British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 19, 1844, p. 2

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pomkrovs think iwat termination of tlll kwlmohfllliaftv amtn nv iiil m u mi cs im iikjimis mciinret the full pailicnlntsol hie discovery cf ih uuik lakcnfrnm lf steamboat clira while in the iic5scvnu ol copp the arreni ol fimrny co theanesiof bcriot laehner the jjermau who had stolen it wa published in cu paper of yesterday and he day picvioi since his arrest he has hern cnrtjlnrd in nnr of ihc cells on the second tin or tin- city ili and ha apppcaicd very moody and l joi late holding no conversation with 4ny wh not even ihc topett afier the nri am imprisonment f hi wife nn saturday she communicated o ihe mayor ant justice tay lor the i i- i li- her husband bad destroyed all the drafts checks unsigned bank unlcs and olhcr mavailnhle papers liy fanning them ru he more of their apailraeut at 32 rivinjtni street the house was immediately searched and on scraping ihe chimney hrlnw the pfcw toe ihecinjers of the unsigned nnlesof the ii- j ink amounting to i3h0 were ln found and ako those of thy p4tarll the wt- frano of the note were c sdy iracol on lh cinder itrpparent sometime in common newpnf uiint this confirmed her stale- mem and it is therefore apfaretil tlial nonf ol the check or drifts have n cu iisof or intended for trie the cell in which lachncr is eonrtne1 was opened rmt 4 oclock hy kep r falorr of the piifron to admit oinc peisnn who hid krh sent by the maynr it was immedi tel tfstn cd and at about icn minutes mure 5cm k juiieetybuwhn had concluded the arr h the fvn rr in rt tinton sttret returned to the prison to make me enquiry from fh- ftrni when the cell door waa opened mil iftllir horror andastonishmeid of the keeper iitil ji ii nresni the unfnrtunair man wasfonid su pen led by the nerk hy hi hand kerchief whirl kc hail tied ta alick dnd pliml kwf ih foot of hi bunk which ti rjtiiel on onu end the elevhon ol the hnttv in this nation cani- h hit feea to totwh the ffuilrrm which he hb ud under hun and bis r were ihgbfy drawn up finding it impoctihlt to umie the knot around hi neck it hein a 1ip nonse nd drawn fajt keeur r im uied him up wftifo tho htnilkerehief wu eui i twjin and ihr ho- dy lowarm dnwn when it wm icrrlaiiiel thai life appetred otlinct hi brel mid abdomen were qiita warti a keeper was immediately ilecjteha for a phr iciaa and relumed almost instantly with dr sickle rf thetorner of centre and leonard ftteets he fell mi ptilse and prououoccd him dead coroner ftlivfot wa then catted in when lie itompted rotan tn respiraiimi ly the ntff bellows apptif to one of the nostiilsefinfi ihe mouth and other nostril tn le etoed a slight contraction of the wa apparent on th fiotpurtof ihe hallows into the limp ifcjvifr of which was ferttd hck hy gentle prenre of the hand on hii nrcatl hui repiratinn iril not srnuccd a looking uvs ws phced tver s meuth hai no moisinre casaptiiireiitoii it ill vi kjiv foils jtv in limn- stuiii riter ni d at uital v jde a fine fit an i hfprkhti4i mt eaeerlui ei ifwaji mmiii ut imi ill m- the ii 11 pjietrtiimr uuw to the s mh lrs in jtv itoelv minliitns lsh hii liiethr ptrttrii o ce fr ttficiion to he ereetod at oi ncajl uh muth of tin- cniiiiitia nver will uh hh 4sl adllmtis tie prfi deit to ppninl lw additional indun aenn romietuitnl ihe intvrest with the united sijics tvilh anv liisjii tir tet n jiiv jrney now i ll hin d hy law tfilrj ol itecnts left ldark s well al the appunation to rit the iintktont v ihll till into rlfril- ii a tit he irflif tws 1i115 synopsis that this full enthral rs a cmdcte affanixjlmul for the territorial prctfmmi oi itie oiejtvn cmnity there k however vhl impniinl mnisspon in lis iro visions this omission foi liaee been pun ojy mie for ihe pnrmmo it merlin ihe cummirenrv in ihc iiiosisioiiit of hetieaty which stilt eaists heuveeii hit united ntates ilui knlai with fratd ic the trtii- loiy m question itv ilul ltea1y neiisicr rruiilif can incroch ujmn the ktsrtit ni- lion in whieh the irrrtorv is held hrlueen utffn will nut eivinc the other notire nf its in lv i ik fjjj we r t wuu t ulowil rm itir ihc ntto ircuml mlt withdrawal does h t ihii tward mu a f l- 1 l kaerulm hnri f nak dnl u4um i etil matiuvori tlferkul aenintinii vtrttbilly rnrrenctrrd tnii nmiit w h vir iiiifimttil i and rf n i tm tin i it uiim reti il rih tiiih nliie tneir hanh the fatagativi u iln i it m toj dniy in numt tin mump nrrd rii- peine iplv of hi 1 ii lirveroiornt hd nomnneeium milh tlwt proeoeihnff jlif umi pliliripta ti lir jiiijii to in hi umi the la culivi timiiji it i mipmnr and the intiiuro ni re lead in uv h mu ul a pirly- ij i hlrel in sipftihif id itio if von wipjwv liujviil nirtrof ih lulrw- mition and aivlini tw kxmuttt tml nhieh ii the tiiirrv lam ahuys jiniiin gl i fwnd a peaii of if- ponije covenimenl prjetieitlv rjaldphel in lint vrotljt ftnd 1 haw iridritvhirnl torttrrv it m i n lorfiilipe t the pnldir u in fit 1 h dt jdhfc to ho oahk euri und irut ui i nun tlnnd ik lteenlivi vmn eil attd ihe truvincial laidatu and with liiintcmlfiri jmj rnj jiiw im dl ns i inty ufolf mieettslu and ichii toiujirill-thi- cnlcil of tlr fntijif and tfmwtumf pernfif and in a un iaitgrl jouin of yom kxcelteucyn ad tiro dteasuici af it aic m- th ii t tfi mi ill ih1 llll ol iitill iiviritiip iii m t led ojertlonav thecnpeiiiiarit i urestinj ihr jwomniiff id w crown noin q ns reircsentatite mdaotllc htkhhj by any public man rt- sfnnimc to lheiilcof nora scoma who enlerlaiii a just timate of coustitulimial ttivernment lud r r p r that piroauve a himv asiheir rv immediate priviles i irver wib to wi it ntlarkci and will he round foifmost in ludelmccil insaded ami i ieret that the coeiculkus discharge of a pnmicdiity rtniv have occasioned sneh an idea nmhit rehit nee t sustain and defend prnlited hy this ptlnttjif woutd mrly par- tieipatr in ihose counsels whu h w re to inllu- enre iti disuittitimi the ifrsie fur what hi called part y gn vemment jian itunrn in this 1ioviucc owl ol rireurnmanrcs ovfl which nrilher your fxrel- i r v nor myselt have t mucti coalrok for vcverat year ynnr lam hip was called npon rilmoat weekly by the friends snd ipportns 01 ymir piecrnt awinrs to ihmisv irom youi nunc i the lew liprrsertatirr hich the irirfiinly of lb- aseinhty hl there