the british winu and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekxt otif u pcjl o r it u u d1co by e j barker m d vol iv kincstox u- a wedxksdav jakuary g is36 ko- 44 the british whig a semiwkekly journal detd u commercial and fvlitiwdinfurnmiuh ia puhlidicd every tnfuday nml fridny rr 11 ii by dr i i ii ker editor and ivj at hit ofece in fttr strtot mm door to dn oimmcrml 1 llek fkfus iw tho bluttstl tvhim oveotean ihillinx ndtixptooa r annum if pitiin advnm or within lbrf fnonthftfrum liic receipt tlliu aral nuinher undone pound ifofltloctadl t nil of he year exrfuivrof noilao ntsulxcriptturt k sirlgsl tbm ia muntlin aid nu pipr discontinued until all umivgtf are piu up except at lite option of lie publislior uwtubeiunui six hues jtid undai s 0d tfm inscr- jinn and 7jj eavh ubcpiotl inorh tt ten lined auj un der 11 4j- firl insertion nml 101 jli tilvifnt insertion abovten line id per linear the firatinscrdun and id per line tor every subsequent insertion atkcruimtfiru without written dnertioiw araiuserted till forbid 3iil ehirod awirdiuly ot jer for ducontintiing ajvcrtit- nit nts to he in wi itin produce of every uiml received hi payment v no lvucfueii in vxcv0i fiuih airvnt unless post paux letter press printing kieailciwithiirilnifshijdepttldi low in upper cnnaihi all ivitrkio ba pu fur within three iti uttlix uflor exe cution kindlon au jtr35 pruvisiou store patrick bran nflcra for sale in family grocery hf it tin dwuilae in l maffccl stiture mjfksii intelyucrupicd by mr simiifcin a well 4ilj suc tobacco sione ware cam brno u and iilintu every article the provision grocery line at rxircuudy low prices having purchased hi irijnd himself lir cumi ohh in ww slanttcl mill nw york market- lwcf tfrij oct ktta 1335 23 just received i d d izon market sq rfi brooms itlusks luid fur ile by the smwcrllwi curn brooms ivihkif jtkiuiv egan to rahmbs cash ikihl fur produce of eveiv description lv 1 patrick kuan market septarci ott 2trt isto 24 fresh lemons a l iwxtfhjul received mtl fir hiiiirr ia mirht stnan qhqth w1 lr lv ihfl sitb- ntick kuan- 33 stone wabb tlowkr potfstmilk l uliiiriis crmm and ilrfchii jr and every deteripiivm ol stone wore nirsiv patrick bgan mirkrt stnar oct 20th t 135 23 cash cash cash the subscriber will pny ready casli for any ijuan- tiyof hideu calf and sheep skins flx ciias seeds tallow buticr oc itis leatlter store- leather of every description for sale at wholesale re- tiil rlicip for otivli or llic ubuvc niciiiiom 1 viu- duce ikaf iord n h 83 per 100 lb imhi for hides- market square nov 171 1835 removal armstrong greer saving removed to the premises in store street mljoiiiini messrs jului wikina cos- hiravirc iiiiiiiiiijitit ber to 1 1 1 1 1 111 heir trieitus mid die public dial they are now opening an extensive and and general mtoninerlt ol waeonable ry goods cunlsttno of yorkshiie and west of england clotlid and ca- simrres buckfjiinis leterliumi flushings satinettf pilnt clulhs 3 ii g i mi i i- moreens nnd cainleut giinleuieiiv lambs uu merino und chamob vesjs mid drapers wofmtd lflurbs wool and silk hosiery gloves hoiiibzeus crapes and boinbnzccng loom and gray domestic cottons illauktisi rijimcut sergei and sballouns printed cttllcw shirliiig stripch nod 1 urkey checks ik linen lun diima and diaper table linen fiench and iniitminn cambrics gto he naples persians sarcenets and silk serge fur cais multw 1ippcis and hosts with u general nssorhtient of haberdlury c ttai tkigftrfi jnnwlsa lnriiij hallandi oin cognac uranily poit madeira nml cliumpaiifne wines crockery mtardware c a ft g- respectfully solicit an inspection of iheir ktuefti itieh ibey feel confident will