the briti and general advertiser for the midland district whig published semiweekly orirsr rn orqem ptcoru by e j barker m d kingston u c saturday january 23 1s36 no 49 gold seal shrtc e above articles were offered for sale at ihc yjurrio hvtu and detained bv the subscriber t the apprehension of their being stolen any mp who nny have lost such article can obtain n by proving property and haying chartrr w m dean iingrfon jan 18th 1836 46 njmkfl rtnad rnom kimstox to ninr fiiblic meeting held at row tavern on sa- the 9th inst agreeably to advertisement oartwrighf esq being called to the chair nathan fellows appointed secretary the ig resolutions were adopted ittovcd by mr daniel perry and second- karahain truax esq ml it is expedient that a good macadamized ibe made between kingston and nnpanee fcrts the same would materially tend to the be the agriculturist and the valut and increase c smith and seconded by j by dr ycoinaiis and seconded by mr smith in order to procure the necessary fundi fur bine an application be made to the legislature joan of fifteen thousand pound by yearly in rata of x5000 to be redeemed either by a tax le travellers by way of toll by general tux on had through which the road may pass and at a t distance from it by commutation of stn- or or in such other wtty as may be thought expedient td by mr d c s urrc n petition he presented to the legislature for such loan and that john s cart habndum trims nathan fellows duuicl v james powley thomas kirkpatrick dr isaac fraer and allan mucpliersou be led a committee to draft the same vedby j k- j furre and seconded by rich- nser t the two bridges over cataraqui and par- bay be constructed by a vote of the lcgisla- nd ibe outlay he refunded by a toll to be col entile lower bridge fed 0y richard frasvr and seconded by john w addi igton fron- jrfyiif fry the members for lenox the same january is3g john i artwridht chairman than fellow sceretan mail stages afcifl iter arrangement for 1436 subscriber mail contractor fr tin ensuing jiave commenced rimiiiii h daily line ofsin- njuuciioii with the stige and steam boat leat ivewott welter as minims line at i to iravc toe latter named plare every il sunday j at 4 o chirk a m which will pawmxers toanivc at montreal uji the eve- 7 die second day f suiim rthers will make every exertion to nicrii ntr image all baggage ui the rik of the owner unless ijf booked and paid fur books kltpl at the ion houscjj thomson faikman hi 29th dec 1333 six times a week time saved 19 momy uainklh m arifanukmest of mail 4tage0 toronto to kindlon dr holmes begs respectfully to announce to the gently and inhabitants of this town thnthc in tends lo deliver at the court houj an historical course of lectures on anciem and modern archi tecture illustrated by a variety of drawings and en graving the first lecture will he delivered on saturday evening the 23rd ift at 6 oclock kingston jou 19th 1s36 for sale several thousand feet of lumber apply at this office kingston jan 19th 183ft t british wh kingston saturday lveninq jan 23 1830 stave forwarding company for the information of the shareholders of tire kingston stave porwardine company we are re quested to state that at a meeting of the committee of management on he 20th inst the following fl itting other resolutions were passed 1st that it is the opinion of this meeting thai garden island is the most suitable place in the vi cinity of kingston for carrying on the business of transporting and rafting staves and that the same be leased from mr a cameron for said purpose 2nd that mr a camerdn be appointed agent and manager for said company and that he is now authorised to make contract- and take such other measures as may be necessary for carrying on the business with requisite despatch 3rd that the cjh accjuks be kept at the commercial bank where all monies belonging to be company are to be deposited and when want ed to be withdrawn by checks signed by the agent and chairman of the committee and that proper books of account be kept which are at all times to be open for the inspection of any member of the committee the books to be balanced by the first of jaoiiary of eery year 4 that mr john counter and mr abraham truax be chairman of the committee 5 that the agent drpw up a constitution for the company which is to be approved of and signed by thp shprptiqlder 6th that no store for the sale of merchandise be kept on garden island upon any pretence ww stiwnrtitiicin offlm company wrlj proe oi infinite utility to the inhabitants of the hack coun try it will afford a ready and constant market fill tool kinds of lumber as