an ul- lerfynihers hei claimed a party jovern- inent foi iwo reasons first bcciie they be lieved that ih r uhiiavc vur lnrdsldp hut hollow support fared ciirilly well wilh tliusc an a miintmeot ol a ccntlemjn who has nevet i who sustained ihe admimslr chceilnlly sought thesitflia o the people when others land secondly t circumstances to which mb jui4iu i tn ll i rpi i i v j hpif tht ltrilnli kim tut i re ar eoejieited to sk renewed assurance of llicii cnnfidencc wiikii eemed to disrrpaid ihe clrtns of many whose political support foj years lias bfeii piven to guveinnenl and in me of wlitnn irh maik of dilinrlion havoheen almost iirejrvicd should subject me tenlton lot one year in mliance it this mouhl be uwcd ley congress the bunhs vote dead the attempt h1 nspifjtion wsenntinned w ihe aid of lr swcenv who was called i nit rl in- tie waff then pronounced nd the closed by uiii time the maytr had arrive anil under hisdirectinn the wife or lite unfortunate man tn whom he had been lut rrce tly manic wprivalejy re moved from ihe prison wilhuul ihc awful lid- lues beiir comfiminieatcil tn her we iviee oo rfotam thai if a warm ah had wa ia eadincs and klfol id men ejled in at once the lili nf tbi nufortunte rnau miht have jecn restored although it ii limffr- ti v ionic ho had been slspcrwiad hefnii nie cell wis opened lie wa a very stunl lffll ami e tnsiv a a do paatl anil hlecfrfk he wji hi ehesl very full tjre noi uiaeii1ii ftre iii kvrchier had heen drawn so tijflit atnuud hn neck ai to rause a ride an inrh in width thil was qute black when he waa cut down no ppri were found in his pockals rvini otphinaliofi of his crime or intended suj- any tide 0te thine is certain however from this ha had no accomplices in the olvncc for which he wjs arrested or he never wmnm hae destroyed himself thus ias ended id most singnfar aftair some twcnliaritieaof wdiieh we shall iefer tomorrow rnaw york herald extra jiuaij- u jsj4j hatvspeeified he filled iiji and the l iidcij diiceled in organize a ovciiiiih1 at cncc il nimld be his july in exerntmn id vie ihralj between thi nuntiy an cniani well as in nhedienie to the public viee ol iht nation to reiothe tilt at icai until ihe pivisios ul the tiaty hadhent rarrinl into rfleet as te zmi the twelve months untire u are jrf inadcd hfiwrvt i that tin mnf i ment in ihe ou and the dehne and motennwt in the senate upon the ainr subject have all a coin iiion oiim uiit is they aie supffoitrd hr the ptjor or phsil int idnicat ext itmenl in fe wstem salei upon the sutject of the then tciitory and ne have not the slight est ioum that whenever the lime comes uhen ctinn will he necesuiy if le hiken that the western country from north in senth will act s one man upon this point they will efiim ihc whole of lhal tcrriinrr in opposition to all the claims pui forth by firtat britain andlhey wh ri ef 4rmis take posiessin of it tf thej aio not allnned to o o peaccai v fitr is tl in itie power of any kupean iroveremviit to prevent inch an event lafeiltf place sooner or lter the weifcrn slates of thi country are increasing wllh 1 rapidity far beyond atl pre redaiil thm now forn a mihty nation of themselves rhev are itl msaa0ltl of on ol the iealet vallov in the umveii indeed were ii p sstble we shonjd bare to en to nuo llier pjmel in tins symem to hud sin h a cun hy as the valley of the m aiippi present to the sun overs day that fie uses jjorti ihe east we he j r of indoian and ieima of eiit ami n china hut all thse eoiuunrs are tulle when rimpaieif with the magnificence eviv iminl of view which irsnls itself in ihe l h y of the mitsippi they within their own lunii contain a population eqti to the whiv u pillio i ol lie hise t ihia day in the cnitii s il ihe united sates they ate now for the tirst lime hejimuii to feci tltrjl ower and eveiy additional deeeunul census wil onty irtcreatr that power ii a tfenmelneat proihitiian sueh hin he rase we have no foqbt that tin whole nl the riujuuv tu rjns tinn wtialv r be the claims nl he llrilish eoveroineni will eveniiall ii iti pfaseaioit of the people of the western states it is a uia aa llial iaikotm fidlow the ihl in 111 feteail time jtl ihse novements f 7orrm ive are niimcd have no nnme i ir uiii niioi rh uuesliiui or aie iniinj ed iflllicitw nnpihuieiil in the way nl tin ne- ffifiaiistij mhieh t inttit to le nined at svliritclnn hi h vm lentsm ffnu tlcum tuty i si k i l i pose o jitesidential eeelniieeunc dnrmj the oe cummer ih mill any other ec1 j aitj ih i hi point of view we do not ppn bend rilhor ilihiuiy or raner crowing out ol ibriis rev ywk eiofcf tbe r pnmense relteni v x h i i nova scotia owiii i- llris lompleic the mrr- nhicli has pasd tetue n ijiska lord falkland liecjti fiosrntvr ul tu an hie i uilimii sliluve s- rrde triiin hi 0uicil tlir qiestioii al ia tie ill icrnainc us il stands nntil the mcetinf of the a sat inhl j i hamfaxi 27th december s11 to is eicttittitf me uewtmnu gwxr of jnutu st of a y 4v 4c ic v hate ihe honor of aelmn nlm temg tti c re eeipl f vniu rxcellenry com miotic alien c the 25lhnst ml addressed tn messis llowe m nv and intscf on the subject of our ic sinaiinn ol seals in the f to which yum firejienry was pleased to eleeatc us on as snmin the cioveinmenl of this province- when i lendeed my resignation to your ftcejtency j anticipated that i mijbl he re nnired to defend that sep in the assembly and r bavo preferred a coune mr ron- fcnial to my feeling than a iciiiien in wiitiiiir not likely io pfoiluce benaat to ihote enuaied it hut th cous adapted he your et- eelleney co pels mo to odcr respectfully a few ot servations te riehl nf the fientenant governor in ihe etruise of ihe itovxl hremcatiee to call to hs toinrils whoiutoeve he mar deem ehffi nte i have always admitted andslill reeo ajixe to ihe fitllrst extent i it if a iemio that power anv meuiner of bis council is convinced rhat a policy is ptiisued hy which the govern ment is aeikend his ujcfuns imiaicd or political reputation haarded i am of opinion hal hervmtesei ihe eonslilniionjl piivilee of w ilhirawm fmm resnoncirnlity which he has not necn mlufnentjl in crealinaud is unwil fin to aseiimt more paitieulily aa the lieuenjiil gnvcrnor is now cloihed with mwei in dismiss public offiters whether of fimoi ot euotyinein if the jolicy of the couo lit deuiand it for some time