British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 6, 1836, p. 4

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london boarding school gloucester house establishment ron xovsr otttlmek apton ulcrcc nrav jfovcit sate 0skjt- mr h a u xi t the domestic unum mniis of ilii establish me nl arc upon ihemcm liberal scale ttwj bwlrt ncconimoiitd with a single lcj wlluuit any exlra cltrso iiml a slricl attftlf lion paid lo hi cftatfirt health and moral tiie course or iikiniction include englffh elocution tliu scientific principles ulj pwticft nf arillunclir merchant accmmu boolckmptn munsiiraiiaii algebra geography 00 ofiue i ilii history c sixth vkar uk thk wufs book 1 under i2yearsofnge a lii- o ditto weekly boarders f day boarders tbc lanpmes caul drawing sl dancing j m usic fir annum 21 ditto 18 ditto 3 ditto per quarter 1 guinea 1 ditto 1 ditto respective references will bo given and required the vacations are three weeks at midsummer and a fortnight at christmas accounts settled quarterly the quarter to com mence on the day ofootrjncc- a quruicrs notice isexpcuul srcvioitsto the removal of a boarder puplu remiumn u cliool during ihe vacation tfft chaif ed 4 guineas elri per annum the french language is taught by a native m pah- kaih bofirdr ljgxpktod to bring a silver spoon knife fork and six tuwek tho ituntion a extremely healthy and pleasant with ex tcnw grounds bc references may he made to t ii prior esq of quo fur fordirr particulars apply tottic editor of the whir 37- 6 m storage and v harfagc subscriber bens leave to infovm tho the subscriber begs leave to inform tlic public that he has rented the well known storehouses and wharf formerly occupied by mr john mnguirc at the foot ol store street as lo location they have not their equals in town those win wish to store property or dispose of it by consignment may rely on the utmost endeavor of the subscriber to civ satisfaction for all orders he may be favored with in the above line of business- n b for the accommodation of travellers there will be a room litiod up fur the recaption of baggage dj1rt0y phillips kingston april 23d 1835 prize medals it is hereby announced that ihe natural his- ttry society of montreal has resolved lo offer four medals tot the best essays presented during this year medals are offered accordingly 1st for ihe best essay on the comparative num- bcfs 8f lie ancbiht alio inotlehl aboi igiues of a iiluf i- a and on the causes wlietber moral or physical o their gradual disappearance 2d forthebest essay on the catccacc of ihe ki- ver and gulf of st lawrence 3d fur ihe best essay on any scientific subject at the discretion of the writer 4th for the best essay on any subject connected with literature generally the conditions ore 1st the essays shall be presented on or before the 20th of february 1836 2d the essay may be in french or english 3d the names and residences of the an loom must be concealed lo ensure which each esay hit all have a motto and shall be accompanied by a sealed note superscribed with the same mono and containing ilic name and residence of ihe author this note shall only be opened ill ihe case of the essay being declared worthy of a prize otherwise it shall be destroyed 4th the successful essays thai i remain ihe pro perty of the society 5th the society reserves to itself the ryht to withhold chc prize should no one u the essays on any particular subject appear deserving of it the essays are to be addressed to a p holmes m d corresnondins secretary of the society andrew ii armour oct 13 1s35 fihllaukspma of tttttuhirt ult most iy magazine d pttffilt jus vv fitwii i very ex itm rn eusivc iw tiir sanysbookwaftrircftnli umliictiind pcrtivt a lah artiui fashions him ibe iinlv pai popnbi ivftillhcititl of ucc tfoulifut niftlcntfh lpraritt cvrryipiirtir fitly whtillfi miirxn crnumsl w irtnrr iiin rv- ire vnlmnct l hrirodi iiliem vhc yrnr his mhrmjinr latk8 vr arttl iatksof ttik niv wlitrit iiic bi alalncrt nirtnmiliihilii tllllhmlbll i ti y pw tim ii iiili nuhir r w rvpinl fiirt ofiilrml juni- attttmjortnhri dfftmbcr jbttdtmgrm recording ftrcrctttru