cannot now be sold ai any prices the uninjmny is already advertising fur any number of pine flo its to be delivered m the ibmd md should ihu business of curwiiiduig staves become great as in fact we trust it will iu eid will exist of the demand not oily p n fliu but a variciv of other lumber now unsaleable will be rcqii rd fur the purpose of raiting ry who voted in direct opposition to the county mem bers and he thought that a mnjnrity of the house would go with lii h in not allowing 1000 men wo men and children living in a town the same power to send a representative to parliament as 30000 in a county he would not disfranchise the present own nil provide that the county town of no new district should be allotted to send a member to par liament wii n it contained 1000 ouls there was another thing iri 1 bill and was one of die liist mo lions he ever made lit the assembly for leave to bring in a bill to disquiiify sheriffs from holding seats in that house as representatives iif counties for whkb they were sheriffs ucit a tlinp was not al lowed in england and ould not be here on ac count of tliegreatpowe and influence which their office gave them fever otter candidate and their de pendence on thfrexecnave government by liold- iut thehiofficfrcuriuepvasure admikt provision of the bill wah ujgit if a emuer nas elected when frecas tinriiacfclefl byfljftrnd afterward took of fice unuv government he should po back to his constituents a7 let iikoi say whether or not they had still confidence in hd the bill was read a first time and to be read a se cond time tomorrow pbovjkcb op lovrk caxada gosfokd by his excellency the bight honorable archibald earl of iofrfuid bvji worliughatn of bcccc in the county of suffolk captain general and gnvernoiinchief in and over the province o upper and lower canada vice admiral of the same and one of his majestys most honorable privy council sec ft are a proclamation whereas hi pursuance of certain notices tint have recently appeared with an engraving of the itoyal arm in some of the newspapers ol this province divers of his majestys subjects in the city of mon treal have formed themselves into an association under the denomination of the britha rijis corps and passed thereat and published certain k for the avowed purpose of organi2jng and training asn rifle corps a body of men in the city ofmon- treal and whereas all such proceedings have taken place without the authority nr permission of the ex ecutive power and arehlegal nod at variance with the acknowleeed princies of the coilmttuifotl 1 nttd consent of his majestys executive council ol ihi province to issue thia proclamation ricelar- iuj all sikii proceedings tn be unconstitutional and illegal and solenvdv wamioe all his mnjeityv led on his executioners wishing to ti round his eyes he indignantly repulsed 11 proprietors hereby notify the public that ire commenced runuintneir line of st a ifrom toronto to kingston and a provided with first rate horses carrrice emj determined drivers the nage nto torivcrtrent trtrcnt to kingston ov none btit so io hope to merit a sh ire of fub and a- er nnft pr6cec r weller munuo proprietors all bagpast at the risk of the owners un- ked and paid for unclaimed arliolce tformity with the act 2nd win iv cap 33 ikriber notifies those concerned that thefol- packages arc in the forwavdnitr coini brownston kingston robertson h d r dunn jfotnarki jk t lotaark gr m hoi hay store my a mi- house of assembly thursday jan whtfii the members of the house of assembly were met in their own chamber after the opening of the session mr perry moved for leave to bring in i bill to secure tle peace and freedom of elucuuns in the county of leeds this bronchi no a long de bate but the morion prevailed and the bill fftti read n fif st lime if provides that the election shall be held in foprdjfferijni places in the county at the sjme time and other provisions similar to the one passed near the close ofihe lat session with theexeeptioti thai the voiesarendt to be taken by ballot the bill j since been passed and ent to the council monday jan 16m a long discussion arose out of a motion to appoint a committee to superintend the printing of the pre sent session or rather out of an amendment made by mr mackenzie that the committee be instructed to hve a number of copies of the journals of every ijv minted and folded ttlld prepared for direction by the clerks that a enpy he sent to each tuembci ofihe legislative council to every publisher of a newspaper in the province some to england low cr canada and the odier north american province s c and four copies to each