pieviont io the departure of yam kicellenr v ptdecetot a tarjnr pnilim nf ih p oid of ihi olnoy had preiieil o iir adnnnistiaiion ol the ovemroenl moe in irenrdaoce with ihrir iniereati and leehnjp to hi wrr ojipid a numerous and in fluential hov whose opinions were eprssct k a ii inorits in the aiemhlv ail almost tin first duty tthttn u at to wik ill ihe iarem state of le aasmmj he died a i evolve on your ftcelenrs dns principle vanlionrd n t and approved hy majouiy to accnphah whnb yvn out rner urobuirial frtrarta to such an iniriihilioii tnit f oiiit notwi ih sundiii repeat uhal herelnfore has been ikk rjutiotied the coi4iut tonal tfht of retiuu horn a ioveimneni whrn unprepared anl nnwtluur todend lis acts the judicious cs- rcise nf which pivdene ssill h tested hy the increased or duninahed confidence of ihr prtplc i haitlltc hrtnorto be your exceiency otedieitt sevsut james b ckmcxe mi ifnwc will he ohlicd hy mers en tfflss andkiacknat puuisliiiig ihe enclosed letter iht previous p nf the correspondence bavin appeared inlne gaz tie ftalirtt december 2c 1s43 m l0fe havin at vcy y p- sicrifices dremer it n dufj rein into your lorj ship hand the ohv ihem i ws prefired to defend he course i had taken on the fioni of ihe assembly at- to men the objections which mifht thrre n ujed oy your excel- leneys advism i eptsinceof those who imiti ultimately deede on toe t ami propriety of my convict- tnt i believe tb constitutional eifl of idjuiin such point a are now at issue between n a departure frem il has elstwkre prodjced emharrass- ment and may fctf ccunphcate what srems to be a very simple r jfttion futthei cones pondence i feat n a0w 1 pood and mint thrmo oler few ostcrvation upon ihe utter o the 2o wita which 1 have just heen honored when t consent ulteaieai in ihe ee- entire council the ariy with whom i acted formed aconsidebn assembly whirh mjority was ot weakened by the elec tions of 1840 tin renilemcn during ihc three years i sal in the council were repre sented at the bo v iispsat a short limeby farec mm lvltpjojrft iheircon- fidtnee their opp minorily in the house haiprfurfnt this time iir repiesen- taliwa in council t inequality ftf sour lotdship knows proceed much tyiu1icuou ion the line v ntaithlandiiij which by h ex mejonly of them wire rallied to x steady luppoiltothe to- vernment this wdori because their tea der were aniioua t0 ft majestys i need not refer had created the impression that tbe council was not only dividn upn imjioilanl public qtiihn hut lhal some of its members enlcilaincd lor each other no eery friendly feelings i nave never akcd and do rol now desire a party roveinmenl formed of nul one interest to ihe exclusion of ilotlieis but it doc ap- lear tome that i should lie heller to lorm a texig government nf eiiifemen representing diftvrent iuleicsl and ditlerei sectiors of the country but aretiu- upon conmon piinciple and ctiiiiiiion measures awi secure of a jool wolkinaj majoiity in the assembly rather than to attempt hy wy eaercisc of the preiogalise fo bind men toother who daie but fea pri vate or pialic tic and uhn cannot falf to weaken any goyerument by the absence of that i s i i peisonaj influence upon society and pitmie opinion which ihe members ol ihe council should steadily evert and without which tney cannot expect upjort either in iahiameui or ihrnujjhout the country to mr ajmon personally i have noobjec- liett his elevation to the legislative council 1 should and have opposed but ynnr lord ship opinion ol hi political position differ wideh from mine mr atmnu supported the last administration which was of a decidedly exclusive party characlrr and whatever he may have said in the few bief public oerva lions he made from the hustings he voted and acted with the minority in thi township against mr- mcjnab a member of he government and wilft those who have incessantly demand eil a party uoeernmenl based on a representa tive minority mr almona parly connexion and opinions were ihen sufficienllr decided but i had oi be objections i did nut think il wile in making an appointment in the exe- cutree council umler the present system tn pats over the members of both blanches of the legislature afdlpaitin in favor of a gentle- man who had never represented any consti tuency ami for no rta ver public necessity than his relationship to mr johnston that 1 did consider thn lhne member nf council who had opposed the dissolution with their iriemls in the were in a tmsi- iion to enable you in erry nn your pnyein- ment without mi- johnston your lardslip may lernember- that i did not insist on hi dis- rrissal proeed hy the fact of my consenting bsere with him though i net el atempled in conceal irom your kxcelicney lhal some chaiieor motlilhalionof the council might be forced upon the executive hy the assembly w hat nuehl have been mr johnslon opinion slo the proprirly of letamin- my service had alter he 1 mi- witiuil am rf your loiolnpis aware induced mr lloie also in reinain in council ami ineel the as- setnmy but i had no experhiliot when i did this that the liberal patty neie to weak ened ami the opposition paily prnpoltrcublj strenthriied by a new appoiiitmenl hi almonds opinion on a parly council i have learned fur the firt timr from yui lutil- hips btter having never before beald ol the declaration yonr ouhii refer tn mi ahmm pohtiial ofumoii weie wv ei ulllcieniiy manifested a hit llabfax kleclion and although i would not be umlei- vtnnd as entctlainin any peisenal oj clion tn him i am convinced that bis pergonal elevation will ho far from acceptable am would have rendered it impossible to reconcile the liberal paris in the assembly toa found i so con- stiucted i may however he mistaken in m phigmenfi nj if yonr lordships pu sent adei set can command a majority in ihe house il will approve the wisdom of your lmdslups choice hut whatever ihc event ny be j will not regret the step i have taken because i ferl that i could not otherwise have preferr ed ihe confidence ol the people which i hither to erjoyed nor of those with whom i navi generally acted in the assembly i beg to renew to your lotdship the ftt ranees of my personal lespect and tin honor to be your lordship most obl servant jame5 mcnab hi excellency the lieul governor cwc british whig opifer par orbam dicer kingston frioay january 1 j8 fiofrrnminl