the british whig and general advertiser for the midland district published semiweekly ofir ir tkr orbsm dico by e j barker m d kingston u c saturday ja3tuakt 9 i s3g ho 46 the british whig to comtewpondknts vtfrifti i r martin pspmsfsfaw vmv relative inhecsc of tv win nii at bate wvit ulnijuci1 iu the dorgeoti m acfuaeoi ssdfcy iiiitti l nii ws towfcfwmkl m urt wcfl mollr lcui upon qh bditasf nc young women of mdi la a moral ifum kzni im vsgstox saturday evening t jan 9 1833 following impoitant picti of intelligence i extracted i london piper received by die lata arrival from en t hue tho gratification lo announce llut sir francis tho awtant commissioner nf ior law ha beensp- l governor of upptfr c i i 1 iliac ihi appointnxini lbwn highly approved by his majcly sir trswis will the coiime of a week ha xout in in resignation as a 4 lnw commitaioncr on saturday ul we believe that his r ha already bssa detunnuied on the county of will regret tin los of tlie corneas ofsir f head chronicle nov s i i b etfrom the london corrtapondent of the jstctc- york commercial a dvertiser itosfiifw aw 2m 1835 n this prate oftbittif the american resident aris are all on the ihvt exehidtd from italy nr of the cholera mid from france by die ap- iision of war creat numbers are preparing in s the atlantic hut from several expression y dropped by diflrrent futir liouoiirs of the h government snl it i said liy louis phi himself conceruim russia which is well known to be on the inaslainicihle terms with trance supposed by many llut all these reported pre vious against the american arc only a cloak to ell prepartd for ruu hs her encroachment bow getting boynud hounds and die only way p her in check is hy a utincuduoii how of ration u is reported that the speech of the queen ol at the opening of the cone on ihe 12th has deceived 3iiiili stork one tultl a imlf per tin consequence of its favorable tenor the tu i said to have declared that the civil war in north would be lermiiuiletl in four mouth the patriotic donation would amply defray the oki of the miff and that spain would not be geil to imve recourse to foreign loan either to netltf herself from hm picsent djricuuicsi or to lhimctvm flr mtt inirililiice frttiii spain i of cry little mo- tha liiij i9tiirtvil crlist victory has dwiu- dovn almost to nothing a mrc skirttiih with utts and no nvivtmiciit of constpience has wtiii niadu by either party the ittttstl advices he icv ofl90090 owrt way proceeding with cliviiy and it was confidently expected that whole ioniber would be made up by the end o cm year ternl sebastiaiiif ambwndar from france ar- t duver on the 19th ovimiiber and set ofl iately or london- the king and courl were i uon ucl n foitgtn at chriiiiurrh iiauipsiire on it xoveiutwr- between mr uorbuck m- p for and radical flgtftll from cartadiand mr black ufilie murniirg uhronide the quamd aruye ome coarij ahusivc exrircsion applied to lark hy mr kucbuck in a ainphlel pnblilied yby the hater to evade tlie mhiiiii dmw two kwere ixehangtd without elvecc ud the e- ttmn interlcrcil oeui ofopiiimn that enough itcen done umht the ciiciiinfaiires psthiimtfi tminih isllll in prnrvs9 th pros- i6xitertilloit of planting mulberry treui at al- m aliuii tn be coiuiiiriitxd mi a large ncalc afcanc ts also to bv colnatd thtret ibv or iniuivroiitf laihoad are in in ogress am joui pans of france- lyincipally fioai the 1 to vaiiottsstapor another i neatly com from hruystds lo antwrtjk uplollllo i of jva carlo jm to j i frsetl and retarded by want of luidtf ilia trtetv wetetill utoiwie illrued tlmt penctf will be arranged between llflmtii i ih niiiauuff tivin iry deal fa ninihiiiimir utti iilrhjifv rilalloi1 lth ribgevaobca aro about to be introduced rtimgut slendtd and extraolinry aurora uurealli 17tli of inovcuiber rviibu in loiulou iiibera ofllia lit tr etablihitient wi re kept on inn all niht truiclling back and forth up- the light to proceed run mild grvjt lire locoiiutll ttinute this ear i expected to the amount cotleete i last year calculation iileoutwcuty and even twenty fivu tltaltmild french government hae determined to do mil the turning boxe or receptacles for bm there can be ho doubt thai ihe elled haa been to increase tlie number ol aban eat oonnell has published a long leuer in re- thetatetiientofmt raphael of which we