lrin rirvil rprrl in thnf pttrprt unrruy ainiitiinc lis- li- lcuii irttic vvork wilh rcrr ti jnl ihikqim r ihr lulrl 1 mol anprckwd le ihrhw inmihlfipyrniis tttl- tiii rrmire- inml will itinrmlk niliua uc nuv mimwuny nhii work ainl iii- lltoflvh ii will nmronitlralily lo ui riihlilirr lirovy rntby he rrusi will cohtlci m ile librrility ot i ilirtrntnc pumir far atturr rc- niiiirrfiiicfliitihiin wiib mttkifliolhitftvl wiircliimiig vtlurt i krfii ir uitfi uicnpil prrr otitic inikoytf ofthfr tgtf tlw ftjoiitciiuirfiw whiih will bcidoptrd tor the fj incnleionttt juiiunry mnrcli mnyjtily sr ptrmucr xovroiwr ptrb m pin of the jrrttvtli fatiar tttganfit rotarrj vvilh llto judir nit miiomliov nunlrr wilj hr bnhihfq appropriate ly rngravfid tttws pack mrj iinjcrrrkorcomcnwfur ccmii volumc- fcbntary april f ttustrating a twfety afcmftof hthrk ifewlot tviyy mmbcrwffl im nrkiil mum immc from tlic tor- tr a it g a llkkv comaiiunff ihe ukenrca of lvo tlj-nirit-ui-iliolla- dtvilnab in addition to whtthtrttormnd twrtevycvrwwn will be rmbufy bucdwbh uvo pujsi- of popular mtsic tm piddihcr u m prrfcal in ihe hrnu ofurv rxcclloi artist a mftl narvvnuci uiticii wlilcofluilti uiikciicvh of nil itoprwm rdsninj qrien4f icnrop wtcli will lv given ikmi cxtfnlh jimbir no to nicruhrscxpcnirihfu4inmb d isrtnlnllv ikcovorj liil rtnimailcef frhoum plompcy nadi at ihr lt- i nur lloihiis nearly iit inndred name vvr eratxl from onr il in conuchcr of ii itpiuio- frmn tlic b joks tluit citel owol uvo yrnr miuvrlpdrm mtiiy hnvf irtrc pim mdiatr bnl prfvimily nul with utni- lhr aivi oibrr 2ncii- iuouvoiiirnoirs n pomifiut ut i cocomue r winch thoiimafir k4 ufi acrniii conrirnv in rrintillod by hi wtt dcriny tn accviihi of uiihk stints hut he received at kiisionrc in i very rfh inoiuhr iiiim ini- annoyed whti ihfir namca rc tfluwd jir itctitiqiicncy oaj uvil ihry nlli ihep wtll t again rrnrw ilnirilcripiioi thl tonfrftinhtly itcrioiihlc proprktor tin lijllovvh 0fchioii- rrc i czpixifiilly irinlcnml ftr the consideration orpormit who nrc now in attcw- lirllhflfc who owlww ycarior pwi wih owr i wo in dcf loner or juno ncxtsirut a five pol tar dotc on jronid mny refrain from forwarding llwrir due tccuhr iwy ronnot r mil itw exact mm this i noi ne if ihcy mtlinnc ihrfr ubscrip linn ft i only wlicn a pronmom ibe work that a liqtiidaiion of the wholr nimml due brcoin ncerrjirv uallkrviippuktra11s imtcr tldhrad will be poumttd every oiohhhkeorofdihhi aoaotb in thiaotioiry aid in kuropr striking reendlinees of llulwer broiif ham uftit ccmnlif- liam ftcftt have been uisen the following nrc nowrcwl firpres fl wjllh- fi lrl tm n- f r unit lltf wllolc l cooiptctcd sheltcy ieuip moore colcridcc itodgcri dferwhr nceje mad dc sturl june porcf oumpbou ro or hnutlicv ac fnc bfmltci ofthc writmof vohiownmjertron morfison monroe byron seou nntl otlwr aldntwlm person hftvo nlrewly np pcarl those ofnip1con frankliii ln rjcitc e ao arc in jire- the publication of view ol lieomlful fvcnry ptui remor tabic public cmocc wilt ik cmmlnncd ae hg kvcy number of the work commas forty eiht rrrc octavo noe priutedon jln while picr ihe whole ncatlt siitelw in cftvtft- the yoriuzcfar each unuiber i 3 cent fo nny dixuncc under 100 inilc 5 bcmr over to convinee perwvn wfsuog to mibstribc forilw- laily book ihai ii lnnl in point of embf jliahinenis iho iairrrl of ilm rooienur nivl ffene- ntlbeniiiyol npjearanee loihe bripiion rrpiatily kltcfl nt wcc mlhcltsiiicrinenoitr0thot lititclwn mideofit by editors in tliflerrni section of tlic union the uubiuiict will furwnrd any inomlil number a a specimen by endinirliini a bttcr postpaid tbc work whi n fmorc be hrblimwd and drtivcrcd on the fint ofcarh monih hi ptnladcltihkj vew york uoflton udhumrnjid chartcatoii in new cirleans humt he ah shi i iiuii will pleattc inform uicpublicr free of pomape and dnplirate will bcent lhi tisicimsop isitlptuin m imibleinmw vaoce lotmaierrurtditenuj can hovelwoeopte fbrwardl toany direction by udvuncire five dollar artitrcfts l a uodkvi philodelpbw hit will those with whom we htdraagm please topy ib alio ve ad- v wit w mltffcvc imtfeff