British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 2, 1836, p. 2

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lontt bearding scliuu uuhjce3tj2r house establishment for tocvc crntmmfck ctioiriiatf near jtovtst air essrr- ctnihxt bv kib h ault the rifistic nirtncmrnls of fliu eftfumfclimcnt orr upon tin itiiifl liberal ftttbt every banfor 15 acrommoditori witli a siiwe lnti without any extra dmrc and a strict attcn- lim paij in hiscnmforlh iicatlt nnd morir the cttttiw ftf inmrurtion inoliifte english elocnlion tin sintifir piiiiciili an i practice of arithmetic mcrrfianl ftaokkwipiiiir mmvuinill01 algebra geography oc ofthe gloticij elhliirr ac t2bms ptr annum jtiiter 12 jcarvofic 22iuimmft aii jitlo fcl ditto weekly buantow ditto usgy boarders 12 ditto ftr qvarur the fdiiznsn oac1i drawing a dancing 1 guinea 1 ditto music 1 ditto fccspofible references will lie given ofkj required the vacations of c tlirw neckaat midsummer and a fortnight at chmimae acoowlts itonled quarterly the quarter 10 com mence on lit day of entrance- a quarter rmiice isexpceltd previous lo tl removal ofn bonnier pupil remaining al school during uit vacalioofi are ehaigbf 4 guineas extra per annum the french language is taught by a native ofpuri each bonrdur ucxpccfctl lu bring a silver spoun k fork and i towels tho situotion is extremely healthy and pleasant wmi ex cnaive grounds- references may be made tu 1 ii prior esq of que bec fur further particulars apply to tho editor of the will 376m it storage and wharfage the subscriber begs lenvc to inform the pubi iltat lie lias rented the well known storehouses and wharf formerly occupied by mr john maguire at ilie foot of store streei as to location tlicy have not their equals in town those who wish to store property or dispose of it by consignment may rely on the utmost endeavors of the subscriber to give satisfaction for all orders he may be favored with in the above line of business n d for lite accommodation of travellers there trill be a room fitted up for the reception of baggage barton piumjp kingston april 23d t 1833 prize medals it is hereby announced that the natuhal mis tory society of montreal has resolved to offer four medals for ilie beat essays presented ditrinsr till year mediu are offered accordingly 1st for the beat essay on the comparative num bers of the ancientand modem ulimufiui if ameri ca and on the causes whether moral or pliyictl their gradual disappearance m- ffteiwjmlm ctiiirm oftu- uh ver and gulf of st lawrence 3d fur the best esay on any scientific subject at the discretion of the writer 4th for the best essay on any subject conticcied with literature generally the conditions are 1st the essays shall be presented an or before the 20th of february 1836 2d the eftsay may he in french or english 3d the names and residence of the authors must be concealed to ensure which gucli essay shall have a motto and shvll be accompanied by a sealed note superscribed wiih the mmo mono and cqptaining the name and residence nfthtf author this notetfhitll only be opened m the case of the essay being declared worthy of a prise otherwise it shall be destroyed 4th the successful essays thnll remain the pro perly of the society 5th the 9ociety reserves to itself the ribt to withhold the prize should no one ol the ksaave on any particular subjeci appear deserving of it the essays are to be addressed tu a f holmes m d corresponding secretary o the snciimv andrew ii armoufl oct 13 1sj5 recording sccretaru sixth ykaii of the jlinirs book nil philadelphia monthly magazine of liitrntnrt 4a0it5 and portrmt the ladys rook wtoltafirhpnbuefitfal trarliirr nm rrrfrl t uiflc ff comrir irthirily on ill tii frtttry a in rrfrurtumc brt0iokkit hatksof thk fahhvs mu hr unuitnl prtjjinty whirli llr lk rmiiil wtihflwnktflfiliebmiitlfiil nndobdlv wlirthlimttnllinirih iy iipmflrn twry urur nuly mu unpndrfttcdairi niirxaniplini vn pmisirr ritjhii fiurd liyiiis liij ixicriinn attl1wihw uhirliltn rovnrl tii lornrr rfprt u jijtistlii lt wnrjt intend- wnti tur cni incvntntrir t miclr t vsvrf qfrtf itvmilt iftli rmitr of i vmrbix