British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 19, 1844, p. 4

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1 in the pjijsws and tvttttpkkqitt a rtfilhtftd tub o a nad i an a i m c and go luwnbtflwtr for lsh c ontalnixg all tviimtimrc online rily tnbimij mi almanac mil m addi tion a camrmne dtanvfwetvry day in ih year for reiuiaf payneat ami receipt en- gaoments of all kinds c pumiealititis of this nvfertntian are rry britain j til v i 4tt itufin nil conmoti in nailer wfail listen ho iliai ilipfr ttrititt 1 them into mimi aiiy im iml the lik rci be futnicj atimcellrni pap ami will be bound in a cwfwlkttt tut m lje packet akmour hams v mwlnal a ii armolr- llaailimi ramtfty akmuukco kin t camy a omk h rv rowsklutmntii m ifll well ajrecaile il may reasonably be antlci piled itut very cehileiamc owlr f the jnmer travellers fmm the united states and humpe who liavc hilhfl patsed icvr the fake and the si lawrence to montreal wiih- out stopuint at ktn-kn- will be tempttd lo nvtke a visit lo tjik k i mfttkftal lvjgtu a proininrnt atjtcl of their journey ud inns am to the reycrucs of the company iml hie lagans both of paying a hidftmi divi- trruj and carrying t1j iinhicr the kimtx pro r entente reion icfnf aw of cortlrihutin to th pr- peaeil uiiiettikirit an el takm shares in the unpiny will fiml jhfcnptmmi lim in the iii iireitf ilii shculfitf lb- miilland 0sttic tlo hi ihr oifire n ciimtrits sriaiir tpiire mvnster at rvtiv and v liic kim ion mini mt wii shn atn lurns ncr ibe ijpverittttfnl monte analysis ik the lower wku t north american hotel toronto homa3 pearson latr fam kingston onrl formerly of ihfa city i ikiv- leave t ininrfn liis frirntls ami tlic pultlici hist he i1 entered into pos session of the almvc eatablilimcnt no long ami favourably knowr unjer ilm mamigcrncnt of mr wfixuu oamp- mnl he hu ittfilllsl tbo house in a mylo of superior tomfort oml hr bopes uy oliliyhig aitculifmi to hh nii nni uy a lihcfftl upily nl devotion n their ruutnfblti in every tthpeutt lo receive tlint pilronikgo ami tupor vrhidi lias or- itiery iwcn so liberally osbrjod to ibis mmrtafe and ftrtaii cwfr flnrf rt crtd isreceivinoimobusioi kingston mink hat- weu4 mr james morton vrhu hi fon teen knuvn in ihe eiriuitvntf kioc o fromtheevtvihvv urwciyml dblllfeiy pir- ceurolly ceoctr by ht u tor miny veo on t be s bore of like tmaii iit auviuio loiae the rtiutace i u exeelbwy the ii vcroor gcne li ftftwj in i e nuw cia yer jof wmler tor the piqimi tl bl ilililkty miftcr spiiufi te rtnmcy f which in ihe cure ofvarnnrf rimnlibilf i b nredisea temetl by 1 tn jioiir ihe resfdetjt in kmj ton nnd hy moifhw dimvn ho or moiib pjst imw bcert iluaetei to lhr tovm hy the wecret f it i oj iht uatcr on sccrle the ineiiil jipch ol he wme m mofion reeled kuh vl pe- lonrj olhef rontroliii fti the erve- ocncc of i be public hu lt ble iti wlucb hey were xi up rendered it impoiblr lbu hey thoaw he to eienivc tnd perftct the public pitited propiietor desired impn feci iwwefwj thry hjfi kmkf comrcd wih the luxurious ah i cnly vnnytaenf ol ihe lone esiakhiid an ps vf4liiij plmci oi jutope twl i h united sldr vv hthhae provd iti oatt nl nvic bene fit to bi4ft who s4e ieotl o ihem since ihrir rrection fron 1i pn1tf ol cjjj and the united sut wlihi vifwtif ftmlritftt the uttqiy ol this mhieitfl wiier kntkm to a miieli tfivim oumhflol iojii i ttloltcoctbl lr p v rd wlth itconrtio1tin ty uy rtfoh4m out jy ol cpil1 hy a lililelltdividlfl uj ofir4kij it ciiduc in n eniinmt d fc to th rtdeotit of the tiito of kmtoih m mmion whs rebelled by vemi emliiwii imens1e in ihr projerty ol the dtoct to jfttfhlf himself wii them for the pnpte t tarminx a crnmiy tn he incotpvfud by ah aft ot uie u lei and tlpdwfettl to rjie a clfltll ilequi 1 the erection ol bpth nd other accomnodiilon which in coneoinee eotfoi od eklen mim nvjl a v i snd luxury ih most prosjterous mletlut pueemi the unild slate an apptic4tioa hrt accodiify been pntjc iv i btmiat tint- thlomde of sdiom snlphatof sida cloiimmvdeiiiii ctjuidtbf min iiuni lull in 52 o siipliuretld fi5ondatrice llydiorn rge slock f may be pm i etfdtaftatitr a pt of tlio einldibmrnt jii kotlm contains