mac wrwttft var wurk rbr toe ensutu year cash paid for bfiffcs five dollars per 100 hi paid for hmw ami the hijhcsl price given fur calf sheep skins by j murray kingston- nov 10th is33- to b ml 3 v t e ml s e will te a wx- m i k hespectfully infnrin ihe irintew ofllie united states 10 wlumi ihoy hnvc hern individually known ra established lciiit fuuntus thit ihry liivc now formed a topnrlihtliip in hil hiihiiess qtiil frmn their united skill find extensive expeii- eitcgi ihev hope lo he able lo qc silisfactton lo all why may nivor them with thoirunier iton of machinery in place of ihe te- by hand waa by postpouemrnl the splendid sale opfukniturb ad vertised to be sold on the 23k instant is deferred till after christina- on account uf the large uoom in the kingston hold not bein in ulltieut propa- jation doe dulice will br eiov phi t th- ftuln jambs iilntun auctioneer kingston dec 211 1935 the imrodu dione and uuhealthy process nfcumivisf lyi a dcxtdctnluiii by the european fbuikdera amtiicaii ingenuity and a heavy expenthiure tt time and munev on the part of our senior partner fitst successfully atcompd extcttsivc use of the inachiue cut letter has fully levied and etabluheu its snpeiioiity in every partic dvcftliotecast bv the old process the letter foundry btuinctt will hereafter be carried on hv tiie panics before named under the finn of whitcf laser co their specimen ex- hibits n complete wri from dianintu to sixtyfmir lines lica the bonk and new type being m the most moderate lisbt and style l te llager co are agents for ihewileof i and kubt lrinliiia lres which ihev ean fur- irertf prices ten shillings reward tlost on friday evening ust on the road between waterloo and pewleys bf0er n whoever hap found the sante a ihe office of the bainak wtfio alarllii boo- will return it at or to jaiih lis to auctioneer will receive the above kingston dec 15 1835 rew id 39 public meeting a meeting of the inhabitant householders of ibe town and township of kington will le holden m the court house at ten ochck on monday jan 4tb for the election of officers nuclei the new townsmp act in consequenre of il mr it rartlelt there is no town the meeiiag bui the meeting will lie habiunia meet kingston jec 28 1833 suiitl nish their cttstomera cliases casevi cn article nwd in thv prtnuug iiuiue titill filllfeltltu iil i cli exchange fur new ol nine cents per pound l white w hagtir k york oct i 1835- it munuricn npoini sticks ink and every inline linsinc kept fur bale i lji 31 c absence of clerk to call the lit eral it gautiox this is to caution all persons fioin makiugf bnr- gainu of sale or otherwise with james schroder in iny name as j have atpresent no connection with tbatymmg man also inycutoiiternrerequetcd to notice of whom they buy the articles i manufc- lure as some persons me vending theut pretending lo be sent from inc henry bolte kingston august 10th 1833 3 the stockholders of the bank of the people at their first aunual meeting held at the itankin iloue in this city on monday the 2nd tlay of no vember instant proceeded by llallot to elect their directors when the following ireutleinen were cho sen iz ijldwki iraibont lv hon m t u m gsorck barclay jou iiarikr john doei jmiss iikivvkv 1 i john uolph eq iamts lsslie btiq david gibson esq james beatt nan montcoherv thomas elliot the ityard met on wednesday ihe 4ili when john rolph esq was tuniniiuouslv president jfcnes lesslie ep cashier hon marshall spring ljidwell ecj and hervey price solicitors- the stock dook will remain open until lhc3l or december next and the ageuuoftlw bnnk nre requested to forward their lima of stockholders to the cashier of the hank on or before that day by order of the itannl f j- tkicl surtturtt haokiqff huue toronto 4th november 1b35 rice instfiut elected and the jaiuc to tailors and shoemakers to i3e let at wilton township of emestnwn opposite he iut office i snniil mid convenient shop suitable for either tailor or wioemaktr any industrious and sober iimii limy bi certain ol bnving constant work ii cither trade applv to s wakneh wilton nuvifith 1335 31 william dawe attorney and