sririnnriatit ofthb katfihonssi- pkkhlv lioltnuvll tjtc nty n vtngj uitllic cuplcd ihnii nnliltil iloicti rrrjkirrd ixprrk ir thnt ttrtk berth litrtilirj ll m- ironoflli work with cffrf t mmi atmqai inoination of ttclatrtt mid mot npprovcilfiykv fiirlmtiiv ucv fl cotur otil thunnnro- mnit will mittrriitll mlvaivc tir vnlur uni ttmty fhi wort ar al in it will iifj ft r y to itti ont1tirr hrnvy ofiitfi lir irwu wild ontl4urf tn itir r 1 i- 1 r of ti lif ffnln pumic fir finrr n munrruteon rorrf ptmilinfr ivlili liijrscrii wmvinu rditri kp pfc with if ii- mpi1 pruiysofifu iinprovftimnimof ihctigr ill f ijjowinc i uio onlit tvlikfi will he udopii4 tor die embellishments ooho lnrtyt book for j3fi vhs jftntmuti morcti mav inly flfptidflut ivnvrmutr upcrb l f th prttvuine f3hia tufftnltjf ottrrrj willi ifn jnno and llntmlwr niimltcrs wui ui fumlhnl ipproprair ly kngraved title pagkis anj fttbeftt tttuc of content fa cich volume fchnino april jim 1 1- f r drrcmbcr jnt itetttngra tin iuurtrtfing a tcirtw y f inltrtstixg ujttf jtidct rvrry nimitht will tk ttirkju willi o plate from 1i10 por trait calkrkltvrftntnininf ihr tkfnrach of lwontin-utie1iii- diviiturii in adlitionto wicli otber and tariout eaframhlgi will be rcvnlarty atlrtal with two vuccn of popular uunlc the i 1- r hui at jhwtlit i the himl of 111 exrcllem aitbl a meet triravitii wlnh will contain a likeness of oil the urcsmi rcieninrj queens of kurooo which will he given nj nn extra in ihc january no n r thipecxrtnvctvttizniiiis it in ab0ljiiyntcceory that remiitanecji shoiim he promptly mntle at the enj of itie lam lx luqfllto riratjy tx hudrcd nnmrf were raed frn oor lii in consemenec of it appearing from the h that each owol two year sdiiriikion m tfir f iw miin- nl and some iii1 previously selilctl with col- these and other stlvvmf ineonvefiiedelc 0 pnhtifltier has tn encounter whkh i1i1 fisctr aihe aenu foocrtftcrf heremeitiel hy his ren- rferingoiiikeogntorullihe urns tlinl he liu rrtcivcj at icamoncc in every rit months olcrihers bceome tnnoyed when their name are crowed ft m drlinqaeney ami when they eitle ihep will not again renew their suhocription thin eonaemiemly n eriou lo 10 the proprietor thcfbllowinr muoitmf aee respectfully tendcrejl 0 the cniileratton nf persons who are now in arrears let those who owe two ycarg lhai wilt owe two in ivcembcror jane nextaend a five oolur note account many refrain from jocwarding thhr doeabeciiosc iltey ctonoi remit the exact om thw m not nowvury irihey eontinne iheir xutacrip- toci ft u only when a person m9m ihcwork thai a ikjuioution of ihc whole aroonnt lne becomes nrceary gallkrv tf portraits unrlcr thtfhfail will be piitilialict every month likene- f l i miijihol nihnft in ihi5 country w a corope striking resemmnneea ofbulwcr ifrotrham hogc dinning ham fee h have been tiven tjw ibhwintf mc nowrtnly ftr press mm will he ptihlixhcd two in each niimher uniil the whojr is comnteteil shelley lewis moore coterntqc kodgers dlsraeli necle mail ie sine jane ior er cmpteh roaroe soutliey ate- fae similes ofthe writing of w i ni i- r i- mmibon monroe aitamp byron peoti anl other viii persona ivavc nlrraily np putod taose of napoleon fraakliri la fityeue ike aw ore in pre- parahon the pnblseaiion of view of beaniiful atencry and remarkable public edinces wiflhr roniinnnt hrrttftan kvrry mnnlier of the work rmnuff forty ciifht lanjcoetavo nnce5 printed mi fine white paper ilie wttole neaily litehed in cover tlw pattogc for cttfjl numlfcr i 3 cents fur nnydisunce umtcr 100 mile s tcja uir toconjvinee person wfrhiftg to milerhe for the lndyd oook thai ii m erjujj in point of cinllhtntit irn tho interest f it eoatmti and mftit rat beamy olaptarance n tint t1eeriptitv rrpratoly ffivrn nl lurce atil the ii r ru imue thai hnxc been made ofit by eilimr in different ttcllm mw union the pirjrihtar wilt forwurd any monthly number as ft t y endinj1iinia letter potpoid the work will in fjlare he piuual and drliverr 00 the firi of each monih in philwlclphia vcw vork u ualtimore and i tem 11 new orleans about the 5th subctibermwin number will pktfmti inform the