in quality and prici ftnltiird ftutisfiktloq 10 purchasers kiitltmoj21 dec is35 31 cash paid for rags three holfpertrc peril- will be paid in cash of mi k and urn pence per lb- allowed i hccohul alihc uujccofllli jitwij wine kingston dec sib ip33 wlvb8 r hia rec ived direct from the lou it the subscribe dun dock 200 doz sealed blk 8fo 200 m re 150 superior plbt 3u0 wert india maderia the above wintitf are tn caes of two dozen and cart be highly recihmnemlcd for family use- john h gkeer kingston 28h nov 135 31 to rut punua persons desirous of transmitting small sums of money to llicir lelativetf in the old country can do no by applying to john h greer kingston nov 2sil js35 150 ponuds wanted wanted to borrow nn most unexceptionable fieebold security the sum of 150 for wliicli good interest and n liberal bonus will be given letters arldreased to l curt of dr barker whig office will be attended to pec- 11 163 37if 1kish feathers to housekeepers ih0 hiiuil sklt ivrr- ivii as1i s of arra every killdi ground mid tthlr k atrickegan awrf sqirr oil 30a i 29 mttrlt f apple9 rewdf titriliww nifplik for sale lv patrick euan- ttquarr oct ssrrf i93s 21 tobacco tor silc liv the snlirtl mlh ti- r alilhr tubnccoi in i 2 i mwto lltlltf snurr fine cu ov tfcutfll it sppec ciiid a i eg aft iber ioiillnida v s n piipeik ui- sy7f- cw patrick smi 13 21 made up inbi received hi id for sale nov 173835 bolstets and pillows- just patrick eg an instructions in chzjhxstsiy and pharzfl3f mr otto kotton imvlhg at prewnttome leisure lime nn lii hands proposes in giv to vouifg yuntleiim lucating for the medical prolvion tuid others ll8trctiuu in the necessary hot much neglected ataicta of chemistry and plmrmncy terms nuiy be known on application to mr otto rvuun at dr brkr v rear street kingston dec 15 1s35 jtoilil aw lopgixv six or eyex rtthc yontic llr oil nnnniiihiud whm uourd ftuh loilniir it n ijhle fiitlilv rthihiuvs pi ihr iimi pcuvmi t i lawn kiniprfm aitply it lol i hi tliih ullicc ij5 be rg repec pan of 3jcc xotick til aik whom it mav ktlnrkra tie ww i liiwlly stili il iii the comt of eipniy in favtrr of lb iwif flp itwt ih irpifnliwi and vestry ultriui churrh in the city of nvw york for the iitioint if twenty unlhons msveit hmidied ihonand ilulltir r w martin kterttartf vi all ll gnt nw requested to attend at the cuv hall on the 20ii dv of december now york nn 15 is35 37 itollw aim lopgbyg three or four r electa bht yoi ficctiniiliodatcd iih uoard id lod pa wily in th iiimt central part of the town ply ai iliin office kingvtctii dec- lti 1833 nil men can oe f in a small a 31 ft montreal stage front kingston to brockvilte the advertiaurfl rnute heg leac to tiity that inuil the be prepared to convey a mail contractors for this part of acquaint live travelling commu- p uf janiury they will mender ihh kingston ohkc of or- j i 6ck i 1 nupmy tgf vato lili dccroucr li3s notice is hereby given ihat the siockholders of the fanners joint stork ranking company arc re- qoirtd 10 pay a further instalment of 5 per ceuii on the mock subscribed on or before the 15th day of march next also that any stuckhulder paying the amount of hi stock hi full or in purl hjl be entitled to his proportion of dividends hereafter to be declared bv order uf tiie itoard 40 ii- dupuy manacfr the ottawa and 1iideal forwaroixti company would hnimate lo tlieir friends wlio arc nbout sending off orders br ooods for the ensuing season hat it would be cry denrable to huve ihe invoices or copies of thein forwarded by ifcoir cor- rcvpondeiti direct to the companys office at mon treal ii mder to save the trouble and pxjieiite ol pain sicht cntiies uhich the rvtint