family grocery provision store fsfibb patrick egan nltcr for sale i 83 llio premises in the mirkei by mr scunli ixji te lkleted hworuocth of teas groceries sqnure in a wll 2lij pfrti tuhaeeof stone w are vurn vionsaud nltuos every article in the provision grocery line at extremely low pricw having purchased his courts himself for cash onl in the iiii and ncu york marked market stjuarc oct skua 1835 23 cash cash cash tilr subscriber will pav ready cash for anv quan- nfty of hides calf end sheep skins flax grass t tallow butter at his leather store leather of every description for sale at wholesale re tail cheap ivt dash or the above mentioned pro duce wm ford n b so fr 100 lbs paid for hides market square nov 17ih 1833 fee3h lemons few boxes just received and fur ale lv the sub- ciler patrick euan market square oct sofa 1835 2i removal all 31 strong greer having removed tothe premises in store street adjoining messrs johut walkine cos hardware establishment beg to hvform their friends and the public that they are uow opening an extensive and and zencral assortment 6f seasonable dry goods consisting of g yorkshire and west of england cloths and ca- 6nneres i lokinsy pgftrshama flushings satinet t im0umftj swtfoqr merinos moreens and camlet gentlemens lambda wool merino and chamois vests and drawers worsted lamb wool and silk hosiery gloves and hraces tjmftbnzeus crapes and boinhnftecns leam loom andgrey doiucic cottons dlailketfu flannels sergei and shalloona printed calicoesc shirting strincs and turkey check irish liiie dawn dimasu and diaper table linen french an iinltatinn cambric gros de naples persians sarcenets and silk strife fur caps mifl tippers and boas willi a general assortment of haberdashery c also f teas suarsi jamaica spirits hollands gin cognac brandy pmt sherry madeira and champaigns wines crockery hardware 4c a g- respectfully solicit an inspection of their fitorlt whirl ihey feel confident irlt in quality mid pric s afford aitiafwtinn to purchasers kingston 2 1 dei 1s35 31 k irish feathers made ip im ijdn bulsteia ajid pilldw received and for sale by nov 171833 juti patrick egany instructions in chemi9t2y and pharmacy- mr otto eotton having at present toilif leisure time mi hb hnncu propose to give to young tenrlcmcn cdurniing for ilu medical profusion anrftothers instructions in the necessary hm iimrli neglected srinees of cheinbiry and plwrmacy tern m may be known on application to mr oiiu bolton at or barkeiv ftear street kingston dec 15 1835 vscc of the farmer jnini siock i company i tou i i ti december i o m notice is hjreby given that the stockholders of the farmers joint stuck banking company are re quired to pay a further instalment of 5 per cent on the stock subscribed on or befurc the 15ih day of march next also that any stockholder paying the amount of hrs stock in fdll or in pan hill be entitled to his proportion f dividends hereafter to be declared by order of the board 40 hdupuy manacrh t1i3 0ptawa aw1 h10h4u fokmattltltx company vould intimate to their friends who about sending ortordebs jbr goods for the ensuing rzzfpi thai k wouui be very deeirable to hnve the rnocc9 or copies of them forwarded by their cor- repoiidtiuts direct u the companys office at mon- iradi m orctt to save the trouble and expense of passing sigltt entries which the want of invoices too frequently occaaioirndlo ensure quicker trans- jimrfttttttottlic property q 1 1sjj 40 the toronto patriot is requited to copy the ftsoic oie month corn brooms 4- musks just received and fur sale by the subscriber 59 dozen corn brooms whisks patrick egan mirket square oct 20m 1835 23 to fasueas cash prid for produce uleiery desrripfion hv patrick egan market square oct 2m 1s35 s3 leather the subscriber having made arrangements vith a niauufjctnier has and will constantly keep an extensive supply of soxsebathbr harness and bridle leather upper leather calfskins tatna kip morocco