synopia on tuesday mr raphael in u rejoinder says that the affair will become the of a parliamentary imptiry iking ol itavaria wtu v set out on a vuit kttonodio king of greece on the itiili wo- pwniderable excitement has been created in eng- ind france by the publication of a document be the reply of the emperor of ttuttia to a n from the municipal body of warsaw ilate visit to that capital it is published in london and paris papers with very severe doubts are euunained of its authenti- tlie remarks of the journal dee debate are taliave given great olleuce to ihe rushan am or and it i even staled that he return w fitted keduke de broglie on the suhjecl elieitmg w reply however than a very cuol assurance french govenuneni was not to be held re- le for what was wmiimihy private induiduiltf wowing ts the add rewflj as rep or ted ttitlfr i know that yuu have wished to me and am acquainted with the content ol wtcnded address but to spare you iroiu de- fuuvhoud 1 desire that it tn ty not be pro- yw giiulemen it is to evicts oti from i fur i know that your eeiiftiuciitoan i you wih to represent uuw c p ibem when you htld ihe wltne language m the eve of die revolution are you not persons who talktcd to me five md eight of fidelity mid devotedness d madr finest juotestatiun4 of attachment and yet fewdaya after vim violated your oailis ifjfcmtted iik- mont viohit octionil the em- alexander who did more for yoi lilwi wi r of russia otislii to have done wim leap ed buefttm upon you who favored you more than hid own htibjeeit- and who rendered ynu a nntion tht most flourishing and happ ihe guipcror alexan der ivati treaied with the blackesi ingraiitudc you never could make yourselves coutenied with your most advantnereous position and in the end beronie the destroyer of your own happiness j thus tell you the truth m ordtf to throw a light upon our relative positions and that you may know upon what you imve to depend for i am now peeing and speaking to you for tlie lirsi time since the ditur- banees gentlemen we require actions and not mere words repentance should come from the heart i spead to you without anger and you must perceive that i am perfectly calm have no rancor and i will do you good inspire of yourselves the mar shal who stands before you fulfil my intentions se- coudall my views aud watches for your welfare at ihese words the memieii of the deputation bow ed to the marshal weii cemlemcu but what signifies these aulutatioosl the fir6t duty is to perform one duly and conduct ourselves like ho liest men you have gentlemen to choose between two sthermitivtrs eulur f persist in your illusions as to an independent kingdom of poland or to livt- traiifprilly as faithful suhjecu under my govermciir i you peisiat in your dreams of a diattnct na tionality of the independence ol poland and of all these chhnerus you will only draw uponyourfelte still greater mislbriuurs 1 have raised this citadel and i declare that on the slightest insurrection i will cause its cannon to thunder upon the city war saw shall be destroyed and certainly shall never be rebuilt in my time it is painful to me to speak thus to you it is always painful to a sovereign to treat his subjects thus but i do it for uur own good it is for you gentlemen to deserve an ohlivum of the post it is only by your obedience to my government that you can obtain this i know that there is a coriespon- dence abroad and that mischievous writings are sent here for the purpose or perverting the minds of the people the ww police in the world with such a frontier as youis cannot prevent clandes tine relations it is for you to exercise your own police and keep the evil awa if by bringing up your children properly by instilling into ihem the principles of religion and fidelity to their sovereign that you can keep in the nght path among the disturbances which uiiate europe und those doc trines whirh vhere the oml ediltce russia atone has remained btrung and intact believe me gen tlemen that it it a real blessing to belong to tins couutry and enjoy its protcriioit if you conduct yourselves well if you perform 411 your duties my paternal golfcltudo will be extended over you and notwithstanding what has passed my government will always watch over your welfare remember well all that i have now said to you impoktanf lrttm