes worthy the attention of country merchants and tavern keepers bottled wines east india madeira brown and gold slimy genuine old port sparkling champaigne jollica brand portkr iiibbert and dunbnr drown stout in pints and quarts cases of schiedam gin stove 100 2 to 3 feet stoves conking stovc5 200 boxe window glas various aztw shovels cm and wrought nails boxer i c 8i i x tin the goods enumerated and all his importations are peculiarly deserving the notice of the public and ihe advantages of the wharves and premises lit occupies tor the general purposes of trade and the terms upon which hieetocki always laid in through his friends in montreal enable him to sell os low as the montreal prices advances will he made upon all consignment of produce for sale here or for shipment to his friend at montreal the charges will tw found moderate thomas macnider kington aujiistija 1835 vtf r paid for wheat rye indian corn barley and oats and o liberal price given according to rpahy t 7jtl of int quahbi for iaf w sabbato ffmgstt dsc if u mi 3 cash pai1 for rags three balfpeme pefuvwillbe paid in casl for ctran rags and lw pence per lb allowed i account at the office of tlk baitisit whio kingston dec 8ih 135 notice tenders will be c from this date until the ian of this month fof building carrying out and repairing the wharf in ill rear of the premise oc cupied by a mannhan an belonging to t mai k land eq the fcerfw be extended out in ihe river with three sunk piers close to mr mac uiders wharf for plrt hd specifications sp ply on the wharf to walter bales puirner front street dec sth 1835 36 wj the subscriber hns reeled iireft from the lou don dork- 200 avz settled blk- sherry 2tt tvb m 10j wuenrtr puki 3u0 wesi india maderia the above wines are in cucs of twodoten id fin be highlv recjtniiieniled for family use john h greek kiuimim28h nov 1833 3t to thti public persons desirous of iraiisiiuimng small sums ot money to their relatives in he old country cuu do ml by applying to kington nov john h 38tb 1s35 greeh gorb bank a meeting of the subscribers for stock in ihe gore ijink xil beheld t bnrleyv inn in humi ion on saturday the l2dt day of december t 12 oviock noon fur ihe pupneol npporunllinff lln stuck uud alu lur niipdiiiiiic a tji on which the election of directors alm he held colin c ferrie sccv hamilton ov 29 1335 35 the several papers hi upper canada will copy rtlu till 12th dec not1ck there was brought into hie possession of mr jo epli imcleau residing m lot n 9 in the tii to krnsupt on r the 1st cuucessioii of dne inst i black mare iiha short switch iail a white spot on the forehead her tight hind foot uhite up to the gamtrel an person proving property and paying exptnee nut have the above mentioned by applying to mr mc lean pittsburgh dec 2nd 135 36tr stage house s carmino respectfully informs bis numerous patrons and the pubhc at large that travellers con tinue tn he nccocnmuduied at his spacious and cum fortable hfllel the mansion house thu hotel is pleasantly situated in store street lietng the principal und uivst central street in kitlif sion and no eslablihineni of its kind cm surpa it in the excellence and coiwbrt f isapamenl in the rear i ihe maxsi llcsc therv s n birgr yard and exrelliol s iblimfo hute a livrn siablehmsinly kpf rieiinleuieti can pro cure sleigllrtmiu tal til hours the toronto smge leve the mansion house evry inoruia ami rrieeverv evening kuigstuu der 22d lsi5 40 i 31 pounds hi bmrow fa wanted hi bmrow tttt unecejiiimaldr freehold seruritv ihe iirdjtl50 fur winch good btctcst and a llheral bwit wi b gi letters nddre il to l l can- rf dr barker whig office mil le uucihd to dee j i5 37tf hi the kintou hulel i d 1 hold furniture itc fidtoaiug articles viz i splendid sale of household furniture a will be htdd hy aunlon wednesday ihe 33nl instant in the utt hnuti kintm an extenhc akhucm 3sci omsistitg rtucfly ul 2 mahigaiiy siiithard 1 m tublo 1 fibik walnut d 1 breau 1 muhogauy d- 1 mahogany sofa 1 btack walnut 2 tjscrelaries 2 cuctty dining tblcs 2 breakfast do 2 carved black wltlul bedsteads ladiw u ijut