their ml assistance in canym i nfj n eonidflt ol a majority 1 eflnnol mi anew and adrajgroti system of admin- iitraiiou in bnlivli a nenca and brciise ihe relied on the pe sydenham and benieiiltc excellene thai a nfpertuhihtj otfeffi lbe inequality ahoiili rnliewd hi krmmcbtit i would im nmrh like to hold a rat ly so frail tenure us the moderation of those hy whom ho is sustained my belief is that an erroneous iuipremon hi been made fj j upon your lommip mimt both as to tbe com- occupation of the oregon tcihsl- kll tuk iiiin imtr of a taroftil iioseasuext we have before a enpy of ihe bill intm- doced irpto the house of representatives on ll 4lh inathy mr- hughes for the oaiuaiiinn of a leriitorial jrnvernment in ihe oregon terri tory a this subject i exciting a sttcal eree of mention boli in ihis counliy and in euroie and a this bill if passed in i pfe- wt shaite will doubtless involve very irnpse tasjl censerjiences we present to our readmit iht wowm- tract nf its provisions it ttonlaiu i 1 t lauses or sections namely jt this clause pinpttses that from and ter a day to b herealter inserted die counirt wilhiu trie following boundaries hall crwftl tnle a territory fur ihe purpose lenin- rary novetuntenl by the name or oregon ail ihe territory lying ires of the mfnjtri rteer mf iviiiin of north latitm nod test pflhe 6tvy rmounuina and no of ihe boundary tine netwten the united stale and texas and cbo over in territory mm- priiiur the fiocky mountains and ihc cr uniry belweeo them and the pacific ocean soum of m degrees 4 rriiu nnith latitude ami nora ol th 42d destee of north litiiudc 21 frovidcs for the appoiniinsnt of a 0 vernonalhe id territory who shall reside west of the rocky mountains 3d- provide for the appointment of a fv- eretaiy who shall also teside west of tlie rocky mountain 4th define ihe duties of the secretary mi- pinviuv fnr the establithmeni of court with common law ano chancery jufii- dietions 6th provides tor the adoption of the civil and criminal law of the untied slates till the rwganiation of the general assembly within the territory 7th appoints the governor commander nf the mi i ilia 8th empowers ihe governor to iprynl magistrates and civil officcis previous to ihe oraniation ef the general assembly 9lh directs that when thegnerai av- bly is oraniaed they shall hy an act then power and duties of magistiph otntv if hitron sereml cruirqleil are i n and nlrevly in the fwldrueiheivnniyd llunn itvllfl lljridmao iinpi ri nil f the lirieilim we arc old iiddcl ittc kleetorp in ie im chmi we ftwti il fntaiig adiliei frjn ilul e img ein mnkdof wit ewifrnmiunlpvuiierier r jun lop i r id lt mltpi mh ii ii -e- tlan n tkv ini inlrel i f 1 nl hut elrtr head jnd vignr in iei iiilwr ciinneneie lieaide lhtl ll l il vi4l i rt id anil pniiti uv b adme msy the u lhy writer hv lowjf to ineulu ijih if mniwiifij of per stnir l cj a ii- j cnmi nl an slon4 as the ioejjvfs selected by vourkx cell ucy ronliuied toe p- rate hatnimivusly onfnvnce wi tertl iti that fcajt and mfasari su to the atseiitbk generally carried i wat 4tt in fxcellnry ts await ppel in the isjijntinn nf the assembly 1 conhi nnl pet tet rf ihc itrtjettl necesit of the masiire especially a thai hianch of ihe ivtts latnte had invariaidy ii1ired ynnr eilefen cj i tiwernmenl and sienihed by a vole iheir rate loyally and hold up huinbn to grinmiiug kefll vrrttt ef i- ihtlrut 01 tlttrtn in i- i r isa trarjeewrfcr tstacym mi fitir and nreirsueira i buy e born ealw iijmi by sercnl inltuctunt menibrrfif youi body aaiit li rejesi ihc lionar rf vur npmii i vim kepnxntive in tarlia- tnrnl btn ht jtmt jl i lltocitit it nrervryinexpuin tn yni my opirmoij on p-ihti- calmibjrel bul liavni nniv in t n three years yonr krprrnuiivi nml dunrii up it jtetiod yur ry taring been fixeil upm iwy mdkica eonjncl yea are reilv awanif what my urim try itid it nould lf an tmul ynr eiuiiin m i any ihn m ihv wtbjt ii jl ytnj jrc jutiiv fiedwilh whal f mk ime i thdt feel hippy iain la n-iv- yn t isic yiii u ill df a l itant njuttre in ynr eeasqtiy you rhdlrtn and yur lv tl yu rerrcl nr in lnt eae rmi uht cnnli ence i certainly was iiuconseioi of the council hem openly divided nn the ques tion i iaity liiivcrmnert that irote bavine been diseusnd to my knotedce in the aitem- dy ni mlirr lnuuil mta i cannot believe that opinions have icen eluited fivm the eeple on iht sujri hv tbe leceut elections j admit that individual difleriiis jmbliclv and opeuu dtesiuc lh people on ihse i iffrreece have rnjcavonred to jgain inrluence wilh pirtimfar iimiihn ncies hy esj nusini or deuonnciivr such mtatirv but the genera wish nf ihe people t for a nvcinmenl orated by a union nf urour ii v houi they rely and who repuse tuuiul reaitldeuru in each other wji n i uudersnoi fnim sou ktccilency tialdiltieiice blween rsaqintwrs of your exe cutive were recoictled that they bad consent ed lo act toeihrr and tint yu intended to meet the convened with the same coitiiril the that surrounded you at ihe disolntinn ol late assembly ol course as i had bcpl alv fnuntfie disuissioiis which existed and had avowed rns if lice finm the inflneuve nl any i ii v i- in i con have no idciim tu cnn- timtea member of that hmly jndtrnd tny ai lo snppnit yoaj kxcellency adniinisicatnn but ttie change of yonr kxdlrnryv drtei- minalioii intluenced nine and the aprnitmenl hi will ii perlrcitj r j f a genlteicjil fnr ivhniu prsniiilly ruler- 4 line nf policy so yitill kvcellcucyv to mtk oui some onn wl pnviit yiir wuhitt and aiijm 1 il uu will in f eeure ttn eirrtin tin in inr itlcl f lllr ntiift nc ti tl i provjnr oranuei define the and civil officer 10th and 1 1 hi empowers ihc governor u lay ost the territory into districts and beat lot civil and military purpose htlh direct that when there shall 1c v 000 free white insle inhabitant over q1 r i ofae cilizeosofthe uuitrd siatck ihevviall have authority to elect ieprcenlalivc in the general assembly 13th to tm these clauses inclutive pee cribe ihe mode nf eler lion and annual fwie ihe number of repiesenlalives fuel ovi uflj ihe generalaemmy which halt consist ol a l ire and a llue of kept fentaiiveaud defines ihe ituttay o lle ln etrnor m conneeiinn therowiih ami ato ism of the officer ol ihe court lo be eslablnlwi under clano 5 4ih governor to per form the duties n supaiiniemlrnl ol