of invoice tun frequently occasions and to cnttm quitker nans poriation oftlie pmpeiiv- dewmber 1 183a 40 liythe toronto patriot is rcquisted to copy the above one month gore bank a meeting of the subscriber for stock in the gore hank will he held at hurleys inn in llaniil- ton on saturday the 12h day of december at 13 ovlock noon for the purpose of apportioning the stock and auu for appointing a day on which the election of directors shall he held colin c ferr1e sccv hamilton ivov 29 1835 35 the several papers iti upper canada will copy this till uml dee splendid sale of mfousetwtd jrvrmfr e will be sold by aucitoo on wednesday the 23rd instant in the large room at the kingston hotel an extensive assortment of household furniture c- consisting chiefly of the following articles itf 2 mahogauv sidehtards 1 tablls 1 black walnut do 1 i ijureau 1 mahogany do 1 mahoganv sofa 1 niaek wiliiut 2 fecretaries 3 cherry dining tablet 2 breakfast do 2 carved black ffttlnui bedsteads a variety otlahw drcsimi bureaus several walnut cherry wa4istnds superior eight vy clock and cases alarum pnv cli ladies iold wtfrlh a few birts of china and a quantity of crockery ww mirrois feflutw beds bedding kitch- en utenild 2 horses harriets otter and buffalo robes abo a splendid double barrelled fowling piece and a large collection of ctfw articles too complica ted and numerous to menin likfcvlk at the same time will be otd a 4 year old black mare warranted perfectly ound and quijd hai- tttf cnndiiinns given at ilieoor of sale sdle to eouoncnce prerv t 10 oclock a james u auctioneer kingston dec 15 3 1 1 procfjjlmatloix vpper canada j coinorne itaomau gotimor inujamth fourth by tht grace ff god of the united kiutftm uf giit thttnin uwt iruartd k iffitr of the rifa r rfd rfa to our tubvcl and fjilhful lethliv connrillor of our pinvriirc fuppr tanaji txrni to ml knithu ciocftt nnd dtirus fo ii i ti our iluvincim parliament al ior city ortoronio on the relt1 jay of january nokt to tc cltnnurjccd hold j called andlctid and toverv f yiu greeting whereas by our proclamation bearing dato uio twoni fifth dny of november last w thought fil lo prologue our provincial parliament to the eighth jay uf january next at which lime at our cily of toronto you were held n3 can- hlrajiicd to aprttir now know ye that wc taking into our roytfl considc- ratinn the cas ami convenience of our loving subject have thought fit by and withtlmtdvico of our eievuiiv council to relievo you and each of you of your attendance ot the time aforesaid horoy convoking and by tlnsc precnn enjoining iouaud cachofynu that on thutvday the puurteontli day of aruiary next ensuing you meet us in ur provincial parlia incut n ourcilv of toronto for the actual des patch of public business thero to take into const- deration the atale uld weltarr tf our saw province of upper canada arid therein to do as may aem necessary and hvrein luil not ik tkstikokt iicncof wc have caused these our loucn to be made putenl nnd the great seal of our aid province lobeheieuntottffixed wtrrrrvs our trusty and wtfllbclovi sir john colborne k c b lieutenant governor of our said province and majot general commanding our forces thtrn al toronto thi seventh day of pecember in the year of our lord one thousand elgin hundred and thhtyrive and in theaixth year of our reign- j- c- by command of his excellency s p jarvi3- ctk c chancer f caaieron sfxrtury notice to lwykeepers no ice i- hereby giver ihftt u special njourned sessions of ihe pence will be lioljen at the court houe in ivingao on ruosdatj the fifth day of january nttu at the hour of ton oclock in the fute- uuon lor the purpose of ciranthig