pubtislicr free ofiwtaee nnd a himlicnir will lreent ihern it ml s of suoscuiption 3ddlr5 per annum payable in ah vane portmagiereanrtjigeni can have twoeopie ihrwardal loany dirxlon by advancing five dollaa ahlrei i a go0lvv philadelphia ijy will those willi wiom wo etchanfe pleneeopy thft a i row ad verttetneni and n mice lira chanee in i ho manner of emmlihitij the worjt fr the enmimj- ynf cash paid for littles we dollars prr iooii10 paid for hides and lite highest price given fur calf sbccp skins by j murray kingmon nov i0ih lvx 29 jvzst received and for sale nl il subritipri slufcs front sf store street i extensive supiily uf the fell ing nrliclw i- uiit hiilii flq j refined nars muvtcvtida du sreen snd biwktca frecn ami giumd coflle ciiiiihis gin fine flavord jamuira rum cogimc brniiflft wliite liud red wine lturdcinx viniqni- mulnscs no 1 north slure herring i ul dino fine cud fish iv n 1 msifkarefi litiiiicl slnrcli and liverool soap tig blue spniinh floot kire raisins ihi chi rants soft sht almmd russian quills fine dnflinin inuinrd in jsim- nairaegi clovts and spices warreua blucling lifjuid und pnste ditto lampblack cut and wroncli nails window glnshof diflercnt sizes putty plug and papertobacco ihizcdpipes latfi brick shoe and scrulbiug brulies black lead mnccoboy kapice and scotch snuffs black lead peicils fine foolscap uid letter paper wrapping do still salipctremd sal eratua brimstone and sulphur ground and rod ginger oatmeal mid brley epsom sails otttun of tin tar gunpowder and flinty whisky best qndiiy american chccttt vqutl 10 english tavern kccpcts aid country dealers are request- to call and give lib establishment a trial mmes williamson kingatoo nov 17h 1335 thk gentlemans vadb jttbcwjjtts oh thk cd postponement the splendid sale of furniture ad vertised to be sold on the 23rd instant u deferred till after christmas on account of die large kouu in tbe kingston hotel not being in tmfikient prepa ration due notice will be civen prior in the salr james linton auctioneer kingston dec 2ut 1s35 k ten shilling reward lust on friday evening last ml the road between waterloo and powleys urewery a ifartiti don- whoever nfl found the same and will return it al the ofire of the british wine or to jamss lin- ton aiicilcweer will receive the above reward kingston dec 151935 39 it public meeting m ameetingofthc inhabitant llotiselioldersof the town and township of kingsrnn will he bnldeu at tfic court house at ten oviock on mnuday jan 4th fur the election of o hirers under the new townsbip act in couscquence of the absence of mr v r harriett there fciio town vurk to rail the ineeliti but the meeting will be lejjal ii the la lmbitntits meed kiugston dea 23 1833 to i ml i v tb ml s e wuitb k wh iiaqer respecrrolly inform he printcnj ofthe united stairs in whom they jnvc been intlividually known as established letter fnnndeis that tllev have now formed a cuparlnnrslip in raid banner and from tlictr united skill and extensive experi ence they hope lo be able in give satisfaction to all who may favor them with their orders the introduction of machinery in place of the te dious and unheal i by process of easting type by hand a desideratum by ihe european founders was by american ilgituuity and it heavy expenditure of tone and money on the part uf our mhimr partner first succcfuliy accomplished extensive use ofthe machine east letter has fully lifted and established its superiority in every particular over thoe cat by the old process the lchrr foundry htiiincsa will hrreaftrr he carried on by ibn parties before named under the firm of white elugvrco their specimen ex hibits a complete scries from dhkinund to sjxtvfnur lilla pica the bonk and nel lype being in the xm modrratr light and stylo white linger co are agents for ibcsabof smith and kust priming pres which they can fur nish their rusinmers at ninnuficuimv prirei cliasc uasmst composing sticks ink and every article used in the printing utwhtcw ksp lor gale and furnished on short notice- 0 type taken in advektise1vient the subscriber begs leave to inform his fj ieuds aiid the pubu- in general that