mnuy cotnrnoili s anl well arrangid upzutiuents fur ie3 t iinpfiriuniry mov to the mi the rctmitlioilvf privute faini mr cmnpwll la ca nf tveominemliii mr inauy ami clieann i and iarrnnac ianalysisok th1 siwritkl iavily upper wki1 lop ofiiih tntfimfora ami rrpccuil fiiernu wbn o tlvrnlly upkii the ilotie nuiltrr lii pn piiimoiliijs and br iuqj cbisfioin aliill iiwurjiiee- lhal neiher pstm wt- pcuirte whbe umrcil by him in hij crtuiip lonftut naiisfaciiim bi icii rrrinwili aitjrtl isj i nvt- cirnre f me c4rnwijot mini su1pmienf lioie chlalld ftf snliiin stilpnk of mi chhiid nfctciuti chloiide or tiiieiiint odine iind taurine trtcef ct carlioiic arid s 34716 961 sua 1jt9j iiasom 60s 175 4572700 t piik9i1 qrtfflhrimc wixes liqiors p te- 1 1 11 subrrilirr it fpfrct fully an hiuincc in the itibabitanist of in- lu nvl viiiniiy mul lliey have jont re vive an j have np lor limpnttiou i veiy ctiial aiij choice attmitmutr jrorrrifi china cta end eufthtnwtc wrwli ihty im not hetratr in itoin injitnlii 0 betu of the very heat nulify their thau siiuls ami liqioits pui- rbned fiftn the very ihi lt in flu mimmnl matki llnt fl confident will riuui ilw npprohatiou rftfaircilinmrit ikirhnt to umi aiipttiimity nf the atitctat h wmoijcsaic ry ooods c kvin v a- co emi leave iii intimate n tlirlr tu pimers uul ihe trade gcneidh i hat ilnfv oru nivv rtvivlnq n vrry clioifi aftummpttt of tatik kamcy diey toods siiitnblofortherferwori wluch have been tclcted in the london manebemcr leeds and rutw mnr kotm by an experience i buyer oil t mott filvaouigcoui term and which i hey will dispose of at low prices fur casli m approved ccilit imijcos strcit kirijhtnii icnhuctoliei is4 t sign of be lmsuaatistottcincxiduoi to tbt glasgow varriiocte a i t aaaoifej vuitirm lo hi lofcltocuii wi5 sm blquom and jbe worn that ilm amucrupuioua at icnlinnsto his custohera will increase llie cxtoffiin public ptrona5 be isalreadv enjoying tl ticubiiscrl leading atrirles i5 iock wliitsh aa whcilof be flalicrs iimself nmu that of auvof hw cornpeurs in point nf belli s 4ihto and 3iflo re fined 1 f iij jc fufcfltndo vim uquoks alr ac pari a motkim wiuo rinuvfl a liii bbtij lpemji m uiet mime limjcjut lififidy hantptps tilie j jio ia sfiiftu ttpctnh snptdaui gin ibldjud uiimuv liih and tutk ah mtu intdri ivdirr fio qru rl pi nie brftteon rfitr dry tka i limn i l in j p 5 tuie y m hvtrh skin twttaav h f imtti iichn and crtjer sttxlptn ptrthtfim k r hinpatt 1inmtn4i 04w9 corrre olta illivi a 14 jexf sid n hitllli a fudcl vtri and 10 rod pi8ii nvhi sutmmif cd north bfcrrt lh- fiimj oud red ikr nute 4oawl hwmmlled a i o of id 4 ftllvttj gil a wil nut x k ut rcceivcil and fur sale ky tltt ifiilixcriltort u tfouaijtumum of t ihhii imjie rvfiiml 3ifit ly clwslflcitimpra tea 10t ne tin ilaimiriinrcrral 1c xx ixxx uc dxv dxx c kbnxeuv x co kuiftuhi 7tb october 1s4 v ttrewrv p a isanti br picklr8 vtnin c4bfcie ofofli oikiri rtehbtrk piceilllv lrriieh urant olive aid mioltfll sal ac soy kendiag harvey imiiiiwa auehuvv atsef- ischm muhrfmn a cjpvr r ac ac rsoooosrmgltsfiii sale junobtb 1s43 50 ington ti the l imwln mttifew laron ttie kinstn minci t 01 the 1ioeince and a imi i h hc provincial ir- lami t ntfw well company lot dltrciilhr above ohjecuf with a eapiul or 25000 divide iota i fsortflck witb power t rahw it neceary i furbei capital there artf vo weiu- the first near the cdeoflbe lake ud coouocleil jast year by boring through a depth l h 5 feet to iho primitive iofe the other higher up the fcfflk andat no rejt ditin from the raid lea to the rewdencc of tbe goeenor oenerml the water ol bnih prinip bc been analysed by frofer williamnari 1 queen uoitee whe high attainment a chcmutlaudaschoiaitiunueccfiaryhrie to tfijluiie the water of the fift wcll the pfofcwr proaoricrar1iracarrfuta0dlatoiiuau4lvi lo he of lite m ctaw ami the same component par it at iheo of cheltenham and leaminlm in bmlnailt ilalvwirinw llnowile in ill galine nularc and strength hat w not ii- ic ijl i o vxteofivelv wrrtk cowaion jfiall lreobje airlhiey wuter in gotland in ilw qnutuy ol chloride of cdiam hot it dis- toiiiuhcd from it by ihe alweiice in the jattcr of the philcorsoda tite