and renewing uukeopen licenses throughout the midland district for the year eu- stiing james nickalls jcxr clerk of the peace m 7 tvmii m wwfs a jtuatioy as duokkepcr of geiiertl clerk a young uninai- ricd man horn england h0 undtrrsiands budtnew in canlida apply if by letter pot pnid to x y z br tih whig office kiugsmn die 22 183 40 gore awf at n meetinjr of tlte subscribers for sock in the gore bank held fit hamilton on the ltli nutani it ttas rewlverjt thai junes m- whyio and colin c ferne enquires lie iippointcd a tnnnnittee lo ftp portion the 5tock subscribed tf tlic tinnr bank cause the regular notices to be given in the several districts of his province for the first election of directors of the saij uank 10 procure a ijalutt isox and otherwise prepare for the said election of directors pursuant id the act of incorporation also thai such election do take pines tu ihe court house hi the town of hamilton on the second hi notesand accounts due the subscriber nmur llw fttftftlol paid hj the 1 of the cumum month jnnuarv il be put into hundol mr w i- dwith for allecin yakkcu kington dec 211835- 4i monday in february next commencing nt ten o clock iti the forenoon and ihe ballot box to be closed by 4 uvlock in the afternoon notice is hereby given lint the first election ofdireciorsofihe gore dank will be held pursuant to the act of incorporation 0n l second monda in february uexi at the court lloue in h ilton signed james m wllytk coun c fe1iuh3 hanilion 13th bee lbi 42 alexaindek loukif an advertisillciii having appeared in the chro- uitefy vazittc bearinpihc signature of the above individual stating that a certain account implicit- in him thai appeared in the british whig wan culse i ihiiik it necessary publirly to state thai the said account was strictly and literally true the particulars of the disgraceful transaction were given by me to the editor of the itriluh whur tmh trrntrficfr i ant pvaiiv at alt tftnev co davit t- madigan her 1835 for the put pose of considering the pro- fniety of incorporating the town of kingston wiu iani wilson esq wj called to the chair and john a macdonald acted as secretary 1 kcaolvcd on motion of john counter eq seconded by john mowat esq that in the opinion of this fricciiug thu time lias arrived when it is ex pedient and ucceary to procure an act of incorpo ration for die town ol kingston 2 on motion of thosktrkpalrici eq second ed by mr u jackson that while we entertain hcn litneutspf respect for the duuristrncy of the towei and ttattfy to tlii cxerfiotin they liftvc made for it welfare wc are of opinion that 11 more tfieciive and responsiblo system of government due to the in habitants and would materially increase the pros pcriiy of kingston 3 on motion uf henry cassady esq seconded by thos wilson esq that it is not the wish of this meeting to be instrumental in obtaining a corpo ration as complex and expensive as is 10 be found in other parts of the province so far from this they desire simply au elective town council to control ihe police funds to promote order and improve ment and concentrate and direct the public cuter- prize of the inhabitants 4 on motion of f 11 hill esq- seconded bv j hgreer esq that it is therefore proposed that the following gentlemen be a committee to draft a petition to the provincial legislature praying for an act of incorporation which petition accompa nied hy an address to the inhabitants shall be re ported to an adjourned meeting to be held iu this plsctfon wednesday next at 12 oclock noon john s cartwright thomas kirkpatrick james sampson wm tiarratt- a truss john mowat a mnnahad robert jcflers john counter f m hill henry casndy