member of the ahmm- bly this motion brought up the subject of report- arc r m ackenzie said in this way they would be o give the public correct information of their rdceedtnes and in no other way it ww the pric- riceof the british parliament the house could notwithstanding employ reporters if they pleased i t c c i orthcfjiivcr abt lour crok wepp bat he was anxious in the orel place to secure the po tlc2t p m fruo cuteau du la inst cftrculaiion of hll the votes and proceedings of the house the solicitor generaknew it wasconsianllydone in enjltnd where large quantities of sheets of the journals of every day were printed in the parliament press but he thought he expense attending such a plan hfcre would he very great indeed the pilot ing vfrich had been done bv order of last session lhnrfl subject in this province to abstain from taking tiny part therein tittd against entrnig into idvfturli ii jji t t tt uid coiubinations whereby the nmy daw upon themselves the pen rl ties eon wtoem upon tl i violation of the laws and upon the ciimv which mv result from a dituibutice of tin l ion or ills majestys lotiiiniot call upon and strirlv coinoiaiol ivicof this por and i do hereby all mugittmim tv olficers charged with the cthiwi ration of the peace that they do eflecijally repress all bitch illegal and dangerous proceedings and all attempts at outrage and breaches of the fence with- iu their respective jurisdictions and i do call upon and command all the lieee subjects of his majesty ofevcry rank and condition that they he activelv ntiliicr aod ftuistins to all maeiftraie and olvtceis charged with the ooncrvaiion of the race in the performance of ibe duties hereby required of aud ctijohied upon them jfven under my hand and seal at arm nt the castle nf st lewis in the city of quebec eijlu hi mdretl 1 and thirtysix a od in the 5ixth ycarul his mnj ivv reiffn bv uisexcelltncytfo ommaud d daly sttrtta ry of the province pacts ax7d sohafs g wa our utcoioit s general for ftjloi or tiif lower cakoa mail on thursday i ni the montreal sugciitived in knton without thu nasl ttw following lint been shewn tn u aurmyric kxtrect of a lf fiom mr k inc f it 1 1 1 1 1 1 l large cltcm boxes s has going to amount to such an enormous the ottawa nod i would surprise some lion never been air- pa m dered to be printed would cost a considerable but thn money would be expended in diffusion formation through tlie cou paying reporters this year kings tuif via case blue client blue chest ass doz frying tans- blundeibuss tea chest urn js members and nuchas had mvself up mown before in ujper canada y admitted that the various matters or sum iu- rv he was opposed to hitherto be hud been n favor of it because he thought newspapers did not receive sufficient patronage to enable editors to pay them but now he thought they did mr mackenzies amendment was finally adop cd kingston jrown j kingston v iii 1 red cliest 1 small box 1 bag gluc geo brush agent ollaica kidtaa co 19il 1836 486m a splendid sale of behold furxjtvhv e re auction sale postponed will positively on friday 29fa insutnt in itic brgc room da hotel urocksircc consistinc of an askonmcnt uf housbhoilj turm- upcrior io unycvei presenitd io lw pob- tcommenctf precisely at ten oclock a m fnnm m i lllntuni iufttonrer m lumiarv 20th 1836 mr- mackenzie brought in a bill to amend the re presentation of the country he spoke at conside rable length on the several improvements which in his opinion the hill would effect a great deal of difficulty he said had arisen about the qualification of members instanced the case uf mr p a id the late mr knndl and other and it was his opinion i that the qualified electors should have the power of j the paary hiaggaiocta electing whom they pleased without respect to pro perty the manner of holding elections would be remitted hy this bill the place where they should be held and the hour at which the poll ttftltq cluse some time ago a law was in force in this country which disqualified a british subject who had resi ded in a foreign country from voting at elections un til he had ifeeu seven years in ihe country that obnosious law on recommendation of lord jode- rich had been repealed in respect to the electors but not in respect to candidates lie thought if b man as allowed to vote be should bi allowed to be elected and therefore this bill continued such a provision he wa opposed to giving county towns suchati the little village of cornwall a representa tion generally through the intluence of a few go- eminent officers irinz in them thevfciirinsj to lr ic 34scnetr v l i mutitroal yflttodi mwniftc