British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 2, 1844, p. 3

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turaents of mipassioassl oratory hat ii no jsrni johnson or encretopsuji torrl f thstaik the out srita h jp bulk liio other willi hit joke ui4 bufffpowfola inugh thr mojo o conduounj ihirum 1 t differ t- ttiwo i none that r and iiuw ant fmniiki to niaki i vntiv lovk inore unpoint thr sucker of hip ifrssj of rsprvsmlirc j hmmi jf urf great nik pesr ssosplj i llkiif t clothe bolli wbm ureal lve lb chair ulu the house and sv nsto a not in cnuiiiuttee ur the m lf und chji any of the member to all ihrir ajar u tw uc cupsnt pro lira ia looked nn t und cotiijrm n avatfatfceincuftibcnt it is nvt nr i oil time in n rilinj tfce ok mover utarlrf iiaudttipspra foriiuliiy of rsfeoediftg it iiimcarf f iffewt biy bar of mtn urtt w wot of in i jrctttfout friend fij such li vim so so embryo 1 i go one fo md to 1 royal and tcntf births nil not blush and my unto uic vvilliuih i vr tai the ihitli u not car y vfwitftcn fair printer boy r aught i hafrw fl jo hcu arc rrnjatytd in llic tap ritrfi 12 iu 3 arc iltc usuj make ukcauuwrjaiuic iter put it wilhout h thu t tiha for canted lubberly fellow as messenger in the hom oulit lo lc uioincprodetv ly iitile acliv from iu to laycart dd city three hour hour of the silling if important ihismc u on rtaaeihry may mend rt an hour or an hour and half but uu idom done my juper ift out ikwctcfi bo triu far our clirometr and now we pu though not for want of matter but in lunc yours jonathan i drop the seen lie droji- 1m abvr to mail my now li ard pray tluk kllll an llicfi of deatsi the ctir on at rv truly rfnd uit yoyrt cdj j tii fod ir cc you imio iiiaity years may lomr be your a happintn and frte from ca and kara aij now done from caroi and trara b ute lawym feea wo fatten on yow imluatry wlubt rni lhrif coincaonf hk ud abo from the sentta 1 1 i hl tke fjw ntler to tho fly aa wiui rac ufa naany i new years aooress or blath iatk o llc brilisli b to his patrons i my iiumbu rj hi frirda comr i enmr ud to hoar lue nud dot tvekonunr new year with careful pctinj the aafetw no offend foe to our bomeaour uwoutnhrjeh patron u a ir you re aitfilf blyilr rlrukt jull en 1 ii my now r you know ijtck jack otii wj humble pravcr suecca tttffld mju akt jl hvi j fcrvcol in hia simple rund botb here and ayr friend i for when did 1 brla- forth mv ahwi o fresh to clrjn bu u wma lull of loyalty dwoiien to our qurcn eer breathing mrturrun thundvinr vainal m tileat band wbo ve iivfu to actl uk n of th our ajoil oe d at mi ere bnljink tbee wli a nrne a tune u novfur too ii rotrona alk to rally in our might gem ebn fall fall to ibe few who lunj hac stmtlco hwd arw fiercely tror tnoell the rijhta the liberties of this the urw wc lore aye rm njrhla aairtm the dntfimsn lb3t h atood ten cmturiea in mahtty mid xcoea cf rleatli and blood vthtte iedem liuuirf full a thouand yuira hati bravely flnwn ipeakii nlrty to the lulgrct alliance to the tlirone hrighr w voice by oh will re rwl come forth from moinluo and lowlj dale wu ye not ttuxhnrwardi aend very fovnng ple wid ye oot athve aa etd vigj truly ancebtom ol tw frocuim on albtona lale that tymta hvrt ahould ajferrftmort froitt sxrv3 tou kft ululallfm d youri hi no ram no empty boail urhy came who nfl won and hujj batu lofiou nime ye boast a i hmugc u1 keejit in ipridr jurtiee ind truth do i- u hl jnd ooo uon your o- oh ijuard guard wrll the lurt 4 powrr wucft fondly lakea the name or liberty n it dijue envlaing evn eliiim finn to ur cauae be atill be ju ml irtjie imn ehun rirri the ubeti freedocn wbu to atnkc will be if vajih ul l rrmu chores oumh uil edi bntmit ihmti and whilal vou w r cuer fnenda alt liapjk- eaaarjiltie- rorh not mr- ln i p j mortfw l j priv uktfaiu u1 wubc tjuen be loyal at ill be inar and thu buick jack o now udi h rriida ainnr 0r to the british whig i vnat a gloriou name ia the annau of fame which neer iras been ri rdmi mcc eve cut a fi