geo- w yarker thecliairman having left the chair and joseph llrticc ewj haiig taken it it was resolved that the thanks of the meeting be gjamed to mr wilson for his able conduct in the chair wit wilson choirman j a macdonatoi secretary i public meeting- at an aijiitumsd mmtityrnftwipfmlwttriwl houvrhohlers of the township uf kingston held this day at counters tavern in the villjge of water loo mr albert mmiclntel in the chair moved by dr yeoinuns seconded by air james atkiuton thnt ilic interests of the town nnd township of kingston under the existing tuumhip laws are tit variance and it would materially assist the condi tion of both if they were separated by legislative enactment carried moved hy dr ycoinuns seconded by mr john hurley thi the difficulties attending the assessing and collecting of the rates- and the iinporiance of having the township commissioners resident in the town- ship art sulhcieut to reqiient the division of the tovn and township carried moved bv dr yeoman seconded bv mr a thibodo that dr yeoman aidilbald macdmmcll eq messrs john jrats and robert heath be appointed a cminnittec to wait upon the cuttnty incmbcis msiv sinmge shibley nnd reqtievt their assis tance in tins passing f an act tocarate the town and lonship vurrkd the sense of ihe nieeling by show of hands was then taken nstothe fitness of the persons w lmhon id be nominated and supported aj olliccrs under ihe new township law at the ensuing election and the choice fell upon the following gentlemen albert mwixlwl john grass augustus thibutlo town ckrk henry grassy awtor- and to the uutae afh commissiotters atlultuius sparlnim collector lcll e t bccofidvll ikoiixtus of the rfowh independent farmers tfilvocate t bvlwo mi tlitt tm1ri dlbo tfrimiril ihtovsasfy i a cliaov that can provo einiuni to drocuiilc and irnm hroeki11etu kingston iu a comfortable double sleigh at the uuluiary stage arcs w s faikman jambs thomson kingston dec 8th isj5 3g6is the hrockvillc hecorder will please tocopy this mliree times and rharsfe the advriiser fo be pulilirlied hy ui tilru ivivulcviry week milil it h publish a sernivck1v ppii bcncgcinl lo on pjrty only i sapcr instead ofons is rttpsr will cluifullv adv anj tulcrvi of ever t irue britim icnaou fint on llic lt nil wiwcb wliue iiculs arc bmstju ttlsfosd vf aftd their superior ikiu 10 miuutcd thjftk rjrttttoi or their envy the oriiirietor will inuke it u csu and pmptrtw uf the county tru in genera j 2jiiii ovi into lild ste critic the n4tiiiiiil chonteiar ikitfllmen nnd tlioirdtf- ithnanjti that rertwn nh vitli iujalty rtiitl who forget pcqiic llifc ipriot arc as tubisribnve uicir iikiik kins izaion dec 29th 1335- stolea or strayed strayed nway from the owner on mund 2sth is a icmatkahlc spotted cow hi horns clean with the ihe lips cut off mid wbilo under the bully and slso 11 wluli her bluiulders downvardf with a switch tail seven years old any person bringing the siid cow 10 the sub- sirihcr shall be rewarded lor their trouble i ij the sitid cow ishenw wiih calf john hooper tailor kingston dec 23th 1335- 3ls iy di c ick fice left ear cut stroke from ahutt midland district land company i doctor walker intflnd to give instrucinns toa few youiifj ycntlemen in medical and surgical science and iu read a course of lectures as deli vered 111 the ulifretsity of kdinburg oil anatomy surgerv practice of physic materia medica and physiology his terms will be reasonable h pt admission every evening frotti 0 oclock until 9- store street kingston dec 12 18 373w take ioice as those pethona who arc indebted to the subscri ber appear reluctant incoming forward 10 fettle their account they hove it length