indian xlfaii within ii tetritoty sury left blank rtsth nalpiiiet of judge itl serrrff v w paid out of wo united stair tieuiv amonnl blank llfjth metnlri f liblue to irrei j pr risy for every aty in cninn and ftlleei cents mr1re t7th aiihitii7es and leniiiie the ru dent td thr united male i g tirct tl cim lef llllr utijtrl jvc tn tl t largr ivheilt- r in mvibi q idwitrr n ptyv vrlf uau ho rtlnrntd i al in the louucde of hi reunify or suit i atu hl and uw nine ilul i bate on evili loti e u uir r imn in the rmr a1 nitlio ih lilt ut i m rhildls and tisnee metmitil l mi rssng uh we have re ruvd frttin nqr auditors and which rurvehrin rjti milt ibnr muud i hnc istmie lo whom n ueniti uitl let menitnilyai pjtliutsanil a men at the prcjeeit ejltieal rrssuif iiitii to rally mtind the iivifhr itestf ral ami ihe cwq miinlioj of i ho eaarjliyi and whomaorver you myefii m aernl to rryntihlit ih putinei sf llntin in pjrljtinknl a llinet itear in inc at tietn ihe 6m fiundir and mtw eat ilyu will etui dii fini mil an uprijbl isinl inrfeprndrtil mm tltc civny i raaw nt tltr iwiva ir is wnimc trnd whtlhrr i h ill rnpiy ihr oef ivmi f 1 1 uuwi i 4iiiiiiami in tbiui whieb rfltsb lb hie hrl 10 ihe nyvl lhil emiili me wilh thai rhiif iilirwil ivjiend nn iht rlaaoe nf rrrnr itrftliwiilalrna lue uie emmlne tain tfrcal icard evince ivviuciive in the yieour of fjov iittfieni in the asjiunmy thai i fli unable tu defend il w thu sassfailion if inysrlf nf tin body a conoeil furmril nn the principle of repre- enin ilitfeteiil polities niinirnls tnl in terests exisiin in ihc lrejiumfe willi a vieu of producing concnni between ih biatrtrwi can nnly be uselul so tun as those uiteresicil i have ronftjency in the jumice of linn- who iroale it anil even ihr ujttftif nf depre siuf one ititre5l of eh valiii aiilhet wih uu- sellb the eeiiihhiutn so rssenlil lur ils pirf- ration ami produce disvord instead nf har mony toe pirly fonnina maioniy in the assem bly lining nr cohn cmpler aiuntla s i hi th r house a i judy ol ihr ielurit iklaparti v naiit taking mr uniacke and his friends int uisidertion willcorsti- ule at lesone b iieriwmher ihey would ol livc a 4t aujuthte hnt fv otilol eiaf at the hoard tin your kxcxilency mum r knowledge would have kfi ii sollirtentl swdcr repie- shtavien or the p line j senlimenls anj m- tro4 of one si if- party in ihe u islamic yet i was wijiin- to have mel the house lath er in deference in youi wishe and advice ol fiiems than with anr contideul hope thai nitnoul inereasa ttf intlucnce in council ihe parly lo wbern i have relerence would have hren istfned- my atnmenl in them had al ways een have rjlience as oppitrtuiiilies otfx justice will be done while a disposi tion waa shewn to ih juiice is vncancres oc- riirre force v fieen to this arjumenr whn howeyersoui rxfeivnry announced jeou intenlioo to pjnnl mr almon thereby eisiuf one haff ie house a representaliye of juv while the vaslohivr ren fell that the pticy changed that jns- llct vas tmi to 1 iniie that the only ground upon which i ha induced my friend lo np pun the ljovernrrm n could hope in induce them was tn he njcfc auay and i ill in a position olsnncti n a policy by v inch a fair reirrintatroio politteal serttunenls and intcreou ws toi ioeersnluly postponed ii was ikowih tbi fore tr wrest the prern4 rhisittonof thenew house and ihr consliurtion wl irh will ih- placed upon ihe policy of ihe haw poinimen tti0e who differ wilh my rriend and mysvlf uih soon havr an opportuu- i f ll k am t f vv j i the ariuiaty of their uwu ahuiutuuis i theubl and ttll t ink it would base urn belter lo hve nil d the tamper ol tbe m w louse without makiti any appoiniuient or to have made oik that wqmii bare bronchi 10 the gorernmrnt mmp parliamentary suptnit u claim whirh wesstri m vllt u sinalions your lir- ship will permit rne lo u- seiveisjimply ihis that ue mil only have the richt but are hound to retire frnm the council when a course i adopted which we believe will damage our pumie chaiacteis and shake ihe confidence ol iln- assembly in the kxecnlive ctovernrnenl i should be unuorlhy to adviie our excellency if i did not imcil the smcrnly of my opinion by thr cheeilul miteudrf cf ohice and ynnr excellency inixhl reasonably comptjin it i rlun id wat wa only frcu to me as i cuarantte for mncerily and riili to le yielded up as a pledge of tave and de liberate convictivn kctircmrni from the council doe not ne cessarily involve u lo the govern ment pntonal r factious optositmn lo your llidslijp dm incapable nf whether or not yiir adsiseis are lu meet with homduy in ihe ttvrfiom lb yner1 induced me to re3 ii j a kepresculaliee whirl t but a desire lo guard assembly m ill depend upon the wisdom of lu lure arrangement the soundness of theii ptin ctples and itie value 0 ihe measures the brin- down i irar from the ruise pursued lyselflrnm a in ins of confidence and hi- llw body of ihe leading men m ihe ituenrein tbe a h which i rfotlbl bj llllttla1 wilt he rluveu intoopjttsition j nti deprived of nil pcf eillie loser ye her ma- j mot l pobame that mil tho5c who fatty r beneffl evince- i reject lhe dnaed it matetialty chanjee ihr views oueetta werncalir a muth as i do the pri- b whieli they paralysed the- lasl aitminisua- vilee rnl the p dc and jour kxcelicney i v lu insiy ly inlluemed i kiiowhal ilurrnc i nryer comtselm tamper wilh it ir three yrats i served youjslull he eompelled iwwenr teluclaull iaih nt i lauiarla i ih uiirr ml ijti i rnjy mi rtiru iilu lure 1 k lu i ol rini i r tin y aim i te pime an ihe iiihte i thitl wnisw jr at lu ni lifi itiit r irvrmisietmi ll uutiwi il iy imi nwlitri it 4rrt ihe i m all jiluiirlm han a i v ih 1m hljitutti vt il iit th amllll hi aj i i i willi nh hi rlrrltai iwfwtrssrtl uinsr lljril hutal itimir ddc til bimmit 1144 mhk ihio l uitiici linu i fsfrw 1 i lm- nub r n el uitl frmi it if tarted i slnll ftjrmly or luw do niv l isl v icenrdnt h ii my atfdiiy i jj yitut 1 i itil piirti tihtk ln jirl uiltfe i t ii ruefidikl ih- lurk ti h fh- thiujti nl linn aul an eiiatily if nul inajrily m hie lite huuseflitimih iliei cuntplaiucd that they wtrv uol iiuineiicalty repiestutrd at jiisti ie11riiry council yielded ronsal supiil tn your linvrtnment which ujnii the prinnpe advened tn il would hayebrvn l lent to it lam yel ihc advisris of yonr kcemenry itrfluui ol it