variety ot lnrth uressinsj dureaus several alnut cherry wanhstrfuds 2 svierior eight d clucks and cases i alarum dav lmnvk 1 ladies gold wtfcll a few sets of china and a quantity of crockery wrc mirror feather beds bedding kitch en utensil 2 hurses hurues cter and buffah robes auo a splendid doulde barrelled fowling piece and a inrgc collection of uer ariiclcs too complies- ted and numerous to minitou ltkbshlri at the came time will he um h 4 year old blsel mare warranted peilectlv ou id i quiet in har ness conditions r wi a sale to uortitrt i j js kinestor p 1 ro tfs le hi i0clr atjd a ton a y vattr 2 notice io lya notice whereby giver that h irperlul mkouroed ce wi be holdeu nt th court on lucsiay thc fifth day ot 4 demons of the pc house- in k un january neu at the hour of ten odoojtlm ihu uie- noon for the purpote of granting and renewing innkeepers licenses throughout the midland diuict for the vear en duing james nicballs jvnu proclamation upper canada j colborne dcutemmt qott wiluablth fourth by th qttxct f qod f vnisu kingdom of urmt britain and inland kng dtfcadtr of mi faith 4c f to our bslvs1 and faithful legtslsrivs odubrllluli of our jlvinkfo nfuppsr ariijn anj il- kiji cizeai md burjeqmes uf oi- rtid frovntcs v our prvmrjal farliamsnt at our city of toronto on ttio eihth tuy uf january hit to be cinmdcbd held called miitoci d stidinannmifmaw greeting whereas ov wr prtclnmbtion besrins dvto ths twenty 6pb dsy if nivaiker itir wt lliiniht 6i tu piemgot wr provincial puxltlimtiit lo the eifhth iiuv f junry nmr at ivhicdi time it our city of toronto you wore held 0d coo m ni to appear now know ye tlrat w ttkinjintunurrrtfilemitiav- ralion tht ran snd out itienro of uur living odji have rhouitht fit by iiri whfatlm edvict oj mr elthulivs council ik rvlil- v a- j each i you f yur amnianc et tbu tioje itfirtrd htisbtf isnvitkinei uud iv thfa prsmentf sjuiiiu vikiund cichfyoo thai on tfwwtst the rutirtaevts dijf of januarv nxt tnuine vny utvat u in air pr j- ul parliu tnsnt hi nurcitr ttftiiftii- por the acwfm des patch of public business tlir m tsk ito comi- dsfsuvo th ftto nd irelarp of our idd aevbm wvppie cinadn and iherein to do a may aeem oovssmrr od bercto fall dot i rssinmrt muutep w ivn caossd zhm our lueii tu btj madr paunt and the great 3ol of our said proints lubshci -j- j wnsui iur trontv and wll balovod sir john colboitne k c b livouuinr governor ofuor said iroviiirf ami mji goiieral ramiiisnilinje nor force ilirin si topfiito tin 8svtdl dy of 0ecettibtr in thc yrar of our lord onv thouoiid eijcht hundred and tbiityfifo n iii theaixth year ofuur kaigu j- c by command ufhli excelleurv s p jarvis ctk t cadmrv d cameron surtiary public meeting a meeting of ihe inhabitant householders or the town atid ionplui of kingston will be holdeu at the court limine st ten oclock on monday jan 4ih for ihe election of jflireis uudei the new towimlup acr in rutmquence uf the absence ot mr w k lurtlett there in no town clerk to coll the neenntf hut the meeting will he legal il the in- uebitaitle meet kington dtt 22 1835 uc ofuic furmcr joini duxk bankjog compacy toronto 13ui october ltt notice is hereby ghefli that ihe stockholder ol ihe farmer joint stork b inking turnpftiiy mie re quired to pay a further intul nttit of 5 ptr rct qii iiitvonacttllswiueoj tot umfetcicvtb iiafrtfyvo murch next ann ill- any sfnckholdet paingihe smnunt nl his tftick in full or in pari ihtill be entitled to lib proportion of dividends herehper tu be declared by order ufwc board 40 il dupuy minaoke tue ottawa and bidkau fobwahdlkfl cumpany would iipimatc to their friend who are about tending off orders oroods for the en sum it season thut it would be wv jefirohle to lie the lnvoicet or copies of them foi warded bv thrir cor respondent duerl to the companyv oftice ul mull- treul in oidrr iu save ihe trouble and exntue nl painc sight entiie whielitbis want uf invoice tno frequently occasions nnd lo cueure quicker ithlis poriniton of the pmpeilv dec inhei 1 is35 40 cc7 the loronto patriot i reqaetvd to en y the abue one month postponement the