to inform them that buch accounts as may remain unsettled on the istdayof jtmunrj enwing sbnll iwdtcrlmfaeiy he put iu soil for the purpose of iinnndiate collec tion the subscribers tuo pnticularly reflwest those ntsnoruf to whom they are nulebudto prfsent heir sccutluts ful adjikttmeut fc m irtnt 4- houtoti sqtwiz theitk as brought into the possession of mr jtf scph mclean refiiding on lot nn 9 hi the tirst concession of this township on tuesday the 1st lost j black mare with a shortswifch tail a white spot on the forehenrt her right hind foot white up to the gamhrel any person proving property and paying expence may have the above inentio ied by applying to mr- mc lean pituiburgh dec 2nd 135 3btf ttutly l uuinote ihe inlii rllo- ami hit imnucu ami wlll uk m ocmlj p our sister he believe ihll it i l ks nvl id peaceable fnhjecti i ti vmf p son h lv- c b u v i upww oujii hn 3 rtrwk ivo i sttluic k- lrt r il be an atouthwunairuldiii i adit priilr i of 0inin thul hia fur 800 rrms mlli rhi- iil- s b huprwiuf iviil w ail no i flaiin he will jul islh wlinh pio- 1 wlnl in iii cmilc may kiiytmi e lttsij 15- 37 stage mtoitse s carino rwjtectfully informt hi mnuerous natrons nj uic public af lirgo ihtil travchvn nw tinuc to he acloinmoduietl al hia spftclou and coni- fdrtablc hocci the mansion house this htxel ia leaanlly siiuated in slow street being he prinfiipal and most central street in king- aion and no csmblishment of ita kind chi rpw it in tbe excellence and comfort of iis nparinmik i be cur of the mansion house thie is a lare ynrd and excellent stabling tor horses a livery stable is coiwtanilv lent vhere eoleuhii can pro cure sleighs and onrriagea at all hour the toronto stage leaves uk mansioji ewrv morninff an 1 arrive- every evening kiw3scs3tl cuiilijinn 1y enfiirnrtg nvi itngcltlihcisittim hanifol ih ilil anv whicli liicntud it tin union jack ur gfi1 biibiifi pw c l proudly who ovvriho cltl0l ofouabml lr kiifi wronjr but wlio can deny dtttf n- ficcr cnviiiii eyr ftid lint n dlpiru o do i umtion iid lutfthfi coviit nfbudi iv irift io fflutl livcbliww vinto ao hipped nffml turned 1 p hveliuyud their wn iiduvtfy iiicwst afmmiu u beew dimiii finl hi all in impx lotociv any ilifauhi vlllin public monw ouee tlw pwprtaw will h iafimih tn cttnccfiiing the miia o ihfi kiiimuoiii wiih which bhum offiw um ba cliais fiufli tha iou down t ihe cil all pblicpeivii 1ht totitdcvof tlitiu wehould mrmpitxcepi imaiwr- ncv gm and uc solicitor bthimt who l iuucium ifot ipalmil rihl prommlt uihl ipfgive at plcnw thbduntkn ihey prtkubrly c tn tavorof tho who vott fut ucm at ulectiuns tlwpropriotrtr will ewudofi nm hi columns all rclis coolrovcty unl wliw wanin aluck i- mitijo pon miv body of climtooi f u deairc hint evry rnm should mel lowed to walk in hii own penrtfiil wm wiuioui inurftfwtm mi h in ivpootiblo fr them tucl jilouo the dytown indkreniient will ho published on wod pnm of fair w and tnj itarged at four dolhr per aniiumcwiiiivifpugpayttuoiihiilih or ilmayfuit ihr propriotor the pf aid typvtnitiur rivtf m bylown in a few dy rt cnneltmon tho prvpviotor bwi lonvlosaylltat ho will notukdtf luirtstclf tn doiw ci- ihe whijor tory- if hi bciu-fi- willi biiwelfal ib cx piroitodaf a joar h wlil iiwii hiatf elf ttd my oll wither to a busilofioaiiir thjtihjll zi hqiiviampfeiit jamei johnston- in fin mi i tlie midhiud oistfict land compiiny ilic stareslihve purposely bconjdnecd so low ajncb tii eiiiibli runners small bfiokkccpcn till kinflsftl tindoincn tnd ldiorcrs povwashlg voiall cpill tii bccujntf jsiockludders io ucli llic amount uf the stork they may take ill not be the only adviuitaye u will gieieisfns rending ii