k- surrrn cru a i tempted to e sluthtcst decree but it would be a haul ff j tuciiatiye could hentruncd a nipel public men in serve hi ciownal the tice of iheii consistency ami ihe wfrk d i rfl jcpulalioel aumin- lhal ll umwkl and hi rrirnjs we loal with uiiue then the cae would w hut blttr belle cauv we who had gooil reason is crmul nps a majotilj of lite asem- ui weie tohavr mr c seats in the conn- ily led it mr- johnson l en isitbi ul mr atmond were to have x luder liseiteumstwl was a proot of our de sire lo avoid all e lhal we con senlcd in mrct the home with a cvuncij thus cnnstrukd amf rf l mipi ibll w l whamsirjosj the appointment which we helierecoum n p uur lordstupown pnmiptcs he ikfitf willi respeel lr cvernlnrnt y our i lordhip it vsetl e h pnor to your anii uj twrnmh here in il most c ii 1um the muiouty bavia ill the riwc rieuc and ihe ynlire iiirduiio uer upon i hem at limes what may appear to he ihe opinions and inleiols ol ihe roijnliy i bare the houni to be with xeat tespeel your lotdsbips tnojl obedient very jmnddc sen ant juskph iiowk to his fscellrnry the kieulcnant povemor c c c 1 13 j til abile the mr i welti to have tiv land will litfflilnr haufajcj ih december 1 my lour i have the honour to arknowlce yout k- ct ii nvy leitn of the jslh insl addftttctd aln 10 mr cniacke am mr hour and think il iltiliisl i tilling ihe puihc ih a in fe ilntereinse uf npusvm on vaiiou md iween kadin inrmheis of ypuf liure en trdn i r ni iln ly lifiitt i ur w i aiul the leliktam v ienra in his dhe apiuut t whti il r aot h iili n tn it in a venlleiiiau tn ww eonspicmii hi howe iii tuiiuiended th fie 1ounil 4 u ihe latr rhuiasnf mii rtiei m imnlop the i tlhv llaefncl tv at su b iii- r a limftsdytsi hn ieeh i rtil i tltc uifipoeitioiij tutbvl iritey frrfhtt90 ami jnlttttfd i mr ihmiuinf ywlaw i mlif yiur iidtt w i rttlmi wilh the eue rr r-i- n thji i ntnl iduttve n purd ihie o ihr if mk iniilimirti ini tiieitt il ih eetiti iiiniii any muciui wt lit- mtinliiuti f lla ut i it till u ul idvciinn in ihe nppilioii to niemhyi ul yvui kxerltuiuys cumicil i dn iml think any iioyrrnmenl ran remain i uidet it ikisvem the rmitidence ol the ifmjiiilyot ihc peupe ami their political stuttiinenls i believe are iiih sal rs mjc o tnimrnnisa pirty cavse fm wiludravvin up- jtrtit iwn uuailvisril and the oniitr rujn h i iii i m will piodiice that rrtciani diminish tte inlluenee tf ihrse who approw of it lliyirfote j nuht not tn lndl others the tenure if winch f have felwnyi undersiiwul from your jlhcetlency rested on jmlitical supjiull i fn 1 tlilit ynur kxcelicney is under the im pression that a large majority or the assembly will aualatn the view if vour kieellency s fliliiser if n the lemnrat from yiiui colin- it i i myself oiid olhns inateiinlty in- cieruie the powei ol your livcrnnnt and jdvisrlt chilli its h they now prole merely because h iiitetsaid opiiu ltf i o br tespett he teek to pirsei ci m unvari ml ll is true thai cmil dtal it oppu liifnuoand jsiijii iiaimii4arj a lew jiaveieen made it itye touneils hut lie cnnuuisiiinsai i rie tn your lordship and myself to male lhal allhoiih mr almons appointment to the ky- ecntive council was itie immediate cause id my irsitnatton it wa noi ihr only ciieiimsiance winch til i i i aue in comiu lo ural conclu sion ilavins hem a member of the conoeil ran der lit lvcrleiicv n ioint cm plell youi loi many years lot if ship will not fail to rernemher thai you zovrinmrnt eisird nted iion me the neeesmty nl obi-in- a scat in the i use n acnimy ami thai i nnisrrilcd to tamt tir the township in order tu reijm o place in llu liovrrninent mid puilecl tlu inter exit ul ihr puty in whirh i harp always been iiluihed thai patty tu the avsernuy and ehewlure umluimly ami rnrdially sustained your eri llnirj s ad iti i it i ration although thry were si irom aufi with faervaaurcol iowrt in the kerutiye cminril and hint muied aairt many nl th ippmtilmeuis wtiich ilislil apait government v rnurvllo oh their opp units my be- mply ileeuir tht ihc r tlm ponaj iraid for yinir lor4- idlhem p ami y 1 l e in the elteculive cuun debar vyrnjnry hi kerlrncy coisray trcrrea aeccivtn sami mn fcfl a a s feankfordi j- mm montreal j s wabinfn we obwrvr lhat that eiuemety modrralc and highly consistent journal the mntrtal htrld eihibiia preit wrath at soma remirki which wr inivda reapectin llio union and tho seat or gov erumcul the rabid wrath of tho htrf comci with a peculiarly food graco from a print which for many year patl has been cbrtinguiehcd above all other mperv in canada tor iheeitrenw violenc and nnimoaity which it has ever displayed inwards ile ptditicdl opponent and the antic which ii diipljj m ila ancr bo highly nniniinif- a a man in iho firm iapr of inloiicalion gsu essl al hi neigbbora in the snme slate eo iho mrrotd which baa noloeinialy been loop ubject o pojilieal maniai has taken a fancy into hi arimied palo thai all hie contemporarva arc lborine under the a in disease ae it la an innocent deluwoo it would be cruel lo undeceive him- tfte jfrnieof fftratd be it insane violence waa one nf the chief cauaet of ihc laic unnatural rabcllkm in the lower prosincr and well do wv remember it dedoroue teta to rja fur eid and up phc alien to tho people of cpper canada to conacnt to that union which il now tells iu wo dare not divaolvc timo win ehow in hi valour he douhtea imagine thit he and hit sflnw uriiwh t montreal oro more than a nntch fvr the huu- jrcaofihnsiandbof french cntdnn ikid pnj them in tint only dittrict in wlueb iiiihiil i iw wa pncl limed in is37 and mt he ai of n very different opinion if wr nudd judo by hie pilcout jftprat tu in for omtuncr thr asmapeel nt pjttnpr4nfj rritnet conhanl r ptiy in thr thirril friosron nf the fersuv apfndrp toh j vt ckvtiiedjnrn quite into ihe eviiidt and he iwkvdown upon the pmr unfortu nale kmriuiian with euprrnc cootcmpl in fact he crow oxer ot ntuti u nose re i fully- hut hv had in itr nt hilko bfmz lir i out of hc wood jkniay find that our prophecy of ihc rrpcjl of tlic union rnaj turn tmt correct and pat all lue gotdrn dreanui into ihin air tliv anticipatt1 rite in the riluc of ncwenjiurr properly in mont real and tho conicquvril iucrcae of ha salary lu evidently turned live brains of the poor editor of the urrm who perched in bis lofty cami ic oka down with luprr me contempt