to the bound of the world thia name u unfurled for canada echoes uic cry bairian wkio- in lite bvrary trade th nunc diaplaycdi aa art obyrct of jjlory 4 bnght bnttiant star and the loud bamur wkj for iu lciimin aobig u ten applauded by yankeca living ar midt kingtons proud spheres its ofbcc upreara v glory and pride of the honcat old tmn td sitakc to surreys the scene it djpuy or wonderuijf heara of ua ma tchkn renown vou may roam thro the land lo ila furtiktinool strand bui when to repletion you re quite run the rig tw iruili you will soil urtrxeaacd on your mind thai canadas wonder ialbe baituu wuw ur theatricals the 0k1frt op a udyi li lailici on j rontscmcn of the kingston histrionic society respect- y infurm the inhabitants u kingmon t iliutr first perfoimance ibis season wiu bogven tit ilio new theatre on monday evening january a lldikf hit inmctliiife iiu- uialiugvulied palrunar of his excellkncy the uover- nor general on which occoainn will be presented the petit comedy of the youthful queen cvunt doxtntticn frederick do hury chcvalur unberg ujftcer cumimif or lady cnuna pi after which ft fttcihtuw by mr a avrxjct die evenings ctitcrtninntcnt locnncludo with hcdiimotic rlrama of the rent day martiv lulwoodp tnhy hey wood old orumht silver jack grant fey m llytaop kaimrr bcanatalh stephen hcmftoo with a sony r jchel hey wood wlh two ttoofsj mr tolly bics a9 mr lauder mr a- adiky m brown- lmillarj mm- h mlh mil extensive sale of teasi sugars wiffes tobaccos dry goods it by auction at w commercial mtrt on wednesday 11th januiylch4 will be told without reictvc f- 75 uaxtvtttuki 60 do vottajj bytn j 20 do gunpowder i1 25 d uld hyson fc 15 do souchong fc 30 o cavendiih facco 10 do laditi twll do 25 icegfl tie 40 h rote scented mcaboy balrt cotton wicki otown to candlei soi 2no 10 30 10 uu ibt cutranli 15 boxes rabbi 2f batreh koaited fcj 24 ba pimento 30 m cinnamon 10 15 10 4 75 100 5 75 tierces hice barrels do do yi fo vi ifar j boxes window gi reutt pol rneii airtej boxfi cltocouut harirt hqfi ufftt sides sole traih alw icemra uvrfuunl of dry gooa terms liberal sji l li ovioek d macdonald kinpton 2k 1844- bifckt u be old ttid the younjf ila praises bare aunp and thenehftud the poor and the high and lb ficfi fen finely rewounda ttw vwee wi will be free cu know no boor j let tltirtwi ilriit itie llrcvi row bberty my loud proclaim the pcflfll f but uporotml ia aberm not in prauva alone for tnouaanda of pitrons their latraucatow v mark aoch aa theac whod not itrive to please with cash booi pockets whod ftf dance a ji- in flttl rivals try but none can outm die facttand tbc scaaraof the amd dairaut wrcro s anb scraps 011911a ant srlccl it rtraettio or klmtfat there i morr truth lhn poetry in the rumor that mr atehcson has pretensrona to the if frccnution of r rn in the next parttannrnt and that certain entfrmen hare promised to withdmw in hn favor to thia project wo avow sn impucaotc opposition and will fihf tooth and nail to prevent ila ac fililiafcrjttat we have not uh amaueat idea of allowing the jood uld town of kinpton to be rrprcseatcd by any raieoof mr gibbet wakc- ihrl the prnceeits llftbi livejiik being pr tro bnrjfiiof a lay to whom the in- liauitanta of kingston are much injebtcj for her very efficient and disintorcsted seivicesou many occasions tickets may be procured at ihc offiee british wliij al the britasb amcncan ii head quarters at armour r torc nod of mr ft west end of wellington of the tcl bl mays book iv street private boa 3s 9d box 2a 6d pit and gallery u doors open at j past 7 p i 8 oclock precisely 1843 3d rerfor diancc to commence kiugstoai january i rhie kecelvekgeniilaigivea notice that ht- will rccuivo tenders for bills of exchange on the lorda cum- miaaionera of her majesty treasury at thirty usys sight on moriday the tsth day of january nsxt at noon in sums not lesj than 500 terliti the tenders most he addressed to the receiver general of rhe province aealed and marked tender for exchange and