siucc tie foregoing was in typci vvc have been favored with ihe following ex tract from a letter from a hiyh source in the french capital it is of the latest date the writer has the rhcans of obtaining the must authentic informa tion we regard ihis as the most important com munication by the present anivm we have communicated to you from time to time ibe different versions current as to what had mntd on the subject of the treaty and we mnv mm add that it ha been staled to us m dc brug- lie hid declared to mr barton tftat he was ready to poy the money instantly provided the tttttrrtnmld rcritc a jew itus to the cjfctt that the jinurican gn- cemmettt had nut itttiudcdto menace or intuit france winch was declined in ihe midst of these vanou accounts more than one of litem perhap- partially true there is one thing which appears to us tolera bly evident and it is that the wo governments have advanced heir respective pretentions thai they do uotagrecandthit one or other of diem must recede from the ground taken up will yours dnsfl we doubt of t under the presidency id lieneial jfacfestiiltil iear we can tiiii im beiicw- iiircuacltoii on rhc part of our mtlitarv hose respeciabthty in ihe eyes of the couniry uuw wide aake upon the question nay whose xery existeni would tie ewiiproniiimd hv the siirhhsi mw tej- tin- lair public ftiflfttimtif in harnhett ereaifd a ginl ileal of irritation hoiv and wc fear ihe uv tttl el will be prudueed uti your sile by recent ucrumri from hence the more so that excitement wan alrea dy prevail iugi hen you list wrote uur best h0k ihettfcirot i that the matter may dragon paitilully hut iiiihoutabsolote colli ton uiiulvou have another president with hom it may be more easy to coilie to ar uiiderlaudtnr you say that perhaps nonimportation actmn be passed now we have no doubt that uch a measure would be equivalent to an eventual if not an titiinediatc declaration of war ifftuanely now nmtari wfi tliiown tha prwjuctii oifiho toutl r sirjirrancir filing appto nice fluntisfiiim i rin ii n i- oi filt you ludws jtpicy kit ni4 errtiter womm your r than if you fnmil in vld clim poetic firo und day subume why 3am patrtittasa fiwltohim ili leapt wcra but mca hop9 compared with this follow bounces although it be impaling on tbe patience of tlie cuurl 1 can help quot ing llirj paragraph tamodtllftty followinj u now i it llic rand review bomsd iiiido fur waterloo showed not the chivalrous array that proudly dashes on today to win a nobler victory than that whieh set lite nation free hceaa in die ce i canool understand h drill of a ihi it may allude to the militia training a really impming epecu- e and well cakulatcrd to etcite lh chivalrous fcolirtf of the tinmontana but this u mere cnojluro the merito of llie piece i leuva to my learned brothers coaarrr ii in very unpleasant in my feelinga to b forced to criticise poviry i know but hide of its beauties at i never paid it much auinilion i am notwithstanding able to point out those passages thai are wanfm in gratnioai and common aense in the following linen the punty of the english ian guage is sadly sactaficed for the ake of a s illy rhyme m and nurratl bais and bankies tooveitaue ihitse hying yankees and the next couplet is equally objocltonablc ii ahead as ifum nah impullco tlieui with a scorpion lasb uj nali was the only celebrated man of the name en earth und lam suieso fine a gentleman would never flourish the cat o nine ull- vvhn wo f nrlv slirt old man yankees may catch us if they can here again sam iacoining nmeno lor the sake of rhyme u he not addtesiin his patron if ho what hash tu do with any old nun in particular t the paragraph nest oh lowing is sadly wanting in perspicuity it is unnecessary to read it over as all ruul have perceived this fjull this coup let merit praise though time arc dull then never fear there tnuat be icinur in the year this u a vvtry happy idea but the vtriter soon tails into puerility again to lowttcilmal tarn and there bad policy i mourn tins is a regular schoolboy whimper when he firt nltempta tosnihl the lofty rhyme t rightor wrong hm oui ihe jingle dr kestcs i leave lo read tu your maesty and this honorable curt thesi three stanxas which lofivt groat credit on ihe writer yet are those regions riel in all thats wvalthy beautetusor ublime though man