waier f ihe jreonl well wa found sy h m at m 85 feet from the surface it is totfh egnm than any other minetd water witf wbich profcenr williamwn is acrjujintei kromine ai well 34 iotlnie i plcackl ax a found on pain a keam o chloone through a lare portion of the wi eaocecdrated to a vnall quantity and tillered theantvis of the water of both vellhy pcoaattf u hlimuwi i rjbjftined thedtdeinil jrorertirsf the water have baen vestcd and ascertained by mtfitr etaratdicat vraetitwnens bo have rraorled to a 4 eitbet as imabds or fur the purple of making theiastlves acquainted wuh the iiurcp discovery so huf resting and ioi pvrftnt lo their art but it may he sufficient hrretoiiau the sohstance of the evidence of dr daulopi riven hefate a committee of the lfluimf e aisemmr appointed lo nvniic mlo and report upoa ihevetmon of ihe applietnts fa the proposed act of incorporalioii as and hior cxlienicly 1 uiiny o tfisb r cbm ctnikinnler 4 iti i imi krat 1 ill oh i lly h ni i viu i ifi 1 twa- 3 ltlteuriiu imw piiccai con t 4 4 ihd bwvni ti b i dublo k lxa nu iihitdp lllid kvfii rriht fueivada dk uuuou llddsvcocaie brmjlri martcdlv uwt md fier i- v fy llml hullauiu uw c tfehemajn oip 1d rliantm pilt dii di do it i krf lifior scoiih wnkj ove iii ft caiinilian at a tey rh h j 1erlnn uf fl qr cfca ibmln ifl in ii h cutamnti hi ii k bnum livrry toukbutmmia madvtra iartmint d fhrav4 p hr mttt u- c4k vitiir ar wuh a arty o uifbl iv in ivnod il liui cik awiij kfjkirh jrif roih cae imihini- uy fjitilo anivuv ui hue qfilikt crenia ip fi 0 hanger ji iltuluitr kurb ilo ciaiaap da jtwaiu atffiiie d- cinede jinih 5 cokdage kur salk in eveullent artwa oml ftmurtlwni nf iirent coriio now muruifac rutin at the kincjtiftn kpe uutk from thn veiy boat of material russia cordage haltc rope leadirig iloah and hainhrr line bid cools clothes linesciden ant muon do chalk and pish lines and twine ot all t hull hope and common tned rop mar dnti hwehne hind learl linesj deep 6ca line and par km yailb manilla cordage of every size and drcnptivnall of whirli wit br x id lotf asvl mi rvty levnume terms appiy to m t- huntkhiatnl ft i tfrfys uiwvs onlamo sf kingston march 28ili 1813 wr bftoktrtsiliip weekly j 0 u r n a i- is the london pictorial tlttcft highly entertaining famim kwv to hoiidrks f wild lams ix canada east axd west th k i iili is enabled tbtoh a connection which v has fortned to iltsnosc of 1racia il wild land in trilbof acction uf rhe province pfotulthl such lands he wftd ihmugh him at a reasonable ptlm offitkd quality and the locality desirablo those holding lands such description and desirous to disfvao of them aro ifi viid to cnmmniiiciro wiih i under- ijucd fut mil jril lrn with deduction of tide correct dioia of ho town- htpa where tlio lanjo arc aituatcd and field nolo of the lola held hy them and audi further hflfotuni matioti inttcct to the pnperiica okreil as i v k th iosr5tfiriii vulcrirn a uuod opportumtv aom ptcifnts itsrtf o fwrtaiijeii of goods london warehouse 0ainus fob5tbe co having received their spitlng im- roktatiuns ae thereby cnatnw lo nft r n extrnwve clapnd attracticc steele to puiiic lutciori ivhicli tliey ate tlcleimined lo dirwe ol at such low price as will con- iinre idl trim stuilj kcortorny of ihe ativan- lage of dealing at ihe abnvc emamohrnrnt mai at the ine time will retain lo iliewffejvr that emeiwire aliate d public raiioniigf whuh they have liilherio cjjoyel universal care hs bien taken in seleelinj ootdl ol ajijiroted mannfaetata that will o crcitia the seller and cannot uu logire lisfactioii to inrchaatf fancy caotfs oj jlrnost every inciinlioii in reter vaney thn at any fotmei petiad an cxtraaiilinary jnppty of stiaw tuscan dunmahle anj fancy bonnets hats a heamihil lot ol pahaols ome very rich and rjuiie ttw in style jfci sitin naiiivtt deeape and other smtn or lie nia phionaah mijijes a new ajsorlment f fancj dretfe of ai- inrnt every ikftrripleort- ftrnclwil enlijh stays of hie rrwl approval inatir a splendiil im of woolkn broad cloths and cloths nitablefof summer wear id every desirahte colatfl and quality vetine stocks gents scarts and silk handkerchief an euisivc slock of staple gooj