must be made with inference to the par of exchange namely one pound fnur shillings and four pence cur- 1 ot catombrt rency to the pound sterling ilieltp money to bo deposited in uny of the chartered liuiika receiver geuertpi office aoth december 1s3 i a upat no o ubntfbma io oce one of llalu cotlsgca being about to break uplns eatsblishment walrus n dispose if his lcae ternu imtiu in may next tut rcnowable and futtiiitjie c et we- any pcrsim de 3hmu4 of oblainirg i comfortably fur nished reaideuccou ulvaiitageons terms will find this a fttvmi ildc opportunity krifjuiry to be rnjim of philip st 1 1 ji office keeper otthetoblic offices december 27th 13 oreat exjjtemenl bodrvs lidts booi fob jandaiy the january nos of th periodicals or riim- ijjiin arocrrausa ptat excitemant but toe eojlowinfr aruc5o frum tha daily chronrtlo settles the fact of which ia lho best rtodicsl of i bo day we kara been favored vith on rrly mny of codey ladys book and il is without ny ex- crptlon the most wonderful production of ihr h0 we understand iijo merotints are by mr warner the rent le man wio took at thv lust hi of tlic faahkwn lxnrott a suekfy composed of the most celebrated arnais of uic day the f1exipi fob mbzzotixtikg croomrlha celebrated artist has furriinltcrl an enibclhdimcnt which wrll bo itereafter known croomes vase tjm nnccded by ariuta snd amateurs to be uic kctiicsi cmbclliobiiieut ever furnished by a ffrrmltfti fancy ball dresses are iul in soiktn these wc believe u tin jirat of tblit kind of eubdkialuucnu ever ir j we will now rnentwfi one ij obeli ibiuvril in preparation hut wo know will ire the yrcalost mif i to our numerous r jdnw a fulf- length pohtuait ok miss b leslie the celebratcil contribulor to uudiv ladys llouk tin- rmbeltiktimcnt alone in this number com nearly 7000 our couiribulrrs ait ik best wc annex tnc nstnes uf i lute to the january no william crattrm tiry ml n i hortman josruli c neat mnt prof john hanehraan v- jl harvey wis a 1 wotibrid hale t si am iv- a varimau in thr country iiiftc who conlri- wiui mvinii ihll tftfournvy llurliiri at r mrs s j ltlh mtisfia gencral stage office ont door oeiow tkt brituh american hold kinoitov tmulo dsmillon prruott it jlwitrfil phe hoyal mail stage fur toronto and hamilton will leave thia olhcc ctry day mi 3 oclock p m preciaoly i he koyal mail stage fur preacotj ii onuncxiin with thn montreal liur will leave this office every irty at 4 oclock p m precisely ami will leave prcscott for kiiifjalim i rn med lately after lho atrivnl of ihe montreal st ago paacnger fur toronto or montreal will reach their deaiinalton in 36 imura tlr subscriber takes this method of thanking the truvelliiir public for their pnat patronage anil having sparrd tio expense lo make ihe buve lines if w inter ctinveyaiice the must cjinlhi- blei in biitiah north amcricu fvvueoii- litleot hi exertions will meet with theii continued sojipwit ihe sleighs uic ull ewandcloe uodmulike a cartiage ind only requiring a trip to cither of the above mentioned places to have their comforts duly appreciated wilmam weifrbh proprietor all bixfftgeil iherik of the owner 0 iu klltivrtd l each passenger- ah icxira to he chained at the lata of a pawnger lor evei v 200 lira n h bxifm furnished at the abort- eat liuiice and on reasouublo letnifl v w ewchem dec fioth 1s3 custom house sale of tfooajtff teas tobacco rum f a t the custom houae stnrea ontario sueeton wednesday the 3d january 1841 without reserve on ac count of the curium houae the follow in merchandize seized under ibe lie- venue lnw 1 pair carriage lampi 1 ijumhe coach lace 7 piece cuaeh futotiurfip 31 vols books 2 caiks raid 2 caea cruabed 5 haircls haw do 8 cases lntxf do 8 kegs 5 boies ttbacco 12 chests ten 15 half do do 6 hus green coffee 7 cuaks rice sale at eleven o lock thomas greer auctioneer kingston 18th dee 1s4 mrs m- emma c emjur leiua irs ii l luekerntn kubbms mn clijaohenhfa mia mm b ula ttaarut fixae alia bv nurtun ii tiko lrdyjril curler a- lllhlt