linings bindings c which he will sell whoresale or retail as low as can be obtaijied in the province dealers md manu facturers can he supplied at all times and with any ouatititie and probably on better terms than can be obtained elsewhere cash paid for hides and skins tallow and flax seed it 100 barrels salt store opposite the market formerly occupied hv s b caldwell r johy mvrrav kingston may 2gth 1835 33 stone ware flower pots milk pwisi chums cram ntiil pickling jars and every description if stonu wan for sale by patrick euan market square oct 20m 1s35 23 to hottssxbbfsns indigo logwood salt petre pearl ash arra root sal eratus nutmegs and spices of every kind ground and whole kept for sale by patrick egan market square oct 20tf 1835 23 arfles a few barrels of genesee pippin for sale by patrick egan market square oct wrd 1335 21 tobacco sc bnurr for sale by the subscriber mrs g b millers loriflaj tobacco in 1 2 8 z pay do moccoboy scotch rappee and american snuff patrick egan market square oct 23rd 1835 21 jvst received and for sale at the subscribers stores front fy store streets a very extensive supply of the follow ing articles viz east indiaiand refined sugars musenvada do green and black teas green and ground coffee hollands gin fine flavord jamaica rum cognac brandy white and red wines bordeaux vinegar molasses np i north shore herrings dizby ditto fine cod fish no 1 maekpre poland starch and liverpool soap fig blue spanish vuklg rireraisine and cuirautt soft shell almonds russian quills fine durham mustard in jars nutmegs cloves and spices warrens blocking liquid and paste ditto lampblack cut and wrought nils window glass of different sides putty plugnnd paper tobacco glazed pipt- bath brick shoe and scrubbing brushes black lead miwobiry rappee andscotrh snuff- black bead pencils fine foolscap and letter paper wrapping do- salt saltpetre and sal eratus brimstone and sulphur gnmiid and root oiugor oatmeal and barley epsom salts crenri of tin tar gunnnwder and flint whisky best quality american che se equil to english tavern keepers and country dealers are request ed- to call and give this establishment a trial james williamson kingston nov i7th 1335 cash faid for rags three lialfpetice per lb will he paid in cash for clean ric and two pence per lb allowed in iccount at ihe tirrice of ihe british whig kingston dec 8th lt35 ms notice office oftht ctitiiiatii biijac gmnpan kmlin til- jarujirv ifwu cue annual mrtinc utilka shu kholdeis nf the oihiriipii biidgi cmrjialiji will fks urtr the oiiice l tlii 1 1 on j hiihy on monday 2va iatt ivt the purpose ofetetqilg a president and direc tors foi the ensuing yea agreeably to the act of in corporation the annual accountsof the company will be sub- iniired at the meeting md a dividend declared for the half year ending 3ut december last j marks secretary and treasurer wives the sttbwcriber his received direct frojfl the lou- dyi dorks 200 doz sealed blk snerrv 200 red 110 superior port 3io wet india mnderia the above w inert ore in casei of two dozen and ein be hijjhiv reenmmcudud for liituily ure john ii qreer to the public persons desirous nf transmitting stnnl vnms f money to their relatives in the old country can do so by applying to john h greek kingston nov 28th 1635 removal j a mes hall respectfufu informs his fiiends the public that tie has rvmovytl jriiiti llirtivrj dtand lately occupied by nun in jonthiii vtieei t the tavern situated at the foot of store street and kept hy the late mr fagn j h is thankful for the liberal support he has received since hi commencement in business anil assures hin friends unit his attention will always he drrectcd to keeping hishouse supplied with the se- ry best wincs fiquor kingston oct 16 1835 22tf the toronto corretpomlent will ropy this ad vertisement three timen and charge the advertiser notice the subscriber will pay the highest price in cash for good clean wheat delivered