which ihe limit of an adveitisement render it ire posihte to inumeratei but among them will bra foimd ome capital white and stripe shining cottoaa grtcll and liish uneitf ilirtvient wnth in drapers and damk table linenf and ifroifti mieetint white and colotneil countfraea ami quilts fac lory cottottf diilu and moleatlru printed calicaaml hajlim plaijginhams bjowii aid frehcfc hollands 4c lc with well as- sorted sinck of hory and gloves laces mmlin collar and sftaivk bonnet kib- boks flowers in ieat raiifly n bhaikbs forter l co pita- ces street fate itore stmt avo aceoad pritc k t 6lh 1313 north american hotel tnfe starr strrtl aien wh goodwingratefollyrcturm his thanks to his fiienda and the public generally for the patronage he has received inceois commencement in and begs leave t actjuaint t 1 iii munications tu hex e rt utftt h ht- kerr hit ftnlaw a a a if 4 9 9 2 ft fin til sj- aiai 4itla toiler tt i aft ft r p eveiy atftft pill wim ih iiii i riov if intmciing i i avrnhti i 0aivrli aiil k uuhiii wit ww bn sjii a jin j liihj aitmritan heia llatiaf zmtocur l ami c thio maaboy iple jnud kislih rptfrii wick llh h l cn1k letrra 9aamt pt blia and lnji imfh pir rucntih anil i fnli liolifl jol uitaim ihiiipim arrhvla in jniliine iapnie- aiaai c ibtiltlllllj hh mvn n lilnn p and a eal mitiaiiiin tn lhiirafion of tin pfgyttafai t4 f n hi- ir j raflripiiii tlio naje ie vaalated w or rma kntdtar and hiv wk iliir n t a vafietv f rlo mrr iht il li l vawafly iirimnaa nc l ilm ran dot iihn vittnt arpkinfij lit i innie tin picrihml tif j m aritthntih aaifefal rli fiuil nywmpattet j t c-mntni- an aliitiinr femcf if iffnemalr it tl aijiiihft cftmrw kamh f vvvally navra nnl invar ia liu i- u jll arodi lha r il thhcm nri vf inirloihy 1iiih til tmlf pr liitta in ttdviaeai tnyihd vvitukaio affie lailbv p l sihmondsj ritin nuwtpiifjr tlfice 18 omhlll liiidttrtt os a ndfii a i jlst itcfivcd consignment nurmtlj rcducej prices ii li i tea 1 hymn do j yrnmjr hyaon iid twantriy jo ft recti cunve in haga ivud un in bla jcmnica 8piiit9 in hlin ow lotion rum 1 ivni wimi in bottles chat 1 cheats he as a arm smgron worlil ami in erry acqnainlanee with the nnrt waters of the old world entitle lara fo ncak with confidence o the comiara- lrt efltcac of ihrs waif r whikt thr emmriii service of dr- donlop in every part of the climate n hi cet fib rate position loitg enjoyed hy li i hi anyone vrinlihc mt uerary mhi cannot trut ivc weight u hiftatmoay anirendar it nnneeeimiy lo e leadthi trnrctn bf the attrition of cttuei medical ctrtibcale which hvwen gien cil tw corjive r- of ihis water dr oiintonevienee trfiore the cottttiltiv waija substance as follows s 1 hare cxamiae1 the kmfiian m ral waters anj iersonally tried litem though i have not analysed item the itnlt it tbat i consiifer the water o th lov well as rai powerful than the cheltenham walvfiajul cm- falnin netrly the ame inteitient- huoh in greater roportioaaie rjaanlily it hal i iteafic rl i on ihe liver an biliary secretion and 1 wnuld heirfoic rc raiaiulil 0e extensively and internally to ill ptraoo uhaurinx r chraaic jjiorraijijalrini oi the vitctlii rora tesidenee in a hot climmc or any other came am paiticolaily lo k caauaj ftom the tail or wist indies ot the soulheui tattaof amrncj thai the undcrlakinj will yield a lirktal re turn arrtn ihe capital eiuiarkud in it there an banontjesnoa dining the jnt atuiniwctj h bone tie pttlellt hj5ec of the well was i aily lonlnsi srmnvifn ihho4 luliait caahh urn ft ptekjri muhthiin tjjunp ltirit 6e freaicaj caukt with virnv id hihrr spurrt anl tfnw hrvii trwniihmi i imiiim alietiiihot ver- mimtitii iiii hali in li siot itilin cfirrta iwiltfphiwl iii jan o- itfjvk ami wane lmir nt frail jnd a fariy nf nthcr ainriviin iho fulav l auoirjij l ilrinil tfcayfcv alia rartetvaml a an csntmrataa pmiriad sijiirdnlmrc tinm fid tarilnm wniro willi rarltaw tif flint r cl tuia mnea and wii jij-mj- which kiev ufjcr lw fn frail iii returning thanks to their numerous oimomm fur their pttft setiernus pa- honago the subscribers beg leave to intimate that having mmlc extensive mtn hast of tin very hm article in the iiikkv lalxc thuy will he ciiawcj