on iic ifnuh haip wo eon iavety alford lo enduic the abua- of iwcnly uch n be of ibo ftviwui who certjiulv display more wrath iban wit wataft tbaiihc ptor creature will tliortly unuk hi unfortunate readers by anirvcr ebullition of eplcen lorrc3ponifhcf of lljc drilisl iwjig wvtninctos lut january 1641 my draa wuwr in my tart ji nnlhan i think i bft ult in the nudat tf dceriplion of mc sort loi if il where or llie what 1 do not ciaeily rrinciulwi tho necetrary eonnreiion howcyer i h hub rnwuricnrc i sjull icnp at once in jnv rea tny where jirtt at it hipjcr 1 write you m the it uc of lleprcscntativca while a yyrrlcru rnttn ier is epoaltin lo hi couttiiurnt foe reeleelktn i hey live one lltiqmnd mile ditttani it jw tut ulut of usmtl be witr take care to have u f tttch pttnlvd and kiii to ibcin in ptckag jl the coal of she natm instead of being ihe mqll of initiation thit is nuplmtie1ly the hill f fiecehinakiiis tta phy debate or your lrovjneial ivrlidincni dwirulk in sja1avmsi mtoattolutc senill lilk- from alt part of i lie cnin congregate here mnrepriyerilin uikrch and difuie ilie inatur as wc may the casoai i bul a bundle of iucii tho wen ibe niehty weil seek to rtjbhti ihe limpfi lhal gather of wulrra aa ihe oulh lo it vwrt tind ncreitne produrnoutt and cipa uatmnd ojroprialmt toihn end irie kiel sfufglr ojniifttain new viekind ittfnaauitm-iuuiirr- cul emporium and foivcuie iudntrial prnfu i f ttu reerrt ihmuli the old uhannut thcretm the south uvtiret fnc tiilr that il w0j fiuuidi ol patronage while the teat lnly td the d tail nuibipg ihii a re- lirrxentilion nl l one in ihe assembly viur laanhhili hh l iut sv- and ei- lattve councili ard the pipahe of jict tilbd fiom i wi p viffii raise parts govern nt to whirh your promt 2 aa ii could tie uiiucd jiirits arte i ri hp ami an auiance nl yum dipsiliou to do ri a ltutuily iheui justice retouiilid tbini tu some art untie nftvfn has done a u win con which wrry ilislatehil tu t m wftul o1hrrwie hare ben tenrird in ihr awrnbti srvrral mindiei voted the i i tion liill chi hy from tins fvclin and trusted hy a fairer distention ut n lime l ulliy the disinuteiil uikh was ex- salmaclorr apiiuitnieivti cited hy thai sutesura in many ot the count c h kreniivo and ila- i the inajonly nl ibe lal ilnne iherrfoie were rid isi puh- ivrlh kbn parmems ih iiefifn ileraticeissiij ltfhy iw faerir ol lhat pail who mipuri your enl advisers it k per haul yonr lordship rmstoiiune lather than wuifoliibl bniie cosjld rmt br done in a ihnit lininistrl t iht slata ol ihinjrs but y mt t only kurnire tbi ever be improved rsiice that the p suiiciivi etaune wi 1 i at once arerivrll ihe popl had that it would aas fniindrd ofi the nian- v who have itrul if not b thot who have si entilled in my upiiiiou to ihe plulrrtion and la your of tivrriiment ami having in some ca in u1ained it at thr risk ol ihcit popularity they had reason to complain ol ihc suddenness of the dissolution ami particular tune al winch il was determined pi drnsive a slep adopted by yur luilship nntttblandinj the remonstrance ol all the m niltr ul your cuun- cil who repieieuled the jeelirt ami withe vf ihe liberal liar ly seemed to indicate a chauec ol jf do y and a onlil have yuvtihcd u peihapa in ihtn lesimns real hniaui lib it 0f ruir con kuiope and fspteiilty aiaph b ittn rhe manufacture of llw nmlh uud tupply it iililliseofltveit lio who h il ucla in esclwnic or its tltoin touv ro and rice the pnjel ol tlave bkr ftuaua llulaud viacaindaitun the other bnrtd lal- in by a ryt in of internal iriijmyetmtils nvelnu uir orihcni bke wilh the 8t liwretiw lodivitttheuiideuf m lare aecliou of the we4 urdviifi itierton in uial dirceloui n vr hie mniaal and txurnat laoiaelwee t vrwtaj and all liti lor i mkne y lis i of teetioiialctr divided inten1 and hit tlk imi ihr nrumcnt to which tl cjivr h it a ibor arli b paytcuiuirh ihh only to mnkcllif 3iigt bul the veri jarkant w wimi ww hie umliol of it all iwetttyaye yoai will prdiubly dibtte ruluptlb firthal ttinc wv eb- ibk to dteeii inire clorty ihrroanf aetr mean inn byway of ilhulralion ut mc u jwn riimpic or iwo frastl the conietmonal dauja in ro ot the putt week and at ynu lii wufidtifnllv irimranlof vanee litk tb sbwj tervc lo uimrtirt rtmh of ihe numcrou rcadt m o tho wmo tn wlh wakcfully yi akxi of iho ptustl lit tnnl inlerfererw wiihila tlviliinuiluteron the parlol ihe nmlli mtertlicled ttf tho ual len yenre liy a ndc of tho hnuw tho rroeplion of h prlitmn hnvinc ihe tlhlrl rrferrnye m uver or ite tihidiuvn flarj b iarly however although preiiihn it ucknowlrdjce ihe cnnstilu tiinalrrlttif tlsiee mairvtasml lo lxilalo ofilhiimltinmiirteiihtt they had a n to jtitoiionrf ntihe km rpeiature of this imrvctq fr itt aljobmsi thernn lho slarr botd io trium of be jiurof iti ptcftlnlive- look ed upon lo uto rnlger pohticiil wrunee peli tion of u kind but the eotcrin- wedaq lo lo the total orenhrow ir iheir whole ayitrm and ttrenuuutdy retoled their introduction withio ila halle nuptdicy wat looked upon at a flagrant irifnonmnt of one of ihc conhuutioail and in alienable prrrojativr of ibe people to wit that of petition llicppiionof ibe outh fave en created life and more aeiivc cnerey lo the aboli 1inittt oflhe north ilvry 4etr fffarch mjen uity could conjure up wat in enoiihnee had rrcoorac lo miirdcr u rrutnd lln nlwtsiou rule wh prnluhilrdlhi tr peliiion en tint u4ct rsrrrmibnt a darns haa rem thir ii re and ehinpmn jama lb- abftie tf live airneclr milheno thr plliriciaii- if ihr norrh have rniesed frith llutse of ihc south lo kick nut of door all and every lliiuc conntctrd wilh aldiliom bul thit ptdiey will no lonr rjet 1e ryil bern lumenlnl by it lrnfm ind ihe liberie pnrty vote of last year rhturd eueh a thimefuf en crehr um fhetr eye hr lm ien to iho necesiiy of rrreindim the rule uuuded ia end re- cctvinf ntiewetlbo plrtincio ihr ckpe how ever ttronjly ilirymelu nsret luir pravrtn fic ome year pay the atliktnmn hive taken poh- lial rciitfiotnii il a a iiirlv to carry out their vieweml tin titieyan base be cotnc awake lo ihr fat 1 i the piriy who con imur li elm- lo ihc add pif t- ll will endanger ijieir tuprrmtiry if fiot defeat their cotididalc tor the prriadenry ileorr the very ranse men who were forward tnauppee even obolitioa mcctingt fire or rt ycr ajo re now naily prompt to advocate