at his store house in bath also will exchange goods for house and field ashes wmj mckay bath 22 jan 1836 lumber for sale several thouaand feet of lumber apply at tins office kingston jan 19th 1s36 lumber iilvtiu tenders will be received at ihc office of the sub scriber until 12 oclock noon on the 8th day ol february next for nny number of pine floats ix om 00 to 3000 deliverable on the font of jurden island 900 of which are riquired by the 30th february next the remainder during the mouths uf mny june and ju ly also for a large quflntitv of joins or pins bin- ders traverses oars sec c fit material for ma king up suve cribs for dimensions and furtliei particular upplv to a cameron agent notice the subscriber is prepared to pay sixteen pounds per m for standard staves deliverable as uhovr mentioned a camekoiv kingston jan 21st 1836 49 46 kuni 3li nov 183 31 for sale at montreal 0 terms very faforabl fourteen biittcaus cn- pnhls of carrying 250 barrels of flour all in excel lent order and condition apply if by letter post paid to h f esperance oriffui two mnrci nov 1935 276m bank notice notice is hereby pven that the subscription list and transfer booh farmers joint slock banking company w be closed from thia date lilltlieiltlioffebruainext of the hoard 1 h dupuy manager toronto jany 2 18- 46 coaimriicial hotel the ijbstrlber late book keeper 1 the ijxchangecoflee house f0uodehhnrhwmntretilheg leave t il in- friends and the travel- linff coiil nc nas ia in cash paid for mmidcs five dollars per ittmus pwidtof umw a the hihest price ghtffl 0r cih 5s 0hnn h j ltiij v kiulsmn nov 10t 1935 20 mail stages noticic there was bronchi into the possession nf mr jo seph mclean residing on lot no 9 in the first concession of ibis township on tuesday the 1st inst a black mare with a short twitch tail a white spot on the forehead her right hind foot white up to the gamhrel any person proving property and paying expencesmay have the above mentioned by applying to mr mc- pittshnrgh per 2nd 135- 36tf boot and shoe establishment the subscriber has always on hand a large supply uf boots shoes uf the best manufacture at the following low pricie for ready money only w i iiilics prunillo anrt leailier pumps the above well known tablishem where he will entertain all who may for lin p age in a style if rdetac comfort calculated to klin ire- eral satiliicl moe khyap- p r hereafter thb commercial im an elegant and auli- stnti 1 hiiildiiiu only t o s i ed in the centre of sirix jk is buming the nbw cu for ilu reception nfthe litebislt sle the furniture of the hal is qne new and ol su perior quality and thebuslunentns a whyfe is serond to nonein the jsnp- c the wines and liti w b subscri ber are of the first quail- the bar room wu not be opened to the public sabbath day under anv eirconsihures rll am regulations for the orderly management uf house wl be p the hull the subscriber l mnde arrangements for de montreal stagvs ft at house the stables ofih- ii ml w lw rcorgaiuzed and every ccmveiieueprep furhe rcrtptii of yfcrt- a r m kuilhtonu c jarv 136 thf m tho above not including this note fur mt pint and christian suarduntorinto stnr pi tnuttinnw bcllovillo cmirisr prjj kculr f h mtrcat napaxle hotel iuk subsckibkk late from the until hotel hens leave to inlorm ins friend and the travelling community ilmt lie has rented and is now occupy ing as a tutcriti ihoe extunsivo jreinises in the village p nafanee lately erected by mr axander canpbell hiivim had some exreniuc ii the public line the sobs tiber confident lpw thai his eudeaoi lu merit patronage by t aaanlimuii uitentiot to the comfort and convenient ot his guests will meet with due liicourigemcu an excellent table wl ljc provided nod the bai kept mipplied with wijfi id spirit of the b m luuhty at-a- bed to tie hoiel excellent stables kheda and yd a ahltv naiiaiec jan 6th f 413v do do do do do do do do do db dn do ge do do do do d do do do 