cokdwood grieiv or dry for lb rglhoe who wiahin supply their own wood ortopirchase wood fur ale can have eirler green or dry wood on applicatiji to k ii gore of pittaburgh inilva from kings ton pittabtirgb janurry 1st 1s14 i lie dremca of rur to black at htute smiti1a fire w we will ik free uvy say d or kihwn ust tbe cilj the west lias sai hi sjwke ncer trtaftc bfe eats av otio thf urani ffencbmanii yoke toaontoa dhii bare eehod aa tlut noble lop i and say as oft uj jare ihey sai- us avatli riclorr r- 5j- laliotm purr orrtca the post ofliec nei do not take place until tbc5thorjun regu fltf aotii itraiuariok il ia rumored abeot town that tbc hon mr draper bus resigned hi srat in the executive council in consequence of the receitt deipalcb received by his excellen cy repocuri tbc seat of government rr luiim i ik january has uanlile of btera and hastivcs noble hastings bravrly slrucli in llie cause making s ware for librrtr andcaglaud s ancient laws pamck euwaan lends bis voic4 and lcrcos snd 1 trvc has put his shoulov to the plouh and wiu lirccr lookback and aomcto but why thosl j a loaly pren tice bo i speak of such tjansror eke dviar iu tin tin hour of ioy til of my rear past dutwa that i nor- must hntuwy uh of uuntfs whh happen d ion p winch many folka beiel h n erw etune from evrv awe great news trr always brought and told crthjng canadian ith sjeateat interest rauht suu ever vemosl in llic rank upholding datrwt bws with fervent leal ayiv errs foe ti a etonout cause t iireaav gaatisn it contains the usual ry matter and a neatly executed vtcer of the ntv of montreal this bcinr the firt number of w vulumc attordi a uod opportunity for sub renbing term 3 o r niun m we hvc received tilt m- i r ibs jnuary ntl of this little monthly ttio plate wbieb accompanies the number is worth a year subicriptiorj the printer of the british whig ia tbc ajeat in kingston terms 1 per annum yr we rcjgrvt to team that the hon hend joseph kimbtr died hero nn sturday last after a tang ilhtcsa ho waa called to ihe legislative rotmeil by wit of summons dated 4th septem ber m iunrrr t tlctatd to all whom it may concern hekea3 no person is as vet authorized to collect accounts due the statesman fur any period beiwrcn the 4ih nov is36 and iho 27th sept 1813 tho subscriber until further no tice cautions all person ftim nhnc ryrmtuuf iii nitaauii l luwen jl it- uowtft or any other peiann wm harris kingston 1st january 8l3 the following papers wiil nleasegivo the above thrrn insertions and acrid their bills to the subscriber ot kernptvhlo vfs hrratdi jfettfanj vhronithy kingston the chrcnidt and intelligencer betu- vilte tin i7ir cobovrp the gautte port hope the vhronirh ptterboro the pvtriot exttmintr tmdmirrcr toronto gazette attd jottrnttl hamilton the in yttirer london the buthuryt courier- btffoun gatof- cornuill xserrermon trtat transcript and quebec gazette the broekvilu recorder will instrt until forbid ive load yoa ouly ihr queen appeared at evrj period how hi gracious majesty wrn in public hc n and how her royal consort okd and of osr ar thui too iahuou agchesabtoalifl t6chl a wateiloo from indms land vast newvve brought ive tofr of thr chinese wbo thought to tfjjvc the outiant out by lld- tng back their teas in louis court and its iiitriors tvc taen n ailem pevp when all the royal househol were slumrxrirvg fai asleepi of russia autocrat aw surely told ihe truth of outcast spam nf mcvxcof texas in its youth where every roguish vjibid and cuitiroat vil lain goes knosring that rascals rule ik stau am ihrrc an mrvt oo face a new taicrc ik llourc daulima eve weeks ago a dealer purchased two horses from s npdi n in the vicinity ul u freestone one uni- i j was srorth tvrcntyrjvc pounds more than the other the dealer rcuucslcd the gcntlctuan to put the extra sum upon the inferior nag observing il would be advantageous to him ai ik bad a person ia h minds eye who would purrbaac him i ihr gentleman readily acceded a short period aacr wurda the