the tigbl of the pets e topetilinn ciuitcn- nr any and every sub ject whieh they may rwrii a rrwratice and they nd not con rrcaa arc thr bit and only judfet of whii lhat may bta sp pat nideedrm been lha revolution in thit nrct tht tome suihrid members lake ihc tame rroumf the err iho neccaity of nakine ihr fonmwnrt rterin vay rperdityorcwheininjpfhicj i thee are men however who a6h upon a concaa- ion at only a tlrp to trnii tnd and the ro o1urly adhere to iheir ohl peniiiiav they neither fiineh rvie fujr in iheir tppnmtn and tre wdjinf ool only to risk their pirty ateendeney but ih ntrtriiv of hie union tltrff than yuha akfa nay more iliey look tspoti ihe reception of tucb petition a the certain f tcninnerof lu dtealoutifin they affect to be able totumasa their met it uhoot by their own strong arm and rathe thaneonoent to abnlifti tuvcry in ibi diririrl they would vou unlarilvdisvdve the cvatspaet for my oart i jo nor believe tlsvrrj eoold he maintained a tinfl year were ihr south trpnrted from the nrth you witlohttcrrct that 11 iru only brinit into flay and acixui the rjjivruuil eleimnls esetin at the forms too of the cinmulion and eompm- uiited by that ihvtrurrvrnt the sulh and lha north arc reniially asrtafrniktt tiiey feel it and hrnec the oppcour tojicy hcv pufsiw lu trentben thcniselyrw tfce revrduimn n teaaa wat jot up by the former and ihe quettion of it jnnesannn hi nw being afjitafed lo that end they ulo endeavour lo siiur irt the elllemcnt af ihetveeon herunetia aetumitmn wtu1il ureknttu en ihc h of thr nlh and widen it iitfli- roc low arid umimi wi i amm i nr tlalrt enrrcatirif tbe idready firepuri derating in- irrral nf ibe v i end tbe neeetuoty i frit of pobcttnj t iv to eouiiurlulmee iv sine the formation of the overmiicot tb- souiti im had the chief m nienicnt f natin ft rtlrrui dent arnhaiutlnr and rnrly eviryluh rafetr tn i hi nation trivr been n t lied ht il bur iho rpre muil hm depart frnm iudah unle th y eitend their einpiri of slavery beyond the rio fimml and probably ejrajhraee wittun ire limit iho camroasiaa of eourr ibnd will noi permit thit uirirt fneecd lo d to be he own internal jiaensoinit hot the scilh will rajst a so i ji ii w towi r would be moil itruetivc ui jkt iuduiroj puriuu hecouie an mficlind the relics for iho purcha il nearly all her jjple pmdnctiont but rf wht sj csferma twtl evif tho will cbon whil flsr- rijjkj- tiv uml h will rik it tn riniurain tier tnflixnev k j r- and widen and pr d br- inmunco n ihvrw- her occe in icrmiirteren t itan lher arttir w e faiop 9u tiy real iwrf rarre are infrifoe fit tb mwtttnafoat ttftft tfom emplia tute llietr word that ihe knowing may diocovay my ittcul meaning ft i dare not be more ei- plieit i hve no witi u peculate rowever on ihi ihjei al prcfnl huikr i to ray that t think the siitih nntwiihmil unj ihr lac advice front wihtninn wiotd h carrliaf jhrmt ratetrin the afrvetil tnion we ihe result of ecruin noweinrnr imvtn prm lo esiend her msiy irnpic in iht dirrermn ho wsh m m- failing in ihi ln kitttr full well lhat slavery witl h ovrrihrown and the north would fltdly lease her to look jflrr itie nrtpova and indian hehir a more cittndru hunt oulhward aho iiuihi hive i umttfltrr slave or five them itjt ttf north md wett niht feirm a federal union uilhthe bnltrji ivrymrrr this n lie ynr viyatly my dr jjtjj but believe ni mh an i si nl i id thi vtouib of iimr i fur one ncillti r think it tntpod tlr rvr fr js iny onu lonk it the ioap attt yon wdl tee that irtl hi orjiinrxl il the sl fdwmfce oneo hriglind hi ririnjictl fr ua yvir threat wrirk will ite the nitorjt outl1 f the rductt of alt ihe st ilr htrdr nnjj on liir- grrul northern tihra lhi will uffltke theoi hoc in micmi with canada a il will i ad ihem ft iteeome one in a national ptnnl of rirw the ile i of the perpetuity of co- insul nrrtmirvcir withvahtli nujchiy aouece eaf rrcilrira a itlun your- if i after at but toy ally runuiol wilh tfn vuiipl and jiomtt it it in fuel hut the nmtirrri ipf thv senlimenl 7 n- tniti ihtywiih the didmnoi tl it rneret ueci ittf utihcal vrflct it i jwif i l i- i caol hut eluldrin will i tutli ayc ii u at tucb cru pl- ktmtrd bivalty lie rnouiitl tlicir eye b come opened v n uttv interentv but f 3mftririn uiyeelf to return from digmwiii dunne ihc lti mrcowcekt thepopu- ijr branch of congress lu uenuie arena oi hib ccnic i seitruiciil no up siibei rrccivin ut petitionof which i bie ken a commit lew of iht house rrrwtetl irrirind the rule which ra- lu 1 thru jdjiiion within the watl of ihe ft iijjiore thit rrjtfi n- mdll tlc tnhycci of fjefco th mte bul when llic jm of the eonlmvert tub- uh i hue tin ibium n vlc of the ifnuae wdi mastiba tl the will lc mie lep made to up rtiw re hie dclile in our prlunient on the si at of floveriinitni wu to tf its bul a lenv pel in i b a elnnax for jxmj uir nett dlomruwi rd eiliooj fvbnff whick eiuli h tin mr- tyler in lot metaage eccoris- uif ndril apftipriihn to nnproee ibe hrboro llw- nitrttwrn lkc ami rerrkiro obrrrvctino ipuii wirn riyiyit a tcrnliy rcranibjr watbo reaull kitint iulem tk i- tba north set up tlmr fsnuie lijsil llwira lj s hllwirs oudtlu utt tltfirp tlir tint jfio iwovtvr ww ctiitly ulwtcn ihc firl and tho latt nrnaiimfi t k ihr tradi- in ihc direc- imuii jtm io inji lluwerl and tho oihcr endea- voniij lolmvv uieir own mluid water to impeovtd o l otvn up ra uiem rtatual firdtlic of mjrrraa ami iio- in ihe ocelli how ipnruy the poo iin of the st jawrtncs woutd all lbrae lir1o ilul flu hltiri already loo b loiuisiw iwtaalijrel i ul esu befora i tu vmir nailer in iih oral i thnll not bo hpny but be tin ttjy of yanih dih up for j hi viiiii jirrmid at i in bininn with rrthuleiil and bin ihi mr kidteri i doa lime i iwvu tbeiiouor ul u my dear whig i our v humhh tervant jus vtiin ttf 11 c tai i stsniiie time a 1mo whu h vuu kindly hi id ul ajiki 1 lilv rtfruesa rtv t ajdrrwed a letter to pubtilhit in your paper rn r mod inhrirtttttr r trrvd with my itlwustl by mr ilmeko frcm the office of thud tlork m ibe liwpeeioi tetral tejvrtinrnt with hie vow ef vindioatiiif tnyeir frnm llvo malevolent prlonaof that man to thi letter i added a ejv f one from th llon john maeaulaylo mv in whirh br eetlifie to my rhararirr ami riiiiprlrnrtf bdh of whirl had bron assailed by i lluekt

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