has aproad a doody pall fi aesovr the glownt lime and ootifmtiissnovvcrnvncd head loks down upon a wirld of dead from montezuma haphss imio atd the peruvian lueavdoom to bolivars dblrto led fju and sanla annas vanning tomb p reigned ihroudlotit thom lands aud enubud raon tfuhlor iron lianda that happier lims are iurecrve i doiiblujl yet 1r ytirs lo roine devoid ofwiailom t prowva tlie si and iiairii ntarrfnl home tin ire tdnriotts natmc smis in vain fiaterual hate deslrcfv itnr rvin lilvjr yes this tndccj is rpiiiv pictical in sound and cnv and tould have ampfc weight whun vvc dehroiiiio on in final sentence da farn there ii ymir majesty a sal falling off immediately aflcr thoc 1- iiij lines thus by ymir leiv remwnud befirater my sportive hltsc has i 1 i bof metre i jo i- v iir i ran not nmgin whn lln loefijaler id he ttmttl rtfrourmt bo some thulliv juhn bdl of ihi pvl ai- ipiain tilling iml 1 joiii tttenfilttlls it in indi iduality ma should mil howovrr address ttiii admired personage on such an invai n bm it i m patrnrouvch ely hum ins ctitiati i tc mijhl if in phit- irtrat wis frieml in lln nuim to a brrf llirhruwtl vnnlh ivithapnrtc hy exrlmtijng liieir own unlet fur ifattfjj of the ehutered banks and duutatnliug cash imrac- diatidy con thtirmlay evoniuy ij amaitnrcnmtjdian ing hi ihe regiment now in garrison invited ihcir friend to the kingston hotel l wiiness the rcpiceniaiinn of a diuma- tic pcrformanc tickets had been for ah iluring ihe day at various places but only the exelunivo in kingston permil- led to purchase then a ball and supper being to follow the chibirion of the invitr bislrionio powers thr vvfllfq not having bn honored wimi a card of arlmisinn no person from this rtabltvhinonl attended we are iherefurc unable to npeak rrilically of the nighfs entertainment but as most ofthc per formers were ofever it would not be judin too hirshlv perhaps to say liiat lhir performance was unfit to utond an impartial criticism the xonuarnnris incivility has tbereforo saved them a sound lashing sofi tft british whiq loughborough town meeting towrsitir rricfckst b- styles j nii- 1 l1 lawrence rail n amy j bond b sttlts pott twjk loughbornujh jan 5 town clerk assessor a collector comtoissioners wki holuitch cfuiirmaa 1835 fofi the british wuiq ernfstown meeting 10whship olvkftks e perry town clerk john hess assessor 6l cjltector elijah switzer d c smith m assefctine commissioners wn j mckir chairmen e picnnv ernesto wo pou clrk jan oh 1635 infernal criticism sckxil pontic mo ii m cojcti5vcd sat5 now lei the criticisms of the couit p tog tod ffh curknfthe courl ruids the ktxo year address of im swift this composition please your majesty i connilcr superior to corinthian 7omsnffitsiott fir however numerous iu fauts the merits are considerable as criticism should commence with th objections i shall point out a few of its wonl jm- res the following lines are exceedingly vapid and not a little nonsensical while cornels ramble through the sky to fchow theyre free as you or i while fashionable belles repair to merchants stores and chaffer ihere for splendid plumes to deck iho fair it tvould appear horn this that he fashinnable belles have contracted to supply ihe vliule of the fair tea with plume no small affair and if such bo tho case we cannot feel any surprise at their chaffering in the merchants slnrcs his egotism bcars that of brother cnbbett while on earth tact his harp rich and clear and immediately apos- irophisesas follows ll an portic ftro dely otir frijil hyperborean skyt cnn ihi aunr and harrrn clime purnih materials sublime t erect ihn ehinin i rymal dome whert brisjhlcycd fancy keeps alhomc and 4jnleilains u corceoti train of aylphi and sprites wilh omin twain who sport and danco through her bright domain fn gay and gallant mancrade anil many a glorious cavalcade now this i call trashy in lh eaireme what iho deuce has the booby lo do with glorious crystal dome and all that kindnrihingt a for biijhieyed fancy m he calls her she had better keep at home for she will certainly pain lit- tie honw by paying sam a visil fttinne himself and his muse bir vvitlmut any onti bring the wiser iihiuhj itttojs v in h an iiprn nrrl would exciu auiin lh guod peo and ipp in l ihn aro i figure rlorinus cavalcade i but h is not atiud with alt for in the next