tin disirict wlin buvu numfrvtix nimilies the ndrantaifti ofbciilm partul their fiiiuihe uow theiucvless the pcrsims deputed ttikc btiusciptitm atllit several tuwultiu ajrelingsun the ibl mtfudav in january nct will make qrrangcmenu to havuilivir lespectivc subsrripiiou ht ntinieu to the treas urer with the ljiuiivs uy the i2h jrury iu urdef tbe sbsnilnn numcn ivumcach township uny be raiieriljwl into o fftnminl bubmription tmti and hiid hefurc the committee on the 15th jan- nary next nfwr which stock may be taken at he treasurers ofticc application will be made to the legfcutuk for an actaflticorporntiodfuf the muvpuiv in making ihe agreement with government for the land the agent will be instructed to avoid making the barren lads in the vicinity of portland falls anj lifindi nntage to settlers getting locations on lota fit fov cultivaiion among the good land in the rear of he townships the aseiit v ill also bti instructed to make ar- tngenients for conflicting iionda aid bridges thiough the centre of the setlleinelll coh3iittk s cartwrijfh w liurkc sirange a truax couuier is w afmsuviifit casatuly j mahks aeut moved by ahiibald mi ijy 3ft a xhibodit thut a cninmiuee of litres pcrion metsn a mmichaci john ura9 matthew juw be 0p- pointed to draw up rtgltitioni respecting lawltil feilcfwi cnlllc runiitiig al hiri ivc ac- iu he by them tiljiuiucdluthc cnyiug towilabip meetin varrltm- moved by mr a- thibodo seconded by mr jtihn burley thit a conmiiice of four persons a m bq m eotiiaua oaiker and mr a thibudo be appuinicd to prepare a petition to hi bxcdlen- cy the lt uuvernor s the two houwof proviiiuul i arliatnent to increase the jiridirtion ofthe court of ueiuest to sum of wo ow a jury of six persons if demanded in claims above c5 nnd ex tending the time of payment to 90day carried moved bv a imujhcll kscp and seconded by mr a tlubodo thrtt the propiiciojs of the kingston papers be requefiteil lo copy the proceed inga of thii meeting carrkd thinks having been voted to the chairman the meet broke up albbrt mmichael chairman e j barker m d secretary dec 26ih 135 pvtfiwil mm bzwmtot w j j j ii j avklftti ff v v nd treasurer at a inetimpof the iidialutants of kincnlon held at the court hotue ci wedmeday he30ih dtfceri- a public meeting v as held at tle nouee of mr fretinan j bui ley in the township of ernestown un thursday the 2lh day uf dec 1s35 agreeably io public advertisement mr michael aeaelauue being called to the chair and ebenezer perry ap- pointed secretary the chairman submitted to the meeting the following resolution l moved by john bell seconded by b f davy rifsolved that whereas he recent township law has tnateriully changed the interest of township meetings and rendered the duiies of officers to be elected at such meetings of greater importanri that iii oider to avoid confusion and disatiyfactjon and to injure the legal and proper etection of the com- inissiunera town cleik assessor antj collector this rneeting deem it expedient that a regula- pull bhould he taken fur the election ofthe eaid officei under the direction o ihe chairmau vho shall pub licly declare the penofltf having a majority of vote duly elecitd and the chairman be authorised to ap point hi pull cleik carried unanimously i moved bv frederick keller seconded bv b l davy resolved that tfrw meeting deems i expedient that thre fil and proper pertfout be appointed bv i majority ofthe hihaoiiani houthiiers and te bolder present at toe iownshi meeting to ottcnj the said election aeecrutluezers for the a hole tow- fthlpg and who shall alo attend and see to die count ing ofthe votea cxmcj 3 moved hy benjamin llatn sccohded by k kelcr