splendid sale of furniture ad- leiiisedlo tie wbl mi the 23rd mlltuilt is deferred nil attrr chimoia on sccthiiit of the lurge room in the kingston hotel uo being in sufficient prepa ration due notice will be civec prior t the 3iie james llnttin auctioneer kingston dx 21t 135 kivfeviaisj ui uv ohem1stev atij fharxttaot mn uriu ruttoni haung iit prevent eotui leisure tuue in lib hand propone to give tu yount entlenieii tdtnaung fur the medical profession itid others lustrm tious tl the necessary hut much negleticd siitncee uf cheithstry anil phaunacy tenns iniy be known on application to mr oitu llntton at ii barkeiv u street- kingston dec 15 l33 th bhitish wh kingston paturda y eimg dec 20 1635 fton ac jtxirtvtlqf oumbmt tremendous conflagration the night ui wedneailay d itib will oig bi- remembrred h the date ol ihe moitt destructive con flagration winch ever took phne in thin city or nil the american uontiorun the great lire uf 31 si sepifiulnrr l776iiotruied ueily wtftany buildings 492 but they and especially tluir contents vtre jar less value thui llir 50tl nt wi0 bulldiritfs and their couieuts destroyed bj tlieciiintgrittiou nf v ed- nesday niglui iuluctn large eeriion of the most husinepurt uf the city i in rumtf 1 the tin ori ginated iu the store of cmttaluek andrews 2j vlerrhtnit street and 131 purl the md beiu fresh mm ihe westwordf halfo 4wii sltmteu wen in a blaze in a ew ininufes added to this the firemen were u exhausted hy ihe beivice of the pr- vloos night md dey and their bostf bo much ftozeu ihat the tufliug elviuenl ww unavoidably jeiitiitird tu roll on unobstructed until it had rhiedsuch ire meuduuh powir that rtffrtilmc fur the mine being bethjiie entirely useci store iter stoie dnn blnrk after lilwk wimseptdown wjilj hstonishii ropidilv ltimg iii many rant- vn liitlr tunc to eson gondii urevcn lie honk- the foilfbigrfr ion eitiiiliug uiial rajudiv to ihs eistarduch fin ihr direction uftltu wl id and il a hence r ktimed hn hr merchants ethaugi neverl imkitte vvalwnrc would he lice fmmdnger iiil pruwdence njlled it oihewive about one clock ihai noble edifice in pitc of the hut tltoit i the firemen so long as there waektiy hoes of its preserraticiii e alundomd to destr uciimi it was grand and terrific bcuir but tvtf rc unable to dcecriie il in half an hour more the dome fell in whii an mful crash thrusting u large quantity ol rubbish intit hnnover street and burying one or more persons beneath iu we saw o nmn taken nut severely wounded end a respectable individu al informed us thai he saw the ahnhnu9 hro take tho iodyofa laboring man yesterday rporoiog from an office opposite the exchange but w dn not ifrn tfvat oy iltljueei w held by the coroner which leaves uic uteltefi tifter bll in some doubt no life ba teen lost snany lumors to the contrary iiotwithvtandiag the bumiimnf the eldirmge removed all bopo that the fire cutild be stopped iu this direction be- line icnchiiiff wiubmmfwl swrepiuf every ihinj down on exthanue puct to the suoih dt h elturcb inchraivt- kev pr mathews paktur tins veue iihle pile wan but spun to ihe uameain lees thaj hull an hur tbe ieple fell in and the whole build iug was cnijytd except the swllfc in the rear of litis rhihvbi tnwaids widluvot wss the prurtinf office of the joura 1 of toinmerce fiom which wunied hy the bitter experience of others welted rt tuovcd every thing imntiiiile the near proxi mity ol the church together wi h the fsct that no hid cotlld be afforded by ibe in men st thin potof prcpsrtd ii- fully tuetects similar fte with hun dred ut our ielltfcittens as gnud luck would have it there were hfllf a dozen hogfdieads of wuu vinefar tit ihe resr of our lor some of which bytsomwul of ike owner mr n m tfrowu were bmached by the bcud and their content together with a ivw pail uf water which happened tu be iu the printing office were applied so aucceatfully fo the exposed per of the office and another buiming hinthuly ajtusted thut both were preserved this operation w mj howevei unattended with dan ger the tlactug cornice uf the church being liable every moment to