tilit lines hequiloastooshe iheoaiites the soblins tvttltl prattv coots indeed to bv shewing seltil n rcrs arw they lrf amoni them k nd iloi thrciiv anht lite lor miinhiduil iviutoti fmj1 the aj miiinrr of mot villainous doggerel wilh smite r hcviliful verel pen it my opinion tliit lhednercl is jur nwn while the better par nftho poem ivlnlcu from some neglected writer cyfckk or t coirt defendant what have you ts plcn1 in defence t paaim slmin may il plcaso your uutosl r i enlirdy object to these llrie- lurcs on tny ttttsoa f n earthmy met it is fill v acknon ledged by all the inters of liine puvv lean bonst if ojuaniiiy as wvllas qu diiy i liavo writtoi dozens of amatory epistles in verso and vihtuline wilhuui number all fraught with hiih- el inpimlnni i am moreover ihe authoi of the firfamed poem sir ilimtrbrtnd tvtnrh whs published in pamphlet foim and nldrid in a bcauiifi blue cover it was ihi lut which raisird me to the hj n pinnaelu of literary sory il nuv appear contmneliob bv i must tell your niijctv thai my blood mhtit the indignity offered ine by these souleuien of ymii council in iheir rfhifltai md i hpppfltl from their dc- ciion to your mjrsys initier jidmuni knowing that your majesty cannot concur in their stupid condemnation of my ic- ally beautiful piecti satat thnu silly fool our better judgment ells ua that our mosi honorable critics arc orrcci in their opinions of your puling strains therefore in silence and submission wait the ruthcnus sentence ofom learned cnuit whieh betzcbub wilt nuw aloud pronounce btlxsbun psalm singing ssm i ftfrmntfl h as you have been convict ed of the most villainous clastry and have moreover arcused your most honnrabhi jndgrs of ipnoraner and injus lice you arc hwch condcniiul to mos psalms to a doad hum during the period of three cedtflrlnr ntnnihs psalm sinffixfs rtmottd from th bar tu 9 covctviru os rtpnt lo wm canada antngallic llitrers f second ssftlcfcl 9 the english inhabitants of british america no iii mpnthial 29th dcwmhtt 1835 ftllowcounthvmkx in snupo t ofmy uncr ion ihr thtp lititnl opinions ufthv fiench fuc tiuittfiiflriiwef ciida hjuing ivmu the petty mi hitinit til iiiiuoiiuhiv i iuti iuctrl to prove that thr french dviiutfio w m irtdiocreitc il not a contempt even lor ihu lew etigllftlioiuu urloiig their h mrtizatift yr my covitiiytiien the french demagogues ircffll thrir bullish partiani as o many branded lhmlls and thereby prove llml even a hitw llf itl vuluablc service jtf tillable to neutralise a deep antl hitter hutrtd olengbvli blood the english nrtiains my cnuntrytncn nre put rorwurd in ihe front tifthe bottle rhit ihe iinpeu authorities may be deeeived uitu the heliel ihit ihu fttnigtcln in lqwer cmiarfk lire not iniiiomtl but pa- itticali a- bat ibt bglwllfla well as the french iithubtlbtntu ol the province ire the blhld adtiiireix of the revoitilonry ambly it was wi it lliia viiw mv countrymen that the french demagoguo made m- jme leslie the prominent coydofm i the inlittuoiilv dwhonwl iiifjuluion u inquiry itumiut cull it into ihe unfin rultate riot of 21st miv xsssti during an eketion fur the west ward jfalommil it as wilh ibis view thnt lhv se- leeud the mme gemlemutl tor proposing u bill by which the fiench asvinbly of lower cuihi uc- iitiilly pretlihited ic dlelald lo eusjlmd the cuimii- lions on which eiuiidiineii should he peronutd to emiimie to the cawudha it wuii vvith this view unit they selected mr fi fi ocolhsglitn tu pout liirih the lilihv venom of a vulgar tuid wririlc pmt mpiitth the lite rivernnriiilhiet it wui with tln view tlirtf ilny elntd thr shik riiifid lo lib cdttntrv ami hi teiiiou nis the ptreeitlor nfllie most recently uppotntetl eiiglialijiiffge such have been the degmdins labors of mi leslie nnd of the heintj whinn ml nlntosi involiintnry respect for h until if cultivuted mind und relilleniank b he french lender- i ahnll close this letter ah a recent speech of umtbordinate luemhcr of the fac- ion agninst the anticomnicrcial viewa of the arch- dciiiatr igno mr fupinran mr berthelui enid the whole inuuer residved itaclf into the queaiion alwll this railroad go into perarion or thall it not if it was to he airang led it might ensjily he done by destroying the hope- of ihe peculator who wotlld unt unlens properlv nicounged undertake il the hon speaker in