inferior itorse was returned as lame the dealer ia the meantime having sold ihe lower priced baraa far a large profit tenders for a new model of the w j clapps pitent cm iron proof steam fotrn forge bacjcs rjiili inventor and patentee of thia new and useful invention offers them to the trade aa bctu tbe best iftos fosol backs for durability that were ever jet inverted they are in use tn the united states navy yard washington city district 1 brooklyn navy yard shop charleatown navy yard n y- siato and a great many ett in the city of montreal ami quebec h strip yards they may bi aeeo io opperatiun at mr mains imn foundry and machine ihop near the government offices kingston w j clapp inventor vlcntcc and rmprielor for provinces of lower anl uprt canada kiugston dec 1 2th 1343 nton cljppt adrijn cioit wjirruuiu j j a swan lrof john frost mutton mmichutl liiniiiisipiiivi the isrlor svlph enrarcd by itawiik the arm chair and child fancy dresses composing differ ent nations ballroom scene qoiag s shipping buying a dress ancient fsshions vaae fvmcrs and fin the most beautiful ptslc ever presented in a periodical contents original ton child dancing sonnet by misaad woudbridcc higtidays at halidajvi tile ltnjk land the pine the awakened heart the ann clair song by hortman too conscientious in dance the uainbow by moonlight sketch of pvns by a parian a childs thought hie frrnehand english kitchen ttc old man in the graveyard wourning for ajr amnel hy mrs h oaks smith harry clinton tha child and the sea shell i tho english lakes and wads wsnh song the husband snd hi wife mlic csantcss nyschricm snd the hsndsumc artift a tfoht my grsndxiimhers bracelet slanxaa freri cwiir autumn muairttr 1ic dcepdrsw er my mother the mandetficlds life mure unjcrnralh uie lattice love a serenade bditot tsbtt ediutis bcik tabic 1 numbers jr subscribers in kinjptn willirriec in a few day terms 3 per annum soksetipuont received by the subtctiker jt lit otuct of ihe bnttis wuro robert r smiliv k j airy 1st 1811 the buk of british xflrtii avehfclt hhancm n ill grant draft it 10 days sight on hie hranchos of the natioool bank of scotland aberdeen airdli aosirutncr baoa bathgate catfle douglss dalkctth di rig wall duutfnes dundee fituik ferrra fort william galaahielf viz ncqutred cataraqui bridge friile imtopklktorsof tho cat grauloivn howirk inverness nov mbh3 invetaryi mar irdhurg kebot kirkaldy kirkwall langholm leilh montrose naiin oban perth pmttee tirltng stormwsy buomnea thomas askew v rarjui kridm bridge of tyler imd his lu because the little in brauvv head hes tyta wrw tnsjde 1 oti bm next cleclbo hell not t sjreh i have thitspeceh came fut bllle from a btiemtjjb extwaoaiisav on saturday the hth inal whilo jamca rnkine jramekeepcr to n forbes m p of csllcndvr sraa innting on the dcnovsq cslite two snipes rose air taking the rifflit the other the left direction th of which he inimcdiitcty brought down his jo toon after made a dead stand when two birds ioac a hsre at tbc same lime started from ita den he deilemus eve of lite soorumap catching one ilia birds and the bare in a straight hoc nrcd alien both fill and then wheeling on hia heel imiubt down tbe oilier bird also stirling jour rssl wesleyan missions in rriiknual pride a tyler evn ocutdu vou the earl if si etc flmht of the and often times fve brcht to debate of what your men in patsninl w ute of every oun concrmu jou with notlmng in disguise proclaiming who a lrai wasr who waa just and wise far am tell and raiac the voice of lod who strove to sell your righui who in ihei uansjent fetter snd rut dwn pen every breath of laalty u peoroc crowtl did iht daitshnwutc refuse all truth u disdain gainsi those power would aid to the annual sermons in behalf of the wmeri missiokahv sociktv will he preached in ihe bjutish wwlevan cnakt on sunday the 7ih inunt tc sermon at hilf after 10 oclock in the moraine by the rev john c davidson or kevmricbeya m thai in the emug by- ihe rev doctor uamj president of queens