he is manu facturing and will cwunue to have on band and or sale fur cish at hi establishment north end o iuarrv street sotm cvmmjles wnrrnmed equal ifwi even superioi to any in market country mercliantscnn be supplied with candles mid sonpin exchange tor tall w or laid ami fur- iiiirs idi soap for acs damel caffky kingalnn novcinbff lgili 1s33 3338 jotice thk wine vaults nftf subscriber am now re- pkiiishiii wiih blaclbiirn6 east india madeira in itle und rpiaper cask port in lie wood via new- t maciider jondow liwbpppac- un uf ii8 luis it rkkeu hivi uumter oftlieir shin willhcrvaftn nftnuai from new york and from p the ibt 10th md 20th and from loqftaii i7di ond 27tti of ey month viromhoui the 2 from n eh- york sept i ship toronto r grif wold seut 10 ship ontario juinen kcarni soul 20 ship westminster it chanpfi- oc luv i shiu st- james win s scbor illship montreal c ii chaoiplhvji 20 slrip canada thomas briuon maifc lship 10 suiphannibai hcbard master so shp philadelphia e e m oct oli nov nov dr lip pilllaoeiphia e e m dec 10 siip president george moore dec 20sbiu samson 1 chadwick master r from london aojr 7 montreal leaves ivilrtnouth aug it spnrfin und dramatic companloo uttrtitfkim i wrn a multitvdborenabaving iffcmwlm horses riiiloophual and natural plicnomena legerdemain fcc it i now hx mown- tw pohllcatfcm commenced in pliila- itlnhnorf aiihoueli u rkhlilwfb hnve met no mmnj mf inclrnilmie koowlcl- of up meriu jei t och h ym mnni- ftbfcd bv tht porlioo ofilw pwic ffriw mw ln ml cqnaintrd w rili wclrtf jlrr nnd cootrnw ilwt iu lift orpaimns eonlinnjs ctawaauf onjl reohliv io inrn tlii- oopcr wimw dwtntmwl regularly k ovir h vilf poriff of ihe union fc ilie wtort aancmry aanrnnc- are rccctvi inul il willevcntanltyuewne onrol ue moi no amooe lhenomcoieicelleoipriodciwlicltimurromuieaiiic icon fnm fam7il4 noescnionjwillbcbpiru lo eaiaum its p mtakop irvlvadifilwliberalmikioorilswwlmma loweudly ao- 27 ttw ik vb 1 rtmuth st tciililwbmiiujtsfuidreiinprovemfioolh hrcnto jypo- gpt 7 ilanmkm tmtu iltlinmilli sent 0 n will wnuitcrial yadvowed a anfiilll uus purtimiitlk st oa shsaclissi m ih s is 4ma- peered cnirfclhcfirti 1- 4cn llrljnnil tlc hunchljck chenpl4ing slmktpetrt liarly dia henrtqnanri qtiiir corrtd ufjjar ofbciltotl crvrtt husbawta and vvlve maa often thousand ti nii mni nitem vow wlwi tfir golden farmer pcculailod olympic devils rmmmi in injia siiiihicjrcfifi1iil theutlndiiti rpriorf ihc gotcriwr torinr thcoronsbn thecwidofnrnuee- the ttencflmre y tt duel the sir lcr vwocq hcnunl irlh ambapfubcr jlie allowiiis t4 alit of thooe which limcujrciitly ap ubi mubfif it p tiiiih j s knowlcji irptmcbtti p reynolds c a somerset t morton up sroih j 8 jliv thomas nyroa vitliniok burion mm i r lhnll rfnjntifi webetcr pjknchc a dmice vtmoncrics j k ptldctlc it u m nvr irinrblmlk it ft pcakc v uirrymrre ilm9 h u genuine old a i ojuudkind kingston nov 9 s35 39 cxchinc lor uqy r f vmhim 01 nine cimiu per pound white w iiaohr to tailors aju shoemakers to he let it wilton township of emcvlflwn opposite hia post office n wnall stnd convenient shop suiuiblc for ciihcr n tuihir or hocnutfar any industrious and tobcr limit inuy heccrcuiii of mu ik conslaut work in ciikcr fiwlc apply lo s warner wilton nuvigih 1333 31 caution this is to caution all persons from itmluiig bir gfiiim of kiln or otherwise with jamca schroder my name as i have ut present no connection wiili that young man auo mycudtoihurs uerccpnied to notice of whom they buy the nrliclea i iimiiuiwo- torci a some penont are vending lllcin pfeleimliiig io be sent from me iieyry bolti kingston august loib 1835 3 the tituckuolders of the bank of the people at their first annual meeting held at ihc htnkfu house iti ibid etiy on moudny the 2nd dty ofno vember inatant proceeded by ballot to elect their ljirtrton when tlie following ccntlemen were cho sen viz i hov m s binwritr t d morikteon eftft- qcorgk imki w john hahtei juitav i it jilin hkkvkv piurib the dih instant nously elected mil the jumca jolts lim rn eq jamks lrstie ehq david gibson esq iambs ijeaty john mor4tconbay thomas elliot the board