kupportmg ihe limiting clause gave a deathblow to ihe undertaking by confining the profit to 12 percent without any guarantee to the undejikerm hguiiml ihe loss which they would sustain if their work should fail he mr bo ardently dewrcd tlineucceaa of the undenakinff and he desired it for ihe good of the country the endeavor at ob structing it showed a diteicaljic feeling and it would be utterly obstructed if h was mid you night make a profit of one hundred per cent hut you shall only get 12 per rem who is there ftmongal ns he would aak who could undertake to find the means for carrying nn audi a workl not one no theu we ought to hold out every possible encouragement lo others to underiake it there were perhapssome lurking thought some hidden objections if so let rhem he avowed but do not let these who enter tain such thoughta pretend to desire the success of the road and at the same lime stop its progrcflft by attaching conditions that loo clearly show their au- tipaihy to its success it was n speculation the extent of which could not be foreseen the pofits mlffht he great or tliey might prove small or worae ii total loss might be incurred was itnotaufficieot thaiachtuse had been introduced for the purchase ol the road if the legislature saw fit at au advance of 20 percent the further limitation wouldstriko the speculators with u panic yet be hoped without entirely nrevenriug the success of the undertaking this the hon member declared had his sincere und vameei wishes fur ins euecen jt was a noble n opt n aud an honest speculation for the advantage ofennunerce and he good of the public itwas siihtntited to the legislature whose concurrence is eit erery eucou- vote for this limiting auieiidmeit whativer thev might sn would ami by their acts that they were the enemies of this great it ml kttifited enterprise of toy fellow countrymen of the lower provincea ptthwaihm stiyij ai iiatuty ji unimda to fall into ihe hand of lit man that longed toenail the scheme of the kennebec railrod my fellow countrymen of upjier canada 1 would exhort to trample in the dul u foe that virtually bears the keys of the st lawrence at hisgirdle i have the honor to be friends and countrymen your mjst fiiithful and devucd servant camjluui- mked and if wise they would gjvv riement those who would vot hcafitlrsnts we uouced in some recent numbers ol the uolleijlld intelligencer an alluion lu the incompetence of mr sampson m r p f huatingip longer lo discharge um duties of uepru- wjimttvo of the peojile and a propoitiuu thrown om to gel a bill pised to ulluw btm tu retire nflw we happen o be kcquninted with mr sampson nd know thai the lime ims brcu when he was an active aud efficient tory meinberfor hastings nevei losing light ut ul local interests of his conmituents and withal iriendly welldisposed man but mr samp sun like many others bnsgone astray md was at ri id til nut allow uie even lo ducli imve been the iheir reward- mr bits will name hi ihe same seoieiue- r labors what have been leslies reward ha been lite eenu oi the lidi f arltaiiu evidvntly unfit to b again entrusted with legislative business this was well known in uelleville uud in the county uas- tuigs vet he was returned aid among others the ivno o the 1 relhgencerexp eseed hisnpproljtioii 1 the choicr made decency otrcrlit therefore now hseil ins lips in relation tu bliiu uut no some petty local mierei is it stikemr sampson must therefore be drnffed h lire ihe public ihe feelinsii of ui luililly inirfased up luslotblcs exposed and he lurooth made the subject vf a sjiecial legislative enactmeitr shame where ii thy blush brotkvitu kittordcr contemptuous rejection of every measure that he has proposed lor ihe ptmiioiiouuf eoininraxeor the heiielit of the connnerriul eludes the hired rene- gntles rcwatd lttbeeii is antl will be the almot lliidisguteri tfeuru of his lyrumicttl and uilgrfttelbl taskmasterb kecenily iwwtfver lord gnefiira e pariialtlvas well iheoreliral as praciical for the tveneli imi- tirtand the imciiuii prrjudices litis enabled the tvrnch dem golues to dipeuc entirely whh lhi previously convenient tloik ol eiulih names at ihe recent election for the county of montreal there were ihree cahdldiiei of whom otiy one candidate frusuf french origin- l immiiuh whose sole tpia- uwswa thai hcwttsa french- itiglv