college unitrer sitv service tcumnrer u gocfcck the amkivxbsakv mcctiko will be held m ou aame chpel an monday the 8th inslintf te commence al 7 oclock the important interests connected wilh the missionary enterprue will be brought before ttic meeimg by several reverend and lay gtauil a collection trt aid of the societys fundi will be rrudeal each service kingston january j 1814 dog foond i followed the subscriber on saturday itist from kingston to uananoque a scotch colley dog the owner nuy oblaiq him by paying ex- pens tfaciiwall tiling resolved that the llridjie ahall he rencwcj hereby ufler a premium of fifty dollars fw the beat mnjel for the new bridvro ami thirty dollars for the second heat mojel of the aaitie ihe modeu to be delivered at the ofiice of the gridpe company opposite the commer cial hank on or beforethe 29th day of january next at 12 oclock noon specifications and cst of the isritlge to accompany the modeltlio liridce io be built of oak timber upon 35 atone pier already laid down the length of the bridge is 1630 feet by 31 feet wide also notice is hereby given that the an- nual meeting of the tockhouicrs of the caturqui bridge will ho holdeu on monday 29cidav of january is14 at kingston at the ollicc of the cutara- qui bridge company opposite ihe cum mcrcial banlcot 12 oclock noon fm the purpose of fleering directors for tho ensuing year according to law arid transacting other business the annual accounts fr the past year will be then and there submitted for the inspection of the stockholders- thos qaassup secretary sr treovurcr ft fl c cataraqui bridge ofiice kingston 30tli dee 1s3 dissolution- tphe partnership heretofore existing in kingston and fort henry up per canada between challvy 6i co is this day dissolved by inuiual consent all claims against the firm to be pre sented to the undersigned robert howt son for adjustment within one month from date mary ross for the late james boss robert howison benjamin chaff ey beauharnoia dec 12th 1s43 1 3m just received the london lllusirateu newa the tjnes x yjprxfenvear rliaal l8uv t tor sale by the subcltlters eas comprtaint lun powder hy- on youni jiyaon and twanky in boxes and caddie muscovado sugjr iu bbts malaga raiain in boxes ciguia- havanav principe and half spanish jamaica spirtta in hhda a choice article old kation rum do dn lakes huron imlario while fuh inbbu a ulfdo american cheese onondaga liveiponl salt bright soapktrnii in bbla venetian red do 1750 b superfine fine coarse flour ossrego brauda shorts bran stationary couaisttng of firolscap rul ed and plain deed paper pott and su- perfiue large sc smul voat vatnr lime ground plaster a lot of black vvnut maple and cherry becuteads plain and pautiellcj a ftplendtd bronze lamp chug watt kingston 15th iv 1s13 the best ehflelltsiied weekly journal is the london pictorial tltteg a highly mltrtawrjfj famii for sale ot no 2 in the 1st cnnceshm s iv green point well known a stmnhms panr in the thwtishipof s phiuahuig and uimitct of frinco ed wurd containing c60 acres os of which are under cultivation thia very valuable and extensive fntm ia situutcd immediately on tho wa- tcra edge on the bay of q unite and six miles only from the flourishing towu of inclori attached to the farm is a good simp a substantial wharf and a large and commudioua store huusa hrce mo ries high thia fine property from its command ing position ia well worthy of the atten tion of the merchant or farmer and will he sold at public auction at the auction rooms of mr james linton kingston without reserve on the aixtecnth of feb ruary unless previously disposed of by piiatc sale teims low for cash for lailiculara apply to mcaara for syth 6c mutcubury solicitors kingston kingston dec s 13 1hvo tor sale ftcehom new rouhcast two swy houiesiteatcil io union slteel near the link wanton lot 24 ami in sight at tbe par- lianintl hoitst each eontainin seven room for further particular enquire of the ytoptl etor on the premises richard jokes