fall hud the heat sent being sufb eietllty iuieie uy this one feat with pails end dipprrs we have no doubt that at least a million of didtars was saved from destruction since if our printing office had gum nothing could have a met ed the progress of ihe flames nnril they had reached i trusd- street mr down and mr downing tbc colored oysicrdeulers deserve especial eoinmcmhf tiou for their exertions ot thin point mcaowhilc the tljmes iu thc opposite direction had extended to the eat river a distance we should aay of at least u quarter of a mile and were still raging ott the south side of exchange place and extending wi at in pearl water front and south streets a- bout thisihua cuujiiindore chuuncev n a com psny uf marines arrived from the jftfvy yards llmoklyn and with the concurrence of the proer authorities blew up three or four buildings at diffe rent points where the flumes were extending which materially aided in finally arresting their progress the fire commenced bboui u oclock on wednesday evening and raged with unabated vtolenee for ft cast fihtthtfi ami in one or two loculuiea tbey were not fairly gt undir lil 12 oclock on thun day uooi or fiftetn afocafl from thc time it brofco out we understand hum respectable source that letters have been transmitted tu certain law offi ce s of the crown and 10 certain of ihe military au thoritus in thia city by orders of hi- excellency niljuveinuriuchirf enquiring info the nature uud tjljeel of an advertisement winch appeared lately in the rumnitutiouul jounnds of this jilncc relative to the nrgunizariun ol ei huudted eflcctive men as 0 itifle orji tio ivs tile vindicator of last evening weccr tuiulv imc ha lri uusford bus taken this step and thai he will nmke every necessary enquiry and trxiilthiitttiuil into the object and nature nut only of this ltiflc curp but ol evcrv assuciunon in the pro vinee vmi forming uriu uperutt i ht will then ascertain the ettiie of public fechugbe will find that he has excited the public mind to u lusher pitch than any of his predecessors that by his open vi ulalions of the constitution he haa rendered resist anve to un usurped authui ity a necessary step fur ihe preservation of our rights aa frecmeo that ho has eulisted to our cause the sympathies of ihou kants of unions throughout the adjoining provinces that he has rendered his own situaiion in the pro vince so uncumfortabletbtliiscoutmuatiooin office here cannot be long his enquiries wtll satisfy him of the devoiion to the ctinetltunon ttvowed by our party wttd ofthei- nui letcimuialiun to uuidd u r pai jie lane and prutection man gazette lor tuuiul us- credit sale by auction on wednesday the 30th insfc will be eold at heubciibers auction kouut the following ioods without reserve viz 98 bblf liverpool salt 19 pieces flushing hlo pair blue and drnb pilot cluth trousers 30 pieces uirk and navy blue prints 100 fur caps go black cloth teste 3 doten primed shawls 25 pairs inlcskiu truuers 10 reams iviuting paper lance stre 5 chests superior lwankdy tea with a gknfral assortment ot afonaslb d b y g o o d sj well wonh tin no ce wrtlie tlajc conditions uilder x25 cneh 25 lo s0 three motilh upivailsil x50 htilf 3 ond lji i ittuitlll 87soe yt twelve oclnrk prtciwly b jackaov auctioneer ii 4 or 137 jtotmce all rates sud accounts due the subscriber under cio and itot paid by the in of ibe iwatn ruumft januaiv will be put into the hands of mr b iinitbj fur coueciiuu j w yabkett kingaind dec 21 1535 41 notice a public meehmj ol the inhatmarus of kingftun ill be held on wednesday oexi ibeilotb mtrtnt ot twehe oclnck noon at thv court liuuss in take into consideration the propriety of petiti oning the provincial parliament atiu cuiuiag session for an actof incorporation ibr the town john stnmge george okill stewart f a harper thoma kirkpatrick a munahsu wfq gairatt g wyarker jhoms aucotder j d brvce ca arthur fimter john vtucuotft jerge armstrong hrjl urine abraham trurs ii gassadr john mowot wm vw11s09 w arittsuoa john counter s themas wiifton e- j birkur m jav john 11 greer dottglda preuuas baruni l r 1s35