to tiniidi them in fnimc on tin nrnt rca- niiruibto and nuuicrnt term fin cir a 4- j r mcdonell kinhm inly 7th is43 53 just received and forsake low prices kbw m mm inif cab1xkt riiumtulle ikcftrapasikeffkciifcum4ulbcbeii mil hll phtrrj contintly andahnt neroos i nation fiom prof rlniroin of iw4athewteihot whoc stale or health tc qaired then to he todrd in the ame vaimiuj in which the batltl are errcted whinl mh than seven humwcd pcois irava daily been supplied with water wnce may 11 hie prafim accmiitf from the balha ami ifca watci ihn wf ltprrej st t o mrrrjsira rttiirmr waiii anom maarakal at vfiro k j rbithfo ktpcnj store mu ai tin sal ir ji be arojdysulliciiut lo defray the ip ft a the esumislimeul and lo yield a imii nmt inleirtt on uw aiim mnutl lor its lw provcniul nn pxeaaioa hie inco i the cwnnany waiitj other jouip ch the ilifrreal ufcn flallwamaiidine5tn alravtowanl the r rmohr aeewiy is mrl aatartnavtillumy aliiai toun trar am a it nl wf lh 1rx n ii oirmi4 o t ae pteivipt hmii jt o ljv rninu a tajl manner w ikk not linn of simpson co upomriuui w receiving a ohoico vclc- jrr 11 juily iiicnaed lo sitnalon vf ihr well- ciiinl ulasf parthetfw which llivy offer at greatly rcjuced hire k i j a cnnaignrtiriti of 40 crntrf4 nf ivntl wnrc whirh tlny amnuchuii mhi lo svll flnno tot cnih ntui io itrccr kiiistli ansiiat still lm3 fllksll oysters i fax harvoln nf fh caratjuet ovsilllts hut rweivi from qr jamks bone uut hit welu in ll moat m s suil j country vunrig hyson tpui picmium do jo h ivaakty do do dr hyn l do ji old hyson jo do do s kkhfltig do do d i- ktne souchong do do imperial do do do lo clicstt and boxes laguara corteo in itng j is i core in itnxca bunch raisinti pluand cavendish tobacco niurnd and ladies twiat do macnboy snuff manila charurcff rrindpeaml havana cegar iji and candle choice madehi wine in pipes unl quarter cok a fewoasoftaritiiiaryeoiitaimrij pmr funbcam pot isjninj and phtlliftff papflfp a hlfo a few case hofrffl paper ho rade will find thettwvo goml well worth their anenrton ilic tea in i incs will cspeciatl j ik fumnl vrry stiot cffarlgs hales lunpton aug ijlhj 1s43 cavendish tobacco hivutma cigara wax wick cundlca venetian red in casks 1arnp black do f ih packages nailno lion liverpool alt- a sml fine llour in hbls oc half lbu pol uarlcy rw- cra1g k watt kingslon september 12lh ibl3 books rwom englan axd the ttoxttpht of urqp mesha rromy armour 4 co will send oil their first order on the solh fftfmt a gentlemen dc- aimuof imports books by the earliest sprinj vessels l g enough to hand in liatfc 1 iwood order will he pleamuhral on the jsih february and the lal on the sr march mr armour rov in bnalttji anj w punctually execore all unk lo i commission merchants and general agents piymtii minxes oxrakio sinter kincro he underained respectfully inti- maia to the puhlir that they have commenced huaiues aa above under the rirm f craig watt having reuied the extensive lire proof prcmisea lately elected hy mc n j mrwn- taufrml riimnnivio am extending to th river ictvreen the wharves of mesar macpherson crane and thoe of mr juhn fi greer poefi the repiiiite aceomtnodaiitina of a pjtciona saleroom and warehouse with excellent sftifpi and cellarage ilipy arc now prepared to ruceive con- aignmerits of all mnds of atekchasihze fr produce for diapoaateilhei hy auction or private alo as owners may direct and they trust that hy due car and attention to business entire satisfaction will be giwn to ell who may employ them they will also devote their evenings iu at tending to business as accountants and from ifceir experience in thoteapa- cty they beg to tender their services in making up and balancing merchants hooks arid accounts iu auditing and winding up the aifaira ol bankrupt es tates and generally in all mattera con nected with the kxecntry arbitration ft c william craig james watt arfffftutcfiip mf if acphkhtfin acuane klrjphhi nif montreal tilriwah klkkpatiilck f k iiavitt jfhmmii l wilifam u iuox bq business them that he has taken thr mansion house hihcl formerly kept by the late mr cormino which he intends to open as it firat clata hotel on the 1st may ensutnj under the name of