solicitor in the courts of lav and equity in enghunl has opened an oliiceiumr counter brick buildings in brotk sueet king- sion there he draws deeds wills and other legal writings with accuracy and dispatch and on mode rate ittins kingston sept 21 1835 13 evening writing and beadiuig classes mr jenislxos is brining winter classes for in struction in the above brunch as not more thnn eight pupils will be received in a class they iu have all the benefit nf private inbtruciiuu hours fur ladies from 5 tilt c fot gentlemen from 7 till 1 application may be mat- at ins academy next to the loucastciian school or sit his residence point street kingston nov iotli 1s35 293 idi- look at this twkstv pkft cknt cur a per tta ever the subscriber has just received in tiuu to his former extensive assortment ofgoous a consisritieni of west of england cloths consisting of itlnrk blue olive orcen and mix tines of the ery bct quality and cry superior ulark casimeres all of which he will dispose of on reasonable terms fur j at it or approved endorsed kolcsat ivineiv dns john omphant- mtcchun tailor deceived store i clik vi kilkl lutli jmnsroviiila 1 mi mid hiuck oft front i rrii icll eiis jiimnaulc ounl coffi imllmda gin km navd jamnicn rum till ckxtiehawhi hh tii s il ririro coinpanion t i rwi with a multitude op ssoaavikc uttumisq urr lira c uj nu ic lira i ca while iiml red wines ucaux rinmrjftifone i north shore hjng j- dino tine cod fish n macknre pinnd starch ani liverpool soap v hue sfiiinish f bice raisins ami turrsnts soft shell almond russian quills fine durham mufc jars intmcffs cloves t spices warrens blacking iq am pa8 ditto lampblack cut and wrought v p window glass of jiflcrcnl sizes puttv pin mid paper to glaztd pipes bail unck shoe and scrubbing 5 rlncklead moccohoy rappee a scotch snuffs black lead pencils fine foolscap and letter paper wrapping j salt saltpetre and sal eratus irittsonc and sultiur ground and root winger oatmeal and harle epsom sali cream of tartar gunpowder and flts whisky best quality american cheese ual to english tavern keepers and country dealers are request- to call and give this etablislmient a trial james williamson kingston nov ih fcj35 advertisement the surscriber begs leave to inform his friends atd the public iu general that he is manu facturing and will contuse to have on hand and for sale for ci sh at his establishment north end of quarry street warranted equal if not even autierioi to any in morfcet country merchants can be supplied with candles and soap in exchange fortalh or lard and far- mwt w swp tor aluw daxjel caffry kinjsloii november ig1i1 lb3 323is notice tub wine vsinlis oftlie snlariber arc now rc plcniiiliing villi illnckljurnh eiudia madeira in iijhp illicit mki qunncr ciisk auit genuine old vott in lit wood- via new foundland x macnider kingston nov 9 1835 39 kemoval james halij repecifnlh inlirms hifl friends ihe publiv iluit he has rnnnvim- fruui iim tavern sishhi hiirlv hccmpicd hv lum in juhnson street to lllu tiivvrn siniucd at lliefintt a store street and kejh by ihe ittie mr p j ii js tliaiikail fur the libeim support he has received since hi- conrniencemeu in business and assurts his friends that hisntieuion direclrd tu kceii ryhel wines lkninnp kiigouj oct 16 1535- 22tf til toronto correspondent will copy tllia ad vcniseincm three liinep nndcise the advertiser the subscriber announces to his fiiends wid the public that itc lias removed to ihtwu very evnsive premises in tvont street next to ihe building formerly occu pied by the citinmcrcinl itank hcrc he oilers for sau t very extensive aud general asortinenc of miltish and roickign staple fancy dry goods lilhl hisntieiiou will always be ig his house supplied with the ve- 100 20 20 50 20 chests tea various sorts hhcls refine sttar 11 muscovado do kegs plug lobnceoi uoncs cavoidmi do maccoboy and rippee snuffs paim and cod oj saltpetre fijr bheand ctarci ilorcl paints aud black lead tl wanted immediately irec or four first rale coat maiuks kingston november i7ih 1s53- x o 32 paid for wheat uye indian corn barley and and a liberal prieu ffiveii