3 6 5 0 0 s 4 6 6 6 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 6 superior quiility fancy ruluuru stfid do do morocco and sal skin fine calf skin walking shoes stout walking shoe exira for country wear prunlllo boots gulashud siineiinr quality fine seal skin morocco bnota 8 0 ho do in fur lined in i common leather uimis 6 fift qialily ami stmn do 8 0 itlemui union wilkiii hhifs 6 ii 8 n 9 0 8 0 9 g ii i 13 0 18 0 tor viy tniit iln do best qn ihiy cilfkin si ii- c liii b iirtrf kxim luiit ii do uiiiil piicil cxtia atout do do bet quality sloui and fine quality ex fiile c s best workmanships 6 alo a a i a a a a n a a a a a a a a a a a a n a 4 0 6 0 8 0 6 0 7 0 5 g 7 0 8 0 10 0 9 a 12 6 h 0 90 7 0 9 0 10 0 9 0 iii 0 1 0 15 0 21 ii 26 0 hunter arrangement for 183fc tub suhaeribera mail contractors for the en vear have commenced running a daily line gea in conjunction with the stage and steam cos lineal preacoit wellcra muoro 1 kingston to have the latter named place toy except sunday at i oclock a m which i enable passengers to arrive at montreal on the cve ning of the ttccund day the subscribers will make every exertion to merit public patronage oah baggage at the risk of the owner unlau regularly booked and paid fur book kept at the mansion house- thomson sc fa1rman j kingston 29th dec 1835 six times a week time saved is money ga1nfd winter arrangement of mail stages raiw toronto to kingston proprietors hereby notify the public that ecomnienced riiuinugoieir link ok6ta lj3s from touon k to kintislon an ihey are provided with fiivt rate horse carri ifm and ave determined io employ nnne but so er wni ireful drivers they hope to merit a pii re of ptjit lie patrunuce torthho m river trent w welleb kivertrcnt to kingston r- m un bo imprieien n it l bacease at die risk of the ownera b- lees hi ok i- i for the iheyhai a variety of boyv and gills boots shoes at very low prices marketplace jan sh 136 murray all persons to whom the subscriber iaindebted are requested c send i tu arctmula within liiur- ieeimlivslriin thin tlut- ir wltleilient hlld all pei- mhu iutiubied to hht afr reqneamd to eall ami ei- lie at mi j braiulam s uury street iteftmarli dubeau kincsron jan 61b 1 9it4g4 mthtmt uliv ntliimi hi- niinierou t t travellera cut prospectus of the bytown independent farmers advocate tobe ptibljliej by tho suhnihcr i by town on llie thor- datofrvery nrvk until it rfiall lie dtttiiiwl nuvwharylii publuli a sutnuwieukly ppvr a cliano hint cnu prove brnificial tu otio pity only vij tie x1io rctvivos turn piper instead of one this paper will chucrlullv alvncatc llic national chnractiir hilil uiucrets of mit ttuo briton lklishmrn nntl their le- scotidaiiuvft un im kffl notwithmaurlitis ihat ifirtiinth wnes whosft ijtwlrf ar hurribig with loyalty mid wlhi lttrjrt thitiimjlvls nml tlirir mutfriiifai lweaumf lliik mlfiiiiiifft jift iuiihi biunted thank lituiic jij lubo ibovo their inilic or ihfir envv i nc pfopnetik win milko it hin wwj i prhiimi uiii itucr- sla and prospciity oflhe gomuhi m crf rffc and the pfihiitcil in gnaral uttd will taka an uccasiomil penp intu tiie altitirit of our utn ho behoves tint it is totpwiblu pr nu pravtncfc to prosper while llic nther decays bn4ltwl it is the duty ofdl loyal and puanabtdfllbjecbl in mul provinootf to pull together fur heir nmttinl wolfare much depends upon this coope ration in wr canada as well an in lper ciuitulit ht exist many irjnjicion lawft find maoy that hould he aniend ed or struck from iho statute buok auiihfr but the pr itictor i3 of opinion that this would b an arduous uiidfrlukiiij or 810 rcbeli with their rifloi thn proprietor will on all occasions uphd 1 tlietcinir intl consiituiion hy enforcing ncionce uum ittwj e will rtevtr forgot tl llrstetirv hitndofttial ujlun wn u ruom w i rlisil irniv wbnh detimid it tvhihr in th- rille my riiti urn oi j nkof grwtt hiiuin 11 vor inu x prmjh wtiv oh i sjtrious and omu- s