bot 11 oclock l ini tc tin yleisbi iill ivll wtfwl p gfm r anj uuf fil fiilu4 vt rhnt wc cmiim c9h y iovr n limb- tliw ij cr twio 4 ult tlic cinjm sftiuril 111 irih wtn liattoiiu down im ail sl4e aj wc imi ticeced prosprronrtt i- io tiie cn4lo w4 oiiuji wh otoiichaiiiny ddlsus wc nnt piovijoiitblly sl will iiftenvrjapphir hadoiieofthcmflc curl- j45teiic1 p but still wecoulj no dm see llm rmid a tour oclock we tojpvt it w mil- mte we pro etditd na at n i r pict but i toi lslt lliat ht horfci were at tlio lop of lher pccd snd tht ws were fh- dine over smooth ice but kad uo i tint iho dnvur wasool on ihe hnt 1 wmjwtcortginlidiitinmtfiiltttw pasmtigftfi on our going ahud so slick ai the yankees say wlieftovur wo went niy first iraprensiati was that wc ttw only ujcl but the water making i iitmsdy discovered ovrtiimtioft wc won in ihc lreim abut fl jmfth from the ics a mfoil curreat runnic- i ittantly nmblsd oui and trimiug to my powwl of swimming mailpr ihc ic 1 putlied myself it botween the firm i c nod a liustlnr blurk and eaily raifcd i it- it i wasivcdl but wnrd cannot bxpfsjsthv i techno vlth which 1 ttirncil hi aeo what had berooic of m hroilicr i was drccidfult exlmusied with my cicriifrftd and irteztnc lit evew put l tliteowou alexander and our fallow pastnjcrj hnnina on iho llatin- aleijh snio fnoor ix vards fumi ino iiiq lories phiiijrin and scrramlnu wcnl down ami thit wldflh sunk fi little 1 rnirtd to my bmbsr lu quit the uleieh and tvual u the etirrvat win h he rt1 mr kent did and i ilij hie hiipittc tif jmllin inin bfith ula fourth wat now un the ice and two ivmumorl tlun aoavailtag reams fur afsiat- ancc tvero miu jarful ns lhy jhded ast u dawn ihc ircain but stiit wilhm a few yard of the cdi ami were nt tcueth itkcn tut y tc driver and otlici wlm lu come up mc slii ytnltfiwq ivlnrc ihc icih nlvtfil the nvr the tlmh an i imrrci went down and hru ia siiwi been heard uf yhrie u 1 oitdvrund u gral deal f property aimm the bai2jic coteau du udj jan 3ui lc33 37 wliat h tli pitiful fellow about lie of the coburg fitfjtmtr 1 he calamorpvjsly chawed up as ihc van- kcoiny kill cm aayscwti bwbadil kill ten ojoid co from the new oilcans bee of the 5h dlc we learn the concluding ict ul lien mexis rash and unfortunate expedition agiinsi tamico rwemyciglii ol ins deluded ibhuwers were made prisoner by the mexicans and have been hor the execution took place 01 the morn ing uf the 14 ill of december wu nrc iitfornibd by n pameneer ariived th morning in tli brio aitajcas fiom tnmicn mil cd lh 17th inr that 21 ametican 3 prtflkhmeil anj2 germnai were rftt there fwo davit previous to his tit ptrtfire the ohject of the mexicans wa tot only to kill riiem but co make them wider ns fwich aa possible befbrv thu mi rttecud fur iimm puriwse their ijiiiis were rircd within a e puces ol and aiotld i those parts which ittj u not cnusc instantatieous dcnili in this way bonie of them were idiot ten or fifteen limes before life become extinct our informant further aiyj that their clothe were sctoo fire by the wadding of the suns nndeufivrcd to bum oil them among the number shot were two youths appa rently about 17 years of ago a huge pit was due- and niter these unfortunate but brave men were strip ped of their hoots and shoes they were indiscrimi nately thtown in a few moments before they were shoti one of ilicit an atneritun implored theguardu in the presence of a priest fur a drink of water which woe refused it will be recollected tht me xiad expedition uns fitted out at this place a- mong those who were shot we learn the names of wm ii mom j ives engineer and a mr de- nntusen who in a particular manner distinguished himself with a courage and firmness seldom equal e a bandage them do you think sid he i am afrnid to look death in the free naj i die the death of a martyr of liberty he then oi dered the soldiers to hoot ami on the first ore more fortunate than the rest he ws killed we arc told that he did every thing to inspire his comrades with courage and resignation and to meet their fine as became men tvo boms before the execution ilr d wrote a song to the air of the marseilles hymn which he siinff from tlit jaii to the place of execution wearo farther informed that martial ijw bed been imt in furce the utmost consternation pievuiled a- tnoijerst d the ftireigners they considering iheii lives ani nrtwrty piimle indeed the lower classy of the peopltj hfid ibreatciicd io rho enmosse and murder the whole of ibnnt all oroigners arc con- wileredns ameiicm hild ai stigmatized by the mexicans as infernal american a ftllotl time pieiiuiis to tllo shooting of these