according to quality fsjvhiskp of jrt quality far sate w uarkatt kington dec- llih 1835 36 while and c mustard in jars spritnacvii candtisi tallow caudles spermaceti wick new article liverpool and mmireal sqj1p florence oil olive oil in hhrb and pipes mackarel aud llrniuga uauori 30 ihu cogtilc brandy rich flavor strong proof oiard pupuy co- and other favor ite brands bordeaux branv schiedam genera and hamburg gin puncheons jainftfeft spirits proof 1 to 2 upper canada tflnsky bwbb ix wood quarter cak dfold madeira approved vinta ges blackburn ojiviero cos brand xerxcl sherry london particular tenerilli and the most exten sive and general assortment of red aod white wises worthy the attention of country merchant and tavern keepers dfttlkd uins east india madrirn brown and told sherry genuine old pojt sparkling ohntnjaijiicj jollied brand porteit iwtbcrcs ani danbar drown slout ii pints and quarts cases of scbjedain gin btovbsi i00 2j to 3 feet stoves conking stoves 200 boxes window huw various izes bllovels cut and wrought najh boxef 1 c i x tin the goods enumerated and all ins nnporlrtiotrt are peculiarly dceniii tin retire ii the public and the advanmgei of the wharves and premises lie u rnpies or the general purposes of trade and the terms upon which his stock is always laid in through ins rrleadu in montreal enable him tu sell as iowa the montreal price advances will he made upon all consignment of sale here or for shipment tohi fuend ihe charges will be found moderate thomas msqnider iugtaa ic 7 pron lira fin al mutiiical k inton horses rilosoiiltical ami rlurnl rhcixonicna lescrdcuiain see tinavvixrnoniiifliikcfippwn w5oinmrncctl in plia- irlnlxil hd ouwwfc ic mmuwi imvciiseil do cxtrnicu inrm loclrculii kmwmfitf f iicriw l pneh is tbc imsracurn umni- fihcl hv ikt ponton of ibe pnwic who unvc bcrn hmo ncguuiniwl wu iwclinrftcicr orul conicnw tliai iw itft ofpotrons cnfittirorvconmiuuy ano ruulti0lmfnte thm paper is bowdirtiribiiu rofuurly cxery week over m wulc poriion ofui tfoioo 9c ihe hon tfntiip onmw a icccivcil jhm il willcvrtiiaally become oocoflhe moi popotaf wwoof ihenuroerouciekent pcriorlicota wtiklitftsoefromihe aflw chu pre noexenions will u spired to eutbjish mi bimiuem rrpirulion more ntottsh 1 1 on ifiuc itlxrul 0mkikiii ofth05c for w uoili ti ii tbwciauy i iri r nttstli wnrmnljil fiiiore improvcineoi bo4h boi reganlf ypo- i i ihhvi- nhil tnbrhivhniecuwiu hemoieiiplly advanced in- itilr r t tvt- ami forces thnt wit appear in the courae of a vcaf ol iucni9civc9 will he wonh more ihan four fimea the anount ofaalicrpuou- the mpwtff o uat ordtoc wbidi have alrewly p ewct i london uneofpagketii turs of this lit o nf fackvn havinfii ftumhtf t w their ship will hereafter uluiuiu from nc w rurk uiid from potjtanjs- nhe lsl 10th urni 20th ivj from londun vjii i7tu aud 27th ufcvtrv month throughout the year 1l from newyork t j sent 1 ship toronto r- grisxvold frmstor v i seu 10 ship ontario jaincji kearney masoariwvkvi scpu 20 ship westminster h- cbamplia oct 1 ship st- james win s scbor ma oct 10 ship montreal c h champlin oct 20 ship canada thomas britton mi nov 1 ship nj n 10 shin hannibal hobard mastar not 20 ship philadelphia e e morgao itsttr dee dec au aug aug s sept 1 ship philadelphia e e moran 10 si plipsldent gcurg- moore mtfft so shin samson i cludwick muler vrots london 7 montreal imvm iuilsnwuui au 10 17 canada imvo portsmoulli aug 20 27 nuw liv s portmuuth sept 7 hannibal tam purlvnioutli sojrf 10 ctidrlcilicfirai thehnachbock the hrp 5- ii shulrwarei early duyfj j i r i- l qui it correct jgffrofbiuhnalcrem man nrtco r i 1 1 1 i the lidic mn rirwt vo vhj the goljen furmtr speilutioi oimnicdevila 1 ti i 1 1 i 1 l 1 1 in lrii siakffere f6tival the fijiatlndtan wy frieml tbc governor vicloritie the omntbw the child of inalore the keocrtdire the docl the slters jleniiirii lrih atnbaatwr mr- mtttord r p srauh j 8 knowlc j r- ivtntr h itcynobu c a 0oncnt tmorton k p- smith j 3 knawlca thoma hoteroft wiibamk- burioo mfvlnchbalil brrintttin webster km rcvtioo wthoocfte j- bflimm i m huncr um lnehbulil ii b peoke wi uturymorc jumes