knston nov w 1843 government nblll be sold by au i j nu i sal ih i nrv il u eiiitn u kfsllrilvt wai is sf hut lurgo driok itrildlnn atid outohices belonging tu llie nancedenartmeni kuowu on the matt- oid tss svn hoee near tho block ilnuse no 5 saktotoke place nt ii ucluck in the forouim on llic premises terns cash the malerials to he ro- moved within one month from the day of sale or will be forfeited j linton q a ktnpton 2sth december 1s43 m private tioardivo house rs hilton begfl t irilimate to her friends and the public crenor rilly that she can accommodate yhimijs men with board ami lodging at the fml oottaco from lho vetr ofbce and iiemdhot in blrwrji a4lfwf fllildeji where she hopes to make nil comforta ble and to meet a mire of public ftvor kingston nov 28 1s43 3i94 jlbt hhceived for salr at the new grocery store v jl i h ccs s stslcst kairels cider 50 do whisky neap for cash t- murphy kingston december lolh 1s13 100 cli s government notice baled tenders will be re ceived at the commissariat ofiice kingston until noon on monday the 8th juuaary next from persons willing to eupplj ww lbs mould tdiiow candles t six to tie pound rote third long sixes and twothird short sixes in boxes of fifty vtmuih to tbe uiot the candles to bfi rf fjood odor rf not idn dun one months manufacture and to be of the beat quality and subject lo approval the deliveries to be made into tho commissariat stores at the contractures expense t as toiioms ks00 ibsoritho gihjjnuary 1si4 200 lbs on tho 20th fehruaty 1844 4000 caoa the sotu aiirtlj 1844 store to let he retail part of the lately occupied premises by mr icortoc ros comer of ijagot and princes streets and directly opposite the lamb- ton house being a first rate stand for any retail business rent modeiate enquire of rod ross kingston 19th dec 1343 s000 lb the rates per pound to be mated in currency and the siffudltm of two responsible persons are ul be attached to ihe tender as sureius fur the due per formance of auch contract as may be entered into payment will he made in mexican err united states dollars at 5a id cut rency each commissariat kingston s9th dec 1s43 i wit clirftrielr nai hraul strayed came into the farm of the subscri ber on or about the 20lh of october two cows tho one an old black a while cow tho other a threu or four year nd red white cow the owners may have them upon proving property ami paving expanses colin macnap 2nd conccsaion township kingston dec 1015143 c government sale a t the custom house stores outa- rio street on wednesday the 3rd january will be sold by auction with out veaeive 133 boxes condemned mould caudles sale at eleven oclock thomas gueeh auctioneer kingston 22nd dec 1843 new route to hew york vyi3tr arrangement for sew york m ffffdern ami ltaiatiifa kailroads fair tttbocgh i passengers by this route vnfl leave the western railroad dcfrik at east albany every morning sun duvs excepted at 5 oclock and proceed to bridgeport without change of cars or baggage thence bv the new and eloftadt steamboat eureka copt j l fiteh atrivlng in nttw york tho same eveniog at 6 oclock pasaengera leave albany a4 atwl e albany at 5 am a i1mhj trulrf will leave daily at i oclock a- m sundaya ejupted k b mason sek arnold nelson mfpa albntty decembers 1s43 tflrosso ifcnilaod sa4ra lunuf3 ssaausv honthbal fife lift arj lalind ktv iriliti ruanraaca company is agent forthu institution tb subscnber gives notice that he ia prepared to receive proposals for insu rance againat luss or damage whether arising from fiur or from the perila of ltn navigation upon the terms specified in the cstabliahcd taiitts of the company pnmosals may be addressed to the subscriber at the lake river steam siuttllllte orrl at tho foot of stoie or princess street fir at ids residence corner of iving and arthur streets john macaulay kinpton may soth i8i3 4 n- b- dutlog the absence of tha hon- john macauley tho subscriber will attend to the duties of the above agencv at tho kteun hnat office w