diet on wednesday hen john rolph ep was tinan trciideut james ieslie eq c hon marshall spring uidwcll 1 hervcy price 8oliciiors the stock book will remain open until ihc 3ui of december next and the agent ofthe uuitfc arr requested lu forward their thns of stockholders to ihe cullier of tho bank on or before that day by wder ofthe board 4th no ember lbj5 c william dawk attorney mid solicitor in the cmitt of law and euity in england ha npened an office ml mr counters brirk buildings in truck sirccl kiiur- sinn where he draws deed wills and other legal writing with accuracy and dispatch and on mode rate terms kingston sept 21 is35 15 evening whiting and readin0 classes mr jennings is forming winter classes for in struciion in he rilwve branches as noi more than eight pupils will be received in a class they will have all the loneflt of private instruciion ilour rij dadies from still 0 fur gentlemen from till 0 application may bo imde al his academy ncxi in ihe lniiiaislcriun tfehoul or at his residence point streei kingsirm nov 0ih 1s3 293is kjmoval 3 ames h aijl reejhbifully informs his friends ihe public iliat lie h removed from the tavern simd tutelv rtccuicdby hiill in juhnson street to the tavern situated ihefuot of store street and kepi by the into air fag j h i- ihmikful d uw liberal support he ha received since ilia coiiincnccincm in business and assures his friends thll his atiemion will always he directed to kuepinff hi ouse supplied will the ve ry icst wines si liiw kiogsion oct 16 rj-5- 22tf the toronto corrponthnt will copy this ad vertisement three tiiii- ffd chirge the advertiser the subscriber nnounoes to 0i viendeand the public thai e has removed tn thoc very emeuive premises ii tier i ni look at this ttvbstv pkb knt i k than evett the subsiuibek hw just received in addi tion to hi former extensive assoitmeut of goods o roniirumcnt of west of england cloths conswling of black blue olive greenland mix tuie of the very bimpiahty and very superior black gaaiincrei all of which lie will s of nn reasonable lerilifi fur cnah or approved endorsed notes at ninety davs john ompiiant m ithant tauor w ntd ipx mediately irec or four first rte coat makers kingston november 17th is13 j o 32 lmsmi paid for whcar rye indinn corn barley und out and a liberal price given according lo pulny 0 bav uf first qttutittf for sntc v oarratt kiuc- tjii ec 1 111 ijj fo very extensive front street next inhe building formerly occu pied lv the commrrc lwi where he oflers for sae a very extensive general aeoruneul uf british and foreign staple sl fancy dky gooos arvcll as the following firoccric ac vi 110 olieottf ten vntiou sorts 20 hhdtk rtlnnd su a r mmmimrtliii 5 keg plug tobacco 20 boxes cavendish di imaccoboy and rappee siults paint and cod oil saltpetre fig blue an i starch white and colored puhmand black lead mustard in jars spermaceti candles tallow candles spermtfeli wick new article liverpool atul montreal vop florence oil olive oil in hltdp and pie muckurel and herring liquor 30 elttifo cognac branly rich flavor strong proof otard dupuy fc co and other favor ite brands bordeaux brandy schiedam geneva and ihmhurg gin puncheon jamaica spirts proof 1 to 2 upper canada whisky wines is wood uuartcr casks of old mtdeira approved vinta ges blackburn oliicro co brand xerxes sherry loudon pai titular tencnfle and the most exten sive and general assortment of red and white ivhves worthy the attention of country merchants and tavern keepers bottlgo wines east india madeira brown and told sherry genuine old port sparkling champaign julliea brand porter llihbevcs nnrf dunhams brown stoul tn pinto and quarts cases of schiedam cm stoves 100 21 to 3 feet stoves conking jslovcs 200 boxes window tia8j various frizes shovels cut ami wrought nails boxer- i c ac i x tin the goods enumerated and all his importations arc peculiarly deserving the notice of the public and the ndvflillhgcs of the uharvesand premises he occupies tor the general purposes of trade and ihe terms upon which hi stock is always laid in through ins fiiends in montreal enable hiin to sell as low as die montreal