keoney yywnc pwrr the sikirtirt hvflilr at home ami abroad oecupica a conllcr- able ponton ofoor columns maj bf mhatti 0 thenatanuicwfo our- cea among ihe ponrahn ofe4ihrated warning hordes which have been cjvien are the american trwiim horfchvis for ii est thelmponci r ieln ltttrsc mkssenger the ftvoril rnclnt mare aklkl and her foal by ecmpsr unna0celtbriiieiltrouina horac xotcfolk phknomeon the iroc hlornkd mate morae chateau m arciaux the well known bnzliali knee homt tncchstoxb a comet picture of a race cotjrse oeeunyiiw llic wulb ofrvrneolumws tjicnfkcd bloodlioraemcnplgtlic winner of iiic derby swketia june is ni ii u variety of other embelhhmoiitp tsf eubiecta of interests which hare lasen puhtiahotl nre the mlowbtf a complrte treattae nn hiding whhvourekn illustra tjonh foriheimprovemenlofladicoiti uialiuoat licaithy of all cxer- cidca kxplnnnunnofihe automation chess player illustrated by elkvkn engravings the prttleni which are particularly emtimced in ihe vade mrcum will he more flirtincily iimlcrsiofld from the fmlowing otutimary ofthem the torfaml nil mnltera conucctrd there with ontitcsifiituireand chareicrof iho horse on the improve mm nfhorned cnulc ruha for novicen in hhontlna ft iernip4ei of cetefraed ttore- whlttticlr fonraita fliihiiui fitiiiiv fowlinif ice apffoved viiiim fjom llo1e jurj others crith s on playp and acior the mom noo1ar sun 3 5 get to music tte artol lrgrrdemuo hhimmird a variety of hedpcft adnptett to uometk economy an epitome of important pus cvenu i- i noarterly review ofthe fashion the va he mecusl isprinied on hirgetmpcnalpapcror lmantifut white leu and a piimhriied every haturiiay at three dollar per nnnom in advance orlerftflm abroad pniigc pail wm be prompt- ty huemtdlo- and the paper carefully packed tonrevcnut tom ruhbm by mail the modern acting drama volume of atmhttsw ma cniainin le pua y farlks aewhirh npnenr in the vlitta moenm neulty pnninl nm bounl in elastic envers lor tranatportihoa ipnhhfciicd every six werk eijlii volumcnill consiituti eit or 0nyrikubcridkvn for which i- three dot hi ra payable in advance stinrribcratn trie vod meeum ore entitled to ndeihiclion ofonelhird an order ir fmf m will be ibrakfufar rrceivitl and ibe work jtai ed to ny direction hy inclninic n irn dotlur not potite piij a premium eotuiliia of two volnme sih nitier each nf ik novel- iata muinr cquvlmiuj eirbldtlcrent novel hy l mnat pnpolnr nmliory will tx prejeiitftl in ilu aeit who shrill pnnrepmr r uies to the modern aitiop dnmin omhc geiiilemuria vude mecnm nl remit the nmouiil of one fkm mihcription fir curi grnttemen wmm 10 rutavrmc si either of ihe above v rk will nd f m mmry alexander no 3 aijcimmo uuildmg- frank im plare phiihimplnn a specimen cory will be sw w any pan of ihe ininn by nddrein ihe poulia pojt poi careys library or choice liter nlu re to pay thnt thia 10 u renthw 35c implii n depire for tiiniction and 1 tie itiennftaf ratify thotdcire on ihcllim klt allnn agreed onihertotkl tlierv is diversity both nfnpininn md of practice- we liuvc newspaper iantine reviews n fiue rwuiiphleis ofail a r on near ly pjissbjoeth- which have cverully tlwir ehivwa nfreca afhl support- era andyrlicoproiaaos arc these mean nf iimwiirtl ftnpp more urc htill nruedp in ad ulion to the review nfihc day und packing no tkesoi book ihefprnplcin inrcc nn id-r- in nil parttnfoue terejit re public crave the norioion of ile took lhnmrelve and dsullis beyond men- ptvir- auoinn of the progress nf dirivery in nn and science niillbonjh 1 lwejify to ascertain nnd cxpreihnr wadtall imint o eay locratify diem ljin 1 niroiii cehpaiionwtteli preveni pervntial ipp k ditin r even nier viieainldrarihd la clerai nrefj many cut in teen piipitt auavfrmiuhe ifcfah ofrim0 nnd tae eijyiiieid nflhe nwirt hnrary atiment itiie iitn or pie pibmnr of u library tnolivmit tin dttncotiic- nml in fniddr evcrvimlividutilnl sfmmlleoknnd wilvnttiuv perniiul rflnrt m auahl lr lu o u uh mid tt if hi cvneh fhrialr or ilimily vnhnihle worlc rnnplne mi utlilie irmr1i4 nrtiiiul nd ismlar jilerrluie nndllmls 1 frm iiolaptrd to ihcvwniorl of ihe the chrrm of variety