the north aucrican hotel this house which is excellently well sinister in the very centre of ttusinesa ia now undergoing a thorough repair ami additional lied kooms are beiujr built the furniture will bf new and elegant and every accommodation will be prepared for the reception of the travelling public ihe tabled hole will be inferior ro none in america a first rate cook befog engaged and tho car will be supplied with the choicest and rarest of wines uud liquor the drablrs and yard of this hotel are very commodious and ever attention will he paid to the horses of travellers iortersin attendance at the team tools biitish coffee hotw kinslrn april 7ui 1843 j notice british america fire life aksiltak companv autsoris by att f pariiament tegrmt in land marine attunct ilhis company will be prepared on the 25ih instant to take risks to the hlattffl dkrantmrprrbs empowered hy act of tho provincial legislature cth victoria cap- 20 the rates of premium and other in- forrnniion may be obtained at this office or of the undoi mentioned who have been appointed agent of the company and auihnitaed to grant assurance either in ihe firo or marine doparimcnt in the name and on behalf of tho company viz john macallay kfogtton joseph wenham mtotrtal william sfeven hawtton ry older of ihe board t w birohall managing director biitish amerira annecolfice torantof i9lb april 1843 to ship owners al masters of vessels th e subscriber has on hand end for sale at his aff ffoiurtlery s7re ontaj rio street assortment for sale by the subscribers fwleas comprising gunpowder hy- son younj hyaon and twanky in doxea and cadiltea muscmadij sugar in bhu malaga raisins in boxea cigars havana principe and half panih jamaica spirits in ihl a choice avticlf old ration rrm do do lakes huron ontario while fiih in bbu- 4 half do american cliecftc onondaga fc livetpool salt uriyhr oapromi in bbla venetian red jo 1750 bbb- superfine fine i coarse flour- oswego intljds shons ft bran stationary qootultin of fonlictp i ul- ed and plain ideed piper and su perfine large small putt varr lime ground piaster a lot of black wanur maple and cherry bedsteads plain and pannelled- a aplendid bronze lamp- clmki watt kingston 15th bee 1six volng iaiulm boarding school at 0rockyill rmcs blackwt od begt to m- 1ta oouncc that site is now prepared to receive young ladieo boardcra who will be instructed in all the useful and ornamental branches of a modern english education among the latter maybe particularized muic ringing dancing drawing ornamental needle work and french the house i very airy commodious and in every respect ailioted fur a school and mrs blackwood ruitora hcrwlff that bringing to her present undertaking rhc experience of many years ahe will continue to give the same sarisfacrion that baa liirhcrto ar- tended her labours and that iht rnslitu lion will tie so eondurlrd in all its de pattments ta to secure ior it a prefer ence over those of the neighbouring states mrs r is assisted bv mi blackwoud and miss porter- brock ville april 84lb lsi3- the following very superior of english canvaas 20 pes bleached no t english 30 of 30 so 50 oi 3 ncewfci u 4 english w 7 dc also unbleacr canvass from no 1 to no 6 withh very superior sasort ment of ail t lie bunting of all colors and a variety of blocks patent bushed and bolted and wood pin all of which will be atld low and on liberal tains m t hunter ship caandrr kingston 16th march 1s43 general aoenataf and commlssitn offfcce 18 corwthlt lorn oppoitf ilt st- i m fielattaje 7b jvercaaaff cetmiui avre flwms pai tu ctorarto aiftiottlurat ttmdriit qffrtn of the united servifrt printer putmtert of awjaaprra era 1 wonni rrntnitttt pl simhlunlks ktntrri aseaj and committnn mrrhcut in rrleiinf ina raffvlraa h bta iaa4a ami 1l9 iaaa1ram puhh hfmajaj t yt araiai iltu lliat ha ia bm rey tn reieiva ordrt fr i r an l rhaianniy u i t ft jtojisj m- ppodicalp hi hiiii mnd trttn ksw iiaperf r nu haiunl pesivasafy faavy arttelei nn1 gmvi of rvetj yun i ras iiatiiy si ih vivj latrcal mikfi fr r for 40 da jostjiii bbucbi e hflvvat tm rhouas mack iv hrtawaa tukmiull m imievill kittxtcawttft 4v private boarding house mrs him- beg