piefcrred to ihe two can liuot anil hoc eslablfshtneni nib suusuuidkr has always on hand a large upply of boon sliouof the best manufacture uttlte following low prices fuk ready money only ittitiv prtuullo ml leather pumpfl n fi liiucy eoluurs r 0 llliratloil foi makii man wafc uiihesit diditeol vi blood whiliol eutifcsscdly been highly ericcble to ihe yie pie one iif ihetn hatinir hio lothe aiiciiltinal mimmmiikhi other hav ol i bee uiamlv mstrtlitlcn hud ol lite pen- teett as secretary on r nl and tike it hi instlliitlit m to do tfo do do do lo do do do do do siim do do morocco ami seal sit iii fine cult skin walking 3ho stoill walking tfbnvr evra do tbr cuimlf nwr frunello binu onhrthtiil uiciior qnnliir fine seal skin mmocco boou ilo do do fuf linod corainon lcilir uii fine quality u j iut do gonifcidctis coiiniion wolkuc thven it veiy toiti do do do ritiqullily clf5ltil sioul j liii extiiluiit do do piygwt booli ivri h ill do do het iiiliir tiiii oni line o do do do llo do da ex fino c s faul 0 0 7 0 8g 8 0 10 0 6 g 8 0 cfi 8 0 9 0 p t 0 o 11 n 13 0 id u w 4 n 6 0 3 0 6 0 7 i s 7 u 8 u 10 0 il ii 13 0 b 1 0 7 ll 9 0 10 u 9 o 10 o u 1 10 u 2il i 5 0 md uigmihtifir i he rreieh tlie french deiutgoiiil in tlim in pre i- rrtllff li3 fremh cand lunger ulienutuil at hil une ul riralir hut tlieycti now under i iumtnition of l mil lioslifil athml merely lower liud theiiid ufoilv iesidtil itmiqitimlu people ciitiiiirttitliit kncvi 7f uv were idne hi two bngksh cfreuclnfud id- to imiti ooi hut ittlltsh ainericn wiihutii f bmkiuu bio they imve inij h 6 all0 a vftiiely of coys aud tiuv boots sj shoe very hvv prfcc j murr31 market place jan silt 1536 ftt farmers bank notice is hereby given to the shareholders of low on iheivsitjo the kiiies iismte which is in hsulf nc farmers jiint stuck banking company thnt i host bm if throuirhihehuiinational wejkttewol eleenmi fur directors will take place at the of- a cheiful governor they have enlisted thttkillga of j 9payi lommo on wedntsdiy then name the have not yet ailiicd the kings feeling racts and soiiars arw sslumwlsilfli with ihuki ih roedpt of ihs fullow in- polillcsl amplilel l4 k t ihe flitum oflh con vontton sad all the petition of die cuntitutiitntlirtii by an anlibamtierit mmtueid less kvicw of tho rr- port mad in 1s bt ihs csivb conioliumi ri llouo of cumnioiis mudthmmsss l from a thorn frrj ofihn ytontrtut uimtdi abw ru ho hrfo mzr nffi oaulf letter addmvod in die npleof ths csasdf sod bnlmi nolth aniric mi elective vnstttuiiinit by in eul anhaik dwrntlimauuivhibodo e has bsto appoint cdaiittiiktogmnntoihtfvij- r m turont hv conctnn ihe pfmtkfl foiv uv bwte of flnin is it tny eoutitryinen pihihletu suppose tlnii an bullish sailur ihutaii btltlndl kfollnt ihena tioual heir of a hundted national tittuiiphs over royal revolutionar and imperial fiaurc perisonal- ly svitipi thimrs with lord ufuids precise instrur- lmns fur cheerlullj surrendeiiug ihe legislative the exeeuttic and the judicial powers lite very con- htittitiim utwlff he btlgliih popuhtion of lower canada ncd the ctnnuiercial prosperity of all brit ish anienca lo si petty faction of revolutionary fierchuieii u sueli a thing possible no 111 emimrymcu fm king wilhiins lust words to one of the knval ciunuiiiiiners were the caiiadis unit not he lust r thrown ttwvy lot niyiunu- tryiin ihev mtwi and hill be unless n dilfeivut rourso uf foltcv lie trpcrdllv adopted and viijoruusly pursued hv the iuvpetial authorities tn eonv hire vuu my comnrytiien tliat the enm- tnercial prospeflvv asl british auietica is sen- uiilv rrfectett hv tin at ticommcrciol bfrtcfflw of i0hof fubruan criptioit lima wl y the transfer book and 3lb- le closed fioiu the date hereof uuiil tehruary i txlu lits of ihe persons eligible to be direernrs have been sent by mail to each shareholder but any shareholder can have a liit upoi application at the ooice of the nearest agent ol the cmupanv by order rf the buard ii dufuyj manarer toronto dec 31r is3o 45 noticei the subscriber begs leave 10 inform his friend and customer bmhoftown and country lhat he ha received a quantity of cra te glis suit able for chieks and large pteltirep tbiim who want such ulaswit do vvellloapnlv nninediately as the article u verv tcatco in this ivovi it arrv james kerr painter 5t rintfstort hcc s 1935