prices ad villi re ui be made upon all consignment of produce for sale here or for shipment to his friends 11 montreal the charges il be found moderate thomas mjicnweit jink krnncf ymnc power thesportinr inutlligirice at homcmul hhl occopkija ronftetter able portion ofw cftlomna and is colfcmd m 0 wi uulfccniic opr- tr amoof ilicportroltb ofeolrbraieo winning horses whicj hove brer evico the armtcan troftwir horakutvim romhf i tljcimprtrteinnfinctlmw mlvsngcr the fnvoriie rndnn more ar1ku td 1w foalhr et 4 vsr bnnoocclrbrie4ltroilnt horse sorfolk rhknulenun thciroebteodat prtpnhtrhore chateau margaux tlie well wnnwn cnglih itoec har- tolthyioak aeonrrlptctuhe of a race cotjhb oceftpyifg uicvrimlb ofyeveo coin mtf tlim0d uloodliorsemundic lie wipiterotibe derby siakeo in jrp 1sw ai l yflrfclv or otttcr ii rlvlirikt v- ov rfiycia ot inrrtlh in i iiiw l i pttmhsfiert nrrtlir illowintf a complete irvfuiec n nilhxg whhlhitrskn iliirstra tlix or iheliaproycoieotofljmlkflia inm u jutj of jii cxt-r- ktnhiinilonorilm automation chess puavkr 1wnite bfeurvuti bngravingb tic8oldcciftwiicbarepnrilcii1iriyinbricin11iii vadrmrcum ww be more dlilnclly umwnii i rrom ibe blrawlbf mtuuuy oiuiein tllc t irfn i nil mttlirr ccvmortril yrrr iii onlsctiiruttumnoil clinractrrnt iha horae jiivirivii nl rhn 1 collie klnvs for vice in sbomhh miihnd ior feettiittt nd troining doj lllftffr r l 1 m irir poilmil r ii n isline ac approval gamf- fiom llir nnl oiber cruirtntwun phyw nmi aciorv the nn piimir6nnff u miuic w avtlucrdrtrimn llhiaroiwll a variclvof lteipcfl adnplrjm uomctic kconnmy an v ii i- r oruoprurtt pjssinc events enttemrn9 tinnrtyriy kcvkw ofihc fashion the vahbmecvm fs primed on lanrr imperial prtrrn hrntiail vrlriulieicluie nod l nriswel every 9oiunltiy l three olbra prr nnnnro in nhvnnre ordcrstrom ahroojl jbohse puid wih be prompt ly lienijedio and ihc paper eunfully pufari loprevcntil iron rubbing by mail the modrrx acting orama a vrlmne oriiboiil300 mfsi conuiitijn uie plan y faitcks ac wskli opjivrir in ilie vtifli mcrom neatly prinird mm ihiumi in uluttc vc far iru report p lion jpiiuhhrd ewtilimtiti kica vntomill consiilnte zi ptt rr one year otocriplioo ibotenu ibrwhkb if three dolloi uiyblc in advance subcnbrr to the viite meenm nre raiitled a mvdlon or onethir1 ao order ftr cmr ew will j uinnkiblly reeelvnl nn1 um work frnvunl ed to nny djrectioo by inclosing a ten ifollur fme pimntte pvnl a premium eonmmg oflwo volumes 5ht pnc encb oille nnvel les hsgaaginc conuiiitoir rkhidhewol nlnvmi u sw ivtt popittor outhor ivitt bu prrsenicii to ilie acei who 4i1l prwnrr ar r tin win ihe modern acting dnitm or the ucnilemonv vude mcxnm iid remit ibemnnnlofonr year snhsclmlm pirmchi gcmlemrn wbjnc i ihcnbe tociiicr atllpt nltnve rk will fts- charlkb maw a jmi o ailitiiuo buudin fntiik- rui plarc phifailcjnhfa a sinrintrn copy witl be sent o any pnrtocilto lnion by fchrcwtpg ihc publislicr p06l pu cabbys library or ceioice literature to iytfiniiliini4 a readto age implies atfrirefcr hwrtmtinn mid llir mrnnii mfy tunioeftrr on ihefirh ptini all am nurred on she econl liter is dt verity both nfopinion nndorprarrirr k hove ocwpjipcru lanjihtittch rvicwf in fine i nftill t on invir ly nil nuiijcij wmeh have wvcniiiy tueir ciiif- olvcnjeraaofl support era a ml yci copious o oreihcsc menntof iilkciniil pupplypwee nrcmill nmileil in ad hiiwi lo ihe review rtfthe dt and ptumng no- icioi book the people in liirife mlinben in ptl parfsatohr fwux ro- poldk cktvfmlir prtjtc4iti ftf ibe oktwssrl jtnd ilvltih b mere p or the profwssof dr46nty hi nn ni cietiec nmihniicb ii bctttgym uerrtalii und exfrmilirir muit fat not o ay up krutiqr ibrni fxvnr enpffimint oratptltlmv wifcli prevent pronnlp idltiob of ecb lllra- mrecm tibrtritiii1 lo lchlhr ireso ntony eau in krrj penpb- ftway nntu the fril f r o ihe riireliriil onii roveled llteniry olinwht it hf itionhn ohtie pnmitberi t ihe lliniry toollvlflie ihew dittuuhie mutm nlle vrrv initlvmpbai n shihiieori vnl whbnutnfiy nrroil irtn tn obtiin fir hi ou n n- nnd iml r lih ftvofrtl tritiuu of hmily valoilbto wnrktomiilrieton all