a far ojit t emnpntible wfch morality itftd onl lisle vvillhe helj rmimtndy m view in rondit tin the lhrnr infflf the pneea flf which the unreal lilcralure nf crel itiitrtin in nil il vurl-de- imrimentft of bifgrnphy hiatorv trvejy novela nn1 tieiry twll in freely put under contribution with perclmnee nccninmtl cuetii it s intended to give entire the work which hall be selected tfr putdu-a- tori when eireotnetanccj authorize the mciuro reennrra viu be hod to the literary store of continental enrme and ujiihiuloiu mnle h french italian or german at the ease may be whdm ihe body ofthc work wilt he a reprint or at imcs a trnnfjiion of entire volume the cover will exhibit the miacellnnroo chamcler of u maicajnc ami conhibt ofwekh nf mm and thine nod iut rf nnveu liein liifruturc rmdilie nrt ihiourhut the civilized world a fnmand reftunrsopply ofthe literary monthly and henlontadnl jonmr- lireat urtain and irelund in ndjition 10 home periodical of imiuir chrackt ear no fliil in provide ample materials lot i 1 part of onr wort the resource and extensive enrropondenee of ihe pubfitfcr are the bet guarantee for the continuance ofthe tmcrpriac in which they re now atmounembnrk n welloafbe the abundance of ihemeterialb to civeit viivi ioihc eyes of the pttbm a fr as jaanom selection anlnr- wpgoajifajl are concerned readers will il bhlpeil hnvereannto1c fti- t- 1 1 r b p- j na ttieedpiorpile library la not aatranertn them hut im aofcruma oiu obtiiued their civorublc suflngis fur his past tjlcrarx- eflirl5 terms the work will b- ptrbhshcd in weekly o ambers tn stitdieil cover- enchnumhercotiuiininf ftceafy imperial ociato pgt wlih double col- umcf aij raeaawc4aratta47y of more ihan 0ocfia aimiad vottimt anrl ni iheexptralinriofeacry six mninji suberibrea will be furiiiahed wiihn h nr r and table of content- the whole ammmt of mailer furmhet in a ssftt vemr wilt lceqii to more tkan forty ccfaaie5oftiecomnonlzed bttho dttotteclnio mm the coi of wlneii wijlbem lca fcariai the price of a yeari aninkription to the lifroif the puperupoornhichrhe trry wijjbe prfmeil wilt hs of live hnei rjoahty used lor bootwork and of fre admirably iidmrtcd for blading aa the type will be entirely new and of a iicut appenrance each volome when bound will hirnuli a handsome a well 14 valuable and not cunlrout additonio ihe libraries of thoec who pnironjie ihe tlic price ofthe library wilt bejser dotunptr araum payabic in nd vance a commmton of w percent will be allowed to agents and any mori or ti- it lurn 1 l gvc sitbcribers and remittiruj the nmonnt oful acription shall be entitled to live coinmidaiton of 20 per cq or a coiv of the work for one yeaf aepeomrnorthe worknrrry intrmation repeapr it may be ot- toinea by anilfcssfh the pobliaheea posj p ff limra ofnewapaner 10 whom the prorpeetia is ijrw ajjrjf sdh please lorrt uie above as orien i conveaieim send a copy of their puprr nsjiafniniiheudvertiserocnl marked and entitle tlieiaelvc to afreeex- cutwi lor one year adilreea j7 puhadrlrilla loites furumomli sept 20 sept 27 prcsidext teavc ivrbtnoutll oct i oct 7 samson lurwn pfffholrailli im ort 17 toronto irave portynmitttli oct so oct 27 ntarkl leave poiisummch nov h nov 7 westminster ipw hitthmwlli nov o nuv 17 st james new laves pumimmth niv2o thttemmafri itiiof mo gmtvlns8 600 lorn butibn und uo aiitiail hy nblc rimi exntinced navigaiiirs grealcare will iwbtktill lllllluirj ued slures arc uf iky best dciciihion tho prtceofcamfi passage outward is djaj fixed at 90 including wines iml liquurs or 120 willmt willis sm pmtfnjevri paying the but meuiioneil prieoeaft bri stipphu- by the stewnirl at llaar prititctl ratw uliich willly hiritisln- fjt hounl neither the eaptiins itor owners oftbis paekeu vvil he responsible lir any luturfa parcels or pickc nt hy them qfilcsd regular lill uf liin nre bigim ilerct t apply to john griswold 70 south treet new yorker crinxeu mintlrn cu 134 front at jootii 1 ceo iviluesa co no 19 culeiranjt london n u sftmhouu run tlaily irni porunmuth where the packets slop lo hind and rceeive p3sonert to the conlinrai aitrt ta liilfeurit puts nf knttind