captive s mow belonging to a frenchman as broken open an lobbed of its content by the mob there was not a single armed vessel of any na tion at tampico the a uteriean complain a gret deal of the neglect of our government their lives and property bviug thus nt the mercy of a mtixican rabble who it is said lire always redyen any occu- siii of popular excitement to rob foreigners it is tn be hoped our government seeing the imperious necessity of the case will send a naval armed force to ibit place without delay sinr iho fthn e wo in tvoe wc have eonerrd wiili m3tcrd rrtpittuie iii who haw recei ved kticra from tainptco who represent the circum- btaneeh of the death of ihc 23 men who were shut as entirely diflerent from what we have stated anil that the barbarity which our informant alleges n- gainst the mesicns in this c0sc is quite utifuundtfd uur cndoutpr is oln o arrive at irutili bu when we an compelled to take verbal informamuii it 9ty difikidl yv thticfoie give what t is worth without voucliil th- niiettv wv lcsrn fanlei fiom die cee that the govern men l of mexico has nude a communication to that of the united stated in rdaiit i tnihe capture of til schooner lvrrco and to the intervention of ameri can chiaeiw between the reohcrsol texas and the mexican atithutiaes the restitution ol the correo and the release ofcuptain thompson and bis men ore dmiwtddjiind ourguveramont is moreover cjii- ltd upon u aupt measures to prevent the evils whtrb a fihtign intcrveniiou although individual in a domestic dimwon may produce to a friendly nation attached to it by pouiical and cnniinerciul uo- texa is now the determined coal of an army of nraily i00uu men under santa anna who has been furnished with arms anil provisions ofall kinds ami wib fuints by co1leitios from merchants and others as vvll asihuiations from tliisv interested in eiuhlithing a centil form of government in mexico to the uiimmtt of 2 or 3 millions dollars imrortani rvisd jpkxaa the lew urlentis pn- bvn received this morning infunn ns that the tex- ilmi n 1 s wy v1- ttvm- mhi iisun anioiiio de hi xar hy storm and driven all that were left nftlitf mexien defenders tn the nihet hidti of the river ieueiil cos is said tu have bren among the slain ihe mexican loss is described as very ffreftt icludmg nlinnst every uflicer cnlmtel mi comb who arrived at xiw oilcans from koc uiftltichesf i a the u5h dvcsiaiiiliir bruuglit the uews in stacs that irvl an armed mexican remai is tn tcxoft aiotit aeeooiit says that nil the snrvi i mcx icans were snlimquenllv caplun d tlio texan los t not stated bin the munc of col lull mi is given as nil of the killed a passenger who arrived at new orleans fiom tatpvooil the brings infui iimtinti that a rinn- lierufm kienns htid bcn arretted chargetl with having sided trneial mexiaiii his mad attack upon that place and ilidl tlley wmild be shot enuliku itrm we notice in some of ibe lon don papers a parraph recognising with gratitude the asmbtance rendered by the officers end cicw of the united states corvette jolitl adams to one of bis britanic majestys brigs ofwar which was in dis tre olf gibraltar there were several spa and oilier vessels in siht but noue oftercd a tanee except the john adams- there is uo truth in the report of a revolution in reece a french chemist is said to have condensed car bonic acid eas to a olid state the temperature required was nearly on hundred degrees below the freezing point the viceroy of icypt has made another payment nf tribute to the sidittn the amount was 60000 pounds it was due on the 1c uf mntch mr ocoimell has published a letter to his coun trymen in answer to mat of sir francis burden the agitator calls tils baronet a loo and fading enileman newly oic hundred plans and drawlngefbr the new puiliunntnl lionises were presented to the commission- ew rum aniuug which they are to choose eieht steamboats nrc in preparation qu the da nube to onnneticc running in the spring wot tax years ao when ibe first was put on the river the people ran away thinking it q work of satan the dowajer marchionoss of solislniry was burnt to death in the latter part of november at hatfield house the sent of ihe marquis the mansion wa desiioyedt and thi reniaiuauf llie maiihioncss bu ried in the mifts it is suppoetl that she was retl- iliug a paper wneh umk hie from the lamp and eiutnunicatcd to her dress one of the papers savs that slhl ind wiib ut all her diamonds of mnncne value and a peai i necklace given by edward 111- id the celebrated countess of saliibtiiy of whom he was enajiiorrd at a iiwim j 0r lire rciiel of iho ditreracd pro t clergy of