ihe 1irinrliei orneil and popular titemiurc nnd thil in a fonn well vhiikd to ihe comluf i of n- rrndtt the cirtna orvnrielj ntir nh lcoinpiibtc wih monthly nntl eol tavii witi he held coniinly in vleu in cittiduiiiii the ltilinn y in rill ifie pa5inrwhrhttieenrn lilermnre nforeoi ltrilh m nil ii vntrmfiih- ptrimt ftarirttity lehi fto r j ri u rrcly put under rnrlnlnhi wnh percnonrr neiiiytnnnl etrrpllnn ii u iniended loive entire ihe worh which shall be selected far piihheti- lion when crcominnec5 oulhrize the measure reconrc wiilbetoii lollirlilrraryatorctf of cnatinenijil bnrnpe and inuflaltalf mnle from french t taban or german a the ense moy he fnhi ihe body ofihc work will karcpnnl or tit times a translation orcntire volume- the cover will exhibit ihe nisecllaoeowiehnricter of a mamine nd codua ofketeh or men ond ihiago nod ooite ofqpvh- oesinhicraioreondibeortfihfoohoo ihe civilized world a frllond rettlnr supply ofthe literury monthly and hebdomadal joornam nf great britain and ireland in addition to home pcriodienl nfjmihir character cftmvnifoil to pro v me ample malermlsfbr ihio part of oor work the resoorcexoori exuaux corrcpondeoee ofilte publisher are the r i r f r for the ulinuance ofthe euler prise io which they are now attorn memlkirv as well itf for thenhiindunecor themoterbtlslo sivelt value tnthe eye of ote public a fir as jadfaflm te lectio a nod ar rangement are conecrnnl reader will it i hoped have reasoa to la fal ly nniii as the editor ofthe library iaoot aatrnaerio ihem hnthan more lha once obtained their favorable eoltnicefar hia past literary terms the wnrkwill be published in weekly rmmtxtr in 5titcbed cover each number containing ttctntif imperial octoeo jfajrtt wiih double cid time afn u 1 volume aaaaay of more ihno w0 oriaei pv sa tvlumt nod nl the expirvttmn of every six monro puljftcrhws will be furoisited wkb a hantuoroe title pae anil table of conical fhc whole bmoaniofmattcrfundched irt a aiofle year will bceruinl to more than jori vovnur oflhecooimoa aized kiib duodcrimo ikoc4 the eom of whkh will be nt least uarir the price of a years snnacripiionlo the u the paper opow which the library will be printed will be nrihe finest qoatity uaed or bookvrork and of a fixe admirably adapted for binding aa tle type will be entirely new and of iieiil appearance eucb volume when boond will furnish n u ua- nn as well aa valuable and oot euiabrous addiionto ihe ubrarie of tboae who puuoikizc ihe work the prtee ofthe ubrary will bejlpc dohartptr suva payable in ad vance w a en m mission of 20 per cent will be allowed loayeni and any agent or pofiimueler furnihln five stiberi1en and remitting tlieamouui ofpub- seripiiooahrallbeeniiilcliothccoinmbonof 20ierccnl orueony of the work for one ycur aprimefloflhe worknrrcy informattoft rcjpeciins it may be ob tained by mldretaiiig the publisher port paid kdiiora of newspaper lo whom the prospectus i forwarded will please insert ue above ok oneo on cmrvenlent wend a ctfty nfthcir pajter 7 samson ham pufhinaihli 10j 17 toronttl 7ontaittc sivc ri iris ill i ml h oct 20 furlsnmtilli nov l ta let or oct nov 7 vvestwixstkr leaves riitsmoutli n nuv 17 st jatfkd new leaves ivrlmoulh navw tlmefthinaro nlluf tlir first ciwhimhii w0 tow arm and art ennnndcd by nliln nnd 4xririiccd nainti gealcan will be liken llialtlic bisd storey acmofi best ttrvni ri the prie of cabin parage uatwardba fited at 1 10 iiifttittlins wines nnd liriiiniv or 120 wiih ivhwt slc li5incr tavinx the lat metitiuncdprat be supplied by the luiwaiil nt the printed rale which mh furnished on board- neither the captains nor owners afav packets will be rirfponstlilefur any letters parcels or packi sent by ihcin utllom regular bitla uf lading are signed there apply to john griswoid 70 south mrcrl new yak guinneij- mivruttn co im tiontstost geo wildest co n 19 coleman rf luoaw n b stetmboati run tally frmn puttsnhxitli whasu packets atofiul land ami reecive pattoasern to tlie tomisi nnrl tn iliflurnt parts nf ritakiliil any iuforiiritioii ntlaiiva tothvrlino of paciol ifc may be obtaiuod aiijitkaltihi at this ntficfl ibmerican leather