to intimate to her friend and the cmnmuttuyin sou oral that she has opened a utirjo v iom- modious htuykitunel nt tliu weat end of wutlivflto tiikkt wirh every convenience for uiariii whero she ttuata by lo i indefhitiahloiiidravours to make all eomfortrahlei ahe will mot will her almro of their favor september 6th is43 kingston hiltliiv wanted the city brewery com any will pay can fr choice samples of itaftlkr nt their uteweiy west end of tntano street- kingston ath sept 1s43- we kiiitploft an houses to let small llsutt s to let on lat na 2l thomas mconnkid tiglarl stterl t two small i rutunc of 1h itth v t i u stort sv commission business the subscrfl having engatfd those extensive rreria erected hy wm jarhatt esq and lately occupied by messrs fkwh i v mccarlnttovp will bp toy to receive tonmjnmcnt either iii4 having o gained tho prerotwes on twin miiih ftvoralde ho ill be enabled to tmni bualnesa on 1 erma atuftclory to dl persons concernc the extent of i snffirfent ttrttm will k wek uy n rcijanl to oaica 1m attrtniledlo thirkeiti a 4 c jw kinplamwayrwra jrl lna 1 john iv h jawks ivi pqlwoirte tcau khl llarmltara j u eivart rqniu maatiallltnvscia cktcknt fato do uatriun a kf i john mclhlnrljeo ultrihmil john mflrtukm cmla cliamlsuaeb half cards poil hope whiskey 50 br is piaster of pati j 109 granacmifoiva maicliai 0000 ft itlark walmi ii 11 2 2l iach 0d 4x4 scanilngi i l r i table 40 buchesliin1ejy 40 m pneral oitrnunt tf jjftt goitu anil sti mfiiaiit eoitiming of drab snltrtm rancj csiu ioxn gtvy swanwn lth tad coloured milttldii pnntd cilicw mriao rje lajraa nfara ffinlct cjrine cptwaj a fwny ti fifrlie rto iuw for casl nr4 r oaay ituh ifm rubified li ia u mbaei r fjfji mi i shut j 1 ar tivrkihi ttj augast 3nt1i is 13 montreal t pirr i f- and lolifld aijsalloa assaroacr c o m pany as agent for thi institution the sulicriler gives nrrtlfe that ho i prepared co receive proponala for lnu ran co bgaiotc kkli or damage whether arisiris inini fine or from the peril of immu naviiitio upon tfm tern 3pvi in the caibliahod tai ill ot the company onoutfl may sufaaciilier be i i 5 l- to the ai the luke a river steam m oe rlatallooiibaont sjtoiucu onllw commercial wlmrf wa cfficiily stored con- m t1j ljol rffwi- nr prfliowl street inei rnrrtrtkl e will invafijy vr w otfnij i ui tin j a i nf steady cnmfortablu riikkr habitat llorn t pflraona from gwnuj wialuog to itaycra short tktid by the iln corner of ii g and or atbu resilience aithui streets john hacaulay kittan may 3011 i13 1 n hon will altuml agency at ix during the john alwuitcu of the mnccnlay the subatiht r o the duties of tho abovu gttn rf wihfci kick hn kttfom lo v ml nfh iw113 conirnorcial vvharfi ai fflirt- nc1llev n- ll- kid a tfl kiii i1k1wj leaned liir w i stovks cuuk1nu bv 50 j lik nafk the iisriuiits qrlul v 4do icmip ki lltark rai rrilr hton sep ii ulfjiiairll bk tv iitfaim rniintiy riir eeivcit tlicii lire a ami rvin dry- at very lw aijcfd lauimini kuiuliiii and llawt slieei rih k watt iv co llivir itjinriui twn aiil iifr that urn lve le- nanevl mofk a riilirli rt4j wliiritaiy jrcaetlin ihm of prlrirm nv ii wis j 8tovrki stovbsm iuu ihxj and stoves the subscrilror nru now in rocript of jtbeir full anpply of sttvis ouinni niiir rurire now pilli never uoiriud lfoie in lid msrltd purchited for cttkth cofi5iipjeitly very hw and will bo suld atpmea lo auit tho limes aio thn uul supply of tin sheet iron and rojiper ware nanulartuicil by cxk- lieikd wiukmen mickwoiii1 ic uoytk ktoioii aiitu s nj rijdin tllft puh tue foijfktys it krceivritnice i oil j joaltk ii hrafratjd numivi i- llriiitni r- ii- kansav armuur ikt i8i and pilar clolht nd duutle crown pipciri nawa4e ulfan qiartn pottlika 8lh and all of winch will be srd uhuiunllv cr un apprttved credit hugh caldrr caaiaiereiat whifc kinflin 24h june 1643 i m fulton fooiiig stoves this u the beat cooking stove ever invented being very compact with a revert ible floe rvouiring butvjry little wrkij a apacious oven that cannot be equalled fr itakiug with every con venience in the cook that a person can deaire the subscribe have the privilege of referring to several respectable persons aa to the