meneilley- commercial whnif uthdtttl3t s m to highly a l v rsvwa- f j ctriy sateadav price oirence stamped cvautdinf aidrs 30 beautiful enraviiaao wood tha lstrst la- tlliancs aatl a gieai siciv of lutcrsstinf in fer nation the llltfetratioris of rsj ptcroarsl trstt sr of tha mii finihaj deft i pages are coctood in or i i tod iba woik irsplayssutha vanciv vf leguca thst it bss wn uaivarsatlv pronouj one 0 in9 gnodcd k his vt man t of lutrnal liicraiuri iao pictorial ttttt admoahlr smtad for a family nowspa per m it cuaifti inauutijaacv ofeotsruimafi iflforwaiw aiwitiun to a room complstc itvcufj orvo4t news ami imrlv my rejects alt arttclas llui t 4 to of luipropmiy fawl 7 6 rafw ul adfaasmi sop wtiolosala or tail by tt ti 1 kmili geo nll nstvaoaoce simmonds ft co ousts ion arrar kcceivkdand foh5ale casks cider j a prime article low for cash d f campuell kingston commercial wharf just 100 dec 86th 143 id furs furs furs cash paid for shipping puts at tl store of william wilson ipthfagfon buildings kingston dec i9th 1s43 notice ame into the euclosuro of the bib- acribcr iu the early part of las fall a white heifer theowncrta requested to prove properlypay charges and take her away john mclennan pim 20th dec 1s gift for the holidays 0st received pitca is 6j a double 11 lustratcd num br of the brother jooathin let and immediate tosskssion given raille afartmen is situated over the auction rooms of thomas gnttft ksq- king slreet together with the ptivilego of the yard in rear the whole is well adapted for the resi donee of a private family for particulars apply to thomas qftgkft jiaq oh the premises or to the proprietor james morton kingston 21st nov 1s43 loynachan i mcmillan wholesale fr retail grocery liquor v pttowsiox store opposite tt ralxeai srrothxcsar esrs loynachan at mcmillan respectfully intimate to the community of kington and the surrounji ntihborijood thai they have tented that stare latrly occapi- fd by mr murray wheie they will alwayi av r on hand an astfntmtnt of ihe beat gro ceries liquors ami provisions which they will sell at low ptice messrs loynachan mcftlillao hope tha hy strict attention to busioetsj tbey will merit a in- 1 the public pjhflitazf james loynachan donald mcmillan kirtgiton 6th dec isu ubscrlber al h h gillespie co ave recriveil tin av llieir superior stock if enstish anl ficnch merinoer cossmusjanil piitcoitacloth jrlialabad fir- hiti versailles strines single and two colorg ivrsian cloths and china cbman dfvsscs all at vry low places notice impounded by the s barriefield a dark brown hokse which will bo sold in fifteen days from this date unless previously claimed and damages paid james medley pound kftptt barricfielildec 17th is43 5000 wanted at tiid new grocery 8tobe i- in cess st k sit hubels ryo sooo bushels barley 5000 do com for which the highest market prices will be paid io casii goods t murphy kingston dec 10th 1s43 o j y t v- v tctk r jlst opened at h gllltarw co lambloo build- inj coiner ol piincessanl bagol street their rich stock of bonnet ltibhoru french bonnet and cap flowers black and crlorci ostrich fnalhert evening tloeveuiog flow ers ahj head dresses kington nov 14 1813 city store caruuthers begs leave to in- foun the public that he has bougtit the cilfftu dairy of mr david havmt if oauanoque well kuowuastho best iu the country the cheese mado this season amount ed to 15000 lb and will be kept con- lisaat llftt 9 white hsh k few barrels nfihia very superior article on hand also a few bartclspala seal oil for sale w il t hunter ship chandler ontario streu kingston dec 13th 1343 for sale t ots no 18 19 in the 10th coo township of rawdon victoria distiict lot no 14 in the 2d con township of georgena dtstricl lot no 10 in the 10th con rich mond midland district- together with 3 soveral parcels of lot no 17 broken front fnai con on second rnnge of the townahiivof richmond midland lii iiict apply to tf oarforestar i mcyr i una

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