oarmino ift nriin nui ttu iubli- r lyt liiiue t i- ncniniinkluw hi uiilnbv hiifrl the mansion house hiins he iriiiiliil iiil iiiit reniinl htrtui in kmu- miwii h im emililiiiniiiii iin kmd cm hiirjaich it in ihe exeallriicentill icmiirl rnintmenlii in ihireur ol iln- manlifhcsie thtfw isi larfft yurrl and txceltriit wahli nfcfilfljl y a -mw- h coranmify fcpr rwimrfbhi can pro cure sltliaph tarritiv i nniin the tun him siuje ivt uis tfanniuil uouw evirv mnrninir nnrl rrif evening kingsiou dec 22il t8j5 40 philip low attorney c bajortned as at iiallofell dercmhir 26 i835- 2 purchased by tip subscriber grass s15eds of evciv patrick egan market sntmrc nov 3 1835 2 alexander cockib an aifvftrtunrwnt hnvirw ippearer in the cnro- jiier doztte henrinir ihe pature nfthe nhove indivirtuil kaiine that a e account iniplica- ling mm that nupesrerl in he briiiah whig was fake i think it necesnar publicly to state lhal the said acconnf win ntrietlybm literally true the pariiculnn of the dinsraceft mnsnciion wcreeivcri bv me tn the editor of the fttuml whig and io ih truth of which i am ready at all times to make affi davit p madigan kintrstoo dee sotli 19- iftll pounds wanted- wanted to imrmw on m nnxeeptinnmi oenhnld liit the nm f 150 fur which good inieet nnd n liberal bonna will be given ipirpr uddrfxd to d i run of dr ilarkcr whur office ill he attended to dec ii 1s35 37f it in j ifk f grmt hiii tin n- v as t omrjiy tvor tuo citjtal ittqiittlwcl tim koiii diiwn wfuilffi hut who ciin iiiy hat many i tw4tiojiuii4 m ntiil thai uuwthe iiivim nth pn- vincai no 1ippuii oil ami luriteil i ln to fniil a livellbthtd ly rhitirowu ludurtrv thchoit ufaijicu miv hjcniw dmutitf tho proprietor will ho at nil timttf hinpv imo one any mf nnution cmicorntni lhtiniappli qlioitirtum lojhln ihoiii r ill n tlfirtioiift with ivlurh pnhlitt lfifr may in rhorfwii frufii lint jibltff tlmvit ui l lor ritir ah ar ulilir natt il ill ir ihmw hunl i hi- i ii1 hf it tin rinitrv wlm nliv a lijht titjuiltfif tliejii ivvdliiutil orhit xtiit the altof- in general hti1 tin fcntiilor hmh al whuhavinut ltiu f not a paitint fijli iriiv lit anl firirivi at pltftanre tins rfiwrotiiifl thvv fialicnhirlv use in luvur nf tli ic whu vtrfp tu llinn at eltjtmiife th lmpriolf will vxeuju frmn hif mttmn tl rtlioihi irttrivfy iiiijkh vnro a ivftlltifl iftlaik in mvlt ujjmii an only of corutiians ilu dtflfili ihn vuryhian shxjm h ah hfwnl tt walh in hi own rwwlill wraw mtiforoji u is iik is innnimbir tor tlitm t alort tilli hytowxixi pkndkst 1i 1 piiliilihrn if un ktpoi of a vm aiil hii hurgl 41 f ir d jlari per minniltvvttltvdnfpiiiltiji i ija fcj in m r a it tiiivioiit ihr pr irit r t iwtoltwmjpli wmiai illjtvi rivi tofttv hill llh will iml il l- uuvi tviw i ium wilis or tirv ifh- lmi ifi i irilli liinurj1 uh ex- pjra imii iifft tear w will lriii hniiilf tn i inv i4 vituf t eliah he irtiiiiltj at pn t javiejolnoton bjluwn igih dfkmitkt id35 a sjplenuid sale of household fuhniturb fc piibalmm aoctimi ftilc pwthhml uill patkfi 4jnict plare ti frhlnu 39m v3tt im ihf urge xrive uruiuni of iiuubhoid fubi iuhti superior to anyeer prewmed to the ca te to commence precise at ten tk at p to a hiiiljofoinuiinjj tl v shkep ii poscssion of th a frhrep whiib became ed willi nesimvii iesdiv ii e tend- i flnck driven from br io v nicilmi on wii st the owner tnav ob tain it by proving property md paying chnrffetf iv ill am webster waterloo jan 26h 1836 4d3ta at a meeting of the stockholders of ilia steamer brockviile held at kingston this day at the com mercial hotel c h vlccollnm esq wns appoint- ed chairman and rnbt ilnrvcy secretary when the following resolutions wen unanimously adop ted resolved that the anicles nf acsociaiion fr furnishing a new joint stork company of the steam er brockxiile now submitted and read be approved of resolved that it ie ihe opinion of this inceiinsr that capt hugh ctldcr is the most efficient persnn to take