ireland nearly 360000 were bul- market priced kokfroiff tussdoy jan j9t 16 dfflv tlic cwi e d 17 6 d so lo at in liit pflrlb mutton by th sheep pur jb do at the stall perhy 0 3 00 0 4 s 0 4 0 vwlj frwh pork per 100 lb v frosh li- r- ncr lb lb do do tt pcrdoz 00 24 0 08 0 7 00 27 6 0 9 0 8 0 9 a 0 10 american flour per brl 0 0 a 0 d cinida do do 5 0 a 27 ill do per cwt 14 wbsal per bushel 15 0 39 s 16 6 4 0 kye do do 30 a a torn do do barley do d6 00 2 0 a 0 0 0 o catt do do- i i 0 a 1 2 polutocf i do t fi 1 0 1 3 flay per ton 55 0 60 0 btrawaper bundle firo wood pci cord 0 2 a 0 0 9 0 10 0 soap fowb couple 0 4 1 3 t 0 4 1 9 pork nici bj 80 0 s 0 0 d prime mess 70 0 0 0 do ptimo go 0 i 0 0 biutisu american hotel kingston the subscriber begs to acquaint his friends in upper and lower canada and the united ststes that he lafl removed to bn new premises formerly known as the kingston hotkl the cognomen of which he ha tillered s ubnve where he hopes tq be always a hnme the british american hotel ho 0 most desirable site for a place of ihe kind it is directly opposite the court hbasc aod oearly opposite st georges church in ontof the taojt phaaaut bealtbp and fashionnble streets in king ston while its proximity to the principal steam hilm landings gives it a decided advantage over all 0tu in point of convenience to the geutlcipsn trnvelliifg on business the house has been ea- largrd tind anti5ed in a great degree during tb pasl summer so uml tt i now without question superior to any hotel in the pluev the subscribers success while keeping the commercial hotel has incited bhn to renewed exertion and now that his means ofaecommoda tion have incrcasod ie hopes to give more general sbfsuhlud mwbfbai jwte in america wines and liqtoas good and veil nasorted in concluding thu mlvertisetnent he tnkes the hlteiiyor expressing his sincere gratitude to the gentlemen if kintzstnn who have honored his honse with their patronage trusting that he shall always merit their kind cgnnfc to the gentlemen of the ganisonbe would sar ilut os heretofore they will au ays meet withawcl- corneal his house kingston juouarv james mcdonald 1636 49tf at a meeting of the stockholders of the steamm buorkviilu held at kingston this day at the corn- men ial hotel c h mccollum esq was appoint ed chairman and bobt harvey v secretary when the fullowing resolutions were unanimously pdqp ted resolved that the articles of association for furnishing n nev joint stork company ofthcsleam- ct rrockville now submitted and read be apjuaved of i- that it is the opinion ofthii meeting thflt 9ftpr hughcalder is the moat efficient person to tkc conmntnd of the steamer hrockville and that we do now appnint him to fill the situation of captain fjr ihe ensuing season thai he be noti fied immediately tn thai effect rcmlvcd- that mr avm c- lawless be ap uuiu crik iui uw eiuii wiwii rwolvcd that the captain be empowered 4 employ such bands os he miy think necessary for the munagemciit of the riid ltoat subject however lu the approval of a majority of the managing cum initfee reaolvcq that a general meeting of the stock holder fthill iftku plufi at hueviile on moodnv the 1st dtw of march next at o- tl mangers hotel fir the purpose of carrying into eflect the ternm of ibe article of the nffaneiation- anddicidingen othsr tnniiers cninceted with the steam boat itrockville resolved thai the proceedings of thi meeting be published in die following papers until the lt of march next belleville iniplligeneer kingston hionirle british whig brockville recorder pres- rotl vangnard and that their accounts be sent tothe secretary fur payment bhervey sec kinstmi 12 jan 1s3c 49 nttdi sis- aotice- the subscriber will py the highest price r cash fur cood clean wbott delivered nt his store house in bath- also will exchange goods for house and field ashe wmj mckay tenders will he received at the office nf ibe sub scriber until 12 n ihhjflj on the 8th day of february next for any number of pffie floats from so to 3000 deliverable on the foot of garden island 201 of which are required by the 20th february next the roniaindor during the mouths of may june and ju ly also for a large quantity of grubs or pins bin dcrs traverses 0ara c fise fit materials for ma king up stave crib for dimensions and further particulars applv to acameron 4gcf notice the subferiber is prepared to pay sixteen pouude per m for standard staves jcuvcrable as sbop mentioned a cameron kingston jan 2ut 16 49 r 1510 bushells of wheat wanted- the highest price paid in cash for good merchantable whea l ai iho subscribers store jo0n evbwtxv aitiion jin i 97