any itifijcintitiiiii rclittivu in this line ol iackct abjji mny l6 obtained hy ajdir ulum at this idrec- jivexicly leather store- just received nnd fur sale bv ihe sutwcriber- 500 siilcs ofsilt lvntlier 200 io iirnvss da joo do uridle du 300 cairskiiip 100 kipskin- 20 nuen moriiccu kinj 20 lining iril binding skins 200 hrrvu sail 20 boxis siinke cv axes a full siiy of lusis iid buitt trees m 1ivi- lulirs per iwt iiid lor hides nnd in highest mice it eish md lui cidl sheen sfciim william fokd market pla kiiissiiin jnlv lt isoj leather the pausckillelt imvu mudu nrrangemech- with a iumiriutr ims mid wilt cuoslunlly keen an extensive eupuly of sole ltathsr ltrncs inid bridle iealior upper lcitlier cm if skins pitirni kip mnroivit ijniiils ilidillgtf t which he 1 wll wholesale or reiai a low ngran he ohtiiieil in ilie rovituv deiltrs and mnnu- iiriuicrs cm he sapplieil ul ll tiims and vjdi jiiiv pianiiue- anil imhiibly uu beiur loims ihan ran le obtained eliohcre gasij liid fiir hide and pkina tftrowwid flax c 1 q7 100 bainu salt store fippnsiic hie mnkei formerly occupied bv 13 r cnldwclk joiiy muiirw kiitexfon may 2flh t833l aj fresh ithporieatiotty coupfltftxm a nrxkaai a yd enmriktf vtoiu of siihle rnry i r y goods thrjb3ckiisvr iujm io infinn ihe piihlic ihai he has rereiv d hy ihe regular liadera void great mutai a lahfifi an tu ivt stock of goods ii oip ihof lin whieh hiiu hen ciielully sc- leriril hv hinmif iit ihe extllkh mulhets rr i i bo ol tin best in nknid ami the prices found at loir ns fitac ij any ting huutc in the trade in thecutiad i j i reer i i the i lueni pieu iiiuiamy appears in plain ffanrvftfiii eai h mieic khlfftoi niv 0 h istj 200s riiiluddphta july ram a 1iart at tiie sign op the ht ic the subscriber reepcctfully informa his friends and 0k- public lhat he is now manufacturing and has for sale wholesale rciail an extensive aa- ortraent of tm ware which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms haeauo for sale a large quantity of cuba st domingo began do do boston made whips of all kinds stone ware beat quality 15- phillips market plate sept 4th 1835 10 ukaiovajl the suogckhlkj ha removed his cubat and vri inahik llnrr iv snok ktuimiient to the murkvi ire when ho will always keep on haul a inivu iitorlinciit id the vcrv bcit mami- fnctiuc t ite fullomnif low nriccs tok ready money 0ly lvtiw 1iniflfo ami tmthff pninnp t g a 4 fi piiiifiiuriviilii ijc colours 0 a 5 0 d- satin ilu 7 0 a 8 0 du fin- liijif uidrfln- shiic 0 a go d stout vuitttlilu r euuntry wear f 0 a g g do prtinello print 7 0 a 8 0 do gutislipd iukiiir uuiity bfi a 10 0 do givcian il 0 0 a 10 0 do fine lilit leather boot 6 6 a 8 0 d sttnii di i 6 a 7 fi gcnilumieui smut walking shoes co a c 3 do very do du do 7 g a 8 0 do ivggcd boots 10 0 a 13 6 also ft variety of uoyb and gilts boot a si shoes at iepy low prirtss iioots and shoes made to order j mux kay kington may 25th 1533 33 tub subscriber is now receiving puncheons of molasses macka rel tin nttd cut nails soap and candles mus tard st in valid tulmcco with a variety of season able god intendni plrrirn ij will find ids ktock embra cing a general assurtui ill of almost every staple ar ticle required fnrn connrr trade ul nncommonlv low prices and liberal terms t macnides kingion nov 0 1935 29 an active and naiinlile of iaki wanted inteititiit yoiins unmarried man- s rhaixe of a printing office to whom a lhirahirv uillheifiven and ho it expect ed to board and lodge in the advertisers mouse apply if by letter postpaid iu the proprietor of the kriloli whig kingston nov 4ih 1r3- purchased by the suitsciilueit grass seeds of every dmriilinn iatkick egax j oh sale at momtrejuj on terms very favorable fourteen batteaux cn- dhllle olmymg 250 barrels of flour all in excel lent order and condition applv if hy letter post paid o h f esperance griftin town montreal nov 1s35 276m market s nio j isj lyjjnv hilifter shoes just lleeeived and lnr sde 100 puirn of indian kiimhi sh ringsi in nov ithh sv j murray for sale at this officf iilayk deeds ld memorials

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