command nf ihe sienmer uiockulle and cjbmu paid for wheat rv indian corn barley and miit mill n iiiktii nricc viiii nrenriiut toqualiiy 07 whisky of jirst quality fur snh wm garratt ktnwton dec 14ih 18m5 3d leltev prewt piinlin eierutc 1 wiili aame and dk utms unproccdtnllv low in ixlimi ciniln that c do now appoint him io fill the situation of cnutttiu for the entuing season that ho be noti fied immediately to that eflect resolved that mr wm c lawless be ap- pointed clerk for ihe ensuing seneon resolved that the caplam be empowered io employ such hands as he may think necessary for the management of the said bout subject however i the approval of a majority ol ihe managing com mittee readied that a general meeting of ihe stock holders th 11 ink pliue ai imieville on mnnrinv tin- 1st day of minh nexi ar o g mnngere llmd ftir llie pmpuse ofiarryino join effect ihe lenii- ir he articles nfthe hsncintluu and rleciding un nlhei matters cniinecied with the scam horn brnektille resolmdlbii lb- proceeding nf ihi meetiua htpubifd in tin fllu papers until he ni o muich next hclleville imellieencfr khiimnll chronicle brilteh whig iwkville recorder prcs- cou ungnard and lliat their accounts be sent to the secretary for paynnnr r hervey sec kingston 12 tan s36 49 lliclaiitted ariicles in cnnfbrnihy with the at 2nd wm iv cap 32 lilt sulisci 1ier notifies llus concerned that tile fob lowing niuktigis are ill the store of the ottawa ind rideau forwarding compan at kingston vis ihirgocmo 1 blue chest 1 hlue chest 1 chest 3 boxen lilasa 1 dor- frying pan i niundeibusj 1 tea chest i red chest 1 sum box k 1029 lolls jan i0t 1 b i it glue geo- irush acrflt ottawa iiiilcam ci i 49611 ly at ten ovinck a jlinton auctioned iiml pral vv slide 11e ainivi ft nicies ere nflcrrd for sale at commercial hit k a l detained by ihe subm wnwr ihe npprcheii noflbir being bioiii any prrwii h iln htvelttft sudf article- can nbuss by p u ig propeftyaitff having elinrgc rihef iiem wm m deaw kin- tn lsh 183ft 48 notice wf ltq pivo tn liri ii1i lviudi both uf tohji nnd ctmntry that li riveivtfl i quatriiy of cra te glass lr chtrkd iintl inrffo picture ph vami fit well 10 ajv hijiuiuiaffcly aa the ariicle it very scarce in pichillc pflfl 5t- ri i i ru luinifs i james kerr painter uuarry t kinsfnn dee 2s ift35 wants a situation as bookkeeper or general clerk a young un in canad apply if hv i tib wilis ofiiee kingston dec ried man bom england ho understands busiusi letter post paid to x y z a is35 40 for smf at1n office bl1yk deeds a memorials indian rvbbbr shoes just received and far s- 100 pairs oflndinu rm ber phoce ifi tti yv inh 1035 j mvrray all notes and accounts due the subscriber unstlr 10 and not imii hy the lt of ihe eusuinrmontk lanuarv will he put into the hands of mr w b vsmith for colleciion g w yarker kington dec 211335 41 at the sign of tub bear the subscriher respeclfully informs his frien4s and ihe public that he is now manufacturing au4 has for sale wholesale retail an extensive as sortment nf tin ware which he will dispose of so ihe most reasonable terms has also for sale a large quantity of cubr st domingo segsra do do boston made whips of all kind do slope ware best qnnlitv r phillips market place sept 4th 1835 10 farmers onk- pcotice is hereby ffhn to the shareholders of ihe farmers jnim stock ravkitifl cnmpany that the elcctiuii i directors will take pluce at the of fice of ihe companv toronto nn wednesday a 10hnf february the transfer bmk and sob- xcription liik will be closed from the date hereof utllll febiunrv i 1 lii nfthe perons eligible tobe direcinrs h been sen i by uiuil toench shareholder but an shaiebodii can have a iut opon application at office of the ueaiest agent of the company bv order of the board h dupuy manager tuonto dec 3ut 1835 i5tio nusiurls of wheat wanted thehkuie3t price paid in cask sv merrtmntnblt wheat at the subscribers st john bveritt kingston jan tl 1836