superiority cf liia luvo over all other lock wood boyle vingmon august sih 1s43 623m notice the suli5criler grateful for past jij- imt j hega irjave to intimate to his fueuda and the public in general that lie ia now receiving at ida store head of pijiilcss streetf ta general aasortmcut of teas uinei liquonood crottrleii which he will sell cheap for caah or approved credit the goods havirg been emofuiiy jeleclcd by himself in the montreal and new york markets he feeds confident that they will give general satisfaction as lo the quality arid cheap- ima to those who may favour him with their custom joseph bruce kingston 3d july 1s43 nhnktyslx acres of land for salk or to let in l lie fourth concession of the town- ahip of ei neatnwn the mcadamized knad running through it being the hl rif lot no 33 it is good lftpd about 5 r jo acrea improved well watered a good hiiin kitchen shela if arn ecc attached an iujisputablo title will be ivco on sulo atse thn half of lot no ss iu the same concession with tho samo privilege tu sell or let tvuh a good apple or chard and a good butternut orchard ezha lockwood brnettowa april lath isj3 foit 8ale american cluee planter at s- uj par abl ffaltjsl i flea ij veijieal aed dairy lly crahi wait kitan septcinter lutli lbj3 he day rilaral lrio rrmitco ni i ir iriib funti m dran ai riifirr in if a fefwrtat tome r hun rr panifrr p l 6iiraraairarla rajfll ttttw tffiaiaiita af uny drimiomf jaef itimttar in lt nm cfvmavaina and aa rcri f ihe u i t fdiif will nmt ll awh ujki inn at isrec mitiiit for twaia af tli amni ttdumnrrhihi cniruhrj n- in ria ffill wiifi tvtfey aaalah jparei in iiieir d f ttd aln l corntjced wilb ih fifatmt lie lit ihe inictvt of ttk ronnf- an eileniva kduwlfl af fiaaara acearr tiiuua aeqtiirrtl ilaiii a lii- rid hi i uta h indie ana tubamirui aaiatfina caataa titfmftts anti nil iha hntili hta on a ttvitrttr of ieverdl cai rcilrtit e in lci it colonial aficin cuiifilo will pfiautfiuitr at ici t nut jm irin h illjt uyl cnbu him iu e pamuetcifl tlue win ma favaar lirn wih rhfif rruinjjirtda n b parent aiaait hapa ihrir cnildrri lor educninft my wh jtlilit cation ihm im their imval in emfaarlp iu iir rare of mr girnmntvl wh will uadnint ae ikria irlacr j iii irm tfrnl tfi i iul t f iri raania urntetvtry an ation lull ta m thu eni and cninl tmfiiti ninltf t ilr ptrfier nr iav allrl whmmr 3 hu bca mktu iinrortt kefnmee may i i fi wild ni and frrqirnl carnmunliatiffl city stskbt carruthers bega re- to infurm bin friends and the john specilully department j public that he baa opened an oxterasife grocery hxifurtr estuhthhmenl in the premiae foirneily ccupicd by walter mccvnmrrr esq corner of king and princaa streets oppito dcykea coa of public to express cornr immediately pry good eaiablishmetil in aoliciiing an extcniori patronage j c feels sound bis cordial thanks to hi old cusiomcra and friends for the kind support which thry have hitherto rendered him in his old stand below the post office and ho assures them as well as ihe public ibat nothing shall be left undone on his part to merit a continuance of that palronago he has hitherto received hia present block has been carefully selected iu the in hnuscs in the men- treal and new york vurk tnarletsunder hjtj own immediate mvpection a fact wiiieh he thinka will warrant the asser tion that they are the choicest fitorli in this market and will be disponed of at tlie very lowest remunerating prices for cash kingston sept isth isi3 fahm for sair the ubteriber uffiini fr palo hia extensive audvoluabfo farm situated nn the miadamixcd koad in thn i concession of krnitown the pre mirca are loo well known to need parti cutor description sullire that the barm which coniftls of alnnu 100 acres is one of tho finest in midland pintriet t a goinl ihvopmg house hani tfbeda outhouse nnd excellent orcbard prtr further paiiieiilais apply to j s catwright esff kingalon i on tho pifemisestotlto riubseriler j l fraiick frnestown augut 4lh 1s13 fob bale oil nisian tar i copper kettle foiltnpeniriking- woiht 170 ir i furuac ornml tiinlna htkikkr iikkukrmim cft kingston- lnmaojjum hm3

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