store just unived and pirikliv the subscriber 500 ktltfs ofsl lcailior 200 tlu llnrncv 00 du uiithu ou 31k riilfkiim 100 kipskms 20 iluarn mnpittfx kiti 2il rinitific ilititkng skins 2m linrrls tfall ji isixr siarko 3b crs axrk full ktililtly of iists nilil hoottivr ilvif tliilars hir cttt iiil lur iliilt ww i cuh ikiij lur ciillw sliwpskiw wiixiamford r tiii4lin july 1st 1835 a higliem price warkel pin- leather the suusclmltek hiiving nwiltt nweasj vimliamnnimtlitmtnr lltttf and wilvcumlihilyk mi extcinsive wjj f sou leather truest and jirhllc lciiilicr ii uilt bihtlu r call skills liiciia kip- morocco ijiiiinu iiimiines vc which lur will m11 wholuhuiti or rwiil alo o be obtained in die province tvkra and nm hiiturcrs cin in shjipiicil al ill limes atid niih m quuniiiiis niift iroiiby on bitccr lenns linn ci he ohtnincr elwncrw cash paid fur liulo and ptex srd ski us tri 0w qj t llkhrivupalt sinn- tipnsii- ilie mukci r uildwdl joiix kiitffton miv 30li ht nnnerly occupivdb uvhra1 fresh fniporteatojssi compiisti a imi vi vu riimitktk stark of dry goods thbsimsscritteit iiww lu iilirm ihc piec rhar lietian rreeivc4 by ihc regular irftikrs ci ureat ijuitaix a i man txn rtnoaxt stock of goods fu ihc alto- ibic wliih having been care ally lectvd hv himririii the fawmsh ma nxrrs for cait feel couikivih tlmt every article he of da- best in i kmtl ami the prices funnias the cautulii j ii ireer invaiiuhly nppenrs in 20oit n b the bwogt price plain figured mi eah ai liilc kiogiiin nov tali h33 removal the eubscrurbk has removed hia ciitir anil fasinnnanifi iot 8 hob botarmslutckt 10 ihe market efqiuim where he will always keeu on limd a larje nfortfiienl ufihe very best in factureai be following low prices fob ready money only iinu liieic intttuir altovcapoura ok crmvcutcni erli copy of heir paper containing ibe odvenucmrni marked ud coiidc iicmeux lo tfin cr- nn- liiim a if b 1 cakty a hart riiilcnhib phlltdclphia july 17ui 18j3 at the sign op the hear the subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public tlmt he is now manufacturing and has for sale wholesaled retail on extensive as sortment of tin ware which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms lie has also for sale a large quantity of cuba st domingo began do do boston made whips of all kinds do- stone ware best quality iv phillips market place sept 4ti 1835 10 lnjics i i mill iilicr pump do superior i lny 8b tkncj wvmut do sunn du do do fin tight walking blinpj do siout niilnblufur wuoiry wtir do lruiklli miti do ii i-ii- i i i ij l do giocnn do do lui i i 1 1- u do sluiit du gontlnnon simil walking shoes do vary du do do du tg llwh a iso 3 5 7 7 8 9 c 6 ti 7 0 u 0 0 0 it g 0 n i r io o 4 g 50 30 60 gg 8 0 10 0 10 0 8 0 7g 6 3 80 im a variety of boys and giils boots si shoos al very low prires hoots and shuis made to order j- murray kingston may25ili 1535 33 w nted itliiffcnt young unmarried man- the subscriber is now receiving puncheons of molasses marks rel tin and cut null soap and candles m as- tara snulvand tehaccn with a variety of season- able gootltf in ilin puirhns ts ill fml his stock einhra- cing a general assorlm lit of almost every staple at- licle required fiirn connlry iridr al uncommonly l prices and liberal term t macnider kingston nov 9 1s35 29 an active and i capable of taking charge of a printing office to paid to ilary will he given and who is expect whom a fail for sale at montreal on terms very favorable fourteen balteaux ca pable of carrying 950 barrels of flour all in excel lent order and condition applv if by letter post cl to board and lode in the advei timers ii ouae kingston aiwit3 15 7til apply if by loner post paid to the proprietor of the british whiir kingston nov 4ib 183 purchased liythi sjufscriiier grass seeds ofcverv ilociiiilkm patrick efiax market bqntn x sl 193 ii v esperance cirifliii town montreal nov 1835 276m c7 lvdiav rubber shoes just received and for siie 100 pairs of indian kuhher shoes kingston nov 0ill iww murray i ok sale at tims tilthi blavk ullejs amd memorials- i

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